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ganji faiRie$ & otheR kReatuRe$ kinda tRue $toRie$~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: May 1, 2024


cLick that Links above idividuaLLy 2 see it goes wit that pictuRe up theRe...REGAURDiNG MELANiE MARTiNEZ THAT M.M. MeLa tone Many NaMes songs tunes...& otheR ReaLity updates & MeMoRy Mazes & f.a.e.~fa$hion aRt etc.-


CLick the Link beLow to see Me doing a ganji faiRie styLe dance chaRacter jewelry box ballerina puppet cLown thing cReature~

& next R fsuM gangi fairies & diff kReatuRes & chaRactERs innspiRed fRee styLe prayeRs of Myself cLick aLl https:// Links individuaLLy thRu out this entiRe post 2 see sUm say Click above theM as a ReMindER suM dont they jus a LingeRing Link waiting 2 b cLicked & seen hopefuLLy bye those woRth knowing & seeing duh~

















NEXT Link cLick 2 see that this video i made RegauRding Me & My abducted kidnapped ouR Rapist abductoRs say we Not aLLowed 2 be no body we need 2 be Nothing More they cLaiM b cus they Rape us & try 2 convince that we no LongeR quaLify 4 disney co. oR any of oUr own ResouRces individuaLLy?! this video fiLM i MiMe that ReaLity that gLitteR Mask My daughter make as i suMtymes put in front of My face then Move it awaze as a syMboL MiMing of us being Raped stiLL Laughing & sMiLing tho but i incLude bLood tear cRies i paint on wit Make up as i*M Like jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace Liikm e im suppose to be Like i dont cRy intensionaLLy any tyMe i eveR cRying its Liike the tears of the peasant criminals victimizer sinners trying 2 weaken me wit thier identities under hypnotic/hypnosis memory deletion twist with psychology they try 2 get Me 2 know wut its Like to be them which is impossibLe foR 1 ima victim & 2 iM ME duh! & i chose this hip hop Musician dRake song b cus summa his tunes R encouRaging 2 keep on going on My path aLone in ReaLity RegauRdLess of who tRies 2 pRevent Me from going where i need 2 & i Made taht wooden pRincess disney theme Mirror thing as in i jus decoRate it wit that i drew on there those chaRacters 4 My daughter & i put her image on there also Like she mite be a reaL princess stiLL i know i am & theres Lie ditectoR test eitherwaze 2 confirm & verify wutev & real authoRities & wutev eLse & u wiLL notice i do bibLicaL kReature cLowny chaRacteR styLe dance the caRRots r a syMboL of wheres my property & my resources & the animals & anyone who dont got wut they suppose to & wut r illegal land scapers still doing aLive poisoning plants & medicine & tea herbs with chemicals & psych meds & forcing others 2 result 2 them its iLLegaL & disgusting as they try 2 take over everything with perversion & multiplying thru rapes & More theres no point of thieR existance duh!!!! & i got cut off towards the end but i was gonna do puppet baLLet & wutev eLse Like me & my daughterv have puppet ourselves to be our self but sumtymes others puppet our words & wutev else 2 be suM1 eLse?!~










THERE*$ MORE of My videos ON YOUTUBE & FACEBOOK of Me My footage of MyseLf Like wutev 2 diff tunes & MoRe suM jus MiMe kinda & taLk & aLL a tha above...a vaRiety a ReaLitie$...i high hopes suMMa these situations get situated bye trhose who R in possition 2 do so that R aLLowed & R entitLed 2 that got access...

to: MeLanie MaRtinez that M.M. Many naMes etc.

YouRe video DEATH & PORTAL$ ALBUM iMages that i seen & incLude suM in this post

Looks Like a ganji faiRy inspiRed chaRacteR the one wit wings eaRLieR that rise above oR outta u oR wutev duh

As in ReaL Life ReaLity i see demons & Lucifer the fallen angel & other creatures they all attend my free style prayer tyMe & suMtyMes visit more visibly when i go waLking

Like i seen ReaL ganji fairies they look like siMiLaR 2 that thing in the iMage

But tha ones i seen aRe kinda cLear & Light up in diff coLors

Like maybe they occasionally change thier skin tone & hair styles but wutev they suMtyMes got genie shoe feet then they change more human like like I don’t know the ganji fairies I see are aLwaze laughing naked they claim Rachel u see the tea herbs plants we smoking as they do laughter they say those was the clothes they was wearing

when I was lil girl tiL now they smoking ganji in marijuana tea pipes they visit me that visibly to where I got high to laugh too My ex friend Candice Lé anné LeeAnn dé Rouaux deRouaux CAN$ Candi can dice candLe MANy NAME$ ETC. she experience it also wit me altho that’s me alone usually but I don’t know if she see them like do or wutev

