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Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

BARBiE DOLL SPOT Light: Life as pLastic it*s fantastic!...~

Updated: May 1, 2024

ima barbie girl in a doll world life as plastic its fantastic i can brush my hair & dress up everywhere imagination life is your creation~barbie doll

below is a barbie doll & ken doll kinda song~



& beLow i made these videos~they all diff but waze siMiLaR!...

Around 2004 & b4 I got a Barbie card board looking credit card I kept as Reminder of my unlimited princess funds & I continue to try to get my resources & etc.

& Im That late 90s my Barbie doll came to life! She stood in that spot light that lighting that hit her as she sing that song: as I lay the down to sleep...or as I lay me down to on link below to hear it...

It was on that radio & it look like she really perform it live!!!!!!

heRe$ $uM video$ in tha Links beLow i Made that go wit that MeMoRy Maze i put theM 2getheR kinda $iMiLaR RegauRding tho$e daze since i dont got RecoRding oR any footage of that actuaL tyMe so heRe is a LiL of wut it is LiKe watch aLL a theM! click on individuaLLy~

& heres anotheR ReLated Link next~


also in 1 a my dreams that hugh m hefner from playboy aka hugh bunny made an appearance wit sum play bunnys aka playmates it was an ireland kinda setting & a castle & jus real irish...i was in tha greeen grass like an animal in my own dreaming & hugh bunny say come on u qualified cotton tail...i went to go wit him & i woke up...i never made it to his location that must eb sum kinda future memory & eitherwaze barbie say hold on to your dreams be wut u wanna be & bla bla bla & hugh bunny say lifes too short to live sum1 elses dream as i collab wit him & barbie co. & walt disney say never stop dreaming & i say $parkle$ pRAyeR$ victiMs dreaming rescue them from victimizers nightmares 24/7 like dreams come true if they suppose to duh! & i seen a cartoonized donald john trump that say staze trumpin so i add to it & put keep steppin while dreamin djt dj trumpet many names etc. & lisa frank she reminds that animals are entitled to thier resources also along wit me & natalie & heather animal writes rites rights label & tha daze of tha paw & tha hoof horn fawns & hoof horn mermaids & tha ganji fairies & tha other creatures & animals say things worth knowing & etc.


this Link~


i wanna be a Barbie doll also like literally of myself i need a biblical doctor genious to do it

Like until then at least fashion art etc.

But wutev

i been di$fuguRed thRu being dRugged & plagued wit physical di$abiLity if $ciatica So My face i*M awaRe is Like a BaRbie doLL head that got pushed in on 1 side & push out on tha otheR duh & my body deflated like a blow up doLL Double d fLats Wit giant ciRcLes sum call nip p Le area i call jaw bReakeR candies b cus they come in all sizes like Mine R like 3 inches if u draw a line across theM any diRection diRectLy from 1 side to anotheR duh & wutev eLse I find waze to suMtyMes PUT my body back in place best i can thRu belly dance & diff fitness & omega vitaMins a~z & swimming & hooLa hopping & waLking & MoRe My face I need a suRgeon like a biblical doctor genious or Persian herbs that high that actuaLLy do xist Whichever happens 1st or both or wutev & tissue RepaiR & wutev else not Mentioned Thise that dis this to me even Wit illegal level of hypnosis force me to do wutev They think it makes them LOOK innocent & me guilty Sum Lie & say Im dead or I don’t really xist jus b cus they Rape me that long ago & they claim I don’t get my identity entirely or my body or face back that they continue to victimize me for To where fake doctors want to transgender them or disintegrate them or do wutev to them Real doctors will disintegrate them immediately 4 thier existing intensional crimes There’s accurate lie Ditector test & real authoRities xist duh & PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye &

ALso CLeopatRa ink is wheRe i Look into dahLia pieRcings & diMpLe pieRces i Need to get those while waiting & seeking suRgeRy i need Those jeweLeRies pieRce the face a LiL MoRe in pLace Obviously for me not entiReLy jus the cheeks kinda So Maybe xMas & My biRthdaze or b4 hopefully My suRgicaL pRoceeduRes happen aLReady... & that pieRcings pLace & Location is @1834 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 #(949) 507-4053 EMaiL: Website~ ...


To whom this may concern: This is an emergency on going situations they keep happening & they are being ignored & instead there are accomplices of these crimes that obviously not prevented...


A Disneyland employee that goes by the name of Dionne Sanders her that grown man she calls her boyfriend Danny jackson if that's his real name he is also a rape gang member

of my daughter bioLogical birth daddy Willie Holloway Jr the lV born in Brawley, California u.s. USA area on May 24, 1981 he a rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all ages & genders & his rape gang

they both in

theres variety of rape gang members of all ages & ethnicitys in thier rape gang they do a variety of crimes like fraud perversion steal etc.

Also that peasant Danny I mentioned already he is also my niece Nikki Sherí Jackson born in Newport Beach, California in August of 2004 I think or 2005 He is her biological birth daddy...

Anyways in November 2018 Dionne sat in a vehicle watching what was planned to be an abduction of my daughter Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth name born February 09, 2006 in fountain Valley, California u.s. USA area biblically speaking in the land a dreams...

