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Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

gyM tyMe~w/phy$icaL di$abiLity: $ciatica i $tiLL find waze 2 oMega 3 vitaMin$ a~z & fitne$$ & f.a.e.

Updated: Jun 29, 2024

GyM tyMe cLick Links below individuaLLy 2 see~







as seen above in those videos...

TheRe i aM

on 1 a My favorite woRkout MachiNes tha ELiptix thing wit wheeLs

This & tired mil & bicycle &swimming pool & hoola hooping& jump rope _ cart wheeling & imbung aside from other sports

Like Base ball & hockey & basket ball


r summa my favorite fitness...

FRee styLe pRayer beLow it’s Persian creature jeweLeRy box ballerina doll puppet thing clown ganji fairy chaRacter I do click links individually to see~



i been di$fuguRed thRu being dRugged & plagued wit physical di$abiLity if $ciatica So My face i*M awaRe is Like a BaRbie doLL head that got pushed in on 1 side & push out on tha otheR duh & my body deflated like a blow up doLL Double d fLats Wit giant ciRcLes sum call nip p Le area i call jaw bReakeR candies b cus they come in all sizes like Mine R like 3 inches if u draw a line across theM any diRection diRectLy from 1 side to anotheR duh & wutev eLse I find waze to suMtyMes PUT my body back in place best i can thRu belly dance & diff fitness & omega vitaMins a~z & swimming & hooLa hopping & waLking & MoRe My face I need a suRgeon like a biblical doctor genious or Persian herbs that high that actuaLLy do xist Whichever happens 1st or both or wutev & tissue RepaiR & wutev else not Mentioned Thise that dis this to me even Wit illegal level of hypnosis force me to do wutev They think it makes them LOOK innocent & me guilty Sum Lie & say Im dead or I don’t really xist jus b cus they Rape me that long ago & they claim I don’t get my identity entirely or my body or face back that they continue to victimize me for To where fake doctors want to transgender them or disintegrate them or do wutev to them Real doctors will disintegrate them immediately 4 thier existing intensional crimes There’s accurate lie Ditector test & real authoRities xist duh & PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye &

& heRe*s a FREE STyLe pRayER a ReMix a MIx of Me MyseLf doing a MiMe MiMing to that tune the boogie Man i 4got who sings this i seen it on youtube eitheRwaze cLick Link 2 see~

ALso CLeopatRa ink is wheRe i Look into dahLia pieRcings & diMpLe pieRces i Need to get those while waiting & seeking suRgeRy i need Those jeweLeRies pieRce the face a LiL MoRe in pLace Obviously for me not entiReLy jus the cheeks kinda So Maybe xMas & My biRthdaze or b4 hopefully My suRgicaL pRoceeduRes happen aLReady... & that pieRcings pLace & Location is @1834 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 #(949) 507-4053 EMaiL: Website~ ...


PERSiAN pRayeR i Made up ~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they supposed to duh

BLa bLa bLa

Like high bye


My webpage~

cLick that Link beLow to $ee~

PoweR bowL~ *Spinach Leaves *Red toMatoe chopped *Avocado diced *MushRooM sLiced *OMega 3 vitaMins a~z: HaM fRied cut Like LiL cubes in oLive oiL & dRizzLe honey & tapatio *gaRnet Red kidney beans *CRuMbLe bLue cheese *Mayo swiRLed & jaLepeñio MustaRd *PeppeR *CaRRots cutted Like coins *A spLash a appLe cideR vinegaR *A sMaLL tiny souR cReaM to LoOk like wip cReaM then CheRRies heRe & theRe... *LavandaR chaMiLe tea heRb$ i Made a siMiLaR saLad tha otheR daze but wit sun dRied cRanbeRRies & pastachios & hazeL nuts & waLnuts & aLMonds & wutev eLse EitheRwaze jus got back fRoM tha gyM... This wit 100% MaRtineLLi$ appLe juice spaRKLing ... & B4 gyM eaRLieR i Made 1 yoLk egg (oMega vitaMins a~z & Lettuce siMMeR in unsaLted butteR & peppeR & sLiced caRRots & diced toMatoes & sLiced MushRooMs...& i dRank Dasani puRified wateR bottLe & Diff teas highs & ReLax heRbs i open tea bags & use theM as seasoning & dRink & u can sMoke tea heRbs & otheR pLants used as seasonings 4 cooking & MoRe duh jus know if it's high & wut kinda high duh OR ReLaxed or both Depends on ur calendar schedule & On tha Waze to tha gyM i dRank koMbacha which incLudes diff tea heRbs & fLoweRs & pLants in it & i got a staRbucks coffee... To go bout My gyM tyMe & i bRought puRified Dasani wateR ... Duh!

