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thi$ $toRy of $uM$ a cute taiL ReaLLy...woRth caRRot$ & cottoN LiteRaLLy...iM aLL eaR$~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

hugh bunny pLay bunny inspiRed Links beLow of Me MyseLf MiMing a MIMe a reMix a Mix of a fRee styLe pRayeR 2 diff tunes cLick individuaLLy 2 see~

















































Look there's COLORS THA BUNNy RABBit weaRing Easter fashion a rainbow reminder of MAGiCAL MESSAGES Like jctpop~jesus ChRist the pRince of peace...& MoRe & otheR eaRs woRth knowing...

& She reunite with her daughter puRpLes i remember she use to sit in that pocket of that dress...they sum how got seperated...

...& wutta a miracle...

During those tyMes of seperation daze she PuRpLe$

became a playmate for playbunny Playboy like Hugh bunny there she is in an image eaRLieR thats him in that 1$t & 2nd pic 4 those of u who dont Recognize suMMa these chaRacteRs that pubLickLy known through out tha Land a DREAMS

& he obviousLy adopt her during this war!...he did a spiRituaL adoption 4 Me too in tha 80s...i been eating CARROTS EVER Since...

& i made that skeleton to look like Hugh m Hefner...see I glued cotton candy colored diamond eyes & I add bunny ears & I add bunny label to the vest & more duh!!!!!!!!

Anywaze my supposive biological birth mommy that Lunatically Lunatical Lunatic Lynn also known as p.p. pee PUDDLE & you can be chef Barbie like she looks a like her she makes fudge & more many names Etc. this doLL of baRbie Looks Like heR ReaLLy in tha 80s if she wear that Make up i know how to do doLL eyes to make them look this waze if they not naturally like that duh...& if u dye tha hair her natural color ash like brownish light ashy shade it look like 1 a her more famous looks...but put a wig & there she is every1...theres a baRbie Like pictuRe she got dressed in her lunaticaL 70s style wit giant wooden spoons & forks...that go wit her fudge too & imagine clear pee puddle shape candy lolli pops like thats another story that describes summa her Life! duh that i been xposed to...


from like that 90s i originally got her THO THAT BUNNY RABBit COLORS

& it SHE jus arrive 2daze januaRy 20, 2022 thuR$daze wit sum other things...

& she THAT LUNATicaL Lynn p.p. pee puddLe many names etc. she got summa My things in her storage & summa my other things got stolen bye ciamak and Willie rape gang & other criminal peasants of all kinds like mental health representatives & more duh!

I tell her to send a my things she got but wutev I will get them eventually...

& i know not everything i say like ReaLity Makes sense or cent$ or scents like since we on tha subject heres a barbie doLL that kinda Looks Like Me~see! i know theres many but here$ this image beLow...

& She LunaticaL Lynn sent me these ugly shoes beLow that are probLy coMfoRtabLe 4 waLking so I RemMix these soLes wit a Mix a satin Barbie color pinkish fabric I cut out that shape of HEARTS

& I add rhinestones in the shape of play bunny label for now...I mite mix them up again later as these are detachable wit safety pins & I can add on other things too...


I did 80s Barbie neon sunset Alice in wonderland random like ballerina clown character wutever fashion on that go Like high bye

My webpage~

& next i$ ME DRE$$ UP AS A jeweLeRy box baLLeRina bunny cLown cReatuRe thing Lion chaRacteR unicoRn & When i get suMMa My designs on the Money Like goLd coins & MoRe you wiLL see beLow is jus 1 a My iMages of ME as 1 a My Many chaRacteRs...~


 PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to

duh BLa BLa BLa

Like high bye

this is My doLL hugh bunny he ReaLLy Looks Like tha Man hugh M. hefNeR CaRRots cottoN taiL fRoM Play bunny aka pLay boy Many naMes etc. in spiRit it is heM duh!...jus Like that skeLeton i shown eaRLieR that i gave bunny Make oveR tha 1 that heLp adopt puRpLes & MoRE...we taLk on pLaces Like bunny Land OR woRld & tha caRRot cafe...Like he got bunnys & caRRots aLReady 2 Make it aReaLity & iMagine his top bunnys Rising outta tha gRound in giant gLassy Like Light up caRRots they suMtyMes get 2 staze in aRound his castLe Like a gaRden...& then ciRcus tyMe enteRtainMent & MoRe Like eveRy bunny hop...

i ReaLLy go 2 bibLicaL gatheRings spiRituaLLy wit heM & others since tha 80s...Like at tha caRRot cafe caRRot juice & pastRys of caRRots & caRRot steaks & wutev caRRots iMagineabLe...duh! & oMega 3 vitaMins a~z...even walt disney attended & foRce puRity tha whoLe tyMe cLaiMing he does Not have tha eaRs 2 heaR anything otheR than wuts hugh bunny got ReaL seRious & every1 seen on tha news that suM fake bunnys got into his coMpany its on t.v. ...when thier taiLs not allowed they obviousLy dont quaLify Like this not a pLace 2 pRetend they ReaLLy do things woRth doing Like wut happen 2 pint house MusicaL & ideas & wutev eLse...

iMa awaRe theRe$ diff Recipes & waze 2 Make caRRot pastRies & dough & wutev eLse but if u don*t Make theM Rite they Mite taste Like wutev Like @ Least stiLL heaLthy i MyseLf pRefeR it 2 b Moist & i caMe acRoss these ingRedients suM1 eLse put pubLickLy on googLe that seeM yuMMy like every bunny pRobLy wiLL Love!...i notice tha unusuaL ingRedient suM mite aLready know bout but it*s pine appLe also & i use honey!!!!!!!...even on summa my carrots steaks i drizzle honey sumtymes...

