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Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

tha LioN & LaMB & unicoRn & cReatuRes Like hoof hoRn fawn(s) & MeRMaid(s) & ganji faiRy(s) & etc.~

Updated: Sep 2, 2023

That ARt woRk above bye Me i did afteR My tubaL ReMovaL suRgeRy & abLation 2 My MenstRaL pRoceeduRe & i gave it as a gift 2 CHARLE$ MONiak & RachaeL duRan & the NEEDLE MAN MONitoR i 4 got his NaMe he seeM MiddLe easteRn kinda MagicaL Like cReatuRes & chaRacteRs show MoRe visibLy jus Like wit Me duh!

& i incLude suMMa theM tha cReatuRes & characteRs i Mention as u can see in My painting dRawing thing shown*s Like a PLay kinda stoRy...see that Moniak is that Lion & duRan is that Lamb & iM tha unicoRn they heLp Rescue fRoM MuLtipLying...& in this painting i use suM oLd jeweLery of Mine 4 the LetteR "R" NECKLACES ON ME: RACHEL unicoRn & 4 RACHAEL LAMB Like both ouR 1$t NaMes Means LAMB in hebRew & i get 2 b tha unicoRn b cus it Reminds Me a when My souL was Made & tha fauwn Like cReatuRe chaRacteR thing is the needLe Man as i put otheR cReatuRes too Like a MeRmaind & ganji faiRy & king god hands hoLding a goLden heaRt wit a peace syMboL in it 2 syMboLize NOT 2 Sin whiLe the eMpty hand say go on sin & end up wit Like nothin DUH Like accoRding 2 the gods(kings) & godesses(queens) higher than him its NOT EVEN AN OPTion as king god is the onLy god(king) that pLays cRown testers & he aLLows eviL 2 happen as a choice?! its iLLegaL! DUH!~

Like females tubaL ReMovaL is a required surgery & abLation 2 the MenstRaL pRoceeduRe & males bye balls they need to go awaze suRgicaLLy duh 2 heLp end MuLtipLying!

For those that r allowed to live otherwise disintegration of thier remains duh!...

& beLow is jus 1 a My foRMs a identity but it*s NOT ENTiReLy wut it*s suppose 2 b Like wheRe*s aLL My ResouRces?!...

cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see they ReaLLy go w/ ReaLity duh~


Like in that next link beLow is a video of me it reminds me of my tubal ligation surgicals & ablation proceedure like no more bloody pamper daze for me probly in tha recording is also a dopetastical advertisement of that k mart bra & hanes unicorn underwear dance iM fREE of being bLOOdy~

anywaze caffeine THAT MAGic BEAN & diff tea pLant heRbs & bLended veggies soups & puRified wateR & fRuit bLend heLp Me 2 tha showeR daiLy duRing tha heaLing & i was abLe 2 do f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc. & i use a candy cane decoRation as a cane & wutev eLse Not Mentioned & i didnt get aLL My ResouRces yet but i stilL Let the huMans that heLp end MuLtipLying bout My abducted daughteR i got Raped wit Like she neeeds this suRgeRy & pRoceeduRe also & 2 get Rescued iMMediateLy eitheRwaze...& AGAin these iMages beLow R aLL i ReaLLy take afteR suRgeRy daiLy 2 get 2 tha kitchen & RestRooM & bed & wheRev eLse i went diRing this RecoveRy as i did art woRk Most a tha tyMe otheR than eventuaLLy sLeep aLong wit tea heRb pLant based vitaMins aside fRoM food & puRified watER & wutev eLse~

That iMage above Looks jus Like a MagicaL tea LaMp My supposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy MO KA ZEM MANy naMes etc. got! & he Let Me baRRow it b4!!!!!! & ReaL genies appeaR & taLk & say unLiMMitted wishes its tRue 4 thos ewho Live that Long...since My wishes NOT COME TRUE yet & Not entiReLy Like Maybe Not tiL the heavens & eaRth coMbine...Like in this next iMage is Me as a jeweLeRy box baLLeRina chaRacteR bunny cReatuRe Lion unicoRn thing pRincess see~

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

LiKE dReaMs come true if they supposed to...duh!

bLa bLa BLa

Like high bye

THiS iMAGE beLow REMind$ Me of My supposive bioLogical biRth daddy that Mo ha MMed/Mo ha MMad ka zeM ka vand Many NaMes etc. b cus 1 a his Many chaRacters he pLaze genie...

NOT Like a ReaL 1 but Like a CRiMinaL he @ that tyMe cLaiM he gets pay Like thats anotheR stORy that Makes no cents oR scents oR sense Like since we on the subject of this suRgicaL pRoceeduRe 4 Males is to ReMove the BaLLs & 4 feMaLes tubaL ReMovaL & aBLation 2 tha MentsTRaL PRoceeduRe...

i know that genie character looks like my supposive biological daddy that mo ha ka zem ka vand many names like mohammed/mohammad & kazem is his genie name...he claims he from over seas that he teLL Me he born there in tha middle east suMwhERe like iran/persia on october 22, 1956...he an evil genie playing troll a scatter of personalities like in denial bout like when his soul was made a persian prince now he not one...

ANyWAZE when i was a LiL giRl he PLay this AC/DC SONG on the Radio that say big baLLs its acLassicaL Rock & he Laugh Like he MentaL & he say thats how i got heRe thRu peRveRsion b cus he got no access 2 ReaL doctor or wuts needed 2 do it hiMseLf so i laugh Like My ReMains Made of peRveRsion as My souL ReaLLy that hoLy tho Made @rainbow faLLs & i staze a victiM RegauRdLes of wut the situation Looks Like...he staze Laughing & taLk on when he was Made that Much higheR a peRsian pRince b4 he joined that peasant ciRcLe of RetaRdation Like i staze a peRsian pRinces jus wit out aLL My REsouRces cLick Link beLow 2 see thAt song he pLayed bout baLLs that need 2 NOT B THERE its iLLegaL & so is any LeveL of peRversion duh Like theres Rapist & other sinners that xist that beLong disintegRated 4 thieR xisting cRimes duh anywaze that song Link baLLs b gone~


This Link next goes wit tha stoRy this scene fRoM this fiLM THE HOBBiT as its paRt of the LORD OF THE Rings stoRies That goblin king oR pRince oR wutev character reminds me of my supposive biological daddy mo ha ka zem when he escapes getta awaze from lowest in peasant criminals sinneRs victiMizeRs of any kind & they leave hem alone he more of a leader of anything...Anywaze he Looks Like that cReatuRe characteR giant baLL sack lOoking thing b cus of that song baLLs b gone & then towaRds the end of the scene Link LateR u wiLL aLso see that i kinda Look Like the LiL baLL sack thing on the swing with a note book Looks kinda Like Me if i got incLuded in anotheR situation wheRe i resuLt 2 hiM 4 vitamIns it happen b4 i even pLay gypsie pRincess in the stReets off & on thRu out My Life Like he RecoMMended that i Mite get My ResouRces out theRe suM wherE since aLL the pResidential & higheR possitions R being stoLen he cLaiM Maybe a PRince oR pRinces wiLL Rescue i ReMain #1 wit tha victiMs as an individuaL...& the otheR baLL sack Looking things R his feMaLes his Many fake wives...LoL tho haha

altho in real life he wit that peasants Maybe stiLL he joined oR he unjoin & that gobLin baby character on tha swing thing at that end if this scene reminds me of my reality b cus @ Lions Park in Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 Tha roller coaster swing i go on suMtyMes duh!~


