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Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand


Updated: Dec 10, 2022


CLick that Links above to see it goes wit this post~

Like MoRe details beLow:

When I get access I'ma make & get multiple fRee styLe pRayeR dolls a me like to look like a vaRiety of my signature looks like the image I include of MyseLf Later you will see plus a variety of my other characters of myself & more eventually also & that the doLL will say out loud:





Like high bye

Bye Me RacheL MicheLé McLain KRi stahyeNa baLLeRina ka vand Loka princessa fantasia

A pRincess of Many naMes


*Fashion *Art *Etc.-


CLick link above to see i coLLab wit u eMinEM

8Mild movie rabbit

& that’s 1 a my nick names too b cus I eat carrots

& I qualify to b a playmate & for Walt Disney company

I’m like a variety a bunny

& Dakota fanning in uptown girls film

& Britney Murphy is an actress in it too but schitzophrenically or spiritually she warning others of the real slim shady many names etc. or sum 1 that looks like her or impersonates her or is her waRns of who suM people Mite aLso be even if she dead Like is she really?!

does she got colognes?!

Like bLa bLa bLa

There’s lie Ditector test & biblical doctor geniouses & authorities real exist Duh!

beLow is a video MiMe of MyseLf & the LyRics say: DEAD BUT PRETTy so it kinda go wit bRittany MuRphy supposive death cLick 2 see & the tune pLaying is ic3 p3ak aka ice peak~

Anywaze this next video is inspired bye that film wit Dakota fanning actress the last ballerina scene

Wit that syd Barrett from pink Floyd band style singer click to see my version of it ~

& then thieR peRfoRMance in that fiLM in tha ink beLow shows that scene & song i MiME eaRLiER~

& notice wut Dakota fanFanning many names etc. she say towaRds the end of that scene & film can easily be a free style prayer doll of herself duh & it could be made 2 look like her character in the film in the last ballerina scene & summa tha others & More of her looks maybe more quotes she mite add from another tyme or new eitherwaze this 1 too...saying that...eveRy ending is a new beginning...she say suMthing Like that...eveRy stoRy has an end but in Life eveRy ending is jus a new beginning...

& I seen that xact film after i escape & gotta awaze fRoM rape gang members that drug me along wit mental health representatives did it too...

I seen it that fiLM at my supposively aunt Ruth Ann McLain many names etc stepping stone location in Salem, Oregon & other temporary & permanent titLes

EitheRwaze in the land of dreams

That place...

She took me to rent movies as I got fitness too waLking tha sceneRy & she took Me to tha diRty wateR faLLs tat Look pRetty but need 2 be puRified duh & she took Me to a RestauRant caLLed appLe bees i got a giant saLad wit diff Lettuce & nuts & beRRies & MoRe...

I been drugged off & on my whole life & I do know bout recovering duh based on wut I got access to…

& since that song LyRicsaLLy say daddys LiL giRL tha video MiMe beLow goes aLong wit a MeMoRy Maze bout My supposive biological birth daddy & he not dead as faR as i know but he known to be suM kinda peasant anywaze cLick 2 see~

next is a stoRy that goes wit that MiMe MiMing video of myseL above~

To My supposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy~MO ha ka zeM ka vaNd Many Names etc. This video in that link above cLick on it to see that it describes a MeMory from tha 90s & 80s & LateR Based on a tRue stoRy like u know b cus ur Mo~ My supposive biological birth daddy Mo ha ka zem ka vand many names etc. U play this song as to u its more bout creatures u lost that i still got as the Lyrics say its a hope u gotta alotta nice things to wear as u put me in tha streets off & on thru out my Life & teLL Me to go Play gypsie pRincess that maybe a prince or another princess will give Me My rescources while u keep steaLing wit diff peasants & u laugh like hyena animal bout youR reality vs mine & wutev else but the lyrics talk bout a girl & u pLay tha song since i was a LiL giRL so i filled in like u lost me too like after u lost creatures b cus u a peasant ima princess We both do similar level of acting duh! So here i am Miming sum memories to this tune in that Link above...but cLick this Link below aLso~

In this scene in that link the daughter & daddy

Remind me of my supposive biological birth daddy mo ha ka zem ka Vand summa our characters…But if it was us...Knowing Mo ha...He woulda created the illusion that he disintegrated like that...Bye using hypnotic memory deletion

Twist wit psychology...he does this in ReaL Life inseen him do it in ReaLity!...he use hypnosis & memory deletion & twist it wit psychoLogy to make it believable that’s wut really happen even if it didn*t...While he escape! duh!

As in the Movie the daddy & the daughter clearly drank sum kinda holy water duh...