CaRRot cake Recipe this 1 4RoM eaRLieR i Mentioned~


6 cups grated carrots 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup raisins 4 eggs 1 1/2 cups white sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup crushed pineapple, drained 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 cup chopped walnuts


In a medium bowl, combine grated carrots and brown sugar. Set aside for 60 minutes, then stir in raisins. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour two 10 inch cake pans. In a large bowl, beat eggs until light. Gradually beat in the white sugar, oil, and vanilla. Stir in the pineapple. Combine the flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon, stir into the wet mixture until absorbed. Finally, stir in the carrot mixture and the walnuts. Pour evenly into the prepared pans. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes in the preheated oven, until cake tests were done with a toothpick. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pan. When completely cooled, frost with cream cheese frosting...

i MyseLd dRink caRRot juice eveRy daze...i bLend it wit dasani & a fuLL size caRRot & honey...suMtyMes i bLend in suM Mango OR oRanges oR both oR wutev eLse depends...& i make other caRRot things Like Rainbow soup i put dasani purified water & i add tha oRange carrots & Red tomatoes & purple potatoes & green cilantro & wutev else like veggie meat or tofu or sum kinda oMega 3 vitamins a~z like that & seasonings Like pepper & wutever...

heRes suM caRRot steaks i seen on googLe but i actuaLLy Made suM b4 aLso!...i usuaLLy boiL tiL not 2 soft oR cRunchy 2 give it a steaky textuRe & suMtyMes i add diff seasonings Like peppeR oR wutev & A1 steak sauce & unsaLted butteR MeLted wit gaRLic & paRsLey & suMtyMes honey!...hugh bunny encouRages this Menu in spiRit...its aLotta fun iMagining but wiLL b MoRe dopetasticaL @ tha caRRot cafe in bunny Land woRLd wutev u gotta b a quaLified coton taiL 2 attend tho i know i wiLL b theRe!...

caRRot saLad Like add wut ev u want bLue cheese OR oLive oiL & wutev eLse...

Look @ his adoRbs LiL castLe 4 eveRy bunny that*s aLLOwed 2 occasionaLLy b @ his caRRot gatheRings...Like is eveRyBUNNy heRe?!~

& above & beLow R iMages of that: LEONARDO Di CAPRiO~his famous biblical image he holds a wine glass with water in it?! 

Like how puRified is it & wheRe’s the wateR faLLs that puRe that iLLegaL Land scapeRs destRoyeD...& that iMage above & beLow of LeonaRdo di CapRio & MORe shouLd be on goLd coins & otheR kinda Moey designs & wutev eLse 2 ReMind bout puRified wateR RecycLed faLLs & wutev eLse...

& Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace jus so happens to make summa tha finest Red wine & more out of wateR & when his abiLities work like that he can also purify it & multiply things & wutev else ...

 that Link BELOWe cLick to see~

it$ of Me doing a fRee style pRayeR MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix of to that tune ANGEL BABy to Rosie & tha oRiginaL$ i dedicate this fReeLy styling pRaying To:

Jctpop~Jesus Christ tha prince of peace

& i got that chaLice piMp gLass hoLy cup 4 heM…

 4 when he gets brought back bye a biblical doctor genious duh Im hanging on to it til then ...

As He say when he appear more visibly & in spiRit That he will in person as a half god(king) & half human 

EitheRwaze just a high prince he is not a king god that wit his ability he will Multiply it when he gets brought by back tho

 Either b4 or bye that tyMe there will be RecycLiyng water falls again of purified h2o that even in his daze iLLegaL Land scapeRs took down as they continue to tRy to take oveR they aLL beLong disintegRated iMMediateLy foR thieR xisting intensionaL cRiMes i got a Matching genie Like LaMp thing that he wiLL fiLL wit fine wine & wutev duh 

MoRe Links 2 cLick individuaLLy 2 see that go wit that jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace chaRacteR~


















& I gave a poRtRait of him a make over of wut he show me summa his real looks are !!!! see beLow~

Purified h2o like Recycling water falls are required to be installed in the oceans & Lakes & rivers & ponds & churches & buisnesses & properties & colleges & more…


WheRes eveRy1s resources & authorities & biblical doctor geniouses & MoRe!!!

There’s fake biblical & fake educational & fake illegal land scapers & fake buisness representatives & scientist & mentals & criminals & victimizers & sinners & Peasants trying to take over 



Jctpop~Jesus Christ the pRince of peace occasionally visits me MoRe visibly at diff places & locations

& he show me 1 of his books of knowledge

A Real holy bible!!!!!!!!

It got realistic iMages on 1 side of the page

& wRiting on the otheR scripture so accurate!!!!

& then he flip the pages like a flip book it is like watching a Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!

He say it’s true that’s a real holy bible & he got several books of knowledge aside from it & they all like that!!!!!!

& he remind me peasants Re write it & leave out the magical movie like pages intensionaLLy & they twist the truth wit lies...

& title it holy bible when it’s jus based on summa wut the holy bible say & sum isn’t

& it’s used as a cuLt guide for cult leaders cult members

Also known as a peasant guide for peasant members & peasant leaders

& He show me diff styles he do like that tyMe he show me bLood flowing from 1 eye & a rainbow a paint from the other

He say if I staze innocent I get to go to that art biblical gathering thing

So I done a similar look on my face b4 see next is Me showiing that~


Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace isn’t jus coming back on his own 

A biblical doctor genious the advanced medical field is required to bring him back wit human remains or as a metal skeleton wit baRbie doll like remains or sumthing then he can bring him self back how he wants to more info in the links below~

The window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMindeRs +  jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location...@420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, California biblically speaking in: "the Land of dreams"...ReaLity updates...i am a volunteer that doesn*t get to do more at this tyme...

cLick this Link bout piMpin & pReachin its Me again doing a fRee styLe pRayeR bout ReaLity REAL Life i taLk then i do a MiMe a MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of cLick to see oR type on youtube~


de$ign & Made bye Me ...

MeMoRy Mazing~ That tyMe I got abducted bye peasants criminals victimizers sinners that they tell jus me to stand there & do nothing betteR them & like then if I get to function that I'm too innocent eitheRwaze... while they all do wutev as RetaRds wit perversion of all ages & genders?! when they say its jus a dancing thing paRty but not 4 M e2 do anything!? as I got boRed I baReLy did 1 beLLy dancing woRk out Move while waiting & then I got attacked wit beeR bottLes in ReaL Life... they bash they oveR My head claiming my mind is too pRetty like my soul... They so jealous a Me! I gotta awaze escaped eventually... I went wit a paRty cRew that call theMelves that pLayMates ...I actualLy quaLify for that actual company label Playboy also known as play bunny many names etc. Summa them mite not like I don't know all a theM Really... & I'm entitled to working for other companies & my own & more duh! Like Wutev else not mentioned... & Other party crews I notice r rape gangs!?...& Other illegal wutevs duh! DuRing that tyMe...

