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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand


Updated: May 29, 2022

i tha above link click on it to see videoe of myself like thats so biblical bunny & unicorn ballerina & more it*s is a free style easter praze/prazing dance like wutev happy holidaze unbirthdaze etc.

i include: jctPOP~jesus christ the PRiNCE OF PEACE NECKLACE & Biblically inspired music known as telecast...

that Link beLow is Me MiMing that titanic fiLM tha LeonaRdo dicapRio veRsion as i incLude that caRouseL above in that image which pLays tha instRuMentaL styLe of that theMe song 2 that Movie~

below are sum more free style praze/prazing dances of me...

cLick each Link individuaLLy~


retards out there below presidential possition mind your own business like princesses & princes fair well peasants!!!!!! Duh!!!! Also I'm getting this NON•PROFIT & TIPS/DONATIONS APOROVED ACCEPTED biblically inspired activity book designed byE me colabbed BYE many ready for A biblical event that's suppose to happen in April 2021 I WILL POST MORE INFO DETAILS WHEN I KNOW LIKE TYAT JANA & OTHERS ARE BIBLICALLY ACCOMPLICING THIS TYME FOR THIS REMINDED BIBLICAL EDUCATIONAL DAZE TO BE AT DIFF LOCATIONS THIS IS PART OF TOP EDUCATION OR JUS LIKE WUTEV LIKE HolidaZE LIKE Easter & UNbirthdaze of myself & that jctPOP: Jesus Christ that PRINCE OF PEACE LIKE WOULDNT THAT BE DOPETASTICAL IF HE & WHOEV NOT MENTIOnED MADE APPEARANCES MORE VISIBLY DUH! LIKE THEY INVITED & WELCOME WHEREver THOSE UNLIMMMITTED funding priceless SOULS & SOULESS WUTEVS LIKE MYSELF A HUMAn PRINCESS & ANIMAL PRINCES & princesses & (Kings) Gods & (queens) GODESSES & etc. In that LAND A dreams when u do that right/WRITE/RITE thing LIKE YOU*LL SEE/SEA DUH!!!

On diff realities~ I wrote a biblical poetical song I collaboration wit Melanie Martinez Music Melanie Martinez Melanie Martinez MELANIE TONE M.M. DOLL MANY NAMES ETC. & WHOEV & WUTEV...







It's illegal wuts going on...

& In my daze ~ I read in that picture bible that Jesus Christ that prince of peace helps educates others on Omega 3 vitamins a~z like he another level of magician he can make things multiply duh! Magically when they supposed to or when he gets that privelage to he is half human of that Mary & he half a god of that king god one of tha Gods (Kings) there's others like Allah (king) a diff god & there's GODESSES (queens) also duh!

That jctPOP: Jesus Christ that pRince of peace he go on telling them more required laws like that taxes are illegal but money is okay & only a crime if lazy designed or stolen or used inappropriately & etc. Duh!

Also who cares bout being Miss America ever thats not a forever title it's a peasant word American is another retardation look at reality wut it represents & symbolizes like go back to one star investments fashion art etc & stop using as a cult to take over with retards & retardness

Like how bout princess of many of that land a dreams & property name & location if u got all ur resources include that too business dreams goals birth place if known & more ...

Like princes & princesses fair well peasants!!!....




I use this biblical image in the first picture on this blog post of that actor LeoNaRdo di caPRio Leonardo DiCaprio B cuz it really helps represent this event thing & that subject alone it symbolizes dooetastically classical

It really goes biblically...

like that biblically inspired activity book I'm working on free style praying actually is wut I call work free style praying etc.

Anywaze in that picture of LeoNaRdo dicaprio he holds wut looks like water in a wine glass reminds me of that biblical story of jctPOP: Jesus Christ the PRiNCE OF PEACE ...THAT TYME HE MAKES summa that best RED WINE or wutev kinda wine at a wedding for soul mates I'm assuming or why else would he encourage them together make that magical wine or wutev...

Like this Leonardo dicaprio thing really goes with it I get a biblical reminded everytyme I see this exact I age of him & that adorbs wine glass it's like an advertisement of that glass water & that biblical message story reminder I already mentioned duh!!!!!!!

It's dopetastical I love his iron mask movie The Man In the Iron Mask - 1998 film

plus that leo nardo di cap Rio he also my supposive half older brother Jon Eugen helton aka Jonny McLain aka jo'n in tha sun a ka many names aka etc. Celeberity look alikes like that movie tha beach The Beach (film) He literally plays one a Jon's early 90s that movie at that time in that early 90s Jon claims if he rape older woman he not a rapist at all or maybe they made him say that b cus they rape him he did say our supposive Uncle Mark took him to Hawaii to supposive you jus go surfing & he say instead tapes happen too with all she's he could be lying to see who am I going to repeat his retarted story we both know sum how lunatical Lynn one of our abductors that claims to be our biological birth mommy she prevents actual rescues she one a Jon's rapist !!!! & She had strange things happen to me too!?

Tha memory maze below will describe jus a lil that Jon got Xposed to lunatically retardness from lunatical Lynn compare to me maybe I don't remember everything does he!? Or she or anybody!? Theres lie director test like a t thst TYME here I am with these dysfunctional lunatics who pretend to occasionally b normal ...I remember there was a tornado & Jon & me & lunatics Lynn& whoever else was there & lunatics Lynn say staze inside hang on that we might fly awaze & land sumwhere like the wizard of Oz The Wizard of Oz or maybe that's wut I imagine will happen landing sumwhere better like Dorothy in that fim that Judy Garland or jus a different place or location I don't know I don't always listen to lunatically Lynn sumtymes her mouth move I don't always hear her b tween flash backs sumtymes it's b cuz I got drugged blacked out by like Chelsea possibly & rose Yvette McLain if that's her real name & Mr Whitcomb &if that's really his identity & whoever else they come outta no where so who knows other times I literally leave into my imagination

Memory Mazing~ Aside from that giant chess board I know how to plaze & did so & that rainbow croque game JO'N plaze wit me & others b4 like I believed we all getting wit that program finally til we get all our resources while on that side I try to get my identity from lunatical Lynn like she diff people a peasant it's insane I can't describe her all that tyme but that Rose Yvette McLain is another version of her & whoev not mentioned...

Anywaze I brought up that croque & chess b cus it goes wit this card story it's like Alice in wonderland only me in reality & etc. That tyme lunatical Lynn took me wit her on a more normal like mission regarding fashion!!!! She say to go on & help pick out my SUPPOSIVE older HALF brother THAT




(ish your pants) MANY NAMES ETC.

a Halloween costume...

he a fashional character alone usually too

but wit that middle eastern peasants out there he might of forgot wuts going on or desire that UNbirthdaze opinions of another like happy holidaze...

so me & Walter in spirit Walt Disney The Walt Disney Company France The Wizard of Oz

& others I'm assuming him too collab unless he want that surprise of not knowing at all like literally not even an idea tha collaboration still happen wit or wit out him like a fB & fashion emergency wut get him at this store!?

They got everything & wut if he wanna mix or remix or go as that costume is already like I don't know...

I bet if he got nothing like this he will go as a punk WUTEV...


So me & lunatical Lynn scattered brain like wow look at all that threads not for me or her but for JO'N he in our calendar it's for him only & to prevent us being there forever it's fun to even look I suggest that card costume & she look like she check in with that collabbi g crew too!? & She say yup that Jon even if it isn't...

Like we all grew up wit Disney...aside from that imagine getting. Costume so last minute at a place that has like everything I almost went mental like JO'N main look is punk & 80s & early 90s & simple sport looks like baseball & snow boarding & more that I seen in person...

But he might imagine more looks or done others I haven't seen or know about...

That WUTTA card joke saying quote helped that situation of shopping end

We left after she purchase that card & went bout our calendars again...

Any retards out there below presidential possition mind your own business like princesses & princes fair well peasants!!!!!! Duh!!!!

Joe Biden Kamala Harris The White House Donald J. Trump Melania Trump Melody Pond Melanie Martinez Bryce Lowkz Sub Urban The Walt Disney Company France Hugh M. Hefner The Wizard of Oz The Smurfs Rainbow Dreams Monarch Benefits Insurance Services The GEICO Gecko Walt Disney MAURY Boomerang TV SpongeBob SquarePants Lifetime Jesus Christ The Prince of PeaceJesus Christ The Prince Of Peace - የሱስ ክርስቶስ መስፍን ሰላም/የሰላም ኣለቃ@muhammad the prophet The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) St. Vincent de Paul Care Bears Rainbow Brite Kmart El Pollo Loco McDonald's El Torito Edward Scissorhands My Little Pony Taco Bell Quran With English Translation Bible Holy

On diff realities yet that same RETARTED realm~like there will be a daze when reality is on a be wut it's supposed to until then : I put a certain kinda fabric as a re•usable coffee thing u know for that caffeen bean that not instant anywaze fashion art etc. Really biblically applies to everything like eventually I will be a biblical doctor & more duh!

Back to this fashionable idea jus wash wit Dawn dish soap efore each use Dawn Dish Soap Coupons & it's Waze more fun & pretty dopetastical to make coffee jus wash that fabric or wutev print that kinda fabric preferably it's a thick thin transparent see through perfect for that magically magical magic coffee bean to roast & help rise any moment wit caffeen or that flavor of this coffee bean natural remedy adrenaline there's diff levels of it to start anything & there's other similar remedies too like matcha green tea is naturally energizing wit herbals herbs & wutev else not mentioned & sum drinks wit de•caf depending on wut tyMe & soul I love caffeen & occasionally wit rainbow sprinkles & whip cream & other varietys of this beverage!!!! Like sumtymes I get to go to Starbucks McDonald's & Wutev for coffee but it's fun to make to especially when I got rainbow sprinkles & witev else to add...