this next Link i do a fRee styLe pRayeR video of MyseLf 2 that other song he pLay when i was a LiL giRL he pLay it Like 80s & 90s & 2000s this cLassic Rock vaRiety aLL kinds Like pink fLoyd & Led zepplin & MetaLica & iRon Maiden & MoRE & suMtyMes he pLay peRsian tunes in faRsi but this 1 is bye cat stevens caLLed wiLd woRLd cLick 2 see as i*M dRess up as a cReatuRe baLLeRina bunny cLown thing Like we both know ouR ReaL faMiLy 4 a fact is CREATURES & aniMaLs & it*s the huMans i don*t aLwaze know bout suMtyMes neitheR do he but he teLL Me he beLieves iMa pRincess & in the video a Me i incLude a LiL giRL pic a me fRoM Like 80s & 90s he had it & suM how i end up wit it LateR & in that iMage is a daze Mo push Me on the swing @ a paRk so high that king god appeaR in the sky & show his hands 2 sin or not 2 sin the king god of cRown testers & cReatuRes appeaR MoRe visiby Laughing Making fun of Mo they say its kazeM the genie pLaying huMan thats cLaiMs 2 b Much higheR as i MeMoRy Maze 2 a tyMe a t the MetaL pLaygRound a PLace i went aLone & cReatuRes appeaR Like ibiLis & LucifeR & ganji faiRies & fauwns & MeRMaids & chaRactERs Like jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace R theRe but as they fade awaze suMtyMes a ganji faiRy staze that visibLy & she say they got the highest of eveRything 1 ReaLM over & she naked b cus she smoke heR cLothes in that tea heRb pLant pipe that she usuaLLy weaR things Like fLoweRs not fabRics & thReads & it*s Like she got me high b4 Like it*s possibLe on wut she sMoking on & she know so Much bout seeds & gRowing & bout natuRe she jus b knowing & as a LiL giRL i hadda pLastic Mini tiny doLL size sMaLLeR than baRbie cupcake thing so i iMagine 2 bake cupcakes 4 that ganji faiRy but the pLastic wiLL MeLt the ganji faiRy staze Laughing cLaiMing she got betteR eveRything that Maybe in a futuRe MeMoRy suMthing Like that wiLL happen Like she got the puRest puRe ingRedients NOT ME not in this waR not Round these paRts... jus Like she Laugh @ My teaLess tea paRty of jus watER & sugaR cubes in the 90s Like she LiteRaLLy pRovide the tea heRb pLants again theRe was no tea in My ReaLity ReaLM @ that tyMe & Location Not @ that pLace & LucifeR was theRe & otheR chaRacters Like theres MoRe detaiLs 2 those MeMoRies duh & i show chuck e cheese doLL & Mickey Mouse b cus Mo took Me 2 chuck e cheese & he bought that doLL there 4 Me as souvenioR & i been 2 disneyLand & otheR theMe parks wit out hiM & cReatuRes ReMind Me of a daze when Loose PrisoneRs go on Rockets in the sky as they disintegRate on the waze up the spARkLy gLitteRy fiRe woRks Light up the night wit Me on a fLying Magical caRpet & Mo in a LaMp 4 PLaying genie as his pRison oR MuseuM or eLectRonicaLLy or wutev this futuRe MeMoRy May be that i aLReady got 2 see...Like thats anotheR siMiLar stoRy~

& CLick link below to see free style prayer bye me MiMing a Mime of MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of bout heM & other realities to that tune MR. sandMan bye tha choRdette$ click to see~

this aRt bye Me next i caLL it: $PARKLE$~

this aRt bye Me beLow is wut i caLL: THE METAL PLAyGROUND~

this next iMage bye Me beLow i titLe CREATURE$~ it*s actuaLLy a fabRic & thReaded kinda coveR i sewn 2getheR 4 an activity book i Made Like i taLk & show MoRe bout that in otheR bLog post & youtube videos & wheRev eLse Like in peRson duh!...

i dRew this 1 angLe of My face & paRt a My body as i ReMix a Mix of My identity wit a MeRMaid cReatuRe cLown unicoRn thing kinda Make oveR see~

otheR than that MO & i Like Laughing hyenas aniMaLs @REALity NOT B CUS its funny Like i need weapons & a bibLicaL doctoR genious & 2 b coMe that & a Lie ditectoR test & MoRe as we Laugh wit ganji faiRies & otheR cReatuRes that make fun a hiM 4 pLaying genie & diff cRiMinal chaRactERs he Makes Look that innocent suMtyMes & MoRe even us as a diff cLass of peopLe siMiLaR bReed eitheRwaze he cLaiMs his souL is Made higheR than Mine if My bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy not at aLL peRsian Like she say b4 otheRwize iM Made MoRe high but wuteve...beLow is a hyena aniMaL...

& i Made that aRt thing above in the veRy 1$t iMage eaRLieR wit a canvas & paints & MaRkeRs & penciLs & pRayeR glitteR & i pLace it in a MaRtineLLis 100% appLe juice box case thing that i sewn a bLanket aRound it & i sew a white pLastic cRown i got @ the 99 CENT ONLy STORES in costa Mesa, California 92627 eitheRwaze bibLicaLLy speaking in tha Land of DREAMS & i cut out that otheR cRown outta pRisMa caRd boaRd & i gave them a copy of bibLicaL educational book of knowLege bye Me aLso & MaRtineLLLis 100 % appLe juice & LoLLi pops & MoRe!...

As fake MedicaL RepResentatives tRying 2 take oveR in ReaLity Like wutta a ReMindeR that: bibLicaL doctoR geniouses R needed & RequiRed as they R the advanced MedicaL fieLd they do & know Like eveRything! Like they HeLp with MetaL skeLetons that fLy &do LazeR disintegRation & MoRe cLognes & NatuRaL ReMedies & ReaL Medicine & nessasaRy suRgeRies & pRoceeduRes & ResouRces & authoRities & Land scaping & DReaMs & Lie ditectoR test & inventions & depoRtation & actuaL pRison & disintegRation & pRopeRties & buisnesses & chuRches &wutev eLse Not Mentioned...

& these next 2 fRee styLe pRayeRs ReaLLy Remind Me of the cReatuRes that attend My suRgeRy that visibLy Like when My souL was Made cLick individuaLLy 2 see as i dRess up Like a ganji faiRie wit hoRns Like cReatuRes & deMon wings & baLLeRina cLown Like baLLet chaRactER~







this next fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf suMMa the LyRics in this twisted insane tune caLLed SCARy stoRies say MontsteRs haiRy so autoMaticaLLy i think of huMan peasants cRiMinaLs sinneRs victimizeRs wit haiR duh! jus Like the ones that MURdeRed jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace thRu MeMoRy deLetion hypnotic/hypnosis & twist w/ psychoLogy they sacRafice hiM & they siMiLaR 2 suMMa My abductoRs oNly i been abducted bye a LoweR cLass of peopLe Like that cRowd stiLL wanders getting stupid suMtyMes wit new MeMbeRs as MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic/hypnosis is MagicaL 4 Magic shows & 2 heLp pRevent cRiMes & MoRe but when twisted wit psychoLogy it*s a cuLt & iLLegaL! anywaze cLick 2 see pRazing video of Me~

& 1 a my abductor Rapist dRuggeR abuseR MentaLLy & physicaLLy that abduct Me off & on fRoM 2005 tiL 2011 i gotta awaze & escape & continue doing so fRoM~ that Willie Holloway jr. IV(4th) BORN~MAy 24, 1981 in Brawley, California & on his 24th biRthdaze May 24, 2005 he intensionally Rape me wit:

My daughter that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth ceRtificate NaMe..boRn~ February 09, 2006 @FOUNTAiN VALLEy REGiONAL HOSPiTAL in Fountain Valley, California bibLicaLLy speaking in THE LAND OF DREAMS!