& beLow R suM fRee styLe PrayeRs MiMe dances i done aLReady 2 suMMa uR songs cLick individuaLLy 2 see~


this next song a youRs ReMinds Me of Me getting My ResouRces & My daughtER too us in a caRe beaR cLoud caR fLying in the staRs on Rainbow Roads wit that song ReMinds Me of suM kinda pRayeR Like peRsian PRayeR i Made up~ spaRkLEs pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue them fRom victimizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 like DreaMs come True if they suppose to duh bLa bLa BLA BLa Like high bye & you wiLL see i dedicate this fRee styLe pRayEr 2 My cats & tha daze of the paw its a daze the animals tell me they will Rise above the humans & got thier resources they alwaze remind me & say 2 me HUMAN THE ANimals r made more holy than u even if ima a victim but wutev i wish this & that on reaL genies so my persian prayer heLps me accept reality loke the serenity prayer & wutev else~




this Next 1 during a spiRituaL bibLicaL gathering coLLab actuaL kReatuRes ReaL MeRmaids chiMe in spiRituaLLy 4 this remix a mix of ur tune aLong w/jctpop~jesus christ the prince of peace & lucifer & ganji fairies & animals & other characters & gods(kings) & godesses(queens) they attend that visibLy!!!!!!!!!! & waLt disney paRis fRance Like hes over there even tho news say he dead?! & hugh bunny akak hugh hefner pLay Mate & sub uRban that hypnoticaL theatricaL character individuaL sum how be there in spirit aLso 4 this?! Like Look u*LL see & baRbie coMpany & Lisa Frank co. & the care bears & more...if u Listen to my poeticaL Lyrical i mash up wit ur xisting poetry reality it ReaLLy goes 2 gether wit ReaL Life like ur title numbers & i include my social security card as an xample since i got that b4 a photo i.d. supposively eitherwaze its a cuLt how sum numbers r being used like wheRes my Resources & wutev else not Mentioned duh~


this next fRee styLe pRayeR of Me is Like an actual MeMoRy this video is Myself on My 36th biRthdaze in januaRy 2022 my birthdaze is on the 15th as My souL was Made apRiL 1985 i was born januaRy 15, 1986 @ 694 w. wilson st. costa Mesa, california 92627 biblically speaking in the Land of dReaMs...but it was MoRe Like My 9th biRthdaze Like that tyMe i thought aLL the peasants got disintegRated or suM how dissappeaRed Liie including My biological blood relativeslikem sibilings 1/2 brothers & sisters or whoev they even R like thos etitles r illegal really liike who u r 24/7 is who u really r anywaze i thought my biological birth mommy & daddy & whoev else vanished too b cus at my stepping stone it got so peacefuL like they dont exist?! there was a snow white & 7 dwarfs cake disney cartoon version with only grumpy dwarf & snow white like did the other 6 dwarf go wit the peasants where r they i almost went mental i know my biological birth mommy obviously got the cake b4 she like went on to the next realm im guessing then in those moments appeared the real dwarfs surrounding the cake & walt disney & caselotti the voice of snow white & creatures of all kinds & lucifer & demons & ganji fairies & unicorn & they seem so visible!!! i went into a hypnotical trans 2 go bout My birthdaze wit them & as i went 2 go cut the cake THE CHARACTERS START FADing awaze where r they going?! as i hear sum1 say RacheL! they Left entiReLy?! it sound like my biological birth mommy debra Lynn McLain akak p.p. pee puddLe aka LunaticaLLy LunaticaL Lunatic Lynn Many Names etc. b cus it end up actually being her she tell me to not cut the CAKE or anything yet that summa my retard rival sibilings r at my birthdaze party?! i dint invite any of them?! she say theRes a pooL! so the MeRmaids that was there tell me spiritually 2 jus i wentbut when i arrived Lynn got outta the car took the cake & my body Locked in the passenger seat Like sciatica i sat there...then she caMe & got Me & My body unLocked & i dont Remember anything other than on my waze to the pooL aRea i saw that sicko older 1/2 brother jon eugene heLton aka s.y.p.~shit your pants aka jonny McLain in the pool i think it was him along wit my lil half brother cousin michael sadegh kavand aka twix aka stix aka tRix aka the boy aka many names etc. Like sum say our biological birth daddys r 1/2 brothers w/ same biological birth daddy diff biological birth mommy & me & twix & jon got same biological birth mommy & jon got a diff biological birth daddy & in those moments walking up 2 the swiMMing pooL ReaLity BLuR awaze?!...those human sibilings of mine that i seen attend act Like wut am i doing aLive as My MeMoRy went awaze completely like then wut happen?! they or sum1 put me under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology & they probly personally part of that sciatical attack & altho no memory sum1 probly puppetted My ReMains the rest a my tyme there whether i was my self or not...the rest a my sibilings dont know if they attended & was jon really there or jus schitzophrenically sum schitzophrenics show themselves that visibly duh! they so jeaLous...Like thats another story as when u cLick on this Link next its Like a continuation from b4 Lynn say RacheL...& sum say im not aLive that i dont ReaLLy exist b cus supposively criminals commit fraud & got Life insurance & sold my identity to that many along wit other iLLegaL things Like theres Lie ditector test i never died others say b cus im paRt middle eastern im not real b cus they dont beLieve that bReed is human duh! so sum caLL Me a thing...Like who caRes i hang out wit CReatures & animals & characters & wutev eLse wutta they do?! hope peasants criminals victimizers sinners get disintegrated already 4 thier intensional crimes as sum get deported prison & disintegration date good 4 theM...~