Memory mazing~ On my webpage & more I include sum art work that describes Suma my memories like that artistically titled: tha metal play ground & more...I mention in late 80s I think it is when at that tyMe also aunt Ruth watch me in a location that might be Kansas area I don't fully remember it snows there & my lil half brother or lil half sister cousin crib empty like they disappeared like they don't always exist but thier belongings do!? & eitherwaze it got a metal play ground like that one I drew & etc. I held on Tha Mary go round & ran in circles the I jump on ibils & other creatures seem to be there too & whoev else & Ibilis join me on Tha teetar todder & show genie lamp & laugh as he show me future memories & mo ka zem sentence & more like that human peasant fire works & me on a flying carpet to & etc. as i look alone but wutev & after that I went in I don't know if aunt Ruth knows them tha creatures & others or sees them too but I was making imaginary cupcakes in a small plastic cupcake dish thing I though how cute for Barbie or other dolls like porcelains perfect size then that ganji fairies laugh near me like those are also sized for them...aunt Ruth didn't say anything when they do laughing she did see that pinkish cupcake plastic thing empty as I imagine how to actually cook wit it that fire will melt it tho so I don't know I will jus agine it so I guess it's jus a sample for those who don't got thier resources yet or sumthing maybe why else is there plastic dishes to make cupcakes not for real yet

On diff realities~ Tha other daze I was out & bout & Melanie Martinez Melanie Martinez & Walt Disney & Whoev not mentioned join me spiritually in my imagination on Tha boring roads a reality & they took me to better places worth exist me & m.m. that Melanie tone we ate magical Candy's & food & drinks that had magical medicine to make us shrink or get talk then Walter claims here's another Waze to do it & a giant door got land scaped & we shrank that waze & got taller like on Charlie & that chocolate factory we colloabbed on Melanie candy land whether she should include that magically monitored medicine to grow & shrink or jus do small & talk land scaping or both...

Like how bout a carousel over there a clown one & a ice cream one over there & a unicorn one there& rainbow falls & bla bla bla & an all religions prayer temple

Eitherwaze it's like we really went to all these samples of wut her lolli pop land might be in reality if it doesn't already exist like fruits & veggies & Omega 3 in that candy but taste like sugar b cus at this location it's filled wit pastries & rainbows & dolls & clowns & daughter made her lil clown appearances there & so did he lil my loka doll & that one I made of her & whoev else probly ibilis & ganji fairies & Lucifer & etc.

While Walter went on bout bringing wonderland at somewhere else like near Disneyland & Disney world & tea & bla bla bla & butterflies & caterpillars & characters...

Like snow whites pie place & that poisonless apple & more

& Tha big apple bakery I collab wit Donald John Trump & Melania & Edward scissor hands & wutev That collab went on when they disappeared I seen reality I imagine it diff too duh like wit animal resorts & more...

Castles palaces & giant food to reperesent certain places like it's been that b4 but wutev. . .

& Hugh bunny & that bunny I gave a clown make over went about bunny world & carrot cake & wutev else...

The Wizard of Oz The Walt Disney Company France Hugh M. Hefner Playboy Fragrances Playboy Donald J. Trump Melania Trump The White House Joe Biden Kamala Harris MAURY Leonardo DiCaprio Care Bears The Smurfs Rainbow Dreams My Little Pony

& Tribal land scaping & castles & palaces & real prisons & roots & religions & imaginations & SpongeBob & more Like How bout help end illegal land scaping!!not!! Like then emerald oz actually existing sumwhere over that rainbow

On other realities~ Planned parent hood try to rescue rape victims & souls I general from multiplying they put me on birth control while waiting for that surgical proceedure to help end multiply duh that was in 2006 they got sent to my location ...I got given options & recommendations on diff Waze to stop that multiplying I got offer a hysterectomy or a tubal ligation plus I got ablation which helps end period blood or at least makes it less etc.

So I got tubes removed & that ablation thing

I Barely got that surgery available to me in 2021 literally a couple weeks doctor Charles w moniak wutta hero...

Moniak Charles W MD

On diff realities:

Other than that~

I ask several places including 911 & more like St. Vincent de Paul A branch of Catholic churches tree To help me & my daughter situation(s) & mine & more

I need my princess unlimmitted funds to better assist my own self & others that i qualify to help wit thier resources too until then huh...

Biblical education all the religions are 100% true & real laws are reminded there in written & image & movie & cartoon & artwork & fashion & wutev else like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & more duh like etc.


When I become an animal doctor I'ma travel wit Dawn dish soap Dawn dish soap& etc.

& I will got Geico insurance aside from my existing monarch butterflies insured...I love that The GEICO Gecko character...

Also I Don't know every cats tail/tale but they do tell me things wit thier paws & meows...

I miss all my cats I love animals I need to be a biblical doctor to help better assist them & etc. Duh!!!!!

On More reality~like updates... My daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. ABDUCTiONS continue to happen she needs to get rescued escape etc immediately

To her summa ur forms a identity I know u got student i.d. cards & more along wit ur entertainment license & etc. u shoulda been in college B4 or after head start pre School duh! & Doing more purity 24/7 like animal doctor & modeling & movies & fashion & art & etc. Like wutev else...

Memory Mazing~ Stories that sparkLe sadasticLy true too... I jus woke from a dysfunctional dream that is kinda a nightmare duh

...that include peasants I already escape

but also that lil prince my cat electrik gismo that 3rd was there in kitten I remember when he was even smaller than this appearance back when he showered in tha sink & drank outta baby bottle kitten formula & etc.

After he got spay or neuter I alwaze forget which is which one for males other females that titles of sumthing I jus don't always remember but sum fake animal doctors admit they use psych meds on animals to make tha pet owner result to them to baith them I let them know that's illegal in all tha real laws in all tha religions those are that only laws to be known & encouraged & forced & they still inject animals wit false fears for control that they peasants & are scared of princes & princesses & gods (Kings)& goddesses (queens) so they do stupid things they belong disintegrated for help disintegrate fake doctors that happen to know PROCEEDURES duh! It's illegal wut they are doing!!!! They peasants trying to take over wit fake laws & cults which include fake doctors & more dysfunctional they Trying to weaken animals & humans wit psych meds that are actual drugs & medical medicine they use as drugs!!! This is so retarted they exist they not allowed...they that weak ones they weaker for doing such illegal things...

Back to my dream~nightmare electrik got similar plague wit or wit outta title his injury condition switched up only i ask for help again as tha plague weaken me to do more like that tyme in reality electrik got sciatically attacked & his body locked & etc & more & as I try to help wit natural remedies I baith him & blow dry & use straw to put water in his mouth & I put his cat food on his tounge to dissolve so he gets his vitamins I was bout to blend carrot wit water that's a daily remedie I include for myself & is said to be in sum cat food hen outta no where same thing start to happen to me...I started getting plagued to be weak physically mentally emotionally spiritually etc. other cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd didn't get plagued at all!? She jus watch like that's all tha peasant plaguers control her to do...I had my phone I already took electrik to animal emergency those fake doctors say bring him back urself that no money they not helping it's on servailance they locked me out tha animal emergency hospital this isn't funny then I call animal patrol I know thier job description they got access to free animal doctors but sadly even the they might be fake ones that stole jobs...etc. Like I post tis memory story already on Facebook & Myspace & more it's illegal peasants stealing jobs as animal patrol & doctors & 911 & more & land & illegal land scaping & etc. It's disgusting they need to get disintegrated immediately!

but in tha nightmare~dream tha gods (Kings) & goddesses (queens) repair him like a magical miracle I got to hold him again as i memory maze tha tymes in real life of when I got him as a gift he was crippled & fake animal doctors want thousands hundreds of illegal money they request that amount they made up I tell them he is an animal wit unlimmitted prince account jus like I'ma princess human wit unlimmitted we don't yet got access to our actual funding individually for them to help rescue him they decline wit out that money nope that's fraud they not real doctors... Me & electrik prayed & he started to do physical theoropy I would help him get to litter box quicker if I seen him heading g that direction eventually his bones healed & he start running around so fast like he naturally got better he tell me to be an animal doctor!? I let him know that peasants try to prevent me from being anything!!!!!!!... In real life & my dream~nightmare he let me know wut I do got that knowlege of so it's a reminder...

that no matter how remains look it's tha soul that I gets that privelage to live forever like his & mine & whoev else gets to...I almost started talking g to him in English then he speak in paw & show me his which says alot more that much faster...after I wake up sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd approach me it was like electrik is here strongly in spirit like we will both be at that reunion worth attending duh!...

Other than that... I experience sciatica B4 I got diagnosed with it in 2006 duh & i remember when my sciatica was getting better it got worse in 2017 when I lift sumthing that pinched tha previously irritated nerve...

Sciatica is a permanent condition like I occasionally get sciatical attacks out of no where & sometimes my body locks & spasms!

I get laser therapy & do stretches when I can but I still deal with random sciatically situations overall & because of it my body weakens inside from previous attackings it's like a on going recovering process I try to get my body back to usual only the sciatica that happens here & there is why I get weak...

I looked into other kinds a laser treatment like laser non•surgicals is where they laser the irritated pinched nerve but that doctor demand more money on top of my insurance or he say get out go deal with sciatica with out laser non•surgicals!?

So I don't know...

Like Happy birthdaze & holidaze unbirthdaze etc.

Like I'ma be around forever like longer than an eternity duh!

Go on use lie ditector test...

On other ReaLities~ My daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Is still ABDUCTED!


I DECLINED WUTEV she offering


I don't want nothing from u ...'s probly rape money or wutev rapist peasants try to pay u off wit that's disgusting get outta there!

U need your resources getta job a career goals & etc.

Once u goT ur own income u entitled to u can get me gifts presents later whenever like I got yours put awaze since ur obductions...

there's no more room to buy or make u more...

there will be eventually tho...

No body here wants Willie's child molester money or funeral money or his porno money or RAPE MONEY OR anything from him...

I already report him to chiLd support when I first started getting it outta no where I tell them in writing & in emails & in person child support is illegal that u can work even as a baby in Disney or Pampers or all a that above at that tyme duh! Then they tell me if I don't accept it then they taking wutev resources I got access & putting us in tha streets again!?