MeMoRy Maze~ During summa My abductions in late 1980s & early 1990s I got drugged on surgical pills SuMtyMes rape abducted As i black out there wit i & others call VHS RApist They video pornography of babies kids teens adults humans Other tyMes animals & wutev else 1 a they times i seen the play bunny playboy bunny Label logo They Lie & say that’s why they doing this They claim hugh bunny does all this Abductions drugs rapes Babies kids teens adults Spiritually he made appearances Like it’s not true these r real live sickos i need to escape I found out more bout the real bunny club later & in 1995 or 1996 I came across 2 bunny dolls As in the 80s i try to go on my own already I was born January 15, 1986 baby girl garnet diamond Birth place 694 w Wilson st Costa Mesa, ca 92627 Biblically speaking in the land of dreams My soul made 1985 Krystal diamond Anywaze i tell my biological birth mommy look at these bunny dolls i got Like they can b my guardians Since every 1 say that’s with need She ignore my sincerity of still wanting to go bout my own identity at that tyMe I got a high enough education & wutev else to seek a higher biblical educational knowledge I need to help make the land of dreams a better place that easily She jus say o how cute or adorable look at Rachel she got more dolls everyone like good for her Like I got several bunny dolls & barbies & wutev else But these bunny dolls which I don’t know where they r They got hats & mini bunnies 1 blueish overalls The other pinkish floral dress They r like summa my many real family parents jus like the animals like cats & caterpillars & butter flies & whoev & wutev else Wit no intensions on letting my resources go thru She try to help prevent them...

cLick Link 2 see this fRee styLe pRayER 2 a song titLed TiME Bye pinkfLoyd a MiMe of Me MyeLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of~


Diff FRee styLe pRayeRs Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of to diff songs click Links beLow individuaLLy to see:

young jeezy tune titled faMe~


i 4got tha name of this sound~


Life styLe bye Rich gang~

THA $UNKEN $HiP~RACHEL MiCHELE' design & Made bye Me

above & beLow u wiLL see that eveRy sundaze i dRe$$ up a s a diff chaRactER as i aM a bibLicaL RepResentative individuaL voLinteeR non pRofit suM donations & tips & gifts accepted as i dont got access2 doing MoRe in this waR @ this tyMe duh untiL then i do wut i got access 2 duh!

above is suM aRt woRk done & designed bye Me its bout ReaLity & wut tha Land of dReaMs is suppose 2 be & wutev eLse NOT MENTioned Like those fiRe woRks RepResent wut is done suM Places Loose pRisoneRs go up on Rockets & as they go up they disintegRate & then spaRkLing gLitteR in the skies Light up Like yay! suM cRiMInaLs beLong disintegRated foR thieR intensionaL cRiMes & supposiveLy thats jus 1 waze 2 do it Like its a pRiveLage 2 get MuRdeREd that waze duh otheRs Mite die MoRe boRing eitherwaze those that intensionaLLy sin get toRtuRed at thieR souL eventuaLLy Like when the heavens & eaRth coMbine autoMaticaLLy that happens others get it b4 then when they dead...& that woMan on the MagicaL fLying caRpet is suppose 2 Me suM daze being fRee of those that went into disintegration finaLLy & RegauRdLess of how they ALL die i wiLL suM how fLy & do wutev eLse 2 heLp Make tha Land of dReaMs a bettER PLace...if i got cLones & they Made Right thats wut they R doing suMwheRE duh Like i know wut i quaLify foR & wut i*M entitLed 2...

i titLe this it: $PARKLE$~as i mention MORE detaILs in otheR post bout it...

