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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

VER*$ACE~Love thieR fab$ & thRead$: veLvetty & $iLk Like $atiN vibRant coLoRs wut fashionabLe $oLe$

Updated: Jun 12, 2022

heRe*$ a Link of Me doing a dance in suMMa My designs i Made that iM weaRing & i pResent otheRs i done aLso & More 2 that song that Mentions VER$ACE & taLk$ on that fa$h bRand in tha Link$ beLow cLick individuaLLy~



theres k.k. kim karda$hian i love her simple looks...she so looks VER*$ACE $nake Like bibLicaL barbie in this image...imagine more gold & sparkle or like air brush goldish snake skin look on her actual skin on parts a it...over still dopetastical pretty snakeish character...

next is me outta no wear wearing 99 cent only store fashion they got like that wig & ribbons & make up smoked mirrors & remi rose * loreal & other brands there & my sox & orange clowny collar on top of my magenta like tutu clowntastical ballerina skirt i got from part city but that mango sunset orange skirty thing later i got @ that 99 & my neon green sox & more duh! & i got floral dress wutev from i dont remember thrift shop of sum kind maybe...


i went to that 99 located on harbor blvd. in costa mesa, california biblically speaking in tha land a dreams...other 99 places carry same & similar...its magical that store...anywaze i look versace because they do got all colors vibrant neon & rainbow & golds & forest & ocean & a variety a fabs & threads duh!

tha article say that dress below is veRsace?!

tha safety pins really say fashion forward like get pinned & go kinda fash...

sum1 4got 2 do tha models make up but wut ev @ least tha threads are adorbs...

thats so thanksgiving traditional colors like fall seasonal...

kylie kosmetics is next i love her make up line...

kylie cosmetics is tha actual spelling i automatically say this & that but i include real spelling so whoev not familiar wit her can find tha products i mentioned!...

This next 1 isn*t versace...

its kylie & kendal tho wearing dopetastical designs online say sumthing bout met gala 2019?! eaitherwaze love thier MeRMaid biRd fashion!

in tha Link beLow taLks on that fash LabeL VeR*$ace from that fiLm SHOW GiRL$ THAT WOMAN OR GiRl i forgot how old she supposed to be i that Movie butr she say her fabs 7 threads r veR*$ace!...see click on it to show...

& next in tha image of myself...This jacket shirt thing neon lime satin like coloR fabs & thRrads that iM wearing below is ReaLLy is veR*sace! i wore it under a corset & over a long wutev there*s diff waze to wear it...

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