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You: Twisted insane & Me: twiddLein sane & My daughteR: twiddLe & otheR chaRacteRs & kReatuRes~

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

ASide fRoM this aRticLe i did send that twi$ted in$ane $uM eMaiL$ 2 hiM: i watch an inteRview thing of hiM on youtube & he announce 2 send hiM Messages & it jus so happens i aLReady done aLL those fRee styLe pRayER MiMing MiMe of MyseLf Me a mix a reMix of wutev 2 suMMa his songs...

fRoM My account eLectRonicaLLy as i got diff eMaiLs & facebooks & Myspace & youtube & More Like in peRson i aLso occasionaLly function jus depends on the situation duh...

cLick Link beLow 2 see how i got info. 2 send hiM eLectRonicaL MaiL this shouLd b that xact Link i seen bout it he LiteRaLLy says it so i know i put aLL My identity out theRe pubLickiLy too Like eveRy1 supposed 2~

so hopefuLLy he get it if he supppose 2...

& This cat kitteN aNiMaL Looks Like a deMon bat thing & kinda goes wit suMMa twisted insaNe cReatuRe Like chaRacteRs & suMMa his LyRics LoL Like bat outta heLL haha duh...

Aside fRoM that...

MEMORy MAZin that tyMe~

Me & My daughtER Many Names etc. ...duRing Tha walk to von karman location...Like i get eveRywheRe in ReaLity bye using My imagination aLong tha waze as i ReMind & encouRage hER 2 do tha saMe...

aLong with Memory deletion & hypnoticaL hypnosis hypnotic on myself

Like go on you do it too kid Like u paRt MiddLe eastERn peRsiaN aLso duh! it's More MagicaL...Like NEVER TWiST iT w/psychoLogy...its iLLegaL its a sin bLa BLa BLa anywaze My daughtER Laugh when i caLL heR twiddLe & she MagicaLLy got in chaRactER & she shut up bout tha distance Like its ReaLLy nothing bibLicaLLy...&

The ganji faiRies & creatures & jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace & Lucifer & more show a lil more visibly...It's Like an adventure

But wutev As Angelina Rachel many names etc. complain again as i Mention tiL i call her: twiddle & she laugh & she got in character

& i WENT as twiddLein sane...these titLes nick naMes R inspiRed bye twisted insane suM how i do Listen 2 suMma his tunes on youtube it*s fRee & i got NO MONEy ReaLLy eitheRwaze we gotta vaRiety a nick naMes...

& we did get there But the rock climbing tyMes ended so we didn't get to do everything there

i think we walk from our iLLegaLLy Land scaped stepping stone at that tyMe 419 Hamilton ave Costa mesa, California aRea...bibLicalLy speaking in: "the LAND OF DREAM$..."

To that 24 hour fitness~

18007 Von Karman Ave, Irvine, CA 92612

& heRes anothER iMage of that musicaL Man tha twisted insane Many naMes etc. i know i couLdnt decide which pic of heM 2 put Like the space heRe isn*t unLiMMitted Like its suppose 2 be & he do so Many diff Looks a fash & chaRactERs but this 1 Looks Like the ganji faiRies fLew bye & got hiM high 2 Look Like this LoL tho he Loooks Like he Laughing kinda sMiLing its ReaLly haRd 2 teLL haha:

& aside from that: beLow Here's free styLe pRayeRs i do to twisted insane songs cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see MyseLf suM i do taLk & then eventuaLly the tune pLaze & Me i MiMe MiMing kinda thing in aLL a theM tho~

this Link next is Mask off twisted insane tune I THink it*s titLed DEAD WRONG BUT THis tyMe as it pLaze its Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe Myself MiMing cLick 2 see~


in this next Link u wiLL see that I did a fRee style pRayeR to this song caLLed Leash bye twisted insane as I added a goLdish Leasht Like chain to My styLe Like i waLk MyseLf daily duh usuaLly & MoRe but wutev heRe i aM a MiMe of MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of cLick Link to see & I perviously gotta sciaticaL attack but luckily I access cRaMp baRk tea is a natuRaL MuscLe ReLaxER & diff herbs plants Like ephedRa sinica tea ReaL Medicine Like thats aLL i got access to duh! & other natural remedies highs & things like bone RepaiR diff kinda soy MiLks & MoRe Like fitness beLly dance & baLLet & cReature style dance that i aLso do in suMMa My fRee styLe prayeR dance MiMing MiMes & in this video i incLude suM iMages of suMMa My cats that dissappeaRed & got MuRdeRed & MyseL & My abducted daughtER when she was wit Me in that pictuRe tho now she kidnapped again Like i obviousLy gotta awaze & continue escaping which she done b4 too both of us individuaLLy off & on since we babies occasionaLLy got abducted & otheR dysfunctionaL RetaRted things that keep happening?! weapons & Lie ditectoR test & MoRe R requiRed i donrt got any a that but i stiLL Manage 2 keep going Like the eneRgizeR bunny & otheR things i incLude is the packaging exaMpLe design 4 GLiTTER LiTTER! i put 2 getheR 4 an idea Me & My daughtEr & My cat eLectrik gisMo the 3Rd caMe up wit & i pResent it in peRson i dRess up as a gLitteR cat thing Not My best cat thing Look Like i went aLone i had no waze 2 bRing My cat & My daughter got abducted again so i ReMeMbeR ouR idea & i went 2 try 2 get that going along wit get My daughter Rescued & My ResouRces entiReLy @invent heLp co. in iRvine aRea bibLicaLLy speaking in THE LAND OF DREAMS & that Mike MuiR if thats his ReaL name Lie supposiveLy he say he a secRetaRy that contacts the bibLicaL doctoR geniouses inventoRs 2 put the pRoduct on the sheLf instead he stoLe My Money & pretends he doesnt know Me wit his baRbie doLL suRgeRy he adMit 2 Me the Money is 4 him Like he RetaRted the peopLe that ReaLLy woRk there do eLecTRonicaLLy pay theMseLves unLimmitted amounts of money & they give ResouRces duh! this idiot is Like possessed & i teLL him my daughter abdcucted & wutev else since he the only 1 in the entiRe buiLding Like wheRe R the woRkeRs wut is he doing pRetending 2 woRk theRe?! he obviousLy use hypnotic/hypnosis & MeMoRy deLetion twist wit psychology 2 get 2 that Money?! as i use hypnotic & MeMoRy deLetion AUTOMATiCALLy it happens b cus im part middle eastern so sum individuals do tell me more blunt & upfront bout thiEr intensions or they Leave or both & i go on dissappearing sumtymes they Return otheR tyMes they dont as i hope they dont so if thats ReaLLy why he went 2 do fake buisness oR is he possessed bye otheRs that foLLow Me aRound?! theRes Lie ditectoR test & authoRities & weapons RequiRed Like the ReaL co. wiLL Rescue My daughter & bRing back My cat that got murdered with sciatica & they will give us ouR resources & MoRe duh i dont got weapons & wutev eLse 2 Rescue My daughteR i ReaLLy escape that Many sickos off & on thRu MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic i even go waLking awaze as they watch & dont undeRstand entiReLy why they cant get Me as easiLy as suMMa the otheRs it s b cus iM paRt middle eastern peRsian duh suM beLieve sum middle easterns r Like invisibLe but as soon as they get xposed Like Me i cant put into woRds wut happen 2 Me off & on since i was a baby theres ReaLLy that diff kinds ab peasants?! suMMa theM use hypnotic & MeMoRy deLetion TWist wit psychoLogy 2 abduct Me Rape dRug when they use psychoLogy wit anything Like hypnotic & MeMoRy deletion when it works is 4 MAGic shows & 2 heLp pRevent & end cRiMe duh! Like i use hynosis & MeMoRy deLetion a leveL of it Like iM weaken bye cuLts pLagues 2 use it stRonger as i do use it in my fRee style prayer videos Like aLL eyes on Me even if u dont got any duh it*s Like a bibLicaL gatheRing spirituaLly & whetheR u see who attends otheR than Me & suM doLLs & things...spiRituaLLy LucifeR & jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & deMOns & ganji faiRies & otheR chaRacteRs & individuaLs appeaR MoRe visibLy 2 Me...

