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Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Dec 4, 2022

Look i Made ReaL baRbie doLL coMMeRciaLs of MyseLf wit baRbie!!!!!

CLick oR type the Links beLow individuaLLy on youtube seaRch to see~

it's like me again in the 80s...ReMeMbeR !? I know baRbie do!!!!!

back when I alwaze jump rope & hoola hoop & caart wheeL & swiM & cLiMb & dive & f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. & MoRe!...

I got sciatica physicaL disability I find Waze to stiLL function & do summa those things thru fitness like belly dance & natural remedies...& PRayeR...

heRe*s those Links i Mention eaRLieR~










More on my webpage blog post & thru out my website & on my YouTube videos & Facebook & in person & eLectRonically as I already mentioned...

My webpage~

On my blog post the Barbie images & roller skates are diff stories based on true so scroll thru all a them & I include more thru*LL see if u haven't already like Barbie!!!!!!!

MeMoRy Maze ~

aLso in 2005 duRing suMMA My ABDUCTions bye Willie & whoev i stiLL Manage to got hot pink pRisMa gLitteR in a glass jar thing like the ones o gave others & myself in puRity Pak like the holy h2o & serenity SpaRkLes...

the SpaRkLes from tha gLassy gLittery jar Made those abductionS seem more magical but there's nothing magic bout being abducted duh!!!!

& mine at that tyme the glitter in tha glass it got a unicorn symbol on the bottle

& it remind me of when my soul was made...& it's called: itaLia kosMetics brand that i use those gLitteRy SpaRkLes foR pRayeR & f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

...& on the streets during those daze sumtymes in 2005 altho I done glitter b4 but this tyMe I put it on my eyes as they glittered rainbow reminders & magical messages & i beg & ask & tell random people to help me wit my ResouRces!!!!! & I had a black mini skirt on kinda like that boom box Barbie my biological birth mommy that Lunatically Lunatical lunatic Lynn P.P. Pee PuddLe many names etc. She got me round the 80s...

That 1991 rapping rocking Barbie edition same version that doll...

It was like she the Barbie doll was there that whole tyme during my life & summa my abductionS

& she remind me if i staze a victim

her real quote she say you can be anything with Barbie

& that if I b a victiMizeR then to just hang on to my dreams only if i b Peasant cRiMinaL that it's too late to be more...

i ReMeMbeR that boom box Barbie Lunatically Lunatical Lunatic Lynn p.p. pee puddLe many names etc. Her birth certificate me mite b Debra like nn McLain I don't know but She got me! In tha 80s!!!! Round that tyMe

& she that Barbie doll got a hot pink boom box

& it really play musical tunes wit batteries

& she wear black mini skirt wit high waisted black jacket & a black hat...

I still got that radio sumwhere & tha jacket & hat I don't know wut happen to her or her shoes or shirt or skirt!?

Like where is she eitherwaze ...

Like my 80s style roller skating

outfit thing I made myself it looks like hers!!! Like Barbie!!!!!!

I made it wit out remembering...

it's like Barbie is really still here!!!!!! Duh!!!!!!!!!

so... George Washington pResidentiaL investments & higher is supposed to be giving me my resources entirely & as those possitions are stoLen!?

Like sumtymes mite getta a percent of my own unlimmitted princess account I don't got access to yet...

Like Look I Made this pink thing to go RoLLeR skating in it's so 80s baRbie pink & MoRe!...& It's over cast Out but wit out Rain I can still go...

Like HeRe i go! So I RoLLer skate like wutev round 80s & 90s... & A LiL in tha 2000s... But I think I need a back brace b cus like I have as telling u from my previous sciatica my body seems detached & torn in sum areas like that's why I can't cart wheel & climb & dive or its from other disabling plagues eitherwaze b csu a pLagueing I'm not advancing but wutev ... & I bRought my doll I named M.M. Marshal Mathers after that hip hop musical lyrical artist... Marshall Bruce Mathers III Eminem He want to go... He talks & more sumtymes like the animals & other dolls & more... We talk bout Ed gein!? Texas chain saw & other true stories that r on the news & in films... We also talk on higher education like bibLicaL doctor genious & wutev else... I offer him sumthing at hack & the box he say not at this tyme like duh I got a Limited edition pine appLe shake tho...

