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PURiTy PAK A MAGiCAL ME$$AGE$ RAiNBOW REMiNDER$ LoLLi jctPOP~je$u$ chRi$T tha PRiNce of PEACE etc.

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

i do a vaRiety a styLes of fashion aRt etc. & i did put MoRe a thE$e bibLicaLLy in$piRed gifts 2getheR of $uM bibLicaL education Like a puRity pak MagicaL Me$$age$ Rainbow ReMindeR$ LoLLi jctpop~je$u$ chRi$t tha PRince of peace candy & tea...Like wutev eL$e HoLy h20 & $eRenity $paRkLe$ & in$cent$ Like bLa bLa BLa...

i give this educationaL info. 2 RandoMs suMtyMe$ i incLude thieR NaMe & otheR tyMes i don*t...Like eitheRwaze they aRe eitheR a pea$ant oR a pRince$$ oR a PRInce...

& it$ po$$ibLe 2 b a RetiRed peaSant so they can b a peasant pRince$$ oR a Pea$ant PRince...i My$eLf aM obviou$Ly a pRince$$ duh!...Like RegauRdLe$$ of My diff Look$ & $ituation$...i wiLL get aLL My Re$ouRce$ eventuaLLy & do everything iM supposed 2 Like i*M entitLed untiL then i get pRevented bye tha peasants that beLong disintegRated oR depoRted oR both oR wutev they quaLify for theRe$ RequiRed Lie ditectoR te$t...& wutev eL$e...

i quickLy sketch this & Made thes LiL books that bReakdown tha whoLe hoLy bibLe & pictuRe bibLe Like otheR tyMes i incLude MoRe stORies based on True & ReaLity & books a knowLege Like tha quRan! & wutev else not Mentioned 2 heLp get this LeveL of tRuth out theRe 2 end diLLusionaL Lies being foRced aLso...

MoRe ReaL Laws beLow Mentioned aLReady in actuaL BibLicaL education duh! No1 can change ReaL Laws Like aLL ReLigions aRe 100 % & peasants tRy 2 put veRsion of Lies twist wit tRuth whiLe bibLical RepResentatives Like Myself put wutev out theRe MoRe accuRateLy Like that*s suMMa wut it$ suPPose 2 be...&wutev eLse...



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