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Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Look$ Like a baRbie & ken doLL kinda daze @chuRch as i usuaLLy do a vaRiety a chaRacteR$ duh!~

cLick Link beLow 2 see oR type on youtube it$ a fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of Me 2 paRt of a baRbie coMMeRciaL fi ReMeMbeR fRoM when i was a LiL giRL in Like in the 80s & 90s but i obviousLy do it as a woMan a coupLe yeaRs ago b tween 2020 & 2023~

beLow is a nothER baRbie fRee styLe pRayeR i did LateR Like 2020 oR 2021 oR 2022?! a MiMe Me MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that song bye auqua that say LyRicaLLy iMa baRbie giRL...Life as pLastic its fantastic...


cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see these 80s baRbie inspiRed fRee styLe pRayeR videos of Me MyseLf MiMIng a MiMe a reMix a Mix of to twisted insane MusicaL titTLed DREAMiN~


& cLick this next Link Me again MyseLf doing saMe thing as Last video this tyMe 2 katy peRRy song that LyRicaLLy sing bout bout Magic i jus ReMeMbeR its titLed DARK HORSE CLick 2 see~


beLow is a video of Me MyseLf doing a FRee styLe pRayeR bout that doLL & MoRe a MiMe Me MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that booM box baRbie coMMeRciaL song~

next i taLk bout MoRe ReaLity updates bout suMMa My baRbie booM box inspiRed Looks & bout that doLL again & eventi show tha actuaL coMMeRcial of booM box baRbie that Rockin Rappin baRbie doLL then eventuaLLy i do a fRee styL pRayeR thing a MiMe MyseLf Me a ReMix a Mix of 2 a nicki Minaj tune bout baRbie she sings wit sadie & they coMbine thieR song wit othER baRbie songs & MoRe cLick 2 see~


I gOt to see that 2023 baRbie Movie for $5 @$taR Light cineMa$ in co$ta Me$a, ca. aRea biblIcaLLy $peaking in the LAND OF DREAM$!

on JuLy 30th sundaze afteR chuRch! But no drink pRobLy no snacks...I don't think I got enough funds for all that & the woman that plays baRbie she NOT like the real Barbie she jus dresses a lil like her & kinda talks like her Like I know the real baRbie When I was lil she come to life in dolls & when I was on the streets she visit me in spirit as boom box baRbie that baRbie I got b4 she do baRbie quotes & she remind me hang on to ur dreams you can be anything til this daze she is there duh her & other characters spiritually & in reality & wutev

Click link below it’s Me talking bout that baRbie 2023 fiLM & that after I talk I do a free style prayer to that Marilyn Manson tune dope show a remix a mix do me miming a mime myself click to see~

above & beLow i$ Me & geoRge @ a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...

then next is Me DRE$$ UP AS BiBLicaL baRbie is wut i caLL this Look as i do Many of it & it*$ obviou$Ly inspiRed bye tha doLL & MORe & the tutus R detatchabLe so i suMtyMes styLe it 2 a diff out fit wit tha saMe fab$ & thRead$ & My hugh bunny doLL i RecentLy sewn on heM Roses on his cheeks so they actuaLLy Rosey now see!~

& heRe*$ a fRee styLe pRayER of Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of to that tune titLed fancy bye DRAKE f. t.i. & $wi$$ beat$ cLick Link 2 see OR type on youtube~

in tha MORn i pick up tha pastRy dough on My waze 2 chURch then afteR i went back 2 My stepping stone & did a fRee styLe pRayER & then i went 2 tha pooL & swiM & Lay out in tha sun...i invite My daughtER: Mya Loka LiL cLown angeLina baLLeRina RacheL LaMb diaMond$ caRe beaR tRoLL undeR bRidge Rigbi chicken wing Many NaMes etc.

