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Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand


Updated: Nov 18, 2021

i got diff shopping cart stories...sum i shop wit it & others i move wit it like a moving company there i go like peasants keep stealing my resources i find waze they take credit for but its tha victims that think this waze they who alwaze know more while victimizers staze poor...bla bla bla...etc. THERE*$ Lie ditectoR test & ReaL authoRitie$ & MoRe duh!

& this Link goes wit this post & diff ReaLitieS it*s of MyseLf in 2021 taLking on 2005 & More~


MeMOry maze~this song in that link above literally reminds me of when I was on that streets off & on...I had no phone yet randoms calling me over to go to thier location sum ask my occupation... I respond: I'ma call girl duh get it u called me over here from over there now here I am...

Like When my soul was made that jctpop: Jesus Christ the prince of peace... he been walking with me ever since poetically I might say it that Waze in reality he knows everyone after his murder when we multiply so do he ...he tells me really gets forced by king God to know that many for the Lord's army a daze he will get the privelage to help deal with peasants & better spend time with the (Kings) gods & (queens) goddesses & thier lil princes & princes which include sum humans & all animals & creatures & angels & etc. Duh! To whom this may concern~ My daughter needs to get rescued immediately duh! & Other situations that are being ignored like they don't xist it's illegal in all religions! if you not presidential or higher like a biblical representative or presididentially authorities or biblically authorities like on a lie ditector test then u don't qualify & aren't allowed duh!

In the above link is a reality update...

It's filled wit biblical education & realities & more duh

My name again~

Rachel the Hebrew spelling meaning LAMB Like tha animal

& my middle name is~

Michelé french spelled

& My last name is~

McLain spelt tha iRish waze

That's that name on my birth certificate...

Other names I go bye...

Rachel Michelé McLain kRi Stahyena baLLERina Ka Vand Fantasia Loka pRincessa a pRincess a Many like etc

Right upstairs at the new harbor inn in Costa Mesa, CA under that palm tree in the left door is where my biological daughter AngeLina na Rachel biological daddy Willie Holloway lV around 2005 around age 19...he raped me wit her on purpose in tha closet on his 24th birthdaze he was born in BRAWLEY, CA on May 24, 1981 ...I escaped the man below let me staze one night like babys we each held our stuffed animals & went to sleep like we had our own crib I remember his teddy I brought my unicorn sparkles ...his Supposive biological mommy wouldn't eat me shower I was obviously in b tween moving I gotta motel room eventually that Willie try to make me result to him when ever I got sum kinda help from others for free!...he got jealous? Trying to force me to do things...he rape me in tha day & night even outside telling e see no body gonna save u? I laughed while he rape me that's wut he make sum do to make him look innocent like it's mutual?! He even brought audience at a park I gone to since I was a baby it was like mid night or suMthing he rape me in front a like 5 people & this time he made me laugh on top & he wasn't laughing he thought because he thought his crew to confirm his innocents that I'm tha rapist? He even try to convince babys it's them not him! I actually tell him that it's him not me that's guilty like he tha VICTIMizer I'm tha victim duh! He had me raped at a poem ace too on camera I zoned out like wutev hurry up so I can escape already I checked out my nails so pretty the diff colors reminds me a gods & godesses promises The was a rainbow a colors it u look at them closely & yup I gotta awaze!! I even did a retared look at the end ... The camera man is scared til this daze yet who knows if he stillout there he belongs disintegrated...he claims hedisintegrated tha video he know He's don't work there & it's notta job it's illegal & he know I'm a victim b4 he force me to make tha video I tell him look I can do make up he claim there's models & etc. Then he tell me nigg*** only get those kinda jobs I tell him then go get my daughter biological daddy & leave me alone or go on video him raping me & see wut you do think u wanna see!!!!???? Pervert!!!!!! He had a what would Jesus do on his desk!? & He smiled like Tupac Shakur?! I let him know I know Jesus Christ like wut is this idiot doing other than hiding behind him & others like my biological mommy Lynn maybe he in her crew all tha Victimizers are together on tha same side even if they don't know eachother in person ...aside from that originally willie live a couple doors down @ another location known as the Costa Mesa motor inn motel in Costa Mesa, CA raping his 3 year old Supposive biological daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah...his biological mommy & lil half brother Ismael pay for all tha rent there & yaceñia pay wit perversion for no reason? I got OBDUCTED eventually& pay half tha rent?????? Later I pay all tha rent at other locations????? It's so retarted!!!!! He belongs disintegrated like it's not bout money he is a rapist pedaphile of all ages baby kids boys girls teens adults etc. & Wutev not mentioned already known...he commit inc at wit his biological lil brothers Lorenzo & Ismael & his lil half sister yaceñia & his biological mommy & aunts uncles cousins & etc & he rape others not blood related it's disgusting...I gotta awaze several times he still out there he had Angelina Rachel OBDUCTED he rape & molest her our biological daughter & Costa Mesa cops & probation & court & other souls out there that know encourage him & do it too they all belong disintegrated no matter where you are get was born where they from or live or wutever...duh! Sickos!!! He do other crimes also not perverted related...he show me summa his diff personalitys ??? He jus like that character from split!!!!!!! & Sum other characters I seen him do like the girl in the box he like that man only wit outta box & tha changeling wit Angelina Jolie literally thats him also he rape lil boys & others he include all ages ...he lives that attention all tha Victimizers do when victims like me try to warn others because I didn't succeed in murdering him like I'm allowed jus didn't get to...he sleeps wit one eye open...most souls super 8 he rape me in a car then force me to get the free continental breakfast? I didn't have a room there did he? He threaten me so I went I got tha food left eventually went walking on harbor Blvd in Costa Mesa I remember as I kept walking when I was near Disney Land! In Anaheim, CA ... I coulda went if Willie & whoev other Victimizers would stop obducting me I been b4 all kinds a places I got ta right to go more & to other places I haven't been to I'm entitled as a victim Like I said sum people gave me free money for my situation because a tha Victimizers I was in tha street wit no work no i.d. no career etc. Willie gave me instructions on wut to write him when he was in jail? So he think it makes me look like wut he is? Wutta retard...he had me do my biological mommy character mix wit others out there like I made up my own version duh! That's how I prevent him from being violent & not around as often...he belong disintegrated & deputies & cops & of her authorities obviously don't do thier job description which is disintegrate Victimizers not entitled to a release date or prison or both or deport or juvenile hall or etc.

Jus me walking throught nightmares while I continue to staze dreaming...

The new harbor inn in Costa Mesa, ca got remodeled into the Mesa motel it lights up I. Diff colors how pretty & art work added to make it prettier & that motor inn got torn down? Most likely nothing better gonna be there because a this war between VICTIMIS & Victimizers 24/7 like victims only are allowed to be assisting situations of any kind...

Like I was born in Costa Mesa, CA in a house 694 w Wilson st on January 15, 1986

& These sickos trying to take over don't listen they belong disintegrated already so me & other victims can do more!!!!!!

I know I repeatedly tell sum a these true stories sumtymes wit more or less details or not at all I got flash backs that I don't aLwaze quite remember everything I'm not tha only one but wutev. . .like even if I was... I included sum pics a other motels Willie OBDUCTED me to even tho I pay 100% of ta rent jus so I can shower & sleep & go get money he wouldn't leave or my alone...he rape others while I was out making money to shower & sleep he spent all his money on crystal meth? He was raping all ages tha rooms in his name he say he will do wit he wants I was barely there & when others try to help me he make them disappear...cops made fun a me when I can them to help me & my step daughter Elizabeth aaliyah he was drugging us & raping us & others & they drove off wit me & tell him & tha other rapist to have a good night???????...they the officers remind me a others I escaped from aside from Willie...I know Liz wasn't there at that moment but I try to tell tha cops shedwn tha street don't let him fool u he not only raping adults he rape babys kids teens etc like it's a same thing he even try to accuse me if being more innocent than that 3 year old???????

When I was lil back in tha daze & later sumtymes in between~ I remember jump roping hoola hooping theme parks water parks writing drawing reading imagining dreaming swimming praying etc.

