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$Lice($) & $tone($) Like pizza & fiRe suM how ReaLLy go 2 getheR?!~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

so whiLe out & bout...a RandoM gRown Man in My path...he offEr Me suM pizza as he heLd out tha box theRe$ 3 $Lice$...eitheRwaze i took 1 & went bout My Life Like wutev...i think it Mite b doMinos styLe pizza i dont know wut kinda pizza ReaLLy...but tha dough seeMed Like how that coMpany pRepaRe it...

anywaze as i continue waLking i seen a fiRe in a distance?!

as i got cLoseR i ReaLize it*s a bush on fiRe?!

i was going 2 caLL fiRe depaRtMent & Law enfoRceMent but they too i Reach 4 wateR then it*$ eMpTy...i dRank it aLReady?!

i went 2 gRab diRt 2 help put it out b4 it gets biggeR but i sciaticaL attack which Makes Me weak...

whiLe in tha diRty aRea...i gRab a Rock & i put it oveR tha fLaMes Like it woRks foR paRt of it but theRes stiLL MoRe fiRe...

so i try to get MoRe rocky stones of aLL sizes & sciatica again!

so LuckiLy i got tha stRentgh to use My foot to baReLy roll that other rock fRom earlier to put that fire out...

woulda been faster if i got either a LaRgeR stone oR MoRe Rocks...

but wutev...

sciatica is a Plague bye peasant cRiMinaLs that weaken & tRy to contRoL suM1*s ReMains...theRes diff LeveLs of it which cause disfiguRation & paRaLyzation & cRused bones & Loss of vitaMins & MoRe...these attacks aRe RetaRted & aRe cuLts causing physicaL & MentaL disabiLities which is iLLegaL...

theRe aRe suM pRoceeduRes & natuRaL ReMedies & fitness & MoRe 2 heLP fight these PLagues!

oN diff ReeaLities~

suM daze LateR...

Making pizza cupcakes!!!!! it's Like that LiL piLLsbuRy dough boy chaRacteR is heRe again ... He heLp me cook B4 duh! We don't alwaze agree but he got dopetasticaL ideas too...

EitheRwaze wut I end up doing is~

I broke the dough up in to 6 ball like shapes I place them in My cupcake Make MakeR...

As they bake...

I put sum ilunsalted butter wit diff seasonings like gaRLic salt & chili & I melt it together

Then after the pastry dough is done

I put them in a container that I'm going to freezefor another tyme

I'm only eating one duh...

B4 I eat & freezing the others...

I put the melted buttery sauce on all a them & I add shredded cheese & I pour the pizza sauce like icing & I include flax seed as the sprinkles they are high in Omega 3 vitamins a~z duh

I don't got mushroom s or jalepeñios or anything else really to add

Maybe next tyMe...

So I put those 5 in the freezer for later in my calendar

& The 1 I'm eating now is in the microwave timely that wutev...

PoRtioned & HEALTHY...

To My abducted daughter~

HeRes this Link i sent u...

To My daughter This Link eaRLieR cLick on it & it appeaRs to be that... M.M. Marshal Mathers Eminem slim shady the hip hop artist interview wit Mike Tyson the tiger of boxers or wutever...Maybe he kiLL Like animal like it's okay if that guy he bite the ear off belong disintegrated as a Peasant criminal victiMizeR... like Mike tyson he got no other weapons like jungle cats duh!!!!!

In that link it doesn't Mention the tyme he bite ear off during boxing match but it got filmed & it's on the news!!!!!!

I Remember you my daughter got human test on bye fake DOCTORS & they force you to grow extra teeth...I tell you they mite come in handy depends on youR situation...

they the fake doctors they illegally use you to see if it works & then they sell & use for Peasants criminals duh

I Report it already...

& My webpage~



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