They commit fraud & let sickos like Willie buy thier Waze out wit fraudulent money & perversion this is serious! No body gets to buy thier Waze out...duh!

That's another crime & etc.U need to get rescued escape immediately!

Ur abducted!

This company called telecare say they gonna try to help me & also try to help u get all ur resources & put Willie where he belongs also which is disintegrated or prison while waiting for disintegration date...

Telecare say they gonna do wut they can in this war to help wit wutev is nessasary duh! Also colleges school a place of education dreams careers etc. Are suppose to be all ages...

Elementary & Junior high & high schools need to be taken down permanently duh!Sum souls can be biblical doctors at around age 2 & wutev else fashion art etc. Culinary arts sports inventors wutevs...

Aside from that everyone needs to stop multiplying...

Here's more info.

Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!

This is serious!

I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever!

I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!...

Google wutev...

Hysterectomy proceedure: The uterus is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. During the surgery the whole uterus is usually removed. Your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries. After a hysterectomy, you no longer have menstrual periods and cannot become pregnant...

Or this is an option also!

Tubal ligation proceedure: Remove those tubes & permanently prevents pregnancy, so you no longer need any type of birth control. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal ligation may also decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if the fallopian tubes are removed.

Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc.


Learn to pronounce See definitions in:

All Law Physiology noun

1.the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will."they organized the abduction of Mr. Cordes on his way to the airport"

Other than that~Message I sent to my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Like she is really still abducted this is illegal & etc.

Anywaze I tell her again that~

Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!!!!!

This is serious!!!!!!!

I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever!

I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!...

Google wutev...

Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. There'slie ditector test...

like hysterectomy are required for every female & tha proceedure for tha males too! those are real laws & are reminded in every religion...

it's illegal what's going on...

Lie ditector test are suppose to be used regarding what resources to give each individual whether it's a temporary stepping stone or thier own property or hotel for victims like myself at or near my birth place duh!

Like whatever is available! & for victimizers it's prison or disintegration or deported or all a the above...

There's not allowed to be a waiting list!

Housing authority is supposed to assist everyone individually like sum belong in orphanage or kid prison or disintegration eitherwaze deported duh!

Go on to the white house go ask Donald john trump in person or read into every religion or both or etc. If you really choose or are being forced to be that uneducated

...Princes & princesses Fair well peasants

Like High bye

Bla bla bla



...My cats!!! They jus summa my real family duh!


I know I qualify for more like where's my daughter & all my resources & hers & tha animals & everyone's!?

Like wut is really going on!?

Wut happened to staze trumping & etc. & like I thought on that news when it show Donald J. Trump getting more biblically educated wit that holy Bible The Holy Bible in his hand that he would enforce actual laws biblically reminded in all religions & bring on biblical authorities & more duh!

Message I sent my abducted daughter angelina Rachel many names etc.

Bla bla bla

Also I already tell you to get birth control non hormonal iud while waiting to get hysterectomy proceedure to help end multiplying duh!...

go to obgyn doctor or emergency room or a biblical doctor I tell u this long ago look wut happened to me before cus Willie & others obductors & force rape & multiplying & try to prevent others from thier own resources which includes wit I mentioned & more...duh You need to get rescued escape immediately...etc.Like biblical doctors exist & others authorities that can better assist everyone

...Jus like 1 Peter 5:7 in tha holy Bible states it's illegal to worry very similar like same kinda laws & more...

I tell my daughter Angelina Rachel since she was like a baby to get careers & follow dreams & all her resources I try to help her get hers while I continue to try to get mine duh!

I even tell her *emancipate & more!

She got an entertainment license years ago as soon as I was able to get it for her B4 then & after her abductors & mine & peasants in general prevent them from doing more duh Like peasants need to stop trying to catergorizing souls wit fake laws!

Bla bla bla

Aside from that~That's one step thats nessary to be sober & health like Omega 3 & vitamins a~z...duh...sum souls are in denial bout wutev else like drugs are never an option...I never been a drug addict but I got forced to identify as one b cus a sickos that drug others & themself like that's nothing to go back to for anyone...Here's tha truth of wut u might not know...the 12 biblical steps to recovery is regarding any kind of recover plus reminds that relapsing is never part of it!? I'm aware that alcoholics anonymous & narcotics anonymous is only a place to tell your version of the story thier steps are not holy they jus a similar Waze that they try to make money it's free to be sober & wuteveR duh! Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like

High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to...My biological birth daughter~Her birth name is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. Angelina Holloway PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé She is abDUCTED!

Her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in brawley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc.

He a Rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all genders & ages he has a criminal & belongs disintegrated for his existing crimes he sends other peasants aside from himself sometimes after whoever...Like get biblically educated all tha religions in picture & written form are 100% true duh!

Like that real laws & more are reminded there Like PURiTy over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc. Like princesses and princes fairwell peasants...Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only! My mailing address another temporary residence stepping stone: 400 Merrimac Way #42 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 My phone#949•610•4967

& I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~

(1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand

(2) Rachel Michelé

(3)PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé

(4) Michelé McLain

& Here's the winred links I made! I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working...

QUOTES~ *Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) & *Nike: just do it! & *BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING! & *ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & *HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & *WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & *Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO...& SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& SparkLes PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to...duh! *Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing...*DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin...& *Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! her fashion! & *Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ...& *Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain? & *Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking..& More...#PRAYERS #DREAMS#GOALS#FASHION#ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS)& godesses (QUEENS)& THIER LIL pRINCESSES& LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM& MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. & Google: Rachel Michelé McLain More bout me will pop up...duh!

Melanie Martinez The White House Sub Urban Donald J. Trump Monarch Insurance Group Melania Trump Joe Biden Kamala Harris Housing Authority National Housing Authority Law Enforcement Today Social Security Administration Social Services Support And Advice UK Social Services Agency - Santa Ana Regional Center Orange Coast College Campus Telecare Corporation 99cent Only Stores GNC Live Well CVS Health Walt Disney The Wizard of Oz The Walt Disney Company France Hugh M. Hefner @Leonardo DiCaprio Playboy Fragrances Marilyn Monroe Care Bears SpongeBob SquarePants Jesus Christ The Prince Of Peace - የሱስ ክርስቶስ መስፍን ሰላም/የሰላም ኣለቃ The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Ireland Castles Persia Palace Persia Palace First United Methodist Church of Costa Mesa St. Vincent de Paul Pan American Properties Pao Fa Temple Crystal cathedral TBN Studio C InventHelp® John Casablancas Modeling and Acting Center OC Lifetime Movies Barbie Lisa Frank Appraisals & Collection Info Boomerang TV Dr. Seuss SpongeBob SquarePants Angelina Holloway Rachel Michelé Michelé McLain PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé The White House Donald J. Trump Melania Trump Joe Biden MAURY MAURY Kamala Harris


Barbie Barbie Quotes barbie__quotes SpongeBob SquarePants The Walt Disney Company France The Wizard of Oz Hugh M. Hefner Lisa Frank Lifetime The White House Joe Biden Kamala Harris Angelina Holloway Donald J. Trump Melanie Martinez Melania Trump Melody Pond Rachel Michelé Michelé McLain Bryce Lowkz PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé Sub Urban Boomerang TV Wicked Chamber Boutique Kmart Playboy Fragrances Playboy Walt Disney Rainbow Dreams Jesus Christ The Prince Of Peace - የሱስ ክርስቶስ መስፍን ሰላም/የሰላም ኣለቃ The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) First United Methodist Church of Costa Mesa St. Vincent de Paul Orange Coast College Orange Coast College Campus Pao Fa Temple Crystal cathedral St John the Baptist Church St. Joachim Catholic Church South Coast Plaza Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Moniak Charles W MD

