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Di$Ney iN$piRe fab$ & thRead$ kinda fa$hioN...ReMix a Mix a thi$ & that...dopeta$ticaL pRince$$...

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Nov 18, 2021

i love disney characters & that walter is a biblical doctor genious & i love caselotti that adriana is like tha real snow white anywaze her & walt are summa my favorite human characters disney company representatives! tho they like clowns & they reall mime that princes & princesses fairwell peasants they say it in thier appearances!!!!!!!

so i did use my snow white & tha 7 dwarfs sheet i got since tha 90s i dont know where that comforter blanket part a tha set is or tha rest or i mighta made a ball gown too anywaze i use sheets & towls & ballerina materials & beads & rugs i got sum @ that 99 cent store & more & i use sum goodwill donated to my school in L.B. fash class like wut happen 2 her?! maybe she got abducted like my daughter i really dont know?! theres lie ditector test wutev else like here*s wut i put together simple like wutev...i did a baby dwarf onsie like thats my real family i love dopey dwarf & tha diamonds & i include that snow white & tha animals sheet as skirt thing i also stitch 7 diamonds on there for tha dwarfs & on front a onsie & other details on this...

& 1 a caselotti quotes as snow white is:


SO GOES Wit these adoRbs LOOks...

below are sum tunes that go along wit these designs kinda...

Love these MagicaL spaRkLe$ adoRb$ $oLe$...i got theM @ wicked chamber wit summa my unlimmitted princess funds i only got a percent from fake presidential representatives @ my school/college that orange coast college in costa mesa, california aka the island of dreaming in the land a dreams go pirates!...

adding diff designs bye me later & other fashion & more when i got access to like high bye...

this next look is veRy tRibaL & peRsian & tha top eitheRwaze is aniMal & bibLicaL RemIndeR 2 get a higheR education 2 b a bibLical dR genious which is knowLege of & actuaLLy deaLs wit Metal skeletons & cLognes & natuRaL ReMedies & ReaL Medicine & nessasaRy proceeduRes & suRgeries & inventions & ResouRces & mOrE tha paw pRint is a syMboL of many things like its biblically inspired & its a Rainbow ReMinder & magical messages like fashion art etc.

this look sum waze warn is like sleeping beauty disney character b cus of the blueish & pinkish skirt i made outta Rugs...obviously the scene when the fairies in that animated film argue bout blue or pink 4 princess aurora aka bryer Rose many names etc. & the heart top thing is made of a rag towel thing & tha paw print i cut outta a cheetah leopard like print velvetty ruggish fabric & more like i use transparent threads as a ribbon to tie in a bow to hold up that heart!

beLow is inspiRed again bye adRian caseLotti as snow white in the disney animated fiLm & more!

i made that bonnet hat thing & i remix a mix of fabs & threads also to make those sleeves & patches & more super easy i know its kinda peasant looking but it includes bird & diamond patterns & floral & snow white signature colors that royal bLue & goLdish yeLLow on her pRincess dRess she weaRs sumtyMes...this 1 reminds me of the enchanted foRest a LiL tho...

& in this image below i mde that garnet puff sleeve outta my velvetty feece banket & i put together that tie & go corset stye waist thing & theres that bonnet again i made entirey that simpy so pretty...

i made that beige waist wear seen b4 diff waze 2 wear it...

next u wiLL see suM gypsy & genie boMb baby pRincess styLe fashion 2 Me it Mite seeM moRe magicaL i dont know i use wut i got access 2 is i create these simple on tha go looks for free style prayer beLLy dancing & MoRe...



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