above is MyseLf in that: jctPOP~jesus christ tha PRiNCE OF PEACE styLe f.a.e.~fa$hion aRt etc. ...Like i painted on bLood tears & rainbow paint cries in that animated pic above that*s me Rachel Michele' McLain Kri stahyena ballerina ka vand fantasia loka princessa a princess of many names etc.
MeMoRy Mazing:
That tyMe jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
Show Me bLood teaRs & coLoRfuL paint Like cRies...spiRituaLLy...
but ALso in ReaL Life ReaLiLity a vaRiety a tyMes he appeaR that visibLy!
in front of tha: *Donald Dungan Library~
1855 Park Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Phone: (949) 646-8845
email Email: ocpl.costamesadd@occr.ocgov.com
in that grass area in the next pictuRe
jctpop~jesus Christ the prince of peace again u may NOT see wut i got 2 but he appeared that visibly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He that jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
was as tall as the library !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i see hiM that jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
wit peRfect vision Like i have b4 seen hiM!
he that jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
lean down & he claim he can shrink & more when he got access to his entire ability
& Then he that jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
laugh & smile
& he jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
show that visibLe wit his own identity
as i Recognize hiM
& otheRs will pRobLy ReMeMbeR he is this RecognizeabLe
as he jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
in his own iMage
i got 2 see 1of his eyes cRy blood teaRs & the other a rainbow of paint
so dopetasticaLLy pRetty MagicaL!
he that jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
say in the future this will be a reality 4 Me Like a futuRe MeMoRy
he that jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace
say 2 Me
That i will dip my paint brush in his bloody & colorful tears & do art work wit it!!!!
Only if I continue to staze a victim intensionaLLy...
That i get to do that suM daze!!!!!!!
Then he disappeared...
otheR tyMes too aLong wit otheR chaRacteRs woRth knowing & seeing Like LucifeR tha faLLen angeL & ganji faiRies & kReatuRes & whoev eLse not mentioned Like MeRMaids actUaLLy contact Me on my sheLL phone in tha 90s!!!!!
Like thats anotheR stoRy Like unicoRns exist & wutev eLse...Like when tha cat taLk in engLish suMtyMes otheR tyMes Meow?!
& he lean down & he claim he can shrink & more!!!!!!
peRsian pRayeR i Made UP~
SpaRKLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaming RESCUE theM FROM victiMizeRs nightMares 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they supposed to Duh
BLa bLa bLa
Like high bye
beLOw is obviousLy a Make oveR i gave hiM on an actuaL bLack & white poRtRait of his exact iMage he spiRituaLLy coLLab on this Look as i use My best paints & pens & MoRe & @ taht tyMe i got goLdish gLitteR Like Request & wutev eLse...
next is hiM again @a PLace i caLL tha window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMIndeRs + jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location @:
420 W. 19th st.
Costa Mesa, California. 92627
BibLicaLLy speaking in:
don*t 4get 2 cLick all tha diff Links individuaLLy thru out this post
Like that 1 above
& scRoLL all tha waze down 1$t & go back & do so oR wutev oRdeR u end up it aLL goes 2getheR suM how not nessasariLy that oRdeR its jus a RecoMMendation of Many...
beLow R MoRe chaRactErs + souLs + things apaRt of spiRituaL coLLabs & MoRe!
& cLick on upcoMing Links thRu out this post individuaLLy 2 see~
on diff ReaLitie$ i $tiLL don*t got aLL My Re$ouRce$ like above is anotheR Lazy Made foRM of identity caRd Like that$ anotheR $toRy...
MoRe detaiLs in this next Link~