Like that boy or Man bye that peRsian swoRd suppose 2 syMboLize 1 a My supposive biolOgicaL biRth daddy chaRactERs that Mo ha MMed/MMad ka zeM ka vand aka maNy naMes etc. b cus he suMtyMes pREtends he a peRsian pRince again he acts as acoLdeR bReed of peRsian pRince that Long ago Like waze b4 his xistance back wit peRsian swoRds Like b4 jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace Like the 3 wise Men & the wishing staR & whoev eLse not Mentioned as a victiMIzeR he do LoweR peRsonaLities & waze 4 otheRs but aRound Me he goes in2 a hypnoticaL tRanse Like his souL jus got Made at Rainbow faLLs then he sees ReaLity a is awaRe thats not hiM anyMORe Like anothER act he do is Laughing ganji faiRies & hyena aniMaLs it taMes his eviL side he tuRns veRy sick wit intensionaL sinneRs Like possessed 2 b whoev they assign 2 b whetheR its wiLLing oR not jus Like suM victiMs go thru that aLso not wiLLingLy 4 a fact & suM caLL heM genie Man as he gRants fake wiishes b4 & he Let Me baRRow his Magic tea heRb pLant beveRage genie LaMp thing & ReaL genies appeaR & teLL Me its TRue unLiMMitted wiishes 4 those that staze innocent but he & otheRS can go bout wuts Left of thieR xistance & b who they supposed 2 be like its that easy even tho its not b cus eveRy1 seeMs 2 b pRevented bye intensionaL cRiMinaLs...i did this aRt 4 My supposive step daddy uncLe sa degh ka vand aka DO aka $in$Le$$ aka Many naMes etc. he a diff kinda LOose pRisoneR but he teLLs diff stoRies of the cReatuRes of how intensionaL human cRiMinaLs get a hoLd of theM & they act waze diff Like he seeM 2 b awaRe i know theM& who they R intensionaLLy 24/7 NOT who they Mite get foRce 2 be in this ReaLM of the Land of dReaMs aka the woRLd aka the woRL aka the univeRse aka Many naMes etc. he aLso teLLs stoRy of tha cactus & the pRisoner that becaMe a Loose pRisoneR..i dont know woRd 4 woRd exactLy but i do ReMeMbeR suMma it as i Mite tell it aLiL diff...these taLes wit oR wit out taiLs...when he teLLs the stoRy of the hoof he taLking bout hoRned hoof fauwns...he say when they heRe they R possessed suMtyMes bye huMan peasants on wut they shouLd do 2 deaL wit situations they aLReaDy know as they MagicaL & higher cReation than huMans duH anywaze he takes his hand & he opens the sky as u wiLL then see the stoRy he teLLing theRes a hoLy pond oR suM kinda pooL of watER suRRounded bye fauwns pLaying pan fLutes & othER instRuMents they dance & wutev even in the night its Lie i can see theM waze in a distance the stoRy coMes to Life...then a huMan Man goes 2 theM & they see hiM they notice he disfiguRed wit a hunch Like back...they MagicaLLy vanish that disabiLity fRom hiM he staRts dancing & they Let heM know 2 go awaze Like he no body 2 theM Maybe they dont aLwaze know oR ReMeMbeR in this toxic pLace of peasants aLive that use hypnosis onn them to use theM foR thiER MagicaL he Leaves...he coMes accRoss suM huMan he awaRe of aLReady he notice he so athLetic & he appeaRs 2 be heaLed Like he pResentLy got a hunch back disabiLity & he ask hiM how did he get Rid of it...he say he theRes actuaL cReatuRes ovER thERe fauwns dancing aRound a puddLe...the hopeLess souL gets diRections in high hopes they heLp hiM too...he gets theRE & they aLL siLenced in peace no sound no MusicaLs Like the Man teLL hiM no dancing no nothing...he stiLL waLks up & say high i heaRd u take that othEr Mans hunch back awaze suM how Like wutta bout Mine...they do swiRLy eyes of hypnotic 4 hiM 2 go didnt woRk he continue teLLing theM 2 do 4 hiM wut they did 4 that otheR Man...1 a theM say a cReatuRe died when they Live 4eveR but this fauwn went into that otheR ReaLM...that they doing a peacefuL thing at this tyMe thieR eyes staze swiRL & they again tRy 2 Make taht Man hypnoticaLLy go awaze bout his path suMwheRe eLse...he staze & say he wiLl b on his waze as soon as they vanish his hunch back...they staRt Looking deMOnic Like gLowing bLack & Red Lights fLashing & thiEr eyes fiLLed wit hypnosis that isnt woRking Like its suppose 2 so instead they pLague the Man wit 2 hunches a t his back...the Man had an eMotionaL bReakdown & Left as fast as he can...cReatuRes dont noRMaLLy do these kinda things...they usuaLLy use hypnosis 4 Magic shows & to heLp end & pRevent cRiMe a side fRo using weapons & wutev eLse Lie ditectoR test RequiRed & degh teLLs it anotheR waze i teLl it a vaRiety a waze as he teLl Me his veRsion of this stoRy oR did suM1 oRiginaLly teLL hiM i ask hiM bout these stoRies he say he known theM a whiLe...then the LOOse pRisoneR he teLls this in seconds that theRe was a waR boMbs eveRywhERe & suM boMbings hit a pRison suMMa those pRisoneRs suRvived & becaMe Loose pRisoneRs he staRt Laughing & say Like they stiLL out theRE aLive suMwhERE...& the cactus i dont ReMeMbeR otheR than he say suMthing Like a Man went caMpIng oR suMthing in the deseRt cactuses eveRywhERe wit pRetty exotic fLoweRs & fiLLed wit natuRaL beveRages of suM kind eitheRwaze ReguaRdLeess the bReed of this pLant oR wut kind it is ReaLLy he say its a cactus as iM awaRe theRe diff kinds so he say the Man thought theRes so Many no 1 wiLL MInd if he takes 1 back 2 his wife he puts it in the iLLegaL Motor vehicLe i think he say i dont think he went waLking oR had anotheR waze to tRaveL wit it & when he got back 2 the pRopeRty oR teMpoRaRy stepping stone of who he say is his wife he gave it 2 heR as gift...she Let heM staze whiLe he in tha aRea eveRy1 went 2 go 2 sLeep...then he heaR a Loud sound & he ask the wife does she heaRing that aLso...Like wut is it?! they go 2 see & theRes scoRpions eveRywheRe!? he found out they was in the cactus OR suMthing Like that...they got Rid of theM suM how iM assuMing...& My own stoRy that goes wit MeRMaids i wiLL teLL it shoRteR than otheR tyMes in tha 90s i found a giant conch sea sheLL phone thing in the yaRd aRea undeR a tRee i cLiMb b4 it was in the diRt neaR the gRass so i pick it up MeRMaids taLk 2 Me in spiRit suM how they say RacheL do a totaLLy haiR style & bLa BLa BLa ...i show My supposive biolOgicaL biRth MoMMy at that teMpoRaRy stepping stone abduction wutev Location & she say youRe going 2 tha beach thats whERe they invite Me 2 go 2 i iMagine they R theRe 2 Rescue Me so Lynn i think that tyMe Maybe she RoLLer skate oR waLk theRe as she put Me in the wagon suMtyMes wit My supposive LiL haLf sistER Ra cheLLe yvonne aka sheLL aka ocean Many names etc. aLong wit My suPPosiveLiL haLf bRotheR MIchaEl sa degh aka twix aka Many names etc. i dont ReMeMbER suMtymes we go in the iLLegaL MOtoR vehicLe 2 get to the when we aRRived i Look aRound foR theM ...they no whERe & spiRituaLLy they say stupid huMan you see why we not theRe...diRty watEr no RecycLing watEr faLLs oR anything...Like wut aM i suppose 2 do...i thought i was going wit thEM...instead i end having 2 hang out wit My stupid possessed LiL half bRotheR cousin that in cuLts he Makes Look innocent Like Making Me hug cRiMinaLs undeR hypnosis?! Like wutta RetaRd as he done MagicaL things too Like he do the invisibLe boy & wutev eLse adiff tyme yeaRs Later he put Me undeR hypnosis outta no whERe i got stuck doing a countRy westeRn styLe Line dancing in a ciRcLe dance wit a fish face foR a whiLe Like i had no contRoL suM1 eLs ehad 2 snap Me outta itotherwise i was stuck Like that...i dont undeRstand why he waist hypnosis on suMthing so stupid Lik eit wasnt a show oR anthing?! does he do it foR contRoL oR ?! its iLLegaL 2 test his abiLity Like that as a supposive paRt peRsian Like MyseLf wheRe that bReed is Made hypnoticaLLy siMialR to cReatuRes Like ganji faiRies & hoRned hoof fauwns & MeRMaids & deMOns & MORE...otheR than that we pLaze in the sand suMtyMes we hang out wit sand cRabs & wutev eLse...i stiLl cant b Lieve the MeRMaids didnt take Me OR give Me My i ReaLize the iLLegaL Land scapeRs diM thieR Magic & evERy1 eLses Like suM MeRMaids & otheR innocent victiMs & suM tea heRb pLants died aLReady because of theM weakening theM Like the iLLegaL Land scapeRs do beLong disintgRated 4 thiER existing intensionaL cRiMes..duh...i got MORe cReatuRe MeMORies i wiLL Mention LateR in diff Links & MORe...Like at the MetaL pLaygRound & wheRev & when ev eLse they visit Me Like a sTRobe Light its too toxic 4 theM 2 staze LongeR that visibLy...Like thats anotheR stoRy...

