
These chaRacteRs fRom loRd a the Rings R aLso siMiLaR to Me & my supposive biological birth daddy Mo ha ka zeM ka vand many names etc He is similar to tha evil wizard aka evil LoRd That Saruman who believes he is like invinsibLe (invincible) as in the film he does fall & every1 leaves him alone to eventually die off naturally that waze As I’m more like the gandoLf good wizard who at least got the intensions to end him if he belongs disintegrated duh or wutev like this got nothing to do do wit tha hobbits or any of tha other characters rite now Like even as Mo ha ka zeM supposive biological birth daughter these r summa our Mr actual characters like he make believe no body gonna end him other than the heavens & earth combine… Til then… but notice gandoLf jus gets force to go along wit hem thRu out the films Like there they r again It’s the same as when ME & Mo cross paths almost duh Mo let me know he evil I’m not like he aware of reality too but these peasants that pay him don’t wanna know real life ?! Like duh they belong disintegrated duh Don’t help prevent that from happening or you*ll see u not so high in peasants after all jus a lil higher than summa them duh Anywaze he aLwaze try to do higher peasant characters round me like he wit tha highest I question then why not Rumplestiltskin I remember as a baby he schitzophrenic Al reach out to higher peasants to reinact or pretend to be or wutev I’m guessing he don’t know the script Others done it They get gold thRu princess account unlimmitted or wutev & claim that’s who they got it from Fake authorities do nothing But real ones do duh It’s that easy duh super simple He declined that character As he went for Walt Disney identity tho b4?! I do remember that tyMe too Like I think rumplestiltskin at least got gold to make real money & legal land scaping & more duh Stupid Walt Disney he is smart but even he never access the approved materials for his company Like gold diamonds fine glass & wutev else to properly build & legally land scape wit 100% tea herb plants & wutev else his company advertise to be & more duh! & I already encourage him to be his own identity Mo ha ka zeM ka vand many names etc. or who he suppose to be peasant prince like unjoin peasant circle & go bout his own identity wutev is left of it & he goes mental almost every tyMe he literally drops me off in the middle a no where & claims he’s dangerous to staze awaze his true identity happens to be insane for me to go in the streets that it’s possible a prince or princess will give me my resources if I do t get them on my own eventually duh He is similar to the blue genie on Disney cartoon Aladdin Only he not an electronical human like that man hiding behind genie identity Every1 know that’s notta real genie duh He jus a human man in disguise as a genie Mo does it wit out technology wit that genie do He even gotta Persian tea lamp thing He let me barrow it b4 real genies made appearances in reality real life PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye
& This next link in the Walt Disney film piRRates a caRRibean stRangeR tides veRsion of it that scene when tha daughter & pirate man her supposive biological birth daddy drink the chalice piMp glass holy cups wit the more clean water than the ocean sea like notice every1 drinks wine like there’s no purified water anywhere anywaze even tho it show him disintegrate that can be a believable illusion b cus when I was a baby my biological birth daddy collect money from peasants that say they wanna rape the baby me & after he got the money first he getta hold of thier mind & make it that believeable it already happen but his retarted supposive son ciamak would tell them he was there suMtyMes that they didn’t get to the baby summa these mentals went crazy they even use fake authorities lie Ditector test or jus believe ciamak who happens to be a rapist at that tyMe of humans & animals of all kinds but wutev summa the people that pay see live illusions that real like in the film so it’s possible he gotta awaze & him & the daughter jus drank cleaner water as in sum biblical educational that’s the story like that’s thier water now sun really that stupid to believe things that aren’t true but wutev click link to see wut I’m talking bout how real sun make things loook even if I’m this tale that’s wut actually happen there’s all kinds a people that do this as a loose prisoner or sum victims do it as a magic trick like now u see me now u don’t like wut did u see that happen duh~
& Click link below to see free style prayer bye me bout heM & other realities click to see~ https://youtu.be/TKJcZBfL2zA?si=t_i6CXYmP3SWDsKa
& That Saruman Does all kinds a things to show he a higher breed or sumthing to do wit he do or wutev it is It’s like we staze rivaling yet have peaceful in person at the same tyMe who knows wut goes on like he acts like any moment he gonna snap outta this chaRacteR of peace Like he makes money thRu chaos that waze from tha intensional sinners As he tells people like me actual victims to go on in the stReets play Gypsies princess while he steals resources thRu summa tha most lowest disgusting peasants Tha illegal land scapers they the lowest duh look around they rip the grounds of vitamins & build illegally as they try to take over when that’s wut he claims the money is overall for vitamins to live longer tea herb plant he got access too as he do got a higher education of Persian herbs I can’t find online even they restore u immediately the highest of peasants the anaeconduh s they usually got them along wit sun princes & princesses grown round LEGAL LAMD SCAPing of gold glass diamonds etc & altho there’s other tea herb plant blends to live long like possibly tiL the heavens & earth combine NOT Wit illegal land scapers not round these parts really there’s vitamin shops & sun sold or given bye mail or in person but notice it’s not made or grown round here not anything that pure so the illegal land scapers belong disintegrated immediately & Mo claims the illegal land scapers & other criminals that pay him for thier xisting & future or even attemptive desires of crime they really drug him on crystal meth & rape him to multiply thru perversion & sum rape his butt including his supposive son ciamak kavand he is an illegal land scaper that rapes his butt & sends others after me & him & every1 as he drugs abducts rapes in between illegal land scaping & that ciamak claim wutev vitamins I access he gonna make sure don’t cost that he gonna find out where it’s grown & made & put illegal land scaping like I been drugged raped abducted bye his retarted rape gang members then ciamak wonder how I keep going so I tell hem bout 12 biblical steps to recovery & his illegal land scapers play fake authorities & they have taken outta stores sum high tea plant herb blends that I tell hem bout for him to leave my life alone now I’m on a diff blend of tea herb plant to keep going But wutev He’s that retarted duh He belongs disintegrated immediately for his xisting intensional crimes This Link next goes wit tha stoRy foLLowed...in this scene fRoM this fiLM THE HOBBiT as its paRt of the LORD OF THE Rings stoRies That goblin king oR pRince oR wutev character reminds me of my supposive biological daddy mo ha ka zem when he escapes getta awaze from lowest in peasant criminals sinneRs victiMizeRs of any kind & they leave hem alone he more of a leader of anything...
Anywaze he Looks Like that cReatuRe characteR giant baLL sack lOoking thing b cus of that song baLLs b gone & then towaRds the end of the scene Link LateR u wiLL aLso see that i kinda Look Like the LiL baLL sack thing on the swing with a note book Looks kinda Like Me if i got incLuded in anotheR situation wheRe i resuLt 2 hiM 4 vitamIns it happen b4 i even pLay gypsie pRincess in the stReets off & on thRu out My Life Like he RecoMMended that i Mite get My ResouRces out theRe suM wherE since aLL the pResidential & higheR possitions R being stoLen he cLaiM Maybe a PRince oR pRinces wiLL Rescue Me...as i ReMain #1 wit tha victiMs as an individuaL...& the otheR baLL sack Looking things R his feMaLes his Many fake wives...LoL tho haha altho in real life he wit that peasants Maybe stiLL he joined oR he unjoin & that gobLin baby character on tha swing thing at that end if this scene reminds me of my reality b cus @ Lions Park in Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 Tha roller coaster swing i go on suMtyMes duh!~
THiS iMAGE beLow REMind$ Me of My supposive bioLogical biRth daddy that Mo ha MMed/Mo ha MMad ka zeM ka vand Many NaMes etc. b cus 1 a his Many chaRacters he pLaze genie...

NOT Like a ReaL 1 but Like a CRiMinaL he @ that tyMe cLaiM he gets pay Like thats anotheR stORy that Makes no cents oR scents oR sense Like since we on the subject of this suRgicaL pRoceeduRe 4 Males is to ReMove the BaLLs & 4 feMaLes tubaL ReMovaL & aBLation 2 tha MentsTRaL PRoceeduRe...
i know that genie character looks like my supposive biological daddy that mo ha ka zem ka vand many names like mohammed/mohammad & kazem is his genie name...he claims he from over seas that he teLL Me he born there in tha middle east suMwhERe like iran/persia on october 22, 1956...he an evil genie playing troll a scatter of personalities like in denial bout like when his soul was made a persian prince now he not one...
ANyWAZE when i was a LiL giRl he PLay this AC/DC SONG on the Radio that say big baLLs its acLassicaL Rock & he Laugh Like he MentaL & he say thats how i got heRe thRu peRveRsion b cus he got no access 2 ReaL doctor or wuts needed 2 do it hiMseLf so i laugh Like My ReMains Made of peRveRsion as My souL ReaLLy that hoLy tho Made @rainbow faLLs & i staze a victiM RegauRdLes of wut the situation Looks Like...he staze Laughing & taLk on when he was Made that Much higheR a peRsian pRince b4 he joined that peasant ciRcLe of RetaRdation Like i staze a peRsian pRinces jus wit out aLL My REsouRces cLick Link beLow 2 see thAt song he pLayed bout baLLs that need 2 NOT B THERE its iLLegaL & so is any LeveL of peRversion duh Like theres Rapist & other sinners that xist that beLong disintegRated 4 thieR xisting cRimes duh anywaze that song Link baLLs b gone~
This Link next goes wit tha stoRy foLLowed...in this scene fRoM this fiLM THE HOBBiT as its paRt of the LORD OF THE Rings stoRies That goblin king oR pRince oR wutev character reminds me of my supposive biological daddy mo ha ka zem when he escapes getta awaze from lowest in peasant criminals sinneRs victiMizeRs of any kind & they leave hem alone he more of a leader of anything...Anywaze he Looks Like that cReatuRe characteR giant baLL sack lOoking thing b cus of that song baLLs b gone & then towaRds the end of the scene Link LateR u wiLL aLso see that i kinda Look Like the LiL baLL sack thing on the swing with a note book Looks kinda Like Me if i got incLuded in anotheR situation wheRe i resuLt 2 hiM 4 vitamIns it happen b4 i even pLay gypsie pRincess in the stReets off & on thRu out My Life Like he RecoMMended that i Mite get My ResouRces out theRe suM wherE since aLL the pResidential & higheR possitions R being stoLen he cLaiM Maybe a PRince oR pRinces wiLL Rescue Me...as i ReMain #1 wit tha victiMs as an individuaL...& the otheR baLL sack Looking things R his feMaLes his Many fake wives...LoL tho haha
altho in real life he wit that peasants Maybe stiLL he joined oR he unjoin & that gobLin baby character on tha swing thing at that end if this scene reminds me of my reality b cus @ Lions Park in Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 Tha roller coaster swing i go on suMtyMes duh!~
this next Link i do a fRee styLe pRayeR video of MyseLf 2 that other song he pLay when i was a LiL giRL he pLay it Like 80s & 90s & 2000s this cLassic Rock vaRiety aLL kinds Like pink fLoyd & Led zepplin & MetaLica & iRon Maiden & MoRE & suMtyMes he pLay peRsian tunes in faRsi but this 1 is bye cat stevens caLLed wiLd woRLd cLick 2 see as i*M dRess up as a cReatuRe baLLeRina bunny cLown thing Like we both know ouR ReaL faMiLy 4 a fact is CREATURES & aniMaLs & it*s the huMans i don*t aLwaze know bout suMtyMes neitheR do he but he teLL Me he beLieves iMa pRincess & in the video a Me i incLude a LiL giRL pic a me fRoM Like 80s & 90s he had it & suM how i end up wit it LateR & in that iMage is a daze Mo push Me on the swing @ a paRk so high that king god appeaR in the sky & show his hands 2 sin or not 2 sin the king god of cRown testers & cReatuRes appeaR MoRe visiby Laughing Making fun of Mo they say its kazeM the genie pLaying huMan thats cLaiMs 2 b Much higheR as i MeMoRy Maze 2 a tyMe a t the MetaL pLaygRound a PLace i went aLone & cReatuRes appeaR Like ibiLis & LucifeR & ganji faiRies & fauwns & MeRMaids & chaRactERs Like jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace R theRe but as they fade awaze suMtyMes a ganji faiRy staze that visibLy & she say they got the highest of eveRything 1 ReaLM over & she naked b cus she smoke heR cLothes in that tea heRb pLant pipe that she usuaLLy weaR things Like fLoweRs not fabRics & thReads & it*s Like she got me high b4 Like it*s possibLe on wut she sMoking on & she know so Much bout seeds & gRowing & bout natuRe she jus b knowing & as a LiL giRL i hadda pLastic Mini tiny doLL size sMaLLeR than baRbie cupcake thing so i iMagine 2 bake cupcakes 4 that ganji faiRy but the pLastic wiLL MeLt the ganji faiRy staze Laughing cLaiMing she got betteR eveRything that Maybe in a futuRe MeMoRy suMthing Like that wiLL happen Like she got the puRest puRe ingRedients NOT ME not in this waR not Round these paRts... jus Like she Laugh @ My teaLess tea paRty of jus watER & sugaR cubes in the 90s Like she LiteRaLLy pRovide the tea heRb pLants again theRe was no tea in My ReaLity ReaLM @ that tyMe & Location Not @ that pLace & LucifeR was theRe & otheR chaRacters Like theres MoRe detaiLs 2 those MeMoRies duh & i show chuck e cheese doLL & Mickey Mouse b cus Mo took Me 2 chuck e cheese & he bought that doLL there 4 Me as souvenioR & i been 2 disneyLand & otheR theMe parks wit out hiM & cReatuRes ReMind Me of a daze when Loose PrisoneRs go on Rockets in the sky as they disintegRate on the waze up the spARkLy gLitteRy fiRe woRks Light up the night wit Me on a fLying Magical caRpet & Mo in a LaMp 4 PLaying genie as his pRison oR MuseuM or eLectRonicaLLy or wutev this futuRe MeMoRy May be that i aLReady got 2 see...Like thats anotheR siMiLar stoRy~
& CLick link below to see free style prayer bye me MiMing a Mime of MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of bout heM & other realities to that tune MR. sandMan bye tha choRdette$ click to see~
NEXT is ME doing a deMOn ganji FaiRie styLe pose of f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. kinda ModeLing see~