cLick Link 2 see~

next is an iMage beLow of Me fRoM that video above as i got seveRaL pics of this Look on faceboook & MoRe but i chose 2 incLude this 1 in this aRticLe Like they don*t aLL fit b cus My face Looks siMiLaR 2 suMMa twisted insane faces Like he do aLL kinds: possessed & cLown & deMon & casuaL & doLL & wutevs & MoRe Like so do i since My souL was Made onLy i dont got aLL the footage jus MeMories in the MiRRoR & howev eLse & iM showing the LEASH i got it @THE 99 CENT ONLy stoRes its a chain that caMe wiy My hand bags i got theRe! i use 4 that video i did cReatuRe jeweLeRy box baLLeRina cLown chaRactER thing so this is jus 1 Look of it obviousLy in tha fiLM i show aLL kinds duh! & My Make up: ioni & ReMi Rose & eLite & wet n' wiLd is fRoM the 99 cent onLy stoRes so R those rhine stones on My face & sUMMa My Make up is snazaRoo face paint i got fRoM a haLLoween stOre & tha LibRaRy pass out snazaRoo at an event & i got suM at MichaeLs cRaft store & onLine & wutev eLse & that wig Rainbow on top of that puRpLeish wig is fRoM paRty city & that puRpLe hair is fRoM suMwhERe eLse as i got otheR siMilaR wigs fRoM the 99 cent onLy stoRes & More & that asian dRess i got as a gift fRoM a woMan naMe betty MAny names etc. she gave Me a couPLe 80s styLe dResses & those spaRLkLy tights i got fRoM My neice nikki Mikki Magic Many Names etc. & the baLLERina thing under that dress i 4got wut stoRe i bought it @ & those bibLicaL Looking sandaL My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy Lynn Many NaMes etc. got theM 4 Me @ waLMaRt foR Like $5 on the saLe Rack & those chaRMs on My eaRings R fRoM the 99 cent onLy stoRes! & that baLLeRina tutu is fRoM paRty city & in that fRee styLe pRayeR of Me MiMing eaRlieR in this Look My Mask R aLl fRoM the 99 cent onLy stoRes that goLden dRagon & the woLf & the MasqueRade bLack Lace & that goLden egg & the piMp gLass chaLice hoLy cup & piMp cane quaLified LoRd staff things R fRoM party city & miRRoRs fRoM 99 & bottLe banks & wutev eLse Not Mentioned Like the hoRns R disney Brand i got theM fRom the wicked chaMbeR boutique tho~

okay so heRes More Leash Looks! they R fitting the inteRnet gets hacked bye hackeRs they beLong disintegRated & i notice suMtyMes theRes MORe space outta no wheRe otheR tyMes it goes awaze duh! Like My fashion aRt etc. tabs on My webpage aLso keep fReezin & not upLoading Like wut i added b cus it got hacked again! any1 accoMpLicing that is facing disintegRation aside fRoM any a thieR otheR intensionaL cRiMes...

i woRe this 2 that chuRch i call the window of magical messages Rainbow reminders Jctpop~ Jesus Jesus Christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass @ 420 W 19th st Costa Mesa, California 92627 biblically speaking in the Land of dReams! i do a diff Look eveRy sundaze theRe! aLl kinds achaRacteRs cReatuRes baLleRina animaLs biblicaL & MoRe! & suMtyMes i pass out fRee gifts based on wut i got access 2 things Like chaLice cups piMp gLass hoLy cups & books i Make i dont got coLoR pRinteR access 2 Make copies @ this tyMe so i wRite & dRaw in Rainbow of coLoRed pens 4 now & i incLude biblicaLLy inspiRed Links 2 be typed & seen ogn googLe & youtube & MoRe & i pass out pRayeR gLitteR & hoLy h2o & LoLLi pops & candy & & inscents & tea heRb pLant & wigs & Make up FRaGRances & MoRe! Like iMa NON pRofit bibLicaL RepResentative individual but i do accept suM pResents & donations & tips given & offeR 2 Me...that chuRch dont give Me nothing Like theRes peasants cRiMinaLs victiMizeRs sinneRs tRying 2 take oveR & wutev eLse heRe & theRE they eveRywheRe! see beLow wiLL show that tyMe i did Leash baLLeRina jeweLeRy box cLown dRagon cReatuRe thing beLLy dance Like chaRacteR~

ChuRches & wherever are not places or locations to hide in or take over in any kinda waze as sum individuals really aren’t allowed sum places & locations & illegal land scapers & cult leaders cult members are trying to take over places & locations like that church i call the window of magical messages Rainbow reminders Jctpop~ Jesus Jesus Christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass @ 420 W 19th st Costa Mesa, California 92627 biblically speaking in the Land of dReams ...This is a church NOT A PERVERSion center !!!!! suMma the people in the band that stoLe thos epossitions & otheRs that R tRespasseRs theRe cLaiM they in cuLts Like biosexuaL gay Lesbian tRansgenders & otheR cults they ReaLLLy in Like they beLong disintegrated pRobLy! duh! Like they NOT even aLLowed in chuRches Not even 2 attend! they pRevent Me fRoM doing MoRe & they iLLegaLLy coLLect Money in peRson they teLL attendeRs 2 put Money in the boxes 4 theM & eLectRonicaLLy aLso when they NOT aLLowed 2 b bibLicaL RepResentatives in a chuRch...its onLy LegaL 2 get tips individuaLly thta peRsonaLLy 4 those individuaLs Like MyseLf that r aLLowed in chuRches & MoRe duh! it’s iLLEGAL WHAT*s been going on in this church & others & buisnesses & more!!!!!! trespassers in cults of all kinds they promoting cults & trying to up against real Laws as they encouraging perversion of all genders & ages like TheRes no biblical authorities around like TheRes supposed to be as these intensional loose prisoners they try to prevent me from doing more when I’m allowed to attend & be there & more duh

sum1 with weapons & Lie Ditector test are Required & needed immediately to better assist situations that need to be situated already & whatever else not mentioned as perverts are trying to take over with multiplying through raping & other illegal things they do intensionaLLy as they are peasants criminals sinners victimizers that belong in prison or disintegration or deportation or all a the above as soon as possible…they really doing these fake biblical gatherings in a church!? & they try to turn it into cult grounds with perversion of all ages & other sinful ways that are biblically reminded to be illegal TheRes even a stain glass window with Jctpop~ Jesus Christ the prince of peace image in it as a Rainbow reminder MagicaL messages of what to do like perversion of any kind is illegal along with all intensional sins are bLa bLa bLa whatever else not mentioned & mental health & ‘ psych meds & rape gangs members are illegal & MoRe!