In reality mo ha is sum kinda loose prisoner peasant as far as i know & he really do this...he try to claim he peasant prince now that he unjoined the peasants but he seems to be in that cult i mention earlier to remain free...

But it gets justified when he gets awaze from a lower class of peasants while doing so...

Sum really believe these illusions & accuse me of being wutev he is

I’m a diff kinda illusionist a victim only...

Like that’s another story…& hypnotic hypnosis & memory deLetion is suppose 2 be used 4 Magic shows & to heLp prevent criMes & disintegrate peasants that belong that waze & MoRe duh but when its twist wit psychology its a cuLt! a cRiMe Link 2 peRveRsion & abductions & wutev eLse Not Mentioned...

next Links R kReatuRe inspiRed me MiMing 2 suM pinkfLoyd tunes dRess as a kReature ganji faiRy jeweLeRy box baLLeRina kLown chaRactER Like they wut iM dRess as heLp fathER Me bettER since that is on subject~


beLow R MoRe baLLet inspiRed baLLeRina styLe videos of Me~


& this next is in januauRy 2022 round tha 15th My 36th biRthdaze i ceLebRate wit doLls & kreatures & demons & Lucifer & a cat & jctpop~jesus christ the prince of peace & a diff M.M. MeLanie Martinez & walt disney & hugh bunny & dakota fanning & EMinEM & subURBAN he hypnotical musician like watch his music video freak show i got lured in & found myself in character dressed up recording videos of myself miming to his song it was like ima kreature in his film like thats another story i talk on later & more they attend spiRituaLLy EVEN THO MY Biological birth daughter is abducted again i obviously escape gotta awaze duh cLick Link beLow 2 see~


now below is that hypnotical magical sub urban song official music video~


then below is me under hypnotic memory deletion to play a my kreature puppet jewelery box ballerina clown thing character that goes wit his theme its like i was there & i made a couple diff versions of siMiLar 2 eachother but heRe$ 1~


next is a LiL MoRe theatRicaL ME~










& these next R Eminem songs that include jeweLeRy box ballerina tunes in it 1 LyRicaL tha otheR instrumental they kinda go wit this post click individually to see~




beLow is EMiNEM HE LOOKS SO BALLERiNa see~it*s Like he knew bout this baLLet thing aheada tyMe Like his tRophy shouLd be goLden baLlet dancing soLes or an actuaL baLLeRiNa huh/ duh! Like why does he have that tRophy design?! did aLiens invite hiM to go highER oR did he use a Lie ditectoRv testb 2 confiRM & veRify he aLLowed & quaLify 2 go that high oR?! because in bibLical educationaL it*s known ReaL Laws 2 Not go...Like it*s iLLegaL unLess u gotta ReaL invitation oR wutev...

In that Link above have u seen it?!

It's bout a man who supposiveLy gets abducted bye aLiens!

in an aLienicaL styLe design of a fLying cRaft that goes that high...

But they act as mental health representatives these individuaLs in the aLien fLying thing?!

As they human test this man they abduct?!

aLiens don*t do that intensionaLLy...


Wut if they r humans also that stole from the aliens hiding behind thieR identitys as they play mental health everywhere...

Or it's possible they innocent aliens under hypnotic hypnosis MeMoRy deLetion twist wit psychology

To act as mental health representatives...

There's lie DiTECTOR test EitheRwaze

Tha film doesn't tell that really...

But wutev

It's like an unsolved mystery easy to solve huh?!

Like wut really happen entirely

Like who u R 24/7 intensionally is what you are duh!

& above u wiLL see that Musician & actoR & MOdeL Tupac shakuR got that saMe tRophy thing!? & that*s anotheR Musician & actoR & ModeL SNOOP DOGG MANy naMes etc. standing behind hiM...

Like in that Link beLow heRe*s a baLLet MiMe of MyseLf tho to summa tupac shakuR songs remix a mix of his tune never hadda friend like me & that pink Floyd tune see saw Pink Floyd Band cLick to see~

cLick Links beLow they of MyseLf MiMing 2 suM eMineM tunes~



heRe$ anotheR a Me doing a MiMe video 2 eMineM tunes cLick 2 see~





PoeM i wRote~

Biblically inspired: PoeticaL bibLicaL…

Like hoLy h2o

PuRified wateR that puRe

Live uR Life wit puRity 2 betteR see!

Wut tha LAND A DREAMS is supposed to be!

jus Like Me



GyM tyMe


ReaLity updates~

Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. & Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblical representatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa...

Persian pRayeR i made up~

sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

LIKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!

bLa bLa bLa

Like high bye


My webpage~

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