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MiRacLe Macaulay Culkin chaRacteR spiRituaL coLLab & MagicaL fiLMs...

Updated: Dec 4, 2022

i dRew that above & i incLude a faMous quote bye hiM in thos HOME ALONE MOViES 1 & 2 AS HE ESCAPE CRiMinaLS HE SAy THAT: "ARE YOU GUYS THiRSTy 4 MORE?!" WHich is aLso bibLicaL & poeticaL...

PoeM i wRote~

Biblically inspired: PoeticaL bibLicaL…

Like hoLy h2o

PuRified wateR that puRe Live uR Life wit puRity

2 betteR see! Wut tha LAND A DREAMS is supposed to be! jus Like Me Duh!


cLick this Link beLow 2 see it does go wit suMMa this post...Like hoMe aLone 2 fiLM inspiRed~

next is an iMage of hiM...that~

MiRacLe Macaulay Culkin chaRacteR Many NaMes etc.

& heRe$ suM fiLMs he in that i seen aLReady &actuaLLy occasionaLLy watch again~

this Link beLow goes wit iMage above cLick 2 see~

this next iMage descRibes a tyMe in My MeMoRy Mazing My 9th biRthdaze in 1995 Round januaRy 15th...even tho My souL was Made neaR apRiL 1985 i was boRn bout 9 Months LateR

anywaze i thought the gods(kings) & godesses(queens) took suMMa tha peasants outta tha Land a DReaMs...


i thought My supposive bioLogicaL sibiLings dissappeaR & MoRe & as i went 2 ceLebRate My biRthdaze wit cReatuRes & chaRactERs spiRituaLLy that staRt appeaRing...eveRyone i beLieve Mite ReaLLy b gone Like they then outta no wheRe appeaR & those chaRacteRs i Mention eaRLieR staRt fading & dissappeaRing...

MoRe detaiLs in that Link beLow cLick 2 see~

& MoRe ReLated pictuRes & stORies cLick uocoMing Links individuaLLy 2 see~


theRe*$ anotheR pooRiLy Made forM of identity of MyseLf & i stiLL don*t got aLL My ResouRces in this waR of ReaLity Like pRincesses & pRinces faiRweLL peasants!

Like tha saMe styLe MacauLay cuLkin Many naMes etc. he is above

& it*s kinda Like

suM chaRacteR beLow saM Many naMes etc. in an iMage of hiM pointing...

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