QUOTES~ Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) Nike: just do it! & BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING! & ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO... & SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs Driver license#:D9078194 & School i.d. #C02050377 @Orange coast college in Costa Mesa, ca 92626 My webpage~


Angelina Holloway Angelina Rachel in 2005 Around midnight Willie say in front of a KFC in Santa Ana, CA & he tell Elizabeth Aaliyah his bioligical daughter age 3 to sit on his lap & he say I'm free to go to go on? I ask him wutta bout Elizabeth & wut is it he is even doing like I can't jus leave her & at that hour outside? He say he gonna beg random souls for money & get a hotel room to molest her in jus her no body else will be there? I grabbed Elizabeth & eventually put her in a shopping cart like it was a stroller & put a blanket & started walking back to Costa Mesa, CA Willie follow along & say she not my daughter that we gonna drop her wilt his molestor biological mommy that she in Costa Mesa somewhere at her pedaphile boyfriend's? Luckily they wasn't around but then he force us to staze tha night at a park he rape me at b4 that Wilson park he had us sleep on tha actual playground? I usually had motel rooms in diff people's names b cus I had no identity jus my jail identity photo from probation I show the DMV & they say nope same wit hall a records & I got my social security card Lynn gave me? My biological daddy made me get him one too a copy of mine? No body wanna let me have my own identity? I staze up all night to make sure he don't rape Elizabeth I can tell he pretend to sleep & most souls seem to sleep wit one eye open I know I usually do duh! U know wut I mean...I didn't get a motel room that night b cus I had Liz & stupid Willie wit me but wutev i got one to shower & sleep at eventually...I barely got to watch any t.v. I was often out there sumwhere trying to get help from victims where ev they at like wuts going on? Aside from that souls usually gave me money for free to get rooms sum offer me to staze wit them I let them know I can wait til I get my land location I'm entitled to & more they gave me money for my journey...stupid Willie would come outta no where & force perversion when I tell him I'ma a pimp player I get it free no touch just see & go & or don't look duh! He got jealous! I even took him to tha beach walking & tell him there's more to life like go swimming or suMthing even tho he belong disintegrated he say he rather mest a baby a kid a teen a dult an animal etc then he didn't let me go in tha water? He is a sicko! That was on his 24th biRthdaze he wouldn't leave me alone I even bought him a gift & he later rape me wit u he needs to get disintegrated I gotta awaze several times from him & others they might all still be out there sum where they belong disintegrated ...

Rachel Michelé

In 2005 tha Victimizers force me wit less options I entitled to like they do my whole existance's a PRIVELAGE for victims anywaze like My first stripper outfit I chose was my cotton candy baby sky blue high waisted fur coat wit baby pink satin on the inside reversable if u want from wicked chamber & my red Kmart bra wit black lace & my Bab blue plaid school girl mini skirt I purchase myself my funds my money I got legitly wit nobody touching me duh! & clear light up stilletos sum man let me barrow tha brand new he bought them at that mall I went along I put them on & he say pay him back after my RUNWAZE pole fashion appearance he want his percent as my driver b cus it was in L.a. county where he reside & he offer to pick me up in Costa Mesa, CA to take me ...I was OBDUCTED by Willie during those daze off & on & I was really trying to getta awaze permanently knowing he for a fact Willie won't be at the strip clubs because he not allowed he honestly really is & at that tyMe jus a pedaphile since he was a lil boy he claims his biological mommy stole his innocents I let him know only u can give it awaze plus he forces anyone to pay his rent!

I had to educate him & remind him I'm real educated pimps don't touch nobody & nobody touch them & players play sports theme parks shopping beach pool etc. Like that's playing bike ride wutev walk spend tyMe sumtymes money etc. Duh! Like I'm part sand! I'm part middle eastern & Irish french German tribal etc. Even when I'm blinded from my roots or myself b cus a Victimizers that use memory deletion psychology hypnosis etc. I still see my loyal relationship wit tha gods (kings) & godesses (queens)... like God & Allah & whoev not mentioned as thier lil princess that tha peasants don't phase me even if I look like one it's notta life style or wut anyone got or wutev it's a relationship of loyality to Royality...etc.

Willie Had no job or income he belong disintegrated eitheRwaze & I witness parts of his life even tho I don't want to he would molest rape his biological 3 year old daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah cops & child protective services & more know bout him b4 she exist! then he rape adults like me & make me lie & say he is my boyfriend & that he my first everything he claim that's how I am eveRytyMe like a virgin blow up doll .. he ask me if I'ma transgender because I'm not a sicko who likes wut he doing to me rape! I ask if he know me from the house I was born one tyMe we was walking & it was there so I point it out & I tell him thats where I'm from literally if he don't know already like who is he? & he say he from San Diego later he admit he lie that he from BRAWLEY the one in california is where he from was really born...he claim he live on the same street from where I was born b4 he show me that apartments he claim to have resided in after we pass up my birth place literally & he might be lying he use hypnosis memory deletion psychology etc that's how he obducts usually making victims or Victimizers look like they go willingly could be true could b lies wut he say he twist truth wit lies so twisted I remind myself of 100% truth like summa my rapist from when I was a baby & in general those souls don't recognize my features that satanically got change but they he not my only rapist duh I got one too many since I was a baby & probly sum while I was in mlynns tummy my biological mommy ...I also call him my ex rapist since I gotta awaze for this tyMe since 2011 he rape babys kids teens adults animals etc. He go on rape marathons on all ages I'm not over exaggerating he do it like it's a competition or suMthing at diff locations wit a variety a people & animals & more!!!!!!

Aside from that that man I will call him stilletos driver for now he found a place that will take me wit no i.d. & that it's ran by Latinas in L.a. county he say but I got drugged earlier on crystal meth b4 I came across him by Willie or sumbody so I tell him how bout next tyMe he bought me star bucks or coffee beans frapp style drink & gave me a message I didn't care for at that moment I really wanted to do tha walk & light up fashion etc. But wutev he say okay bout probly next tyme to let him know he say he was delivering stripper attire to one tha clubs I think that Sierra in Anaheim, CA another place that require i.d. & he took tha magical shoes in my place as passenger & drove off those light ups perfectly fitting my feet & style like they meant for me those dopetastically beautiful soles til we meet again & I will get to keep & etc. & that stilletos driver like I say I 4got his name but at that mall he took me to he purchase tha shoes & left me at a make up place I was gonna do my own make up but tha People there was charging to do make up I know how to do make up already I been an artist like almost my whole life & i remember all those colors & more! Instead I wore Prisma hot pink glitter I already owned on my eyes that's all I got & my hair I had no hair ties so I left it down parted to tha side wit a rhinestone clip that sparkles to advertise this look a fash on that pole RUNWAZE duh! I had no underwear after Willie try to steal them from me I stop wearing & buying them...But I didn't get my identity in tyMe for these shows in Anaheim, CA. ...& That L.a. Resident man I don't know wut happened to his #? Altho I got hired at a variety a places like tha flamingo in Anaheim, CA but a valid i.d. requested & required...

Like getting naked isn't wut it's bout at ALL!!!!

it's an act of entertainment skills fashion characters personality make up art etc & more

During those daze I kept ending up in tha streets ...but usually got a motel or hotel to shower & sleep ...

Warning: Willie is still out there & my daughter needs to get rescued immediately & him & sum other victimizers belong disintegrated already for thier crimes...

Willie is like that character SPLiT! He has a woman personality & several different boys & girls & babys & men & transgender & animal ones & more also!? He eats a bunch a food he over eats then he do crystal meth & works out to make it look like he play sports so he keep an athletic build but when he looks too manly he goes mental one tyMe he look in tha mirror & he say he jus can't rape me when he looks that Waze? Thank God he left he tries to lose weight to make it look like he a teen I tell him even if u was one u still belong disintegrated for ur crimes duh!!!! He use to lose like 100 lbs & he pretend he biological daughter Elizabeth's age so he make himself feel less guilty????? Like they equally rapist of eachother he pretends that's his soul mate...she was born September 3, 2001 he was born may 24, 1981 he is a sicko & yes like I mentioned he rape all ages older younger than same etc. He needs to be put to an end wit disintegration...

I can't put into words all the personalities of his I got force to see & role play sum victimizers if u don't go along he do worse things!!!!!!!! ????? Others go awaze or return or I don't know I gotta awaze several tymes he still out there he had obducted my daughter Angelina Rachel his biological daughter he rape me wit in his 24th biRthdaze he tell me it's my PRIVELAGE to have his baby? That she will be born on Valentine's daze!?

He didn't let me get abortion or birth control or tha surgical procedure to never multiply he tell me I will be having more & that he will be molesting all a them even if they boys or girls jus like he do anywaze wit whorver...wuts blessing planned parent hood found me?! They help me on a non•hormonal birth control while I wait for surgical procedure when available to me...I'm waiting for a real doctor that does that to do it duh!

aside from that willie didn't want to do tha obduction of Angelina rachel alone he thinks that makes him look innocent????? It doesn't matter how he look how bout his actual crimes he guilty duh!!!!! Disintegration is wut has to happen...for him & others...he not tha only one...

Wow Willie reminding me in my mind he still out there Im aware a reality & randomly again i thought a songs if he got disintegrated that I dedicate to him duh! Like:

Twisted insane f. Omega sin~is that your bitch

Tupac~all you niggers die

Then that stupid song he use to blast & sing along the catch phrase: *you don't know meeeeeh! I think by t.i. I don't remember

... But wutev ...

LoL that tyMe I sent him lyrics to that song I ain't mad at ya by tupac I thought insteada going by his instructions of wut I need to be writing & saying & doing & thinking & believing & etc. he really tell me & he try to make me think that's my only option & plus he obsessed wit Tupac Shakur aka amuru aka etc & other celebs & whoevs...I shoulda sent all u nigg**s die song huh? I know that nightmare Willie needs to get disintegrated...I can't put into words I really jus bla bla bla...he got jealous I drew a cartoon a Tupac so I eventually drew one a him too he seen I drew them diff duh! Ones Tupac & ones Willie I drew a cartoon a Willie smoking crystal meth outta a light bulb wearing his style a fash duh! Then in my head Willie dedicated that song: many men by 50 cent to: Ciamak & jo'n & Michael sa degh ka vand & they all agree on a song for him that goes I guess wut they say is true I can never be the right kinda girl for u I can never be a woman...I dont know that name tha song or wutev but I remember I heard it b4 in sum1s car on tha radio it was in low in tha back ground...