$PARKLE$ PRAyER VictiM$ DREAMing Re$cue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
Like DREAM$ COME TRUE if they $uppo$e 2...duh!
bLa bLa bLa Like high bye!
thats a peRsian pRayer i Made up the titLe of this bLog post pLus that sentence above
Like high bye!
& & these next 2 fRee styLe pRayeRs ReaLLy Remind Me of the cReatuRes that attend My suRgeRy of My tubaL ReMOvaL suRgicaL & abLation 2 My MenstRaL pRoceeduRe that visibLy Like when My souL was Made cLick individuaLLy 2 see as i dRess up Like a ganji faiRie wit hoRns Like cReatuRes & deMon wings & jeweLeRy box baLLeRina cLown Like baLLet chaRactER~

this next fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf suMMa the LyRics in this twisted insane tune caLLed SCARy stoRies say MontsteRs haiRy so autoMaticaLLy i think of huMan peasants cRiMinaLs sinneRs victimizeRs wit haiR duh! jus Like the ones that MURdeRed jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace thRu MeMoRy deLetion hypnotic/hypnosis & twist w/ psychoLogy they sacRafice hiM & they siMiLaR 2 suMMa My abductoRs oNly i been abducted bye a LoweR cLass of peopLe Like that cRowd stiLL wanders getting stupid suMtyMes wit new MeMbeRs as MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic/hypnosis is MagicaL 4 Magic shows & 2 heLp pRevent cRiMes & MoRe but when twisted wit psychoLogy it*s a cuLt & iLLegaL! anywaze cLick 2 see pRazing video of Me~
& 1 a my abductor Rapist dRuggeR abuseR MentaLLy & physicaLLy that abduct Me off & on fRoM 2005 tiL 2011 i gotta awaze & escape & continue doing so fRoM~ that Willie Holloway jr. IV(4th) BORN~MAy 24, 1981 in Brawley, California & on his 24th biRthdaze May 24, 2005 he intensionally Rape me wit:
My daughter that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth ceRtificate NaMe..boRn~ February 09, 2006 @FOUNTAiN VALLEy REGiONAL HOSPiTAL in Fountain Valley, California bibLicaLLy speaking in THE LAND OF DREAMS!
& DURing that Rape My souL Left My body i tRy 2 puppet My ReMains 2 Leave 2 getta awaze but aLL i can do is see MyseLf get Raped...
& in those MOMents i even saw her souL b Made?!
Like i got invited 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRE Mine was Made
as i thought its a MeMoRy of Mine being Made...
then as My souL went back in my body another foLLowed & enteRed it was My daughter he Rape Me wit
i even teLL hiM bout it that iM pRegnant aLReady & i think its a giRL that iM getting aboRtion eitheRwaze he pRevent Me fRoM any doctoRs incLuding fake he say i have 2 caRRy the baby for 9 MOnths that she be born February 14, 2006 he known a s the Valentine Rapist that rapes round his birthdaze then he automaticaLLy thinks the rape victim will carry for 9 months & be dUE VALENTiNES DAZE when ReaL DOCTORS CAN TAKE HER OUT iMMediateLy! as i question those in possitions in the Medical field that claim she expected on february 14, 2006 i ask why dont they take her out sooner like they suppose 2 so they take her out on february 9, 2006 instead they say thats the soonest?!
b cus they not ReaL doctors they fake medical representatives Luckily they gave her cases of vitamin bottles b cus breast feeding is iLLegaL so is multiplying is duh!!!!!!!
& she taLk as a baby she call Me RACHEL & more she say & dance & wutev else i Let her know u almost on ur own Like round age 2 i was ready 2 go on my waze individuaLLy wit aLL my resources
but i got prevented bye peasants victimizers sinners criminals put on Lie ditectoR test whether she gets to Live oR get disintegrated b cus biblically sum babies join cults to where they get the disintegration immediately duh...Like thats another stoRy of Many
Like when he rape me wit wut sum call daughter
he say its his birthdaze that he wants a baby to Rape that he plans to use for multiplying eventually & he will rape them too thats the Rape gang he in as he is an iLLegaL Land scaper scientist retard pervert that beLongs disintegrated 4 his existing intensionaL cRiMes duh! he rapes humans & animals & he abducts & drugs & other crimes he say he do for fun he say his favorite sport is going on RAPE A THONS HE COMPETES Wit other perverts they count who got the most Rapes on humans & animals...& wutev else they do iLLegaLLy...

& i know that genie character eaRLieR looks like my supposive biological daddy that mo ha ka zem ka vand many names like mohammed/mohammad
& kazem is his genie name...he claims he from over seas that he born there in tha middle east like iran/persia on october 22, 1956...
he an evil genie playing troll a scatter of personalities like in denial bout like when his soul was made a persian prince now he not one...
ibilis a creature he remind me of mo ha ka zem ka vand sentence...
he make fun a him & tell me kazem in a lamp & then ibilis controls his appearances & tha ganji fairies & hyenas laugh & so do i like when i was a lil girl that ibilis & tha ganji fairies laugh & say look its kazem & they laughing & then i say louder to him kazem & he tell me dont call him his genie name so later i call him mo...
eitherwaze like i get to be a genie sum daze like shimmer & shine on nick jr duh
& hes so jealous a me...
then he try to force me to play gypsie princess in tha streets & walk tha sands a tyme & see when i end up wit my throne when he might never see but jus know duh!
like until then like thats another story...

i had a dReaM nightMaRe NOT that SCARy ReaLLy or anything but illegal land scaping was theRe I almost didn’t know I’m sLeeping as I was a sLeep & Diff things happen like a reality real life But later A man that looks like Mo ha mmad ka zeM ka vand many names my supposive biological birth daddy like he got that many look a likes I met summa them they all got the same personality like the bLue genie from Aladdin cartoon Walt Disney film & in the dReaM he Mo ha ka zeM was a LiL more normal?! If it was him really him?! It’s like he gotta spiritual awakening or the freedom to deport himself as an individual bye him self or sumthing stupuder who knows As He claim he getting deported all bye himself That he going Back to where he born round there like he supposed to while waiting on real authorities He ReaLize wutev That he escape ciamak & Myrna he no longer on crystal meth like they drug hem on that & surgical pills & psych meds & more thier class a people duh B4 he go He say For me to go see his paRt a his museum b4 I wake up He dissappeaR like maybe he went electronical like the blue genie the real one is known to do an actual loose prisoner living as electronical fake genie & theRe was a book a knowLedege Wit a spot light on it King god show his hands to sun or not to sin I ignore him like I’m not sinning still So I walk over there The shine of the light was indoors I open the book that bright wit that accurate of scripture that true in goLden metalic letters I don’t remember wut language it written in as this is a memory maze but I read it like I don’t know if he wrote it or sum1 else Like I write script that accuReateLy aLso duh I’m that biblical educationaL EitheRwaze is that really Mo?! Or maybe it’s my real biological birth daddy like if Mo isn’t?! Even tho sun say for a fact he is or maybe the man in my dream he switch identities wit Mo or sumthing like how would I know?! I met that many similar to them They all that much alike I found out they All Peasants tho So when I see them in the medical field or anywhere They can easily access my resources As I tell them to They all do the same smile of a hyena animal laugh in silence they mite let it out later jus like actual hyenas duh! Like let the games begin They ALL tell me I’m better of In the streets Like they the same person they not & they say street go playing gypsy princess & maybe a prince or princess will give me my resources Duh Otherwise they really out there stealing that retarted LoL tho haha They look alike they do similar characters I did a free style prayer & the story of the 3 wise men laughing like yup the peasants only get stupider duh Like don’t be one & other characters reveal to me wutev rainbow reminders magical messages Aside from that~ WheRes eveRy1s resources & authorities & biblical doctor geniouses & MoRe!!! There’s fake biblical & fake educational & fake illegal land scapers & fake buisness representatives & scientist & mentals & criminals & victimizers & sinners & Peasants trying to take over & Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace isn’t jus coming back on his own A biblical doctor genious the advanced medical field is required to bring him back wit human remains or as a metal skeleton wit baRbie doll like remains or sumthing then he can bring him self back how he wants to more info in the links below~ The window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMindeRs + jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location...@420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, California biblically speaking in: "the Land of dreams"...ReaLity updates...i am a volunteer that doesn*t get to do more at this tyme... https://youtu.be/JXzVS7l7L2s CLick that Link above to see anotheR bibLicaLLy inspiRed video of MyseLf that I Made...it's oNLy Like 10 Min. it*s of Me siMpLifying suM bibLicaL educationaL info. RequiRed 2 know & ReMeMbeR Like heRe*s a ReMindeR...

