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LaMb TaLe$ hoove$ fuR etc.~Like chop & $.L. ...& Sheep Mean$ RacheL in hebRew Like fa$hion aRt etc.

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

this Link beLow is a video a Me & towaRds tha end i include LaMb chop doLL i got Like in tha Late 80s eaRLy 90s Round that tyMe so watch tha whoLe thing duh! & that song caMe on tha Radio RandoMly i didnt pick it foR this dance peRfoRMance i jus fRee styLe wit it a Mix of wutev~

MEMORy MAZiNG~ Aside from my step daughter Elizabeth telling me she don't like her middle name because of that pervert or rape victim or both r&b artist Aaliyah that she say she wanna change her name to elizabeth Rachel!? I tell her when she got access she can change her name to anything duh! Until then Nick names unlimmitted also duh! & In that 90s my supposive lil half sister cousin that Rachelle Yvonne Kavand is her birth certificate name born August 29, 1989 she claim in mission Viejo California hospital area or sumthing & I got her into collecting lamb chops like my name Rachelle lamb in Hebrew & her name Rachelle is in that field a names... Anywaze she collect them & I let her know thats her real family to staze rivaling wit that humans that if I can I will disintegrate her for her xisting crimes until then Like when I remember I know she a peasant but then I forget she use memory deletion hypnotic twist wit psychology b cus a that ciamak & gyzelle retards... & she admit she join that peasants once upon a time I tell her to unjoin permanently! Tha deals only get worse... I make the lamb chops come to life like they alive & she start taking cares them better like they her family I got my own wutevs like my tucan bird plush he tells me when he flies wit the real ones I will probly be there... Sickos try to make me do sexual things wit dolls b cus I won't wit them they say if u love dolls so much then rape them they force this kinda thing on innocent & guilty duh it's not funny it's restarted that's wut peasants waist hypnotic & memory deletion on they twist it wit psychology then they get mad for those who remain victims they victimizing criminals... This happen often to a variety in cults ...they do it to real animals too it's a serious crime they say o look that shark rape the dolphin it's not funny they force that on them no animals do that naturally they tell me only the human peasants force them to do that & other retardation like me they also remember when thier soul was made & wit it's like to be forced to be like mentally restarted when they not duh! Later in the 90s I help get her into the LAMB CHOP FAN CLUB she got a real identity card wit her picture wearing a lamb chop shirt... They sent her art supply & more I thought it will motivate her to unjoin & stop acting unless she on t.v. or sumthing like a movie or show... Like I already do these things duh... She tell me u color it or at least do it too... Years later I put her on ephedra & ephederine it's a plant based pill I gave her 1 pill for her that daze help her go back to normal & be an individual she write poetry & cleaning & collaborating & dReaMing & more like I do these things since I was lil I was okay to go on my own already around age two or sooner to be a biblical doctor genious & more... Tha waze I got into lamb chops is another story in that late 80s I post about it already on my blog post on my webpage the blog post wit two hand made puff sleeves i hand made in the main image...