Angelina Rachel You need to get rescued immediately! & Sum Victimizers need to get disintegrated already for thier crimes ...duh!


Be one Less VICTIMizer & one more victiM...

Angelina Rachel at your age I didn't even got my identity & mema & my biological daddy say I'm not allowed to work that Lynn claim they still deciding wut VICTIMizer to sell me to or Lynn got even sicker plans to jus hide me that PUBLICKLY til I'm disintegrated like I don't exist?????

& Etc.

You got your entertainment license to work in modeling & acting & more duh! Use it u can even be in the circus like those fancy ones that travel wit a variety a animals & wutev ...

It's a PRIVELAGE only victims qualify go do sumthing this is so retarted u need to get rescued immediately!

Emancipate or go back wit me on victim housing or juvenile hall or orphanage or a princess academy or a etc.

I don't know!!!!!! Or even go back to Costa Mesa jr high & high school theatre is another form of modeling & acting & more!!!!!!

Angelina Rachel

Victimizers force sum victims to dream thier life awaze including animals when they entitled to thier dreams goals etc.


Willie & mema & orther Victimizers use to make me say & do things too same wit u remember?! Duh!they tha victimizers have others that obducts me b4! & You too obviously!


Be one Less VICTIMizer & one more victiM...

Remember that retarted movie: The Call or wutev it's called wit Hallie Barry that actress that plays that slow stupid police officer...she coulda world wide the call so any authority can track her device in high hopes she there because anything could happen to the phone or her duh!

Anywaze that's tha nigg** character Willie psychologically hypnotically he thinks he has me play RegauRding ur situation only in reality I'm not her or you n a movie or on t.v. & I'm not on any police force & to top it off I escape him & others & gotta awaze from a variety a Victimizers since I was a baby off & on my whole life so have u! & We both know obviously cops are not doing thier job bout ur obduction & other situations victims only real authorities need to assist immediately & victims & Victimizera are at war against eachother 24/7 & I gotta lower back injury you already know about that you alsoaware got worse in like 2017 duh!

Those that ignore situations they can do sumthing about & choose not to belong disintegrated duh!


Like be one Less victiMizeR & one MoRe victiM...24/7...

Sum porno people obduct me & I tell them look Ima an artist & more I can do make up jus leave me alone b cus they say they do more than video raping...they didn't care for my skills like I draw & everything they force me to get rape in's obviously a rape video they gave me a script they wouldn't let do my make up or put a costume on or anything? They host it in an office scene like I seen other rooms they got duh! They showed me! They even tell me they got costumes but not for me they for nigg**s only? They tell me go as is like they OBDUCTED u that Waze? Lorena requested to be filmed wit tha filmer he say no he gonna film while Lorena go in another room & wait til they done having me raped? Lorena waited for me but she didn't rescue me from them...they gave her gas $ & me no money I tell them no I don't want any they even try to budget payments for me? I did accept any money from these uneducated idiots! They say if I don't take tha money for that wut they call a film or wutev that they will destroy that tape....thats it's illegal anywaze they know for a fact I didn't want to...& I know it's illegal on video or not duh! Like real laws are in every religion! Roots traditions etc. Help show that! & I didn't care as long as I gotta awaze & that place gets disintegrated it's perversion then they try hide behind modeling & music like they tell me? I'm In another state a mind at this point all they doing is getting more proof they rapist obductors etc. perverts by forcing me in this retard situation wit a script I don't wanna say they say go on say wut I tell u to...I got in character wit out costume & make up? It's just WieRd?! Wuts wrong wit these people they loose prisoners trying to make me look like tha sicko?! & as I got raped on video & wit an audience I imagine I'm not there as I jus check out my nails like if u look real close at them they got rainbow colors at tha tips remind me a gods (kings) & godesses (queens) promises etc. As 1 a thier lil princesses like I'm innocent victim these Victimizers they'll see if they don't already...thats thier sentence not high bye...I know these retards sumtymes get violent & retarted if u don't do wut they say & that's how I alwaze gotta & getta awaze giving them a show they don't care to see again to where they in shock now...I tried that wit Willie but that sicko stuck around for any show no matter wut even if it's me doing deflated blow up doll or wutev? Along wit others they don't aLwaze dissappear sum re appear? They all belong disintegrated eitheRwaze... I tell them look wutta bout my boyfriend you know willie like they know who he is or suMthing he probly sent them after me I don't know they lured me in to make me look willingly but they couldn't really get me to act accordingly unless that's wut they think they want to see?...they look at me like if they know him & they all his girlfriend duh! Willie force me to call him that & he make others call him his boyfriend & other names & things he even call me his sancha while we was married? He for e me to do tha fake marriage thing wutta waiste a paper huh? When in reality I'm jus 1 a his rape victims!!! ...tha porno people hey probly molest Willie biological sons & daughters including mine wit Willie that's wut Willie do in real life witta variety!!!!! These souls they all jus in denial bout thier sentence...of disintegration & more! even tha camera man say what would Jesus do? & Smile like Tupac Shakur I inside laughing like a hyena at his sentence & I question if he talking bout Christ or wut? I'm for sure Jesus Christ wouldn't be forcing me in to pornography...& Hating on my talents...I got many...duh!

These pervs notice my figure & wut it might of been & is suppose to be & Ima aware I look like a deflated blow up doll they can also tell the plaguers & druggers got to me that's why they call me titties still forming but wutev...until then...I was never trying to be there...neither was Lorena mota duh! They gave her gas money I didn't accept any money they sickos rapist etc.

Willie is obsessed wit Lorena mota & her daughter also duh! & A variety a all ages & genders & animals & etc. He use memory deletion hypnosis psychology etc on whoev whenev to get wit he thinks he want which is alwaze rape related even when it comes to video games I caught him molesting Elizabeth Aaliyah he jump off her & he pretend to play video games on save & continue to make it look like he was playing that whole tyme...when he obviously wasn't & her left we didn't make it to cops who already know bout all of us we only got to the park she played I watched then McDonald's I had sum legit funds on hand then we ended up back wit him?????? I tell u it's that hypnosis psychology memory deletion etc. he gets sum victims & even Victimizers to act willingly & accordingly to how he think he want them to in public & wherever...

One tyMe I was watching Liz she love that bars at that park I offer to put her in dance school they got ballet jazz tap gymnastics etc. but Willie say no she don't get to that she not my daughter who cares she belong in juvenile hall or orphanage or wit me or better duh! Or disintegrated for her crimes like I don't know her level of innocents cops & other idiots that are suppose to like real authorities where are they? & she didn't bring Xtra clothes I let her where my pajama top it looked like a dress on her tha same style as one that my great grandma McLain Lynn say she is in Nebraska I remember her she made me one Lynn got pics she didn't give me copy's but wutev she got most my baby pics & more I gotta few from her...

To top it off aside from tha nightmares at tha It porno place my cosmetology teacher miss Connie gave me a disgusting hair cut that don't go wit my style...

Willie try to make it look like I work there like he probly do & yes he still a pedaphile eitheRwaze all he try to do is make people look like wut they not why doesn't he jus see reality & fact vs fiction if he doesn't know that doesn't change the 100% truth of anything...duh!

