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baRbie paRty pRince$$ & otheR chaRactERs & swiM in pooL & ocean sea watER & hooLa hooping & doubLe dutch juMp Rope & spaRkLing pink LeMOnade & pa$tRy dough ice cReaM cake & candy & unbiRthdaze...

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Aug 1, 2024

cLick Link 2 see Me fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe of MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that baRbie doLL tune get youR spaRkLe on~


heRe*$ suM othER baRbie paRty tunes cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~



heRe$ 1 a My daughteRs favoRite songs cLick Link 2 see~


cLick Link beLow 2 see oR type on youtube it$ a fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of Me 2 paRt of a baRbie coMMeRciaL fi ReMeMbeR fRoM when i was a LiL giRL in Like in the 80s & 90s but i obviousLy do it as a woMan a coupLe yeaRs ago b tween 2020 & 2023~

beLow is a nothER baRbie fRee styLe pRayeR i did LateR Like 2020 oR 2021 oR 2022?! a MiMe Me MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that song bye auqua that say LyRicaLLy iMa baRbie giRL...Life as pLastic its fantastic...


cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see these 80s baRbie inspiRed fRee styLe pRayeR videos of Me MyseLf MiMIng a MiMe a reMix a Mix of to twisted insane MusicaL titTLed DREAMiN~


& cLick this next Link Me again MyseLf doing saMe thing as Last video this tyMe 2 katy peRRy song that LyRicaLLy sing bout bout Magic i jus ReMeMbeR its titLed DARK HORSE CLick 2 see~


beLow is a video of Me MyseLf doing a FRee styLe pRayeR bout that doLL & MoRe a MiMe Me MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that booM box baRbie coMMeRciaL song~

next i taLk bout MoRe ReaLity updates bout suMMa My baRbie booM box inspiRed Looks & bout that doLL again & eventi show tha actuaL coMMeRcial of booM box baRbie that Rockin Rappin baRbie doLL then eventuaLLy i do a fRee styL pRayeR thing a MiMe MyseLf Me a ReMix a Mix of 2 a nicki Minaj tune bout baRbie she sings wit sadie & they coMbine thieR song wit othER baRbie songs & MoRe cLick 2 see~


I gOt to see that 2023 baRbie Movie for $5 @$taR Light cineMa$ in co$ta Me$a, ca. aRea biblIcaLLy $peaking in the LAND OF DREAM$!

on JuLy 30th sundaze afteR chuRch! But no drink pRobLy no snacks...I don't think I got enough funds for all that & the woman that plays baRbie she NOT like the real Barbie she jus dresses a lil like her & kinda talks like her Like I know the real baRbie When I was lil she come to life in dolls & when I was on the streets she visit me in spirit as boom box baRbie that baRbie I got b4 she do baRbie quotes & she remind me hang on to ur dreams you can be anything til this daze she is there duh her & other characters spiritually & in reality & wutev

Click link below it’s Me talking bout that baRbie 2023 fiLM & that after I talk I do a free style prayer to that Marilyn Manson tune dope show a remix a mix do me miming a mime myself click to see~


& heRe*$ a fRee styLe pRayER of Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of to that tune titLed fancy bye DRAKE f. t.i. & $wi$$ beat$ cLick Link 2 see OR type on youtube~


 & i staze on My caLendaR scheduLe i did suM beLLy dance stRetches & i baithe 3 diff cats eveRydaze in DAWN Dish soap...& wutev eLse...