MeMoRy Mazing~ Me & cat eLectRik gi$Mo that 3Rd taLk bout a vaRiety a things Like when ouR souLs was Made... He cLaiM his was Made at that saMe Rainbow faLLs mine was he say hem & that tigers he was made in thier image & they was there drinking from that exact rainbow falls... & Etc. I let hem know there was unicorns when my soul was made at rainbow falls altho I don't really look like them & bla bla bla Anywaze he use to shower daily in the sink until I took hem to fake animal doctor representatives they lie they did do the spay/nueter proceedures but they include psych meds when all that's needed & allowed is surgical pills or injection or both ... After that he tell me I need to be an animaldoctor immediately to help animals end multiplying & help banned psych meds & drugs & other illegal things going on in the medical field... I tell my cat at that tyme I'm Still waiting on That same surgery he got only the female version for human... & That after I get my fashion store & more I will get animal doctor education & eventually biblical doctor genious & as a biblical representative individual I will continue to be non•profot sum tips/donations accepted duh! I explain that sum places force animal testing that I'm seeking the right place & location to get advance education base on wut I got access to... He change the subject & say like tigers he can disintegrate peasants too & I let hem know eventually we will disintegrate individually get that privelage to do more for the land a dreams like we supposed to & are made to as victims we are entitled bla bla bla... & I tell hem we will be in circus & more that he can continue to be a miniature tiger & to go on disintegrate any peasants during those tymes also duh! We both know it will be human peasants only... There's lie ditector test... Real authorities will end mental health representatives duh! Those retards steal & commit fraud & abductions & perversion & illegal land scaping & fake medicine like drugs psych meds & they defend criminals & other crimes duh! They belong disintegrated immediately... Moniak Charles W MD Aside from that jus that otheR daze... I went to doctor appointment my sciatica disability & etc. @ Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood Action hopefully where I'm getting sent gives me the procedure for sciatica! Todaze again like last tyme & other tymes they decline the doloex plant based medicine for it & Swiss rx~super human performance for sciatica & muscle spasms & Etc. Like they claim they go bye a mental health association illegal list to victimized presidential funded individuals & whoev they want like good luck wit real medicine!? They lie & say president don't cover that!? That's not true! this is the actual medical field not mental health anything!? The presidential & higher only cover real doctors real medicine there's lie ditector test duh! A diff tyme they gave me muscle relaxers laced wit psych meds in the ingredients!? This is illegal psych meds are drugs only never medicine duh! I remind that Dr con... that other representatives try to rescue me & my daughter from rapist originally in 2006 & they temporarily put me on non•hormonal birth control while waiting on an available surgeon to do that required surgery to help end multiplying duh that's wut they do & are supposed to keep doing wit real doctors which I already got that tubal ligation with ablation to take awaze period blood... That representative might not be a real doctor or who knows maybe they thought they are I don't know but this is serious she send me to a diff doctor for sciatica tho as she say that kinda medicine she don't got access to that she prescribed wit she calls drugs!? So I didn't get any medicine again...I'm more advanced to know bout...that even wit sum magical medicines sum natural ones are required also duh!!!!!! I jus got done doing belly dance work out Sadie Marquardt & I listen to quran with english translations on YouTube & I did traditional prayer rug prayer wit a prayer man on youtube... So I'ma bout to have pistachio ice cream wit mix nuts & honey Stater Brothers Clove honey stater brothers brand & Dream Rice I Love The 99 Cents Only Stores! 99 Cent Only Store Costa Mesa & Then to drink soy milk vanilla rice dream this tyme for Xtra vitamins I usually love black tea as is or green or etc. Wit honey or sugar cubes sumtymes... Black Tea Green tea Matcha Green Tea Tea Party Patriots FUZE TEA this tyme sum tea like a remix of black & green & chamomile I got diff kinds of it rose pedals & lavendar but this chamomile wit out the extra flowers got lil messages on the tea tag attach to that bag... This one reminds me of my supposive biological birth daddy that mo ha ka zem ka vand many names etc. It will make others rember hem too tho like this is wut it $ay~ "A MAN TOO BUSy to Take caRE OF His HEALTH is Like A Mechanic Too busy to take caRe of his tooLs." It says it's a Spanish proverb