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HAPPy HOLiDAZE & A VERy unbiRthdaze: Like it*s My biRthdaze eveRy januaRy 15 DUH!~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

this song above immediately gives me flash backs of my 9th birthdaze january 15th 1995 round tha actual daze or maybe really that daze...

& so does thais next Link afteR it! LiteRaLLy...tha 2nd Link is of Me Round My 36th biRthdaze januaRy of 2022...u Mite need a googLe oR youtube account oR wutev 2 see it Maybe i don*t know but it doe$ exi$t~

anywaze back 2 tha 90s...

i remember at church my biological birth mommy say in her class the supposive biblical representative say there will be daze that tha peasants will dissappear! & sum will get disintegrated in diff waze bye princes & princesses & etc.

& afteR i got to my force stepping stone from illegal schools: like k~12...

like i should already got all my resources & be on my own siNce Round age 2 & My Dreams & goals & careeers & inventions & ideas & More like be a biblical doctor genious aside from fashion art etc. ...biblically educational advanced doctors deal wit metal skeletons & clognes & real medicine only & nessasary surgeries & proceedures & all of tha above & more like bla bla bla...

so as i arrive @ a location of summa my abductions peasants criminals say i reside there but i know reality i*m abducted again & this tyme on my 9th birthdaze its like my wishes really finally happen they came true its a miracle i knew it my sibilings must all really be peasants they none there like they dissappeared wit my biological birth mommy that p.p. pee puddle also known as lunatical lynn many names etc.

& i continue 2 look around & no body there but a cake thats for me...

it does say ahppy 9th birthdaze Rachel Like how adorable the peasants drop the cake off b4 they dissappeared! like who needs presents or gifts...

the gangs all here! Me & ibilis & Lucifer & the ganji fairies & walter is that u & caselotti & etc.

Like wait... i notice only snow white & grumpy?! on the cake!?

like wheres tha other characters?! tha dwarfs & forest animals?! & More?!

then ibilis & walter & tha real snow white adriana caselotti & the seven dwarfs appeared along wit ganji fairies & horn hoof fawns & mermaids & Lucifer & other characters invited & allowed to be there even tho they in other realms they still attended that visibly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i assumed my biological birth mommy lunatially lunatical lunatic lynn aka p.p. pee puddle many names etc. & my supposive sibilings that resided there too during that abduction like jo*n in tha sun aka s.p.y.p. sh*t your pants many names etc. jon eugene helton aka jonny McLain aka homie don*t play that aka etc. LoN & jene Mari' helton aka porcelain curls wit cake batter jacket fur coat aka Lene' & Rene' sheri' batt aka Rennaissance aka Lene' & Michael sadegh kavand aka twix aka yoshi the dinosaur aka stix aka trix aka douglas tha nose aka kri$2fuR KaRdashian aka many names etc. aka LichaeL aka Like & that Rachelle yvonne kavand aka la vaash aka La cheLLe aka shuLee aka Lamb chop aka many names etc. tha girl its Like they dissappeared finally wit tha other peasants who didnt seeM 2 b anywhere ima aware of either or they all got disintegrated or sumthing & those L names Like LacheL r our names from summa our abductors Like Mr whitcomb also known as Lit coMb & that LoRi Like thats another story in tha Links LateR beLow do show MoRe a wut iM taLking bout click on Links individuaLLy to see~













































































& reguaRding My 9th birthdaze i i was saying eaRLieR...

when i went to get sum cake & then outta no where i hear: "RACHEL!..."


ALL THA CREATURES & OTHER CHARACTERS that i invited FADED AWAZE tha characters & those i mention eaRLieR...ReMeMbeR!?....

& as they fading into the REALMs they visit fRoM ...


they jus Look MoRe invisibLe b cus

THEY GOT LUNATIC LYNN ON THIER HIT LIST ALSO...they claim she makes them retarted & dysfunctional for power & control & fun lik eits possible 2 do so...

i really wish they didnt go...even tho they r there but not like b4 a moment ago they occasionally appear like that still but i dont alwaze know when... i guess im in thier calendar schedule 4ever...yup they sum how in mine...

& JCTpop: JESUS CHRist the prince of peace he alwaze there too & he remind me of the lords army daze a future memory & past & present of his & mine & whoev & wutev else...

Like i guess i will be there on his side wit tha victims when tha heavens & eartH combined & b4 then like high bye victimizers like when i get tha privelage to help disintegrate tha peasants in this realm & that realm like until then i get force strange characters & to role play wit tha peasant criminals?!


lynn got ttha cake & took me too & she took me to a pool like i Love swimming back diving & MoRe!!!!