next is Me doing Like a McdonaLds spongebob MeLanie MaRtinez M.M. MeLa tone ReMix a Mix of fash it starts wit spongebob theme song & goes into unhappy meal its Like a reality update RonaLd Mcdonald & his co. & chaRacters need to get rescued & thier ReaL LOcations & Places need to be ReModeled wit fancy glasss & gold & other approved materials & designs Like ice cream cone giant or sumthing Like that & more obviousLy so heRe it goes & i incLude my abduted daughter picture in the fries necklace she tell me during this abduction she got a ajob at McDonalds when she is really kidnapped her kidnapper work there b4 illegally as he brag his people of illegal land scapers rape gang members scientist sinners criminals victimizers peasants that they build those places to steal companies part of them & live off the menu & that they the characters the public is gonna see a bunch of perverts Ruining the company & Land scaping & MoRe...during my abduction bye him in like 2006 or 2007 he work at a fake Mcdonalds i call it wit part of the ReaL Menu my daughter was a baby we went there liike wutev & he smiLe at the Register in the fake uniforms i Look around no Ronald no bird girl woman no stripes character or any of them jus wiLLie many names etc our rapist & abductor drugger at the tyme he sends others to make sure we dont getta awaze & he use cults & wutev i did get awaze in 2011 from him in person so has my daughter but she got abducted again! as he & they turn it to a perversion center Mcdonalds & almost everywhere!!!!! as they do abductions & wutev else iLLegal its not funny i tell my daughter at least do clown fashion while she there her biological biRth daddy doesnt want her being any1he try 2 do the same 2 ME he likes that she look as sickening @ McDonalds like him sumtymes in those possitions to make it look like she is like him a sicko taking over & living off the food recipes & keeping them down graded insteada upgraded & bla bla bla...i gave her a fRench fries shaRpener & teLL her 2 use more colors on her face & paper like b4 & i show her this Look of mine in this video Later & More she seen & i teLL her this is wut a ReaL McdonaLds representative looks like as she usually know but Like me she doesnt alwaze function as herself or remember & she say in her abductions she NOT ALLOWED SHE REALLy needs to jus get Rescued she do these looks similar like mine when she wit me as ii tell her she eventually needs to get deported & go on her own wit her own resources individually alone duh! theres Lie ditectoR test & Real authorities & More ~


next is Me doing a 99 cent stoRe aka 99 cent onLy stOres coMMeRcial i caLL it the MAGiCALLy MAGiCAL MAGiC $TORE! in this video fiLm i made of MyseLf i show suMMa wut i got thEre even aLmost head 2 toe Make up & wig & cLothes jus not that oRange sweateR i got suMwheRe eLse anywaze i pLay MeLa tone MeLanie MaRtinez M.M. 99 cent stoRe song & i use 2 work there as i got abducted off & off during that tyme drugged & raped & More to where i quit b cus My abductor kept going in y mind after he weaken me wit the drugs & sum other rape gang members that work there rape me on my Lunch break he force me to take store merchandise that he paying me off wit the company i report him sum workers say im stealing i let them know that xact rapist use hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology 2 pretend the situation never happen as a the abductor of me dont work there its like he sent him literally & My older half brothers ciamak & jon & whoev else sent my abductor they even make request of wut they want him 2 do to me he tell me its them that sent him he still guilty 4 wut he do intesionally duh i end up in streets & beg good semeratins 2 help better situate my situation or any1 wit access 2 weapons & Lie ditector test thats allowed to got them Like here i am i kept continously ending up wit willie the abductor doja y dojo many names etc. LuckiLy barbie in spirit the actual doll made several spiritual appearances as she Resite her quotes Like she say hang on to youR dReams & you can be anything & her & boom box baRbie & others encouRage Me 2 staze a RegaurdLess & i know boom box baRbie was really there! i got similar outfit as her a mini bLack skiRt same kinda body almost & i got given a radio & i walk up & down the streets wit it b4 it was like i got awaze at least physically from the abductor even tho he was there sumtymes during that tyme & if there was hoola hoops & jump Ropes it wpoulda been like the 80s & 90s round the tyme i got boom box baRbie & i got acess to prayer gLitter hot pink jus likme booom box barbie main colors aside from bLack 2 Make it pop & i put on my eyes & let the sun hit it spaRkly as i tell every1 i need to get rescued or give me money 4 hotel or wutev i dont know if any1 i ask or that offered notice the MagicaL gLittery sparkling prisma spaRkLe beLow my brow area but everytyme i put it on & seen it ein the jaR its Like My own personaL Reminder takes me back 2 when my souL was Made @ RAinbow faLLsthought others mite remember when thier stupid soul was Made Like thats another story~


