Aside from her being a peasant criminal & my supposive biological birth aunt Rose Yvette McLain born October 3, 197? She say sumwhere in Kansas &
sum might describe her as a London lunatical kinda character as she do diff faces in personality like other than her outta no where possessions of abducting attacking drugging & lying & reinacting diff criminals that aren't herself as it is her ...
here's all the good things I know bout her tho math & cards & toss the pigs she gave me that game you roll pigs instead dice & movies &ore super energetic like ephederine & ephedra as I usually am too we both suffer physical disability sciatica & biblically that is a plague plagued bye peasants for a fact that's the cause of it & it's outta no where ... There's diff levels of it my body locks & spasms & sumtymes Squeezes my insides like my bones are going to crush & can prevent walking & moving like a paralyzing attack & more ... It weakens & when the attacks are severe smells like death of sum kind like my body deterriating from the sciatically sciatical attacking... It happens to my cat eLectRik gismo that 3Rd... I know that ephedra & ephederine that medicine helps & peasants criminals steal & prevent sum victims from real medicine & real doctors...& More of thier own ResouRces they entitled to which includes higher education like BibLicaL doctor genious Education like metal bones & clognes & natural remedies & real medicine & more duh!
below that link click on it 2 se the message & hear it~
Anneliese Michel And The Shocking Images From The Exorcism Of The Real Emily Rose
By Gabe Paoletti | Checked By John Kuroski Published August 12, 2021 Updated August 20, 2021
The woman who inspired the horror film Though many may not know it, the horrifying events of the 2005 film The Exorcism of Emily Rose were not entirely fictional but rather were based on the actual experiences of a German girl named Anneliese Michel.
jus like myself!~She suffered sciatica! sciatical attackings bye peasant criminals in cults of all kinds! in all religions excorscisms are illegal! they are a for of sciatical attackings duh! done intensionally bye sum peasant criminals that belong disintegrated immediately!
there*s lie ditector test to help confirm& verify those that are guilty or innocent...
beLow aRe suM iMages of a caRtoonized dRawing of heR & MoRe i did 4*$ Not entiReLy done but wutew...