ReaL doctoRs don't assign caregivers oR Leave any1 in a situation ... they give better actuaL ReaL Medicine & nessasary surgeries & pRoceeduRes & ResouRces & More duh! & MentaL heaLth & scientist & Rape gang MeMbeRs & biosexuals & gays & Lesbians & transgenders & any perversion & other cult leaders & cult members & cults in general are iLLegaL! BibLicaL science already figure out what is known while retards already mention keep testing & investigating iLLEGALLy! Duh!!!!! Like BibLicaL science already figure out what is known! Like biblically inspired education exist! it’s based on facts…it’s even said in original scripture a human can live forever tiL the heavens & earth combine if that got access to all the tea plants herbs & fitness required to keep going…& the reason any1 died at that time is because perverts over populate & multiply through perversion as they those human peasants criminals sinners victimizers force animals to multiply through perversion as they force humans of all ages & genders to do it too…every1 humans & animals are suppose to get thier balls taken awaze as males & tubeal removal with ablation to menstral as females duh! ReaL Laws! Are biblically written in original scripture & other books of knowLege that accurately true too & they spiritually known & more!!!!! while retards already mention keep testing & investigating iLLEGALLy! Duh!!!!! Like there’s even Lie Ditector test that accurate & advanced technology that’s NOT HACKED & more! & A government just means more than 1 victim works together with other victims that qualify & are allowed to help better assist individuals with thier resources individually like whatever they qualify for confirmed & verified with lie Ditector test & real authorities & weapons & whatever required to be in those positions…When it’s the job description of sum1 who’s allowed like a biblical doctor genious is summa the highest medical & authority they help with metal skeletons & cLognes & real medine only & natural remedies & dreams & deportation & disintegration & prison & property & buisness & LEGAL LAND SCAPing & nessasary surgeries & pRoceeduRes & Lie Ditector test & advanced weapons & More They do everything they are who suppose to be in these possitions being stolen bye those who aren’t allowed don’t qualify like actual peasants victimizers sinners criminals They help rid illegal land scapers & they help end mental health & other loose prisoners & prisoners with lie Ditector test & weapons & whatever else Required…

cLick 2 Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see ~


heRe$ a Link beLow that in tha video of Me descRibes a MeMoRy its to a twisted insane song i 4got tha titLe of this tune i think it*s BRAiN DAMAGE!~


MoRe detaiLs beLow bout that $hoRt fiLM above: i did a MiMe cLowny cReatuRe 80s hip hop JEWELERy box beLLy dance baLLeRina cReatuRe thing pastRy dough caRtoony chaRacteR kinda style video...

I start this video wit a creature I know a variety a creatures...

& the ice cream part will probly remind hem of when me & Elizabeth his supposive daughter escape him we got McDonald's ice cream cones

& I include the gold egg b cus he over dose on egg like 12 eggs he eat within 24 hours?!

It's illegal biblically in real laws I tell him no more than 1 egg a, daze...

A-side from wutev else Like eveRything poRtioned Duh &

I include tha Llight bulb b cus that Willie my daughter biological birth daddy he use to go Round taking the light bulbs out he claim he w/tha nig*** & he would turn them to drug pipes

What an idiot so in this video I made I did tha illusion of me smoking outta it looking a waze that when he did it in real life actually hem intentionally smoking drugs he hypnotically try to convince it's cool to do drugs like thus & in general...I let hem know I'm part middle eastern ima aware if those, swirly lies duh So in the video i Then switch up looking rerarted wit an idea like that's wut light bulbs also symbolizes ideas & lights & dreams & more duh!

Like I use to hoola hoop & double dutch jump rope & roller skate & hang out wit creatures & more off & on since tha 80s...

& I show the giant crayon neon hot pink that's so 80s I been doing fae fashion art etc off & on since then & I even drew hem b4 as a, cartoon wit light bulb in his mouth he loves that drawing but wutev & during 1 a 'my abductions bye hem

I made it to tha beach tha mermaids made sure I got there but Willie prevent me from going in tha water I bet he's scared a them In this video I show how he try disconnect me from them

Wit 1 a my sheLL phones like we communicate other waze too

I show a paw print in this short film too like that's summa my REAL FAMiLy

He abuse 1 too many...& duRing suMMa My abductions I would do high prayer Persian style like belly dancing & more i dont alwaze function & i been disfiguRed off & on My whoLe Life thRu pLagues Like sciaticaL attacks diff LeveLs of it & he try to stop me fRoM being MyseLf?! he cLaiM basic hoes onLy?! he say NOPE No being MyseLf no fRee styLing?! duRing an abduction bye hiM he say Me & his supposive daughteR eLizabeth aaLiyah can copy the R&b Musician aaLiyah on tha t.v. dance but neveR ouR own thing?! he seen Me fRee styLe dRawing & he say NO MORE! & anothEr abduction bye hiM i do beLLy dance woRk out videos whiLe dying of physicaL disabiLity sciatica & the dRugs he dRug Me cRystaL Meth Many names etc. eitheRwaze the ingRedients disintegRation poison Laced with suM ReaL Medicine that RestoRes & RepaiRs at the saMe tiMe suM ReaLLy die off thieR ReMains disintegRate b4 the RepaiRing takes effect & wutev eLse is wut he on & put Me on & he wouLd even check on Me to make suRe iM copying the woRk out video when i done diff fRee styLe dance & MoRe off & on since my souL was Made Like in the 80s tiL now duh! Even hoola hooping is a form of belly dance & free style prayer duh

& did u know motor vehicles are illegal al' cars supppse to float like boat & b electrical & fly & more & so in this video I use my hoola hoop as a steering wheel tO make fun a Willie for HE STEAL & DRIVE car$ vehicles he stole & drove for NO REASON!? HE FORCE ME IN THEM B4 HE R. A. P. E. ME IN SUM & SAY IM GOING TO BE MY GRAANDMAS NEIGHBOR... I OPEN THE DOOR THAT EASY & LEFT... THAT HAPPEND ME BEING ABDUCTED A VARIETY A WAZE & TYMES LOCATIONS PLACES BYE HEM & OTHER CRIMINAL PEASANTS OFF & ON SINCE I WAS A BABY DUH!


& Sadly that house box thing I show in this video to go with the lyrics of tha song in it it say which house so I show this one they got four doors tho Label 1 2 3 4 & diff ding ding door bells

It symbolizes others abductionS bye Willie be play a game of perversion where humans & animals get rape in corners & other retardation I never got forced to pLay corners wit Willie he did diff dysfunctional things 2 Me i cant aLwaze put into woRds but w/others he did these illegal gatherings wit out me the 4 coRneRs & other perverted games he play...i caught him playing it b4 w/eLizabeth & i took her awaze from him i thought we gotta awaze as she went wit Me but we end up w/ him again abducted?! she say its fun?! she even try 2 Rape me as Willie cheer her on she was Like age 3 & i was 19 & willie was like 23 in 2005...he tell her go on MaMa do it already...i was abducted & drugged up i sat in shock Like in diff ReaLms it seem of ReaLity & wut tha Land a Dreams is suppose 2 be...i memory maze 2 when my soul was made & she got super close to me like she want me more there & she say its fun...& i kept my distance as i plot 2 getta awaze! & she seem confused as me Like wuts going on as she question willie wuts wrong w/Me... that i*M not Like tha others...

as i escape that tyMe...& others also talk about thier abductionS bye him like I do & it's known about Like suMtyMes he do it pubLickLy on seRvaiLance...& MoRE?! sum say elizabeth aaliyah is jus a female version of him but during my abductions bye him w/her it look like he puppet her perversion...i thought she mite b innocent like eitherwaze she needs 2 get Rescued duh along w/MyseLf...There's lie ditector test He does diff things during his abducting on others

Sum gone thru wut I have wit hem real similar others not It's disgusting & illegal eitherwaze duh!& MaRRiage is between two soul mates same age opposite gender a male & a female same specie that qualify & it's not bout physical contact i& there's no justified perversion & it's about making the land a dreams a better place & then when the heavens & earth combine & maybe b4 then or in between or whenev u mite end up together forever sum kinda Waze duh!

Like Me & Willie arent the same age & he doesn't qualify for marriage & I do & he a peasant & I'ma princess & he not allowed to touch no body eitherwaze duh!

If he thinks he gonna fake marriage to hide his real reputation or wutev

the real definition of really being married is above earlier it doesn't change even if he do duh...

P.i.M.p. that's another story I had to help educate him on that means no physical contact

It's a life style of f.a.e. ~fashion Art etc. Duh!Wit no perversion...once again...or crimes...