& DURing that Rape My souL Left My body i tRy 2 puppet My ReMains 2 Leave 2 getta awaze but aLL i can do is see MyseLf get Raped...

& in those MOMents i even saw her souL b Made?!

Like i got invited 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRE Mine was Made

as i thought its a MeMoRy of Mine being Made...

then as My souL went back in my body another foLLowed & enteRed it was My daughter he Rape Me wit

i even teLL hiM bout it that iM pRegnant aLReady & i think its a giRL that iM getting aboRtion eitheRwaze he pRevent Me fRoM any doctoRs incLuding fake he say i have 2 caRRy the baby for 9 MOnths that she be born February 14, 2006 he known a s the Valentine Rapist that rapes round his birthdaze then he automaticaLLy thinks the rape victim will carry for 9 months & be dUE VALENTiNES DAZE when ReaL DOCTORS CAN TAKE HER OUT iMMediateLy! as i question those in possitions in the Medical field that claim she expected on february 14, 2006 i ask why dont they take her out sooner like they suppose 2 so they take her out on february 9, 2006 instead they say thats the soonest?!

b cus they not ReaL doctors they fake medical representatives Luckily they gave her cases of vitamin bottles b cus breast feeding is iLLegaL so is multiplying is duh!!!!!!!

& she taLk as a baby she call Me RACHEL & more she say & dance & wutev else i Let her know u almost on ur own Like round age 2 i was ready 2 go on my waze individuaLLy wit aLL my resources

but i got prevented bye peasants victimizers sinners criminals put on Lie ditectoR test whether she gets to Live oR get disintegrated b cus biblically sum babies join cults to where they get the disintegration immediately duh...Like thats another stoRy of Many

Like when he rape me wit wut sum call daughter

he say its his birthdaze that he wants a baby to Rape that he plans to use for multiplying eventually & he will rape them too thats the Rape gang he in as he is an iLLegaL Land scaper scientist retard pervert that beLongs disintegrated 4 his existing intensionaL cRiMes duh! he rapes humans & animals & he abducts & drugs & other crimes he say he do for fun he say his favorite sport is going on RAPE A THONS HE COMPETES Wit other perverts they count who got the most Rapes on humans & animals...& wutev else they do iLLegaLLy...

& beLow is an iMage of Me & My daughteR but she is adducted kidnapped again & she Needs 2 get Rescued iMMediateLy as we both been abducted off My on ouR whoLe Lives Raped dRugged bye a vaRiety of cRiMinaL peasant sinneRs victiMizeRs duh that we obviousLy gotta awaze escape b4 as i continue 2 do so...

Like theRe we R that Long & My daughtER as i do a vaRiety a chaRactERs that 1 of me is a jeweLeRy box baLleRina cLown cReatuRe thing butteR fLy ganji faiRie wutev & My daughteR is Rainbowish cLownish styLe we caLL Mya Loka LiL cLown...

REALiTY UPDATE$~cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see...



video$ i Made of My$eLf taLking bout wutev in tha Links beLow...

these next LinkS also goes wit this post click individuaLLy 2 see & hear tha messages!~


& NEXT is a 99 CENT ONLy stoRes coMMeRciaL of Me i Made Myself as a foRM of fRee styLe pRayeR i Play a MeLanie MaRtinez son that M.M. tune caLLed 99 cent stoRe~

MORE CREATURE inspiRed fRee styLe pRayeR videos of ME cLick individuaLLy2 see~











cLick Links 2 see:

otheR FREE $TyLE pRayeRs of ME CLick individuaLLy the Links 2 see~

























this next Link is bout anotheR tyMe in ReaLity ReaL Life Like aside fRoM otheRs... Like on MaRch 23, 2023 thuR$daze & b4 i went to social services & housing authority @ 1928 s grand st santa ana, ca. 92705 & 1501 E St Andrew Pl, Santa Ana, CA 92705 & other permanent & temporary titles EitheRwaze biblically speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS…Like wheRe$ My RE$OURCE$?! i try 2 get them everywhere Like disney company in person @ disneyland in wut sum calle anaheim, california many names etc. & Loose prisoners think they get 2 work there & i know they R there illegally but thats why disneyland isnt more of wut its suppose 2 be along with ReaLity & i try at colleges like orange coast college in costa mesa, california i call it the island of dreaming in the Land of dreams like go pirates & stoRes Like wicked chamber~ 1959 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 phone#(949) 631-5616 & churches Like at 420 w 19th street costa mesa, california 92627 i call that place the window of magical messages jctpop~ jesus christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass location & Housing authority is a company 2 get your ResouRces aLso infdivuaLLy aLone along wit other companies & churches & buisnesses & places & hospitaLs & Locations to get all your resources entirely duh! But those possitions R stolen and iLLegaL Land scapers aRe taking over and my daughter is kidnapped abducted and my physical disability is sciatica and wutev else not mentioned and more...again & again & again i go & when no body suppose to go that often plus it’s not wut it’s suppose to be aLong wit ReaLity in general Anywaze i question since aftEr My souL was Made & foRce to be in this ReaLM suM caLL the woRLd eaRth & wutev else permanent & teMpoRaRy tiTLes eitherwaze biblicalLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAMS Like i was boRn~januaRy 15, 1986 @694 w. wilson st. Costa Mesa, California 92627...Like where's My Resources I did this free styLe pRayeR & the Lyrics & more This song Melanie called the principal it kinda go with wut the fake representatives those criminals sinners victiMizeRs peasants r doing in reality in those positions they steal presidential & higher & more & the illegal land scapers trying to take over along with a vaRiety of criminals peasants victimizers sinners & my daughter is abducted kidnapped Raped drugged abused in diff waze MentaLLy physicaLLy sexuaLLy off & on her whoLe Life same wit Myself Like i obviousLy gotta awaze escaped duh! as i continue to do Like so has she gotten awaze from these sickos & hopefuLLy she do again & she needs 2 gets Rescued aLready & wutev else & this fiLm of me is not my best video 2 show wut iM taLking bout I done worse but this Lyrical tune really describes part of situations that need to get situated as i MiMe along MiMing to another m.m. MeLa tone Melanie Martinez song like the pRincipaL its called the Lyrics kinda go wit this stoRy & the that song death bye her too i include mainly b cus of her ganji fairy character but those Lyrics go too b cus fake authority keep putting me & my daughter in iLLegaL situations where we get raped drugged & get put on the streets & abducted Like we can die & be brought back most LikeLy bye bibLicaL doctoR geniouses or wutev we entitled to as an individuaL they heLp make happen as thats thier job description as real authorities they advanced medical representatives they do MetaL skeLetons & cLognes & ReaL medicine & nesssasary surgeries & proceedures & dreams & inventions & resources & Lie ditectoR test & Land scaping & depoRtation & disintegration & weapons & more like how bout sum1 disintegrates these retards who pretend to be already & that song death when its starts round that tyme I put up fashion symbol thing to represent sumthing to Live for like every1 made into f.a.e.~ fashion Art etc. Even while dying or staying alive or wutev

Click Link to see~

that other song i incLuded eaRLieR titLed Death here it is wit LyRics like i ReLate it 2 f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc. & in ReaL Life ReaLity i am dying of sciatica a physical disability I deal wit as good seMeRatins suMtyMes give summa a wut real doctors do that I’m obviously waiting & seeking a biblical doctor genious as I will eventually be one & more duh cLick link to see~

& cLick this Link beLow~

it LiteRaLLy looks like Me Round age 6 that haiR styLe when debRa Lynn McLain Many NaMes etc cut off My MeRMaid haiR she say i Moved & that’s the styLe of baLLet i do back then in 80 & 90s & still it’s Like jeweLeRy box baLLeRina cReatuRe cLown thing chaRacteR but wutev


BeLow R suM videos of MyseLf i do aLL kinds~



cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see they aLL go 2 getheR suM how Like a stoRy of MiMing as i MiMe 2 diff tunes~
























i*M fRee of having anotheR foRce a baby thRu Rape & theRe is Lie ditectoR test they above wut scientist caLL DNA WHEN BibLicaL doctoR genious aLReady figuRe out wut they iLLegalLy test & do duh!