Angelina Holloway Rachel Michelé Michelé McLain PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé McLain Angelina Holloway Rachel Michelé PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé On diff realities yet that same RETARTED realm~like there will be a daze when reality is on a be wut it's supposed to until then : I put a certain kinda fabric as a re•usable coffee thing u know for that caffeen bean that not instant anywaze fashion art etc. Really biblically applies to everything like eventually I will be a biblical doctor & more duh! Back to this fashionable idea jus wash wit Dawn dish soap efore each use Dawn Dish Soap Coupons & it's Waze more fun & pretty dopetastical to make coffee jus wash that fabric or wutev print that kinda fabric preferably it's a thick thin transparent see through perfect for that magically magical magic coffee bean to roast & help rise any moment wit caffeen or that flavor of this coffee bean natural remedy adrenaline there's diff levels of it to start anything & there's other similar remedies too like matcha green tea is naturally energizing wit herbals herbs & wutev else not mentioned & sum drinks wit de•caf depending on wut tyMe & soul I love caffeen & occasionally wit rainbow sprinkles & whip cream & other varietys of this beverage!!!! Like sumtymes I get to go to Starbucks McDonald's & Wutev for coffee but it's fun to make to especially when I got rainbow sprinkles & witev else to add... Memory mazing~ On my webpage & more I include sum art work that describes Suma my memories like that artistically titled: tha metal play ground & more...I mention in late 80s I think it is when at that tyMe also aunt Ruth watch me in a location that might be Kansas area I don't fully remember it snows there & my lil half brother or lil half sister cousin crib empty like they disappeared like they don't always exist but thier belongings do!? & eitherwaze it got a metal play ground like that one I drew & etc. I held on Tha Mary go round & ran in circles the I jump on ibils & other creatures seem to be there too & whoev else & Ibilis join me on Tha teetar todder & show genie lamp & laugh as he show me future memories & mo ka zem sentence & more like that human peasant fire works & me on a flying carpet to & etc. as i look alone but wutev & after that I went in I don't know if aunt Ruth knows them tha creatures & others or sees them too but I was making imaginary cupcakes in a small plastic cupcake dish thing I though how cute for Barbie or other dolls like porcelains perfect size then that ganji fairies laugh near me like those are also sized for them...aunt Ruth didn't say anything when they do laughing she did see that pinkish cupcake plastic thing empty as I imagine how to actually cook wit it that fire will melt it tho so I don't know I will jus agine it so I guess it's jus a sample for those who don't got thier resources yet or sumthing maybe why else is there plastic dishes to make cupcakes not for real yet On diff realities~ Tha other daze I was out & bout & Melanie Martinez Melanie Martinez & Walt Disney & Whoev not mentioned join me spiritually in my imagination on Tha boring roads a reality & they took me to better places worth exist me & m.m. that Melanie tone we ate magical Candy's & food & drinks that had magical medicine to make us shrink or get talk then Walter claims here's another Waze to do it & a giant door got land scaped & we shrank that waze & got taller like on Charlie & that chocolate factory we colloabbed on Melanie candy land whether she should include that magically monitored medicine to grow & shrink or jus do small & talk land scaping or both... Like how bout a carousel over there a clown one & a ice cream one over there & a unicorn one there& rainbow falls & bla bla bla & an all religions prayer temple Eitherwaze it's like we really went to all these samples of wut her lolli pop land might be in reality if it doesn't already exist like fruits & veggies & Omega 3 in that candy but taste like sugar b cus at this location it's filled wit pastries & rainbows & dolls & clowns & daughter made her lil clown appearances there & so did he lil my loka doll & that one I made of her & whoev else probly ibilis & ganji fairies & Lucifer & etc. While Walter went on bout bringing wonderland at somewhere else like near Disneyland & Disney world & tea & bla bla bla & butterflies & caterpillars & characters... Like snow whites pie place & that poisonless apple & more & Tha big apple bakery I collab wit Donald John Trump & Melania & Edward scissor hands & wutev That collab went on when they disappeared I seen reality I imagine it diff too duh like wit animal resorts & more... Castles palaces & giant food to reperesent certain places like it's been that b4 but wutev. . . & Hugh bunny & that bunny I gave a clown make over went about bunny world & carrot cake & wutev else... The Wizard of Oz The Walt Disney Company France Hugh M. Hefner Playboy Fragrances Playboy Donald J. Trump Melania Trump The White House Joe Biden Kamala Harris MAURY Leonardo DiCaprio Care Bears The Smurfs Rainbow Dreams My Little Pony & Tribal land scaping & castles & palaces & real prisons & roots & religions & imaginations & SpongeBob & more Like How bout help end illegal land scaping!!not!! Like then emerald oz actually existing sumwhere over that rainbow On other realities~ Planned parent hood try to rescue rape victims & souls I general from multiplying they put me on birth control while waiting for that surgical proceedure to help end multiply duh that was in 2006 they got sent to my location ...I got given options & recommendations on diff Waze to stop that multiplying I got offer a hysterectomy or a tubal ligation plus I got ablation which helps end period blood or at least makes it less etc. So I got tubes removed & that ablation thing I Barely got that surgery available to me in 2021 literally a couple weeks doctor Charles w moniak wutta hero... Moniak Charles W MD On diff realities: Other than that~ I ask several places including 911 & more like St. Vincent de Paul A branch of Catholic churches tree To help me & my daughter situation(s) & mine & more I need my princess unlimmitted funds to better assist my own self & others that i qualify to help wit thier resources too until then huh... Biblical education all the religions are 100% true & real laws are reminded there in written & image & movie & cartoon & artwork & fashion & wutev else like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & more duh like etc. Anywaze~ When I become an animal doctor I'ma travel wit Dawn dish soap Dawn dish soap& etc. & I will got Geico insurance aside from my existing monarch butterflies insured...I love that The GEICO Gecko character... Also I Don't know every cats tail/tale but they do tell me things wit thier paws & meows... I miss all my cats I love animals I need to be a biblical doctor to help better assist them & etc. Duh!!!!! On More reality~like updates... My daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. ABDUCTiONS continue to happen she needs to get rescued escape etc immediately To her summa ur forms a identity I know u got student i.d. cards & more along wit ur entertainment license & etc. u shoulda been in college B4 or after head start pre School duh! & Doing more purity 24/7 like animal doctor & modeling & movies & fashion & art & etc. Like wutev else... Memory Mazing~ Stories that sparkLe sadasticLy true too... I jus woke from a dysfunctional dream that is kinda a nightmare duh ...that include peasants I already escape but also that lil prince my cat electrik gismo that 3rd was there in kitten I remember when he was even smaller than this appearance back when he showered in tha sink & drank outta baby bottle kitten formula & etc. After he got spay or neuter I alwaze forget which is which one for males other females that titles of sumthing I jus don't always remember but sum fake animal doctors admit they use psych meds on animals to make tha pet owner result to them to baith them I let them know that's illegal in all tha real laws in all tha religions those are that only laws to be known & encouraged & forced & they still inject animals wit false fears for control that they peasants & are scared of princes & princesses & gods (Kings)& goddesses (queens) so they do stupid things they belong disintegrated for help disintegrate fake doctors that happen to know PROCEEDURES duh! It's illegal wut they are doing!!!! They peasants trying to take over wit fake laws & cults which include fake doctors & more dysfunctional they Trying to weaken animals & humans wit psych meds that are actual drugs & medical medicine they use as drugs!!! This is so retarted they exist they not allowed...they that weak ones they weaker for doing such illegal things... Back to my dream~nightmare electrik got similar plague wit or wit outta title his injury condition switched up only i ask for help again as tha plague weaken me to do more like that tyme in reality electrik got sciatically attacked & his body locked & etc & more & as I try to help wit natural remedies I baith him & blow dry & use straw to put water in his mouth & I put his cat food on his tounge to dissolve so he gets his vitamins I was bout to blend carrot wit water that's a daily remedie I include for myself & is said to be in sum cat food hen outta no where same thing start to happen to me...I started getting plagued to be weak physically mentally emotionally spiritually etc. other cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd didn't get plagued at all!? She jus watch like that's all tha peasant plaguers control her to do...I had my phone I already took electrik to animal emergency those fake doctors say bring him back urself that no money they not helping it's on servailance they locked me out tha animal emergency hospital this isn't funny then I call animal patrol I know thier job description they got access to free animal doctors but sadly even the they might be fake ones that stole jobs...etc. Like I post tis memory story already on Facebook & Myspace & more it's illegal peasants stealing jobs as animal patrol & doctors & 911 & more & land & illegal land scaping & etc. It's disgusting they need to get disintegrated immediately! but in tha nightmare~dream tha gods (Kings) & goddesses (queens) repair him like a magical miracle I got to hold him again as i memory maze tha tymes in real life of when I got him as a gift he was crippled & fake animal doctors want thousands hundreds of illegal money they request that amount they made up I tell them he is an animal wit unlimmitted prince account jus like I'ma princess human wit unlimmitted we don't yet got access to our actual funding individually for them to help rescue him they decline wit out that money nope that's fraud they not real doctors... Me & electrik prayed & he started to do physical theoropy I would help him get to litter box quicker if I seen him heading g that direction eventually his bones healed & he start running around so fast like he naturally got better he tell me to be an animal doctor!? I let him know that peasants try to prevent me from being anything!!!!!!!... In real life & my dream~nightmare he let me know wut I do got that knowlege of so it's a reminder... that no matter how remains look it's tha soul that I gets that privelage to live forever like his & mine & whoev else gets to...I almost started talking g to him in English then he speak in paw & show me his which says alot more that much faster...after I wake up sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd approach me it was like electrik is here strongly in spirit like we will both be at that reunion worth attending duh!... Other than that... I experience sciatica B4 I got diagnosed with it in 2006 duh & i remember when my sciatica was getting better it got worse in 2017 when I lift sumthing that pinched tha previously irritated nerve... Sciatica is a permanent condition like I occasionally get sciatical attacks out of no where & sometimes my body locks & spasms! I get laser therapy & do stretches when I can but I still deal with random sciatically situations overall & because of it my body weakens inside from previous attackings it's like a on going recovering process I try to get my body back to usual only the sciatica that happens here & there is why I get weak... I looked into other kinds a laser