MoRe ReMindeRs like this LOONEY TUNES INSPIRED FiRe woRk Rocket 4 Loose pRisoneRs to Ride as thieR disintegRation sentence as it goes up they will disintegrate & then Magical fiRe woRks sparkles of a variety a colors Like pRisMa Rainbow of gLitteR !!!!! Imagine...I do! & Dreaming like that I know happen already... I even MEntion such things in summa my art work like that ONE I CALL: THA Metal playground & that other one I did too called: $PARKLE$... Jus another option as a death that sum Victimizers are entitled to! Duh! Like all tha victiMizing souls that aren't allowed release dates or to any longer exist in this ReaLM at least it at all...




Clicks individuaLLy links below it's biblical education to help you & other peasants shut up in the minds of others & to leave them alone mentally & spiritually & physically & wutev not mentioned~
Remember wut u do 24/7 intensionally is wut it's bout life & reality & forever & etc. Duh! Look wut I do 24/7 duh Look wit they do 24/7 Look wut u do 24/7 Etc. This isn't funny...it's retarded real sad sum are being prevented from doing more ...b cus a peasants!!!!!!!!!!!! Peasants is another word for criminal duh! there's diff versions from tha original scriptures & more duh As u do know JctPOP: Jesus Christ that Prince of peace HE DOESN*T heaL MINDS THA PEASANTS GOT A HOLD A HIS... TO WEAKEN HIM ON HIS HUMAN SIDE THAT*S HOW THEY GOT HIM ON THA CROSS they murdered him sacrificed practically tortured an innocent one that probly shed Bloor tears maybe he can cry paint of a variety a shades of colors for art Like HE really iS HALF A GOD & got diff abilitys like he can multiply things like when he supposed to or gets tha privelage to Like imagine fabrics for fashion & more & ONLY THAT KING GOD HIS BIOLOGICAL BIRTH DADDY HE CALL FATHER SUPPOSIVELY & THA OTHER GODS(KINGS) & GODESSES (QUEENS) CAN DO SUCH HEALING... All the religions are 100% true & they remind real law$ & more like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc. Then there's that Persian prayer I made up~ $PARKLE$ PRAyER$ VictM$ DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VictiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE if they suppose to...duh! & That ReMix Mix of that seRentiy pRayeR that incLude that hoLy bibLe veRse... Grant me that serenity to accept that things I can*t change Courage to change but I can & tha wisdom to know that difference Like 1 Peter 5:7~ $imply say siMPLified: it*s iLLegaL 2 woRRy!... This is serious...
Aside from reports I been making&situations I got force in& escaped off&on my whole life~
I called this place by telephone at: 1(202)456-1111
the people that answered say it's the law enforcement like wut sum are calling cops?! theres a variety of authorities duh that need to rescue my daughter Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth name born in fountain valley, CA @fountain valley hospital on 02•09•2006
& sentence to death her biological father/daddy/etc. Willie Holloway jr lV born 05•24•1981 in brawley,ca for all his crimes he belongs disintegrated duh!
Last I seen he got a tattoo on his chest that say Wonder why they call you bitch...it's lyrics from a Tupac song&he got a letter b on 1 arm& a letter p on the other that he say stands for brown pride& black pride...eitherwaze even if he got them lazered awaze or if he still got them he is a pedaphile no matter how he looks his crimes don't expire!
i call white to let them know that's what they the authorities&etc. refuse to do like that needs to happen to them also disintegRation on Victimizers not entitled to release dates
The White House 1600Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
My birth ceRtificate name is Rachel Michelé McLain born 01•15•1986 @694 W Wilson St Costa Mesa, Ca in a house at that address duh! #DREAMS#GOALS#FASHiON#ART #ETCSincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 9262Email: diamondprincess0022@gmail.com
My website~ https://diamondprincess002.wixsite.com/mysite
My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}
1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand
2) Rachel Michelé
3)PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé
4) Michelé McLain

in that artwork i did of tha METAL PLAyGROUND i call it is bout actual memories of mine duh!
ARound LATE 80s~eaRLy 90s~ETC wit tha teetoR taughteR & MaRRy go Round Wit ibiLis & THA faRies & LucifeR & otheR faMiLiaR chaRacteRs...& aNiMaLs usuaLLy cats & biRds & butteRfLies & cateRpiLLeRs & squiReLs & ducks & seagLes & bunnys & hyenas & ETC. otheR pLaces THA skip it's & juMp Ropes & HOOLA HOOPS & haiR cLips & bows & sequince & gLitter & diamonds & threads & hand wizards & silk & velvet & satin & cotton & fashion & aRt & etc. it's LiKE ACOMA a DREAM LAND U CANT WAKE FROM Wit ur eyes open but wutev those daze these daze yesteRdaze 2daze 2MoRRows~Rachel
THAT METAL PLAYGROUND iN THA SNOW wit tha teetoR taughteR & MaRRy go Round Wit ibiLis & THA faRies & LucifeR & otheR faMiLiaR chaRacteRs...& aNiMaLs usuaLLy cats & biRds & butteRfLies & cateRpiLLeRs & squiReLs & ducks & seagLes & bunnys & hyenas & ETC. otheR pLaces THA skip it's & juMp Ropes & haiR cLips & fashion & aRt & etc. it's LiKE ACOMA a DREAM LAND U CANT WAKE FROM Wit ur eyes open but wutev those daze these daze yesteRdaze 2daze 2MoRRows~Rachel Michelé
ibilis reminds me of mo ha kazem sentence in a lamp that tyme & sum other daze as a reminder...LoL haha...

this aRt bye Me next i caLL it: $PARKLE$~


that Mo ha ha zem reminds me of that real disney caterpillar character in that walt disney fiLM aLice in wondeRLand reLated 2 when we smoke ganji marijuana & it's one a his characters duh I drew him another caterpillar inspired by that real disney one from that cartoon wondering if he really know of it!? It is he really a schitzophrenic or both !? Like he do a Walt Disney impression too but wit a middle eastern twist of huh!?
He show me that Mickey mouse buisness card & he realize I know exactly who that is then claim peasants only...& He disappeared wit that stupid magical card thing in his front pocket like where did he go wit it or do or etc at that tyme I didn't get to question I probly never will like years later I remember his sentence if I can't do anything more i offer him a prayer rug he got scared!?
I bet he too got flash backs or a memory of that tyme at that park I wore a Mickey mouse shirt expecting to get rescued or go to D Land or b left alone e instead that idiot lie so I don't get my resources to do more & he push me on tha swing so high it seem he implying take that princess back to that ones that made my soul & tha saw that gods (Kings)& GODESSES(queens) appeared & they let ibilis show with lamp showing &more mo ha ka zem sentence & then me & ganji fairies laugh like baby hyenas i seen a baby hyenas before u can barely hear that laugh but ta face shows tons of laughter & anywaze we laughing that's his sentence not mine...
& He delete my dreams b4 altho I still know them...I think he test his ability for power
like he really plays crown testers for fun & he goes mental like yup that ones still a princess & that one turn peasant & that one is a peasant prince & etc. & He tells me go in that streets & play gypsie princes see if I end up wit my resources that waze like he really that stupid while him & tha other peasants steal this poorily even!?
Like there's lower in peasants that force physical contact like ew yuck gross & other dysfunctional retardation
He plaze genie wit those sickos
Like go watch shimmer & shine more a my future memories one daze I will get to use my natural born abilities everyone is made diff but yet everyone is made into fashion art etc duh!!!!
Perverts imagine & do physical contact they retarted Like more ha ka zem he usually highest in peasants he do many crimes wit no touch he use memory deletion hypnosis which are natural born middle eastern roots abilitys but he mix it with psychology twisted wit other cults jus like tha lower in peasants requested wut a idiot....
They really can't do it wit out his breed duh! These crimes...
My step daddy uncle sa degh keeps it more Royal vizier & hoofs & more characters I'm assuming he sees also or possibly seen one more visibly than me EITHERWAZE he got stories they reminders for me ...
Then there's that other situation I been exposed to I been aware of a variety but that supposive biological grandma of mine that emeralds carrots remedies natural two sd Ann(e) Kell(e)y Doris a McLain many names etc she got force to reside in a vehicle & she got drugged _& raoed til her teeth fell out & more forlike 30 years she live in diff vehicles off & on!? Her abductors make it that waze!? Like imagine her in a movie playing herself & at that end her still sitting behind that steering wheel wit a full gas tank saying summa her usual quotes like *in my daze or two shakes of a lambs tale or getting in a French maid character to clean I done that one b4 too or an English one wit talk wit or wit out that tea we both one that also or WUTEV she looks like sum disney celeberitys like tha Reality & she looks kinda like that actress meril Streep!!!!& Etc. & A lil like Scarlet o*hara from gone wit that wind film duh!!!!
Wish I can better assist others wit thier resources but I really don't got all mine yet maybe there will be a daze b cus there will be when I get to do more than I do already...
next is Me age 7 oR 8 round 1993~1994