&above that MeRMaid i dRew of My face as a cLown wit unicoRn hoRn...& paRT a My body obviou$Ly not entiReLy i*M not a cREAtuRe duh iM jus a huMan suM caLL a peRson a woMan oveR aLl a LiL giRL fuLl gRown Like iM oveR 21 see~


that iMage above is a caRtoony veRsion of an actuaL MeMoRy in Like tha Late 80s oR eaRLy 90s Round that tyMes anywaze see that cRatuRe thing chaRactER on tha teeteR totteR...thats who Lobo hypnoticaLLy appeaR as thRu hypnotic suMMa tha tyMes he abduct Me...& thats obviouysLy Me on tha MaRRy go Round thing & thats Me aLso on tha side theRe in that aLice in wondeR Land 80s styLe dRess fRoM a diff MeMORy anotheR tyMe not at that pLaygRound tho...

Like see theRe i aM in that pictuRe beLow in tha Late 80s oR eaRLy 90s Round that tyMe that outfit fRoM tha tyMee iM taLking bout duh!

& this tune i the Link next goes with the MetaL pLaygRound MeMoRy Like aLos My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MOMMy LunaticaL Lynn pp pee puddLe Many naMes etc. & My supposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy Mo ha ka zeM ka vand many naMes etc. they Liusten ti this kinda Misic & MORe i ReMeMbER when i was baby & a kid & teen & an aduLt Like so do i as i Listen 2 a vaRiety so do they duh

anywaze its titLe see saw bye pinkfLoyd even the LyRics ReMInd Me of the MetaL PLay gRound b cus when it say aLl the way she sMiLes MeMoRy Mazes MyseLf on the caRouseL MaRRy go Round thing i do a sMiLing face Like a LiL cLown ganji faiRy cReatuRe thing as i go in swiRLs & as it say she goes up & he goes down went on the tee totteR aLone b4 the otheR side seeM heavieR & a giant cReatuRe thing appeaR he show Me stORies Like the futuRe of Me & wut its suppse 2 be i ReaLity...& when it MeRRigoLds fLoweRs R MUch in Love Like they that puRe & u can Make tea & pastRy dough & mORe wit theM Like eveRy pLant u can do diff things suM fLoweRs fRagRances & wutev eLse yup fash designs & wutev & that tyMe when i got caLLed in bye My supposive aunt Ruth who got assign to watch Me evEry1 say iM too sMaLL oR young 2 go on My own as they sLow Me down fRom wut My caLendaR scheduLe is suppose 2 be Like Me heLp Making the LAND OF DREAMS A BETTER PLACE DUH! as i went a agnji faiRy foLLowed wit Me she LingeR aRound that visibLe 4 waze LongeR tahn otheR tyMes this tyMe so i got this baRbie doLL size pLastic cupcake thing i teLL My aunt can we Make Mini Muffins or suMthing she say no that thing wiLL MeLt in the heat we need 1 to bake wit the ganji faiRy Laugh & teLL Me she doesnt want any b cus we dont got high enough ingRedients she Laugh foReveR bout it b cus she ReaLLy gets higher on tha highest of ganji in a diff ReaL suMtyMes when she fLash visibLy ReaL quickLy she Let me tRy it duRing tymes i need suMthing MoRe a sshe ReMinds Me 2 heLp bRing heR herE wit legaL Land scaping & she wiLL then heLp wit tea heRb pLants she know aLot a Bout Medicine & bibLicaL doctoR genious styLe of bibLicaLly inspiRed education which she know ii need that kinda knowLedge Like i entitLed 2 it duh so cLick Link 2 heRe~

These videos films footage of myself is a MiMe of miming bout my supposive biological birth mommy p.p. Pee puddle LunaticaLLy LunaticaL lunatic Lynn many names etc

When I was a baby she claim she got tha ability to make peasants pee thier pants I figure she kill them then rite she got no weapons really she again say that is her weapon to weaken them but when she show me how she do it I found out she in a cult wit no intensional in ever killing these criminals that she do it for power fun control

When I was a baby in the 80s she do this to criminals of all ages

& she make me laugh like summa these peasants assume I’m apart of this cult like ima cult member or cult leader or wutev in cults when I’m not

B cus a this reality

I got inspired bye her & I am an artist my whole life so I did a paint shape fashion that also looks like a Pee puddle too in her memory even tho she still out there as far as I know I show this film to her & tell her she should do things like this in her own memory also

& I did make that entire magenta pink put fit fans & threads I’m wearing it’s an 80s style roller rink baiting suit wit that couture inspired skirt i design & make i hot other more detail designs I made already sum still sketches but wutev

Anywaze I chose a pink Floyd song b cus her & my supposive biological birth daddy & other sinners play like every Pink Floyd album song & other classical tunes off & on since I was in her stomach tummy area duh

Click each link individually below to see~


this quote beLow ReMinds Me of hER in tha Late 80*s & eaRLy 90*s duh!~

To add to this

P puddLe LunaticaL story she roller skates pro back wards & front wards & she makes fudge so iinclude Pee puddle roller rink wit fudge & lemonade idea she should do for herself or suM1 else needs to as her prison or museum or a place location to go i her memory whether she gets to be there or not in Omaha, Nebraska EitheRwaze biblically in tha land a dreams

Wit puddle clear lollipop pops & every color lemonade & puddle shape fudge & a puddle shape roller rink that lights up in diff colors & a matching ice skating rink & swimming pool & wit puddle fash & customized roller skates wit memory foam & more & hand bags wutev else art etc wutev else duh!!!!!!! & her business partner daRy puddle he got sauce ideas which goes wit that shape kinda duh

So this song beLow kinda goes wit tha Pee puddle theme the lyrics say AMBER is tha color of ur energy which is a dark pee color suMtyMes depends on wut u drink really duh click to see~

next iMage beLow Looks Like heR My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy i taLk on eaRLieR LunaticaL Lynn is a usuaLLy a taLented RoLLeR skateR Like i Mentioned aLReady & this is how she ReaLLy Looks whiLe doing so in tha 90s she do it MoRe often Like this...see~