treatment like laser non•surgicals is where they laser the irritated pinched nerve but that doctor demand more money on top of my insurance or he say get out go deal with sciatica with out laser non•surgicals!? So I don't know... Like Happy birthdaze & holidaze unbirthdaze etc. Like I'ma be around forever like longer than an eternity duh! Go on use lie ditector test... On other ReaLities~ My daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Is still ABDUCTED! & SHE OFFER TO SEND ME GIFTS PRESENTS ETC. I DECLINED WUTEV she offering & I REPLY TO HER: I don't want nothing from u ...'s probly rape money or wutev rapist peasants try to pay u off wit that's disgusting get outta there! U need your resources getta job a career goals & etc. Once u goT ur own income u entitled to u can get me gifts presents later whenever like I got yours put awaze since ur obductions... there's no more room to buy or make u more... there will be eventually tho... No body here wants Willie's child molester money or funeral money or his porno money or RAPE MONEY OR anything from him... I already report him to chiLd support when I first started getting it outta no where I tell them in writing & in emails & in person child support is illegal that u can work even as a baby in Disney or Pampers or all a that above at that tyme duh! Then they tell me if I don't accept it then they taking wutev resources I got access & putting us in tha streets again!? They commit fraud & let sickos like Willie buy thier Waze out wit fraudulent money & perversion this is serious! No body gets to buy thier Waze out...duh! That's another crime & etc.U need to get rescued escape immediately! Ur abducted! This company called telecare say they gonna try to help me & also try to help u get all ur resources & put Willie where he belongs also which is disintegrated or prison while waiting for disintegration date... Telecare say they gonna do wut they can in this war to help wit wutev is nessasary duh! Also colleges school a place of education dreams careers etc. Are suppose to be all ages... Elementary & Junior high & high schools need to be taken down permanently duh!Sum souls can be biblical doctors at around age 2 & wutev else fashion art etc. Culinary arts sports inventors wutevs... Aside from that everyone needs to stop multiplying... Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants! This is serious! I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever! I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!... Google wutev... Hysterectomy proceedure: The uterus is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. During the surgery the whole uterus is usually removed. Your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries. After a hysterectomy, you no longer have menstrual periods and cannot become pregnant... Or this is an option also! Tubal ligation proceedure: Remove those tubes & permanently prevents pregnancy, so you no longer need any type of birth control. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal ligation may also decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if the fallopian tubes are removed. Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. ab·duc·tion/abˈdəkSH(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce See definitions in: All Law Physiology noun 1.the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will."they organized the abduction of Mr. Cordes on his way to the airport" Other than that~Message I sent to my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Like she is really still abducted this is illegal & etc. Anywaze I tell her again that~ Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!!!!! This is serious!!!!!!! I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever! I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!... Google wutev... Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. There'slie ditector test... like hysterectomy are required for every female & tha proceedure for tha males too! those are real laws & are reminded in every religion... it's illegal what's going on... Lie ditector test are suppose to be used regarding what resources to give each individual whether it's a temporary stepping stone or thier own property or hotel for victims like myself at or near my birth place duh! Like whatever is available! & for victimizers it's prison or disintegration or deported or all a the above... There's not allowed to be a waiting list! Housing authority is supposed to assist everyone individually like sum belong in orphanage or kid prison or disintegration eitherwaze deported duh! Go on to the white house go ask Donald john trump in person or read into every religion or both or etc. If you really choose or are being forced to be that uneducated ...Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to ...My cats!!! They jus summa my real family duh! Other than that~Tha LAND A DREAMS IS THA REAL TITLE/NAME OF THA WORLD BUT WUTEV...LIKE SUM NAMEs ARENT PERMANENT LIKE SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA & ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA & & COSTA MESA, CA & MORE! BUT DISNEYLAND IS FOREVER & OTHER PLACES & THINGS & SOULS NOT MENTIONED & ETC. I know I qualify for more like where's my daughter & all my resources & hers & tha animals & everyone's!? Like wut is really going on!? Wut happened to staze trumping & etc. & like I thought on that news when it show Donald J. Trump getting more biblically educated wit that holy Bible The Holy Bible in his hand that he would enforce actual laws biblically reminded in all religions & bring on biblical authorities & more duh! Message I sent my abducted daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. Bla bla bla Also I already tell you to get birth control non hormonal iud while waiting to get hysterectomy proceedure to help end multiplying duh!... go to obgyn doctor or emergency room or a biblical doctor I tell u this long ago look wut happened to me before cus Willie & others obductors & force rape & multiplying & try to prevent others from thier own resources which includes wit I mentioned & more...duh You need to get rescued escape immediately...etc.Like biblical doctors exist & others authorities that can better assist everyone ...Jus like 1 Peter 5:7 in tha holy Bible states it's illegal to worry very similar like same kinda laws & more... I tell my daughter Angelina Rachel since she was like a baby to get careers & follow dreams & all her resources I try to help her get hers while I continue to try to get mine duh! I even tell her *emancipate & more! She got an entertainment license years ago as soon as I was able to get it for her B4 then & after her abductors & mine & peasants in general prevent them from doing more duh Like peasants need to stop trying to catergorizing souls wit fake laws! Bla bla bla Aside from that~That's one step thats nessary to be sober & health like Omega 3 & vitamins a~z...duh...sum souls are in denial bout wutev else like drugs are never an option...I never been a drug addict but I got forced to identify as one b cus a sickos that drug others & themself like that's nothing to go back to for anyone...Here's tha truth of wut u might not know...the 12 biblical steps to recovery is regarding any kind of recover plus reminds that relapsing is never part of it!? I'm aware that alcoholics anonymous & narcotics anonymous is only a place to tell your version of the story thier steps are not holy they jus a similar Waze that they try to make money it's free to be sober & wuteveR duh! Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to...My biological birth daughter~Her birth name is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. Angelina Holloway PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé She is abDUCTED! Her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in brawley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. He a Rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all genders & ages he has a criminal & belongs disintegrated for his existing crimes he sends other peasants aside from himself sometimes after whoever...Like get biblically educated all tha religions in picture & written form are 100% true duh! Like that real laws & more are reminded there Like PURiTy over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc. Like princesses and princes fairwell peasants...Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only! My mailing address another temporary residence stepping stone: 400 Merrimac Way #42 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 My phone#949•610•4967 My webpage~ & I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~ (1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand (2) Rachel Michelé (3)PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé (4) Michelé McLain & Here's the winred links I made! I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working... QUOTES~ *Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) & *Nike: just do it! & *BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING! & *ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & *HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & *WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & *Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO...& SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& SparkLes PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to...duh! *Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing...*DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin...& *Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! her fashion! & *Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ...& *Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain? & *Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking..& More...#PRAYERS #DREAMS#GOALS#FASHION#ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS)& godesses (QUEENS)& THIER LIL pRINCESSES& LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM& MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. & Google: Rachel Michelé McLain More bout me will pop up...duh! Melanie Martinez The White House Sub Urban Donald J. Trump Monarch Insurance Group Melania Trump Joe Biden Kamala Harris Housing Authority National Housing Authority Law Enforcement Today Social Security Administration Social Services Support And Advice UK Social Services Agency - Santa Ana Regional Center Orange Coast College Campus Telecare Corporation 99cent Only Stores GNC Live Well CVS Health Walt Disney The Wizard of Oz The Walt Disney Company France Hugh M. Hefner @Leonardo DiCaprio Playboy Fragrances Marilyn Monroe Care Bears SpongeBob SquarePants Jesus Christ The Prince Of Peace - የሱስ ክርስቶስ መስፍን ሰላም/የሰላም ኣለቃ The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Ireland Castles Persia Palace Persia Palace First United Methodist Church of Costa Mesa St. Vincent de Paul Pan American Properties Pao Fa Temple Crystal cathedral TBN Studio C InventHelp® John Casablancas Modeling and Acting Center OC Lifetime Movies Barbie Lisa Frank Appraisals & Collection Info Boomerang TV Dr. Seuss SpongeBob SquarePants Angelina Holloway Rachel Michelé Michelé McLain PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé The White House Donald J. Trump Melania Trump Joe Biden MAURY MAURY Kamala Harris MAURY Barbie Barbie Quotes barbie__quotes SpongeBob SquarePants The Walt Disney Company France The Wizard of Oz Hugh M. Hefner Lisa Frank Lifetime The White House Joe Biden Kamala Harris Angelina Holloway Donald J. Trump Melanie Martinez Melania Trump Melody Pond Rachel Michelé Michelé McLain Bryce Lowkz PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé Sub Urban Boomerang TV Wicked Chamber Boutique Kmart Playboy Fragrances Playboy Walt Disney Rainbow Dreams Jesus Christ The Prince Of Peace - የሱስ ክርስቶስ መስፍን ሰላም/የሰላም ኣለቃ The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) First United Methodist Church of Costa Mesa St. Vincent de Paul Orange Coast College Orange Coast College Campus Pao Fa Temple Crystal cathedral St John the Baptist Church St. Joachim Catholic Church South Coast Plaza Hoag Hospital Newport Beach Moniak Charles W MD Angelina Holloway Rachel Michelé Michelé McLain PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé Michelé McLain Angelina Holloway PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé Michelé