So I went to bunny beach in mind where else actually @1 a my stepping stones I'm residing in hugh rabbit was there & sum other bunny's wit palm trees & flowers & fruit like coconuts & papaya & cherries & pine apples & mangos & more on tha menu anywaze this princess me duh got wut she ordered even tho I made it unicorn coffee wit rainbow sprinkles & a cherry & etc. Like wutev & as an entree I went simple like my smiley face salad is chilling in tha fridge jus hanging out waiting for sum laughs wit me... & Tha other beverages diff tea & etc. Wit characters like tha care bears & my lil pony & barbie & mickey mouse & hello kitty & her blood line & michael angelo tha ninja turtle & sum random cat woman & paw patrol & spider man & Whoev not mentioned like me & my daughter Angelina rachel in pics in tha back ground ...she dressed in a BUISNESS look a fashion then me wearing mickey mouse wit neon bows raining like where's minnie & why am I not at disneyland that daze I made my supPosive biological birth Daddy mo ha Ka zeM Ka Vand many names etc. push me so high on tha swing I think he trying to say good bye that i may be a princess but no access to her throne no point I seen that gods (kings) & godesses (queens) as he wish for them to take me back & I seen ibilis also reminding his sentence of him in lamp for playing genie wit other & wutever crimes & unicorns at rainbow falls & more than light so bright in tha sky as I got pushed on tha swing that glow of it talk to me & show me wut reality is suppose to be It was like a flash back of when my soul was made... Like back to Reality that Mo ha Ka zeM Ka vand who is too cheap like Mr. krabs that property managers tha Kristy krabs in bikini bottom on sponge Bob square pants...he treats me like that krabs does his supposive daughter pearl like have you seen her birthdaze party episode I even tell him that Mo on my 16th I think it was go on do it too get like krabs just put CiAMAK & his friends in the back yard outside while I staze inside eat my tweety bird cake wit that wrong ice cream in it like wheres my Looney tunes TNT bomb bank I ask for at tha warner bros store I know it's notta real explisive you jealous perverts but I can put money in it decorate do wutev I want like again alone I will sit wit no wishes b cus u know who might try to grant it & invite no body duh! ...when I'm more like that sponge tho like let me go I'm better off solo duh! He continue pushing tha swing I went so high it was almost like. Ride at disneyland but I know his budget if he don't wanna take me to disneyland or drop me off stop forcing me to result to his resources I got my own one daze this princess will get them while that peasant pretends to be a persian prince that tells me to go play gypsy in tha streets that I will be fine as long as I remain a victim wutta sick man... Other tymes yes it's true I act identical to burruka salt from willy wonka & the chocolate factory tha original & new that's one my characters only this idiot Mo found his waze around her biological birth daddy character so wutev now wut everyone... Even my biological birth mommy Lunatically Lunatical lunatic lynn did a better job at that burruka salt daddy personality like sumtymes she really got it wut I put into tha shopping cart then I disappear like that's all I use her for by force yup til I get all my resources peasants til then...Mo done that role b4 by force it when he hadda Monitor visits he finally got wit tha program shopping & going places on his retarted stolen budget like let me go to orphanage or my princess thrown or where ev or this is wut these loose prisoners are being allowed to do I know it's disgusting it's a privelage while they complain & plot & wut not... MeMoRy Mazing~ yesterdaze tomorrow's & todaze like earlier: @400 Merrimac Way Costa mesa, Ca uSA Tha pooL at that location like I do temporarily reside in #42... I took my cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd to tha pool wit me & SHE SWAM OUTTA THA WATER & & THEN my other cat in spirit electrik gismo that 3rd ask me Rachel is this is animal resort & he show his paw & tha other laws & visions of wut things are supposed to be & b cus it looks similar to wut I tell him a place maybe not entirely yet wut we imagined at least sumwhere til then like where animals will have a pool to swim in like tha tigers & unicorns & dolphins & music lessons & free style & more & THiER humans are welcome to visit them or bring them or drink them off like sum animals will live there sum won't & tha older cats will help wit that kitten strays & more like wutev not mentioned...each resort will be diff animals like one for cats & a diff one for a kinds a reptiles & others eventually like that daze of tha paw there will b a resort similar to this jungle a place for all & dawn dish soap will continue help baithing til they tha animals do more like become doctors & etc. Duh! I wish electrik was here I'm still waiting to get into that right animal doctor college that does only spay/neuter & natural remedies & nessasary surgical proceedures LIKE NO ANIMAL TESTING/DRUGGING DUH! THA RESORTS NEED TO HAPPEN CATS & OTHER ANIMALS AT OTHER LOCATIONS CAN GOT THIER OWN ROOMS & CAT DOORS & GO TO SWIM TYME & MUSIC HOUR & EVENTS LIKE FASHHION & CHOIR & TEA & MORE DUH & SPORTS & ETC. During pool tyme I try to include sprinkles but aside from her quick dip & out she hung out wit other cat(s) as she walked around that Landscaping tha trees & plants & flowers & etc. Make college school a place of education all ages & biblical like include every religion in history & science & fashion & doctor & etc. Like there will still be free styling talents duh! & rid all those other schools taking up space & help end multiplying of humans & help tha animals wit that too force that proceedures on every soul duh! my investor that staze trumpin while I staze DREAMIN I try to reach out to him more personally like he does fund my rent food education etc. PRESiDENTiALLy Duh! I Don't understand... Wuts really going on...does he got a release date or a disintegration sentence or ????? Real prisons they public outside solo individually one soul per cell not attached to another even if that close to tha other wit king bed satin bedding a mirror wall a window a toilet a jacuzzi size bath tub a shower hygene an electronic biblical educated filled wit every religion in picture & word form in every language a telephone & the Jesus christ prince of peace diet bread roll omega 3 vitamins a~z in fish or pill or tofu form & a glass of red wine & for under 21 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate & unlimmitted water & a barred door & satin boxers for males & for females underwear & bra & wutev not mentioned no leaving til release date & for sum that's where they will be residing after THiER release date wit a key to tha door to go in & out & for others disintegration date THiER cell might be in THiER memory like a museum or I don't know... Staze biblical At least all the religions are 100% true & tha real laws are reminded there & more like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy. . .& Etc. Bring purity like Walt Disney & wutev like Barbie you can be Anything duh! & Keep on going like tha Energizer bunny...& A biblical bible verse 1 peter 5:7 say it's illegal to worry duh! High Real authorities are victims only like princesses & princes fairwell peasants bye victimizers Sickos will love these stories of criminals crimes etc. While others want to prevent them from existing along wit vanishing those who create retarted situations duh!!!!!!! Aside from that my daughter Angelina Rachel needs to get rescued immediately & she doesn't need to be I tell her embrace her freedom she escaped b4 so have I! & For her to make her own videos & I etters & post & more!!!!!! that's wut I do... Only I gotta diff style on how I put my stories out there like I'm part middle eastern im.super blunt & upfront like laugh now & cry never duh but wutev...SHh! Anyone that see or hear or wutev they don't know gives them tha opportunity to rescue & pray Eitherwaze like it's a privelage duh! Help prevent stupid stories bye being one less ViCTiMiZER: peasant & one more victim: princess or prince duh 24/7 Etc. Bring on palace & castle & etc materials & get wit ur roots& roots in general like sum don't know go embrace l of them this is so disgusting look around at reality in sum locations like where's tha real authorities fake ones prevents souls like mine from doing more they so jealous & they act outta fear of THiER own sentence sum do but wutev.... Stop letting prisoners outta THiER cage keep them in one nearest or at THiER birth place solo alone wit a shower bath full size mirror & electronic devicee of biblical education of all the religions written & picture form they all 100% true in every language REAL LAWS ARE REMINDED & MORE LIKE PURITY OVER PERVERSION & JUSTICE OVER JUSTIFY & FACT VS FICTION & REALITY VS FANTASY & ETC. LIKE GO IN USE LIE DITECTOR TEST THEY THAT ACCURATE & a barred door & outside FOR the public can literally see & a telephone for emergencies calls out world wide free & unlimmitted water & Jesus Christ the prince of peace diet daily a bread roll & omega 3 in a pill or tofu or fish or etc. Form & vitamins a~z in a pill form & glass of red wine or 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate for those under 21 & they need wait til THiER release date or give them disintegration if they don't got one duh! My daughter Angelina Rachel needs to get rescued immediately! Her biological birth Daddy Willie Holloway Jr lV born may 24, 1981 in brawley, ca USA AKA MANY NAMES AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA ETC. HE belongs Disintegrated for his existing crimes duh! He keeps trying to turn her into summa his favorite rape victims who joined perversion from before she exist like his lil half sister ysceñia marie Hernandes & his biological mommy georgina garcia & his lil half bros lorenzo & ismael castillo & my lil half sister~cousin or Whoev she really is that Rachelle Yvonne Kavand & same wit my lil half bro~cousin michael sadegh KAVAND along wit my older half bro if that's who he be that CiAMAK Kavand & Whoev not mentioned he try to do that same thing to me sadly that's how I got raped & forced to have a baby b cus the series of things sickos fo to try to get wut they think they want they lying they act outta fear & live scared duh! They really jus acting... Use lie DiTECTOR test duh! Sum souls jus belong disintegrated already for THiER existing crimes...duh! Years ago sum1 I went to part a high school wit that Jacque green she call my phone & say sit down for this I was like okay why wut happen she say sum1 I went to school with off & on since 4th grade that kevin blanciak he got ran over by a sober driver & he was drunk walking SUPPOSIVELY... so I let her know I heard similar thing happen Insteada vehicles that my step daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah only she got hit by a child molester pedaphile criminals like her biological birth mommy Crystal Cardenas BORN IN 1985 SOMEWHERE SHE IN PRISON FIR MURDER & CHILD ENDANGERMENT SHE US A PEDAPHILE CRIMINAL ETC THAT SUFFERS PERVERSION & SHE BELONGS DISINTEGRSTD FOR HER EXISTING CRIMES & LIZ at hospital GOT announced dead while still alive duh! Happy 19th birthdaze Elizabeth aaliyah 09•03•2091~january 17, 2011 I was at disneyland that daze January 17, 2011 wit one of my rivals Rachelle Yvonne Kavand & my biological birth daughter Angelina Rachel I tell her staze rivaling...as we celebrate my birthdaze which is actually January 15, 1986...& My unbirthdaze which is all tha other daze duh! Like I was going anywaze... Sum say a funeral date Crystal Cardenas & 1 A CRYSTAL CARDENAS RAPIST & LIZ MOLESTORS & HER BIOLIGICAL BIRTH DADDY THAT Willie Holloway Jr lV born may 24, 1981 in brawley, ca USA AKA MANY NAMES AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA ETC. HE belongs Disintegrated for his existing crimes duh! & other ACCOMPLICES decided was to ruin my birthdaze like e those fake doctors say she got injured daze b4 tha 17 more around the 15... & Crystal Cardenas say to me I need to staze outta Liz life that she can't stand my purity... that she did that to her probly outta jealously or money or both... Like willie say that hospital call him & say they disintegrating Liz remains I say duh either they need to bring her back or sum1 else do or that's wut is suppose to happen when there's no body available to do tha right thing... Willie got emotional not over wut Liz is going through but himself as a molestors that's all he concerned about him sexually touching her again & etc. Then he say we buying that body back!? Stop hiding her let her get rescued already this is retarted he force me to do a car wash to make the funds to exchange for Liz !? He is a sicko I call probation & other ACCOMPLICES & say you pay! No funding should release a rape victim to any of THiER rapist!? Or to any criminal wit existing crimes they belong disintegrated for etc. Crystal Cardenas is a pedaphile criminal not identical to willie but in that circle of retardation... She even pretend to be holy she claim She go to church I tell her good for u so do Willie & those seats aren't for them but wutev Crystal Cardenas say she gods child!? Which God (king)!? Or gods(kings) & godesses (queens) like I'm one a THiER lil princesses B cus Jesus Christ the prince of peace is an only child... Obviously Fake doctors & loose prisoners covering up the real stories like where's that real authorities... Donald j Trump according to what I read you kinda new to the holy bible & that you claim to believe & that you for all the religions & they 100% true & the real laws are reminded there & more!?~ like purity over perversion & fact vs fiction & justice over justify & reality vs fantasy Aesop fables stories are similar along with grimms brothers fairy tales & Walt Disney films & wizard of oz & gone with the wind & etc. huh?! but there's also picture forms of these books of religions aside from in writing like you can imagine more on the same page as the author whether it's an original by the gods (kings) & godesses (queens) or a re•written edition... in my picture bible by david cook it mentions that taxes are illegal...in that story a soul ask Jesus Christ the prince of peace about it & if I remember correctly a Grown man name caesar his image was engraved on the golden or wutev kinda coin... I imagine diff money like glitter & colorful & pink Barbie bills & golden & sterling silver & even bronze or colorful coins wit images & quotes & phrases like Walt Disney & the occ pirates of orange coast college In Costa Mesa, ca they printed color money looking bills wit pirates & ships & etc WUTTA bout a coin wit red sparkly ruby glittery slippers that say there's no place like home & the bill form wit a colorful rainbow & black & white scene like sumwhere over the window...& More I seen Trump coins I thought they might say staze trumpin While mine of myself & my characters I dress up as & animate & art & quotes & etc. will be a variety too... QUOTES~ Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) Nike: just do it! & BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING!& ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO... & SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to... Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing... DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin... Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! ...plus her fashion!! Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ... Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain? Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking... & More... #PRAYERS #DREAMS #GOALS #FASHION#ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS)& godesses (QUEENS)& THIER LIL pRINCESSES& LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM& MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain} Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only! My webpage~ https://diamondprincess002.wixsite.com/mysite & I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~ (1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand (2) Rachel Michelé (3) PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé (4) Michelé McLain memory mazing~ So I went to bunny beach in mind where else actually @1 a my stepping stones I'm residing in hugh rabbit was there & sum other bunny's wit palm trees & flowers & fruit like coconuts & papaya & cherries & pine apples & mangos & more on tha menu anywaze this princess me duh got wut she ordered even tho I made it unicorn coffee wit rainbow sprinkles & a cherry & etc. Like wutev & as an entree I went simple like my smiley face salad is chilling in tha fridge jus hanging out waiting for sum laughs wit me... & Tha other beverages diff tea & etc. Wit characters like tha care bears & my lil pony & barbie & mickey mouse & hello kitty & her blood line & michael angelo tha ninja turtle & sum random cat woman & paw patrol & spider man & Whoev not mentioned like me & my daughter Angelina rachel in pics in tha back ground ...she dressed in a BUISNESS look a fashion then me wearing mickey mouse wit neon bows raining like where's minnie & why am I not at disneyland that daze I made my supPosive biological birth Daddy mo ha Ka zeM Ka Vand many names etc. push me so high on tha swing I think he trying to say good bye that i may be a princess but no access to her throne no point I seen that gods (kings) & godesses (queens) as he wish for them to take me back & I seen ibilis also reminding his sentence of him in lamp for playing genie wit other & wutever crimes & unicorns at rainbow falls & more than light so bright in tha sky as I got pushed on tha swing that glow of it talk to me & show me wut reality is suppose to be It was like a flash back of when my soul was made...Like back to Reality that Mo ha Ka zeM Ka vand who is too cheap like Mr. krabs that property managers tha Kristy krabs in bikini bottom on sponge Bob square pants...he treats me like that krabs does his supposive daughter pearl like have you seen her birthdaze party episode I even tell him that Mo on my 16th I think it was go on do it too get like krabs just put that criminal CiAMAK & his accomplices in the back yard outside while I staze inside eat my tweety bird cake wit that wrong ice cream in it like wheres my Looney tunes TNT bomb bank I ask for at tha warner bros store I know it's notta real explisive you jealous perverts but I can put money in it decorate do wutev I want like again alone I will sit wit no wishes b cus u know who might try to grant it & invite no body duh! ...when I'm more like that sponge tho like let me go I'm better off solo duh!
beLow is Me age 8 oR 9 round 1994~1995