Like i finally gotta awaze from that peasants criMinaLs sinneRs victiMizeRs & got access to heLp end MULTiPLYiNG!!!!!!

Like i got that surgery...

MeMoRy Mazing when i got Ready 4 that suRgery & pRoceeduRe~ I paint my toes like neon Lisa Frank coMpany & 80s Barbie Style Rainbow Reminder Like it's biblical & that's wut I look at as I got anesthesial b4 surgical...on February 26th, 2021 as i waited aLL those yeaRs as i tRy 2 escape & gotta awaze from a vaRiety of Rape gang MeMbeRs & cRiMinaLs victimizers peasants sinners of aLL kinds

i think monarch butteRfLies knows xactly wut date place time too Monarch Benefits Insurance Services as suM catERpiLLaRs teLL Me they R biblical doctor geniouses usuaLLy & they can do the suRgeRy & MoRe but human peasants pLague theM to be stupid sLow a leveL of RetaRted as they notice those victimizers victimize me to b that RetaRted suMtyMes all the victims r waze faster

But wutev aside from I wear summa my unicorn pajamas & ribbons & Prisma rhinestone mask thing them I wore s baby pink one later ...etc.

Colors make a Dopetastical difference like imagine this & that in that shade...

BELOW is wut i woRe 2 tha suRgeRy...

Like Wut to wear other than jus my bra & underwear...!?

How bout leprechaun princess baby baLleRina kreature jewelery box ballet thing random fashion wit Minnie mouse head band like wish I was at d Land... Or that Beach or fashion show or event or sumthing duh! as i got Ready after recoveRy of the suRgeRy 2 go give the gifts 2 wut Moniak calls a teaM him & RachaeL duRan & that needLe Man...they the Main cRew that Made My suRgey happen...duh! so next shows wut i did wear 2 a foLLow up as i brought biblically inspired presents like i aLready Mentioned...

But wutev went to doctor Royal Lion that Charles moniak & i drop gift off in peRson that i made for the teaM cRew & nurse Lamb that Rachael Duran & needLe Man MonitoR...

& Moniak say i can take baths again that I'm healed already so I don't gotta shower only & i get to return to stretch therapy & fitness & etc.

I bet I will be cart wheeling like b4 & wutev else eventually...yay!

Like happy holidaze unbirthdaze etc. 24/7...

I got sum more art supply on my Waze 2 My stepping stone & unicorn ice cream & tomorrow I'm probly going to that park to visit ducks birds crows seagles squirrels etc.

& To that ibilis tree sprinkles cupcake spRakLes tha 3Rd that cat wants to hang out wit tha birds again that sing songs to her it's her lil concert I take her to suMtyMes she loves it...

I was telling her again summa wit needs to happen I want to open animal resorts so she can play instruments & more...

Like animals are entitled to thier RESOURCES too...duh!

beLow R summa moRe a those gifts presents i taLk on eaRLieR see~

next is Me in a bLoody paMpeR b4 i got that suRgeRy & suRgicaL pRoceeduRe...

& beLow is jus 1 a tha bRands i use duRing these bLood tyMes pouRing Like a fLood 4 i dont take anything hoRMonaL it*s iLLegaL duh!... as i*M waiting stiLL 4 a bibLical doctoR geniou$ 2 betteR assist Me entiReLy & 4 funds oR access 2 get MoRe tea heRbs pLants & wutev eLse Like thats how ReaL Medicine & vitaMins is Made duh! even in bibLicaL education suM huMans onLy die aRound age 1000 yeaRs oLd b cus the sinneRs peasants victiMizeRs cRiMinaLs intensionaLLy oveR popuLated thRu peRveRsion & theRe was Like nothing 2 Live on as they poison & Ruin the Land of DReaMs aLso with iLLegaL Land scapeRs & otheR things they do iLLegaLLy intensionaL duRing that waR!

again back then i hate tamps unless I'm swimming like even then or depending on wut I'm wearing & doing like when it's heavy hear I go pamper status to take my cat to that park I went already these picks are from earlier b4 I left I try to climb a tree but my sciatica Sciatica and Back Like Laser non surgicals theropy is supposed to Laser it awaze etc. I'm waiting for it to be available to me

& Back to that tree thing when I was smaller I jus climb as is wearing nothing on my feet Sumtymes & todaze tha shoes I wore didn't help so I jus watch sprinkles climbing & hung out wit her as I wait at tha bottom of that dopetastical ibilis style tree! He was there too & that ganji fairies & my cat electrik GiSMO tha 3rd strongly in spirit like in that pictures of me getting ready reminds me of when me & electrik talk bout that circus that he gonna go as a clown miniature tiger in a cage & in my pictures getting ready todaze I look like one a tha circus characters in a tiger ring thing & more then me sprakles sprinkles cupcake tha 1st & cupcake sprinkles sprakles that 2nd & sprinkles cupcake sprakles that 3rd as ballerina clowns they probly balance on a wire thing while I go on swing & unicorns & all my other cats too & etc. Will be there in tha crowd & that circus & Butterflies & caterpillars & whoev & wutev not mentioned like Mya Loka lil clown & electrik & I are traumatized by tha human peasants so his cage act is to scope out tha crowd b4 he steps out then if there's any trespassers he going to claw them til disintegrated & etc. then on wit tha show! & Back at tha park tha birds & squirels & ducks & etc.

Me & sprinkles look like we doing modeling shoots but my phone storage full probly next tyme I getta footage like a video or at least pictures! I do gotta picture tho from a diff tyme of that ibilis style tree!!!!!! It's dopetastical!!!!!!!!! It's in that last 2 pictures... Me & sprinkles say: if Angelina Rachel Mya Loka lil clown care bear troll under bridge many names etc. was there she alwaze got extra storage on her phone(s) we could use hers & she will climb easily like sprinkles & eventually me again like I use to when I was LiL like even wit no shoes like I hung out wit cats & caterpillars & butterflies & etc. more often...I was like one a them especially when I worse that magic baithing suit like that Barbie size one I got also & Angelina Rachel got that suit's like a pastel camaflage rainbow glitter only hers got stars & bla bla bla

theRe she is My daughtER wit Me @ the beach that Mya Loka LiL cLown Many NaMes etc. when she wasn*t abducted in heR barbie caMafLage suit but i dont got pics a Me in Mine but i had it in the Late 80s & eaRly 90s Round that tyMe i wore eveRydaze teLLing My abductoRs take Me 2 that pooL suMtyMes i did go but they thRew that MagicaL suit in the tRash & say it got stolen that i need 2 weaR a diff suit i mean it was gonna weaR out eventuaLLy but it didnt yet!!! & theRes heR pizza toweL...

& next heRe*s My baRbies siMiLaR styLe suit~

NEXT is Me on My pastRy doughNut toweL @ tha beach wit My daughtER that Mya Loka LiL cLown Many NaMes etc. when she wasn*t abducted...

next is My face in that suit above...

otheR ReLated Links beLow~

beLow R jus suM ReaL Laws Like aLL ReLigions aRe 100 % & peasants tRy 2 put veRsion of Lies twist wit tRuth whiLe bibLical RepResentatives Like Myself put wutev out theRe MoRe accuRateLy Like that*s suMMa wut it$ suPPose 2 be...&wutev eLse..