& After gyM & any daze

I usually make similar salad as mentioned eaRLieR or Rainbow soup Which I put puRified water Dasani in a pot & add Red toMatoes & oRange caRRots & puRpLe onions & Reddish potatoes & goLdish & puRpLe ish & gReen spinach Leaves & peppeR & paRsley & gaRlic saLt & bRown & white MushRooMs & Red gaRnet kidney beans & spLit peas... suMtymes i add tofu as omega 3 vitaMins a~z oR veggie tofu style meats or wutev like omega 3 vitaMins a~z fLax seeds & powders... But wutev... & i got sciatica as My physicaL disabiLity i fight it wit diet & exceRcise & RestoRe My vitaMins fRoM attacks thRu food & tea & piLL foRM of vitaMins & pLus i do beLLy dancing & MoRe SciaticaL attack tighten My skin & ReLease & body Lock & spasM & stRetch My skin like cookie dough & otheR RetaRted things that go along wit these attacks it's like suM1 tRying to disfiguRe Me & kiLL Me & wutev eLse if i didn't git access to fitness & RestoRing the vitaMins Lost fRoM attacks my body will shut down & i can like die even if a doctoR can bRing me back that easiLy duh So i staze stocked up on foods & vitamins & tea & caffeine that keep going even thru summa the attacks

suMtymes I can't move really from the more sever Le attacks is like My bones will shatter & the attacks squeeze out all my vitamins OtheRs staze in bed wit fake care givers or die or both

The exorcism of Emily Rose She inspiRes me to keep going like the Energizer bunny Fake doctors put her on psych meds which happen to me before it weaken heR more mentally & physically duh!!!!!!!! beLow is a before & afteR iMages of heR sciaticaL attacks & otheR pLague titLes see beLow~

That happen to me too aLso...

that*s an iMage of MyseLf beLow...

& not as seveRe 4 Me as heR i*M guessing b cus i was abLe 2 get off the psych Meds & RecoveR ea$ieR than heR...

& on My insides My body gets foRced outta pLaced & disfiguRed 2 wheRe it shows on the outside & i put it back thRu beLLy dance & othER fitness once the attack ends & goes awaze afteR i Restore Lost vitamIns thRu food & piLLs i foRce Myself 2 woRkout duh!

& otheR tyMes i got sciaticaLLy atacked & foRced on psych Meds & otheR iLLegaL things done 2 Me...Like eMiLy Rose aka anaeLies MicheL duh!

...& Fake biblical representatives plague her wit sciaticaL attacks thRu performing illegal excorcisms which is part of sciaticaL plague

It's when humans in cults blame other identities for the cults they in they are demons & fallen angel like Lucifer & other humans & animals & more When it's theM human peasants!

They pLague diff things like that they belong disintegrated immediately for thieR intensionaL existing cRimes duh!!!

...that's why the so called priest went 2 @Least pRison in the eMiLy Rose aka

Anneliese Michel aka Anneliese Michel Anneliese Michel Anneliese Michel

anaeLies MicheL aka many names etc. REALity...

PaRt a heR Life stoRy caMe out in the News & a Movie...

He tha fake biblical representative that calls himself a pRiest at least went to prison for sciaticaL attackings when a lie DiTECTOR test will confirm & verify if he guilty of that like they say then he belongs disintegrated duh! Sum cult leaders try to turn ReLigions into cults to where they lie they call excorcisms part of being Catholic when it's NOT! jus like sum fake christians commit incest intensionally claiming sum characters in the holy bible did it too

When that's now all thieR intensionaL sin as sum get forced to where they innocent duh EitheRwaze All tha ReLigions are 100% true u can't jus choose one that's a Lie it's only part of tha story & biblical education required is all the religions & books a knowledge & more duh!!!!!! & Emily Rose i Recognize her situation i also been in when she needs restored vitamins & fitness & pRayer duh! & A biblical doctor genious!!!!! I been thru similar situations as her!!!!! which I usually deal wit alone duh

HeR & otheRs reach out to spiRituaLLy when I get the attacks & more they encouRage me in spiRit to not end up Like theM ... Then I find Waze to keep going...


Sum humans witness my sciaticaL condition diff LeveLs of it Like suMMa My cats & my supposive aunt Ruth she pRayed OUT LOUD that the sciaticaL attackeRs STOP ATTACKiNG!

& then when i went back to noRMaL SUMTyMes Rite afteR pRayeR...