diff veRsion of that stoRy~
I went to bunny beach in mind where else actually @1 a my stepping stones I'm.residing in hugh rabbit was there & sum other bunny's wit palm trees & flowers & fruit like coconuts & papaya & cherries & pine apples & mangos & more on tha menu anywaze this princess me duh got wut she ordered even tho I made it unicorn coffee wit rainbow sprinkles & a cherry & etc. Like wutev & as an entree I went simple like my smiley face salad is chilling in tha fridge jus hanging out waiting for sum laughs wit me...
& Tha other beverages diff tea & etc. Wit characters like tha care bears & my lil pony & barbie & mickey mouse & hello kitty & her blood line & michael angelo tha ninja turtle & sum random cat woman & paw patrol & spider man & Whoev not mentioned like me & my daughter Angelina rachel in pics in tha back ground ...she dressed in a BUISNESS look a fashion then me wearing mickey mouse wit neon bows raining like where's minnie & why am I not at disneyland that daze I made my supPosive biological birth Daddy mo ha Ka zeM Ka Vand many names etc. push me so high on tha swing
I think he trying to say good bye
that i may be a princess
but no access to her throne no point
I seen that gods (kings) & godesses (queens) as he wish for them to take me back
& I seen ibilis also reminding his sentence of him in lamp for playing genie wit other & wutever crimes & unicorns at rainbow falls & more than light so bright in tha sky as I got pushed on tha swing that glow of it talk to me & show me wut reality is suppose to be It was like a flash back of when my soul was made...
Like back to Reality that Mo ha Ka zeM Ka vand who is too cheap like Mr. krabs that property managers tha Kristy krabs in bikini bottom on sponge Bob square pants...he treats me like that krabs does his supposive daughter pearl like have you seen her birthdaze party episode I even tell him that Mo on my 16th I think it was go on do it too get like krabs just put that criminal CiAMAK & his accomplices in the back yard outside to play instruments music as they fantasize bout me & my imaginary krew of lil girls & lil boys & all ages & bla bla bla & for them to eventually rape after one makes tunes outta bass & tha others on guitar strings & another on tha drums & tha other wit his voice like I remember when he can't sing I encourage them to go on practice aybe one daze jus to get them awaze duh! like I know these sickos & don't want to while I staze inside eat my tweety bird cake wit that wrong ice cream in it like wheres my Looney tunes TNT bomb bank I ask for at tha warner bros store I know it's notta real explisive you jealous perverts but I can put money in it decorate do wutev I want like again alone I will sit wit no wishes b cus u know who might try to grant it & invite no body duh! ...when I'm more like that sponge tho like let me go I'm better off solo duh!
He continue pushing tha swing I went so high it was almost like. Ride at disneyland but I know his budget if he don't wanna take me to disneyland or drop me off stop forcing me to result to his resources I got my own one daze this princess will get them while that peasant pretends to be a persian prince that tells me to go play gypsy in tha streets that I will be fine as long as I remain a victim wutta sick man...
Other tymes yes it's true I act identical to burruka salt from willy wonka & the chocolate factory tha original & new that's one my characters only this idiot Mo found his waze around her biological birth daddy character so wutev now wut everyone...
Even my biological birth mommy Lunatically Lunatical lunatic lynn did a better job at that burruka salt daddy personality like sumtymes she really got it wut I put into tha shopping cart then I disappear like that's all I use her for by force yup til I get all my resources peasants til then...Mo done that role b4 by force it when he hadda Monitor visits he finally got wit tha program shopping & going places on his retarted stolen budget like let me go to orphanage or my princess thrown or where ev or this is wut these loose prisoners are being allowed to do I know it's disgusting it's a privelage while they complain & plot & wut not...
MeMoRy Mazing~
yesterdaze tomorrow's & todaze like earlier: @400 Merrimac Way Costa mesa, Ca uSA
Tha pooL at that location like I do temporarily reside in #42...
I took my cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd to tha pool wit me & SHE SWAM OUTTA THA WATER &
& THEN my other cat in spirit electrik gismo that 3rd ask me Rachel is this is animal resort & he show his paw & tha other laws & visions of wut things are supposed to be & b cus it looks similar to wut I tell him a place maybe not entirely yet wut we imagined at least sumwhere til then like where animals will have a pool to swim in like tha tigers & unicorns & dolphins & music lessons & free style & more & THiER humans are welcome to visit them or bring them or drink them off like sum animals will live there sum won't & tha older cats will help wit that kitten strays & more like wutev not mentioned...each resort will be diff animals like one for cats & a diff one for a kinds a reptiles & others eventually like that daze of tha paw there will b a resort similar to this jungle a place for all & dawn dish soap will continue help baithing til they tha animals do more like become doctors & etc.
I wish electrik was here I'm still waiting to get into that right animal doctor college that does only spay/neuter & natural remedies & nessasary surgical proceedures LIKE NO ANIMAL TESTING/DRUGGING DUH!
During pool tyme I try to include sprinkles but aside from her quick dip & out she hung out wit other cat(s) as she walked around that Landscaping tha trees & plants & flowers & etc.
Make college school a place of education all ages & biblical like include every religion in history & science & fashion & doctor & etc. Like there will still be free styling talents duh! & rid all those other schools taking up space & help end multiplying of humans & help tha animals wit that too force that proceedures on every soul duh!
my investor that staze trumpin while I staze DREAMIN I try to reach out to him more personally like he does fund my rent food education etc. PRESiDENTiALLy Duh!
I Don't understand...
Wuts really going on...does he got a release date or a disintegration sentence or ????? Real prisons they public outside solo individually one soul per cell not attached to another even if that close to tha other wit king bed satin bedding a mirror wall a window a toilet a jacuzzi size bath tub a shower hygene an electronic biblical educated filled wit every religion in picture & word form in every language a telephone & the Jesus christ prince of peace diet bread roll omega 3 vitamins a~z in fish or pill or tofu form & a glass of red wine & for under 21 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate & unlimmitted water & a barred door & satin boxers for males & for females underwear & bra & wutev not mentioned no leaving til release date & for sum that's where they will be residing after THiER release date wit a key to tha door to go in & out & for others disintegration date THiER cell might be in THiER memory like a museum or I don't know...
Staze biblical At least all the religions are 100% true & tha real laws are reminded there & more like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy. . .& Etc.
Bring purity like Walt Disney & wutev like Barbie you can be Anything duh! & Keep on going like tha Energizer bunny...& A biblical bible verse 1 peter 5:7 say it's illegal to worry duh!
Real authorities are victims only like princesses & princes fairwell peasants bye victimizers
Sickos will love these stories of criminals crimes etc. While others want to prevent them from existing along wit vanishing those who create retarted situations duh!!!!!!!
Aside from that my daughter Angelina Rachel needs to get rescued immediately & she doesn't need to be I tell her embrace her freedom she escaped b4 so have I! & For her to make her own videos & I etters & post & more!!!!!!
that's wut I do...
Only I gotta diff style on how I put my stories out there like I'm part middle eastern im.super blunt & upfront like laugh now & cry never duh but wutev...SHh!
Anyone that see or hear or wutev they don't know gives them tha opportunity to rescue & pray Eitherwaze like it's a privelage duh!
Help prevent stupid stories bye being one less ViCTiMiZER: peasant & one more victim: princess or prince duh 24/7
Bring on palace & castle & etc materials & get wit ur roots& roots in general like sum don't know go embrace l of them this is so disgusting look around at reality in sum locations like where's tha real authorities fake ones prevents souls like mine from doing more they so jealous & they act outta fear of THiER own sentence sum do but wutev....
Stop letting prisoners outta THiER cage keep them in one nearest or at THiER birth place solo alone wit a shower bath full size mirror & electronic devicee of biblical education of all the religions written & picture form they all 100% true in every language REAL LAWS ARE REMINDED & MORE LIKE PURITY OVER PERVERSION & JUSTICE OVER JUSTIFY & FACT VS FICTION & REALITY VS FANTASY & ETC. LIKE GO IN USE LIE DITECTOR TEST THEY THAT ACCURATE & a barred door & outside FOR the public can literally see & a telephone for emergencies calls out world wide free & unlimmitted water & Jesus Christ the prince of peace diet daily a bread roll & omega 3 in a pill or tofu or fish or etc. Form & vitamins a~z in a pill form & glass of red wine or 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate for those under 21 & they need wait til THiER release date or give them disintegration if they don't got one duh!
My daughter Angelina Rachel needs to get rescued immediately!
Her biological birth Daddy Willie Holloway Jr lV born may 24, 1981 in brawley, ca USA AKA MANY NAMES AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA ETC.
HE belongs Disintegrated for his existing crimes duh!
He keeps trying to turn her into summa his favorite rape victims who joined perversion from before she exist like his lil half sister ysceñia marie Hernandes & his biological mommy georgina garcia & his lil half bros lorenzo & ismael castillo & my lil half sister~cousin or Whoev she really is that Rachelle Yvonne Kavand & same wit my lil half bro~cousin michael sadegh KAVAND along wit my older half bro if that's who he be that CiAMAK Kavand & Whoev not mentioned he try to do that same thing to me sadly that's how I got raped & forced to have a baby b cus the series of things sickos fo to try to get wut they think they want they lying they act outta fear & live scared duh! They really jus acting...
Use lie DiTECTOR test duh!
Sum souls jus belong disintegrated already for THiER existing crimes...duh!