& teLL hER 2 coMe aLong Like she use 2 but she say she busy in high hopes she didnt get dRugged Raped abducted again but LateR she stop bye & i Made HeR a vita sMoothie & sand which & potatoe & fRuit saLad & i gave heR a MaRtineLLis not fRoM concentRate & puRified wateR & i ReMInd heR to take heR oMega & veggie & fRuit piLLs of heRs she got diff vitaMins i encouRage her 2 do fitness & diet & exceRcise & get a highER caLendaR scheduLe Like hopefuLLy she wiLL she dissappeaRed again...

& i staze on My caLendaR scheduLe i did suM beLLy dance stRetches & i baithe 3 diff cats eveRydaze in DAWN Dish soap...& wutev eLse...

Like tha otheR daze i Made it 2 tha beach she didnt go this tyMe so i went aLone & afteR i go in tha diRty ocean sea wateR & Lay out in the sun on the sand then on My waze back 2 My stepping stone i stop bye a paRk 2 RoLLeR skate & i did this fRee styLe pRayER a ReMix a Mix of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf 2 that shakiRa tune titLed Loco cick Link 2 see OR type on googLe~


i Made it 2 this outdooR gyM thing & i did this fRee styLe pRayER a ReMix a Mix of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf 2 that Rich gang tune titLed LifestyLe a see~

in that iMage beLow theRe is a cat My daughteR caLLs Lino Like heR naMe is angeLina she naM eheM afteR hER she say & i caLL heM tha new boRn Myo Loko Lino button$ dopeta$ticaL fab$ & thRead$ spaRkLes diaMOnd$ fa$h aRt etc. spRakLes

next i caLL thi$ cat is that angeL pantheR $paRkLe$ annae Many naMe$ etc.

aside fRoM baithing suM cat$ in dawn di$h $oap eveRydaze... heRe$ $uM videos fRoM eaRLieR of the new born kitten Kat he ReMind Me like when My daughteR was a baby & click Links individuaLLy 2 to see that taiL & paws & Me~








anywaze hERE*$ suM pics of Me & My daughtER @ tha pooL when she did go we swiM & we aLso hooLa hoop & heR supposive fRiend stope bye & swaM & hooLa hooped wit us...& we hit a baLL 2 eachotheR & dRank MaRtineLLis not fRoM concentRatE & puRified watER & snacks poRtion sized...

& tha otheR daze we dRess up Like baRbie doLL$ foR 4th of juLy we watch fiRe woRks outside ouR teMpoRaRy stepping stone & we ate ice cReaM...

& theRes suMMa Me & My daughtErs baRbie doLLs see~

& we caLL theM Mya Loka baRbie & RacheL baRbie & that baRbie & actuaL baRbie theRe ReMinds Me of Rappin Rockin baRbie aka booM box baRbie Like its tah saMe identity huh? & that naked Ribbon baRbie i design & wRap that satin fabs & tHreads Round heRc & gave heR 2 My daughtER 4 heR 18th biRThdaze 2024 febRuaRy 9th, 2024 & stReet baRbie thats anotheR stOry but i Made hER heARt shiRt & she weaRing Like a Rappin Rockin baRbie styLe skiRT i put on heR & ken & baRbie baLLeRina as they aLL Ready 2 attend ouR upcoMing bibLicaL gatheRing of a baRbie paRTy...

tha NAKED Ribbon i$ $o PaRi$ pha $Hh on FRench fa $Hh on dopeta$ticaL fun fab$ & thRead$...

i need this in My size!!!!!!!!!!! i Made this baithing suit thing see 4 this doLL 4 My daughters 18th biRthdaze I include a heart shirt i Made I gave heR a RacheL MicheLé Make oveR FRench fashion Tha naked Ribbon see To encourage my daughter to do MoRe variety a designs like fae fashion aRt etc. & wutev eLse duh Like My daughteR caLLs this doLL Look RacheLs haiR cLothes RacheL styLe RacheL baRbie duh