Like tha otheR daze i Made it 2 tha beach she didnt go this tyMe so i went aLone & afteR i go in tha diRty ocean sea wateR & Lay out in the sun on the sand then on My waze back 2 My stepping stone i stop bye a paRk 2 RoLLeR skate & i did this fRee styLe pRayER a ReMix a Mix of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf 2 that shakiRa tune titLed Loco cick Link 2 see OR type on googLe~


heRe i aM doing a fRees tyLe pRayeR 2 suM daddy yankee tune titLed hooLa hoop as iM MiMiNg a MiMe of MYseLf hooLa hooping a ReMix aM<Ix of cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~



i Made it 2 this outdooR gyM thing & i did this fRee styLe pRayER a ReMix a Mix of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf 2 that Rich gang tune titLed LifestyLe a see~

beLow R iMages of suM individuaLs that attended~

& suM doLLs went too~

 incLucding actuaL baRbie~

& so did i ~

& otheRs that caMe didnt coMpLete thieR LOOk oR paRticipate in tha whoLe caLendaR scheduLe:

Like My daughteR Mya Loka LiL cLown aMethy$t diaMOnd Rigbi tRoLL caRe beaR angeLina baLLERina RacheL LaMb Many naMes etc. she on tha Left & iM on tha Right~

& My supposive LiL haLf sisteR cousin staR baRbie aka L cheLLe aka ocean aka Many naMes etc. &b oi got heR Like 3 diff wigs & 4 diff dResses 2 pLaze up 2 heR chaRactER but she say she too tiRed i got her 2 weaR 2 diff wigs & do suM ModeLing pics but not aLL the ones we pReviousLy PLanned~

& this decoR i got Looks Like heR so i pRint out an iMage of heR face & gLued it on & i incLude a pic of a LaMb chop fRoM hER coLLection we naMed hER Like a MeRMaid MaRinae baLLeRina in tha 90s Like thats anothER stoRy...

& My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy Lynn aka pp pee puddLe aka Many naMes etc. she didnt getta coMPLete Make oveR entiReLy but she got suMMa tha Main things on tah wig & bLue spaRkLes gLittER dRess i teLL 2 diet & exceRcise & get MORe vitaMins & bibLicaL educationaL Like even i find waze 2 do so eitheRwaze she didnt captuRe heR signatuRe styLe Like she usuaLLy RoLLeR skate backwaRds & MoRe~

& we watch 1 a My favoRite Movie$ THE MASK F. jiM caRey & that dog & MORE chaRactERs in that fiLM~

MoRe pics of tha baRbie paRty~

i beLow is an iMage of a baRbie doLL i got b4 in the Late 80s eaRLy 90s but i dont know wheRE she is?! i stiLL got heR Radio suMwheRe & heR jacket & MoRe but wut happen 2 heR?! My actuaL baRbie say its okay she is ReaLLy heR aLso jus diff LOOk Like she got diff faces yet tha saMe1 usuaLLy & not eveRy baRbie doLL is hER identity duh they jus paRt of heR coMPany anywazeheRes wut i caLL booM box baRbie but she is titLed Rappin Rockin baRbie~

& nikki My neice Mikki Magic Many naMes etc. she didnt Make it 2 this baRbie paRty but she going 2 anothER 1 we going 2 bibLicaLLy gathER at & heRes 1 a tha gifts Me & My daughtER got heR its a MusicaL: sea sheLL baLLErina jeweLeRy box~

& hERe*s tha dRess & gLoves i got 4 heR it*s a baRbie chaRactER i incLude the pRinted out the baRbie iMage that Looks Like heR a LiL thats wut inspiRed Me 2 get heR this dRess otheRwise the options R endLess huh?!~

& i Made Rose shaped a ice cReaM cake stRawbeRRy cake fRuit fiLLed wit fResh stRawbeRRies & gLaze pReseRve styLe & stRawbeRRy ice cReaM & vaniLLa bean icReaM heRe*s suM iMages of how it tuRn out aLong wit tha pRoce$$ AFTER i bLend the pastRy dough 2getheR i put it in the Rose shaped thing bout a 3Rd of it as it wiLL Rise whiLe baking then afteR it cooL down i put tha can of gLazed stRawbERRies foLLowed bye fResh sLiced stRawbeRRies & then i add ice cReaM i put it tha fReezeR as it staze in that Rose thing afteR it fReezes then i take it out & fLipm oveR onto a TRay Like thing i use a giant boLw then i peeL off the Rose thing off the ice cReaM cake & its shaped the saMe waze as a Rose & i decoRate it wit candLes & figuRines & i put whip cReaM & Rainbow spRinkLes aRound it Like wutev & put it back in the fReeze tiL its tyme to seRve oR wutev duh ~