She take me to appLe bees to get a salad wit everything on it to restore my lost vitamins she say that is all she really got access to as I take pills too She witness the attacks

My abducted daughter when she wasn't abducted she witness it too

she wouLd hoLd My hand & pRay out Loud that teh attacks end & that i go back 2 NoRMaL & she BRing Me diff tea piLLs & diff beveRages when My body Locked suMtyMes i cant waLk oR anything ReaLLy...

& My supposive aunt Rose even tho she sciatically attacks & gets sciaticaLLy attacked as 1 a tha attackeRs

she still heLp me restore my vitamins thru diff soups...

The attacks weaken me physically & wutev eLse

& sciaticaL attacking a happen to Me off & on my whole life it’s my physical disability I been waiting on NON•surgical Lazer for it

It’s not natuRaL or normal sciatica…

& the peasants that plague sciatica attacks keep trying to prevent me from the pRoceedure ! They send fake medical Representatives instead at hospitals like Hoag Hospital Newport Beach

& @college park hospital in Costa Mesa, California & other near bye hospital locations those places keep human testing & other illegal things they also lacing medicine wit drugs & psych meds they even title sum pharmacy’s as drug store it’s illegal!!!!

Like is there ever Real doctors there!?

Or is it really jus sickos that steal sum medical education they not allowed there or anywhere they belong disintegrated duh for thier existing intensional crimes

& almost everywhere fake medical fake authorities fake educational representatives fake buisness retaRds illegal land scapers whoev & wutev else not mentioned this class of peasants lace everything with psych meds drugs perversion abductions they prevent weapons too they plague plagues like sciatica & other plague if they do like multiplying thru perversion & scientist as they try to prevent that surgery to help end multiplying for those that got human remains & they to prevent animal too luckily EVENTUALLY I found sum1 wit that education to do it for as it’s a required real LAW DUH & other illegal things they belong disintegrated already immediately for thier existing intensional crimes Duh

As I continue seeking & waiting for all my Resources…

it’s illegal & Retarted duh…

& I'm waiting on non•surgical Lazer & more

Like I need a biblical doctor genious aLReady duh they advanced they do metal skeletons & CLOGNES & natural remedies & real medicine & iNVENTiONS & dreams & lie DiTECTOR test & ResouRces & authorities & Land scaping & wutev else not Mentioned...

again my bioLogicaL biRth daughtER that is actuaLLy abducted Rite/Right now...

when she wasnt abducted & she was teMpoRaRiLy staying wit Me whiLew waiting on her ResouRces...

She bRought me high tea pills & more when my body locked & she pRay out Loud for my body to unlock & go back to normal

& I need more natural remedies but this is all I got access to & it oveR heLps But It doesn't bLock the attacks as they less seveRe tho...

& My cat eLectRik gi$Mo tha 3Rd he got pLagued wit sciaticaL attack outta no wheRe the fake doctoRs say he been dead for daze when he was fine eaRLieR that daze duh

Those fake medical representatives belong disintegrated immediately for thieR intensionaL existing cRiMes

& My cat eLectRik gi$Mo tha 3Rd is entitled to being brought back if he hasn't been already '& he needs his ResouRces individually & more duh! next R iMages of hiM duRing his sciaticaL attack that happen outta No wheRe!~

MoRe detaiLs bout hiM My cat in Link beLow cLick to see~


BeLow is a Link bout 80s fash Looks & MoRe~


To My My abducted daughteR~ StiLL waiting on My pResidentiaL & higheR phone ... These presidential & higher coMpanies They go wit eveRy phone even iphone & MoRe duh! FREE ONLy...unLiMMited eveRything hack bLock is wut it's supposed to be foR those who qualify to be alive & outta pRison duh! & 4 those who aRe allowed to got 1 in pRison ... Fake Representatives try to charge diff amounts ... it's iLLegaL ... But wutev Again...