Also @tha Cali palms in Santa Ana, CA Willie obduct me & Elizabeth Aaliyah her dob 09•03•2001 Willie tell his biological half brother Ismael dob 06•21•1984 & his fake girlfriend Rhonda/Ronda sum woman in her 30s suppposively Willie tell them to watch liz? In reality they both pedaphiles jus like Willie! Then he force me under a blanket & tell me to take a nap? I was already raped pregnant by him He held me under wit all his strength I couldn't breathe he smiled & shut his retarted eyes...then a loudly knock banging at tha door Willie made me answer I seen Ismael & Ronda fake sleep like Willie the people at tha door say there's a lil girl sitting out tha window wit no screen waving to everyone that passes by? We was two stories up...They was talking bout Liz! They coulda probly rescue us ! But they didn't? Liz probly coulda escaped out that window because Willie is more bouts that front door obviously...she woulda landed out that window & got us help I don't know no body listen to me not even the cops or anyone me & her are known to be obducted off & on our whole lives duh! & Put on drugs & hypnosis & psychology & memory deletion & psych meds off & on duh! At least one a those cults are use used on us & others out there etc. Anywaze Instead Willie yell at Ismael & Ronda & Liz...we remained obducted he let us go swimming in that pool there I bet it's because those people that stop bye he think they still watching? When they didn't save us so who cares?! Huh? We could go swimming ourselves wit out him & he pulled me & Liz on the life ring wit rope like a ride I know that was our temporary Disneyland water theme park it was fun but tha reality of going back wit Willie wasn't...we STAZE at that pool as long as he let us...he didn't want Liz actually swimming I know how since I was around her age ...we was OBDUCTED there for about a week?! I remember that pool once? I didn't even get to do tha streets during those 7 daze? Compare to that or anywhere wit Willie I miss those streets at least I had freedom to maybe end up sum where better duh! He obsessed wit me! & Whoev else duh! I remember daze back b4 he rape me pregnant force me to have & keep baby & he tell me I'ma b having more? I found my old phone book from like 2002~2004? I call Marlene for help she tell me club paradise the will hire me in l.a. county to jus go there...i try to getta ride Willie came outta nowhere where again!? @cali palms I call my ex friend ex home girl Salina & let her know remember that pervert neighbor Willie? She do remember him & his lil half brother Ismael she was trying to get crystal meth from them I tell them no she not allowed plus she gotta a biological baby boy...that was around my 19t biRthdaze January 15 2005 she came to visit & so did my nephew kris2fur he was like 6 years old we went to Chuck e cheese...she expected to party I tell her I'm OBDUCTED by my biological mommy & there's wierdos like Willie & Ismael a couple doors down im Trying to getta awaze....she look at me like she don't understand like she dont know wut im talking bout I look at her like why isn't her biological Son in an orphanage like she obviously needs to get rescued also duh! She got offended I tell her I don't do drugs or psych meds or anything I occasionally drink & more like go to theme parks draw & wutev like I took her to knotts scary farm before when we was in tha same high school but she suffers perversion or sumthing like all those tymes I got drugged duh! That summer I phoned her I tell her Willie got me OBDUCTED & raped wit a baby?! She tell me good for u that she already got rape witta baby boy like there's nothing she gonna do? I draw & write poetry & etc. to deal wit sum of my obsessors like they out there I prefer to disintegrate them but wutev sum daze I will along wit others ...I escaped him willie between off & on 2005~2011 I officially gotta awaze physically like it's 2020 now but my daughter Angelina dob 02•09•2006 didn't & neither did my step daughter elizabeth dob 09•03•2001~01•17•2011{she got announced dead but every victim knows for a fact she wasn't duh!} If she belong disint grated for her crimes then go on & do that otherwise it makes no cents or scents or sense or since we on tha subject it's fact vs fiction & Justice vs justify & reality vs fantasy & victims vs Victimizers 24/7...

Other tymes cops arrive they either ignore or arrest or wutev they drove off wit me & tell whoev to have a good night? Including Willie then he get in my mind so badly he paranoid they might go back for him as a pedaphile rapist and hey let go over & over? Tha cops got a camera in my face & they force tears & Willie puppet my words in the cult he in for me to say Willie I love u he thinks that cleanses his crimes & makes him look innocent? It doesn't? Jus like that tyMe deputies video tazer me when I was asking for toilet paper & pads I was bleeding duh! They sickos these wierdos trying to make Victimizers look like victims....I tell Willie I already got admitted into assylums b cus a retarted pedaphiles rapist like him duh! They believe that makes me look like one a them or wutever it doesn't... It's obvious that mental health association is trying to take over jails prison schools places in general etc that needs to end the mental health association assylums need to get vanished & psych meds needs to be banned & wutev not mentioned duh!

Also on tha street Willie forced his Waze in my path sumtymes I had to say retarted things to get rid a him! like Willie about billion prisoners got set free I had to say it sincere he nodded his head & say yup ur free to go he say it wit Sincerety...I left power walking I already know his retardedness I don't want him near me he a waist a tyMe one tyMe we went to tha oc library & that Wilson park where he rape me there like I already mentioned to read books like I'm in an actual situation on tha streets no identity etc he knows my biological mommy & more he even work wit her he found out she really do fraud for a living duh! he's not even in a situation he jus a loose prisoner avoiding his DISINTEGRAtion sentence he needs it I went to take a break from that streets & he delete my memory of reading & he laugh then I gotta motel room another tyMe he appear again I ignore him I even put sunglasses on & I went to read a book I own & he delete my memory of reading I almost went crazy he then take tha book & read the book to me...? He know it's a PRIVELAGE to read that's why he prevent me then brag he gets to? he belongs disintegrated no body wants to see him or hear his voice or anything...he brought an older woman over I recognize her as a biological mommy of 3 others I met b4 & I remember her fake husband ...willie he plan to rape her I jus zoned out & waited for them to leave so I can go to sleep she gotta awaze he try to tell me there's sumthing wrong wit me b cus all I do is walk in tha streets get money pay my rent shower sleep & do it again sumtymes draw read play cards watch movies swim eat etc. There's sumthing very not right bout him! He is a freeloader like go hit up princess Jasmine I'm not into Aladdin idiots or anyone I don't mind solo all victims go solo it's those Victimizers that STAZE together but not forever & he spends all his money on crystal meth mainly while I got drugged by a variety ...even when places are in his name he forces others o pay his rent I use to be one a those people along wit his biological mommy & whoever he obducts & I say he even force his self on my victim housing wit fake paper work I let him know look around there's not a room for u! Duh! It's jus me I got my own room & Angelina she got here then I try to add my step daughter to get a 3 bedroom then she will got her own room & tha victim people say nope u take willie? That's not even a real option! Years later they illegally added my biological lil half sister Rachelle Yvonne kavand? That's Willie trying to pay her off he rape her as a minor since like around 2005 that I'm aware of til probly now 2020...she notta victim anymore & victim housing is for victims only! Duh! who knows huh? Eventually she turned into wut he is a loose prisoner criminal that belongs disintegrated Willie remind me they that summa those victim housing workers are actually loose prisoner perverts that stole those jobs & etc. & That they jealous I'ma victim like that eleyna mejorad(a or o) they want me rape & Angelina too? She say o well too bad for Liz ... that's why they illegally put him wit us & they didn't try to help rescue Elizabeth or us entirely when I tell them about her too along wit cops & child protective services & etc they all know????? Wutta bunch a sickos huh? he & them belongs disintegrated he keeps trying to protect his biological mommy from her DISINTEGRAtion sentence that's his rapist he got more he became one when he was little he belongs disintegrated ...

I had a flash back when I was a lil girl in the early 90s like 1992-1995 I was watching rescuers down under & outta no where summa my obducters appeared behind me like they dead jus spying on sum how they STAZE to see wut I was watching & they say yup she jus like penny that's tha main character in tha movie then they left?

I'm still working on this Mya LoKA LiL cLown etc. DoLL OF My daughteR Angelina Holloway & MoRe...wish I can do more RegauRding her situation & others ...other than jus be one less Victimizers & one more victim...24/7

Victims only:

ReaL Laws in eveRy ReLigion Made by victiMs vs fake ones Made by victiMizeRs duh!

Places titles things plagues cults souls etc.

QUOTES~ Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) Nike: just do it! & BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING! & ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO... & SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes... #PRAYERS #DREAMS #GOALS #FASHION #ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS) & godesses (QUEENS) & THIER LIL pRINCESSES & LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM & MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. sincerely, Rachel Michele' McLain California Drivers License #D9078194 student i.d. #C02050377 @ORANGE COAST COLLEGE in Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 phone: #1~949~674~6335 My web page~

Address: 419 Hamilton St #A202 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 Email: Facebook pages: 1)Rachel Michelé 2)KRi Stahyena Ka Vand 3)Michelé McLain 4)PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé

Aside 4RoM that My daughteR AngeLina RacheL LaMb aMethyst diaMond tRoLL caRe beaR LiL cLown CHUCKI LoKA Many naMes etc. NEED 2 GET REESCUED iMMEDiATELy!!!!! & HeR obductoRs belong disintegrated iMMEDiATELy wit thier fraudulent paper work they known to waist school & art supply that disgustingly duh! That's also a crime!

Her biological daddy claim he has sex rapes molest etc. wit my biological mommy & my biological lil half sister Rachelle Yvonne kavand & whoev else he sends like Danny jackson & Jose dejesus Flores & Jessica Lynn Hanson & Edgar Diaz & Carlos Sanchez & whoever not mentioned to try to ruin my life!? Including babies kids teens adults boys girls makes females women men man woman he is a rapist pedaphile etc. Of & his biological sons & daughters & obviously other people's & animals too! He is a sicko that belongs disintegrated for his crimes duh! along wit his ACCOMPLICES huh?

He also goes on marathon rapes of how many he rape molest etc. In that amount a tyMe sumtymes...this is a true story at least 99.9% true...

He rape me several diff Waze that I remember from 2005 off & on til 2011...I gotta awaze he still out there along wit others...he got racism issues! He wants power over middle easterns? He know I'm part middle eastern...he say I need to have a son wit him so he can force tha boy for power? I by force had a baby girl that Angelina Rachel many names etc. I already mentioned that tyMe he came outta no where he took me outta my bed where I sleep usually alone this was in 2007-2008 it still counts as one a his crimes he held my on tha floor next to it wit all his retarted strength & he claims he owns me? He rape me til tha sun came up & tell me I'm in drugs now too that he on crystal meth & he claim it's in my system I'ma lose Angelina Rachel & he will fake paper work to take her & rape get like he known to do too... I seen that clock in my room like I'm on a calendar schedule I think one a my alarms gonna happen soon im aware more a reality he belongs disintegrated as a victiMizing psycho path then hours later then he left like a lunatic!?