quote... It's like those taco Bell sauce packets with the lil messages like don't go or thought you be here & all the others duh! I love tea a variety all kinds & I love taco Bell signature flavors!!!!!! & More duh! Taco Bell Angelina Holloway Michelé McLain PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé KRi Stahyena Ka Vand Anywaze~ A player is sum1 who loves sports & games like cards & dice & more & plays & A pimp is to show wut u got & A prostitute is to get wut is owed to u as In ur resources individually Notice no physical contact zero perversion Eitherwaze Duh! Other than that~ To whom this may concern: C/O~ An actual invent help representative...altho I met with Michael/Mike Muir @irvine location: 15615 Alton pkwy #450 in Irvine, California ...92618 I think that address or round there... It's on servailance obviously... & he poorily & lazy represent the co. I expect more so does that company label duh! I left a message already for that Jim who is supppsively more advanced like he allowed to & qualify to better assist my situation & others... Like real business individuals are supposed to... My webpage~ Click on it above or type it on google then find & click on my What an idea!~tab & it will show what I already present in person to Michael/Mike Muir...*GLiTTER LiTTER Or click or type link below it is that what an idea tab thing etc. on Google to see message it show~ ...he did Patten & he have me pay whatever amount & he sent me a poor looking version of what I show him in this book waist a paper & ink of the presentation I expect even my webpage to show along with the images I include to better show but in reality where is this product!? Why isn't it on the shelves what's going on!? ASide from other realities & situations being ignored... Also as I already mentioned~ My daughter is abducted! her name on her birth certificate is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 09, 2006 @Fountain Valley Regional Hospital in Fountain Valley, California orange area biblically speaking in the Land a dreams one a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr the lV born May 24, 1981 in Brawley, California the imperial area He is a criminal peasant rapist molestor of all ages baby's kids teens adults males females of humans & animals & fraud mental health representative he steals & other crimes... this is illegal my daughter needs to get rescued immediately! My name on my birth certificate is Rachel Michelé McLain born January 15, 1986 in an illegal landscaped thing @694 W. Wilson st. Costa Mesa, California orange area many names like harper & persia, kalifornia & baby girl garnet & etc. Like DeLete like don't include any peRveRsion & other dysfunctional retardation in ur caLendar 24/7 & u will better see again wut ur schedule needs to be...duh! On diff realities~ This is My new #949•689•6852 that otheR one disconnected aLREADy but wutev... Bla blah bla PeR$ian pRayer i Made up~ $parkles PRAyERs victiMs DREAMiNG rescue them from VictiMizers nightmares 24/7 Like dreams come true if they supposed to...duh! I*m a biblical REPRESENTATiVE individual in fashion art etc. & I'm biblically educated to staze knowing all the religions are 100% true & that I need more advanced education medically like to be a biblical doctoR genious eventually like metal skeletons & wutev else aside from natural remedies & more... & That character in the holy bible & picture bible & other books a knowlege & more... that Jctpop~jesus Christ the prince of peace he got murdered sacrificed on a cross because of peasants in cults they did this illegal ritual as they do all kinds of dysfunctional this they criminals that stole presidential & higher possitions as fake authorities is wut they are I classify them as the same class of low lives in the crowd of Moses like there's all kinds a crimes being done by a variety it's all illegally happening! All religions are % true in all that religions & Real laws & more are mentioned & reminded there vlike purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & ReaLity vs fantasy & etc. Like wutever else In books of knowledge & films & fashion & art & etc. My webpage~ It's filled with bibLicaL education & ReaLities & other situations being ignored...& Wutev else like fashion art etc. Click on every tab to see message that it shows & I only update when I got access sumtymes it freezes do I been doing sum blog post only... I will eventually get around the hackers again that try to make me slow...& More... Like bla bla bla... More info. in links below of Xtra detail if wut I'm talking bout duh! Click on each or type individually on Google etc. To see messages they show... Below is a video of how I travel b cus I got all my resources b cus of peasants look at me there I go on am imaginary carousel to Paris & places that to my imagination & more exist like future memories like marry go round~ reatures-like-hoof-horn-fawn-s-mermaid-s