Persian pRayeR imade up sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 LIKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!

On diff Realities~ To whom this may concern...i don't owe any1 anything!? That's fraud to say so...there's lie ditector test & real authorities that got disintegration Lazers...& Electrical vehicles that fly too & whatever else not mentioned... Like wheRe*s aLL My ResouRces!? It's illegal to got a business with out making sure every1 got all thier resources they entitled to & more! These illegally Land scaped places need to end! Everything is supposed to be made of palace like materials & approved locations & designs on a lie ditector test & with actual authorities & whatever else not mentioned!... only pray unless that's really all you can do...& Legally Authorities with weapons like disintegration guns & lie ditector test more are required!!!! along with resources & whatever else ...that's the full job description of a biblical representative individual & an authority & business & educational & more! like i myself am a biblical representative individual but I don't got access to everything I need to better assist others at this time ...TheRe*s Lie ditectoR test & ReaL authorities & LateR in this message is links click on it or type each individually on Google 2 see the based on true story wit images...they are also found on my blog post in my website~ & More links ... & PERSiAN PRAyER i MADE UP~SpaRkLes PRAyeRs victiMs DREAMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED TO...DUH! & My webpage~ To whom this may concern~invent heLp ReLated Links RegauRding an idea I added my education & that company already Patten...& that poorily of Mine that I coLLab wit My cat eLectRik gisMo that 3Rd & My daughteR I onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! CLICK EACH LINK BELOW TO SEE MESSAGES~ & & & My webpage~ It's filled wit BibLicaL education & FASHiON ART ETC. & Stories like ACOMA & BLOG POST & MORE! WAZE EDUCATIONAL & REALITY UPDATES ARE THERE TOO...PERSIAN PRAYER I MADE UP~SPARKLES PRAYRES VICTIMS DREAMING RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 LIKE DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED TO...DUH! Links below regaurding other situations that need to be situated because of uneducated individuals cRiMinaLs peasants that are trying to take over wit perversion & power & control & drugs like psych meds & fake authorities & fake doctors like fake medical Resentatives & fake Educational RepResentatives & more duh! They in cults like psychology & whatever else not mentioned... & & & More info found on my YouTube videos title the same as my webpage if you type it on YouTube my videos will pop up if you type it on Google my webpage & more links to me & etc will show...along wit I'm On Facebook & in person...Those peasants cRiMinaLs need to accept they don't qualify & victims like me are entitled duh! This is illegal! There is BibLicaL doctor genious lie ditector test Lazer disintegration & other weapons & whatever else like real laws reminded in all religions that are 100% true Beware of fake versions of sum books a knowledge they sumtymes twisted wit lies & truth so they not as true...

On diff realities:

Other than that~

I ask several places including 911 & more like St. Vincent de Paul A branch of Catholic churches tree To help me & my daughter situation(s) & mine & more

I need my princess unlimmitted funds to better assist my own self & others that i qualify to help wit thier resources too until then huh...

Biblical education all the religions are 100% true & real laws are reminded there in written & image & movie & cartoon & artwork & fashion & wutev else like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & more duh like etc.


When I become an animal doctor I'ma travel wit Dawn dish soap Dawn dish soap& etc.

& I will got Geico insurance aside from my existing monarch butterflies insured...I love that The GEICO Gecko character...

Also I Don't know every cats tail/tale but they do tell me things wit thier paws & meows...

I miss all my cats I love animals I need to be a biblical doctor to help better assist them & etc. Duh!!!!!

On More reality~like updates... My daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. ABDUCTiONS continue to happen she needs to get rescued escape etc immediately

To her summa ur forms a identity I know u got student i.d. cards & more along wit ur entertainment license & etc. u shoulda been in college B4 or after head start pre School duh! & Doing more purity 24/7 like animal doctor & modeling & movies & fashion & art & etc. Like wutev else...

Memory Mazing~ Stories that sparkLe sadasticLy true too... I jus woke from a dysfunctional dream that is kinda a nightmare duh

...that include peasants I already escape

but also that lil prince my cat electrik gismo that 3rd was there in kitten I remember when he was even smaller than this appearance back when he showered in tha sink & drank outta baby bottle kitten formula & etc.

After he got spay or neuter I alwaze forget which is which one for males other females that titles of sumthing I jus don't always remember but sum fake animal doctors admit they use psych meds on animals to make tha pet owner result to them to baith them I let them know that's illegal in all tha real laws in all tha religions those are that only laws to be known & encouraged & forced & they still inject animals wit false fears for control that they peasants & are scared of princes & princesses & gods (Kings)& goddesses (queens) so they do stupid things they belong disintegrated for help disintegrate fake doctors that happen to know PROCEEDURES duh! It's illegal wut they are doing!!!! They peasants trying to take over wit fake laws & cults which include fake doctors & more dysfunctional they Trying to weaken animals & humans wit psych meds that are actual drugs & medical medicine they use as drugs!!! This is so retarted they exist they not allowed...they that weak ones they weaker for doing such illegal things...

Back to my dream~nightmare electrik got similar plague wit or wit outta title his injury condition switched up only i ask for help again as tha plague weaken me to do more like that tyme in reality electrik got sciatically attacked & his body locked & etc & more & as I try to help wit natural remedies I baith him & blow dry & use straw to put water in his mouth & I put his cat food on his tounge to dissolve so he gets his vitamins I was bout to blend carrot wit water that's a daily remedie I include for myself & is said to be in sum cat food hen outta no where same thing start to happen to me...I started getting plagued to be weak physically mentally emotionally spiritually etc. other cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd didn't get plagued at all!? She jus watch like that's all tha peasant plaguers control her to do...I had my phone I already took electrik to animal emergency those fake doctors say bring him back urself that no money they not helping it's on servailance they locked me out tha animal emergency hospital this isn't funny then I call animal patrol I know thier job description they got access to free animal doctors but sadly even the they might be fake ones that stole jobs...etc. Like I post tis memory story already on Facebook & Myspace & more it's illegal peasants stealing jobs as animal patrol & doctors & 911 & more & land & illegal land scaping & etc. It's disgusting they need to get disintegrated immediately!

but in tha nightmare~dream tha gods (Kings) & goddesses (queens) repair him like a magical miracle I got to hold him again as i memory maze tha tymes in real life of when I got him as a gift he was crippled & fake animal doctors want thousands hundreds of illegal money they request that amount they made up I tell them he is an animal wit unlimmitted prince account jus like I'ma princess human wit unlimmitted we don't yet got access to our actual funding individually for them to help rescue him they decline wit out that money nope that's fraud they not real doctors... Me & electrik prayed & he started to do physical theoropy I would help him get to litter box quicker if I seen him heading g that direction eventually his bones healed & he start running around so fast like he naturally got better he tell me to be an animal doctor!? I let him know that peasants try to prevent me from being anything!!!!!!!... In real life & my dream~nightmare he let me know wut I do got that knowlege of so it's a reminder...

that no matter how remains look it's tha soul that I gets that privelage to live forever like his & mine & whoev else gets to...I almost started talking g to him in English then he speak in paw & show me his which says alot more that much faster...after I wake up sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd approach me it was like electrik is here strongly in spirit like we will both be at that reunion worth attending duh!...

Other than that... I experience sciatica B4 I got diagnosed with it in 2006 duh & i remember when my sciatica was getting better it got worse in 2017 when I lift sumthing that pinched tha previously irritated nerve...

Sciatica is a permanent condition like I occasionally get sciatical attacks out of no where & sometimes my body locks & spasms!