What look like Presidential law enforcement representatives that arrived turns out just more criminals who refuse to do the job descriptions like they stole possitions there

they advise everyone to forget & ignore that situation to just go our separate ways!?

that's illegal... & that Disneyland Dionne Sanders who actually looks like an individual mention on my birth certificate as Elaine Janet Barnes someone who help deliver me in a house at 694 w Wilson st Costa Mesa, California u.s. USA area on January 15, 1986...

Also that Dionne Sanders if that's her real name she let me & my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc into Disneyland & California adventures in anaheim, California Orange county area biblically speaking Disneyland in the Land a dreams...since around 2007 or 2008...til like 2018...

She claim she not in the rape gang that only Danny jackson is!?

I tell her before that me & my daughter already escape that rape gang off & on our whole lives that they everywhere law enforcement & housing authority & social services & social security & the white house & more

For her to help rescue us we need our resources that she need to tell Disney company that Walt Disney is above the presidential possitions he got his own authorities & security & etc.

She refused she say she will oy continue letting us in to Disneyland for free...!?

It's illegali what's going on plus she say she brought that gang member to an actual disneyland event & present him as ger boyfriend when he is a rapist abductor drug addict on psyvh meds & street drugs & fraud & other crimes like the is in that rape gang she clais she not in it too!?

I tell her if she innocent then why doesn't she play princess tiyana from Disney's frog princess!? She acts like she hide & steal that job at Disneyland!?

She say I do t know anything

but I do know sum things & lie ditector test are that accurate duh!

Eitherwaze my daughter & my niece actually need to get rescued immediately & go on & find out if Dionne Sanders even qualifies to work for Disney company like she say she been working for all thistyme is she really allowed??

What's going on in reality other than this war between peasants vs princess & princesses...

Like be one more victim & one less VICTIMIZERS 24/7...





My biological birth daughter~Her birth name is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc.

She is abDUCTED! Off & on her whole life like my abductions happen off & on my whole life too duh!

One a her abductors is: Her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in brawley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc.

He a Rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all genders & ages he has a criminal & belongs disintegrated for his existing crimes he sends other peasants aside from himself sometimes after whoever...Like get biblically educated all tha religions in picture & written form are 100% true duh!

Like that real laws & more are reminded there Like PURiTy over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc. Like princesses and princes fairwell peasants...

Also according to world wide laws Property's & everyone need access to real authories that enforce real laws with lie ditecTOR test ...

Anything lower than presidential authorities doesn't qualify to exist like there's always higher duh!

It's iLLegaL what's going on...

Another law not being enforced is that: gas stations need to shut down or turn electrical only as an option b cus all cars/vehicles & planes & boats & etc. are suppose to be electrical & no gas duh!!!!!

Law enfoRcement looks so retarted it's obvious they fake authority!!!!!!!

That's also why they don't got all thier ResouRces or upgraded weapon$ like Lazer disintegrated & more!!!! Duh!

These peasants stealing jobs & presidential possitions like as law enforcement at:

The Costa Mesa Police Department~

99 Fair Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626


They accomplice & do crimes instead a help prevent crimes & help end situations they aware of Like they even got lie ditecTOR test & they still don't do Thier job description like that show Dexter with that officer Dexter he is the only one that do his job duh!!!!!!!!

I been abducted off & on my whole existence duh!

Presidential Law enforcement & higher is supposed to be like that show Dexter where he does the full job description & more duh!

Also To whom this may concern:

OC john casa Blancas modeling and acting agency at harbor Blvd & segerstrom location lied bout helping my daughter wit a career of her dreams they claim she will get into Disney co. & MORE that they just another branch because Walt Disney representatives are too busy & etc.

We got assisted by an individual that goes by the name of Roger Rose & Silviano...they both got an act that's convincing but based on reality they probly don't qualify...

My daughter ended up abducted again by a rape gang that I .mention more details about...

In this post I posted a video of anotheR BibLicaL Representative individuaL taLking bibLicaLLy on stoRies fRoM the hoLy bibLe & pictuRe bibLe & those are jus suM books of the link below it will show~

Aside from that on other update Realities & more~

ReaLity updates~

My daughter is abducted off & on her whole life so have I bye a rape gang of all ages & ethnicities & genders...her birth name is: Angelina Rachel Holloway born 02•09•2006 @fountain valley Regional hospital in fountain valley, California in orange county area many names u.s. USA etc. Biblically speaking in the land of a her abductors is a rapist I escape rapes in 2011 he is also he biological birth daddy one a her mestors he in the rape gang his birth name is Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in Brawley, California imperial county area many names etc.

She needs to get rescued immediately!!!! This is illegal there's like ditector test!

My birth name is Rachel Michelé McLain born january 15, 1986 at 694 W Wilson St Costa Mesa, California in orange county area many names like Harper & Persia, kaLifornia & more like u.s. USA biblically speaking in the Land a dreams etc.

Aside from that~

I'm a fashion design major & a returning student at occ...I taken other subjects too & I'm also seeking advanced education to be a biblical doctor genious which includes best medical for animals & humans like metal skeletons & clognes & more for those who qualify & etc.