Bla bla bla


this Link beLow descRibes a MeMoRy i did a fRee styLe pRayeR & i incLude NO HEART SONG bye twisted insane & towaRds the end anotheR twisted insane tune AK47s in the FREEZER~



@MC DONALDS...BuT WE ENDED UP WIT HEM AGAIN & OTHER R. A. P. E. GANG MEMBERS THEY ABDUCT US DUH! & the casket skeleton I adddd saphire eye diamond beads her birth diaMond & stone & it symbolizes reality regarding her forced funeral bye criminals peasants

& the barbie stuff reminds me of when I sang to her that barbie doll song during our abductions

I sing be what you want to be barbie girl! She had on a barbie back pack but she seem not to know that song or barbie or anything?!I zoned out I known barbie dolls since like the 80s I had boom box barbie & more They use to talk to me & sing like thats another story...

& I include belly dancing it's a form of high prayer like Persian

I did it even during summa my abductions

Willie her supposive biological birth daddy try to stop 'me...

I include Disney also...I took her to disneyLand for her 8th birthdaze...during her abductionS & mine I known her since she was like 3 years old...

I only got to take her there b cus her biological birth daddy was in tha fake prison

& We would go swimming & play a swim gaMe she called: *jus MeRMaids!

We pretend we r MeRmaids! it ReMind$ Me a LiL of my$eLfin tha 80s...It's like she knows creatures too!!!???? Or she use to!!!!??? or is only acting!!!! I don't know really...LIKE BLA BLA BLA

& BELOW THE iMages u wiLLL see is the saMe chaRactErs fRoM those Last 2 Links i dRess up as 1 a my daughteR chaRacteRs we caLL Mya Loka LiL cLown Many NaMes etc. as she is abducted again in ReaL Life ReaLity @ that tyMe & stiLL & i Made a cLowny doLL of heR identity 2 go aLong wit Me 2 pick up pastRy dough 4 that chuRch that pLace i caLL~ the window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMIndeRs + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location@ 420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land of DReaMs...

this next Link afteR i taLk & yes its Me again @ My stepping stone afteR i weaR this 2 that chUrch that pLace i caLL~ the window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMIndeRs + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location@ 420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land of DReaMs...

& eventuaLly in this Link i do a fRee styLe pRayEr to that twisted insane song anaeconda~

heRe i a Ma doing a ReMix a Mix of a angeL LucifeR cReatuRe deMon jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace bLood teaRs style cLown thing chaRactEr i use Make up tho not actuaL bLood duh! & undeR that angeL Like Look iM weaRing an 80s 90s baRbie doLL Look of that booM box baRbie i show it in the fiLM eaRLieR towaRds the end & in iMages in the beginning suMtyMe~

continue cLicking Links individuaLLy & scRoLLing down 2 see~




this next Link eventuaLLy aftER i taLk bout ReaLity updates...i LateR do a fRee styLe pRayER dance a Remix a mix of ed gein bye twisted insane which goes wit wut iM saying duh! & wit that tune its Like it aLl suM how goes 2 getheR in ReaL Life! it*s Like a bibLicaL gatheRing spirituaLly & whetheR u see who attends otheR than Me & suM doLLs & things...spiRituaLLy LucifeR & jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & deMOns & ganji faiRies & otheR chaRacteRs & individuaLs appeaR MoRe visibLy 2 Me cLick 2 see & again siMpLy siMpLified of wut iM saying is that in this fRee styLe pRayer remix a mix a me taLking then eventually Myself miming to a twisted insane tune Ed gein after i taLk i MiMe cLick to see!!!~

& beLow is obviousLy the Look i did 4 that ed gein song as i woRe it 2 that chuRch too that church i call the window of magical messages Rainbow reminders Jctpop~ Jesus Jesus Christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass @ 420 W 19th st Costa Mesa, California 92627 biblically speaking in the Land of dReams & thats jus Me in that video & @ that chuRch & out & about & after @ My stepping sone fRee styLe prazing & talking on ReaLity & MoRe duh! i wiLL eventualLy get 2 do entiReLy of wut iM suppose 2 to heLp Make the Land of DreaMs a betteR pLace this styLe is very aniMal deMon cReatuRe jewLeRy box baLLeRina cLown gothing chaRacteR thing ...

CLick Link to see me doing FRee styLe pRayer mime me miming myself a remix a mix of this character deMon cReature clown thing to twisted in sane tune Make it out this RooM~

continue scRoLLing & cLicking Links individuaLLy thRu out this post~









CLick Link to see this twisted insane Swiss cheese tune ReMix of eMineM MushRooMs giRL & d12 puRpLe piLLs pLaze at tha saMe tyMe & a Mix a Me MiMing MyseLf MiMe 2 all those songs cLick 2 see~

& MORE VER$iON$ of Me MiMe a fRee styLe pRazing a ReMix a Mix of MushRooMs giRL & piLLs tunes of eMineM & twisted insane again swiss cheese song cLick 2 see MyseLf MiMing~



this next fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf suMMa the LyRics in this twisted insane tune caLLed SCARy stoRies say MontsteRs haiRy so autoMaticaLLy i think of huMan peasants cRiMinaLs sinneRs victimizeRs wit haiR duh! jus Like the ones that MURdeRed jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace thRu MeMoRy deLetion hypnotic/hypnosis & twist w/ psychoLogy they sacRafice hiM & they siMiLaR 2 suMMa My abductoRs oNLy i been abducted bye a LoweR cLass of peopLe Like that cRowd stiLL wanders getting stupid suMtyMes wit new MeMbeRs as MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic/hypnosis is MagicaL 4 Magic shows & 2 heLp pRevent cRiMes & MoRe but when twisted wit psychoLogy it*s a cuLt & iLLegaL! anywaze cLick 2 see pRazing video of Me~ & 1 a my abductor Rapist dRuggeR abuseR MentaLLy & physicaLLy that abduct Me off & on fRoM 2005 tiL 2011 i gotta awaze & escape & continue doing so fRoM~ that Willie Holloway jr. IV(4th) BORN~MAy 24, 1981 in Brawley, California & on his 24th biRthdaze May 24, 2005 he intensionally Rape me wit: My daughter that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth ceRtificate NaMe...boRn~ February 09, 2006 @FOUNTAiN VALLEy REGiONAL HOSPiTAL in Fountain Valley, California bibLicaLLy speaking in THE LAND OF DREAMS! & DURing that Rape My souL Left My body i tRy 2 puppet My ReMains 2 Leave 2 getta awaze but aLL i can do is see MyseLf get Raped... & in those MOMents i even saw her souL b Made?! Like i got invited 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRE Mine My souL was Made as i thought its a MeMoRy Maze of Mine My souL being Made... then as My souL went back in my body another LiL souL foLLowed & enteRed too?! & it was My daughter he Rape Me wit!? i even teLL hiM that Rapist bout it that iM pRegnant aLReady & i think its a giRL that iM getting aboRtion eitheRwaze he pRevent Me fRoM any doctoRs incLuding fake he say i have 2 caRRy the baby for 9 MOnths that she be born February 14, 2006 he known a s the Valentine Rapist that rapes round his birthdaze then he automaticaLLy thinks the rape victim will carry for 9 months & be dUE VALENTiNES DAZE when ReaL DOCTORS CAN TAKE HER OUT iMMediateLy! as i question those in possitions in the Medical field that claim she expected on february 14, 2006 i ask why dont they take her out sooner like they suppose 2 so they take her out on february 9, 2006 instead they say thats the soonest?! b cus they not ReaL doctors they fake medical representatives Luckily they gave her cases of vitamin bottles b cus breast feeding is iLLegaL so is multiplying is duh!!!!!!! & she taLk as a baby she call Me RACHEL & more she say & dance & wutev else i Let her know u almost on ur own Like round age 2 i was ready 2 go on my waze individuaLLy wit aLL my resources but i got prevented bye peasants victimizers sinners criminals put on Lie ditectoR test whether she gets to Live oR get disintegrated b cus biblically sum babies join cults to where they get the disintegration immediately duh...Like thats another stoRy of Many Like when he rape me wit wut sum call daughter...