this next Link is bout anotheR tyMe in ReaLity ReaL Life Like aside fRoM otheRs... Like on MaRch 23, 2023 thuR$daze & b4 i went to social services & housing authority @ 1928 s grand st santa ana, ca. 92705 & 1501 E St Andrew Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92705 & other permanent & temporary titles EitheRwaze biblically speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS…Like wheRe$ My RE$OURCE$?! i try 2 get them everywhere Like disney company in person @ disneyland in wut sum calle anaheim, california many names etc. & Loose prisoners think they get 2 work there & i know they R there illegally but thats why disneyland isnt more of wut its suppose 2 be along with ReaLity & i try at colleges like orange coast college in costa mesa, california i call it the island of dreaming in the Land of dreams like go pirates & stoRes Like wicked chamber~ 1959 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 phone#(949) 631-5616 & churches Like at 420 w 19th street costa mesa, california 92627 i call that place the window of magical messages jctpop~ jesus christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass location & Housing authority is a company 2 get your ResouRces aLso infdivuaLLy aLone along wit other companies & churches & buisnesses & places & hospitaLs & Locations to get all your resources entirely duh! But those possitions R stolen and iLLegaL Land scapers aRe taking over and my daughter is kidnapped abducted and my physical disability is sciatica and wutev else not mentioned and more...again & again & again i go & when no body suppose to go that often plus it’s not wut it’s suppose to be aLong wit ReaLity in general Anywaze i question since aftEr My souL was Made & foRce to be in this ReaLM suM caLL the woRLd eaRth & wutev else permanent & teMpoRaRy tiTLes eitherwaze biblicalLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAMS Like i was boRn~januaRy 15, 1986 @694 w. wilson st. Costa Mesa, California 92627...Like where's My Resources I did this free styLe pRayeR & the Lyrics & more This song Melanie called the principal it kinda go with wut the fake representatives those criminals sinners victiMizeRs peasants r doing in reality in those positions they steal presidential & higher & more & the illegal land scapers trying to take over along with a vaRiety of criminals peasants victimizers sinners & my daughter is abducted kidnapped Raped drugged abused in diff waze MentaLLy physicaLLy sexuaLLy off & on her whoLe Life same wit Myself Like i obviousLy gotta awaze escaped duh! as i continue to do Like so has she gotten awaze from these sickos & hopefuLLy she do again & she needs 2 gets Rescued aLready & wutev else & this fiLm of me is not my best video 2 show wut iM taLking bout I done worse but this Lyrical tune really describes part of situations that need to get situated as i MiMe along MiMing to another m.m. MeLa tone Melanie Martinez song like the pRincipaL its called the Lyrics kinda go wit this stoRy & the that song death bye her too i include mainly b cus of her ganji fairy character but those Lyrics go too b cus fake authority keep putting me & my daughter in iLLegaL situations where we get raped drugged & get put on the streets & abducted Like we can die & be brought back most LikeLy bye bibLicaL doctoR geniouses or wutev we entitled to as an individuaL they heLp make happen as thats thier job description as real authorities they advanced medical representatives they do MetaL skeLetons & cLognes & ReaL medicine & nesssasary surgeries & proceedures & dreams & inventions & resources & Lie ditectoR test & Land scaping & depoRtation & disintegration & weapons & more like how bout sum1 disintegrates these retards who pretend to be already & that song death when its starts round that tyme I put up fashion symbol thing to represent sumthing to Live for like every1 made into f.a.e.~ fashion Art etc. Even while dying or staying alive or wutev