& next this iMage is chaRactER that ReMinds Me of Mo Many naMes etc. it kinda Looks Like hiM in tha 80s MoRe than now not identicaLLy Like Last i seen actuaLLy whenev that was suM tyMe ago as i aLReady say in spaRkles bye Me & otheR tyMes Locations & pLaces that suM caLL heM genie Man as he gRants fake wiishes b4 & he Let Me baRRow his Magic tea heRb pLant beveRage genie LaMp thing & ReaL genies appeaR & teLL Me its TRue unLiMMitted wiishes 4 those that staze innocent but he & otheRS can go bout wuts Left of thieR xistance & b who they supposed 2 be like its that easy even tho its not b cus eveRy1 seeMs 2 b pRevented bye intensionaL cRiMinaLs...

then theRes Me beLow doing a cReatuRe ganji faiRy deMOn cLowy Like pose ModeLing see & i Made & design that gypsy & genie boMb baby design bye Me

& 2 go aLong wit that iMage above:

CLick Link to see Me staRting my FREE style prayer with a Lime neon green VERSACE High waisted zip up then I show summa my own designs that I’m wearing & sun dresses I also design & Made click to see myself a remix a mix of or type on YouTube~I include that tune titLed VERSACE Bye dRake & other musicaLs…as they sing bout VERSACE…i do a MiMe MiMing of My own to that Music~

suMMa My Roots incLude PeRsiaN & iRish & fRench & geRMan & tRibaL & wutev eLse i dont know aLL a theM thats wut My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MOMMy & suppposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy teLL Me 2 b a fact since iM paRt theM Like haLf each a theM i was obviousLy Made tHRu peRveRsion duh even tho its iLLegaL 2 MuLtipLy that waze Like thats anotheR stoRy i taLk on again LateR & othER tyMes Like aside fRoM being Raped wit My daughteR i access aftER heR xistance the RequiRed suRgeRy $ feMaLes giRLs woMen woMan that tubaL ReMovaL & abLation 2 tha MenstRaL pRoceeduRe & whiLe we on the subject the MaLes boys Man Men R supposed 2 get thieR baLLs ReMOved duh & wutev eLe not Mentioned...

above is an iMage of how i Look MORe Like b4 i got dRugged up defLated & My tissues in My body neveR fuLLy RestoRed b cus of My physicaL disabiLity of sciatica eiitheRwaze thats Like how My body & face was LiL Like when i was age 15 & 16 duh! 38 D ~ 34 DD BRA ROUND THAT TyMe & TONED & Skin okay & high cheeks Like i Look Like a sTRange cReatuRe cLown thing ReaLLy even tho disfiguRed then too & wutev eLse see...


beLow HeRe*s an iMage of Me b tween 2012 & 2014...That’s aLso aLMost how i look in 2005...that skiRt is so wut i caLL booM box baRbie aka Rappin Rocking baRbie doLL LiteRaLLy Like thats anotheR stoRy...Like f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

& i was boRn januaRy 15, 1986 baby giRL gaRnet diaMOnd @694 w. wiLson st. Costa Mesa, California 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in the LAND of DREAM$ but My souL was Made apRiL 1985 kRystaL diaMOnd...

Me beLow in Like 2012~2014 suMtyMe b4 i got MoRe tatts Like at that tyMe i know i got a Rose that dRaw on My caLf aRea the tatt aRtist suppose 2 copy My dRawing identicaLLy but he didnt do tha thoRns i dRew?! anywaze LateR i got suM on My thighs & otheR caLf & paRts of My Legs & sides of My butt/a$$ aREa suM aRent done iMa get MoRe LatER & get those otheRs howev suM daze...untiL then...

i ask bout gLitteR ink tattoos 4 a pLay bunny tatt eventuaLly but suM aRtist say they dont got access 2 that oR anything higheR...

suMMa the next tatts i a get on My uppeR back Like Rainbow diaMOnd & a Rainbow Rose on each shouLdeR & MiddLe Rainbow baLLERina soLes iM paRt iRish aside fRoM being pERsian Rooted FRoM peRsia suM caLL MiddLe eastERn/MiddLe east aRea suM caLL it.. & fRench Roots FRoM fRance Like paRis & wutev i dont know & geRMan Like geRMany suM Link 2 London styLe coats suM caLL that Look of fash fabs & thReads & engLish Like engLand Roots & tRibaL iM unawaRe whERe Roots fRoM tRibes of suM kind otheRs say they jus indians Roots fRoM india?! so theRes facts bout  it eitheRwaze its veRy adaM & eve fRoM bibLicaL educationaL kinda fashion suMMa it that Long ago but then the tent thing & otheR Land scaping...wit those Roots being titLed tRibaL?! & wutev eLse Like i dont know aLL My Roots/bReed theRes Lie ditectoR test that accuRate tho...& its a bibLicaL ReMindeR that Rainbowish of coLoRs of bRightER pRettieR bettER daze in the Land of dReaMs Likew when tha heavens & eaRth coMbine & iMa get diff wutev aLso aside fRoM getting the otheRs done aLReady...

ME AGAin LatER beLow eventuaLLy afteR suM otheR iMages then wiLL b of MyseLf that i Made that pizza pie $hiRt & i got a wig on & a victoRian doLL styLe dRess fRoM a peasant that cLaiMs 2 b My bioLogicaL biRth aunt Rose yvette McLain aka Rainbow Rose aka Many naMes etc. 


heRes a pic of heR my supposive aunt Rose yvette McLain aka Many naMes etc. beLow doing suM LeveL of saiLoR uMbReLLa unifoRM kinda ModeLing see~

we got things in a coMMon but iMa actuaL innocent victiM as she victiMizes otheRs outta no wheRe suMtyMes intensionaLLy Like theRes Lie ditec toR test that accuRate other than that we R nothing aLike...

anywaze upcoMing u wiLL see that dRess she got Me & i add a skiRt of Lace at tha bottoM of it that i got @the 99 cent onLy stoRes  & a pLaid staze LeaRning ed gein fash pRint fabs & thReads Round My waist aRea & a baLLeRina otheR Make up pRoducts on My face fRoM tha 99 cent onLy stoRe & wheRev eLse its a supeR easy fast on tha go Look that i jus dRaw on Like wutev wit aveLvet pink head band i got at $1 tRee & wutev eLse NOT MENTiONED...Like those eMoji sLippeRs i got 4 My daughtER she got abducted dRugged Raped abused MentaLLy & physicaLLy & MORe & the sLippeRs they have Laughing faces on theM wit teaRs they Look funny so i put theM on 1 daze in high hopes she gets Rescued they Made Me sMiLe Like wutev Like i dont got access 2 doing MORe i wiLL need weapons & Lie ditectoR test that accuRate 2 do so Like authoRities its thieR job descRiption but suM good seMeRatins do it too duh! when they get 2...