This is pure genious I was imagining wutev & Summa my collabbing crew join me like Walter that Walt Disney Walt Disney The Walt Disney Company France& Hugh bunny that Hugh Hefner Playboy Fragrances Playboy & Water b came a subject matter & Hugh M. Hefner Hugh bunny put a lot our existing ideas together & He announce how bout all water ocean sea & lakes & ponds & pools & purified bottle or tap include Omega 3 & vitamins a~z ... It will help animals out there & anyone else duh! On other collaboration me & Melanie Martinez fan group collaborate on candy wit Omega 3 vitamins a~z... Like literally everything can include it duh! Imagine beverages all a them & more too & all foods Obviously jctPOP: Jesus Christ the PRINCE OF PEACE & THE GODS (KINGS) & GODESSES (QUEENS) & PRINCES & PRINCESSES & ETC. Michelé McLain Angelina Holloway Rachel Michelé On diff realities: In my daze ~I read in that picture bible that Jesus Christ that prince of peace helps educates others on Omega 3 vitamins a~z like he another level of magician he can make things multiply duh! Magically when they supposed to or when he gets that privelage to he is half human of that Mary & he half a god of that king god one of tha Gods (Kings) there's others like Allah (king) a diff god & there's GODESSES (queens) also duh! That jctPOP: Jesus Christ that pRince of peace he go on telling them more required laws like that taxes are illegal but money is okay & only a crime if lazy designed or stolen or used inappropriately & etc. Duh! Also who cares bout being Miss America ever thats not a forever title it's a peasant word American is another retardation look at reality wut it represents & symbolizes like go back to one star investments fashion art etc & stop using as a cult to take over with retards & retardness Like how bout princess of many of that land a dreams & property name & location if u got all ur resources include that too business dreams goals birth place if known & more ...Like princes & princesses fair well peasants!!!.... SCHOOL A PLACE OF Educational knowledge ARE SOUPPOSE TO BE BIBLICAL BASED TOP EDUCATION DUH AT COLLEGES OF ALL AGES FIR DREAMS & CAREERS & GOALS...ELEMENTARY & JR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL IS NOT SUPPOSE TO EXIST PEASANTS FORCE THOSE LOCATIONS THEY SICKOS WHO WANT FIREVER MULTIPLYING THEY MAKE BELIEVE IF THOSE ILLEGAL PLACES ARE THERE SO WILL NEW VICTIMS THEY RETARTED PEASANTS CRIMINALS WHO ALSO GOT NO BUISNESS EXISTING ANY LONGER & On diff reality~ SuM 1 called me from a private # cLaiMing 2 b that costs Mesa police department in Costa Mesa California u.s. USA biblically speaking location s in tha land of dreams etc. Like why would they call wit an unknown number when they a presidential one that should automatically appear duh! I ask them if it's really even who they say Like wuts this bout !? I thought maybe they rescue my abducted daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. or sumthing like who knows huh!? Then they tell me that sum1 contact them saying they on my Facebook friends & that they requested presidentially possitions like law enforcement to call me & ask if I'm okay!? Why didn't that supposive Facebook friend contact me themselves!? So I tell at this idiot who say they a representative for 911 emergency line & tell him to use lie ditector test & I question where's my daughter & I advise him to go on look into my file of police reports like why are they being called cases that aren't suppose to exist when they situations to be assisted immediately by those who qualify base on lie ditector test & more not ignored duh like wut is going on ... Same retardation happens when I go in person so it's possible it's really a peasant that stole a job again! Duh!!!!! & My ABDUCTED daughter that Angelina RACHEL many names interview me bout summa my videos I make & post on Facebook & YouTube or sum1 pretend to be her on her messenger wutta sicko pervert duh or maybe she wanted to know even tho she make that same kinda videos as me duh! She needs to get rescued immediately! Eitherwaze her abductors belong disintegrated for thier existing crimes of perversion fraud & more! Like abductions drugs psych meds etc. & My stupid grandma that Doris A. McLain aka d. Ann Kelly aka d. Anne Kelley aka Doris Ann Kelly aka natural remedies aka many names aka etc. Born in Lincoln, Nebraska she say on November 2?, 193?-194? Round that tyme I don't always e remember but she usually do She say to me don't tell or put wutev PUBLICKLY that it's no one's business!? So I tell her it's no peasants business that it's every prince & princess business duh! In public she got drugged wit psych meds street drugs raped til her teeth fell out & forced to reside in an auto mobile vehicle for off & on like 30 years!? I met up wit her at that thing she been living g in & she say things like two shakes of a lambs tail that it's a saying from her daze while in reality she is in that illegal Waze of living !? I tell presidential law enforcement to go rescue her I call them at 911 number & sent & made reports & more & they make fun a me & remind why would they do that if they won't even help me or my daughter that's their Waze of letting f me know they stole those jobs possitions which is illegal & In 2005 my daughter biological birth daddy he a rapist criminal he forced me in a car & rape me & try to make live there I gotta awaze a variety a tymes I pay hotels in rooms under other people's names because peasants try to steal my identity!!!!! & When I was little my supposive biogical birth mommy lunatical Lynn tell schools that aren't suppose to exist she force me to go to & she tell them don't try to rescue her daughter me & She say that my biological supposive daddy is a middle eastern peasant terrorist like go on imagine then the automatically go along wit her she is a peasant wutta bunch a sickos this is illega wuts still going on out there... my webpage~ On diff realities I reach out in a variety a Waze trying to get a hold a actual authorities like biblical ones preferably which are higher than that presidential possition like princesses & princess fair well peasants & As a reminder presidentially possitions jobs are being stolen & other crimes are going on I know I wish I can do more too There's peasants that prevent would like mine from doing more in all kinds a Waze!!!! My daughter is abducted wit fake authorities enforcing fake laws they do fraud & neglect the lie detector test that they are required to use for hiring & police reports & resources & more duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like help theres even peasants answering phones at the white house before & other president employees that stole to be there when they don't qualify!!!!!! Duh again this is serious!!!!! Sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victimizers nightmares 24/7 Like dreams come true if they suppose to duh On other realities~ Not @church Tonite or next Wednesday due to diff things going on in my calendar duh! I go on diff daze & wutev location gets in my schedule but wutev... On wutev realities~ I sent this message to my supposive biological birth mommy that lunatically lunatical lunatic Lynn How bout that picture of you wit that giant wooden spoon you show me remember & you need to put it as your fudge label I dont got a copy so on my webpage a Barbie image I seen wit a tray a fudge I put duh!! If u don't do it I will eventually do it in ur memory I can draw that picture duh since I don't got it So go on & title that fudge lunatically lunatical lunatic Lynn I don't know... It's illegal wut u do aside from that... My daughter needs to get rescued that u help abduct that tyme in person & Willie needs to get disintegrated already for his existing crimes duh! Go on My webpage I dedicate certain tabs to certain situations & reality & more you'll easily find one that ones bout that I include that Barbie image wit that fudge & more... But wutev... I only know 2 normal things bout her she makes a variety of fudge & she roller skates back wards at a professional speed duh! & That's it everything else I been closed to bout her is dysfunctional... She in cults like psychology she twist wit memory deleters & hypnotic to PSYCHOLOGICALLY force others to pee like she in a puppet physical cult & She do wutev to make others do wutev including ai.als & humans & etc. she thinks plus she plagues others wit skin break outs & disfiguring she helps make happen & more...duh! She an abductor of victims & victimizers & fraud she commits & other crimes she do for power thats she finds to be fun dysfunctionality etc. I cat put into words summa wut else I'ma aware of regarding her...that perversion & wutev not mentioned she accomplice it's retarted!!!!! She suffers retardation. Which is all kinds a cults like schitzophrenics & others she accuse her identity of being mine I didn't exist when her soul was made her D.O.B. AUGUST 27, 1957 IN OMAHA, NEBRASKA BIBLICALLY SPEAKING JUS ANOTHER PART LOCATION IN THA LAND A DREAMS IS THA FoREVER TITLE OF THA WORLD BY THA GODS(KINGS) & GODESSES(QUEENS) & I'm not her eitherwaze...I'm me only! All the Religions are 100% true Like princes & princesses fair well peasants!!!....