Click Link to see~


Next is that song pRincipal i incLude in that Link above of Myself heRe it is with lyrics to again show how it goes with ReaLity & describes peasants stealing possitions that aren’t for them they don’t qualify they not allowed they belong disintegrated those that do it intensionaLLy duh cLick 2 see~


that other song i incLuded eaRLieR titLed Death here it is wit LyRics like i ReLate it 2 f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc. & in ReaL Life ReaLity i am dying of sciatica a physical disability I deal wit as good seMeRatins suMtyMes give summa a wut real doctors do that I’m obviously waiting & seeking a biblical doctor genious as I will eventually be one & more duh cLick link to see~


& My webpage~

beLow & above R obviously MeLanie MaRtinez that M.M. in ganji faiRy kReatuRe Like fash styLe Look$...cLick link 2 see Music video of heR song DEATH it jus hit youtube so i finaLly seen it~

next is siMiLaR 2 suMMa tha ganji faiRies i seen aRound that size too~


i ReaLLy beLieve the ganji faiRies incRease Laughter since they aLwaze wit Me

Then they foRce My ex friend Candice Lé anné LeeAnn dé Rouaux deRouaux CAN$ Candi can dice candLe MANy NAME$ ETC.

to Laugh too

Even if she can't see theM...

But wutev

i think she can see theM b cus yeaRs LateR she got ReaL seRious she got Me a posteR of a ganji faiRy in this pictuRe beLow see!!!!! thats LiteRaLLy the xact design she got Me!...

EitheRwaze she that CaN dice ... Left Back onto heR RetaRted path of peRveRsion ...

Like I'm Waze too innocent to be aRound...

Others say she only that noRMaL round Me...

& that iMage above kinda Looks Like Me suMtyMes Like when i free style prayer or go 2 church & wutev else i do occasionaLLy wear horns & wutev else as i been dRugged defLated & Plagued thRuPlagues Like sciatica i get sciaticaLly attacked & disfiguRed in diff waze Like theres retards in cuLts intensionaLly doing these things in person & in a distance & both! i find My waze 2 fitness & 2 RestOre my Remains wit vitamins too & wutev 2 heLp keep Me aLive & going duh!

& CAN d ice she in cults like perversion & more & That she wit theM her Recruiters & others that r intensionally perverts she they do iLLegaL peRveRted things males & feMales

Wutta bunch a sickos that all belong disintegrated

She even tell me now that she officially chooses to be of that class of people

Like I cut her off & others LoweR than Me when my souL was Made!!!!


The ciRcLe of peasants is boRing to every prince & pRincess duh!


on diff ReaLities yet the saMe ReaL Life suM places & Locations cLick Link 2 see Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MyseLf MiMing a MiMe of Me A ReMix a Mix of 2 that tune bag of dope aLso known as fRied day(daze) f. bizzy bone~

CLick next Link to see this ReaLity update~ & CLick Links beLow individuaLLy to see~ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

This next Link goes with Last eMaiL cLick to see afteR seeing aLL the otheRs pReviousLy sent~ Again to whom this May conceRN Like they gotta higheR undeRstanding & aRe a victiM & they wiLL do the Right thing in high hopes they got access Like a bibLicaL doctoR genious duh!!!!!

& heRes MoRe ganji faiRie & otheR cReatuRe inspiRed jeweLeRy box baLLeRina cLown thing Like chaRacteRs eLfs & MeRMaids & MoRe fRee stYLe pRayeRs bye me of MyseLf cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~


























peRsian pRayeR i Made up~ spaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh bLa bLa bLa Like high bye & My webpage~

MORE DETAiL$ on can$ in this Link beLow & bout Me & wutev eLse NOT MENTioned aLso cLick 2 see~


heRe*$ a Link MoRe bout MeLanie MaRtinez that M.M. Many NaMes etc. cLick 2 see~

theRe*s LucifER next it Looks Like hiM at Least...Mite ReaLLy be...

cLick Link 2 see~

& beLow is suM aRt i did beLow show suM actuaL MeMoRies i caRtoonized which incLudes those indivuaLs i Mention eaRLieR i suMtyMes see MoRe visibLy than otheRs they say this ReaLM is too toxic so they dissappeaR that often because peasants use aLevL of psychoLogy on them 2 Reinact peasants oR 2 do suMthing peasant...but we found waze of & on since tha 80s to hang out & i do bibLical gatherings that hoLy they gather aRound when i Make youtube videos & when i do f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. they attend & chuRches they go too & suMtyMes they do thier own thing theRe i can see peRfectLy they continue 2 REMind ME wut REALity is suppose 2 be whiLe peasants prevent Me fRoM doing MoRe i wiLL eventuaLLy...untiL then...

i titLe this based upon a ReaLity:


MORE info. in that Link beLow cLick 2 see~

& this next aRt bye Me:

i titLe thi$...