i 4 got 2 sMooth tha icing 2 Look MORe Like fLowER petaLs as i add decoRations too soon...& i 4got 2 get diff decoRating things so i Re used oLd ones i wash theM & put theM thERe but i did jus get that MeRMaid & i didnt got enough funds 2 get wutev eLse Lie the 5 cRowns & 5 paiRs of stiLLetos & high heeLs & MoRe

wit tha xtRa cake battER i Made waffLe shape heARts 4 suM aniMaLs but i made 1 4 My daughtER too wit stRawbERRy gLaze & whip cReaM~

& we aLL went 2 beach but i dont know wheRe tha pics of theM R we aLL take tuRns taking theM wit ouR caMeRas of eachotheR & ouRseLves & we was supppose to hike theRe Like waLk & then do the hooLa hoopong contest aside fRoM go in tha ocean & eveRy1 Miss the pooL daze wit pine appLe dRinks & we Miss or hiking 2 the paRk wit doubLe dutch juMo Ropes & MORe but wutev i do those things aLL tha tyMe & My daughtER usuaLLy do theM wit Me since she was Like a baby off & on since then duh!: we bRought aLong sub waze sand whiches 2 shaRe & watERs & afTER i hooLa hoop & we goi in watER & Lay out that La cheLLe took us out 4 ice cReaM but we end up getting diff things at that coffee pLace Like i got a Matcha expRsso fRappe wit honey & they got fRuit granoLa yoguRt bowLs & Lynn got nothiing she seem Like she want that coffee geLato ice cReaM but as soon as eveRy1 oRdeR diff things she say she wants nothing?! i teLL heR to at Least DRink suM expResso shot i dont know she say she sick diff pLagues Like: To My suppbioLogicaL biRth MoMMy

You Leff youR hooLa hoop

You need to diet & exceRcise

Fake doctoRs tRy to kill sum people thru pLagueing or jus giving them wutev they buy from them

Like it's obviously not the cure

Even if it's part a it

Like go Make a cake wit no eggs no oil or water

Jus bake the powder

B cus wit out all the vitamins & fitness & biblical educational & real laws

It's like missing needed ingredients

Even if u can use diff things to equal that like Mayonaise or wutev else can b used in a pastry dough batter duh


Let me know

& wutev eLse not Mentioned...

You R veRy un heaLthy

But the diet u do is heaLthy that i see. At my stepping stone

U need higher vitamins to get to fitness

There's athletic pills at vitamin stores & online & more

Remember a long tyMe ago i let u try my athletic pills from gnc vitamins shop

U need sumthing like that pRobLy

OR Make ur own

I don't know

U should drink 1 mothers market smoothie a daze & a subway

& portion evetything

But u need excercise

It's not bye looking at u

It's b cus u jus stand there or sit there

U use to roller skate & b more energetic

So did my daughter

She use to do waze more like me

& I'm surprised Rachelle didn't hooLa hoop & double Dutch juMp Rope

Along wit my daughter & myself

& u & wutev else

I Remember when Willie & ciamak rape gang drug me

I was like dead

I found my waze vitamins !!!& fitness & biblical educational & more duh!!!!! whiLe i wait & seek an actuaL doctoR Like a bibLicaL doctoR genious oR i Mite b coMe that b4 then duh!!

