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CHEE$Ey kinda $toRy Like LiteRaLLy~go on & $ee...Like huRRy:

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

To My supposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy~MO ha ka zeM ka vaNd Many Names etc. This video in that link above cLick on it to see that it describes a MeMory from tha 90s & 80s & LateR Based on a tRue stoRy like u know b cus ur Mo~ My supposive biological birth daddy Mo ha ka zem ka vand many names etc. U play this song more bout creatures u lost that i still got & u laugh like hyena animal bout youR reality vs mine & wutev else but the lyrics talk bout a girl so i filled in like u lost me too like after u lost creatures b cus u a peasant ima princess We both do similar level of acting duh! So here i am Miming sum memories to this tune i remember Mo u took me to chick e cheese insteada disneyland like at least we drove off & left ciamak he 1 a the lowest victiming peasant criminal much lower than u mo! & more & that pic a me in the frame when i was lil like 4 years old maybe round late 80s early 90s It is yours You had it at youR stolen stepping stone where u claims that*s your abduction?! @959 coral ave hemet, california biblically speakinhg land of dreams U tell me to go play gypsie princess in the streets That a prince or princess mite appear & give me my Resources like my soul lives 4ever eitherwaze duh b us im princess victim 24/7 since my soul was made... & i dont know how it end up wit me?! This photo u will see in the link video of myself I made & include it U got originally... I bet ciamak stole it & put it in my things Or Mo u gave it to me i dont know But that daze of that image of me as a lil girl You took me to the park insteada disneyland & that tyme the creature ibiLis appeared visibly to tell me a true story bout u mo like he ibilis creature tell me in the 80s when i went to the metal playground alone ibilis the creature was there!!!! & ganji fairies & lucifer the fallen angeln& jctpop~jesus christ the prince of peace & Whoev else not mentioned... I post at tory wit my art on my website the metal playground & my blog post sum i talk bout it that tyme & other tabs & wherev else i mention that daze & the ballerina jewelery box represents summa my dreams as symbol thats i try to follow not peasants criminals victiMizeRs duh! Like peRsiaN pRayeR i Made up~ spaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa bLa Like high bye My webpage~ MoRe Links~cLick individuaLLy to see that go wit this stoRy Maze Mazing MeMoRy: & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &



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