detaiLs bout that aRt above i taLk on eaRLieR~

i gotta $tuffed UnicoRn NaMed $paRkle$...$he wa$ wit Me when I wa$ on tha $tReet back in tha daze...{ALLAH & GOD & ALL THA GOD$ ALWAZE KNOW My $ituatioN & heR$ too & everybody & eveRthing incLuding tRee$ & wutev$ NOT Mentioned}...$he $tiLL aRouNd & Live$ wit Me...tha fiRe woRk$ in My aRt work R actuaLLy @ 1$t victiMizeR$ going up on $paRkLy Rocket$ & they di$iNgRate on tha waze up in tha $kie$ b4 tha Light$ $hiMMeR & gLitz $hine & bLing in Diff coLoR$ Like a PRi$Ma a diaMond$ that Light up a$ b they $hatteR in tha nite! dopefuLLy beautifuL huh? Like duh! MORe a Rea$oN 2 Launch theM eveRy evening when it$ daRk out$ide I MeaN wheRe eL$e do they Look theiR be$t & get 2 b that fRee? 1 it$ Like cLa$$icaL Mu$ic oR tea tyMe...duh!...Like why NOT deLete that kind wheRe they cant inteRvene wit tha victiM$ vioLin houR oR wuteveR...tha woman on tha fLying pRayeR Rug i$ Me!... Tha Man on tha otheR pRayeR Rug I$ My biological daddy Mo haMMed Ka zeM Ka vand wutta an idiot woR$hipping ibiLi$: tha cobRa is a syMboL of *ibilis~a chaRacteR fRoM tha *QUARAN! A 100% EVERY LETTER 2 WORD TRUE stoRie$/hi$toRy/etc.!~altho he got other faces jus like Many... As 4 Mo, a peR$iaN $woRd he Look$ 4waRd 2 u$ing on victiMizer$ LiKE THERE$ $O mANY WAZE 2 DI$INGRATE THEM! onLy a DREAM A Hi$ oR a de$tiny...Like I haven't LO$T My THRONE!!!!! & I NEVER WiLL! I AM A PER$iAN PRiNCE$$ yup I'M 1 a tha $aNd$ it$ cooL! & Many MoRe! Like I aM a KRAZY KAUKA$iAN... & a $aNdNigga & a LepRechauN & tRibaL indian & etc. a pRince$$ a Many! Like of AMERiKA & PeR$ia & KaLi4 Nia & etc. & ALLAH & GOD & ALL THA GOD$ LiL PRince$$...Like theRe$ Many & pRiNce$ too!...tha hoof character$ RepRe$ent $toRie$ My $tep daddy uncle $a degh tell Me along wit tha cactu$ & tha $coRpian$ one! I gave heM tha oRiginaL a$ a gift along wit $uM otheR things Like a pRayer Rug & MY 1$T QUARAN & THA PASSiON OF CHRiST MOVie by MeL Gibson a 100% TRUE STORY OUTTA THA HOLY BIBLE & THE PICTURE BIBLE & MoRE BOUT$ JESUS AKA THA PRINCE OF PEACE & ETC. THA LiON i$ LiKE ALLAH & tha caMel i$ $a degh foLLowing behind a TRUE LEADER LEADiNG THA WAZE...THEY BOTH GOT PER$iAN $WORD$...LiKE $UM PRiNCE{$} & pRiNce$${e$} OF KiNG$ {queen$ R not no body bui$ne$$ but I know they xi$t & tha actuals r not huMan oR aniMaLs they saMe like tha king$}...THERES ALSO ART LIKE LOKA & LOKO & CLOWNY DESIGNS AS MY SIGNATURE STYLE ALSO & THA FARSi @ tha top say: PER$iAN PRiNCE IN THA NAME OF THA LiON then below Me say per$ian pRince$$ in faR$i & tha palm tree IS LiKE THA BEACHE$ & tha diamond$ R Like birth $toNe$ & other geM$ & $hade$ NOT ALWAZE Mentioned & THA WHOLE THiNG LACE IN GOLD {goLdi$h paint & gLitter & geL pin$...dnt got any actual oR I woLd got$ gold thread & ReaL gold Mixed in tha paint & pen$ & MoRe} & NATURE & WUTEVER & ETC.


