MeMoRy Maze~ sensoRed veRsion...Like theRe*s Lie ditectOr test & ReaL authoRities eitheRwaze...
Late 80s eaRly 90s Round that tyMe i think...i gave a cRiMinaL peasant sinneR victiMizeR a Lisa fRankn co. penguin suRfing shaRpeneR chaRactER b cus i seen hiM suRf b4 duh! he us eto do it that often cLaimimg thats aLL he do...
he obviously Lied...wutta LiaR...
& he did coMe out in the newpoRt beach, caLifornia NEWS Biblically speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS AS A HERO THAT save a woman & baby from drowning near the pier aRea...
thier images got printed in wut sum caLL the paper...
but they none got ReveaLed for who they ReaLLy R intensionaLLy 24/7 Like they didnt get thieR resources or anything?!
Like wheRes the Life gaurds?!
& he Racist against victiMs Like Me 4 exaMPLe...
Like when we get force to go in pubLic & hang out Like nothing Like we not the same cLass of people oR anything
Like it Make s no sense oR scents or cents Likem since we on the subject
he say suRfing is 4 sinneRs that if i intensionaLLy sin i wiLL get 2 do MoRe too...
so i gave hiM that gift aLso 2 encouRage him 2 wRite & dRaw whiLe he out theRe as a Loose pRisoneR oR take it 2 pRison wit hiM oR depoRt hiMseLf wit it oR wutev whiLe waiting on ReaL authoRities b cus i dont got weapons & Lie ditectoR test & MoRe 2 betteR assist otheRs entiReLy wit thieR ResouRces Like he Probly beLongs disintegRated for his intensionaLLy cRiMes duh!...
he say he gonna supeR gLue it to wut he caLLs his suRf van Rite in the MiddLe of the fRont window aRea...Like it does syMboLize suMMa his chaRactERs Like he actuaLLy is a PRo suRfeR
aside fRoM that
he done wieRd things during suMMa My abductions bye hiM & in geneRaL
...aLtho he done noRmaL things too...
.but these stRange tyMes he use MeMoRy deLetion hypnotic hypnosis twist wit psychoLogy...
i think the cRiMInaL he use pRobLy is ciaMak b cus a the styLe of hypnotic MeMoRy deLetion twist wit psychoLogy ciaMka do he Let u watch uRseLf do wutev it is bye foRce to psychoLogicaLLy Make u think thats ReaLLy who u R duh! thats why suMMa a tha sickest use hiM to provide that kind of it...othER MeMoRy deLeteRs hypnotic hypnosis twist wit psychoLogy u Mite NOT ReMeMbeR ReaLLy its waze diff...i expeRience that styLe of it too Like thats anothER stORy...
anywaze ciaMak heLp hiM abduct Me he usuaLLy incLude RetaRdation OR peRveRsion oR both when he do tha hypnotic MeMoRy deLetion twist with psychoLOgy he TRy 2 convince who he use it on that they guiLty of wut he foRce them 2 do jus b cus he Lets theM watch hiM puppet thier ReMains that stupid...
that tyMe da vid McLain My supposive bioLogical biRth uncLe Many Names etc.
in the Late 80s in Front of that Location & pLace
wheRe i was boRn januaRy 15, 1986 baby giRl ganet Many names etc. @694 w wilson st costa Mesa, ca. 92627...bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land of dReaMs...
My souL was Made in apRiL 1985 kRystaL diaMOnd...
he announce 2 schitzophRenics that show themselves that visibLy in spiRit that i seen them too
he say to theM to caLM down that RacheL got heR ResouRces tHRu the disney co. aLReady
he say it out LOud 2 no body theRE other than schitzophrenics questioning the situation & he say hoLd on she bout to go on stage...
he try 2 Make it beLieveabLe...wut he say when its NOt True its Lies!!!!!
& i automaticaLLy start reinacting the LiL MeRmaid from the animation caRtoon disney fiLm outta no wheRe thats aLL i ReMemember under that LeveL of hypnotic MeMoRy deLetion twist wit psychoLogy...
but i wasnt in a pLay there was no stage & i didnt get my Resources thru the disney co. ?????
this happen aLso in the Late 90s...
this tyMe he bRought My supposive biological birth uncLe Mike MichaeL steven McLain Many naMes etc.
he LOOk Like he gonna go MentaL he got fRont Row seats to this iMaginaRy pLay...
da vid McLain did it again & ciamsak caMe thRu oR MichaeL sa degh ka vand oR whoever he use or both a them b cus sumtymes ciamak copies Michael sa degh kkavand style of memory deletion hypnoytic hypnosis twist wit psychology 2 LOOk more innocent & jus to make sumthing happen thats NOT suppose to they both do it foR poweR contRoL & fun waze diff styLes of it...
