cLick Link beLow of Me MyseLf taLking bout this POORiLy Made Money i found on tha gRound whiLe out & bout as this happens fRoM tyMe 2 tyMe but suMtyMes wit Reciept which incLudes pLace & Location they on seRvaiLance & advanced technoLogy Reads thieR identity that accuReateLy duh! buisnesses & educationaL centeRs Like schooLs/coLLeges & chuRches & Law enfoRceMent 7 hospitaLs & MoRe even in teh stReets is suppose to got this LeveL of caMeRas instaLLed it*s RequiRed aLong wit ReaL Laws onLy! obviousLy in this waR theRes fake wutev Like theRe wiLL b a daze even RandoM pennies wiLL b tuRned in & Made betteR Like suMMa My designs wilL b theRe aLong wit peRsian pRayeR i Made up~ spaRkles pRayeRs victims dReaMing Rescues theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like DReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose 2 duh! bLa BLa bLa Like high bye & even waLt disney coMpany staRted 2 Make thieR own coins & wutev eLse & i know in bibLicaL educationaL any1 is aLLowed 2 if they got access as theRes diff stoRies & in accuRate scRiptuRe jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace he ReMinds individuaLs ReaL Laws Like that when suM question hiM bout those engRaving thieR iMages in goLd coins & MORE he say they got access & if they do 2 do it too duh! they say whos Money is it theN...he say whoev Money it is...duh Like CAE$AR AT THA TyMe weLL known pubLickLy in person 2 staRt his own Money designs wit his face iMage engRaved on suM goLden coins so if he spends it its Not his anyMORe unLess he spends it at his own wutev wheRe he gets it back iMMediateLy Like if he got his own stoRe & onLy shops theRe then that*s his Money again Like thats anotheR stoRy depends on oveR aLL situation...those that ask that seeM 2 wondeR how he got that & Like the 10 coMMandMents suM souLs think the saMe bout egyptiaNs being handed goLd & wutev that peRsonaLLy Like thats ReaLLy anotheR jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace & otheR chaRacteRs Like Lucifer & cReatuRes Like deMons &ganji faiRies & fauwn$ & MeRMaids & gods(kings) & godesses(queens) & MoRe they occassionaLLy appeaR 2 Me MoRe visibLy suMtyMes they taLk & MiMe & wutev eLse & in eveRy book of knowLedge & spiRituaLLy the Land of dReaMs wiLL eventuaLLy b wut it*s suppose 2 b duh!~so Make the Land of DReaMs a betteR pLace in any kinda a awaze Like b 1 Less victiMizeR & 1 MORe victiM 24/7...Like LoL fake authoRities haha! Laughing at thieR sentence Like they ReaLLy Rite next 2 as Low as iLLegaL Land scapeRs & MotoR vehicLes R iLLegaL yet theRe suM individuaLs go cLaiMing they in chaRge?! they NOT DUH! they iLLegaLs Meaning they iLLegaLLy in those possitions it*s a foRM of steaLing so 2 do thta intensionaLLy Makes theM guiLty Like disintegRation oR pRison oR depoRtation oR aLL a tha above Like a disintegRate kinda date oR ReLease 4 those who quaLify & R aLLowed & is entitLed~
next Link is Me doing a 99cent onLy stoRes aka the 99 cent stORE coMMeRciaL adveRtiseMent 2 a MeLanie MaRtinez tune aka that M.M. of MyseLf doing a fRee styLe pRayER of Me MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of cLick 2 see that i got this head 2 toe Look fRoM theRE eveRything accept that heaRt shiRt thing i Made NOTice it*s 99 cent stORe theM coLoRs & that oRange hoody NOT fRoM that pLace & Location but i ReaLLy got eveRything eLse tha wig & Make up & fitness pants & sox & sLippeRs & waLt disney coMpany Minnie Mouse head band thing & pLay bunny eaRs & wutev eLse NOT MENTion as i did use 2 wORk theRe hiRing that abduction in Round deceMbER 2004 & paRt a 2005 the abductoR foRce theM 2 hiRe ME Like wheRes eveRy1*s ResouRces but then diff abductoRs these Rape gang MeMbeRs DRug Me & Rape Me & abduct Me Like that*s anotheR stoRy of why i quit @ that tyMe eitheRwaze that stoRe gets MoRe MagicaL!!!!! LuckiLy i occassionaLLy get the funds 2 go as eventuaLLy things & every1 wiLL suM daze b MoRe MonitoRed 4 exaMPLe if i voLunteeR 4 fRee as a bibLical RepResentative individuaL non pRofit Like suM tips gifts & accepted ~
then heRe$ the actual video of MeLanie MaRtinez that M.M. heR tune bout 99 cent onLy stORes that i incLude in my 99 cent onLy stores coMMeRciaL eaRLieR of MyseLf doing a fRee styLe pRayER of Me MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of but heR vERsion of hER song in tha MusicaL video it doesnt Look Like she Made it an entiRe styLe yet jus a caRtoony iMage of hER on a caRouseL MaRRy go Round Like hoRse thing cLick Link 2 see~
this next iMage is a ME & peRsian PRayER i Made up beLow its 1 a My Money & pRayER baRbie doLL designs i kinda Mention a LiL bout eaRLiER Like ReMeMbeR duh!~
PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~
SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh!
BLA bLa bLa
Like high bye
My webpage~
& NEXT is anotheR tyMe i found MoNey wit 99 cent onLy stORe Reciept this ReaLLy happen occassionaLLy Like suM1 dRop it oR got abducted oR suMthing i dont know Like who R they wheRe they going as they obviousLy pass thRu duh!~
CLick that Links beLow individuaLLy to see~
This video i post to YouTube & Facebook so 2 veRsions of it & tha footage oveRaLL identicaL
As i taLk bout that Money I found I find money b4 I tuRn it in to those in possition claiming to be authorities
but obviously they not alwaze real
as they fake only doing part of the job description when they not allowed theRe duh!!!!!!!!!
But wutev
As I sent other messages regaurding fiLms of me that I made & aRticles electronically & MoRe bout situations that need to be situated…aLReady!!!
This Link beLow may not be that advanced techoLogy but it’s obviously stiLL that high like these puppets r really jus doing wut they pRobLy suppose to imagine they human identities or suM characters still in the making duh click link to see~
ReaLity updates cLink Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see~
cLick Link beLow 4 MoRe detaiLs~
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick Link 2 see~