Years ago sum1 I went to part a high school wit that Jacque green she call my phone & say sit down for this I was like okay why wut happen she say sum1 I went to school with off & on since 4th grade that kevin blanciak he got ran over by a sober driver & he was drunk walking SUPPOSIVELY...
so I let her know I heard similar
thing happen Insteada vehicles that my step daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah only she got hit by a child molester pedaphile criminals like her biological birth mommy Crystal Cardenas BORN IN 1985 SOMEWHERE SHE IN PRISON FIR MURDER & CHILD ENDANGERMENT SHE US A PEDAPHILE CRIMINAL ETC THAT SUFFERS PERVERSION & SHE BELONGS DISINTEGRSTD FOR HER EXISTING CRIMES & LIZ at hospital GOT announced dead while still alive duh!
Happy 19th birthdaze Elizabeth aaliyah 09•03•2091~january 17, 2011
I was at disneyland that daze January 17, 2011 wit one of my rivals Rachelle Yvonne Kavand & my biological birth daughter Angelina Rachel I tell her staze rivaling...as we celebrate my birthdaze which is actually January 15, 1986...& My unbirthdaze which is all tha other daze duh! Like I was going anywaze...
Sum say a funeral date Crystal Cardenas & 1 A CRYSTAL CARDENAS RAPIST & LIZ MOLESTORS & HER BIOLIGICAL BIRTH DADDY THAT Willie Holloway Jr lV born may 24, 1981 in brawley, ca USA AKA MANY NAMES AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA ETC.
HE belongs Disintegrated for his existing crimes duh!
& other ACCOMPLICES decided was to ruin my birthdaze like e those fake doctors say she got injured daze b4 tha 17 more around the 15...
& Crystal Cardenas say to me I need to staze outta Liz life that she can't stand my purity...
that she did that to her probly outta jealously or money or both...
Like willie say that hospital call him & say they disintegrating Liz remains I say duh either they need to bring her back or sum1 else do or that's wut is suppose to happen when there's no body available to do tha right thing...
Willie got emotional not over wut Liz is going through but himself as a molestors that's all he concerned about him sexually touching her again & etc.
Then he say we buying that body back!?
Stop hiding her let her get rescued already this is retarted he force me to do a car wash to make the funds to exchange for Liz !?
He is a sicko I call probation & other ACCOMPLICES & say you pay!
No funding should release a rape victim to any of THiER rapist!? Or to any criminal wit existing crimes they belong disintegrated for etc.
Crystal Cardenas is a pedaphile criminal not identical to willie but in that circle of retardation...
She even pretend to be holy she claim She go to church I tell her good for u so do Willie & those seats aren't for them but wutev
Crystal Cardenas say she gods child!? Which God (king)!? Or gods(kings) & godesses (queens) like I'm one a THiER lil princesses B cus Jesus Christ the prince of peace is an only child...
Obviously Fake doctors & loose prisoners covering up the real stories like where's that real authorities...
Donald j Trump according to what I read you kinda new to the holy bible & that you claim to believe & that you for all the religions & they 100% true & the real laws are reminded there & more!?~
like purity over perversion & fact vs fiction & justice over justify & reality vs fantasy
Aesop fables stories are similar along with grimms brothers fairy tales & Walt Disney films & wizard of oz & gone with the wind & etc. huh?!
but there's also picture forms of these books of religions aside from in writing like you can imagine more on the same page as the author whether it's an original by the gods (kings) & godesses (queens) or a re•written edition...
in my picture bible by david cook it mentions that taxes are illegal...in that story a soul ask Jesus Christ the prince of peace about it & if I remember correctly a Grown man name caesar his image was engraved on the golden or wutev kinda coin...
I imagine diff money like glitter & colorful & pink Barbie bills & golden & sterling silver & even bronze or colorful coins wit images & quotes & phrases like Walt Disney & the occ pirates of orange coast college In Costa Mesa, ca they printed color money looking bills wit pirates & ships & etc
WUTTA bout a coin wit red sparkly ruby glittery slippers that say there's no place like home & the bill form wit a colorful rainbow & black & white scene like sumwhere over the window...& More
I seen Trump coins I thought they might say staze trumpin
While mine of myself & my characters I dress up as & animate & art & quotes & etc.
will be a variety too...
Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA)
Nike: just do it! &
& SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to...
Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing...
DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin...
Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! ...plus her fashion!!
Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ...
Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain?
Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking...
& More...
Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}
Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194
Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only!
My webpage~
& I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~
(1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand
(2) Rachel Michelé
(3) PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé
(4) Michelé McLain
& Here's the winred links I made!
I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working...
I meant... So I went to bunny beach in mind where else actually @1 a my stepping stones I'm.residing in hugh rabbit was there & sum other bunny's wit palm trees & flowers & fruit like coconuts & papaya & cherries & pine apples & mangos & more on tha menu anywaze this princess me duh got wut she ordered even tho I made it unicorn coffee wit rainbow sprinkles & a cherry & etc. Like wutev & as an entree I went simple like my smiley face salad is chilling in tha fridge jus hanging out waiting for sum laughs wit me... & Tha other beverages diff tea & etc. Wit characters like tha care bears & my lil pony & barbie & mickey mouse & hello kitty & her blood line & michael angelo tha ninja turtle & sum random cat woman & paw patrol & spider man & Whoev not mentioned like me & my daughter Angelina rachel in pics in tha back ground ...she dressed in a BUISNESS look a fashion then me wearing mickey mouse wit neon bows raining like where's minnie & why am I not at disneyland that daze I made my supPosive biological birth Daddy mo ha Ka zeM Ka Vand many names etc. push me so high on tha swing I think he trying to say good bye that i may be a princess but no access to her throne no point I seen that gods (kings) & godesses (queens) as he wish for them to take me back & I seen ibilis also reminding his sentence of him in lamp for playing genie wit other & wutever crimes & unicorns at rainbow falls & more than light so bright in tha sky as I got pushed on tha swing that glow of it talk to me & show me wut reality is suppose to be It was like a flash back of when my soul was made... Like back to Reality that Mo ha Ka zeM Ka vand who is too cheap like Mr. krabs that property managers tha Kristy krabs in bikini bottom on sponge Bob square pants...he treats me like that krabs does his supposive daughter pearl like have you seen her birthdaze party episode I even tell him that Mo on my 16th I think it was go on do it too get like krabs just put that criminal CiAMAK & his accomplices in the back yard outside while I staze inside eat my tweety bird cake wit that wrong ice cream in it like wheres my Looney tunes TNT bomb bank I ask for at tha warner bros store I know it's notta real explisive you jealous perverts but I can put money in it decorate do wutev I want like again alone I will sit wit no wishes b cus u know who might try to grant it & invite no body duh! ...when I'm more like that sponge tho like let me go I'm better off solo duh! He continue pushing tha swing I went so high it was almost like. Ride at disneyland but I know his budget if he don't wanna take me to disneyland or drop me off stop forcing me to result to his resources I got my own one daze this princess will get them while that peasant pretends to be a persian prince that tells me to go play gypsy in tha streets that I will be fine as long as I remain a victim wutta sick man... Other tymes yes it's true I act identical to burruka salt from willy wonka & the chocolate factory tha original & new that's one my characters only this idiot Mo found his waze around her biological birth daddy character so wutev now wut everyone... Even my biological birth mommy Lunatically Lunatical lunatic lynn did a better job at that burruka salt daddy personality like sumtymes she really got it wut I put into tha shopping cart then I disappear like that's all I use her for by force yup til I get all my resources peasants til then...Mo done that role b4 by force it when he hadda Monitor visits he finally got wit tha program shopping & going places on his retarted stolen budget like let me go to orphanage or my princess thrown or where ev or this is wut these loose prisoners are being allowed to do I know it's disgusting it's a privelage while they complain & plot & wut not... MeMoRy Mazing~ yesterdaze tomorrow's & todaze like earlier: @400 Merrimac Way Costa mesa, Ca uSA Tha pooL at that location like I do temporarily reside in #42... I took my cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd to tha pool wit me & SHE SWAM OUTTA THA WATER & & THEN my other cat in spirit electrik gismo that 3rd ask me Rachel is this is animal resort & he show his paw & tha other laws & visions of wut things are supposed to be & b cus it looks similar to wut I tell him a place maybe not entirely yet wut we imagined at least sumwhere til then like where animals will have a pool to swim in like tha tigers & unicorns & dolphins & music lessons & free style & more & THiER humans are welcome to visit them or bring them or drink them off like sum animals will live there sum won't & tha older cats will help wit that kitten strays & more like wutev not mentioned...each resort will be diff animals like one for cats & a diff one for a kinds a reptiles & others eventually like that daze of tha paw there will b a resort similar to this jungle a place for all & dawn dish soap will continue help baithing til they tha animals do more like become doctors & etc. Duh! I wish electrik was here I'm still waiting to get into that right animal doctor college that does only spay/neuter & natural remedies & nessasary surgical proceedures LIKE NO ANIMAL TESTING/DRUGGING DUH! THA RESORTS NEED TO HAPPEN CATS & OTHER ANIMALS AT OTHER LOCATIONS CAN GOT THIER OWN ROOMS & CAT DOORS & GO TO SWIM TYME & MUSIC HOUR & EVENTS LIKE FASHHION & CHOIR & TEA & MORE DUH & SPORTS & ETC. During pool tyme I try to include sprinkles but aside from her quick dip & out she hung out wit other