that Rapist he say its his birthdaze that he wants a baby to Rape that he plans to use for multiplying eventually thRu peRveRsion & DNA 4 THOSE WHO WANT A SCience MentaL heaLth pRoject baby kid aduLt 2 Look a waze iLLegaLLy & he will rape them too thats the Rape gang he in when bibLicaL doctoR geniouses jus do suRgeRy & wutev eLse thats actuaLLy LegaL duh & Lie ditectoR test is above DNA DUH & he had heR huMan tested on thRu fake MedicaL RepResentatives eveRywherE we go theRe they r again! they had heR gROw xtRa set a teeth behind heR teeth 2 see if that Medicine they stoLe woRks so i teLl heR to use heR shaRk Like douBLe Row of teeth Like LiteRaLLy as weapons on hiM & he got scaRed & had theM ReMoved?!

the Rape gang MeMbeRs i ncLuding hiMseLf dRug Me on cRystaL Meth diff tyMes like My teeth aLMost Left so i put chaMiLe tea bags & took alL kinds a vitaMins & waLk the dRugs out & MoRe Like beLLy dance woRk out eventuaLly & wutev eLse b cus these uneducated RetaRted peopLe dont ReaLize the Medicine they steaL when its 100% ReaL aLL it is Made of is diff teas pLants herbs oveR aLL duh! & @that tyMed i got dRugged a Rape gang MeMbeR caMe back cLaiMing they checking if iM okay!? & they question why do i got Like 20 tea bags oveR theRe...i zoned out Like wut R they doing in My caLendaR scheduLe again this sick Man when they Not aLLowed theRe Like go bout uR own path & identity Like i dont got weapons & i was 2 outta my Mind 2 educate the sicko bout teas Plants heRbs to Let theM know how Medicine is ReaLLy Made & 4 hiM & otheR RetaRted peopLe stop Lacing it with cheMicaLs & psych Meds as i continue 2 escape & gettawaze & RecoveR 24/ iM dying of physicaL disabiLity sciatica these peRveRts pLague & suMtyMes dRug Me 2 weaken My ReMains...

Like i dont got access 2 eveRy teas pLants & heRbs but suM daze i probLy wiLL jus Like the ganji faiRies & MoRe...

& iM waiting on NoN~surgicaL LazeR 4 tha sciatica 2 go awaze & wuteveR eLse i need & wutev im entitLed 2 & in geneRaL Like wheRes aLL My ResouRces a s i seek & wait 4 a bibLicaL doctoR genious & wiLL eventuaLLy becoMe 1 as they R suM a tha highest authoRities & advanced MedicaL RepResentatives they do MetaL skeLetons & cLognes & ReaL Medicine onLy & nessasaRy suRgeRies & pRoceedures & dReaMs & depoRtation & pRison & disintegRation & LegaL Land scaping & Lie ditectoR test & weapons & inventions & ResouRces & MoRe!

as wiLLie is an iLLegaL Land scaper those sickos that iLLegaL Land scape they Ruin the Land of dReaMs they dig past indian cLay so Nothing natuRaLLy gRows then they usuaLly bRing cheMicaLly based pLants suMtiMes Laced wit poo which is poison! they tRy 2 Make eveRy1 ResuLt 2 theM 4 anything aLMost they ReaLLy that stupid & beLong disintegRated iMMediateLy!

when i was a LiL giRl in the 90s i got seeds as a gift & i dig 2 the indian cLay & add wateR & they grow Like Nothing puMpkins & peas & toMatoes & wutev eLseim got access 2 gRowing! that MagicaL & dopetasticaLLy easy...

the iLLegaL Land scapeRs keep buiLding eLementaRy & jR high & high schooLs 2 ensuRe theM More Rape victiMs & possibLe Rape MeMbeRs when coLLeges r suppoose 2 b aLL ages & 4 eveR attended bye those who qualify & R aLLowed 2 attend Like staze Learning...

MentaL heaLth RepResentative scientist retard pervert that beLongs disintegrated 4 his existing intensionaL cRiMes duh!

& wiLLie & his Rape gang they rapes humans & animals & he abducts & drugs & other crimes he say he do for fun he say his favorite sport is going on RAPE A THONS HE COMPETES Wit other perverts they count who got the most Rapes on humans & animals...& wutev else they do iLLegaLLy...

& NEXT is suM iMages of Me suM tyMe afteR i weaR that chaRactER the jeweLeRy box beLLy dancing baLLERina cReatuRe cLown thing pLay bunny dReaM doLL @that chuRch i weaR this 2 that chUrch that pLace i caLL~ the window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMIndeRs + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location@ 420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land of DReaMs...

& @ my stepping stone wheRe i did that fRee styLe pRayER in that Link eaRlieR u wiLL Recocnize this fashion & Me duh!~...

& beLow theRe 2 cLowny chaRacteRs that Long ago...Me & My daughtER!... as i do a vaRiety a chaRactERs that 1 of Me is a jeweLeRy box baLleRina beLLy dancing cLown cReatuRe thing butteR fLy ganji faiRie wutev & i gave My daughtER a Make oveR we coLLab on duRing bibLical gatheRing & she is a Rainbowish cLownish styLe we caLL Mya Loka LiL cLown...

As i do a vaRiety a MiMe like Free style prayer videos i suMtyMes talk in sum to twisted insane & MoRe Like b4~

so keep scRoLLing & cLicking…


CLick Links beLow individuaLLy to see~










HeRe*s a RandoM fRed styLe pRayeR of Me MiMing MyseLf MiMe to this tune that say LyRicaLLy who’s watching that’s the catch phRase i 4 got tha song singeR at the Moment click link to see~


2 twisted insane & twisted insane coMpany & 2 whoM this May conceRn: Like i aLso Mention in eMaiL & on facebook & youtube coMMents & duRing spiRituaL bibLical gatheRing Like during fRee styLe pRayeR & howeveR eLse Like on My webpage 2 obviousLy duh in this post aRticLe thing~

How bout at 1 a uR conceRt bibLicaL gatheRing event things u do aLReady Like a Make oveR

on stage & in the audience an open floor of eLectRonicaL fLaMe juMpRopes

& eLectRicaL hooLa hoops like fiRe & cages 1 individual per cage to dance in at select areas or sumthing like that & Dance poLes & maybe a pool suMwheRe wit a puRified water fall to drink from wit pimp glass chalices cup things foR each individual attended will get it wit thier invitation or get given when they arrive to Remind individuals of when thier soul was made @RAinbow faLLS & to swim in eventually like depends on how that show gonna go

As Lucifer aka fallen angel many names etc. tell me himself & demons & creatures do all kinds a flaming things in heLL concerts shows plays & diff theMes he & demons & other characters visit me occasionally more visibly like that’s another stoRy…

DuRing spiritual biblical gathering free style prayer a remix a mix of...

twisted insane in a giant cage wit a fancy chaiR like property that got blackish wings on it & fLies & the bars on it R like stripper dance poles & more...kinda like Like Lucifer kingdom of hell & king god golden cage like that kingdom of heaven...inspiRed design duh!...

