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LoL this LeoNaRdo diCapRio fiLM he say: "OLD $PORT"HAHA~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

OTHER THAN it*$ aLwaze suM1s biRthdaze & even if it i$n*t Like i ceLebRate tha hoLidaze 24/7 & unbiRthdaze...

In that youtube Link above is that Movie fRee to see the gReat gatsby

as iM watching it theRe

& i actuaLLy do own it but the pictuRe seeMs betteR Rite now

b cus foR a fact theRes hackeRs they bLack out & bLuR & sLow down & fReeze My devices & spy on Me eLectRonicaLLy & in peRson & schitzophRenicaLLy suM i Recognize othERs don*t know do they!?

eitheRwaze the intensionaL hackeRs beLong disintegrated iMMediateLy duh!

anywaze back 2 this stoRy in this fiLM...

it's at the paRt where he the gatsby that chaRactER LeoNaRdo diCapRio PLay$ he gets her that Daisy as she gotta fLoRaL naMe he does get heR all those fLowers!

& she doesn't put it in her tea or make perfume or anything really?!

otheR than she pLays a sLut whoRe*s Like the gatsby is tRying 2 heLp hER be a pRostitute & get it fRee fRoM hiM oR at Least be a whoRe wit hiM & notta sLut

like they the same age NOT THE SAME CLASS OF PEOPLE PROBLy

he wants 2 beLieve b cus that other man she whoRes for is too old for her that hes the 1 for her oR suMthing

she is too peRveRted 4 hiM

he thRows her fabRic & no f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. oR nothing fRoM heR?!

he is Rite 2 tRy take her from the older but Maybe put her bye herself or i dont know?!

she is too Low cLass possibLy 4 both a theM...

Like there*s sumthing wrong wit her?!

she feeLs better bout her sins of perversion wit the older Maybe Like there*s Lie ditectoR test that accuRate

She pRobLy needs to find out if it's chemically or naturally grown or wutev

Or maybe she jus a whore like who caRes I know there's higher ones that try to blend in wit the victims

Memory maze~

In the 90s I got my ex friend Candice to put flowers in bottles mix wit water I did it too for like a perfume kinda

We went door to door to show it & tell wuts in it to others

I know that's all ingredients we got access to

Her fake step mom Paula say it's disgusting to get it awaze from her for us to go do wutev it is we do out there at that tyMe is usually climb trees & wutev

But I'm higher than Candice so it's like forcing her to be normal as she got a secret pervert life since she a lil girl duh


BLa bLa bLa

Back to gatsby all those flowers !!!

All the things to do wit them!!!!!!

Tea & food & smoke & bath & more!!!!


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