In that picture above is the exact window mention in this true story & tha second image is also located @901 harbor Blvd. In santa Ana, CALifornia ...aka many names & biblically speaking in that land a dreams it's also a place of one a my abductions in 2005... That Willie Holloway Jr that 4th had me & his supposive daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah Holloway born September 03, 2001 supposively in that San Diego county area in USA U.S. etc. Anywaze...he drug & rape us & other crimes at a variety of where ever outside inside literally all kinds a wutev... Willie let us go to that pool like once but he came along & pull us around on that ring thing then he say thats it no more back to doing nothing til he say!? I plot to get awaze sum how I usually do anywaze... Sum random did art supply wit me on that stairs but I still didn't get a awaze & use a phone & 911 never help that rape gang there too stealing jobs & more duh I call my ex friend Salina like it's her rape gang & ciamak & others she jus say who cares... & During that tyme tho he lock me in his arms wit his full strength & he say he taking a nap that I'm not leaving he knows I escape all that tyme that easily jus like he abducts sumtymes that easy... So I couldn't get a awaze & Elizabeth Aaliyah was suppose to nap too... Then a loud banging at that door I thought it might be actual authorities to rescue us!!!!! Willie tell me open that door & don't mention my situation... I opened it & it was random souls saying there's a little girl sitting out that's window wit no screen waving & smiling at whoev... I bet she trying to get us rescued like she could left me & at least she get awaze... But she staze behind wit me... After that souls at that door left we eventually did too... Willie abduct me & Elizabeth again & Force us at a kfc that's where he tell me I'm free to go but not Liz & he made her sit on his lap as they sat In Front of that Kentucky fried chicken as cross that street from that Cali palms ... I ask him wut about Liz...I can't jus leave her again like all that other times we gotta awaze separately & even together we end up abducted again bye diff peasants duh! Willie say he gonna beg random souls for money & get another hotel or motel & rape Liz a 3 year old lil girl that he been doing so since she was younger & smaller duh! So I grabbed her & put her in that shopping cart wit a blanket like a stroller & I headed back to Costa Mesa, California where I'm from I was born at 694 w Wilson St Costa Mesa, California on January 15, 1986 like I'ma aware Willie is in that rape gang that I escape off & on since I was a baby I even tell him that I know already who sent him & he lie... Anywaze I start walking with Liz in that shop basket & he follow us ...@that tyme I was already raped pregnant he rape me at a diff tyme he abduct me & I gotta awaze & Like bla bla bla etc. On diff realities~ Like bla bla bla To whom this may concern: There's lie ditector test to help confirm whatever it is... My webpage~ Reality updates & etc.~ Also: My daughter Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth name born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, California u.s. USA area biblically speaking in tha land a dreams duh! @ that fountain valley regional hospital in fountain valley, what sum call orange county near DisneyLand location... she is abucted & her abductions been happening off & on since she was Baby bye a variety of loose prisoners so have her abductors happens to be her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr. The lV born May 24, 1981 in Brawley, California in imperial county U S. USA area... My daughter She needs to get rescued immediately & her abductors rapist molestors etc. Need disintegration so do all mine even tho I got awaze she has to before duh! My webpage~ This is an emergency as i mentioned that #911 is ignoring & instead accomplicing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On diff ReaLities~ like these short films: Like Here's sum videos below that I made of myself go on watch a them all they go together like a story duh!~ On diff ReaLities & MeMoRy Mazing~ i Rachel Michele McLain that's my birth name aka KRi stahyena ballerina ka vand Loka princessa Fantasia s princess a many names etc am individual bibilcal representative that represents tha land a dreams biblically speaking Its A place sum call that world & other Nick names & temporary titles duh! My webpage~ To my abducted daughter~ In case you don't remember that whole reason for your existence is to make tha world aka that land a dreams a better place & to staze dreaming & goal stepping & more like etc. Not to be abducted or be a peasant or both or wutev else is not allowed duh!!!!!!! On diff Realities~ As another Reminder to my daughter Angelina Rachel Angelina Holloway AngeLihyena ballerina many names etc. Your middle name & my first name RACHEL means LAMB in hebrew meaning to staze innocent like an animal 24/7 duh! I hope you get rescued immediately! & Etc. All the Religions are 100% true Like princes & princesses fair well peasants!!!.... I wrote a biblical poetical song I collaboration wit Melanie Martinez that M.M. MeLanie tone Music Melanie Martinez Melanie Martinez MELANIE TONE M.M. DOLL MANY NAMES ETC. & WHOEV & WUTEV... HERE GOES MY BIBLICALLY INSPIRED RHYME~ Like jctPOP (Jesus Christ that PRINCE OF PEACE) HERE*S A LOLLI B CUS UR SO SWEET & ITS ALMOST THA DAZE OF NO MEAT LIKE THA PAW & WING & FIN & BEAK & HOOFS & TAIL & MORE SAY LIKE THERE WILL DIFF OMEGA 3 VITAMINS A~Z ONLY... Animal Writes rites rights IMAGINE LIKE FASHION ART ETC. LIKE LOOK AT ALL THA ADORBS SOLES... WAIT I THINK I HEAR MY SHELL PHONE: ME~HELLO!? SHELL PHONE~...HIGH! IT*S THA MERMAIDS! RACHEL MICHELÉ MCLAIN KRI STA HYENA KA VAND LOKA PRINCESSA A PRINCESS OF MANY NAMES ETC. COME TO THA BEACH & GATHER SEA SHELLS & GO IN THA WAVES & SEE THA OCEAN SPARLKE & THA SAND GLITTER GOLD & MAYBE GO DEEP SEA SHOPPING LIKE INSTEADA FISHING DUH! & DO A TOTALLY HAIR STYLE BLA BLA BLA ... Hoola hoop double Dutch jump rope skip it jewelery box creature like ballerina & other sports done solo alone or with whoev duh! It's illegal wuts going on... & In my daze ~ I read in that picture bible that Jesus Christ that prince of peace helps educates others on Omega 3 vitamins a~z like he another level of magician he can make things multiply duh! Magically when they supposed to or when he gets that privelage to he is half human of that Mary & he half a god of that king god one of tha Gods (Kings) there's others like Allah (king) a diff god & there's GODESSES (queens) also duh! That jctPOP: Jesus Christ that pRince of peace he go on telling them more required laws like that taxes are illegal but money is okay & only a crime if lazy designed or stolen or used inappropriately & etc. Duh! Also who cares bout being Miss America ever thats not a forever title it's a peasant word American is another retardation look at reality wut it represents & symbolizes like go back to one star investments fashion art etc & stop using as a cult to take over with retards & retardness Like how bout princess of many of that land a dreams & property name & location if u got all ur resources include that too business dreams goals birth place if known & more ... Like princes & princesses fair well peasants!!!.... SCHOOL A PLACE OF Educational knowledge ARE SOUPPOSE TO BE BIBLICAL BASED TOP EDUCATION DUH AT COLLEGES OF ALL AGES FoR DREAMS & CAREERS & GOALS.

aside from that~this picture next Looks like that criminal crystal born in 1985 that's one a her look alike literally duh!...that peasant cardenas...1 a my step daughter elizabeth aaliyah supposive biological birth mommy is how that woman or girl in tha image really looks...& when i say step daughter thats wut i got force 2 call her b cus her supposive biological daddy he a rapist molestor fraud criminal peasant that willie holloway jr tha 4th he thinks it makes him look innocent of his xisting crimes?! like over all she call me Rachel & i jus call her elizabeth & wutev else...duh!

these songs in tha links below remind me a those dysfunctional daze like those lyrics in tha first 1 literally i wish i can fly awaze duh! like high bye...

& in this next song yup there i went abducted in that vehicle wit sum random then again over there wit u then them & etc. ~

& this song later willie try to play up to tha lyrics & he try to do this to me?! i let him know im part middle eastern like that high in roots like persians are tha highest breed & ima victim so its impossible like he a retarted peasant for even doing this wit himself & others...retardation he lives for like etc. he in that circle of retards...cults all kinds...stupid...then he use hypnotic & memory deletion twist wit psychology for me to pretend he succeeded forcing characters that arent me for power & more!...again his calendar daze need 2 end look wut he done & do 24/7 intensionally like he is guilty of summa his xisting crimes he belong disintegrated for duh!~

this pic below is in front a motel hotel i reside at during summa my abductions duh!

another stupid song reminds me a those tymes i already talk on~

Hackers stop trying to steal my stories & art work & fashion designs & memories & etc. This is my actual life not anyone elses u wierd dreamless perverts leave me alone!!!! Jus like that teacher Lauren Becker like give my homework back already schitzophrenia is ready taking over sum people who are that SCHITZOPHRENICAL like leave me outta it...

There's lie DiTECTOR test they are accurate duh!

Anywaze in sum pics u will see a shopping cart wit my metal screen door I bought at home depot one a my daughter Angelina Rachel past obductors willie sent my niece Nikki biological Daddy Danny Jackson if that's his real name the insist to pay wit his card Insteada my school card & for me to give him cash so that happened...

So I imagined going through that door but I'ma aware it clearly jus goes to tha other side of that cart as I imagine to make it more fun this whole storage & tha shopping cart situation I'm in as others I might see along tha waze either in reality or spirit like this is wut I'm doing in reality wutta bout u!? As imaginable as I staze I'm very in touch wit reality duh!