& iN THAT LiNK BELOW iS BOUT when Me & tha doLL got back cLick on it 2 see~

& this next Link kinda goes wit it~

& heRe$ anotheR Link a video of Me cLick 2 see~

This Movie in that Link above

It doesn't show wut happend to this individual oRiginally like wut his 24/7 life but it shows he is found out to b a murderer of sum kind...

After his supposive bioLogicaL biRth mommy got a forced funeral which is illegal in all religions...

He gets possessed & starts digging up all the bodies like it's tha rite thing to do but is he aware of reality a together...

These individuals belong disintegrated or brought back & wit out a lie director test he mite not know...

Even if he not allowed in that field it's obvious around those parts there is no real authorities or anything...

& King God play crown testers giving the option to play a biblical doctor genious even wit out the education it seems

So he starts off to do wutev then he goes more mental like he turns I to a psycho path or is it peasants he killing!?

Who knows & if these individuals that got killed bye hem how does anyone know bout that stories & details if when he got them abducted & alone...

This is why peasants need to mind thier own buisness & staze outta presidential & higher possitions...

B cus this individual went crazy over his supposive biRth mommy situation that's supposed to be situated bye a trial authorities & again wutta bout hem he need to be assisted bye them too that long ago probly duh!!!!!

wut was his Life b4 his suppposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy funeRaL?!

who is he ReaLLy & who is she?!

did he becoMe that outta no wheRe oR was he aLReady suM kinda cRiMinaL peasant?!

It ReMinds me of a story of Hitler I read that Adolph Hitler supposively went after fake doctors & fake medical representatives that supposively killed his biological birth mommy & that fake doctor claim to be Jewish when he obviously of no religion huh...

But there's sumtymes more to these stories that's why there's lie ditector test duh!

& Qualified individuals that are allowed to do wutev like they entitled...

Like me & my daughter been abducted off & on our whole lives bye a lower class of people than these supposive criminals that mite a been delt wit entirely like I don't know...

I Made a cLown doll that i made to like identical to my daughter like she really is abducted & even tho I make dolls anywaze & I write plays & stories & more like f.a.e. fashion art etc.

these Links beLow taLk on that doLL i Mention eaRLieR & MoRe~

As I seek a higher education I'm entitled to as I'ma be a biblical doctor genious eventually duh which deals wit metal skeletons & clognes & real medicine & natural remedies & dreams & nessasary surgeries & authorities & inventions & like ditector test & wutev else

But since I make dolls & such to sumtymes look like the existing they can sumtymes fill in for them when they can't be there whether they abducted or wutev the excise of the situations criminals peasants create for fun...

There is lie ditector test...

& Those retards try to prevent me & every 1 from thier Resources individually and wutev else duh!

My webpage~

OtheR than that... To whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. & Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblical representatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa...Persian pRayeR imade up sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 LIKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh! My webpage~

On diff Realities~...i don't owe any1 anything!? That's fraud to say so...there's lie ditector test & real authorities that got disintegration Lazers...& Electrical vehicles that fly too & whatever else not mentioned... Like wheRe*s aLL My ResouRces!? It's illegal to got a business with out making sure every1 got all thier resources they entitled to & more! These illegally Land scaped places need to end! Everything is supposed to be made of palace like materials & approved locations & designs on a lie ditector test & whatever else not mentioned!...only pray unless that's really all you can do...Like Real Authorities exist... Extended version of the Report w/more details~ My webpage~

To whoM this May conceRN... Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed... These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblical representatives or both... Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be... That much faster too...bLa bLa bLa... Persian pRayeR imade up sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 LIKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!

