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Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

poeticaL puddLe$~Like a Rainbow of paint...

These videos films footage of myself is a MiMe of miming bout my supposive biological birth mommy p.p. Pee puddle LunaticaLLy LunaticaL lunatic Lynn many names etc

When I was a baby she claim she got tha ability to make peasants pee thier pants I figure she kill them then rite she got no weapons really she again say that is her weapon to weaken them but when she show me how she do it I found out she in a cult wit no intensional in ever killing these criminals that she do it for power fun control

When I was a baby in the 80s she do this to criminals of all ages

& she make me laugh like summa these peasants assume I’m apart of this cult like ima cult member or cult leader or wutev in cults when I’m not

B cus a this reality

I got inspired bye her & I am an artist my whole life so I did a paint shape fashion that also looks like a Pee puddle too in her memory even tho she still out there as far as I know I show this film to her & tell her she should do things like this in her own memory also

& I did make that entire magenta pink put fit fans & threads I’m wearing it’s an 80s style roller rink baiting suit wit that couture inspired skirt i design & make i hot other more detail designs I made already sum still sketches but wutev

Anywaze I chose a pink Floyd song b cus her & my supposive biological birth daddy & other sinners play like every Pink Floyd album song & other classical tunes off & on since I was in her stomach tummy area duh

Click each link individually below to see~


this quote beLow ReMinds Me of hER in tha Late 80*s & eaRLy 90*s duh!~


To add to this

P puddLe LunaticaL story she roller skates pro back wards & front wards & she makes fudge so iinclude Pee puddle roller rink wit fudge & lemonade idea she should do for herself or suM1 else needs to as her prison or museum or a place location to go i her memory whether she gets to be there or not in Omaha, Nebraska EitheRwaze biblically in tha land a dreams

Wit puddle clear lollipop pops & every color lemonade & puddle shape fudge & a puddle shape roller rink that lights up in diff colors & a matching ice skating rink & swimming pool & wit puddle fash & customized roller skates wit memory foam & more & hand bags wutev else art etc wutev else duh!!!!!!! & her business partner daRy puddle he got sauce ideas which goes wit that shape kinda duh

So this song beLow kinda goes wit tha Pee puddle theme the lyrics say AMBER is tha color of ur energy which is a dark pee color suMtyMes depends on wut u drink really duh click to see~

next iMage beLow Looks Like heR My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy i taLk on eaRLieR LunaticaL Lynn is a usuaLLy a taLented RoLLeR skateR Like i Mentioned aLReady & this is how she ReaLLy Looks whiLe doing so in tha 90s she do it MoRe often Like this...see~


cLick that Link beLow~

Back to them aside from who they intentionsionally are 24/7 they do good semeratin things but they prefer to do it for victims only like they don’t got access to unlimited they in thier own situation bye themselves like that’s another story…

Like who u r 24/7 intensionaLLy is wut u really are duh!!!!!!!

Link beLow goes wit that iMage above cLick 2 see~


cLick Link beLow 2 see~

cLick that Link beLow 2 see as it*s RegauRding that iMage above~

MoRe details in that Link below click to see~

this Link beLow aL$o goe$ w/this po$t~cLick oR type individuaLLy on googLe seaRch oR etc. 2 $ee...

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