In a pic is me & my g ma natural remedies emeralds many names d. A. McLain g ma d. Ann(e) KeLL(e)y etc.

Scarlet o'hara is one of my grandma KeLL(e)y celebrity look alikes that natural remedies & her got sum things in common as do I a diff generation & breed I jokingly say I Wana man like t Rhette butler but he only acting outta fear altho scarlet gets her resources that sadly & he leaves eventually like he suppose to it shoulda alwaze been business b4 pleasure scarlet is too young for him duh! She gets her property that waze & more like she entitled as she remains a victim princess bla bla bla Being me is like that character scarlet o'hara trying to save my hometown & more wit fashion & freedom & wit biblical education whee real laws are mentioned like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & more like all the religions are 100% true duh! In picture & written form....

also during this war against that peasants nly in that movie gone with the wind there's ore bombs thrown & guns & etc. I almost wish that was going on in tha usa duh then a few simple seeds to regrow wuts needs to be & castle & palace & etc materials to build wuts suppose to be & wutev not mentioned that film is biblical like reality...

****** Tea tyme already vanilla soy milk & honey wit wutev tea I love a variety

But I actually off to storage again tha white rabbit is out there sumwhere wit all tha other bunnies speaking of those animals I had that breed stuffed wit cotton ones made of fabric not souls...summa my guardians I came across along tha waze like where are they my ribbons tied into bows match those color of wardrobe they help me get ready todaze & so did jesus christ tha prince of peace see my socks that's an image of him & clowns & religions & more got me going like my ballerina dreams wuts on tha calendar that eergizer bunny daily like I gotta keep going Eve wit out batteries dopetastically Clowntastical me like high bye...

My daughter Angelina Rachel needs to get rescued immediately

& BLA bla bla

All my post & messages & pictures & stories & art work & etc. Go together like my life & body parts & legos & more like even when apart there alwaze a waze to put them together or never like wutever like Barbie...

Here I go again diff daze similar story Donald J. Trump The White House

On foot wit my lower back injury I been taking muscle relaxers more often than usual like daily as I try to be careful of my back tha roads aren't smith straight lack & it tears at my back when I got to keep it leveled when that ground isn't Otherwise wit out my injury it's so easy duh! I could move my whole storage myself jus my bed I can't like if I rented a truck instead & wit dolly & everything but my lower back injury gets severe when I get that attacks outta no where!!!!!!

So I been back & forth to my storage moving everything else myself witta Shopping cart nothing wierd to me like between me & ibilis & tha unicorns & rainbow falls & tha creatures & animals & ganji fairies & Lucifer & Jesus Christ tha prince of peace & tha hooves & mermaid hoofs & angels & characters of all kinds sum got souls sum don't like wutev keeps them alive in diff realms I make an adventure outta most anything & it's been done b4 but probly not for that same reason that I end up doing it this waze 1 daze my grandma d. Ann(e) KeLL(e)y aka natural remedies aka many names aka etc she help but not everything for plus she been forced to live in a vehicle for like almost 30 years I tell 911 & oc housing authority they say who cares they are terrorist that belong disintegrated duh they steal usa presidential funds & try to budget it howev & hand it out to victims & ViCTiMiZERS it's illegal wut they do! I made reports to higher authorities who got better weapons like bombs & lazers & more hopefully they get my messages as soon as possible I reported a variety a criminals world wide!!!!!

Anywaze back to this situation~

I had $300 saved for movers & i hired movers they say $255 for everything then I tell them just get the heavy things I can't on my own they ignore me & they don't listen & they lie & they left my beds & a couple items behind plus I helped with the move when I got a lower back injury sciatica I'ma a grown woman with that disability & those grown men complain & make fun of my situation I only got $50 now do you know anyone who can help with the two boxes & king mattresses & box springs...for that $50 I got left...

Details on what happened~ This moving co. Is illegal! Ronnie Horton if that's his real name #909•532•3354 I know like Dr Seuss Horton hears a who anywaze~This moving co is schandolous they belong the two grown men belong disintegrated duh for THiER existing crimes I helped move my own things with these perverts that make fun of my lower back injury I got sciatica they complained everything is too heavy when I'ma female wit a physical disability! they two grown males one of them That claims he owns this moving co him & another Intensionally left my bed in my storage I say I really need for my back to ignore the things I can do myself & he lie & say he going to make two trips when everything fits in one?! then he request my storage keys to go wit out me! Cops don't do anything bout anyone I report duh! This is illegal they schitzophrenics The usa police & retards like them help kidnap my daughter Angelina rachel in real life there's lie ditectors duh! There's still things in my storage & I gave them the amount that Ronnie Horton he say it will cover everything $250 I tell them to at least move all that I can't carry & they didn't do that obviously now I pay that amount still & I got no money & a shopping cart to individually move wut I can put into the cart alone ...I need someone to go with what I can't carry based on my budget..duh!...etc. Victimizing peasants are stealing land properties business & more! Go ahead lie DiTECTOR test like ?????

I also pay saul from iron man movers they recommended him & $70 we agree on that based on my budget & in general to move my bed wit who he say is his lil brother they did exactly wut I ask & for a good price that cover gas & labor...

Aside from that..

Votes aren't needed duh! Like princes & princesses fairwell peasants that Land a dreams exist! So stop titling it titles u not allowed...duh!

I never heard this before but it's true land needs to be more like Ireland & persia & London & england & paris & France & spain & tokyo & Las Vegas & disneyland & imagine like I put ideas & thoughts out there in person & on my 4 diff Facebooks & my webpage & email & text & in my art work & story's & fashion & at orange coast college in costa mesa, ca usa aka island of dreams aka many names aka etc. & In my imagination like use yours duh!

tha waze I say it is sum places are worth going to & keeping around forever like disneyland & tha beaches & more it's alwaze tyme to change wutever needs to be & better locations to wut they supposed to be! Duh!

Over all tha gods(KINGS) & godesses(QUEENS) remind me that tha world is wut they help created to be tha LAND OF DREAMS...AKA MaNY NAMES AKA ETC.

It's mentioned & reminded in religions that are 100% true tha reals laws & more are also reminded purity over perversion & justice over justify & reality vs fantasy & fact vs fiction & that there will be a daze that heavens & earth will combine I know I will be here! will you? & other realms will be available for those that are allowed & qualify to visit travel see etc.


Bring on castle & palace materials & etc. like one daze I'ma got a giant tea cup jacuzzi made of gold or steel or wutev...

& Jus imagine & my castle palace that will got a stain glass window of every religion & it doesn't end there & rainbow falls & animal resorts world wide one a tha locations where I can see from my place ...

Bla bla bla...

I never heard this before but it's true land needs to be more like Ireland & persia & London & england & paris & France & spain & tokyo & Las Vegas & disneyland & imagine like I put ideas & thoughts out there in person & on my 4 diff Facebooks & my webpage & email & text & in my art work & story's & fashion & at orange coast college in costa mesa, ca usa aka island of dreams aka many names aka etc. & In my imagination like use yours duh!

tha waze I say it is sum places are worth going to & keeping around forever like disneyland & tha beaches & more it's alwaze tyme to change wutever needs to be & better locations to wut they supposed to be! Duh!

Over all tha gods(KINGS) & godesses(QUEENS) remind me that tha world is wut they help created to be tha LAND OF DREAMS...AKA MaNY NAMES AKA ETC.

It's mentioned & reminded in religions that are 100% true tha reals laws & more are also reminded purity over perversion & justice over justify & reality vs fantasy & fact vs fiction & that there will be a daze that heavens & earth will combine I know I will be here! will you? & other realms will be available for those that are allowed & qualify to visit travel see etc.


Bring on castle & palace materials & etc. like one daze I'ma got a giant tea cup jacuzzi made of gold or steel or wutev...

& Jus imagine & my castle palace that will got a stain glass window of every religion & it doesn't end there & rainbow falls & animal resorts world wide one a tha locations where I can see from my place ...

Bla bla bla...


So I still got summa my daughter Angelina Rachel belongings & Xmas & birthdaze & unbirthdaze gifts presents etc.

her biological Daddy is one of our rapist & others duh! He got fraudulent to fraudulently make it look like he allowed to got custody????? That's fraud!!!!!

He belongs disintegrated for his existing CRIMES... It's a fact!

My daughter Angelina Rachel needs to get rescued immediately!

I try to help her Getta career since she was a baby like in Disney& skippy peanut butter & t.v. & more...

I tell her to emancipate so her biological Daddy stops trying to got access to her physically & sexually or jus in general for power & control over one a his many rape victims he is a sicko!!!!!!!!!!