as beLow My bioLogicaL biRth daughtER Mya Loka Many naMes etc. is MoRe Like Me usuaLLy duh...

above is My daughteR in that iMage is who that eLizabeth aaLiyah hoLLoway akak saphiRe diaMond aka Many naMes etc. heR bioLogicaL biRth daddy Rape Me wit & he Rape hER too aLong wit Liz duh & aLL those otheR babies kids teens aduLts huMans & aniMaLs & otheR intensionaL cRiMes ghe do that he beLong disintegrated 4 intensionaLLy & next pictuRe is MyseLf scRoLL down 2 see but aside fRoM that:

this next fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf suMMa the LyRics in this twisted insane tune caLLed SCARy stoRies say MontsteRs haiRy so autoMaticaLLy i think of huMan peasants cRiMinaLs sinneRs victimizeRs wit haiR duh! jus Like the ones that MURdeRed jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace thRu MeMoRy deLetion hypnotic/hypnosis & twist w/ psychoLogy they sacRafice hiM & they siMiLaR 2 suMMa My abductoRs oNly i been abducted bye a LoweR cLass of peopLe Like that cRowd stiLL wanders getting stupid suMtyMes wit new MeMbeRs as MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic/hypnosis is MagicaL 4 Magic shows & 2 heLp pRevent cRiMes & MoRe but when twisted wit psychoLogy it*s a cuLt & iLLegaL! anywaze cLick 2 see pRazing video of Me~

& 1 a my abductor Rapist dRuggeR abuseR MentaLLy & physicaLLy that abduct Me off & on fRoM 2005 tiL 2011 i gotta awaze & escape & continue doing so fRoM~ that Willie Holloway jr. IV(4th) BORN~MAy 24, 1981 in Brawley, California & on his 24th biRthdaze May 24, 2005 he intensionally Rape me wit:

 My daughter that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth ceRtificate NaMe..boRn~ February 09, 2006 @FOUNTAiN VALLEy REGiONAL HOSPiTAL in Fountain Valley, California bibLicaLLy speaking in THE LAND OF DREAMS!

& DURing that Rape My souL Left My body i tRy 2 puppet My ReMains 2 Leave 2 getta awaze but aLL i can do is see MyseLf get Raped...

 & in those MOMents i even saw her souL b Made?!

Like i got invited 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRe Mine was Made~as i thought its a MeMoRy of Mine being Made...

 then as My souL went back in my body another foLLowed & enteRed it was My daughter he Rape Me wit

i even teLL hiM bout it that iM pRegnant aLReady & i think its a giRL that iM getting aboRtion eitheRwaze he pRevent Me fRoM any doctoRs incLuding fake he say i have 2 caRRy the baby for 9 MOnths that she be born February 14, 2006 he known a s the Valentine Rapist that rapes round his birthdaze then he automaticaLLy thinks the rape victim will carry for 9 months & be dUE VALENTiNES DAZE when ReaL DOCTORS CAN TAKE HER OUT iMMediateLy! as i question those in possitions in the Medical field that claim she expected on february 14, 2006 i ask why dont they take her out sooner like they suppose 2 so they take her out on february 9, 2006 instead they say thats the soonest?!

 b cus they not ReaL doctors they fake medical representatives Luckily they gave her cases of vitamin bottles b cus breast feeding is iLLegaL so is multiplying is duh!!!!!!!

& she taLk as a baby she call Me RACHEL & more she say & dance & wutev else i Let her know u almost on ur own Like round age 2 i was ready 2 go on my waze individuaLLy wit aLL my resources

 but i got prevented bye peasants victimizers sinners criminals put on Lie ditectoR test whether she gets to Live oR get disintegrated b cus biblically sum babies join cults to where they get the disintegration immediately duh...Like thats another stoRy of Many

 Like when he rape me wit wut sum call daughter

he say its his birthdaze that he wants a baby to Rape that he plans to use for multiplying eventually & he will rape them too thats the Rape gang he in as he is an iLLegaL Land scaper scientist retard pervert that beLongs disintegrated 4 his existing intensionaL cRiMes duh! he rapes humans & animals & he abducts & drugs & other crimes he say he do for fun he say his favorite sport is going on RAPE A THONS HE COMPETES Wit other perverts they count who got the most Rapes on humans & animals...& wutev else they do iLLegaLLy...


cLick hypnoticaL tunes bye sub uRban titLed FREAK Links beLow individuaLly 2 see oR type on youtube~



heRe*$ suM shaKiRa videos& suM of Me doing a FRee styLe pRayERs 2 heR songs~







& these fRee styLe pRayERs i did too @ suM shakira tunes she dRess up as buisness woMan as he abduct Me b4 i aLMost Miss schooL that daze Like i gotta waze & Made it 2 that fash cLass duh~

Las de La intuicio'N:



& heRes a ReLated fRee styLe pRayER i did taLking bout a diff abductoR 1 of tha sickos that sent Lobo i do Mention cLick Link 2 see~


heRe*$ Me a baby suMtyMe in the 1980s...

next Me 7 oR 8 i think in 1993 oR 1994...

beLow i*M 8 oR 9 in 1994 oR 1995...

& in this next iMage staze LeaRning fash pRint ed gein kinda PLAid pic a Me u can see tha disfiguration fRoM sciatica & otheR pLagues 1 eye goes sMaLL tha otheR going biggeR & it’s like diff faces all at once see!!!!!!!!! i*M Like age 10 OR stiLL 9 so aRounf 1995 oR 1996...