& i Made that heaRt $hiRt thing 4 that doLL & i Made 4 otheR doLLs & 4 Me & hER in ouR size & whoev eLse NOT MENTioned~

whiLe cLeaning i Plaze tha naked Ribbon but i didnt do My Make up or nothing i was jus going thRu suM fabs & thReads & i caMe aCRoss this fabRic & its tha Rite sizeso i wRap it aRound my body Like i did 2 that baRbie but i wanna get Matching Like that baRbie & MORe duh untiL then i wiLL pRetend & next tyMe i wiLl do haiR & wutev eLse 2 pop out tha Look as oveR aLL i did it tho that xact styLe see~

& i did thi$ naked Ribbon inspiRed shiRt thing its not Long enough 4 that otheR Look tho as it$ MORe tha styLe iM going foR but i wiLL get pink satin Like that baRbie tooo & MORe LoL she fit in2 1 haiR tie of Mine haha~

& i did this fRee styLe pRayER a ReMix a Mix of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf 2 that DRAKE TUNE STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM NOW WE HERE CLick 2 see oR type on youtube~

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh!

BLA bLa bLa

Like high bye

& next i do a jeweLERy box baLLeRina cReatuRe cLown 80s style baRbie doLL puppet Like chaRactER to suMMa My jeweLeRy box tunes i wind up & go do a fRee styLe pRayER a Mime of MyseLf me MiMing a Remix of cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~



This Link beLow may not be that advanced techoLogy but it’s obviously stiLL that high like these puppets r really jus doing wut they pRobLy suppose to imagine they human identities or suM characters still in the making duh click link to see~

CLick that Link beLow to see anotheR bibLicaLLy inspiRed video of MyseLf that I's oNLy Like 10 Min. it*s of Me siMpLifying suM bibLicaLeducationaL info. RequiRed 2 know & ReMeMbeR Like heRe*s a ReMindeR...



cLick Link beLow 2 see ME taLk bout suM bibLiocaL educationaL & bibLicaLLy inspiRed chaRacteRs Mentioned in hoLy bibLe & otheR books of knowLedeg Like adaM & eve & cReatuRes & LucifeR & aniMaLs & noah*s aRk & wutev eLse Not Mentioned kinda stoRies based on tRue~


next anotheR veRsion of adaM & eve agan pLaze bye baRbie & ken doLL cLick 2 see as i Plaze Like b4 CReatuRes & snake & LucifeR & ganji faiRies & MoRe~


beLow R 2 Links of a cReatuRe jeweLery box baLLeRina cLown ganjinfaiRy fauwN MeRMaid thing styLe chaRactER of MyseLf fRee styLe pRaying Me a MiMe MiMing a ReMix a mix of 2 pink fLoyd tune sauceRfuL a secRets & then 2 anotheR pinkFLoyd song i 4got tha titLe cLick these Links next individuaLLy 2 see~



Click Links individuaLLy to see these free style prayers a me a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe as this Lucifer the fallen angel appear more visibly & he brought up he can’t b lieve the peasants trying to take over the land of dreams sum call the world or earth which is just more tea herb plant like tho other than wutev else...he that LucifeR with a London Like engLand kinda voice as he do diff chaRacteRs suMtyMes Like ReptiLes & cReatuRes & MORE & he say bLoody heLL that b*tch CAGE king god Many NaMes etc. continues to show hiM situations he can*t @ this tyMe heLp situate then he teLLs hiM how Much higheR he is than hiM?! LucifeR say yeah kindoM of heaven Many NaMes etc. ReaLLy is MORE highLy Located than a PLace titLe heLL Many NaMes etc. & these intensional criminals continue to try to take over churches & buisnesses & schools/colleges & the illegal land scapers ever since Adam & eve summa them really stupider & they belong disintegrated for thier intensional crimes duh & Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace went visible also & agree aside from wutev else characters & PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye & Here’s those Links i mention earlier click to see~ 