I get laser therapy & do stretches when I can but I still deal with random sciatically situations overall & because of it my body weakens inside from previous attackings it's like a on going recovering process I try to get my body back to usual only the sciatica that happens here & there is why I get weak...

I looked into other kinds a laser treatment like laser non•surgicals is where they laser the irritated pinched nerve but that doctor demand more money on top of my insurance or he say get out go deal with sciatica with out laser non•surgicals!?

So I don't know...

Like Happy birthdaze & holidaze unbirthdaze etc.

Like I'ma be around forever like longer than an eternity duh!

Go on use lie ditector test...

On other ReaLities~ My daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Is still ABDUCTED!


I DECLINED WUTEV she offering


I don't want nothing from u ...'s probly rape money or wutev rapist peasants try to pay u off wit that's disgusting get outta there!

U need your resources getta job a career goals & etc.

Once u goT ur own income u entitled to u can get me gifts presents later whenever like I got yours put awaze since ur obductions...

there's no more room to buy or make u more...

there will be eventually tho...

No body here wants Willie's child molester money or funeral money or his porno money or RAPE MONEY OR anything from him...

I already report him to chiLd support when I first started getting it outta no where I tell them in writing & in emails & in person child support is illegal that u can work even as a baby in Disney or Pampers or all a that above at that tyme duh! Then they tell me if I don't accept it then they taking wutev resources I got access & putting us in tha streets again!?

They commit fraud & let sickos like Willie buy thier Waze out wit fraudulent money & perversion this is serious! No body gets to buy thier Waze out...duh!

That's another crime & etc.U need to get rescued escape immediately!

Ur abducted!

This company called telecare say they gonna try to help me & also try to help u get all ur resources & put Willie where he belongs also which is disintegrated or prison while waiting for disintegration date...

Telecare say they gonna do wut they can in this war to help wit wutev is nessasary duh! Also colleges school a place of education dreams careers etc. Are suppose to be all ages...

Elementary & Junior high & high schools need to be taken down permanently duh!Sum souls can be biblical doctors at around age 2 & wutev else fashion art etc. Culinary arts sports inventors wutevs...

Aside from that everyone needs to stop multiplying...

Here's more info.

Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!

This is serious!

I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever!

I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!...

Google wutev...

Hysterectomy proceedure: The uterus is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. During the surgery the whole uterus is usually removed. Your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries. After a hysterectomy, you no longer have menstrual periods and cannot become pregnant...

Or this is an option also!

Tubal ligation proceedure: Remove those tubes & permanently prevents pregnancy, so you no longer need any type of birth control. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal ligation may also decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if the fallopian tubes are removed.

Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc.


Learn to pronounce See definitions in:

All Law Physiology noun

1.the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will."they organized the abduction of Mr. Cordes on his way to the airport"

Other than that~Message I sent to my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Like she is really still abducted this is illegal & etc.

Anywaze I tell her again that~

Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!!!!!

This is serious!!!!!!!

I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever!

I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!...

Google wutev...

Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. There'slie ditector test...

like hysterectomy are required for every female & tha proceedure for tha males too! those are real laws & are reminded in every religion...

it's illegal what's going on...

Lie ditector test are suppose to be used regarding what resources to give each individual whether it's a temporary stepping stone or thier own property or hotel for victims like myself at or near my birth place duh!

Like whatever is available! & for victimizers it's prison or disintegration or deported or all a the above...

There's not allowed to be a waiting list!

Housing authority is supposed to assist everyone individually like sum belong in orphanage or kid prison or disintegration eitherwaze deported duh!

Go on to the white house go ask Donald john trump in person or read into every religion or both or etc. If you really choose or are being forced to be that uneducated

...Princes & princesses Fair well peasants

Like High bye

Bla bla bla



...My cats!!! They jus summa my real family duh!


I know I qualify for more like where's my daughter & all my resources & hers & tha animals & everyone's!?

Like wut is really going on!?

Wut happened to staze trumping & etc. & like I thought on that news when it show Donald J. Trump getting more biblically educated wit that holy Bible The Holy Bible in his hand that he would enforce actual laws biblically reminded in all religions & bring on biblical authorities & more duh!

Message I sent my abducted daughter angelina Rachel many names etc.

Bla bla bla

Also I already tell you to get birth control non hormonal iud while waiting to get hysterectomy proceedure to help end multiplying duh!...

go to obgyn doctor or emergency room or a biblical doctor I tell u this long ago look wut happened to me before cus Willie & others obductors & force rape & multiplying & try to prevent others from thier own resources which includes wit I mentioned & more...duh You need to get rescued escape immediately...etc.Like biblical doctors exist & others authorities that can better assist everyone

...Jus like 1 Peter 5:7 in tha holy Bible states it's illegal to worry very similar like same kinda laws & more...

I tell my daughter Angelina Rachel since she was like a baby to get careers & follow dreams & all her resources I try to help her get hers while I continue to try to get mine duh!

I even tell her *emancipate & more!

She got an entertainment license years ago as soon as I was able to get it for her B4 then & after her abductors & mine & peasants in general prevent them from doing more duh Like peasants need to stop trying to catergorizing souls wit fake laws!

Bla bla bla

Aside from that~That's one step thats nessary to be sober & health like Omega 3 & vitamins a~z...duh...sum souls are in denial bout wutev else like drugs are never an option...I never been a drug addict but I got forced to identify as one b cus a sickos that drug others & themself like that's nothing to go back to for anyone...Here's tha truth of wut u might not know...the 12 biblical steps to recovery is regarding any kind of recover plus reminds that relapsing is never part of it!? I'm aware that alcoholics anonymous & narcotics anonymous is only a place to tell your version of the story thier steps are not holy they jus a similar Waze that they try to make money it's free to be sober & wuteveR duh! Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like

High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to...My biological birth daughter~Her birth name is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. Angelina Holloway PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé She is abDUCTED!

Her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in brawley, CA. AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc.

He a Rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all genders & ages he has a criminal & belongs disintegrated for his existing crimes he sends other peasants aside from himself sometimes after whoever...Like get biblically educated all tha religions in picture & written form are 100% true duh!

Like that real laws & more are reminded there Like PURiTy over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc. Like princesses and princes fairwell peasants...

On other Memory mazing~ On my webpage & more I include sum art work that describes Suma my memories like that artistically titled: tha metal play ground & more...I mention in late 80s I think it is when at that tyMe also aunt Ruth watch me in a location that might be Kansas area I don't fully remember it snows there & my lil half brother or lil half sister cousin crib empty like they disappeared like they don't always exist but thier belongings do!? & eitherwaze it got a metal play ground like that one I drew & etc. I held on Tha Mary go round & ran in circles the I jump on ibils & other creatures seem to be there too & whoev else & Ibilis join me on Tha teetar todder & show genie lamp & laugh as he show me future memories & mo ka zem sentence & more like that human peasant fire works & me on a flying carpet to & etc. as i look alone but wutev & after that I went in I don't know if aunt Ruth knows them tha creatures & others or sees them too but I was making imaginary cupcakes in a small plastic cupcake dish thing I though how cute for Barbie or other dolls like porcelains perfect size then that ganji fairies laugh near me like those are also sized for them...aunt Ruth didn't say anything when they do laughing she did see that pinkish cupcake plastic thing empty as I imagine how to actually cook wit it that fire will melt it tho so I don't know I will jus agine it so I guess it's jus a sample for those who don't got thier resources yet or sumthing maybe why else is there plastic dishes to make cupcakes not for real yet On diff realities~ Tha other daze I was out & bout & Melanie Martinez Melanie Martinez & Walt Disney & Whoev not mentioned join me spiritually in my imagination on Tha boring roads a reality & they took me to better places worth exist me & m.m. that Melanie tone we ate magical Candy's & food & drinks that had magical medicine to make us shrink or get talk then Walter claims here's another Waze to do it & a giant door got land scaped & we shrank that waze & got taller like on Charlie & that chocolate factory we colloabbed on Melanie candy land whether she should include that magically monitored medicine to grow & shrink or jus do small & talk land scaping or both... Like how bout a carousel over there a clown one & a ice cream one over there & a unicorn one there& rainbow falls & bla bla bla & an all religions prayer temple Eitherwaze it's like we really went to all these samples of wut her lolli pop land might be in reality if it doesn't already exist like fruits & veggies & Omega 3 in that candy but taste like sugar b cus at this location it's filled wit pastries & rainbows & dolls & clowns & daughter made her lil clown appearances there & so did he lil my loka doll & that one I made of her & whoev else probly ibilis & ganji fairies & Lucifer & etc. While Walter went on bout bringing wonderland at somewhere else like near Disneyland & Disney world & tea & bla bla bla & butterflies & caterpillars & characters... Like snow whites pie place & that poisonless apple & more & Tha big apple bakery I collab wit Donald John Trump & Melania & Edward scissor hands & wutev That collab went on when they disappeared I seen reality I imagine it diff too duh like wit animal resorts & more... Castles palaces & giant food to reperesent certain places like it's been that b4 but wutev. . . & Hugh bunny & that bunny I gave a clown make over went about bunny world & carrot cake & wutev else...