so i been di$fuguRed thRu being dRugged & plagued wit physical di$abiLity if $ciatica So My face i*M awaRe is Like a BaRbie doLL head that got pushed in on 1 side & push out on tha otheR duh & my body deflated like a blow up doLL Double d fLats Wit giant ciRcLes sum call nip p Le area i call jaw bReakeR candies b cus they come in all sizes like Mine R like 3 inches if u draw a line across theM any diRection diRectLy from 1 side to anotheR duh & wutev eLse I find waze to suMtyMes PUT my body back in place best i can thRu belly dance & diff fitness & omega vitaMins a~z & swimming & hooLa hopping & waLking & MoRe My face I need a suRgeon like a biblical doctor genious or Persian herbs that high that actuaLLy do xist Whichever happens 1st or both or wutev & tissue RepaiR & wutev else not Mentioned Thise that dis this to me even Wit illegal level of hypnosis force me to do wutev They think it makes them LOOK innocent & me guilty Sum Lie & say Im dead or I don’t really xist jus b cus they Rape me that long ago & they claim I don’t get my identity entirely or my body or face back that they continue to victimize me for To where fake doctors want to transgender them or disintegrate them or do wutev to them Real doctors will disintegrate them immediately 4 thier existing intensional crimes There’s accurate Lie Ditector test & real authoRities xist duh

iMages above & beLow Look Like Me suMtyMes anywaze next R 2 Links of a cReatuRe jeweLery box baLLeRina cLown ganjinfaiRy fauwN MeRMaid thing styLe chaRactER of MyseLf fRee styLe pRaying Me a MiMe MiMing a ReMix a mix of 2 pink fLoyd tune sauceRfuL a secRets & then 2 anotheR pinkFLoyd song i 4got tha titLe cLick these Links next individuaLLy 2 see~


& aside from that: beLow Here's free styLe pRayeRs i do to twisted insane songs cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see MyseLf suM i do taLk & then eventuaLly the tune pLaze & Me i MiMe MiMing kinda thing in aLL a theM tho: this Link next is Mask off twisted insane tune I THink it*s titLed DEAD WRONG BUT THis tyMe as it pLaze its Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe Myself MiMing cLick 2 see~

& i ReaLLy think i kinda Look like that MusicaL Man twisted insane in that cLown kinda face he do above Like this pic of MyseLf beLow

& he older than Me & I don’t know when he staRt doing it…but next he do diff chaRactEr & faces i dont think i eveR done...

like maybe he did tha face b4 Me I don’t know Like I done it off & on since I was a baby or wutev

& CLick that Link beLow to see anotheR bibLicaLLy inspiRed video of MyseLf that I's oNLy Like 10 Min. it*s of Me siMpLifying suM bibLicaLeducationaL info. RequiRed 2 know & ReMeMbeR Like heRe*s a ReMindeR...

& heRe*s paRt a a puRity pak thi$ book of knowLedge i put 2getheR duRing spiRituaL bibLicaL gathERing i pa$$ out in peRson @chURches & buisnesses & hospitaLs & coLLeges/schooLs & Law enfoRceMent & in tha stReets & MORE~& whiLe out & bout & eLectRonicaLLy Like on youtube & eMaiLs & facebook & howev & wheRev eLse NOT Mentioned see tha iMages ~

& cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see Me doing fRee styLe pRayER a MiMe a MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of...

tune titLed shes a Rainbow bye the RoLLing stones~


that tune MetaLica titled one as i also talk on biblical educational books of knowledge & ReaLity & the Land of dReaMs like wit it’s suppose to be duh~



cLick this Link beLow oR type on youtube 2 see Me that i taLk on suM bibLicaL educationaL knowLedeg Like diff veRsions of stORies  bibLicaLLy inspiRed chaRacteRs Mentioned in hoLy bibLe & otheR books of knowLedeg Like adaM & eve & cReatuRes & LucifeR & aniMaLs & noah*s aRk & wutev eLse Not Mentioned kinda stoRies based on tRue~


beLow R 2 Links of a cReatuRe jeweLery box baLLeRina cLown ganjinfaiRy fauwN MeRMaid thing styLe chaRactER of MyseLf fRee styLe pRaying Me a MiMe MiMing a ReMix a mix of 2 pink fLoyd tune sauceRfuL a secRets & then 2 anotheR pinkFLoyd song i 4got tha titLe cLick these Links next individuaLLy 2 see~


next anotheR veRsion of adaM & eve agan pLaze bye baRbie & ken doLL cLick 2 see as i Plaze Like b4 CReatuRes & snake & LucifeR & ganji faiRies & MoRe~


Click Links individuaLLy to see these free style prayers a me a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe as this Lucifer the fallen angel appear more visibly & he brought up he can’t b lieve the peasants trying to take over the land of dreams sum call the world or earth which is just more tea herb plant like tho other than wutev else...he that LucifeR with a London Like engLand kinda voice as he do diff chaRacteRs suMtyMes Like ReptiLes & cReatuRes & MORE & he say bLoody heLL that b*tch CAGE king god Many NaMes etc. continues to show hiM situations he can*t @ this tyMe heLp situate then he teLLs hiM how Much higheR he is than hiM?! LucifeR say yeah kindoM of heaven Many NaMes etc. ReaLLy is MORE highLy Located than a PLace titLe heLL Many NaMes etc. & these intensional criminals continue to try to take over churches & buisnesses & schools/colleges & the illegal land scapers ever since Adam & eve summa them really stupider & they belong disintegrated for thier intensional crimes duh & Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace went visible also & agree aside from wutev else characters & PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye

& Here’s those Links i mention earlier click to see~ 













this fRee styLe pRayeR of Me MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of a MiMe MiMing to a twi$ted insane tune & otheR MusicaL chaRacteRs LyRicaL song that LyRicaLLy sing bout sinning LiteRaLLy sUM paRts it say siN cLick 2 see~


BC333 tune titLe beatifuL chao$~


tune titLed LOONiE$ bye BC333 MU$iCAL Man chaRactER~


BC333 tune titLe eLdeR gods (includes otheR MusicaL chaRacteRs Like twisttted insane & whoev eLs enot Mentioned~


BC333 tune titLe Vasana ft. Sadhguru~


 then BC333 TUNE titLed Vasana (ACTUAL Music Video) ft. Sadhguru~


& cLick Link beLow 2 see Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe of MyseLf MiMing a ReMIx a mIx of to that tuNe p$ychadeLic candy bye aMbaR Lucid & the titLe of the song ReMinds Me of that bibLicaL educationaL stoRy bout that cReatuRe tRee that adaM & eve eat tha psychadeLic fRuit Like candy Like thats anotheR stoRy~


aLL these Links R found on my webpage on THE BLOG OPTiON & MORE...cLick on aLL the tabs 2 see the Messages...Like BLA BLA BLA...High it tea tyMe aLReady...

heres a link that goes wit this post & that image above & other ReaLitie$~

heRe$ $uM Links that go aLong wit thi$ po$t~








MoRe Link$~

















MoRe Links~






heRe$ $uM Links that taLk MoRe bout heR!~




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