& To My ABDUCTED daughteR... PLanned paRenthood neaR wheRe u cLaiM to be~ 1125 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814 #916.444.7966 Get on NoN.hoRMonaL biRth contRoL oR tha suRgeRy to ReMove your tubes if that's avaiLabLe or get on the waiting List for the surgical procedure along wit abLation to your menstral...duh! Hurry up & do this iMMediaTeLy!!!!!!!! EitheRwaze this is My Main Message to u tiL it happens aLReady... To My ABDUCTED daughteR~ Aside fRoM hoping u getting Rescued entiReLy aLong wit MyseLf & eveRy1 who doesn't got aLL thieR ResouRces individuaLLy oR Mite be in an iLLegaL situation oR wutev the ReaLity... Don*t 4get... eMeRgency Message~ CLick that Links beLow individuaLLy to see~ it is bout suRgeRy i got that eveRy feMaLe alive that's allowed to be prisoners included need to get eventuaLLy get it aLso & males need the male pRoceeduRe it's RequiRed ReaL Laws bibLicaLLy a fact accurate bibLicaL education say it that bLuntLy the tRuth & MoRe duh!~ & & You need to My daughteR & Nikki & whoeveR else feMaLes & MaLes aRe RequiRed to be on NoN.hoRMonaL biRth contRoL while waiting for that suRgeRy to heLp end MuLtipLying!~ @a pLanned paRent hood pRobLy... & get an appointMent wit~ Charles W. Moniak 320 Superior Ave #230, Newport Beach, CA 92663 #(949) 645-7870 He did My suRgeRy of ReMoving My tubes out so i can't get Raped wit MoRe babies & to heLp end MuLtipLying & deaL wit the existing...duh! & He do that abLation to My MenstRaL pRoceeduRe so MoRe bLood peRiod paMpeRs Like i teLL u & Nikki & RacheLLe Yvonne aLReady... Like u aLL need that too!!!! AngeLihyena Many naMes etc. UR insurance from since she was a baby covers everything duh Mine does too!!!!! So do Nikki & RacheLLe Yvonne b cus oveR all it's thru ur identity wit lie DiTECTOR test wit u quaLify foR... Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &

As u angeLina Many names etc. know i aLReady tRy to heLp u wit this b4 & U act RetaRted Like u wouLdn't go & i can't caRRy u but wutev...

Also~ To make an appointment with a Planned Parenthood health center, use the health center locator above or call 1-800-230-PLAN to reach the Planned Parenthood health center nearest you... Wing Rigbi TRoLL Mya Loka LiL CLown RacheL LaMb aMethyst DiaMond To My ABDUCTED daughter...Mya u need 2 get Rescued iMMediaTeLy duh eitherwaze HopefuLLy that happens i don't got access to doing MoRe obviousLy duh!

in 2005 1 a uR oRiginaL naMes is RacheL diaMond oR diaMond RacheL afteR MyseLf Like it doesn't MatteR wut coLoR diaMond u R...

& i got no access to doctoRs U couLada gotten boRn or taken out @any tyMe duh! & Did u know My souL was Made in ApRiL 1985 My biRth diaMond couLda been kRysyaL diaMond if I got taken out immediately duh that's wut real doctors do aside from the fact the do the surgery to help prevent multiplying & they do abort babies that aren't allowed to be here & more wit lie ditector test & they Disintegrate those that multply intensionally

& I was born January 15, 1986 baby giRL gaRNet diaMond @694 w. WiLson St. Costa Mesa, California bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land a dreams & My baLLeRina name since the 80s is kRistahyena (kRistina) ka vand a princess of many names...

it's funny b cus MeMa name me Rachel which means Lamb in Hebrew & then on .y supposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy side kRi sta hyena...hyena is a laughing animal which describes me & him sumtymes duh!...

& Ur soul was literally made May 24, 2005 I don't know wut tyme & if it went to pass midnight then the 25th so ur original birth diamond woulda been an eMeRaLd but wutev... Daze g jeRoMe it's a tea plant name like daze of the tea like the real medicine is made of plants tea herbs & more duh!

I know u already know that was gonna b ur boy name along wit other boy & girl names but that was the top boy name & RacheL diaMond or DiaMond RacheL was ur top girl name But Willie say nope that if I don't include Holloway he gonna put me in worse situations he threaten me & he claim he going to find a Waze to make me have more babies for him to rape drug & wutev else duh!!!! &

in the Video Link above is Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR dance MiMe Like theatRicaL cLown puppet jeweLeRy box baLLeRina kReatuRe thinG