& i Made dinneR that La cheLLe Request that i made 4 heR a diff tyMe...i got spinach & gaRLic & hERb toRtiLLas & fRy theM LightLy in veggie oiL & fiLL theM wit pLant based Meat bLack bean spicy MORning staR bRand & wit peppeR jack habeRneRo cheese & spinach Leaves & cRuMbLE cheese & souR cReaM & sLiced caRRots on tha side & suM peopLe Like Me & Lynn got thiER caRRot bLended in coLd puRified watER wit honey bye Me & angeLina got heRs toRtiLLa wit beans & shRedded cheese & tapatio & insteada how we aLL got ouRs i 4got 2 take pics duRing that tyMe suM how i don*t know...

a diff night La cheLLe & Lynn take us aLL out 2 dinneR at 1 a Lynn picks DON jose its Like hispanic inspiRed kinda Mexican food PLace My daughteR got enchiLada PLate & i got a avocado MushRooM & toMatoe & Lettuce & bLue cheese saLad thing that Me & Lynn suppose 2 shaRe but instead she got a bite of each of wutev Like La cheLL got taco saLad thing & we aLL got cheRRy coke but La cheLLe gotta waTeR & we aLL shaRed a RefRied ice cREaM theRes MoRe pics of that tyMe but aLL i got is this iMage 4 now & i encouRage eveRy1 2 dRess up & do MoRE Like HELP MAKE THE LAND OF DREAMS A BETTER PLACE BUT They aLL seeM dRained of wutev they going thRu i dont aLwaze know & when i do i dont aLwaze get 2 do MORe bout it Like Maybe they can i dont know~

So i done all this off & on since the 80s & MoRe in like 24 hours b4

Like wutev:

Now the 3 daze baRbie paRty ended eaRLy?! wut is wRong wit eveRy1?!

Not eveRy1 did everything in that Barbie party calendar schedule

Which i Mention all the details ahead a tyMe

Bout the make overs & pictures

No body's make over got done entirely


No body did the hooLa hooping contest thing


No body did the pooL wit pineapples


We didn't walk to tha beach like we planned


Wutta bout tha doubLe Dutch juMp Rope thing


we neveR went 2 wiLd RiveRs as i been b4 tho i wiLL go a diff tyMe duh


RoLLeR skating didn’t happen

When i done all these things all in tha saMe daze b4

Like again wuts wRong wit eveRy1

But wutev else

then i don't know where my daughter is again

Other than abducted & wuteveR else not mentioned...

& she tRauMatized fRoM being Raped DRugged abducted & those sickos wont Let heR RecoveR & MOve foRwaRd & do highER things...

they tha Rapist abductoRs dRuggeRs beLong disinteGrated 4 thieR xisting intensionaL cRiMes & she needs a MORe high caLendaR scheduLe aLong wit wutev eLse NOT MENTiONED...

& next R jus suM otheR baRbie Looks i done diff tyMes~

above & beLow Me wit My hugh bunny aka pLayMate aka hugh hefneR aka Many naMes etc. & i*M dRess up a s 1 My bibLicaL baRbie styLe Look chaRactERs i do a vaRiety a eM & MORe...

@ a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...& i aM a non pRofit a voLunteeR 4 fRee a bibLicaL RepResentative individuaL that doesn*t get 2 do MoRe at this tyMe...

CLick that Link beLow to see anotheR bibLicaLLy inspiRed video of MyseLf that I's oNLy Like 10 Min. it*s of Me siMpLifying suM bibLicaLeducationaL info. RequiRed 2 know & ReMeMbeR Like heRe*s a ReMindeR...

& in the iMages beLow is paRt of a PuRity pak thi$ book of knowLedge i put 2getheR duRing spiRituaL bibLicaL gathERing as i pass it out in peRson & send eLectRonicaLLy & Bye MaiL @chURches & buisnesses & hospitaLs & coLLeges/schooLs & Law enfoRceMent & in tha stReets & MORE~

& cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see Me doing fRee styLe pRayER a MiMe a MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of...