Thi$ *SPARKLE$ i$ ju$ 1 a My stuffed UnicoRn$ that I got in 2005! tiL Now! $he been on tha $tReet wit Me & Many other adventuRe$...$he tha $aMe one Mentioned in My ARt work: $paRkLe$ tho


cLick this next Link 2 see aLso~


*PRiNCE A PEACE aka jesus chRist BLOOD TEARS & hands a king GOD A LOVE showing choices wit heM PEACE & LOVE...Without: NOTHiNG & LUCiFER in 1 a his Many iMages AS a satanist CULT syMboL betteR known bye his RetaRted foLLoweRs LikE haLf goat & DEMON WiT THA FACE OF A HUMAN & ELF LiKE EARS LIKE A CHARACTER OUTTA FAiRYTALE...HE MAY B A BEAUTIFUL ANGEL BUT AS A FALLEN ONE THA BLiND DON'T KNOW OR CARE & ibiLis & tha otheRs unknown ETC. EARTH ANGEL A HUMAN WHO ALREADY MADE A DECiSiON TO REMAiN A ViCTiM OR B ONE!

JESUS & LUCIFER PLAYING A GAME A CHE$$ WiT ANGEL & DEMON PIECES Like they both know thieR cReatoR & that god(king) ALLAH & king GOD & ALL THA GODS(kings) & GODESSES(queens) ALREADY WON THA BATTLE REGAURDLESS EVEN THO it MAy go on 24/7 VictiMS VS ViCTiMiZERS (death & disingRate tha VictiMizeRs) aside from that there's WHITE Rain & BLack DRipping & tRinkLing Like teaRs i aLwaze iMagined Roses wouLd teaR if they can CRy apaRentLy suM sing & taLk Like why Not...if Roses gots teaRs they pRobLy b bLack...THATS PART A POEM i once wRote...whoeveR stoLe any a My woRk oR anything @ aLL betteR give it BACK!!!!!!!!!!

Next is an iMage of My daughtER i gave heR a cLowny Make oveR we caMe up wit this chaRacteR is Mya Loka LiL cLown Many NaMes etc. see~

she got abducted again as she been abducted off & on heR whoLe Life so have i duh!...

To My abducted kidnapped daughteR~that been dRugged Raped & abducted off & on her whoLe Life Like MyseLf I obviously gotta awaze as she escape b4 aLso but got abducted again Duh!

When My diet b4 was eveRy MoRning 1 egg & a shot a apple cider vinegar & water & high tea like ephedrine sativa ephedra mix wit other herbs & pLants fRoM vitamin stoRes & suMtyMes staRbucks too & i power waLk to schooL & at Lunch i power walk to Getta smoothie & then power walk back to my stepping stone i do belly dance workouts & my homework & fash art etc & video games & t.v. Shows & movies & then at dinner sum kinda healthy soup or salad or subways style sandwich or All a the above depends on portion EitheRwaze food of that natuRe

Anywaze hopefuLLy u get Rescued immediately duh!

On diff ReaLities I obviously need a biblical doctor genious theyb do eveRything fRee Like they suppose 2 duh! for wut i need medicaLLy like sum nessasary surgeries regaurding bones that got disfiguRed & forced outta place they got to chizzLe them in place & I need body tissue repair & wutev eLse like body Lazer hair RemovaL on sum aReas


as i teLL To My ABDUCTED kidnapped daughteR aLReady...& i did tRy 2 take heR in peRson...& i say if she dont go wit Me 2 go bye youR seLf!!!!! she is Like possessed oR suMthing as i been thRu possessions aLso but wutev...

PLanned paRenthood neaR wheRe u cLaiM to be~

1125 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814


Get on NoN.hoRMonaL biRth contRoL oR tha suRgeRy to ReMove your tubes if that's avaiLabLe or get on the waiting List for the surgical procedure along wit abLation to your menstral...duh!

Hurry up & do this iMMediaTeLy!!!!!!!!

EitheRwaze this is My Main Message to u tiL it happens aLReady...

To My ABDUCTED kidnapped daughteR~

Aside fRoM hoping u getting Rescued entiReLy aLong wit MyseLf & eveRy1 who doesn't got aLL thieR ResouRces individuaLLy oR Mite be in an iLLegaL situation oR wutev the ReaLity...

Don*t 4get...

eMeRgency Message~

CLick that Links eventuaLLy beLow individuaLLy to see~

it is bout suRgeRy i got that eveRy feMaLe alive that's allowed to be & prisoners included need to get eventuaLLy get it aLso & males need the male pRoceeduRe it's RequiRed ReaL Laws bibLicaLLy a fact accurate bibLicaL education say it that bLuntLy the tRuth & MoRe duh!...

whoeveR else feMaLes & MaLes aRe RequiRed to be on NoN.hoRMonaL biRth contRoL while waiting for that suRgeRy to heLp end MuLtipLying!~

@a pLanned paRent hood pRobLy...

& get an appointMent wit~

Charles W. Moniak

320 Superior Ave #230, Newport Beach, CA 92663

#(949) 645-7870

He did My suRgeRy of ReMoving My tubes out so i can't get Raped wit MoRe babies & to heLp end MuLtipLying & deaL wit the existing...duh!