cat(s) as she walked around that Landscaping tha trees & plants & flowers & etc. Make college school a place of education all ages & biblical like include every religion in history & science & fashion & doctor & etc. Like there will still be free styling talents duh! & rid all those other schools taking up space & help end multiplying of humans & help tha animals wit that too force that proceedures on every soul duh! my investor that staze trumpin while I staze DREAMIN I try to reach out to him more personally like he does fund my rent food education etc. PRESiDENTiALLy Duh! I Don't understand... Wuts really going on...does he got a release date or a disintegration sentence or ????? Real prisons they public outside solo individually one soul per cell not attached to another even if that close to tha other wit king bed satin bedding a mirror wall a window a toilet a jacuzzi size bath tub a shower hygene an electronic biblical educated filled wit every religion in picture & word form in every language a telephone & the Jesus christ prince of peace diet bread roll omega 3 vitamins a~z in fish or pill or tofu form & a glass of red wine & for under 21 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate & unlimmitted water & a barred door & satin boxers for males & for females underwear & bra & wutev not mentioned no leaving til release date & for sum that's where they will be residing after THiER release date wit a key to tha door to go in & out & for others disintegration date THiER cell might be in THiER memory like a museum or I don't know... Staze biblical At least all the religions are 100% true & tha real laws are reminded there & more like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy. . .& Etc. Bring purity like Walt Disney & wutev like Barbie you can be Anything duh! & Keep on going like tha Energizer bunny...& A biblical bible verse 1 peter 5:7 say it's illegal to worry duh! High Real authorities are victims only like princesses & princes fairwell peasants bye victimizers Sickos will love these stories of criminals crimes etc. While others want to prevent them from existing along wit vanishing those who create retarted situations duh!!!!!!! Aside from that my daughter Angelina Rachel needs to get rescued immediately & she doesn't need to be I tell her embrace her freedom she escaped b4 so have I! & For her to make her own videos & I etters & post & more!!!!!! that's wut I do... Only I gotta diff style on how I put my stories out there like I'm part middle eastern im.super blunt & upfront like laugh now & cry never duh but wutev...SHh! Anyone that see or hear or wutev they don't know gives them tha opportunity to rescue & pray Eitherwaze like it's a privelage duh! Help prevent stupid stories bye being one less ViCTiMiZER: peasant & one more victim: princess or prince duh 24/7 Etc. Bring on palace & castle & etc materials & get wit ur roots& roots in general like sum don't know go embrace l of them this is so disgusting look around at reality in sum locations like where's tha real authorities fake ones prevents souls like mine from doing more they so jealous & they act outta fear of THiER own sentence sum do but wutev.... Stop letting prisoners outta THiER cage keep them in one nearest or at THiER birth place solo alone wit a shower bath full size mirror & electronic devicee of biblical education of all the religions written & picture form they all 100% true in every language REAL LAWS ARE REMINDED & MORE LIKE PURITY OVER PERVERSION & JUSTICE OVER JUSTIFY & FACT VS FICTION & REALITY VS FANTASY & ETC. LIKE GO IN USE LIE DITECTOR TEST THEY THAT ACCURATE & a barred door & outside FOR the public can literally see & a telephone for emergencies calls out world wide free & unlimmitted water & Jesus Christ the prince of peace diet daily a bread roll & omega 3 in a pill or tofu or fish or etc. Form & vitamins a~z in a pill form & glass of red wine or 100% cranberry juice not from concentrate for those under 21 & they need wait til THiER release date or give them disintegration if they don't got one duh! My daughter Angelina Rachel needs to get rescued immediately! Her biological birth Daddy Willie Holloway Jr lV born may 24, 1981 in brawley, ca USA AKA MANY NAMES AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA ETC. HE belongs Disintegrated for his existing crimes duh! He keeps trying to turn her into summa his favorite rape victims who joined perversion from before she exist like his lil half sister ysceñia marie Hernandes & his biological mommy georgina garcia & his lil half bros lorenzo & ismael castillo & my lil half sister~cousin or Whoev she really is that Rachelle Yvonne Kavand & same wit my lil half bro~cousin michael sadegh KAVAND along wit my older half bro if that's who he be that CiAMAK Kavand & Whoev not mentioned he try to do that same thing to me sadly that's how I got raped & forced to have a baby b cus the series of things sickos fo to try to get wut they think they want they lying they act outta fear & live scared duh! They really jus acting... Use lie DiTECTOR test duh! Sum souls jus belong disintegrated already for THiER existing crimes...duh! Years ago sum1 I went to part a high school wit that Jacque green she call my phone & say sit down for this I was like okay why wut happen she say sum1 I went to school with off & on since 4th grade that kevin blanciak he got ran over by a sober driver & he was drunk walking SUPPOSIVELY... so I let her know I heard similar thing happen Insteada vehicles that my step daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah only she got hit by a child molester pedaphile criminals like her biological birth mommy Crystal Cardenas BORN IN 1985 SOMEWHERE SHE IN PRISON FIR MURDER & CHILD ENDANGERMENT SHE US A PEDAPHILE CRIMINAL ETC THAT SUFFERS PERVERSION & SHE BELONGS DISINTEGRSTD FOR HER EXISTING CRIMES & LIZ at hospital GOT announced dead while still alive duh! Happy 19th birthdaze Elizabeth aaliyah 09•03•2091~january 17, 2011 I was at disneyland that daze January 17, 2011 wit one of my rivals Rachelle Yvonne Kavand & my biological birth daughter Angelina Rachel I tell her staze rivaling...as we celebrate my birthdaze which is actually January 15, 1986...& My unbirthdaze which is all tha other daze duh! Like I was going anywaze... Sum say a funeral date Crystal Cardenas & 1 A CRYSTAL CARDENAS RAPIST & LIZ MOLESTORS & HER BIOLIGICAL BIRTH DADDY THAT Willie Holloway Jr lV born may 24, 1981 in brawley, ca USA AKA MANY NAMES AKA THA LAND A DREAMS AKA ETC. HE belongs Disintegrated for his existing crimes duh! & other ACCOMPLICES decided was to ruin my birthdaze like e those fake doctors say she got injured daze b4 tha 17 more around the 15... & Crystal Cardenas say to me I need to staze outta Liz life that she can't stand my purity... that she did that to her probly outta jealously or money or both... Like willie say that hospital call him & say they disintegrating Liz remains I say duh either they need to bring her back or sum1 else do or that's wut is suppose to happen when there's no body available to do tha right thing... Willie got emotional not over wut Liz is going through but himself as a molestors that's all he concerned about him sexually touching her again & etc. Then he say we buying that body back!? Stop hiding her let her get rescued already this is retarted he force me to do a car wash to make the funds to exchange for Liz !? He is a sicko I call probation & other ACCOMPLICES & say you pay! No funding should release a rape victim to any of THiER rapist!? Or to any criminal wit existing crimes they belong disintegrated for etc. Crystal Cardenas is a pedaphile criminal not identical to willie but in that circle of retardation... She even pretend to be holy she claim She go to church I tell her good for u so do Willie & those seats aren't for them but wutev Crystal Cardenas say she gods child!? Which God (king)!? Or gods(kings) & godesses (queens) like I'm one a THiER lil princesses B cus Jesus Christ the prince of peace is an only child... Obviously Fake doctors & loose prisoners covering up the real stories like where's that real authorities... Donald j Trump according to what I read you kinda new to the holy bible & that you claim to believe & that you for all the religions & they 100% true & the real laws are reminded there & more!?~ like purity over perversion & fact vs fiction & justice over justify & reality vs fantasy Aesop fables stories are similar along with grimms brothers fairy tales & Walt Disney films & wizard of oz & gone with the wind & etc. huh?! but there's also picture forms of these books of religions aside from in writing like you can imagine more on the same page as the author whether it's an original by the gods (kings) & godesses (queens) or a re•written edition... in my picture bible by david cook it mentions that taxes are illegal...in that story a soul ask Jesus Christ the prince of peace about it & if I remember correctly a Grown man name caesar his image was engraved on the golden or wutev kinda coin... I imagine diff money like glitter & colorful & pink Barbie bills & golden & sterling silver & even bronze or colorful coins wit images & quotes & phrases like Walt Disney & the occ pirates of orange coast college In Costa Mesa, ca they printed color money looking bills wit pirates & ships & etc WUTTA bout a coin wit red sparkly ruby glittery slippers that say there's no place like home & the bill form wit a colorful rainbow & black & white scene like sumwhere over the window...& More I seen Trump coins I thought they might say staze trumpin While mine of myself & my characters I dress up as & animate & art & quotes & etc. will be a variety too... QUOTES~ Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) Nike: just do it! & BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING!& ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO... & SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to... Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing... DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin... Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! ...plus her fashion!! Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ... Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain? Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking... & More... #PRAYERS #DREAMS #GOALS #FASHION#ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS)& godesses (QUEENS)& THIER LIL pRINCESSES& LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM& MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain} Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only! My webpage~
& I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~
(1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand
(2) Rachel Michelé
(3) PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé
(4) Michelé McLain
beLow is Me round age 3 or 4 round 1989 or 1990