Tha LyRics sound like they say this woRLd is sick My heaRt fiLLs it~

& Next is tha actuaL Music video of the giRL oR woMan that sings it~


PeRsiaN pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs come tRue if they supposed to duh! BLa BLa bLa Like high bye & My webpage~ & in ReaL biblical education there's no such thing as a country It's just a style of Land scaping & theres no such thing as a state or city it's jus borders of diff parts of the Land a dreaMs duh!!!!!!!! Sum titles are permanent sum temporary & wutev else Where u R born is where u from it*s not ur roots I'm middle eastern supposively part PeRsiaN & Irish & French & German & tribal & German & English & more... I am human female duh! U identifying as american is a cult & u keep claiming u from America!? U R from supposively Omaha, Nebraska area in the Land a dReams These cults need to end & for ex: if I got my own property I will title it an approved name on lie DiTECTOR test & that's wut it will be in the Land a dReams...other than that A lie DiTECTOR test will also verify & confirm wutev... Another example of the america woRd cult ran bye human peasants that turn rainbows & whatever else into cults too back to the American cult they claim now Hawaii is America when it's not Hawaii is in the Land of dreams duh! Not America wherever that temporary title even is located really it's sum kinda word that is used as a cult to take over or sum thing !? It's RetaRted... Jus like retards claiming native plus American When native is kind of tribal & Indian is middle eastern so suM1 mite be tribal Indian meaning they middle eastern & tribal duh!!!!!!!!!!!! Anywaze we I'm not aLwaze 100% coRRect but suMtymes I'm rite bout wutev ..duh!


At a chuRch they question: What heLps hoMeLessnes~

& I usuaLLy dRess up as diff chaRacteRs like that's being biblical & suMtymes i deLiveR tha pastRy dough & bRing candy like LoLLi pops & tea & honey & whip cReaM for the coffee & tea area...

But this is wut i $ent this RepLy aLReady regarding that question are eaRLieR...

Presidential & higheR positions like schools & businesses & which chuRches R MoRe high & the biblical representatives R supposed to do that too it's Required bye ReaL Laws... but sum don't got access... so even I as a biblical representative individual need a higher educational to b a biblical doctor genious like jctpop~jesus Christ the prince of peace to help better assist myself & others... SuM1 can easily bring him back as CLOGNES or metal skeleton or wutev & if it's really him He an original CLOGNER remember when he CLOGNES the fish!!!!! & BRead & Everyone supposively ate the same fish that many tyMes he multiplied the same identity!!! & Supposively tha original fish went back in tha dirty ocean which he can easily purify into purified h2o wit his high prince abilities that don't aLwaze work b cus a peasants like he is half a human so it's possible to weaken him from doing more like he was Made to jus like others but it's also possible to still do those things ur supposed to eventually... Like be one less victiMizeRs & one more victim 24/7 & Everything that's supposed will happen as every1 helps make the Land a dReams a better place that's wut they supposed to do based on wut they got access to... in biblical education They the people & animals & whoev & whatev else that r supposed to anywaze give individuals thieR resources... They supposed to git Like DiTECTOR TEST to verify & confirm identities or to help sum that might not know or remember like who knows thieR situation they could a escaped an abduction & ran to a church for help they Mite be in shock or anything. . . & Authorities r suppose to be there & biblical doctor geniouses they the advanced medical field to that deal wit CLOGNES & metal SKELETONS & real medicine & nessasary surgeries like tubal removal for females w/ablation to thieR Menstral & no balls for males & other required pRoceeduRe & dreams & iNVENTiONS & LEGAL LAND SCAPing ... Then once the identity is known again wit lie DiTECTOR test see if they belong deported or in prison or disintegrated or wit a disintegration date or release Or in a stepping stone like a hotel or wutev is available alone & everyone that is put temporarily at a stepping stone or permanently at thieR own property or in prison is supposed to got an unlimited eLectRonicaL account in thieR identity card which every tyMe u swipe it is lie directed that it's u & electronically is lie directed to approve where u at & wut u allowed to get Ex: shopping at a store swipe b4 entering then if u allowed there the cards also verified & confirms ur purchase Like altho it looks like every1 got an unlimited balance it doesn't approve of everything suMtymes it will other tyMes it won't Even for sum princesses & princes they like peasants Mite get declines summa thieR purchases at this tyMe or forever it mite say a diff date to get it or recommend a better version of wut u almost got duh! & Wutev else... On diff realities~ HeRe is suM MoRe bibLicaL &:ReaLity updates in Links beLow cLick oR tyPe on googLe individuaLLy to see~


& More info found on my YouTube videos title the same as my webpage if you type it on YouTube my videos will pop up if you type it on Google my webpage & more links to me & etc will show...along wit I'm On Facebook & in person... &

This aRticLe above suM1 post & it shows wiLLie a Rapist abductoR i escape who got My daughter abducted bye him & others duh he sends others too & i seen the video veRsion of this Link Of hiM aLso Lying tRying to put cRystaL caRdenas onLy as being the onLy one of this situation when it's hiM too & others that Rape Elizabeth Aaliyah Holloway many names etc Duh! THESE situations need to end!!!!! & this aRticLe beLow is based on tRue stoRies duh cLick Link to see~

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