I haven't found a location yet for me to get that education...

I look into sum but summa those places are not available at this time & I need all the details to ensure no human or animal testing like a psych meds free & more that provides top knowlege for the advanced medical field!...

Until then I'm furthering what I got access to at occ which includes fashion art etc. Sports dance & more!

On diff ReaLity updates~

To whom this may concern:

I volunteer before for events like for: 420 W 19th St Costa Mesa, California at what some call First United Methodist Church a place of biblical education usually referencing the holy bible & more books of knowledge...etc.

I call that place:

MagicaL Messages

& Rainbow Reminder

b cus of that

jctPOP: Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace

stain glass window that is there it really lights up in the sun really pretty like a magical go see for yourself if you haven't already...

& They sent me an email for volunteers & i look at the list for possitions needed & I don't yet know the technology!? So I don't know bout that really...

Also an idea for every church

of all religions

like after services

is to do biblical gatherings of diff craft tables of fashion art etc.

For souls to make MagicaL Messages which is biblical crafts of all kinds like prayer pillows & purity paks & more...

A non•profit biblically put together materials provided & sum donations accepted...

That is what should happen after every service at any church of all religions...

I call it a form if free style prayer these biblical gatherings & a variety a crafts offered & done there

& I done it wit others before also...

you can see on my webpage read my blogs...there's pictures of a time that include free style prayers of fashion art etc. & Cupcakes & pink lemonade & lolli pops...& Everyone that attend get requested in thier invite to dress up as a biblical character or of any characterized look or however u desire or wutev u got access to like u can make sumthing & wear it too at that event thing...

Also if it's done at this church at 420 w 19th St Costa Mesa, California many names like Harper & once upon a time & Persian, kaifornia & etc.

*biblically speaking in the LAND A DREAMS

it easily can be set up in parking lot area wit bread & Omega 3 pills & 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate for all ages or red wine for 21 & over...


& tha cupcakes actually are bread & got Omega 3 in them already from eggs ...etc.

Anywaze...there's pictures & stories I post on my Facebook & webpage & Google & more!

& Below is a link you can watch on internet~

In this video film recording etc. Above & fashion & etc. like it*s obvious~

I collab this fash of myself wit jctPOP: Jesus Christ the PRiNCE OF PEACE BibLicaL BLOOD TEARS & RAiNBow ReMindeR cRies wit a cLowny sMiLe Like LaughteR no cRying SHh! & TRaditionaL styLe XMas eye bRows forest green wit gold & a garnet red wit gold also...& On my fore head a topaz shade cross a symbol of jctPOP birthdaze birth inspired bye hem & whoever else like Joseph & that coat a Many colors also & bunny's & paws & etc.


In the video I included that I made it's of me in this post & summa my artwork & I tell bout this look I did wit snazaroo & smoked mirrors & love junkie & Maybeline & remi rose & Kylie cosmetically & elite & sum other make up like paints

& I explain in l detail that JCTPOP: Jesus Christ the prince of peace inspired how I came up wit it

so there's a lil story I say

& more

I imagine that short film of me talking in this post to be better also duh!

maybe next time

like wutev

at least I got it out there huh


Fashion art etc.

Like bla bla bla

To whom this may concern:

There's lie ditector test to help confirm whatever it is...

Reality updates & etc.~

Also: My daughter Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth name born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, California u.s. USA area biblically speaking in tha land a dreams duh! @ that fountain valley regional hospital in fountain valley, what sum call orange county near DisneyLand location...

she is abucted & her abductions been happening off & on since she was Baby bye a variety of loose prisoners so have her abductors happens to be her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr. The lV born May 24, 1981 in Brawley, California in imperial county U S. USA area... My daughter She needs to get rescued immediately & her abductors rapist molestors etc. Need disintegration so do a!!!!

On diff ReaLities~

like these short films: Like Here's sum videos below that I made of myself go on watch a them all they go together like a story duh!~

More reality updates to those not out there who claim that's all u can do I don't know if it's true or not but I made another video of myself to reach out to actual authorities like sum1 who is allowed to do sumthing bout these illegal on going situations~

& Each link below is also true stories of reality short films of myself taLking bout it & etc.~

On diff ReaLities & MeMoRy Mazing~


Rachel Michele McLain that's my birth name aka KRi stahyena ballerina ka vand Loka princessa Fantasia s princess a many names etc

am individual bibilcal representative that represents tha land a dreams biblically speaking

Its A place sum call that world & other Nick names & temporary titles duh!

MoRe Link$~







on otheR MeMoRy Mazing~

i pRaze in diff waze 2 diff gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & i freestyle prayer & remix & mix fashion art etc.

when i do pRay w/Rug tyMe i let king god know during this convo im not talking to hem im obviously talking 2 king allah another god duh! & sumtymes my cat electrik gismo tha 3rd would run over & go on tha rug too & join in tha praying & that convo also! ...king allah that god didnt mind he love how we praze that waze & other kinds too which includes all the gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & thuer lil princesses & lil princes & DREAMS...Like fashion art etc.

below is links of me free styling prayer rug prazing~

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