On diff Realities~ To whom this may concern...i don't owe any1 anything!? That's fraud to say so...there's lie ditector test & real authorities that got disintegration Lazers...& Electrical vehicles that fly too & whatever else not mentioned... Like wheRe*s aLL My ResouRces!? It's illegal to got a business with out making sure every1 got all thier resources they entitled to & more! These illegally Land scaped places need to end! Everything is supposed to be made of palace like materials & approved locations & designs on a lie ditector test & with actual authorities & whatever else not mentioned!... only pray unless that's really all you can do...& Legally Authorities with weapons like disintegration guns & lie ditector test more are required!!!! along with resources & whatever else ...that's the full job description of a biblical representative individual & an authority & business & educational & more! like i myself am a biblical representative individual but I don't got access to everything I need to better assist others at this time ...TheRe*s Lie ditectoR test & ReaL authorities & LateR in this message is links click on it or type each individually on Google 2 see the based on true story wit images...they are also found on my blog post in my website~ & More links ... & PERSiAN PRAyER i MADE UP~SpaRkLes PRAyeRs victiMs DREAMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED TO...DUH! & My webpage~ To whom this may concern~invent heLp ReLated Links RegauRding an idea I added my education & that company already Patten...& that poorily of Mine that I coLLab wit My cat eLectRik gisMo that 3Rd & My daughteR I onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! CLICK EACH LINK BELOW TO SEE MESSAGES~ & & & My webpage~ It's filled wit BibLicaL education & FASHiON ART ETC. & Stories like ACOMA & BLOG POST & MORE! WAZE EDUCATIONAL & REALITY UPDATES ARE THERE TOO...PERSIAN PRAYER I MADE UP~SPARKLES PRAYRES VICTIMS DREAMING RESCUE THEM FROM VICTIMIZERS NIGHTMARES 24/7 LIKE DREAMS COME TRUE IF THEY SUPPOSED TO...DUH! Links below regaurding other situations that need to be situated because of uneducated individuals cRiMinaLs peasants that are trying to take over wit perversion & power & control & drugs like psych meds & fake authorities & fake doctors like fake medical Resentatives & fake Educational RepResentatives & more duh! They in cults like psychology & whatever else not mentioned... & & & More info found on my YouTube videos title the same as my webpage if you type it on YouTube my videos will pop up if you type it on Google my webpage & more links to me & etc will show...along wit I'm On Facebook & in person...Those peasants cRiMinaLs need to accept they don't qualify & victims like me are entitled duh! This is illegal! There is BibLicaL doctor genious lie ditector test Lazer disintegration & other weapons & whatever else like real laws reminded in all religions that are 100% true Beware of fake versions of sum books a knowledge they sumtymes twisted wit lies & truth so they not as true...

MeMoRy Mazing~

That tyMe i baRRow a vehicLe & dRove down that street like wutev but when I left that location I went back out & I notice that windows bLackish like I see nothing ReaLLy!?

I got perfect vision...

So I can the owner of tha caR & ask heM did he get his windows tinted...!?

He say no why

I tell hem I'm in a parking space & in this mirror shows the windows darker than usual like Maybe it's tha Mirrors...!?

As I sat & wonder

He say how bout the lights did u turn them on like it's nite tyme u have to!?

Wutta u know like I don't know how so he tell me

& Yup that was it...

Like wutev...

& That other tyme I was driving on eMpty & the passengers say aRent u gonna put gas!?

I continue driving Laughing like don't u know these motor vehicles are illegal!!!!

So no not plus I don't know how so who cares it's not sumthing to know n cus real laws say all vehicles have to b electrical & b capable a flying in the skying & floating on water like a boat or they not allowed...

Then ask why i am I driving!?

B cus they force me to duh!

They know I'm usually walking & refusing these illegal rides

Like unless I'm abducted or in a situation I'm never in these illegal vehicles...duh!

& The vehicle I had I hired an electrician originally I pay hem ahead tyme to get wutev to turn my car electrical duh

He stole money

Then sum other Peasant criminal offer for free claiming to got electrical educationaL like that 1 paid already

He lie he stole my car title &. More

Now no car...

I named that car pRincess it was supposed to be me & my daughter Care Bear car once it gets fixed to fly eLectRonically & float like boat & more

Like that's another story...

Based on true...

& terrorist Peasants criminals r trying to take oveR!

Like Obama he illegally Reside in George Washington property as he didn't give himself his own resources or anybody else either wutta sicko!!!!

Then Kamala Harris claims she higher than Biden even as a fake vice pResidentiaL & she went in the news representing perverts as she re•opened those illegal schools k~12 grade that was shut down to be torn down

B cus real laws colleges are all ages

& Illegal Land scapers keep building kindergartens & pre schools & other illegal schools they think & believe if they do that that they will continue accessing perversion wit baby's kids teens & eveNtuaLLy them as adults & etc.

This is illegal It's disgusting Real DOCTORS help end Multiplying bye giving that surgery I got for females

& There's a surgery for makes RequiRed also duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fake AUTHORities & fake bibLicaLs & fake educationaL & fake medical & fake buisnesses & fake whoev & fake wutev need to mind thier own buisness duh!!!!!!!!!

My daughter also goes bye heR middle name we both call eachother RACHEL SUMTyMes duh!