& yup when i got there there they were?! summa those souls i talk on earlier aside from p.p. pee puddle lunatical lynn ...there they were...that jo*n in tha sun i think i seen in adistance & twix & la vaash lamb chop who r u?... THOSE CRIMINAL CHARACTERS remind me sumtymes of THAT BIBLICAL STORY~joseph & tha coat a many colors ...they kinda like his biological brothers like eitherwaze peasants...

like who knows when they gonna b normal & theres Lie ditector test to verify & confirm wutev...

anywaze as i start to get out of the vehicle my body locked from sciatica?! &

memory deletion & hypnotic twist wit psychology started got use on me here & there out of no i was trying to go swimming i turned into like a holy statue?!

lunatic lynn try to snap me outta it she claim this tyme its not her making this happen she could b lying like she usually gets entertained bye power overothers & sumtymes pretends she not part a it but wutev....

i bet its ciamak in a distance like no body invited him 4 a reason he worse than these retards duh!

& as this happening she gave me a doll that gotta recording thing to make it look like she talks how dopetastical!!!!!

but lunatic lynn say her boyfriend richard fletcher got it for me?!

where is he who is he really?!

i do remember him!!!!

she say he tha same idiot that killed my cat fUzz ball & my supposive older half brother jo*n in tha sun cat tigger & he cooked & ate them?!

is that true?!

wutta sicko?!

like her or worse or who knows like where are those cats really did that happen?!

i remember they went missing...i ask Lynn tha Lunatic where are they?!

as we usually hung out in that back yard in tha 90s & i plant fruits & veggies & when i couldnt find tea i pour water mix wit sugar & pretend & wutev else...durring those daze til these ones...& wutev not mentioned...

i brought them in to to a bath but Lunatical lynn say nope outside nly that they smart & will find a waze 2 baithe themselves?!

maybe they travel to rainbow magical falls like when my soul was made...


heres another song that i remember playing at diff places & locations & in movies & on radio & more its tha original song that m.m. mela tone doll remix here it tha link below...


Me in tha 90s...beLow in that iMage Round that tyMe...

in tha link above is another song that kinda goes wit reality & etc. like in tha land a dreams...

& heRe$ anotheR Link next~

& heRe$ those Links i taLk on eaRLieR that R MoRe detaiL bout My sibiLings & otheRs Mentioned i this post~















































































2 PRay i$ 2 pRaze in diff waze Like aLL tha ReLigions aRe 100% tRue...ReaL Laws that can*t b change & aRE 2 be enfoRced Like PURiTy oveR pERveRsion & fact v.s. fiction & ReaLity v.s. fantasy & justice oveR justify & MoRe! & actuaL authoRities in position 2 do so those who R aLLowed & quaLify & aRe entitLed 2 situate situations wit RequiRed Lie ditectoR test & weapons of aLL kinds Like LazeR disintegRation & wutev eLse Like bibLicaL doctoR geniouses aRe suMMa tha highest they deaL wit MetaL skeLetons & cLognes & natuRaL ReMedies & ResouRces & DReaMs & inventions & bibLicaL education...& aside fRoM that u can do this pRaying thing bye fashion aRT etc. & dancing wRiting waLking taLking & incLude inscents & candLes & rugs & jeweLeRy & More! chuRch & howev else Not Mentioned is how suM talk 2 king god & the otheR gods(kings) & godesses(queens) duh!

...but 2 pRey is iLLegaL it*s a FoRM of victiMizing suM1 oR suMthing suM tRy 2 disguise that kinda pReying wit wut Mite Look Like PrayeR...Like bLa BLa BLa...


on otheR MeMoRy Mazing~

i pRaze in diff waze 2 diff gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & i freestyle prayer & remix & mix fashion art etc.

when i do pRay w/Rug tyMe i let king god know during this convo im not talking to hem im obviously talking 2 king allah another god duh! & sumtymes my cat electrik gismo tha 3rd would run over & go on tha rug too & join in tha praying & that convo also! ...king allah that god didnt mind he love how we praze that waze & other kinds too which includes all the gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & thuer lil princesses & lil princes & DREAMS...Like fashion art etc

below is links of me free styling prayer rug prazing & MoRe a vARiety each video staRts wit https://...cLick on individuaLLy 2 see they aLL get diff thRough out suM R siMiLaR but none tha same Like LiteRaLLy if u see tha 1st v.s Last & otheRs in between they all that diff duh~

& beLow is 1 a My favoRite beLLy danceRs that $adie Marquardt...Many NaMeS etc.~ she obviousLy fRee styLe pRaze wit cReatUres thRough MiddLe eastERn dance & MoRe duh!~ Like Look how MagicaL if u don*t see u pRobLy tha Lowest of Peasants Like pRincesses & pRinces do see this waze...tha Magic!...