Aside from my step daughter Elizabeth telling me she don't like her middle name because of that pervert or rape victim or both r&b artist Aaliyah that she say she wanna change her name to elizabeth Rachel!? I tell her when she got access she can change her name to anything duh! Until then Nick names unlimmitted also duh!

& In that 90s my supposive lil half sister cousin that Rachelle Yvonne Kavand is her birth certificate name born August 29, 1989 she claim in mission Viejo California hospital area or sumthing & I got her into collecting lamb chops like my name Rachelle lamb in Hebrew & her name Rachelle is in that field a names...

Anywaze she collect them & I let her know thats her real family to staze rivaling wit that humans that if I can I will disintegrate her for her xisting crimes until then

Like when I remember I know she a peasant but then I forget she use memory deletion hypnotic twist wit psychology b cus a that ciamak & gyzelle retards...

& she admit she join that peasants once upon a time I tell her to unjoin permanently!

Tha deals only get worse...

I make the lamb chops come to life like they alive & she start taking cares them better like they her family I got my own wutevs like my tucan bird plush he tells me when he flies wit the real ones I will probly be there...

Sickos try to make me do sexual things wit dolls b cus I won't wit them they say if u love dolls so much then rape them they force this kinda thing on innocent & guilty duh it's not funny it's restarted that's wut peasants waist hypnotic & memory deletion on they twist it wit psychology then they get mad for those who remain victims they victimizing criminals...

This happen often to a variety in cults ...they do it to real animals too it's a serious crime they say o look that shark rape the dolphin it's not funny they force that on them no animals do that naturally they tell me only the human peasants force them to do that & other retardation like me they also remember when thier soul was made & wit it's like to be forced to be like mentally restarted when they not duh!

Later in the 90s I help get her into the LAMB CHOP FAN CLUB she got a real identity card wit her picture wearing a lamb chop shirt...

They sent her art supply & more I thought it will motivate her to unjoin & stop acting unless she on t.v. or sumthing like a movie or show...

Like I already do these things duh...

She tell me u color it or at least do it too...

Years later I put her on ephedra & ephederine it's a plant based pill I gave her 1 pill for her that daze help her go back to normal & be an individual she write poetry & cleaning & collaborating & dReaMing & more like I do these things since I was lil I was okay to go on my own already around age two or sooner to be a biblical doctor genious & more...

Tha waze I got into lamb chops is another story in that late 80s I post about it already on my blog post on my webpage the blog post wit two hand made puff sleeves i hand made in the main image...

MeMoRy Mazing~ Me & cat eLectRik gi$Mo that 3Rd taLk bout a vaRiety a things Like when ouR souLs was Made... He cLaiM his was Made at that saMe Rainbow faLLs mine was he say hem & that tigers he was made in thier image & they was there drinking from that exact rainbow falls...

& Etc.

I let hem know there was unicorns when my soul was made at rainbow falls altho I don't really look like them & bla bla bla

Anywaze he use to shower daily in the sink until I took hem to fake animal doctor representatives they lie they did do the spay/nueter proceedures but they include psych meds when all that's needed & allowed is surgical pills or injection or both ...

After that he tell me I need to be an animaldoctor immediately to help animals end multiplying & help banned psych meds & drugs & other illegal things going on in the medical field...

I tell my cat at that tyme I'm Still waiting on That same surgery he got only the female version for human...

& That after I get my fashion store & more I will get animal doctor education & eventually biblical doctor genious & as a biblical representative individual I will continue to be non•profot sum tips/donations accepted duh!

I explain that sum places force animal testing that I'm seeking the right place & location to get advance education base on wut I got access to...

He change the subject & say like tigers he can disintegrate peasants too

& I let hem know eventually we will disintegrate individually get that privelage to do more for the land a dreams like we supposed to & are made to as victims we are entitled bla bla bla...

& I tell hem we will be in circus & more that he can continue to be a miniature tiger & to go on disintegrate any peasants during those tymes also duh!

We both know it will be human peasants only...

There's lie ditector test...

Real authorities will end mental health representatives duh!

Those retards steal & commit fraud & abductions & perversion & illegal land scaping & fake medicine like drugs psych meds & they defend criminals & other crimes duh!

They belong disintegrated immediately...