also in tha early 90s i thing 1992~1993...my 2nd grade teacher gave an assignment that question bout My biological daddy?! like these schools are illegal i should already be a biblical doctor ggenious around age 2 wit my own resources like theres lie ditector test college is suppose to be all ages for sum education & dreams & goals & etc. duh!!!!
anywaze on my homework i drew a cartoony sketch of mo in a boat in tha middle of tha ocean fishing for his omega 3 vitamins a~z as he deports himself...like that needs to happen or send real authorities or sumthing of that nature...
yup mo ha ka zem ka vand out at sea in tha ocean maybe thats one waze for deportation theres also disintegration & jets & ships & more!
also in tha song below is jus one i remember palying in summa his stolen vehicles that are illegal eitherwaze b cus electrical & advanced technology is required 4 sum things like that duh!
here*s that tune tho~

MoRe videos i amde of Me talking on that Mo Many Names etc. in the links below~
this link next goes wit tha stoRy foLLowed...
That goblin king reminds me of my supposive biological daddy mo ha ka zem when he escapes getta awaze from lowest in peasant criminals the Hispanic peasants of any kind leave hem alone he more of a leader of anything...
altho in real life he wit that peasants & that goblin baby character on tha swing thing at that end if this scene reminds me of my reality Lions Park in Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627
Tha roller coaster swing duh!
Other than that ~
& CLick link below it’s bout heLp end multiplying thru perversion~ CLick Links beLow individuaLLy to see~
& 12 bibLicaL steps to RecoveRy that accuReateLy cLick to see this Link is the REAL 12 bibLical steps to RecoveRy NOT THE FAKD STEPS A.A. & N.A. Do where they Lie & say it’s okay to intensionaLLy ReLapse it’s not duh~
To whom this at concern~ I already left messages by phone voice mail & in writing about Where's all my resources & about my daughter situations & more! To supposive housing authority representative that Adrienne Ponce/Adrienn Ponce #714•480•2753 @1501 E. St Andrew in Santa Ana, California & Like that A. Collazo #E2CB HER PHONE # Given to me~714•567•7943 she is for a fact on a lie ditector test you will & anyone will see she again she is another fake presidential representative that stole possition...she keeps messing with my resources & she lying about my identity & etc. She lie & she send packets of illegal waist & ink to my temporary stepping stone ...I drop off an almost identical packet in person with a supposive Representative another lazy individual @1928 S. Grand St Santa Ana, California I left if with that person who claims to be a representative they say it*s now in my electronic & paper file what I left there is similar like the one I drop personally at housing authority dropping box outside that location of 1501 E. Saint Andrew PL. Santa Ana, California it's on servailance & A. Collazo lied & say it's not there when it is for a fact it's on camera...she keeps trying to put me in the streets she is a gang member this is illegal there's lie ditector test they are required for jobs & resources & more duh! Real laws! My daughter needs to get rescued immediately! She been molested raped drugged by her biological birth daddy & his rape gang & other criminals I'm general he & them send themselves or whoever after her & me & whoever everywhere out of no where...
Anywaze I been a fashion design major since around 2014 still no career or my own store & more like I'm entitled to...plus I'm going to be a Non•profit sum donations accepted animal doctor & later a biblical doctor genious which is about metal skeletons & clognes & natural remedies & legal surgical & other proceedures...& Etc.
Like in that link below~
& Here's another link regarding summa these realities & future memories & past present future like yesterdaze todaze tomorrow$~
& Here*s my upcoming classes but I been illegally denied financial aid I'm entitled to provided by George Washington investments as I mention already...
I'm aware there's diff presidential possitions & representatives & that there's presidentially & higher like nothing lower qualifies to better assist anyone duh!
Schedule PlannerToggle navigation CoursesAdd Course Select All Remove All Courses
FASH A130 Tailoring Actions Course has prerequisite(s). Click Has Prerequisites Title: Tailoring Notes: The student will construct a lined, tailored jacket using traditional and speed tailoring techniques; 48 basic clothing construction techniques will be featured. PREREQUISITE: FASH A180 or FASH A183 . Transfer Credit: CSU.
FASH A233 Couture Techniques Actions Course has prerequisite(s). Click Has Prerequisites Title: Couture Techniques Notes: Instruction and practice in techniques used to create couture and custom garments. Techniques of handling special and difficult fabrics, leather and furs. Features fine finishing details. Requires construction of one couture garment. PREREQUISITE: FASH A180 or FASH A183. Transfer Credit: CSU. Current Schedule Select Sections info Subject Course CRN # Day(s) & Location(s) Show Section Details for FASH undefined - Tailoring #26980 FASH A130 26980 T 7:00pm - 9:10pm - CS&D 201 T 6:00pm - 7:00pm - CS&D 201 Course has prerequisite(s). Click info.Has Prerequisites Show Section Details for FASH undefined - Couture Techniques #26981 FASH A233 26981 Th 11:05am - 12:10pm - CS&D 201 Th 9:00am - 11:05am - CS&D 201
To whom this may concern:
Someone keeps hacking my account placing holds on my record!?
I didn't even attend during the That time it show holding on my occ the school was shut down for covid plague thing duh!
I don't owe anything!
I'm owed & I'm aware the president doesn't fund this poorily...
Like where's all my presidential fundings & aside from that I should already be promoted with my own store & more & whatever else not mentioned!
You can see on my website & Facebook & sum servailance & email & in person & more summa my work I done already!
This is illegal...
Also as I already mentioned~
My daughter is abducted! her name on her birth certificate is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 09, 2006 @Fountain Valley Regional Hospital in Fountain Valley, California orange area biblically speaking in the Land a dreams
one a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr the lV born May 24, 1981 in Brawley, California the imperial area
He is a criminal peasant rapist molestor of all ages baby's kids teens adults males females of humans & animals
& fraud mental health representative he steals & other crimes...
this is illegal my daughter needs to get rescued immediately!
My name on my birth certificate is Rachel Michelé McLain born January 15, 1986 in an illegal landscaped thing @694 W. Wilson st. Costa Mesa, California orange area many names like harper & persia, kalifornia & baby girl garnet & etc.
Like DeLete like don't include any peRveRsion & other dysfunctional retardation in ur caLendar 24/7 & u will better see again wut ur schedule needs to be...duh!
On diff realities~ This is My new #949•689•6852
that otheR one disconnected aLREADy but wutev...
Bla blah bla
PeR$ian pRayer i Made up~
$parkles PRAyERs victiMs DREAMiNG rescue them from VictiMizers nightmares 24/7
Like dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!
I*m a biblical REPRESENTATiVE individual in fashion art etc.
& I'm biblically educated to staze knowing all the religions are 100% true
& that I need more advanced education medically like to be a biblical doctoR genious eventually like metal skeletons & wutev else aside from natural remedies & more...
& That character in the holy bible & picture bible & other books a knowlege & more... that Jctpop~jesus Christ the prince of peace he got murdered sacrificed on a cross because of peasants in cults they did this illegal ritual as they do all kinds of dysfunctional this they criminals that stole presidential & higher possitions as fake authorities is wut they are I classify them as the same class of low lives in the crowd of Moses like there's all kinds a crimes being done by a variety it's all illegally happening! All religions are % true in all that religions & Real laws & more are mentioned & reminded there vlike purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & ReaLity vs fantasy & etc. Like wutever else In books of knowledge & films & fashion & art & etc.
My webpage~
It's filled with bibLicaL education & ReaLities & other situations being ignored...& Wutev else like fashion art etc.
Click on every tab to see message that it shows
& I only update when I got access sumtymes it freezes do I been doing sum blog post only...
I will eventually get around the hackers again that try to make me slow...& More...
Like bla bla bla...
On diff realities~ Fake presidential representatives still trying to take over!
They peasants! Criminals!
they harrassing me in the mail It's illegal!
& more!
I request & tell them the real laws in writing & in person & in email & etc.
They pretend & they tell me if I do t go along wit them they will put me in tha streets again & they send mental health representatives after me like that's who they are also in a variety a cults like drugs & psych med drugs & perversion & taking over & abductions & drugging & hiding & abusing in diff Waze & other crimes & etc.
& I don't got all my resources b cus a them & sum other peasants...
wut retards that continue to steal!
they don't qualify to work presidentially!? Or higher!!!
It's so disgusting that this is even going on!
They try to force me to give them my identity info. Repeatedly when they suppose to use lie ditector test & verify & wutev wit actual authorities like presidential representatives should b required like they probly already ate the work every presidential possition which includes:
Presidential possitions for those who really qualify gives them that access to go on electronically give everyone thier resources & more like peasants not allowed
So that circle of them jus keep going for no reason...
They ruin reality & don't realize it will end for them eventually fir the peasants b cus they don't live forever only princes & princesses do...
Biblical doctors & geniouses are allowed & can easily bring back Walter Walt Disney & Adriana Caselotti & Jesus Christ The Prince Of Peace - የሱስ ክርስቶስ መስፍን ሰላም/የሰላም ኣለቃ & My cats & etc.
Like there's lie ditecTOR test for the humans to see who qualifies all tha animals & creatures & etc. are entitled...
peasant criminals stealing presidential possitions & more
like land & jobs & etc.
as they continue to commit crimes of all kinds like abductions & fraud & rape & molest & WUTEV else there's like ditecTOR test that are that accurate!!...
I don't know all my roots only what my supposive biological birth mommy & biological birth daddy tell me like I'ma aware it's not Waze true what they say but wutev let me know if u find out wut I need to know on a list ditecTOR test duh!
Below are sum info I put out there to reach out to real authories like presidential or higher or both duh preferably biblical law enforcement...
Below bout a criminal there sum type mistakes bout his info but it's really mentioned correctly he go by diff identies sumtymes like names looks ages etc. I include his birth info he go bye like that birth certificate he claims is his I drop off at law enforcement...
My webpage~
I post & reach out on my webpage & Facebook & more duh!!!!!!!!!
I try to embrace wit I got access to...as I really escape abductions & other peasant situations & follow my dreams as I remain a victim 24/7...
Continued from last message I start earlier in this post above
...again my messages go together like a story wit missing pages sumtymes...like all the religions are 100% true not jus part a that stories...
there's like ditecTOR test...anywaze:
Above link~ Aside from my dis•figured look from being drugged & b cus lunatical Lynn my supposive biological birth mommy) She had me reconstruct my own face she use memory deletion & hypnotic twisted wit psychology...duh!
Like im on Omega 3 vitamins a~z & fitness & etc.
Like my remains are still recovering duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like staze biblical etc.
MoRe videos bout ReaLity duh! Aside dRoM otheRs that aRe tRue tho...suM footage is foRced & dysfunctioNaL eitheRwaze anotheR Repeat that Like ditectoR test aRe that accuRate...
Like... No frown staze clown~
To whom this may concern:
I am presidentially funded by u.s./USA president that Joe biden~
But criminals keep stealing presidential possitions @LAW ENFORCEMENT & SOCiAL SERViCES & SOCiAL SECURiTy & MORE...
WHEN THAT*S ALL i got access to!?
THOSE Sickos stealing & abduct & RAPE & OTHER CRiMES!
& Other illegal things!
*ALSO My daughter: she is ABDUCTED! HEE BIRTH NAME IS:
Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 09, 2006 (02•09•2006) in Fountain Valley, California @Fountain Valley Regional Hospital...
She needs to get RESCUED immediately! She been Rape & Molested & More & abducted off & on her whole life
So have I!?
It's illegal!!!!
ALL THE REAL LAWS & MORE ARE REMINDED IN all THA RELIGIONS THAT ARE 100% TRUE LIKE PURITY OVER PERVERSION & fact vs fiction & justice over justify & reality vs fantasy & etc.
P.s. one of my daughter abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in Brawley, California
He is a mestor rapist pedaphile that commits FRAUD & OTHER CRIMES...
Like abductions & rapes & drugs on all ages & genders of humans & animals & etc. & He belongs disintegrated for his existing CRiMES & whatever not mentioned... Sincerely, Rachel Michele McLain
Drivers License#D9078194 California i.d.
Student i.d. #C02050377@ORANFE COAST COLLEGE IN COSTA MESA, California
Also known as the island a DREAMS IN THA ALL AND A DREAMS LiKe go pirates!
Email: diamondprincess0022@gmail.com
Phone#: 949•689•6852
Facebook: I got like 4 pages...
1) PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michele
2) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand
3) Michelé McLain
4) Rachel Michele
& My webpage~https://diamondprincess002.wixsite.com/mysite
& I got YouTube videos that are titled the same as my web page...
& GOOGLE: Rachel Michelé McLain & more bout me will pop up!
I tell mental health to turn biblical or at least into a healthy place worth existing like that word mental is jus another word for peasant duh! They keep stealing locations too which means they steal land & more duh! I tell them look wut I do 24/7 it's biblical v.s. wut they do 24/7 it's retarded duh! Biblical education is top education is 100% true
Remember wut u do 24/7 intensionally is wut it's bout life & reality & forever & etc. Duh!
Look wut I do 24/7 duh
Look wit they do 24/7
Look wut u do 24/7
This isn't funny...it's retarded real sad sum are being prevented from doing more
...b cus a peasants!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peasants is another word for criminal duh!
there's diff versions from tha original scriptures & more duh
As u do know
JctPOP: Jesus Christ that Prince of peace
TO WEAKEN HIM ON HIS HUMAN SIDE THAT*S HOW THEY GOT HIM ON THA CROSS they murdered him sacrificed practically tortured an innocent one that probly shed Blood tears maybe he can cry paint of a variety a shades of colors for art
Like HE really iS HALF A GOD
& got diff abilitys like he can multiply things like when he supposed to or gets tha privelage to
Like imagine fabrics for fashion & more
All the religions are 100% true & they remind real law$ & more like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc.
Then there's that Persian prayer I made up~
Like DREAMS COME TRUE if they suppose to...duh!
& That ReMix Mix of that seRentiy pRayeR that incLude that hoLy bibLe veRse...
Grant me that serenity to accept that things I can*t change Courage to change but I can & tha wisdom to know that difference
Like 1 Peter 5:7~
$imply say siMPLified: it*s iLLegaL 2 woRRy!...
This is serious...
More info. in links below of Xtra detail if wut I'm talking bout duh! Click on each or type individually on Google etc. To see messages they show...
Below is a video of how I travel b cus I got all my resources b cus of peasants look at me there I go on am imaginary carousel to Paris & places that to my imagination & more exist like future memories like marry go round~
https://diamondprincess002.wixsite.com/.../tha-lion-lamb... reatures-like-hoof-horn-fawn-s-mermaid-s


















& Here's the winred links I made! I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working... https://secure.winred.com/team/ea3ef266-re-cup-of-tea-party-wit-sugar-cubes
NOT DONE yet stiLL edit jus suM basic facts notes wutevs duh Like bLa bLa bLa REALity updates...