On diff realities~ I wrote a biblical poetical song I collaboration wit Melanie Martinez Music Melanie Martinez Melanie Martinez MELANIE TONE M.M. DOLL MANY NAMES ETC. & WHOEV & WUTEV... HERE GOES MY BIBLICALLY INSPIRED RHYME~ Like jctPOP (Jesus Christ that PRINCE OF PEACE) HERE*S A LOLLI B CUS UR SO SWEET & ITS ALMOST THA DAZE OF NO MEAT LIKE THA PAW & WING & FIN & BEAK & HOOFS & TAIL & MORE SAY LIKE THERE WILL DIFF OMEGA 3 VITAMINS A~Z ONLY... Animal Writes rites rights IMAGINE LIKE FASHION ART ETC. LIKE LOOK AT ALL THA ADORBS SOLES... WAIT I THINK I HEAR MY SHELL PHONE: ME~HELLO!? SHELL PHONE~...HIGH! IT*S THA MERMAIDS! RACHEL MICHELÉ MCLAIN KRI STA HYENA KA VAND LOKA PRINCESSA A PRINCESS OF MANY NAMES ETC. COME TO THA BEACH & GATHER SEA SHELLS & GO IN THA WAVES & SEE THA OCEAN SPARLKE & THA SAND GLITTER GOLD & MAYBE GO DEEP SEA SHOPPING LIKE INSTEADA FISHING DUH! & DO A TOTALLY HAIR STYLE BLA BLA BLA ... Hoola hoop double Dutch jump rope skip it jewelery box creature like ballerina & other sports done solo alone or with whoev duh! It's illegal wuts going on... & In my daze ~ I read in that picture bible that Jesus Christ that prince of peace helps educates others on Omega 3 vitamins a~z like he another level of magician he can make things multiply duh! Magically when they supposed to or when he gets that privelage to he is half human of that Mary & he half a god of that king god one of tha Gods (Kings) there's others like Allah (king) a diff god & there's GODESSES (queens) also duh! That jctPOP: Jesus Christ that pRince of peace he go on telling them more required laws like that taxes are illegal but money is okay & only a crime if lazy designed or stolen or used inappropriately & etc. Duh! Also who cares bout being Miss America ever thats not a forever title it's a peasant word American is another retardation look at reality wut it represents & symbolizes like go back to one star investments fashion art etc & stop using as a cult to take over with retards & retardness Like how bout princess of many of that land a dreams & property name & location if u got all ur resources include that too business dreams goals birth place if known & more ... Like princes & princesses fair well peasants!!!.... SCHOOL A PLACE OF Educational knowledge ARE SOUPPOSE TO BE BIBLICAL BASED TOP EDUCATION DUH AT COLLEGES OF ALL AGES FIR DREAMS & CAREERS & GOALS... ELEMENTARY & JR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL IS NOT SUPPOSE TO EXIST PEASANTS FORCE THOSE LOCATIONS THEY SICKOS WHO WANT FIREVER MULTIPLYING THEY MAKE BELIEVE IF THOSE ILLEGAL PLACES ARE THERE SO WILL NEW VICTIMS THEY RETARTED PEASANTS CRIMINALS WHO ALSO GOT NO BUISNESS EXISTING ANY LONGER Memory mazing~ Power 106 Los Angeles That time power 106 that radio station 105.9 Announce a story like mine when they talk on sum1 that got thier 1st touch screen phone is a new one & accidently call 911 & staze on that line to let tha answering officer know it's not that kind daughter emergency I got a new phone & it keeps dialing 911 or sumthing I don't understand Like identical to me...duh! I bet there's others that happen to also huh!? Other radio stations seem in key wit me & sum songs but may e if they do t know bout me personally it might just be a collaboration wit out knowing g each other or they know bout me & I don't know bout them or ironically it's quite possible u never know...sumtymes ... Free style prayer (praze/prazing) dance etc Then prayers in all religions traditional & free style remix mix for reality vs fantasy & etc. like~ On other realities~ I mention & report already that after my step daughter force funeral when she isn't dead at that time...that porno field peasants abduct me b4 then & after her supposive disintegration or wutev they sent sum members of thier illegal organization of PERVERSION after me Gain in tha streets I was walking to pick up my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc from school at that time & they stop me wit same kinda giant cameras & they say they jus want to say on camera they like my outfit!? & On that other side of that street was an identical lil girl as my step daughter !? Look like her she reinacted her & even smile & wave at me like she know me!? Maybe it really is her abducted by these sickos I don't know... I call law enforcement & child protective services & the white house & more regarding her long ago b4 funeral thing & fake death wutev & wutev else along wit regards to myself & my daughter & more bout our resources & etc. I continue walking awaze after those souls claim they video my fashion that daze I wore an orange lace mini skirt & neon psychadelic tie die so & I might of got on a bright blueish shirt & wutev so I went bout my calendar like I got awaze from these peasants again!!!! & Went to go get Angelina Rachel & if that really is my step daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah she obviously needs to get rescued immediately on wit whoev else & My daughter Angelina Rachel got abducted again & needs to get rescued immediately for a fact~ I wrote summa that reality on my webpage like I put this on there~ *Click on Where*s Mya Loka tab & more... I put updates on my daughter disappearance abdu tion etc. She been abducted off & on her when life so have I & whoev else duh! !!!! that facebook profile my abducted daughter she say in my messenger wit live video & writing that she using it for now ...her newer one she claim she can't get into her other one Angelina Holloway Anywaze she is abducted still duh! By peasants theres lie DITECTOR test & more Like real authorities exist along wit actual laws & etc. Biblical educational film above I know there's all kinds sumtymes more this is sum a wut I got access to... Biblical educational reminders altho all that religions are true & tha real LAWS & MORE ARE REMINDED THERE IN BOOKS PICTURES MOVIES ANIMATION FASHION ART ETC. TO SIMPLY WUT EVERY RELIGIOUS WAZE ARE SAYING ENCOURAGING & EMPLYING AS A REQUIREMENT LIKE PURITY OVER PERVERSION & JUSTICE OVER JUSTIFY & FACT VS FICTION & REALITY VS FANTASY & WUTEV ELSE NOT MENTIONED ... THERES LIE DITECTOR TEST & ETC. PRAYER REQUEST & AUTHORITIES OR WHOEV QUALIFIES & IS ALLOWED TO VETTER ASSIST ME & MY DAUGHTER IN ANY KINDA WAZE REGARDING OUR RESOURCES... SHE IS ABDUCTED BY PEASANTS LIKE THAT WILLIE HOLLOWAY JR THE 4TH (IV) BORN MAY 24, 1981 IN BRAWLEY, CA BIBLUCALLY SPEAKING IN TA LAND A DREANS WHICH SUM CALL THA WORLD LIKE SCIENTIST BUT BIBLICAL SCIENTIST CALL IT THE LAND A DREAMS LIKE THE GODS (KINGS) & GODESSES (QUEENS) ANYWAZE MY DAUGHTER BIRTH NAME IS Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. That's where she is from Also known as a location in tha LAND A DREAMS! I got raped pregnant around may 24 possibly til or pass midnight so maybe may 25 of 2005 at the new harbor in also known as Mesa motel on harbor Blvd near Wilson St. In Costa Mesa, California I wit sum call u.s. USA but biblically tha world on its own is forever titled the LAND OF DREAMS ETC. DUH! Anywaze she got abducted again!!!!! By peasants rapist sickos fraud liars molestors ABDUCTORS stealers & other crimes like forced drugs & PERVERSION in humans & animals all ages & genders & wutev else not mentioned .... SHE NEEDS TO GET RESCUED IMMEDIATELY SHE BEEN FORCED INTO PERVERSION BY HER ABDUCTORS & THIER ACCOMPLICES LIKE THAT PEASANT I MENTION EARLIER THEY DO A VARIETTY OF CRIMES WHICH INCLUDES FRAUD DRUGS ABDUCTIONS STEALING RAPE PERVERSION ABUSE ON ANIMALS & HUMANS IF ALL GENDERS & AGES... My webpage~ Google: Rachel Michelé McLain & MoRE BOUT ME WiLL POP UP! LIKE SpARKLES PRAYERS VICTIM'S DREAMING RESCUES THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7... LIKE DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO DUH! Any1 below that presidents possition needs to mind THIER own business duh! Like princesses & princes fair well peasants... To whom this may concern: I ask several places including 911 & more like St. Vincent de Paul A branch of Catholic churches tree To help me & my daughter situation(s) if they can they have before but never entirely jus wit they got access to in this war I know normally churches & individuals do more... Other than that... I Went to church it was boring this Tyme but I did read a book there that got music & a version of sum holy bible verses on tha side sum biblical education & etc. I took pics a ones that go wit my reality & pictures of tha pretty decor like that gOLden LAMB COIN I IMAGINE IF THS COIN GOTTA MAKE OVER FOR THA DAZE OF THA PAW & THA LAMB COULD BE WEARING BALLERINA SKIRT & RIBBONS WITTA SWORD MAYBE GOLD & COLOR I DONT KNOW THA SERVICE WAS KINDA DIM COMPARE TO OTHERS BUT I OBSERVED WUTS GOING OM AT THIS ONE WAS DIFF THA SPEAKER PRIEST SAY ITS OPTIONAL TO GO UP & CROSS YOUR ARMS ON YOUR CHEST & GET IN A STANDING LINE I NEVER HEARD A OR SO I WATCHED TO SEE...I NOTICE THIER CALENDAR GOT SEVERAL KINDS A THINGS NOT IDENTICAL...THERES NO OTHER CHURCHES OPEN THAT IMA AWARE OF I LIKE TO GO TO A VARIETY OF CHURCHES TEMPLES ETC. OF ALL THA RELIGIONS SUMTYMES DEPENDS LIKE IF ITS NOT AS ENERGETIC OR PEACEFUL OR WUTEV AT LEAST ITS PRETTY TO SEE AROUND THA BIBLICALLY MADE REMINDERS... I need my princess unlimmitted funds to better assist my own self & others that i qualify to help wit thier resources too until then huh... Biblical education all the religions are 100% true & real laws are reminded there in written & image & movie & cartoon & artwork & fashion & wutev else like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & more duh like etc. Anywaze~ When I become an animal doctor I'ma travel wit Dawn dish soap Dawn dish soap& etc. & I will got Geico insurance aside from my existing monarch butterflies insured...I love that The GEICO Gecko character... Also I Don't know every cats tail/tale but they do tell me things wit thier paws & meows... I miss all my cats I love animals I need to be a biblical doctor to help better assist them & etc. Duh!!!!! On More reality~like updates... My daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. ABDUCTiONS continue to happen she needs to get rescued escape etc immediately To her summa ur forms a identity I know u got student i.d. cards & more along wit ur entertainment license & etc. u shoulda been in college B4 or after head start pre School duh! & Doing more purity 24/7 like animal doctor & modeling & movies & fashion & art & etc. Like wutev else... Memory Mazing~ Stories that sparkLe sadasticLy true too... I jus woke from a dysfunctional dream that is kinda a nightmare duh ...that include peasants I already escape but also that lil prince my cat electrik gismo that 3rd was there in kitten I remember when he was even smaller than this appearance back when he showered in tha sink & drank outta baby bottle kitten formula & etc. After he got spay or neuter I alwaze forget which is which one for males other females that titles of sumthing I jus don't always remember but sum fake animal doctors admit they use psych meds on animals to make tha pet owner result to them to baith them I let them know that's illegal in all tha real laws in all tha religions those are that only laws to be known & encouraged & forced & they still inject animals wit false fears for control that they peasants & are scared of princes & princesses & gods (Kings)& goddesses (queens) so they do stupid things they belong disintegrated for help disintegrate fake doctors that happen to know PROCEEDURES duh! It's illegal wut they are doing!!!! They peasants trying to take over wit fake laws & cults which include fake doctors & more dysfunctional they Trying to weaken animals & humans wit psych meds that are actual drugs & medical medicine they use as drugs!!! This is so retarted they exist they not allowed...they that weak ones they weaker for doing such illegal things... Back to my dream~nightmare electrik got similar plague wit or wit outta title his injury condition switched up only i ask for help again as tha plague weaken me to do more like that tyme in reality electrik got sciatically attacked & his body locked & etc & more & as I try to help wit natural remedies I baith him & blow dry & use straw to put water in his mouth & I put his cat food on his tounge to dissolve so he gets his vitamins I was bout to blend carrot wit water that's a daily remedie I include for myself & is said to be in sum cat food hen outta no where same thing start to happen to me...I started getting plagued to be weak physically mentally emotionally spiritually etc. other cat sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd didn't get plagued at all!? She jus watch like that's all tha peasant plaguers control her to do...I had my phone I already took electrik to animal emergency those fake doctors say bring him back urself that no money they not helping it's on servailance they locked me out tha animal emergency hospital this isn't funny then I call animal patrol I know thier job description they got access to free animal doctors but sadly even the they might be fake ones that stole jobs...etc. Like I post tis memory story already on Facebook & Myspace & more it's illegal peasants stealing jobs as animal patrol & doctors & 911 & more & land & illegal land scaping & etc. It's disgusting they need to get disintegrated immediately! but in tha nightmare~dream tha gods (Kings) & goddesses (queens) repair him like a magical miracle I got to hold him again as i memory maze tha tymes in real life of when I got him as a gift he was crippled & fake animal