& He do that abLation to My MenstRaL pRoceeduRe so MoRe bLood peRiod paMpeRs

i teLL hiM bout how i got Raped wit My daughtER as i continue escaping Rapist that i beg eveTybody in the MedicaL field & MoRe 2 give Me the suRgeRy theres ReaLLy Rape gang MeMbeRs scientist MentaL heaLth RetaRds cRiMinaLs victiMizeRs sinneRs peasants that aLReady gotta hoLd a Me its iLLegal they TRy 2 Make Me have MoRe babies thRu perveRsion...they pLan 2 do it 2 My daughtER too & whoev & wutev eLse duh!


To make an appointment with a Planned Parenthood health center, use the health center locator above or call 1-800-230-PLAN to reach the Planned Parenthood health center nearest you...


Wing Rigbi TRoLL Mya Loka LiL CLown RacheL LaMb aMethyst DiaMond To My ABDUCTED kidnapped daughter...Mya u need 2 get Rescued iMMediaTeLy duh eitherwaze HopefuLLy that happens

i don't got access to doing MoRe obviousLy duh!

in 2005 1 a uR oRiginaL naMes is RacheL diaMond oR diaMond RacheL afteR MyseLf

Like it doesn't MatteR wut coLoR diaMond u R...

& i got no access to doctoRs U couLada gotten boRn or taken out @any tyMe duh! & Did u know My souL was Made in ApRiL 1985 My biRth diaMond couLda been kRysyaL diaMond if I got taken out immediately duh that's wut real doctors do aside from the fact the do the surgery to help prevent multiplying & they do abort babies that aren't allowed to be here & more wit lie ditector test & they Disintegrate those that multply intensionally

& I Rachel Michele' McLain is My biRth ceRtificate naMe & i was born January 15, 1986 baby giRL gaRNet diaMond @694 w. WiLson St. Costa Mesa, California bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land a dreams

& My baLLeRina name since the 80s is kRistahyena (kRistina) ka vand a princess of many names...

it's funny b cus My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy she name me Rachel which means Lamb in Hebrew & then on My supposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy side kRi sta hyena...hyena is a laughing animal which describes me & him sumtymes duh!...

& Ur soul was literally made May 24, 2005 I don't know wut tyme & if it went to pass midnight then the 25th so ur original birth diamond woulda been an eMeRaLd but wutev...that Rapist say it his biRthdaze he gets a baby?!

as he Rape Me i got invited spiRituaLLy 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRe My soUL was made at first i thought is was a MeMoRy of mine being made then i found out its the baby he Rape me with her souL got made...

as my souL went back into my body her soul followed & went in 2...

i tRy 2 get an abortion or at least get tha baby out immediately & surgery 2 heLp end multiplying...but fake doctors they say i have 2 wait tiL im months aLong then months later they say its too Late to take the baby out that i have 2 wait til 9th month?!

ReaL doctors woulda take her out Right awaze & put on Lie ditectoR test is she aLLowed to Live or not & if she is thye put her wit real doctors & evenyually she go on her own probly round age 2 along wit being in the MedicaL fieLd at that age duh!!!!!!!!! & MoRe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daze g jeRoMe it's a tea plant name like daze of the tea like the real medicine is made of plants tea herbs & more duh!

I know u already know that was gonna b ur boy name along wit other boy & girl names but that was the top boy name & RacheL diaMond or DiaMond RacheL was ur top girl name But Willie say nope that if I don't include Holloway he gonna put me in worse situations he threaten me & he claim he going to find a Waze to make me have more babies for him to rape drug & wutev else duh!!!!

ReaLity updates~aside from messenger & emails & youtube & other facebook post & more...

Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. He belong disintegrated immediately 4 his existing intensionaL crimes he do intensionally there's lie ditector test & real authorities & MoRe duhSituations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblical representatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa...


in the Video Link above is Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR dance MiMe Like theatRicaL cLown puppet jeweLeRy box baLLeRina kReatuRe thinG

Tha LyRics sound like they say this woRLd is sick My heaRt fiLLs it cLick Link beLow 2 see~


Next is tha actuaL Music video of the giRL oR woMan that sings it~

theRe$ that fRench fRies shaRpeneR i Mention earLier that i gave to my abducted daughter & that sher in that image wit Me u can see taht she waze MoRe cLowny & do MoRe chaRacters as i encouRage her 2 do theM diff looks anywaze but it ReaLLy depends on heR ReaLity duh!~eitheRwaze hopefuLLy she gets Rescued...

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link~

cLick Link~

& cLick this Link aLso it*s waze diff stoRy aRticLe than that otheR Mention eaRLieR bout the 99 too~

cLick links individuaLLy 2 see~


cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~


cLick Link 2 see~




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