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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

LegaL paLace MateRiaL$ & de$igN$ v.s. iLLegaL Land$caping in tha Land a DREAM$!~

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

heRe$ $uM video$ that go wit thi$ po$t~











on otheR MeMoRy Mazing~

i pRaze in diff waze 2 diff gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & i freestyle prayer & remix & mix fashion art etc.

when i do pRay w/Rug tyMe i let king god know during this convo im not talking to hem im obviously talking 2 king allah another god duh! & sumtymes my cat electrik gismo tha 3rd would run over & go on tha rug too & join in tha praying & that convo also! ...king allah that god didnt mind he love how we praze that waze & other kinds too which includes all the gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & thuer lil princesses & lil princes & DREAMS...Like fashion art etc.

below is links of me free styling prayer rug prazing~

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