& Tribal land scaping & castles & palaces & real prisons & roots & religions & imaginations & SpongeBob & more Like How bout help end illegal land scaping!!not!! Like then emerald oz actually existing sumwhere over that rainbow On other realities~ Planned parent hood try to rescue rape victims & souls I general from multiplying they put me on birth control while waiting for that surgical proceedure to help end multiply duh that was in 2006 they got sent to my location ...I got given options & recommendations on diff Waze to stop that multiplying I got offer a hysterectomy or a tubal ligation plus I got ablation which helps end period blood or at least makes it less etc. So I got tubes removed & that ablation thing I Barely got that surgery available to me in 2021 literally a couple weeks doctor Charles w moniak wutta hero... Moniak Charles W MD at hoag hospital in newport beach, california area:

1 Hoag Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92663

he did tha surgicals of tubal ligation & a proceedure called ablation that helps take awaze or make lighter period/blood & nuRse Rachael DuRan from his office:

320 Superior Ave #230, Newport Beach, CA 92663

she help educate me on this & more...

On diff realities: Other than that~ I ask several places including 911 & more like St. Vincent de Paul A branch of Catholic churches tree To help me & my daughter situation(s) & mine & more I need my princess unlimmitted funds to better assist my own self & others that i qualify to help wit thier resources too until then huh... Biblical education all the religions are 100% true & real laws are reminded there in written & image & movie & cartoon & artwork & fashion & wutev else like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & more duh like etc. Anywaze~ When I become an animal doctor I'ma travel wit Dawn dish soap Dawn dish soap& etc. & I will got Geico insurance aside from my existing monarch butterflies insured...I love that The GEICO Gecko character... Also I Don't know every cats tail/tale but they do tell me things wit thier paws & meows... I miss all my cats I love animals I need to be a biblical doctor to help better assist them & etc. Duh!!!!! On More reality~like updates... My daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. ABDUCTiONS continue to happen she needs to get rescued escape etc immediately To her summa ur forms a identity I know u got student i.d. cards & more along wit ur entertainment license & etc. u shoulda been in college B4 or after head start pre School duh! & Doing more purity 24/7 like animal doctor & modeling & movies & fashion & art & etc. Like wutev else... Memory Mazing~ Stories that sparkLe sadasticLy true too... I jus woke from a dysfunctional dream that is kinda a nightmare duh ...that include peasants I already escape but also that lil prince my cat electrik gismo that 3rd was there in kitten I remember when he was even smaller than this appearance back when he showered in tha sink & drank outta baby bottle kitten formula & etc. After he got spay or neuter I alwaze forget which is which one for males other females that titles of sumthing I jus don't always remember but sum fake animal doctors admit they use psych meds on animals to make tha pet owner result to them to baith them I let them know that's illegal in all tha real laws in all tha religions those are that only laws to be known & encouraged & forced & they still inject animals wit false fears for control that they peasants & are scared of princes & princesses & gods (Kings)& goddesses (queens) so they do stupid things they belong disintegrated for help disintegrate fake doctors that happen to know PROCEEDURES duh! It's illegal wut they are doing!!!! They peasants trying to take over wit fake laws & cults which include fake doctors & more dysfunctional they Trying to weaken animals & humans wit psych meds that are actual drugs & medical medicine they use as drugs!!! This is so retarted they exist they not allowed...they that weak ones they weaker for doing such illegal things... Back to my dream~nightmare electrik got similar plague wit or wit outta title his injury condition switched up only i ask for help again as tha plague weaken me to do more like that tyme in reality electrik got sciatically attacked & his body locked & etc & more & as I try to help wit natural remedies I baith him & blow dry & use straw to put water in his mouth & I put his cat food on his tounge to dissolve so he gets his vitamins I was bout to blend carrot wit water that's a daily remedie I include for myself & is said to be in sum cat food hen outta no where same thing start to happen to me...I started getting plagued to be weak physically mentally emotionally spiritually etc. other cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd didn't get plagued at all!? She jus watch like that's all tha peasant plaguers control her to do...I had my phone I already took electrik to animal emergency those fake doctors say bring him back urself that no money they not helping it's on servailance they locked me out tha animal emergency hospital this isn't funny then I call animal patrol I know thier job description they got access to free animal doctors but sadly even the they might be fake ones that stole jobs...etc. Like I post tis memory story already on Facebook & Myspace & more it's illegal peasants stealing jobs as animal patrol & doctors & 911 & more & land & illegal land scaping & etc. It's disgusting they need to get disintegrated immediately! but in tha nightmare~dream tha gods (Kings) & goddesses (queens) repair him like a magical miracle I got to hold him again as i memory maze tha tymes in real life of when I got him as a gift he was crippled & fake animal doctors want thousands hundreds of illegal money they request that amount they made up I tell them he is an animal wit unlimmitted prince account jus like I'ma princess human wit unlimmitted we don't yet got access to our actual funding individually for them to help rescue him they decline wit out that money nope that's fraud they not real doctors... Me & electrik prayed & he started to do physical theoropy I would help him get to litter box quicker if I seen him heading g that direction eventually his bones healed & he start running around so fast like he naturally got better he tell me to be an animal doctor!? I let him know that peasants try to prevent me from being anything!!!!!!!... In real life & my dream~nightmare he let me know wut I do got that knowlege of so it's a reminder... that no matter how remains look it's tha soul that I gets that privelage to live forever like his & mine & whoev else gets to...I almost started talking g to him in English then he speak in paw & show me his which says alot more that much faster...after I wake up sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd approach me it was like electrik is here strongly in spirit like we will both be at that reunion worth attending duh!... Other than that... I experience sciatica B4 I got diagnosed with it in 2006 duh & i remember when my sciatica was getting better it got worse in 2017 when I lift sumthing that pinched tha previously irritated nerve... Sciatica is a permanent condition like I occasionally get sciatical attacks out of no where & sometimes my body locks & spasms! I get laser therapy & do stretches when I can but I still deal with random sciatically situations overall & because of it my body weakens inside from previous attackings it's like a on going recovering process I try to get my body back to usual only the sciatica that happens here & there is why I get weak... I looked into other kinds a laser treatment like laser non•surgicals is where they laser the irritated pinched nerve but that doctor demand more money on top of my insurance or he say get out go deal with sciatica with out laser non•surgicals!? So I don't know... Like Happy birthdaze & holidaze unbirthdaze etc. Like I'ma be around forever like longer than an eternity duh! Go on use lie ditector test... On other ReaLities~ My daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Is still ABDUCTED! & SHE OFFER TO SEND ME GIFTS PRESENTS ETC. I DECLINED WUTEV she offering & I REPLY TO HER: I don't want nothing from u ...'s probly rape money or wutev rapist peasants try to pay u off wit that's disgusting get outta there! U need your resources getta job a career goals & etc. Once u goT ur own income u entitled to u can get me gifts presents later whenever like I got yours put awaze since ur obductions... there's no more room to buy or make u more... there will be eventually tho... No body here wants Willie's child molester money or funeral money or his porno money or RAPE MONEY OR anything from him... I already report him to chiLd support when I first started getting it outta no where I tell them in writing & in emails & in person child support is illegal that u can work even as a baby in Disney or Pampers or all a that above at that tyme duh! Then they tell me if I don't accept it then they taking wutev resources I got access & putting us in tha streets again!? They commit fraud & let sickos like Willie buy thier Waze out wit fraudulent money & perversion this is serious! No body gets to buy thier Waze out...duh! That's another crime & etc.U need to get rescued escape immediately! Ur abducted! This company called telecare say they gonna try to help me & also try to help u get all ur resources & put Willie where he belongs also which is disintegrated or prison while waiting for disintegration date... Telecare say they gonna do wut they can in this war to help wit wutev is nessasary duh! Also colleges school a place of education dreams careers etc. Are suppose to be all ages... Elementary & Junior high & high schools need to be taken down permanently duh!Sum souls can be biblical doctors at around age 2 & wutev else fashion art etc. Culinary arts sports inventors wutevs... Aside from that everyone needs to stop multiplying... Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants! This is serious! I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever! I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!... Google wutev... Hysterectomy proceedure: The uterus is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. During the surgery the whole uterus is usually removed. Your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries. After a hysterectomy, you no longer have menstrual periods and cannot become pregnant... Or this is an option also! Tubal ligation proceedure: Remove those tubes & permanently prevents pregnancy, so you no longer need any type of birth control. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal ligation may also decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if the fallopian tubes are removed. Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. ab·duc·tion/abˈdəkSH(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce See definitions in: All Law Physiology noun 1.the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will."they organized the abduction of Mr. Cordes on his way to the airport" Other than that~Message I sent to my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Like she is really still abducted this is illegal & etc. Anywaze I tell her again that~ Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!!!!! This is serious!!!!!!! I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever! I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!... Google wutev... Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. There'slie ditector test... like hysterectomy are required for every female & tha proceedure for tha males too! those are real laws & are reminded in every religion... it's illegal what's going on... Lie ditector test are suppose to be used regarding what resources to give each individual whether it's a temporary stepping stone or thier own property or hotel for victims like myself at or near my birth place duh! Like whatever is available! & for victimizers it's prison or disintegration or deported or all a the above... There's not allowed to be a waiting list! Housing authority is supposed to assist everyone individually like sum belong in orphanage or kid prison or disintegration eitherwaze deported duh! Go on to the white house go ask Donald john trump in person or read into every religion or both or etc. If you really choose or are being forced to be that uneducated ...Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to ...My cats!!! They jus summa my real family duh! Other than that~Tha LAND A DREAMS IS THA REAL TITLE/NAME OF THA WORLD BUT WUTEV...LIKE SUM NAMEs ARENT PERMANENT LIKE SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA & ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA & & COSTA MESA, CA & MORE! BUT DISNEYLAND IS FOREVER & OTHER PLACES & THINGS & SOULS NOT MENTIONED & ETC. I know I qualify for more like where's my daughter & all my resources & hers & tha animals & everyone's!? Like wut is really going on!? Wut happened to staze trumping & etc. & like I thought on that news when it show Donald J. Trump getting more biblically educated wit that holy Bible The Holy Bible in his hand that he would enforce actual laws biblically reminded in all religions & bring on biblical authorities & more duh! Message I sent my abducted daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. Bla bla bla Also I already tell you to get birth control non hormonal iud while waiting to get hysterectomy proceedure to help end multiplying duh!... go to obgyn doctor or emergency room or a biblical doctor I tell u this long ago look wut happened to me before cus Willie & others obductors & force rape & multiplying & try to prevent others from thier own resources which includes wit I mentioned & more...duh You need to get rescued escape immediately...etc.Like biblical doctors exist & others authorities that can better assist everyone ...Jus like 1 Peter 5:7 in tha holy Bible states it's illegal to worry very similar like same kinda laws & more... I tell my daughter Angelina Rachel since she was like a baby to get careers & follow dreams & all her resources I try to help her get hers while I continue to try to get mine duh! I even tell her *emancipate & more! She got an entertainment license years ago as soon as I was able to get it for her B4 then & after her abductors & mine & peasants in general prevent them from doing more duh Like peasants need to stop trying to catergorizing souls wit fake laws! Bla bla bla Aside from that~That's one step thats nessary to be sober & health like Omega 3 & vitamins a~z...duh...sum souls are in denial bout wutev else like drugs are never an option...I never been a drug addict but I got forced to identify as one b cus a sickos that drug others & themself like that's nothing to go back to for anyone...Here's tha truth of wut u might not know...the 12 biblical steps to recovery is regarding any kind of recover plus reminds that relapsing is never part of it!? I'm aware that alcoholics anonymous & narcotics anonymous is only a place to tell your version of the story thier steps are not holy they jus a similar Waze that they try to make money it's free to be sober & wuteveR duh! Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to...My biological birth daughter~Her birth name is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. Angelina Holloway PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé She is abDUCTED! Her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in brawley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. He a Rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all genders & ages he has a criminal & belongs disintegrated for his existing crimes he sends other peasants aside from himself sometimes after whoever...Like get biblically educated all tha religions in picture & written form are 100% true duh! Like that real laws & more are reminded there Like PURiTy over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc. Like princesses and princes fairwell peasants...Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only! My mailing address another temporary residence stepping stone: 400 Merrimac Way #42 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 My phone#949•610•4967 My webpage~ & I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~ (1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand (2) Rachel Michelé (3)PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé (4) Michelé McLain & Here's the winred links I made! I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working... QUOTES~ *Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) & *Nike: just do it! & *BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING! & *ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & *HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & *WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & *Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO...& SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& SparkLes PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to...duh! *Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing...*DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin...& *Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! her fashion! & *Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ...& *Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain? & *Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking..& More...#PRAYERS #DREAMS#GOALS#FASHION#ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS)& godesses (QUEENS)& THIER LIL pRINCESSES& LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM& MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. & Google: Rachel Michelé McLain More bout me will pop up...duh!

Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only! My mailing address another temporary residence stepping stone: 400 Merrimac Way #42 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 My phone#949•610•4967

& I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~

(1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand

(2) Rachel Michelé

(3)PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé

(4) Michelé McLain

& Here's the winred links I made! I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working...

QUOTES~ *Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) & *Nike: just do it! & *BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING! & *ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & *HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & *WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & *Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO...& SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& SparkLes PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to...duh! *Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing...*DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin...& *Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! her fashion! & *Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ...& *Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain? & *Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking..& More...#PRAYERS #DREAMS#GOALS#FASHION#ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS)& godesses (QUEENS)& THIER LIL pRINCESSES& LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM& MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. & Google: Rachel Michelé McLain More bout me will pop up...duh!

Melanie Martinez The White House Sub Urban Donald J. Trump Monarch Insurance Group Melania Trump Joe Biden Kamala Harris Housing Authority National Housing Authority

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