John Casablancas Centers @John Casablancas Modeling and Acting Center OC in santa ana, ca tha closest wutev they guarantee to help Angelina Rachel like I know my daughter's talented she z mix of me & my lil half sister cousin Rachelle Yvonne Kavand level of acting duh & more shd herself & like franky from haunted hathaway's show & others ... I pay that agency thousands out of my college money to help my daughter get a career already in t.v. like with nickelodeon & disney channel & lifetime & music & commercials & etc. I thought disney company would hire near disney land but every place online say L.a. county????? Accept oc casablanca claim they will do wutev...nobody should charge anything jus get them tha part or wutev for free get % once tha actress or actor gets THiER % duh! Plus That agency didn't do much THiER graduation looked like rapist put it together there wasn't a my decorations!? It was like Angelina Rachel my daughter biological Daddy made that one happen too they do disgusting summa his people do pornos duh! To get think the do everything better they don't! They illegal wut they do it's perversion that's wut they include in all that they do duh! I escape them b4! Two diff camera men I escape one a them in 2005 & tha other in 2007 or 2008 only that one had me raped on camera b4 I gotta awaze...these people admitted willie trying to get me to result to them & lose my victim resources...they let me go...that first one that obduct me look like willie Holloway Jr that 3rd willie supPosive biological Daddy that's on his birth certificate a lil tha 2nd one look like an older version of willie if he didn't do drugs & wasn't part hispanic...during that OBDUCTION that sicko smiled like tupac shakur & show me a what would Jesus do!? It was a Placque that mentioned Jesus Christ that prince of peace like I know him & this kinda sense of humor really isn't funny it's so stupid I laugh bout it tha fact that he he even brought it up another criminal ignoring THiER spiritual journey that thing on his desk or that desk he let me know that's who he hide behind like obviously no prince would do wut he be doing duh he a peasant! & he claim that location switches up in disguise all tha tyme so even if authorities went they gotta bring lie DiTECTOR test if they don't believe me over wut they may or might not see duh! He even offer me a costume then he say never mind that he jus gonna have me raped as is & he gave me a script to look willing like I know wut a nig** is ! Him & others in diff colors they all got THiER waze like I'm part middle eastern & I'm related to sand nigg**$ wit them u don't alwaze remember duh! THiER partners in crime that's who helped that situation happen duh! He lied to me & say they aside from porn they a modeling agency & music & videos & movies & more but for nigg*** only!? I tell him I do make up believe it or not & etc. That was b4 he had me raped on camera & he say nigg*** only duh! Then wut was tha point of this obduction!? I bet he got tha same problem as willie wanting control over middle~easterns/sands or over victims or both or I jus don't get it I know sumthing similar happen to kim kardashian b cus sum nigg** wit money u know that oj Simpson football player right!? Like lie DiTECTOR test are that answer sumtymes along wit real authorities like wuts really going on wigg*** using a series of nigg*** & sand•nigg*** & tha others peasants in general in that retarted circle like leave me outta it...

My daughter Angelina Rachel her biological birth Daddy Willie Holloway Jr lV born may 24, 1981 in brawley, ca USA AKA MANY NAMES AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA ETC. HE belongs Disintegrated for his existing crimes duh!

He keeps trying to turn her into summa his favorite rape victims who joined perversion already from before she exist so he feels better bout himself? like his lil half sister ysceñia marie Hernandes she joined & his biological mommy georgina garcia she joined b4 he exist & his lil half bros lorenzo castillo another joiner & ismael castillo joined & my lil half sister~cousin or Whoev she really is that Rachelle Yvonne Kavand & same wit my lil half bro~cousin michael sadegh KAVAND they joined along wit my older half bro if that's who he be that CiAMAK Kavand joined probly b4 willie exist & Whoev not mentioned that joined... That willie he try to do that same thing to me!?...sadly that's how I got raped & forced to have a baby b cus the series of things sickos do to try to get wut they think they want they lying they act outta fear & live scared duh! They really jus acting...he tell me that's wut I get for trying to rescue my step daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah & for telling him to stop taking her & my lil half sister Rachelle Yvonne & Whoev he obducted me off & on from 2005~2011...I physically gotta awaze ever since but he still out there he occasionally goes in my mind & I seen look alikes stalking me or that night be him who knows. . .

That willie he sent a variety of other criminals after me & my daughter Angelina Rachel to rape us & steal our belongings &

he sent one his people that Jose dejesus Flores born 01•14•197? to drug me on Crystal meth &one a tha tymes I sat on my bed like a statue smiling like a clown doll wit a pair a sun glasses on for hours... I staze stuck like that that exact similar face expression from when I was lil in ta 80s like tha metal playround marry go round I did that face as I went round & round on tha horseless carousel showing my teeth sum know that look it's like a demonic clowny style of wut I sumtymes look biological birth mommy lunatically Lunatical lunatic Lynn has pictures of me sum I'm doing that face like the one in nebraska sumwhere in a pic wit my great grandma McLain & more & in my memories like tha camera not alwaze there or the money or funds for this film to be developed now a daze I use my phone & save photos electronically on places like Facebook & myspace & & my device & computer & email & more for free duh!

a diff tyme he that Jose dejesus Flores drug me he brought like a hundred dishes & psychologically messed wit me & tell me to wash them like a zombie deflated blow up doll I did it wash tha dishes I was so drugged up I can't believe I was functioning it's like tha gods(kings) & godesses(queens) or sumone puppetted me to do wut tha trespasser say as he switches up in personality he was like willie in spirit like who's dishes are those & he say they mine now then he try to take them back as he left & returned like I don't got tyme for such reatardation then I tell him leave them or take them leave me's obvious Willie sent him that's how I met him duh!...& When Willie sends him he sumtymes reinacted him while I zone out in another world like I already gotta awaze from willie wuts this idiot doing...

Use lie DiTECTOR test duh!

Sum souls jus belong disintegrated already for THiER existing crimes...duh!

Years ago sum1 I went to part a high school wit that Jacque green she call my phone & say sit down for this I was like okay why wut happen she say sum1 I went to school with off & on since 4th grade that kevin blanciak he got ran over by a sober driver & he was drunk walking SUPPOSIVELY...

so I let her know I heard similar thing happen Insteada vehicles that my step daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah only she got hit by a child molester pedaphile criminals like her biological birth mommy Crystal Cardenas BORN IN 1985 SOMEWHERE SHE IN PRISON FIR MURDER & CHILD ENDANGERMENT SHE US A PEDAPHILE CRIMINAL ETC THAT SUFFERS PERVERSION & SHE BELONGS DISINTEGRSTD FOR HER EXISTING CRIMES & LIZ at hospital GOT announced dead while still alive duh!

Happy 19th birthdaze Elizabeth aaliyah 09•03•2091~january 17, 2011

I was at disneyland that daze January 17, 2011 wit one of my rivals Rachelle Yvonne Kavand & my biological birth daughter Angelina Rachel I tell her staze we celebrate my birthdaze which is actually January 15, 1986...& My unbirthdaze which is all tha other daze duh! Like I was going anywaze...

Sum say a funeral date Crystal Cardenas & 1 A CRYSTAL CARDENAS RAPIST & LIZ MOLESTORS & HER BIOLIGICAL BIRTH DADDY THAT Willie Holloway Jr lV born may 24, 1981 in brawley, ca USA AKA MANY NAMES AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA ETC. HE belongs Disintegrated for his existing crimes duh! & other ACCOMPLICES decided was to ruin my birthdaze like e those fake doctors say she got injured daze b4 tha 17 more around the 15...

& Crystal Cardenas say to me I need to staze outta Liz life that she can't stand my purity...

that she did that to her probly outta jealously or money or both...

Like willie say that hospital call him & say they disintegrating Liz remains I say duh either they need to bring her back or sum1 else do or that's wut is suppose to happen when there's no body available to do tha right thing...

Willie got emotional not over wut Liz is going through but himself as a molestors that's all he concerned about him sexually touching her again & etc.

Then he say we buying that body back!?

Stop hiding her let her get rescued already this is retarted he force me to do a car wash to make the funds to exchange for Liz !?

He is a sicko I call probation & other ACCOMPLICES & say you pay!

No funding should release a rape victim to any of THiER rapist!? Or to any criminal wit existing crimes they belong disintegrated for etc.

Crystal Cardenas is a pedaphile criminal not identical to willie but in that circle of retardation... She even pretend to be holy she claim She go to church I tell her good for u so do Willie & those seats aren't for them but wutev

Crystal Cardenas say she gods child!? Which God (king)!? Or gods(kings) & godesses (queens) like I'm one a THiER lil princesses B cus Jesus Christ the prince of peace is an only child...

Obviously Fake doctors & loose prisoners covering up the real stories like where's that real authorities...

Donald j Trump according to what I read you kinda new to the holy bible & that you claim to believe & that you for all the religions & they 100% true & the real laws are reminded there & more!?~

like purity over perversion & fact vs fiction & justice over justify & reality vs fantasy

Aesop fables stories are similar along with grimms brothers fairy tales & Walt Disney films & wizard of oz & gone with the wind & etc. huh?!

but there's also picture forms of these books of religions aside from in writing like you can imagine more on the same page as the author whether it's an original by the gods (kings) & godesses (queens) or a re•written edition...

in my picture bible by david cook it mentions that taxes are that story a soul ask Jesus Christ the prince of peace about it & if I remember correctly a Grown man name caesar his image was engraved on the golden or wutev kinda coin...