& anothER tyMe i PLaze foLLow tha pipe pipeR~

My daughteR brought summa her LiL kid Friends at the tyMe Like that vanessa aka v aka many names etc. & wut vanessa say is her LiL brother jonathon aka j aka many names etc. ...anywaze we aLL waLk 2 spectRuM aka tiMe waRneR cabLe to pay Me & My daughtER cabLe & wutev biLLs thERe @tiMe waRnER cabLe which is now caLLed spectRuM @that pauLaRino Location in costa Mesa, caLifoRnia aRea eitheRwaze in the Land of dReaMs as that Place got ReLocated MoRe Round haRboR bLvd & 19th st. in costa Mesa, caLifoRnia...we waLk fRoM wutev stepping stone neaR 19th st & haRboR bLvd. & we wnet down that hiLL pass butteR fly bench 2 wut suM caLl newpoRt beach as u can teLL the wateR needs to be puRified & aLL the animals need 2 get that suRgeRy 2 heLp end MuLtpLying aLong wit huMans Like i got it My tubes RemOved & an abLation pRoceeduRe 2 My MenstRaL...back 2 tha diRty ocean sea is why the MeRMaids pRobLy weRent theRe a s the diRtyness diMs thieR Magic they do know how to puRify but there scientist & Rape gang Members sinners peasant criminals victimizers that find waze to prevent them from doing wut they suppose to they got qualified Lord staff pimp canes sum call tRidents that MagicaLly dis9integrate peasants & do other magical things in real Life Like hopefuLLy they stiLL aLive Like its posssibLe 2 do wutev in this toxic Realm.... even tho aLL that & Rent & eveRything suppose 2 b fRee & we went 2 beach & park & t.v. & MoRe Like coMe on eveRy1 foLLow the LeadeR in wuteveR kinda oRdeR...& they went aLong Like nothing Laughing & wutev eLse...beLow is suM pics a vaRiety of theM & us 2getheR & individuaLly...& thiER bioLogicaL birth MoMMy Monique aka Mo many names etc. was suMtyMes there we aLL went 2 tha beach & hung out diff tyMes so she is in summa tha pics aLso but i dont got videos or footage of when it was high tide & the water wouLd suck us all in & then the waves throw us over the sand over & over LoL tho the kids went fLying in tha aiR & Landed in tha sandy aRea...Me & Mo RoLLed we a LiL heavieR than theM...haha...

next is Mya Loka Lil cLown aka twiddLe aka many names etc. & v & j on this pRetty butterfly bench thing Like thtas waze better Land scaping than wut the iLLegaL Land scapeRs b doing iLLegaLLy duh!...

& beLow is v & j & Mo...

& then ME aka twiddeLin sane...

theRe she is again beLow the Missing kid i 4got 2 Mention she is abducted but not in this iMage i wiLL incLude MoRe detaiLs bout heR abductions LateR in this post...Like i ReMeMbeR when she was the abducted baby...

next is V as u wiLL probLy now Recognize & eitheRwaze see~

Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. He belong disintegrated immediately 4 his existing intensionaL crimes he do intensionally there's lie ditector test & real authorities & MoRe duh

Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblicalrepresentatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa...

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

LiKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!

bLa Bla BLa

Like high bye


my webpage~

& who u r intensionally 24/7 is wut u really are…

cLick Link beLow 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~


cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick 2 see~

beLow is a ganji faiRy iMage i reMeMbeR that tyme they teLl Me they naked b cus they sMoke thiER tea Plant heRb cLothes in that pRetty swiRLy GLass bubbLeR kinda pipe thing i got a siMiLaR 1 Like thieRs years LateR but it got stoLen bye sinneRs cRiMinaLs peasants victiMizeRs...anywaze tha kinda MaRijuan they usuaL sMoke Round Me is suM kindav LaughteR based as theRes aLL kinds Like sativa high & chaMiLe MoRe ReLaxed Like otheR fLoRaLs LavendeR Roses & MoRe...u can aLls Make peRfuMe & use a s a beveRage dRink & in food if u don*t sMoke it & MoRe...they teLL Me things Like that since i was LiL & when My souL was Made @ Rainbow faLLs & wutev eLse...& suMtyMes when they show More visibLy they get Me high 0n wut they R LiteRaLLLy sMoking on in 1 ReaLm oveR Like they do visit as they ReMind Me its so disguting oveR heRe 4 Me 2 do wutev 2 Make the Land of dReaMs a better pLace & they wiLL appeaR visibLe MoRe often...they say wut they sMoke theRe is so puRe & the Reason its Not Like taht heRE wheRe i aM is b cus iLLegaL Land scapeRs & othEr cRiMinaLs scientist & whoev & wutev kinda sinneRs R Ruining the LAND OF DREAMS!!!!!!! THAT i need 2 disintegrate those peasants or sum1 that got access or they wiLL when they get to Like they ReaL MagicaL duh!...

theRe*s LucifER next it Looks Like hiM at Least...Mite ReaLLy be...

cLick Link 2 see~

that sketch i did beLow is 1 a Many i done Like i did anotheR siMiLaR wit MoRE detaiL it got stoLen bye peasants...anywaze its a caRtoony iMage i did of My supposive bioLogicaL oLdeR 1/2 brothEr ciaMAK & his RetaRd Rape gang they LiteRaLLy got in a band 2 gether caLLed MAiNLiNE PLACEBO & MAinLine disconnected & MaiNLine wutev & MORe as they continue 2 victiMize Me & otheRs & eachtheR...Mike MoNLux aka oMega 3 Rapist aka many names etc. duRing suMMa My abductions he teLL Me 2 dRaw 4 thieR coMpany band LabeL Logo i did diff dRawings this 1 shows that Lucifer teLL me those bitches need 2 get off that stage aLready & stopmabusing me 2 stand there like a retard when they not allowed anywhere other than disintegrated 4 thier existing intensional crimes or deported or prison or all a tha above ...Lucifer say when he can he sending demons 2 take awaze thier instruments & as they PLay a better show that Lucifer gonna appear & disintegrate them & then make me fLoat & fly on 2 tha side of tha stage in my own spot Light to do a ganji fairie demon creature jewelery box ballerina pole like show like i already offer 2 do when ythis Mike hiRe Me 2 RepResent thier MainLine thing higher than they do duh & i incLude in tha version of this aRt that got stoLen...i got pLagued wit sciatica & put undeR hypnotic/hypnosis MeMoRy deLetion twist w/psychoLogy & dRugged & Raped bye sUMMa thier rape gang Members scientist & force in a mental assyLum bye them & abducted & wutev eLse not mentioned....cLick Links next 2 see a fRee styLe pRayeR of MyseLf~


cLick Link 2 see~

& beLow is suM aRt i did beLow show suM actuaL MeMoRies i caRtoonized which incLudes those indivuaLs i Mention eaRLieR i suMtyMes see MoRe visibLy than otheRs they say this ReaLM is too toxic so they dissappeaR that often because peasants use aLevL of psychoLogy on them 2 Reinact peasants oR 2 do suMthing peasant...but we found waze of & on since tha 80s to hang out & i do bibLical gatherings that hoLy they gather aRound when i Make youtube videos & when i do f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. they attend & chuRches they go too & suMtyMes they do thier own thing theRe i can see peRfectLy they continue 2 REMind ME wut REALity is suppose 2 be whiLe peasants prevent Me fRoM doing MoRe i wiLL eventuaLLy...untiL then...

i titLe this based upon a ReaLity:


MORE info. in that Link beLow cLick 2 see~

& this next aRt bye Me:

i titLe thi$...