& when my biological birth daughter that Rachel many names etc

In pRe school @killy Brooke elementary in Heather Casey class

She had a lil boyfriend she hang out wit on the play ground only not outside a school

& When Willie found out

He left me voice mails

That he jealous & After Willie left those messages on my phone

Tha Lil boy got possessed & he started physically abusing angelina outta no where at play ground tyme

& All tha lil girls she hang out wit usually started VicTiMiZinG her


on otheR ReaLities i seen on news & MoRe Like~

DuRing 1 a My abductions bye wiLLie theRe was a chuRch

I thought they mite rescue me & kill & Disintegrate him for his existing cRiMes like if there's actual bibLicaL RepResentativeindividuals wit all thier resources then they r Authorities & more! Duh!

& They will got lie ditector test & advanced weapons & a higher education ...

But instead they had me & Willie sit in a circle wit them!? they force us to all hoLd hands as they claim they praying over my situation they pretend not to know & they offer to throw me & Willie a free wedding!?

We are not tha same age &

He doesn't qualify for marriage

& Those r obviously fake biblical RepResentatives duh!!!!!!!!

ALL My Messages go together

& HeRe*s anotheR MeMoRy Maze~ i put My daughteR in baLLet b4 & at that tyme I offer to put my step daughter that Elizabeth Aaliyah many names etc at that dance school too they got hip hop & tap & jazz & ballet & more for lil girls only They say no adults ... ANyWAZe I got angelina Rachel many names etc in it... & I tell Willie that Elizabeth needs to go also... & He say nope... that Elizabeth only gets to be his rape victim... nothing & nothing less & He tell me to mind my own buisness & outta no where he made angelina drop out duh! B cus retard Liz say why does Angelina get to be there if they both his rape victim & bLa bLa bLa This isn't funny! These are intensional crimes done bye criminals that belong Disintegrated! Angelina Rachel many names etc she even tell me her mind gets deleted & she gets puppetted I tell her it's ciamak & those peasants they sumtymes do hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology that she is part middle eastern like myself she should know bout that hypnotic is really supposed to b used for magic shows dancing & crime prevention & more duh!!!!! She act like I'm crazy I got her a belly dance skirt & a prayer rug & tell her to pray that way & more... That these are ciamak people of rape victims mental health RepResentatives scientist & other retards They do gay pornography & biosexual & more on & off camera wit all ages & genders duh You already know this & they abduct rape Dru fraud illegal Land scaping & wutev Else crimes not mentioned... My daughter needs to get Rescued iMMediaTeLy!!!!!!!

this iMage above is Like a MeMoRy Maze~

Like it ReMinds me of me & my lil half bRother cousin in the 90s we play this video game on Sega Genesis & we watch the show even if we play it individually & we pretend to b tha characters & more wit our imaginations duh & I draw them like wutev along wit other art work that I do of my own... Those tymes are also Like that tyme me & him & my lil half sister cousin RacheLLe Yvonne & she his Lil sister supposively... Our bioLogicaL biRth daddys are supposively biological half brothers or sumthing they claim to be... Eitherwaze we watch that realistic whaLe Movie Based on the sea animal being abducted bye humans outta no where as they abducting her a baby whale flies outta her!? & sum how it was like we all imagine we in the movie & it was like the couch we sitting on is floating in the ocean & it seem so real like we was there too even though it's jus a movie ... Good tymes aside from any dysfunctional daze like who you are 24/7 intensionally determines if u allowed to exist duh! Sum say they only like that around Me!? I let those exact cRiMinaL peasants know they must be sicker than them then I dont know... There's lie ditector test...& Wutev else... My webpage~

To Rob Kardashian aka kri$2fuR wuts going on wit ur sock Sox designs & wutever else

Like instead saving that animals like u made to as a part middle eastern

I got a variety a dreams like staze dreaming but

u have a dream that's human u sicko multiplying is tha daughter a princess why don't u get ur ResouRces from her then does she got all hers eitherwaze individuaLLy like everyone is suppose to??!!

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes PRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they supposed to...duh!


IS SIMILAR TO my supposive lil half brother cousin that MICHAEL SASEGH KAVAND










& Kourtney Kardashian keeps getting raped & having babies on 1 a tha episodes she tells the fake doctor look watch me deliver this baby bye myself & she pulls the baby out of her vagina & tells him she needs a real doctor to give her the same surgery I got duh!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is illegal...

Fake MEDicaL Representatives & fake educationaL & fake authorities & fake biblical & more!!!!!!