tune titLed shes a Rainbow bye the RoLLing stones~


that tune MetaLica titled one as i also talk on biblical educational books of knowledge & ReaLity & the Land of dReaMs like wit it’s suppose to be duh~



cLick this Link beLow oR type on youtube 2 see Me that i taLk on suM bibLicaL educationaL knowLedeg Like diff veRsions of stORies  bibLicaLLy inspiRed chaRacteRs Mentioned in hoLy bibLe & otheR books of knowLedeg Like adaM & eve & cReatuRes & LucifeR & aniMaLs & noah*s aRk & wutev eLse Not Mentioned kinda stoRies based on tRue~


beLow R 2 Links of a cReatuRe jeweLery box baLLeRina cLown ganjinfaiRy fauwN MeRMaid thing styLe chaRactER of MyseLf fRee styLe pRaying Me a MiMe MiMing a ReMix a mix of 2 pink fLoyd tune sauceRfuL a secRets & then 2 anotheR pinkFLoyd song i 4got tha titLe cLick these Links next individuaLLy 2 see~


next anotheR veRsion of adaM & eve agan pLaze bye baRbie & ken doLL cLick 2 see as i Plaze Like b4 CReatuRes & snake & LucifeR & ganji faiRies & MoRe~


Click Links individuaLLy to see these free style prayers a me a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe as this Lucifer the fallen angel appear more visibly & he brought up he can’t b lieve the peasants trying to take over the land of dreams sum call the world or earth which is just more tea herb plant like tho other than wutev else...he that LucifeR with a London Like engLand kinda voice as he do diff chaRacteRs suMtyMes Like ReptiLes & cReatuRes & MORE & he say bLoody heLL that b*tch CAGE king god Many NaMes etc. continues to show hiM situations he can*t @ this tyMe heLp situate then he teLLs hiM how Much higheR he is than hiM?! LucifeR say yeah kindoM of heaven Many NaMes etc. ReaLLy is MORE highLy Located than a PLace titLe heLL Many NaMes etc. & these intensional criminals continue to try to take over churches & buisnesses & schools/colleges & the illegal land scapers ever since Adam & eve summa them really stupider & they belong disintegrated for thier intensional crimes duh & Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace went visible also & agree aside from wutev else characters & PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye

& Here’s those Links i mention earlier click to see~ 













this fRee styLe pRayeR of Me MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of a MiMe MiMing to a twi$ted insane tune & otheR MusicaL chaRacteRs LyRicaL song that LyRicaLLy sing bout sinning LiteRaLLy sUM paRts it say siN cLick 2 see~


BC333 tune titLe beatifuL chao$~


tune titLed LOONiE$ bye BC333 MU$iCAL Man chaRactER~


BC333 tune titLe eLdeR gods (includes otheR MusicaL chaRacteRs Like twisttted insane & whoev eLs enot Mentioned~


BC333 tune titLe Vasana ft. Sadhguru~


 then BC333 TUNE titLed Vasana (ACTUAL Music Video) ft. Sadhguru~


& cLick Link beLow 2 see Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe of MyseLf MiMing a ReMIx a mIx of to that tuNe p$ychadeLic candy bye aMbaR Lucid & the titLe of the song ReMinds Me of that bibLicaL educationaL stoRy bout that cReatuRe tRee that adaM & eve eat tha psychadeLic fRuit Like candy Like thats anotheR stoRy~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~


CLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick these Links individuaLLy 2 see or type on googLe~




Like how puRified is it & wheRe’s the wateR faLLs that puRe that iLLegaL Land scapeRs destRoyeD...& that iMage above & beLow of LeonaRdo di CapRio & MORe shouLd be on goLd coins & otheR kinda Moey designs & wutev eLse 2 ReMind bout puRified wateR RecycLed faLLs & wutev eLse...

cLick Links beLow More detaiLs oR type on google 2 see~

& cLick Links beLow individuaLLy oR type on google 2 see~


cLick Link beLow 2 see oR type on googLe~

cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~



MoRe bibLicaLLy inspiRed Links: tyPe on googLe individuaLLy to see~















biblical educational & ReaLity Links next too~





aLso this aRticLe beLow is based on tRue stoRies duh~



otheR Links beLow aLso~






More info found on my YouTube videos title the same as my webpage if you type it on YouTube my videos will pop up if you type it on Google my webpage & more links to me & etc will show...along wit I'm On Facebook & in person...


My webpage~



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