DetaiLs bout that aRt above i taLk on eaRLieR~

i gotta $tuffed UnicoRn NaMed $paRkle$...$he wa$ wit Me when I wa$ on tha $tReet back in tha daze...{ALLAH & GOD & ALL THA GOD$ ALWAZE KNOW My $ituatioN & heR$ too & everybody & eveRthing incLuding tRee$ & wutev$ NOT Mentioned}...$he $tiLL aRouNd & Live$ wit Me...tha fiRe woRk$ in My aRt work R actuaLLy @ 1$t victiMizeR$ going up on $paRkLy Rocket$ & they di$iNgRate on tha waze up in tha $kie$ b4 tha Light$ $hiMMeR & gLitz $hine & bLing in Diff coLoR$ Like a PRi$Ma a diaMond$ that Light up a$ b they $hatteR in tha nite! dopefuLLy beautifuL huh? Like duh! MORe a Rea$oN 2 Launch theM eveRy evening when it$ daRk out$ide I MeaN wheRe eL$e do they Look theiR be$t & get 2 b that fRee? 1 it$ Like cLa$$icaL Mu$ic oR tea tyMe...duh!...Like why NOT deLete that kind wheRe they cant inteRvene wit tha victiM$ vioLin houR oR wuteveR...tha woman on tha fLying pRayeR Rug i$ Me!... Tha Man on tha otheR pRayeR Rug I$ My biological daddy Mo haMMed Ka zeM Ka vand wutta an idiot woR$hipping ibiLi$: tha cobRa is a syMboL of *ibilis~a chaRacteR fRoM tha *QUARAN! A 100% EVERY LETTER 2 WORD TRUE stoRie$/hi$toRy/etc.!~altho he got other faces jus like Many... As 4 Mo, a peR$iaN $woRd he Look$ 4waRd 2 u$ing on victiMizer$ LiKE THERE$ $O mANY WAZE 2 DI$INGRATE THEM! onLy a DREAM A Hi$ oR a de$tiny...Like I haven't LO$T My THRONE!!!!! & I NEVER WiLL! I AM A PER$iAN PRiNCE$$ yup I'M 1 a tha $aNd$ it$ cooL! & Many MoRe! Like I aM a KRAZY KAUKA$iAN... & a $aNdNigga & a LepRechauN & tRibaL indian & etc. a pRince$$ a Many! Like of AMERiKA & PeR$ia & KaLi4 Nia & etc. & ALLAH & GOD & ALL THA GOD$ LiL PRince$$...Like theRe$ Many & pRiNce$ too!...tha hoof character$ RepRe$ent $toRie$ My $tep daddy uncle $a degh tell Me along wit tha cactu$ & tha $coRpian$ one! I gave heM tha oRiginaL a$ a gift along wit $uM otheR things Like a pRayer Rug & MY 1$T QUARAN & THA PASSiON OF CHRiST MOVie by MeL Gibson a 100% TRUE STORY OUTTA THA HOLY BIBLE & THE PICTURE BIBLE & MoRE BOUT$ JESUS AKA THA PRINCE OF PEACE & ETC. THA LiON i$ LiKE ALLAH & tha caMel i$ $a degh foLLowing behind a TRUE LEADER LEADiNG THA WAZE...THEY BOTH GOT PER$iAN $WORD$...LiKE $UM PRiNCE{$} & pRiNce$${e$} OF KiNG$ {queen$ R not no body bui$ne$$ but I know they xi$t & tha actuals r not huMan oR aniMaLs they saMe like tha king$}...THERES ALSO ART LIKE LOKA & LOKO & CLOWNY DESIGNS AS MY SIGNATURE STYLE ALSO & THA FARSi @ tha top say: PER$iAN PRiNCE IN THA NAME OF THA LiON then below Me say per$ian pRince$$ in faR$i & tha palm tree IS LiKE THA BEACHE$ & tha diamond$ R Like birth $toNe$ & other geM$ & $hade$ NOT ALWAZE Mentioned & THA WHOLE THiNG LACE IN GOLD {goLdi$h paint & gLitter & geL pin$...dnt got any actual oR I woLd got$ gold thread & ReaL gold Mixed in tha paint & pen$ & MoRe} & NATURE & WUTEVER & ETC.


Thi$ *SPARKLE$ i$ ju$ 1 a My stuffed UnicoRn$ that I got in 2005! tiL Now! $he been on tha $tReet wit Me & Many other adventuRe$...$he tha $aMe one Mentioned in My ARt work: $paRkLe$ tho

cLick link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~


cLick this next Link 2 see aLso~

cLick Link 2see~


*PRiNCE A PEACE aka jesus chRist BLOOD TEARS & hands a king GOD A LOVE showing choices wit heM PEACE & LOVE...Without: NOTHiNG & LUCiFER in 1 a his Many iMages AS a satanist CULT syMboL betteR known bye his RetaRted foLLoweRs LikE haLf goat & DEMON WiT THA FACE OF A HUMAN & ELF LiKE EARS LIKE A CHARACTER OUTTA FAiRYTALE...HE MAY B A BEAUTIFUL ANGEL BUT AS A FALLEN ONE THA BLiND DON'T KNOW OR CARE & ibiLis & tha otheRs unknown ETC. EARTH ANGEL A HUMAN WHO ALREADY MADE A DECiSiON TO REMAiN A ViCTiM OR B ONE!

Jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & LUCiFER in a ReMix a mix of cReatuRe chaRacteR he is dRessed as oR tRansfoRMed oR wutev not his tRue foRM he Look Like a faun cReature thing MoRe as He & jctpop~jesus christ the prince of peace R PLAYiNG A GAME A CHE$$ WiT ANGEL & DEMON PIiCES Like they both know thieR cReatoR & that god(king) ALLAH & king GOD & ALL THA GODS(kings) & GODESSES(queens) ALREADY WON THA BATTLE REGAURDLESS EVEN THO it MAy go on 24/7 VictiMS VS ViCTiMiZERS (death & disingRate tha VictiMizeRs) aside from that there's WHITE Rain & BLack DRipping & tRinkLing Like teaRs i aLwaze iMagined Roses wouLd teaR if they can CRy apaRentLy suM sing & taLk Like why Not...if Roses gots teaRs they pRobLy b bLack...THATS PART A POEM i once wRote...whoeveR stoLe any a My woRk oR anything @ aLL betteR give it BACK!!!!!!!!!!

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see`~


who u r intensionally 24/7 is wut u really are…duh!

& that image beLow ima non profit biblical representative individual I volunteer for free there eveRy Sunday!!!!!

@ a CHURCH THAT i call that pLace the window of MagicaL Messages Rainbow ReMindeRs Jctpop~ Jesus Christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass Location @

420 w 19th St Costa Mesa, California 92626

Biblically speaking in:


for years that’s part of my calendar schedule along with keeping up on my physical disability of SCiATiCA AS I wait & seek ReaL doctors to assist me wit everything like a biblical doctor genious…see the picture next that’s where I go every sundaze it’s a CHURCH GO SEE in person on a Sunday morning the doors are open or call to go on a diff daze but u need to go on the daze sun Ligh to see the windowing colors light up like that otherwise it doesn’t look that Magically…

cLick Link 2see~

cLick Link 2 see~

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cLick links individauLLy 2 see`~


cLick Link 2 see~

cLick link 2 see~

cLick link 2 see`~

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cLick Link 2see~

cLick Links individuaLly beLow 2 see~


cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick links individuaLLy 2 see~


cLick link 2 see~

cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see`~


cLick Link 2 see~ Next is an iMage of My daughtER i gave heR a cLowny Make oveR we caMe up wit this chaRacteR is Mya Loka LiL cLown Many NaMes etc. see~

she got abducted again as she been abducted off & on heR whoLe Life so have i duh!...

To My abducted kidnapped daughteR~that been dRugged Raped & abducted off & on her whoLe Life Like MyseLf I obviously gotta awaze as she escape b4 aLso but got abducted again Duh!

When My diet b4 was eveRy MoRning 1 egg & a shot a apple cider vinegar & water & high tea like ephedrine sativa ephedra mix wit other herbs & pLants fRoM vitamin stoRes & suMtyMes staRbucks too & i power waLk to schooL & at Lunch i power walk to Getta smoothie & then power walk back to my stepping stone i do belly dance workouts & my homework & fash art etc & video games & t.v. Shows & movies & then at dinner sum kinda healthy soup or salad or subways style sandwich or All a the above depends on portion EitheRwaze food of that natuRe

Anywaze hopefuLLy u get Rescued immediately duh!