OtheR than that...

DuRing 1 a My abductions bye wiLLie theRe was a chuRch

I thought they mite rescue me & kill & Disintegrate him for his existing cRiMes like if there's actual bibLicaL RepResentativeindividuals wit all thier resources then they r Authorities & more! Duh!

& They will got lie ditector test & advanced weapons & a higher education ...

But instead they had me & Willie sit in a circle wit them!? they force us to all hoLd hands as they claim they praying over my situation they pretend not to know & they offer to throw me & Willie a free wedding!?

We are not tha same age &

He doesn't qualify for marriage

& Those r obviously fake biblical RepResentatives duh!!!!!!!!


I know u don't know my 24/7 life I don't know yours but these wierdos do diff things

Like these sickos that drug & rape my supposive lil half brother cousin that MichaeL Sadegh Kavand boRn 09~11~1987 supposively boRn in fuLLeRton, CaLifoRnia...bibLicaLLy speaking in tha Land of DReaMs...they keep putting him in the streets & they have him do wierd things they force him to try to rape the side walk on servailance b cus they got jealous of his part middle eastern size penis & they make say I love the streets...& They love me...under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology he say & do wut the PEASANTS want like a puppet of perversion &'s not funny!!!! It's RETARDed it's illegal there's lie ditector test to verify & confirm who's innocent & who's guilty of wutev duh!!!!!!

& they abduct me b4 & they force me under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology to try to b sexual wit dolls & stuffed animals to reinact wut they do to actual humans & real animals duh!

They video it! Then they like myself am aware of wut that footage is it's illegal for these perverts to do wut they do...

next is me & My daughter suM tyMe on that daze weaRing suM dopetasticaL sox...that not Rob K aka KRi$2fuR kaRdashian aka sox aka Many Names etc. but they siMiLaR see~

went 2 that chuRch eaRLieR i caLL that PLace tha window of Magical Messages Rainbow ReMindeRs jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of peace sunset stain gLass @420 w. 19th st. costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in tha LAND OF DREAMS...THAT TAMMy took suM pics a Me she gotta waze better caMeRa it$ Like she woRks theRe...eitheRwaze...

& i Love aLL kinds aMake up but since i aLReady Mention KARDASHiANS THEy do incLude that kyLie & she got heR ko$Metics i Love hEr Lip paint Like Line~

& beLow is kiM kaRdashian she gotta Make up kosMetic Line aLso...

& fashion~

& cLick that above Link

tha video i incLude this wooden doLphin My supposive LiL half brother cousin that MichaeL Sadegh Kavand

also known as twix stix tRix many names etc.

He made it...

he used to b more like:

Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace he do wood aRt like hem duh!

& he made me that dolphin outta wood & he made me a jewelery box wooden & more like an eLf too...

Last I seen hem he abducted bye my daughter biological birth daddy rape gang...

& In this video I also show LaMb chop puppet that i got in like the late 80s early 90s like that's another story

& the lamb chop like it only smaller is my abducted daughters

& my supposive bioLogicaL lil half sister cousin RacheLLe Yvonne kavand also known as la vaash shuLee many names etc. U collects them ...

But wutev

So do I sumtymes

& I do all kinds a things more than u maybe Like depends on situations

Like sum r prevented from doing wut they supposed to duh!

Because of cRiMinaLs Peasants...

They trying to take over...

Like who you are intensionally 24/7 determines if u allowed to be alive & more duh like I will exist forever...

& This character of myself is kreature clown jewelery box ballerina bunny puppet hypnotical thing...

I'm the same since my soul was made...

RacheLLe yvonne ka vand & MichaeL Sa degh Ka vand & whoev else might not be...

Or probly R now

I don't know...

Eitherwaze my daughter needs to get Rescued iMMediaTeLy duh & wutev Else not mentioned...

Look wut they & otheRs get puppetted to do bye ciamak and Willie rape gang of MentaL heaLth RepResentatives & scientist & other cRiMinaL peasants....they try to puppet everyone into perversion & RETARDATioN...whether they victiMizeRs or victims...

They retarted...& Belong Disintegrated already for thier existing intensional crimes...

bibLicaL education is RequiRed & science is iLLegaL Like bibLicaL science aLReady figuRed that out as a fact so stop Messing wit that LeveL of tRuth oR any wit anything...

bLa bLa bLa

Like high bye...



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