beLow is about that aRt woRk above bye Me in MoRe detaiL~

$paRkLe$~RacheL MicheLe'

i gotta $tuffed UnicoRn NaMed $paRkle$...$he wa$ wit Me when I wa$ on tha $tReet back in tha daze...{ALLAH & GOD & ALL THA GOD$ ALWAZE KNOW My $ituatioN & heR$ too & everybody & eveRthing incLuding tRee$ & wutev$ NOT Mentioned}...$he $tiLL aRouNd & Live$ wit Me...tha fiRe woRk$ in My aRt work R actuaLLy @ 1$t victiMizeR$ going up on $paRkLy Rocket$ & they di$iNgRate on tha waze up in tha $kie$ b4 tha Light$ $hiMMeR & gLitz $hine & bLing in Diff coLoR$ Like a PRi$Ma a diaMond$ that Light up a$ b they $hatteR in tha nite! dopefuLLy beautifuL huh? Like duh! MORe a Rea$oN 2 Launch theM eveRy evening when it$ daRk out$ide I MeaN wheRe eL$e do they Look theiR be$t & get 2 b that fRee? 1 it$ Like cLa$$icaL Mu$ic oR tea tyMe...duh!...Like why NOT deLete that kind wheRe they cant inteRvene wit tha victiM$ vioLin houR oR wuteveR...tha woman on tha fLying pRayeR Rug i$ Me!... Tha Man on tha otheR pRayeR Rug I$ My biological daddy Mo haMMed Ka zeM Ka vand wutta an idiot woR$hipping ibiLi$: tha cobRa is a syMboL of *ibilis~a chaRacteR fRoM tha *QUARAN! A 100% EVERY LETTER 2 WORD TRUE stoRie$/hi$toRy/etc.!~altho he got other faces jus like Many... As 4 Mo, a peR$iaN $woRd he Look$ 4waRd 2 u$ing on victiMizer$ LiKE THERE$ $O mANY WAZE 2 DI$INGRATE THEM! onLy a DREAM A Hi$ oR a de$tiny...Like I haven't LO$T My THRONE!!!!! & I NEVER WiLL! I AM A PER$iAN PRiNCE$$ yup I'M 1 a tha $aNd$ it$ cooL! & Many MoRe! Like I aM a KRAZY KAUKA$iAN... & a $aNdNigga & a LepRechauN & tRibaL indian & etc. a pRince$$ a Many! Like of AMERiKA & PeR$ia & KaLi4 Nia & etc. & ALLAH & GOD & ALL THA GOD$ LiL PRince$$...Like theRe$ Many & pRiNce$ too!...tha hoof character$ RepRe$ent $toRie$ My $tep daddy uncle $a degh tell Me along wit tha cactu$ & tha $coRpian$ one! I gave heM tha oRiginaL a$ a gift along wit $uM otheR things Like a pRayer Rug & MY 1$T QUARAN & THA PASSiON OF CHRiST MOVie by MeL Gibson a 100% TRUE STORY OUTTA THA HOLY BIBLE & THE PICTURE BIBLE & MoRE BOUT$ JESUS AKA THA PRINCE OF PEACE & ETC. THA LiON i$ LiKE ALLAH & tha caMel i$ $a degh foLLowing behind a TRUE LEADER LEADiNG THA WAZE...THEY BOTH GOT PER$iAN $WORD$...LiKE $UM PRiNCE{$} & pRiNce$${e$} OF KiNG$ {queen$ R not no body bui$ne$$ but I know they xi$t & tha actuals r not huMan oR aniMaLs they saMe like tha king$}...THERES ALSO ART LIKE LOKA & LOKO & CLOWNY DESIGNS AS MY SIGNATURE STYLE ALSO & THA FARSi @ tha top say: PER$iAN PRiNCE IN THA NAME OF THA LiON then below Me say per$ian pRince$$ in faR$i & tha palm tree IS LiKE THA BEACHE$ & tha diamond$ R Like birth $toNe$ & other geM$ & $hade$ NOT ALWAZE Mentioned & THA WHOLE THiNG LACE IN GOLD {goLdi$h paint & gLitter & geL pin$...dnt got any actual oR I woLd got$ gold thread & ReaL gold Mixed in tha paint & pen$ & MoRe} & NATURE & WUTEVER & ETC.

& next i$~


i$ ju$ 1 a My stuffed UnicoRn$ that I got in 2005! tiL Now!

$he been on tha $tReet wit Me & Many other adventuRe$...$he tha $aMe one Mentioned in My ARt work: $paRkLe$ tho

Rainbow coLoR$ i$ Like a ReMindeR of God*$ (KiNG$) & gode$$e$ (queen$) pRoMi$e$ & Ro$e$ THEY BOTH $uMMa thieR cReation$ whetheR king ALLAH or king god or another god or ALL THA GOD*$ (king$) & godesses (queens) HELPED HiM OR NOT & ALL THiER tyMing is when things ReaLLy happen & again suM wiLL see wut it*s suppose be ReaLity others continue thier xistance that blindly duh!...

💎Tha MetaL pLaygRound


*it ReaLLy spins back MeMoRies & spins DREAMS & ETC.💎


& heRe$ a Link bout tha MetaL pLaygRound in MoRe detaiL beLow~




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