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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

p.p. paint puddLe & p.p. pee puddLe Many names etc. suM chaRacteRs wit idea$ & dReaMs & MoRe too~

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

this Link beLow taLks on that MagicaL book of tea heRbs that end up in My path~

the baRbie & keN doLL they Look kinda Like daRyL (daRyL obeRg aka daiRy aka Many Names etc.) & debi (debi Lynn McLain aka p.p. pee puddLe aka LunaticaL Lynn aka Many NaMes etc.) she actuaLLy does skate tho...& itv Looks Like them when tehy out & about even if he don*t skate...but wutev...

so DaiRy o beRg daRyL obeRg Many NaMes etc. he taLk bout an upgRaded sauce packet Like @McDonaLds as an idea of his...i wondeR Like how it*s gonna be eventuaLLy so that iMage beLow Looks siMiLaR 2 Like that sauce idea in My Mind Like iMagine wit a cLeaR Lid on top of diff sauces jus Lift & dip i dont know...suMthing Like that & MORe duh!

CLiCK Link beLow to see~

cLick Link beLow 2 see~

this Next Link goes wit that above iMage~

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