i got force 2 Reinact the ReindeeR fRoM snow white & the 7 dwaRfs on the dishes scene when that aniMaL Licks the dishes these sickos ReaLLy had Me Lick diRty dishes in ReaLity...
they do a Mix of peRversion sumtymes or retardation or both lik ewutev they can Make happen...
b cus of My bReed im part middLe eastern peRsian supposiveLy so they use peRsian peasants to heLp them even get a hoLd a me Like that...
wutev thier intensions over all they ReaLLy intensionaLLy done dysfunctional cRimes of all kinds to animals & humans & wutev else not mention Like the tymes they couldnt get to me i seen them do summa these crimes Like i dont exist sumtymes they say that i dont jus b cus they cant as easy get 2 me as they do other breeds of humans...
@where i was born i got Raped drugged abducted & MORE...this was aLL hosted bye at that tyMe ciaMak...he heLp others do wutev 2 Me & he pRetend he done nothing...he so jeaLous of Me he beLongs disintegRated 4 his existing intensional cRiMes & so do jon eugene Many Names etc. they both my supposive biological older half brothers that cLaim i dont ReaLLy exist i jus think i do many teLL Me that b4 that iM NOT REAL & they get ReaL confused & start power tripping why they cant do wutev to Me cRiMinaLLy when they want...its b cus iM parT midddLe eastern duh!
suM others tat abduct me cant stand My bReed & puRity they abduct me & Let Me go that fast b cus obviously ciaMak sent them or sumthing but wutev...
yeaRs LatER ciaMak Rape gang MeMbeRs of MentaL heaLth RepResentatives scientist cRiMinaLs of a loweR cLass they dRug him o cRystaL Meth & Rape hiM & they force him 2 reside in a vehicLe they choose that he no Longer gets to decide...
they tRy 2 Monitor his every move while they out there human & animal trafficking & they Rape abduct dRug abuse & MORE...
they say so wut if they try 2 control him that he do similar crimes as them but they ReaLLy woRse than him they also iLLegaL Land scapeRs they steaL pResidentiaLLy & higheR Lik3 Look aRound there they R again steaLing possitions in churches & colleges & Land scaping & authoRities & More as they force perversion & multiplying thru Raping & drugging & abductions & fRaud & other intensional crimes they belong disintegrated for aLReady...duh...
even if that da vid beLong that waze too
its them that Make eveRything that Much sLoweR Like they suMMa the sLowest in the peasant ciRcLe to ReaLize they that Low & its tyMe 4 them to go...
they NEED 2 Mind thieR own buisness & wutev eLse NOT MENTioned...
& another tyme in the 80s sum abductors drug me on suRgicaL piLLs & they Left Me in the jacuzzzi 2 Look Like MuRdeReRs when i ReMeMbeR a s i bLack out on wut they dRug Me on that they did peRveRsion they thought they wait tiL i coMpLeteLy BLack out...& when i woke up in the jacuzzi as the suRgicaL piLLs weaRing off...theRe was no body aRound to Make Me think iM Crazy...if they waited tiL i bLack out aLL the waze i PRobLy wouLdnt know anything ReaLLy of the situation other than i Remember that Location & Place events i attended i got invited b4 every1 act so normal sumtymes then outta no where summa those xact individuals do these things...
like a nother tyme they drug me on surgical pills i woke up & they Playing cards & watching movies & more & they say o RacheLs bout that & they ask if i wanna Play video games or wutev Lie nothing happend?!
they even Lie & say i must had dreams tuRn 2 nightmares that those fLash backs im cLaiming aRent TRue...
but they aRe...& these individuaLs i Recognize i Report them & i know they that noRmal sumtymes but they occasionaLLy do intensionaL cRiMes its iLLegaL
they victimize me & make fun of Me for NOT joining that cRiMInaL ciRcLe of peasants sinnners victiMizers
thru the years we got force to gather Like a fake Reunion sumtymes they ReaLLy that noRmal its insane that they choose not to be sane...
peRsian PRayeR i Made up~
LiKE HiGH ByE!...
My webpage~
next is an actual penguin body suRfing tho see~
beLow is a $HELL PHONE that REALLy woRks...the MeRMaids contact Me on a siMiLaR 1 b4! & they keep in touch wit Me in Real Life that waze...Like they ReaLLy exist they ReaL kinda CReatURes!...i know theRes ganji faiRies & unicoRns & fauwns & MORe too...they a diff taiL than this tho...
cLick Link beLow 2 see MoRe detaiLs bout that iMage above~
next is a sketch i did of MyseL i Remix a Mix of me as a cReature MeRMaid unicoRn cLown thing see~
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~
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