this fRee styLe pRayeR of Me MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of a MiMe MiMing to a twi$ted insane tune & otheR MusicaL chaRacteRs LyRicaL song that LyRicaLLy sing bout sinning LiteRaLLy sUM paRts it say siN cLick 2 see~


on diff ReaLities yet the saMe ReaL Life suM places & Locations cLick Link 2 see Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MyseLf MiMing a MiMe of Me A ReMix a Mix of 2 that tune bag of dope aLso known as fRied day(daze) f. bizzy bone~

cLick Link or type on YouTube to see Me doing a free styLe pRayeR a ReMix a Mix of ME MyseLf MiMing a MiMe to that tune MetaLica titled one as i also talk on biblical educational books of knowledge & ReaLity & the Land of dReaMs like wit it’s suppose to be duh~ 

above & beLow is Me & a teaR dRop diaMond$ Shape de$ign$ on that goLdi$h diaMOndy cRown i bRought aLong @ a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...

& i bRought aLong wit Me 2 that chuRch My daughteRs cat she caLL heM Lino as i caLL heM tha new boRn Myo Loko button$ dopeta$ticaL spaRkLe$ fab$ & thRead$ fa$h aRt etc. $pRakLe$ diaMond$ Many naMe$ etc. & i encouRage heR My daughtER Mya Loka LiL cLown angeLina baLLeRina RacheL LaMb diaMond$ caRe beaR tRoLL undeR bRidge Rigbi chicken wing Many NaMes etc. 2 go aLso but she keeps getting abducted & dRugged & Raped & put in2 iLLegal $ituation$ that need 2 get $ituated bye actuaL authoRities wit Lie ditectoR te$t that accuRate & weapons & MoRe oR whoev got access that is aLLowed & quaLifies duh!

 in that Link above cLick to see of Me doing a fRee style pRayeR MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix of to that tune ANGEL BABy to Rosie & tha oRiginaL$ 

as i dedicate this fReeLy styLing pRaying To:

jctpop~jesus ChRist tha pRince of peace i got that chaLice piMp gLass hoLy cup 4 heM… 4 when he gets brought back bye a biblical doctor genious duh!!!!!!!!!

& i*M hanging on to it til then 

As He say when he appear more visibly & in spiRit That he will in person as a half god(king) & half human

 EitheRwaze just a high prince he is not a king god 

that wit his ability he will Multiply it

 when he gets brought by back tho 

Either b4 or bye that tyMe there will be Recyclyng water falls again of purified h2o 

that even in his daze illegal land scapers took down wuts supposed 2 be theRe as they continue to tRy to take over

Like they all belong disintegrated immediately 4 thier xisting intensional crimes  duh!


cLick Link beLow oR type on youtube 2 $ee Me doing a fRee $tyLe pRayER MiMing MyseLf a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of 2 this tune that soundds Like ozzy oz bouRne & iRon Maiden it$ bye witheRfaLL tune titLed ceReMony of fiRe~

heRe*$ paRT of a PURiTy pak i Made & put 2 getheR duRing a spiRituaL bibLIcaL gatheRing & i pa$$ it out in peRson at chuRches & buisnesses & hospitaLs & coLLeges & pRopeRTies & gyMs/fitnesses & stReets & eLectRonicaLLy & howev eLse see~

cLick Link beLow 2 see oR type on googLe~

cLick Link 2 see~

Land of DREAMS ON THis soiL suM Mite die like the titanic if no body does this purified wateR faLLs eveRywheRe duh~

cLick Link 2 see...

MoRe bibLicaLLy inspiRed Links: tyPe on googLe individuaLLy to see~















 biblical educational & ReaLity Links next too~





aLso this aRticLe beLow is based on tRue stoRies duh~



otheR Links beLow aLso~





More info found on my YouTube videos title the same as my webpage if you type it on YouTube my videos will pop up if you type it on Google my webpage & more links to me & etc will show...along wit I'm On Facebook & in person...


My webpage~

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