that posteR above is tha saMe exact design as tha 1 Mention in the tRue story beLow:
this next songs goes wit this post~
MeMoRy maze~
Me & My nephew kRi$2fur kLOwn during suMMa our abductions we turn on black light & wear 3d glasses & look at black light posters it's a form a fun like dopetasticaL wutev considering that's all we sumtyme s got access to duh!
Aside from occasional video games & movies & t.v. shows & wutev else not mentioned
cLick Link beLow 2 see~
It's the wired things that happen in between that aren't allowed duh
This song Reminds me of suMMa my abductions in that Link beLow~
My nephew kRis2fuR kLown
Was there there abducted too suMMa those tyMes
We got to at least watch SpongeBob SquarePants & Oswald on Nick jr.
i ReMeMbeR that episode 2 eggs riding a double bicycle...
He tell me aunt Rachel look the boiled egg brothers!
We both laugh like we don't access to bicycles or anything more
At that t yme I got access to high tea & an egg a daze plus wutev else is available
& I drag him up & down hills on a boogie board in grassy area ...
He wit there & hang on & I pull him around on that thing in like 110~120 degrees weather
I pretend we in water the hills r waves & that we running from dinosaurs possessed bye human peasants sent them to kill us...
I don't know wut kris imagine it was probly fun eitheRwaze
I force his biological birth mommy in a wagon b4 I push it & she steer it like a go caRt he mite a been there
I don't awaze remember like memory deletion hypnotic twist wit psychology exist & peasants use it as a cult
When victiMs use hypnosis & memory delete for magic shows & to prevent crime & more without psychology is the only wade it works innocent duh
I again as I mention i sent him a pRayeR rug in part middle eastern & ever1 supposed to embrace all roots antwaze not as cults tho duh
Anywaze during these illegal situations
We found waze to do more
We play BASE ball jus us
Every1 else really that peasant
My suppose biological birth grandpa McLain that steal Presidential & higher position he brought me a box of wheaties cereal & he say he can't RESCUE us either that the mental health representatives drug him on psych meds & rape gang members scientist Rape & drug him outta no where & steal money he got & more
That even tho he a loose prisoner he needs rescueing duh
& he left
& I found wade to do art work as I escape eventually My nephew got left
At least I gotta awaze
My nephew use to make song request based on wut there
He had me play a Lincoln park tune that say in the end it doesn't even matter
in the Link beLow is tah actuaL song cLick 2 see~
& aside fRoM tha song LyRicaLLy but biblically there is no end & it do matter duh
EitheRwaze I understand lyrics r poetical bit sum r seriously that sickening or jus singing on how they use to be or on sum1 or they don't mean it like that it it's bout reality or nothing or wutev duh
Like I write poetry I even sarcastically wrote bout specific identities I know to be that sickening & I lie duh like it's jus a poem SuM-Times. . .
Reality updates ~
My nephewvsay he gave into being an illegal land scaper?! Like is he that peasant or force there or both?!
I sent him biblical gifts like a pRayeR rug & weapon inspired things & more...
So if he not embracing wut he got access to maybe he abducted again or in a situation I don't know or that's who he is now I don't alwaze know...
Like my abducted daughteR needs to get Rescued iMMediateLy duh
Also click the links below individually these songs i Mime to remind me of those daze til todaze duh~
1 a my nephew Nick names I call him is Christopher CRANE Which legal land scapers use to take down illegal land scaping as they use lie director test & more duh
PeRsian pRayeR i Made UP ~
SpaRKLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaming RESCUE theM FROM victiMizeRs nightMares 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they supposed to Duh
BLa bla bLa
Like high bye
My webpage~
cLick that Link beLow 2 see~
cLick Link beLow~