Moniak Charles W MD

Aside from that jus that otheR daze... I went to doctor appointment my sciatica disability & etc. @ Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood Action

hopefully where I'm getting sent gives me the procedure for sciatica!

Todaze again like last tyme & other tymes they decline the doloex plant based medicine for it & Swiss rx~super human performance for sciatica & muscle spasms

& Etc.

Like they claim they go bye a mental health association illegal list to victimized presidential funded individuals & whoev they want like good luck wit real medicine!?

They lie & say president don't cover that!?

That's not true!

this is the actual medical field not mental health anything!?

The presidential & higher only cover real doctors real medicine there's lie ditector test duh!

A diff tyme they gave me muscle relaxers laced wit psych meds in the ingredients!?

This is illegal psych meds are drugs only never medicine duh!

I remind that Dr con... that other representatives try to rescue me & my daughter from rapist originally in 2006 & they temporarily put me on non•hormonal birth control while waiting on an available surgeon to do that required surgery to help end multiplying duh that's wut they do & are supposed to keep doing wit real doctors which I already got that tubal ligation with ablation to take awaze period blood...

That representative might not be a real doctor or who knows maybe they thought they are I don't know but this is serious she send me to a diff doctor for sciatica tho as she say that kinda medicine she don't got access to that she prescribed wit she calls drugs!?

So I didn't get any medicine again...I'm more advanced to know bout...that even wit sum magical medicines sum natural ones are required also duh!!!!!!

I jus got done doing belly dance work out Sadie Marquardt

& I listen to quran with english translations on YouTube & I did traditional prayer rug prayer wit a prayer man on youtube...

So I'ma bout to have pistachio ice cream wit mix nuts & honey Stater Brothers Clove honey stater brothers brand

& Dream Rice I Love The 99 Cents Only Stores! 99 Cent Only Store Costa Mesa

& Then to drink soy milk vanilla rice dream this tyme for Xtra vitamins I usually love black tea as is or green or etc. Wit honey or sugar cubes sumtymes...

Black Tea Green tea Matcha Green Tea Tea Party Patriots FUZE TEA

this tyme

sum tea like a remix of black & green & chamomile I got diff kinds of it rose pedals & lavendar but this chamomile wit out the extra flowers got lil messages on the tea tag attach to that bag...

This one reminds me of my supposive biological birth daddy that mo ha ka zem ka vand many names etc.

It will make others rember hem too tho like this is wut it $ay~

"A MAN TOO BUSy to Take caRE OF His HEALTH is Like

A Mechanic

Too busy to take caRe of his tooLs."

It says it's a Spanish proverb quote...

It's like those taco Bell sauce packets with the lil messages like don't go or thought you be here & all the others duh!

I love tea a variety all kinds & I love taco Bell signature flavors!!!!!!

& More duh!

Taco Bell Angelina Holloway Michelé McLain PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé KRi Stahyena Ka Vand


A player is sum1 who loves sports & games like cards & dice & more & plays

& A pimp is to show wut u got

& A prostitute is to get wut is owed to u as In ur resources individually

Notice no physical contact zero perversion

Eitherwaze Duh!

Other than that~

To whom this may concern: C/O~ An actual invent help representative...altho I met with Michael/Mike Muir

@irvine location: 15615 Alton pkwy #450 in Irvine, California ...92618

I think that address or round there...

It's on servailance obviously...

& he poorily & lazy represent the co. I expect more so does that company label duh!

I left a message already for that Jim who is supppsively more advanced like he allowed to & qualify to better assist my situation & others...

Like real business individuals are supposed to...

Click on it above or type it on google then find & click on my What an idea!~tab & it will show what I already present in person to Michael/Mike Muir...*GLiTTER LiTTER

Or click or type link below it is that what an idea tab thing etc. on Google to see message it show~

...he did Patten & he have me pay whatever amount & he sent me a poor looking version of what I show him in this book waist a paper & ink of the presentation I expect even my webpage to show along with the images I include to better show

but in reality where is this product!?