I imagine diff money like glitter & colorful & pink Barbie bills & golden & sterling silver & even bronze or colorful coins wit images & quotes & phrases like Walt Disney & the occ pirates of orange coast college In Costa Mesa, ca they printed color money looking bills wit pirates & ships & etc

WUTTA bout a coin wit red sparkly ruby glittery slippers that say there's no place like home & the bill form wit a colorful rainbow & black & white scene like sumwhere over the window...& More

I seen Trump coins I thought they might say staze trumpin

While mine of myself & my characters I dress up as & animate & art & quotes & etc. will be a variety too...


Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA)

Nike: just do it! &






& SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to... Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing...

DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin...

Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! her fashion!!

Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ...

Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain?

Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking...

& More...



Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}

Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194

Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only!

& I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~

(1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand

(2) Rachel Michelé

(3) PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé

(4) Michelé McLain

& Here's the winred links I made! I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working...

Rachel Michelé Michelé McLain PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé Angelina Holloway

My previous daze like yesterdaze todaze & tomorrow$...

I already put publickly my new temporary stepping stone: 400 Merrimac way #42 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626

Like there's sum lazy pics ofe in my room & bathroom & etc.

I need to get the rest my things outta my storage duh!

& I tell Ronnie Horton moving co. That because of THiER schandle...

I'm individually by myself alone solo moving my storage boxes down the street & you intensionally don't listen I tell you if you can at least get all that I CAnt carry for that price anywaze can you help with mattresses on Wednesday or earlier if I don't get no body else...let me know I thought you speak English that's my first language & the required communicative Language but wutev

Before that happend...

I replied to Ronnie Horton who offer to help me move I let him know in detail so I can Getta guestimate price & I let him know my budget he claim he the owner that it's notta problem so I say:


ANYWAZE THERE*S two king beds & a tread mill & about 30 plastic bins with a remix of glass & other things & about 100 trash bags filled with random items & a desk thing & a lil book shelf & two beach cruisers & a futon frame & a wooden VANS SKATEBOARD BOX & A PLASTIC TOY BOX & TWO VELVETTY CHAIRS & MORE...






I say focus on the things I can't get myself that are waze too heavy he say $85 an hour I say how bout $150 an hour it shouldn't take that long for the items I can get later but he say no it's okay that he will do everything then He admitted he wants extra money to do it all when I tell him I'm not going over $300 for wut I ask for all the items I can't get duh! He don't all!

Then I seen how he do things not listening I even helped wit tha lil things I say can wait...

I tell him: Confirmation~ Okay so Saturday September 5, 2020 around 12noon meet up @:

2075 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627

On Newport Blvd between victoria & bay...

& There's a big orange sign wit WHiTE LETTERS THAT SAY: Public Storage

Then load everything in moving vehicle & after I check out office wit lock & key & the worker sees that it's empty

Go to my place @: 400 Merrimac Way #42 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626

Let me know if anything changes...

He & another came on September 4th, 2020 fridaze which I tell him even better I really need my bed for my lower back injury sciatica duh that I was jus in the emergency room at hoag hospital in newport beach, ca. Usa daze ago!

He say $85 an hour 3 hour minimum $255 & he arrived round 12noon started like 12:15 he & the other mover took a couple 5-10 min smoke breaks yup I keep track they left at 3:45 I pay $250 in the end for THiER lil 3 hours subtracting THiER overall 30 min smoke breaks plus I helped the whole time wit the items that made everything take that long there's servailance of me & light weight trash bags going in & outta the truck while they take THiER time not doing wit they say because they sickos!!!!! They say go ahead put everything they so lazy they left over half my storage & my bed included on purpose they racist wanna be lazy perverted trash & they know it they belong why don't they listen to wut I say the one that saved up my money for moving insteada schitzophrenics because they want disintegration duh! On themselves they steal they need to leave my home town they claim to live in trying to take over wit lazys & perversion & wutever not mentioned...

Usa Donald john Trump PRESiDENTiALLy funds my rent & school& food & etc that's all I got access to!? Duh!

It's on servailance at my storage & my place & in text messages & in person & etc.

that Sum people don't listen for no reason!!!!!????

I speak & talk & text in detail...

then so oils like Ronnie Horton if that's his real name that say he owns his own moving co. He tell me at the beach I let him know col it jus so happens I'm moving & that my victim housing isn't proving movers like they suppose to so I saved up an average moving amount I been saved awaze for emergencies... That I'm homeless temporarily in the middle of moving bla bla bla...

He claim later he didn't know all that!? Once I remind him & I repeat myself my situation?!

There's a misunderstanding wit these movers they complain when that's THiER job!?

I do for free wutev i.can do or go on budget or wutev like who cares...

So I tell them again why they needed to get the big things then that I obviously can't carry & I am even paying them for!?

then R.h. say don't worry...!? I tell him bout wut!? I tell him 1 Peter 5:7 that's in the holy Bible in case he doesn't know that im biblically educated...

he ignore wut lots of wut I say...

then when I repeat he claims he didn't know & bla bla bla he thought I had more money & etc.

I already clearly say I don't got access to wut I'm entitled to which duh!

It's my home town wut if sum1 that retarted goes to theres!?

& He say that he gonna do it all as he & the other grown man he brought to help continue to do things thier waze as I even helped with what I mentioned wi be a delay the light weight trash bags of things of me & my daughter Angelina Rachel that is OBDucted for a fact...

that if anything for them to get all what I cant duh!

I don't need a translator we both speak that level of english & comprehend exactly...

They intensionally didn't get my bed knowing I gotta lower back injury sciatica!?

I already tell them I went to the emergency room that if they gonna act stupid here I go carrying wut I can light lil bags...

they wanna be racist trash uneducated slow schitzophrenics against victims...!?

I remind them wit out my disability I can almost do it ALONE...

that they two grown men wit no injuries I'ma aware of !?

ANOTHER SOUL DiD IT ALL SOLO the items they complaining bout lifting together!? BEFORE SUM SICKO I ALREADY REPORT TO 911 moved most my things free DUH!!!!!!!!...




What is wrong wit people!?


Churches are closed because of fake laws like covid a plague wit a title that it's a miracle a Catholic representative hell wit my move in fees...

THAT they can't & DONT WANT TO get everything FOR THST PRICE $250 I EVEN SAY $300 IS GE HIGHEST I CAN GO!?

after I Iet them know in a text that's all I got I'm not in school right now BECauSE OF COVID & MOVING & ETC.

& there's retards like them stealing resources like I was born in Costa Mesa, ca. AS T 694 W WILSON ST

This trespasser claims he live down the street

SO like why would I call the Anaheim, ca movers TGST CHARGE SIMILSR PRICES after he agree to work wit my budget...

Like Donald John Trump pays my rent & school & etc.

These kinds people are probly not allowed to be alive...

like my daughter's obductors & others that suffer schitzophrenia & perversion & more...

Then they say $150 next time for the rest of my storage!? Who is paying!?

Wuts wrong wit these SCHITZOPHRENICAL lazys!?



They even say things are too heavy!? Wierd strange wtf!?

I don't understand!?...

This moving co. Is illegal! Ronnie Horton if that's his real name #909•532•3354 I know like Dr Seuss Horton hears a who anywaze~This moving co is schandolous they belong the two grown men belong disintegrated duh for THiER existing crimes I helped move my own things with these perverts that make fun of my lower back injury I got sciatica they complained everything is too heavy when I'ma female wit a physical disability! they two grown males one of them That claims he owns this moving co him & another Intensionally left my bed in my storage I say I really need for my back to ignore the things I can do myself & he lie & say he going to make two trips when everything fits in one?! then he request my storage keys to go wit out me! Cops don't do anything bout anyone I report duh! This is illegal they schitzophrenics The usa police & retards like them help kidnap my daughter Angelina rachel in real life there's lie ditectors duh! There's still things in my storage & I gave them the amount that Ronnie Horton he say it will cover everything $250 I tell them to at least move all that I can't carry & they didn't do that obviously now I pay that amount still & I got no money & a shopping cart to individually move wut I can put into the cart alone ...I need someone to go with what I can't carry based on my budget..duh!...etc. Victimizing peasants are stealing land properties business & more! Go ahead lie DiTECTOR test like ?????

Similar to a miracle Then I Google & call #s letting them know my situation & iron man movers recommend THiER worker saul...& he offer to pick me up or meet there he got on time he tell me his prices I tell him my budget we agreed on $70 that included the gas & move & everything for the moving of two king mattresses & the king box springs he say maybe he can get the two heaviest boxes wit that price but the he came in a pick up truck & he tell me for $300 after seeing the heavy items he coulda done the all for that price...

but I'm broke now like literally & I will get the rest on the cart...unless sumone helps wit those super heavy items or I imagined a waze to do it to empty items into cart & do it that waze & etc.

the only things left are things I can put on the cart I jus have to unpack the heaviest boxes tho

& a gain no more money did I budget for the move like that daze wit Horton I tell him how bout $370 to move wut I was saying before he say no how bout $400 wutta sicko I even helped like he doesnt listen because of schitzophrenia obviously I don't know...i offer him that $120 after the $250 b cus wutta bout my bed & at that point where can I afford movers now I mean occasionally I come across the ones that do it free or my budget but that's notta guarantee duh!

& heres sum video updates of 2020 regaurding & during tha above post~

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