doctors want thousands hundreds of illegal money they request that amount they made up I tell them he is an animal wit unlimmitted prince account jus like I'ma princess human wit unlimmitted we don't yet got access to our actual funding individually for them to help rescue him they decline wit out that money nope that's fraud they not real doctors... Me & electrik prayed & he started to do physical theoropy I would help him get to litter box quicker if I seen him heading g that direction eventually his bones healed & he start running around so fast like he naturally got better he tell me to be an animal doctor!? I let him know that peasants try to prevent me from being anything!!!!!!!... In real life & my dream~nightmare he let me know wut I do got that knowlege of so it's a reminder... that no matter how remains look it's tha soul that I gets that privelage to live forever like his & mine & whoev else gets to...I almost started talking g to him in English then he speak in paw & show me his which says alot more that much faster...after I wake up sprinkles cupcake sprakles tha 3rd approach me it was like electrik is here strongly in spirit like we will both be at that reunion worth attending duh!... Other than that... I experience sciatica B4 I got diagnosed with it in 2006 duh & i remember when my sciatica was getting better it got worse in 2017 when I lift sumthing that pinched tha previously irritated nerve... Sciatica is a permanent condition like I occasionally get sciatical attacks out of no where & sometimes my body locks & spasms! I get laser therapy & do stretches when I can but I still deal with random sciatically situations overall & because of it my body weakens inside from previous attackings it's like a on going recovering process I try to get my body back to usual only the sciatica that happens here & there is why I get weak... I looked into other kinds a laser treatment like laser non•surgicals is where they laser the irritated pinched nerve but that doctor demand more money on top of my insurance or he say get out go deal with sciatica with out laser non•surgicals!? So I don't know... Like Happy birthdaze & holidaze unbirthdaze etc. Like I'ma be around forever like longer than an eternity duh! Go on use lie ditector test... On other ReaLities~ My daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Is still ABDUCTED! & SHE OFFER TO SEND ME GIFTS PRESENTS ETC. I DECLINED WUTEV she offering & I REPLY TO HER: I don't want nothing from u ...'s probly rape money or wutev rapist peasants try to pay u off wit that's disgusting get outta there! U need your resources getta job a career goals & etc. Once u goT ur own income u entitled to u can get me gifts presents later whenever like I got yours put awaze since ur obductions... there's no more room to buy or make u more... there will be eventually tho... No body here wants Willie's child molester money or funeral money or his porno money or RAPE MONEY OR anything from him... I already report him to chiLd support when I first started getting it outta no where I tell them in writing & in emails & in person child support is illegal that u can work even as a baby in Disney or Pampers or all a that above at that tyme duh! Then they tell me if I don't accept it then they taking wutev resources I got access & putting us in tha streets again!? They commit fraud & let sickos like Willie buy thier Waze out wit fraudulent money & perversion this is serious! No body gets to buy thier Waze out...duh! That's another crime & etc.U need to get rescued escape immediately! Ur abducted! This company called telecare say they gonna try to help me & also try to help u get all ur resources & put Willie where he belongs also which is disintegrated or prison while waiting for disintegration date... Telecare say they gonna do wut they can in this war to help wit wutev is nessasary duh! Also colleges school a place of education dreams careers etc. Are suppose to be all ages... Elementary & Junior high & high schools need to be taken down permanently duh!Sum souls can be biblical doctors at around age 2 & wutev else fashion art etc. Culinary arts sports inventors wutevs... Aside from that everyone needs to stop multiplying... Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants! This is serious! I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever! I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!... Google wutev... Hysterectomy proceedure: The uterus is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. During the surgery the whole uterus is usually removed. Your doctor may also remove your fallopian tubes and ovaries. After a hysterectomy, you no longer have menstrual periods and cannot become pregnant... Or this is an option also! Tubal ligation proceedure: Remove those tubes & permanently prevents pregnancy, so you no longer need any type of birth control. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal ligation may also decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if the fallopian tubes are removed. Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. ab·duc·tion/abˈdəkSH(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce See definitions in: All Law Physiology noun 1.the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will."they organized the abduction of Mr. Cordes on his way to the airport" Other than that~Message I sent to my daughter Angelina Rachel many names etc. Like she is really still abducted this is illegal & etc. Anywaze I tell her again that~ Here's more info. Bout wut I been telling u for years stop listening to peasants!!!!! This is serious!!!!!!! I offer to take u before to at least get in birth control while at that tyme I continue to try to get all our resources individually for each of us which includes that hysterectomy surgical proceedure required to not multiply ever! I know I tell u jus go to emergency room even then since u don't listen to me & neither does 911 & more Like it's another kinda emergency Or Go to nearest planned parent hood request a hysterectomy surgery & they will do it so you won't multiply duh & go on birth control wit no hormones while waiting for surgical date duh!... Google wutev... Eitherwaze get rescued escape etc. There'slie ditector test... like hysterectomy are required for every female & tha proceedure for tha males too! those are real laws & are reminded in every religion... it's illegal what's going on... Lie ditector test are suppose to be used regarding what resources to give each individual whether it's a temporary stepping stone or thier own property or hotel for victims like myself at or near my birth place duh! Like whatever is available! & for victimizers it's prison or disintegration or deported or all a the above... There's not allowed to be a waiting list! Housing authority is supposed to assist everyone individually like sum belong in orphanage or kid prison or disintegration eitherwaze deported duh! Go on to the white house go ask Donald john trump in person or read into every religion or both or etc. If you really choose or are being forced to be that uneducated ...Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to ...My cats!!! They jus summa my real family duh! Other than that~Tha LAND A DREAMS IS THA REAL TITLE/NAME OF THA WORLD BUT WUTEV...LIKE SUM NAMEs ARENT PERMANENT LIKE SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA & ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA & & COSTA MESA, CA & MORE! BUT DISNEYLAND IS FOREVER & OTHER PLACES & THINGS & SOULS NOT MENTIONED & ETC. I know I qualify for more like where's my daughter & all my resources & hers & tha animals & everyone's!? Like wut is really going on!? Wut happened to staze trumping & etc. & like I thought on that news when it show Donald J. Trump getting more biblically educated wit that holy Bible The Holy Bible in his hand that he would enforce actual laws biblically reminded in all religions & bring on biblical authorities & more duh! Message I sent my abducted daughter angelina Rachel many names etc. Bla bla bla Also I already tell you to get birth control non hormonal iud while waiting to get hysterectomy proceedure to help end multiplying duh!... go to obgyn doctor or emergency room or a biblical doctor I tell u this long ago look wut happened to me before cus Willie & others obductors & force rape & multiplying & try to prevent others from thier own resources which includes wit I mentioned & more...duh You need to get rescued escape immediately...etc.Like biblical doctors exist & others authorities that can better assist everyone ...Jus like 1 Peter 5:7 in tha holy Bible states it's illegal to worry very similar like same kinda laws & more... I tell my daughter Angelina Rachel since she was like a baby to get careers & follow dreams & all her resources I try to help her get hers while I continue to try to get mine duh! I even tell her *emancipate & more! She got an entertainment license years ago as soon as I was able to get it for her B4 then & after her abductors & mine & peasants in general prevent them from doing more duh Like peasants need to stop trying to catergorizing souls wit fake laws! Bla bla bla Aside from that~That's one step thats nessary to be sober & health like Omega 3 & vitamins a~z...duh...sum souls are in denial bout wutev else like drugs are never an option...I never been a drug addict but I got forced to identify as one b cus a sickos that drug others & themself like that's nothing to go back to for anyone...Here's tha truth of wut u might not know...the 12 biblical steps to recovery is regarding any kind of recover plus reminds that relapsing is never part of it!? I'm aware that alcoholics anonymous & narcotics anonymous is only a place to tell your version of the story thier steps are not holy they jus a similar Waze that they try to make money it's free to be sober & wuteveR duh! Princes & princesses Fair well peasants Like High bye Bla bla bla SpaRkLes PRAyERS ViCTiMs DREAMiNG RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED to...My biological birth daughter~Her birth name is Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006 in fountain valley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. She is abDUCTED! Her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV born May 24, 1981 in brawley, CA. USA AKA in THE LAND a Dreams aka many names aka etc. He a Rapist of baby's kids teens adults humans & animals of all genders & ages he has a criminal & belongs disintegrated for his existing crimes he sends other peasants aside from himself sometimes after whoever...Like get biblically educated all tha religions in picture & written form are 100% true duh! Like that real laws & more are reminded there Like PURiTy over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc. Like princesses and princes fairwell peasants...Sincerely, Rachel Michele {McLain}Drivers License California i.d. #D9078194 Student i.d. #C02050377 @Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA 92626 *also known as what I call that place the island of dreams & more that location needs rescueing & a make over by Barbie company & Disney company & myself & victims: princes & princessses only! My mailing address another temporary residence stepping stone: 400 Merrimac Way #42 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 My phone#949•610•4967 My webpage~ & I'm on YouTube just type in my web address above in the search & some of my videos will show the others are on Facebook & my web page...My Facebook pages:{I got about 4}~ (1) KRi Stahyena Ka Vand (2) Rachel Michelé (3)PassioN4Fashion Heart4Art Poetical Dopetastic Clowntastical Rachel Michelé (4) Michelé McLain & Here's the winred links I made! I spaced them awaze from each other click on individually or type one link at a time on Google search they should work I check already they all working... QUOTES~ *Orange Coast College: we will help you get there! Go pirates! (In Costa Mesa, CA) & *Nike: just do it! & *BARBIE: HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN BE ANYTHING! & *ENERGIZER BUNNY: KEEP GOING! & *HUE BUNNY: LIFES TOO SHORT TO LIVE SOMEONE TO ELSE DREAM & *WALT DISNEY: (HE GOT SO MANY BUT HERES ONE OF MY FAVORITES) ...DREAM FOREVER! & *Like I say: DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSE TO...& SHh! CLOWNy tyME TiC TOC i*M on tha cLock a teaRle$$ CHARACTER of LaughteR woRking whiLe sMiLing...NO CRyiNG!...Like HiGH ByE!...& SparkLes PRayeRs victiMs DREAMS get ReSCUED FROM victiMizeRs NightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come true if they suppose to...duh! *Staze DREAMing yesterdaze 2daze toMMow$ MeMoRy mazing...*DonaLd john tRump aka djt: staze trumpin...& *Scarlet o'hara: (gone with the wind movie character)~after all tomorrow is another day! her fashion! & *Rette butler: (gone with the wind movie character)~frankly scarlet I don't give a damn ...& *Judy garland as Dorothy: (wizard of oz character)~theres no place like home & somewhere over the rainbow & how are you talking if you don't gotta brain? & *Scare crow: (wizard of oz character)~some people with out brains do a lotta talking..& More...#PRAYERS #DREAMS#GOALS#FASHION#ART #ETC all tha gods (KINGS)& godesses (QUEENS)& THIER LIL pRINCESSES& LIL PRINCES ARE ENTITLED TO FREEDOM& MORE! PEASANTS BELONG IN PRISON OR DISINTEGRATED OR BOTH OR DEPORTED OR ETC. & Google: Rachel Michelé McLain More bout me will pop up...duh!

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