Why isn't it on the shelves what's going on!?

ASide from other realities & situations being ignored...

Also as I already mentioned~

My daughter is abducted! her name on her birth certificate is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 09, 2006 @Fountain Valley Regional Hospital in Fountain Valley, California orange area biblically speaking in the Land a dreams

one a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr the lV born May 24, 1981 in Brawley, California the imperial area

He is a criminal peasant rapist molestor of all ages baby's kids teens adults males females of humans & animals

& fraud mental health representative he steals & other crimes...

this is illegal my daughter needs to get rescued immediately!

My name on my birth certificate is Rachel Michelé McLain born January 15, 1986 in an illegal landscaped thing @694 W. Wilson st. Costa Mesa, California orange area many names like harper & persia, kalifornia & baby girl garnet & etc.

Like DeLete like don't include any peRveRsion & other dysfunctional retardation in ur caLendar 24/7 & u will better see again wut ur schedule needs to be...duh!

On diff realities~ This is My new #949•689•6852

that otheR one disconnected aLREADy but wutev...

Bla blah bla

PeR$ian pRayer i Made up~

$parkles PRAyERs victiMs DREAMiNG rescue them from VictiMizers nightmares 24/7

Like dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!

I*m a biblical REPRESENTATiVE individual in fashion art etc.

& I'm biblically educated to staze knowing all the religions are 100% true

& that I need more advanced education medically like to be a biblical doctoR genious eventually like metal skeletons & wutev else aside from natural remedies & more...

& That character in the holy bible & picture bible & other books a knowlege & more... that Jctpop~jesus Christ the prince of peace he got murdered sacrificed on a cross because of peasants in cults they did this illegal ritual as they do all kinds of dysfunctional this they criminals that stole presidential & higher possitions as fake authorities is wut they are I classify them as the same class of low lives in the crowd of Moses like there's all kinds a crimes being done by a variety it's all illegally happening! All religions are % true in all that religions & Real laws & more are mentioned & reminded there vlike purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & ReaLity vs fantasy & etc. Like wutever else In books of knowledge & films & fashion & art & etc.

My webpage~

It's filled with bibLicaL education & ReaLities & other situations being ignored...& Wutev else like fashion art etc.

Click on every tab to see message that it shows

& I only update when I got access sumtymes it freezes do I been doing sum blog post only...

I will eventually get around the hackers again that try to make me slow...& More...

Like bla bla bla...

heRes a MeMoRy Maze that kinda goes wit this post~

Nana many names etc. D. Ann(e) Kell(e)y aka Doris a. McLain aka emerald carrots aka natural remedies aka two shakes of a lambs tail she came outta no where to a location I been aBducted & escaped b4...

I was put under hypnotic & memory deletion twist wit psychology & I was standing in front of that place outside like a statue...

Then my g ma emerald carrots natural remedies pulled up in a vehicle she reside in like the ones in tha pics & she handed me tha lamb chop stuffed animal

& she drove off wit out me like she aware of these abductors & she not sticking around to see wut happens next so she left me like they part a her situation living in cars...

I gotta awaze eventually...

These peasants drug & rape & other dysfunctional crimes...

I woke up in thank jacuzzi drugged up face down in that water...

They try to cover up thier perversion crimes wit fake attempted that's a crime also duh!!!!!!

They do these things for fun...

Anywaze years later...

I gotta another smaller version of that lamb chop for my daughter...

& Mine that binkie it comes wit when I was smaller in tha 80s when I got it I used it for myself & lost it!?

So I got her a new one & its prettier plastic clear pink...

I got a coupel a them I made earrings & necklaces & got blueish color binkies like it too

& My first name RacheL & that's my daughter middle name in Hebrew it means LAMB Which is saying staze innocent like animals & help them too wit resources or wutev & etc.

this Link beLow is MoRe detaiLs bout that stoRy of Maze MeMoRy i jus Mentioned above~



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