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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

kiM kReatuRe Like hip hoppin PRiNce$$ Like WUT DA FA$H THAT f.a.e.~fashioN aRt etc.

Updated: May 1

in that Link beLow is My favoRite LiL kiM tune & NOTice heR styLe is veRy KReatuRe Like hip hoppiN...i been fan of heR LOOks & dances & MusicaL since Like tha 90s when i b caMe awaRe of heR xistance cLick Link beLow 2 see hER MusicaL video fiLLed wit fashion & diff dances & ModeLing & MoRe~

 $he inspiRes Me Like baRbie 2 b MyseLf... Like waLt disneY & Play bunny & Lisa Frank & tha caRE bears & My LiL pony & tha aniMals & spongebob squaRepants & sub uRban & RaiNbow bRite & MeLanie MaRtinez that M.M. MeLa tone doLL Many NAmes etc. & angeLs & cReatuRes & gods kings & godesses & jctpop~ jesus chRist tha pRince of peace & MuhaMMad tha pRophet & buddah & faLLen angeL Lucifer & ganji faiRies & whoeveR eLse not Mentioned duh! cLick tha foLLowing Links individuaLLy 2 see that duRing fRee styLe pRayeR i did a ReMix a Mix of that song eaRLieR a MiMe of Me MiMing MyseLf but iwanna do it again wit More wigs & fashion Like she did aLReady i wiLL suM daze i need 2 get it in My caLendaR scheduLe untiL then~

& heRes Me again fRee styLe pRaying a ReMix a Mix of a MiMe of Me MiMing MyseLf 2 that LiL kiM & whoev eLse that CANDy SONG CLick Link 2 see~

& next R suM videos inspiRed bye those Mentioned & MoRe~

hypnoticalling kinda dancing & acting in tha links below~

creature like videos above as mentioned...

I got lured in hypnotically bye ibilis & did this jewelery box ballerina creature animal clowntastical random hypnotic theatrical like dance

& Tha ganji fairies & hoof fawns & mermaid hoof fawns & Lucifer & more make appearances whether they behind that curtain or sunwhere else duh

& It's obvious sub burban

Sub Urban knows ibilis & other creatures & characters

You can tell on his freak show music video:

~ wit his hypnotically swirl eye & he includes creature like characters & clowny like circus theme etc.

Bla bla bla

I mention that cReatuRe ibilis also in my art work I show on Facebook & my web page on art tab & acoma tab & other stories I tell based in true but wutev...

heRes a Link that goes wit tha next pictuRe LateR~

in these links is a lil bout that iMage above elizabeth aaliyah many names etc.~


here*s sum links bout that iMage above angelina rachel many names etc.~


Links bout that iMage above & beLow & MoRe it$ obviousLy again jus ME: RacheL MicheLe' McLain KRi stahyena baLLeRina ka vand fantasia Loka pRince$$a a pRincess a Many naMe$ etc.~









this next Link goes wit that iMage beLow~

& this Link beLow goes wit tha foLLowing iMage~

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