On diff ReaLities I obviously need a biblical doctor genious theyb do eveRything fRee Like they suppose 2 duh! for wut i need medicaLLy like sum nessasary surgeries regaurding bones that got disfiguRed & forced outta place they got to chizzLe them in place & I need body tissue repair & wutev eLse like body Lazer hair RemovaL on sum aReas


as i teLL To My ABDUCTED kidnapped daughteR aLReady...& i did tRy 2 take heR in peRson...& i say if she dont go wit Me 2 go bye youR seLf!!!!! she is Like possessed oR suMthing as i been thRu possessions aLso but wutev...

PLanned paRenthood neaR wheRe u cLaiM to be~

1125 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814


Get on NoN.hoRMonaL biRth contRoL oR tha suRgeRy to ReMove your tubes if that's avaiLabLe or get on the waiting List for the surgical procedure along wit abLation to your menstral...duh!

Hurry up & do this iMMediaTeLy!!!!!!!!

EitheRwaze this is My Main Message to u tiL it happens aLReady..

To My ABDUCTED kidnapped daughteR

Aside fRoM hoping u getting Rescued entiReLy aLong wit MyseLf & eveRy1 who doesn't got aLL thieR ResouRces individuaLLy oR Mite be in an iLLegaL situation oR wutev the ReaLity...

Don*t 4get..

eMeRgency Message~

suRgeRy i got that eveRy feMaLe alive that's allowed to be & prisoners included need to get eventuaLLy get it aLso & males need the male pRoceeduRe it's RequiRed ReaL Laws bibLicaLLy a fact accurate bibLicaL education say it that bLuntLy the tRuth & MoRe duh!...

whoeveR else feMaLes & MaLes aRe RequiRed to be on NoN.hoRMonaL biRth contRoL while waiting for that suRgeRy to heLp end MuLtipLying!~

@a pLanned paRent hood pRobLy...

& get an appointMent wit~

Charles W. Moniak

320 Superior Ave #230, Newport Beach, CA 92663

#(949) 645-7870

He did My suRgeRy of ReMoving My tubes out so i can't get Raped wit MoRe babies & to heLp end MuLtipLying & deaL wit the existing...duh!

& He do that abLation to My MenstRaL pRoceeduRe so MoRe bLood peRiod paMpeRs

i teLL hiM bout how i got Raped wit My daughtER as i continue escaping Rapist that i beg eveRybody in the MedicaL field & MoRe 2 give Me the suRgeRy theres ReaLLy Rape gang MeMbeRs scientist MentaL heaLth RetaRds cRiMinaLs victiMizeRs sinneRs peasants that aLReady gotta hoLd a Me its iLLegal they TRy 2 Make Me have MoRe babies thRu perveRsion...they pLan 2 do it 2 My daughtER too & whoev & wutev eLse duh!


To make an appointment with a Planned Parenthood health center, use the health center locator above or call 1-800-230-PLAN to reach the Planned Parenthood health center nearest you...


Wing Rigbi TRoLL Mya Loka LiL CLown RacheL LaMb aMethyst DiaMond To My ABDUCTED kidnapped daughter...Mya u need 2 get Rescued iMMediaTeLy duh eitherwaze HopefuLLy that happens

i don't got access to doing MoRe obviousLy duh!

in 2005 1 a uR oRiginaL naMes is RacheL diaMond oR diaMond RacheL afteR MyseLf

Like it doesn't MatteR wut coLoR diaMond u R...

& i got no access to doctoRs U couLada gotten boRn or taken out @any tyMe duh! & Did u know My souL was Made in ApRiL 1985 My biRth diaMond couLda been kRysyaL diaMond if I got taken out immediately duh that's wut real doctors do aside from the fact the do the surgery to help prevent multiplying & they do abort babies that aren't allowed to be here & more wit lie ditector test & they Disintegrate those that multply intensionally

& I Rachel Michele' McLain is My biRth ceRtificate naMe & i was born January 15, 1986 baby giRL gaRNet diaMond @694 w. WiLson St. Costa Mesa, California bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land a dreams

& My baLLeRina name since the 80s is kRistahyena (kRistina) ka vand a princess of many names...

it's funny b cus My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy she name me Rachel which means Lamb in Hebrew & then on My supposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy side kRi sta hyena...hyena is a laughing animal which describes me & him sumtymes duh!...

& Ur soul was literally made May 24, 2005 I don't know wut tyme & if it went to pass midnight then the 25th so ur original birth diamond woulda been an eMeRaLd but wutev...that Rapist say it his biRthdaze he gets a baby?!

as he Rape Me i got invited spiRituaLLy 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRe My soUL was made at first i thought is was a MeMoRy of mine being made then i found out its the baby he Rape me with her souL got made...

as my souL went back into my body her soul followed & went in 2...

i tRy 2 get an abortion or at least get tha baby out immediately & surgery 2 heLp end multiplying...but fake doctors they say i have 2 wait tiL im months aLong then months later they say its too Late to take the baby out that i have 2 wait til 9th month?!

ReaL doctors woulda take her out Right awaze & put on Lie ditectoR test is she aLLowed to Live or not & if she is thye put her wit real doctors & evenyually she go on her own probly round age 2 along wit being in the MedicaL fieLd at that age duh!!!!!!!!! & MoRe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daze g jeRoMe it's a tea plant name like daze of the tea like the real medicine is made of plants tea herbs & more duh!

I know u already know that was gonna b ur boy name along wit other boy & girl names but that was the top boy name & RacheL diaMond or DiaMond RacheL was ur top girl name But Willie say nope that if I don't include Holloway he gonna put me in worse situations he threaten me & he claim he going to find a Waze to make me have more babies for him to rape drug & wutev else duh!!!!

ReaLity updates~aside from messenger & emails & youtube & other facebook post & more..

Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. He belong disintegrated immediately 4 his existing intensionaL crimes he do intensionally there's lie ditector test & real authorities & MoRe duhSituations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblical representatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa...


in the Video Link above is Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR dance MiMe Like theatRicaL cLown puppet jeweLeRy box baLLeRina kReatuRe thinG

Tha LyRics sound like they say this woRLd is sick My heaRt fiLLs it cLick Link beLow 2 see~


Next is tha actuaL Music video of the giRL oR woMan that sings it~

theRe$ that fRench fRies shaRpeneR i Mention earLier that i gave to my abducted daughter & that sher in that image wit Me u can see taht she waze MoRe cLowny & do MoRe chaRacters as i encouRage her 2 do theM diff looks anywaze but it ReaLLy depends on heR ReaLity duh!~eitheRwaze hopefuLLy she gets Rescued...

cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~


cLick Link~

cLick Link 2 see~



cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~


cLick Links beLow 2 see~



HeRe*s suM donaLd John tRuMp cLown Looks & otheR styles of hiM

but that 1$t pic obviously is me wit a cLowny look on my face & with him as a caRd boaRd

but scRoLL thru to see clowntastical Donald John tRuMp d.j.t. Many names etc. wutev

& when he was younger b4 he try to take on George Washington company along with his own as a double investment to give individuals thier resources

He talk on the land of dreams too!!!!!!! in a video that Long ago...

Then we he got into the possition to better heLp manage George Washington company & he got possesessed!!!!! he even talk of a lower education than wut he got he under hypnotic memory twist wit psychology to talk bout wutev & do nothing

Altho u do have to be a biblical doctor genious to really entirely be in certain possitions as he mite know sum

So if he do he needs to send them instead b cus they got advanced everything duh

In this war we in sum don't recognize it b cus they expect bombs & violence

But advanced weapons & medicine are so peaceful like disintegration lazers & poison & more

& round these parts it's more of a war wit Rapist illegal land scapers rape gang members scientist mental health representatives abductors druggers etc. & ' they belong disintegrated immediately for thier xisting intensional crimes... Duh!

cLick Link 2 see this aRticLe bout djt~

& NEXT theRe$ ME again!

CLick Link to see Me starting my Free style prayer with a Lime neon green VERSACE High waisted zip up then I show summa my own designs that I’m wearing & sum dresses I also design & Made click to see myself a remix a mix of or type on YouTube~

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