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$tReet BaRbie Look$ kinda Like a ganji faiRy: a$ those doLLs R Like thieR actuaL $iMiLaR featuRe$ not entiReLy tho $tyle $toRy~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Mar 6, 2024


 so in REAL LIfe REALiTy i found this doLL in that iMage above on tha side of the Road?!

on My waze 2 achurch afteR picking up the pa$tRy dough i got Reque$ted 2 do...& she end up going wit Me 2 a chuRch that i voLunteeR at a s a bibLicaL RepResentative that doe$n*t get 2 do MoRe at this tyMe b cus of this waR wit peasants steaLing those possitions whiLe i tRy 2 heLp Rescue these pLaces & Locations & whoev & wutev eLse...

Click Links individuaLLy below for More detaiLs & in the 2nd video when i say for exaMpLe: i was born January 1st, 1986 that’s jus an example...Like i was actuaLLy

 BORN januaRy 15, 1986 baby giRL gaRnet @: 694 W. Wilson St. Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627

BibLicaLLy $peaking in tha LAND a DREAM$!...Duh!!! & My souL was Made apRiL 1985 kRystaL diaMOnd @Rainbow faLL$ Like eveRy souL Made theRe...

but wutev heRe’s those Links i made taLking bout tha doLL naked & then afteR the Make oveR of $tReet baRbie~




next cLick Links individuaLLy 2 $ee the$e fRee $tyLe pRayeR videos of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of 2 diff tunes of gwen stefani & MeLanie MaRtinez that M.M. & LesLie goRe & happy biRthdaze instRuMentaL whoev & wutev eLse not Mentioned~


$tReet baRbie attend My 38th biRthdaze januaRy 15th 2024 cLick Link 2 $ee~


cLick this Link aLso bout My 38th biRthdaze~

& beLow is a pictuRe of that PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...

& heRes suM MoRe fRee styLe pRayeRs a MiMe of Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of cLick individuaLLy 2 see~

& fRee styLe prayeRs i did RegauRding that iMage above is obviously that jctpop~jesus chRist the PRince of Peace a MiMe of Me MiMing MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of to this tune CANDy MAN Bye AUQUA MusicaLLy tha LyRics REMind Me of heM kinda cLick Link beLow 2 see~


otheRs i dedicate 2 heM cLick individuaLLy 2 see~














otheR than hypnosis & MeMORy deLetion this Link beLow i notice suM psychoLogicaLLy tRy 2 tuRn Me in2 suMMa a wut i aM in tha 80s that biblicaLLy educated then & now but suM1 tRies 2 foRce Me 2 aLMost sound Like that saMe LiL giRL voice when iMA woMan which is a LiL giRL fuLL gRown & iM disfiguRed & wutev eLSe so i jus go wit it but i got MoRe chaRactERs i dont get2 eMbRace even suMMa My signatuRe wutevs LoL Like MiMe MiMing & wit out disabiLities i aM fastER wit theM sLowER anywaze cLick Link 2 see this is bout tha nuMbeRs cuLt i caMe acRoss this MeLanie MaRtinez song tha LyRics ReMind Me of sociaL secuRity caRDs & otheRiLLegaL use of NUMBERS which is MORe pRoof peasants onLy get stupideR LoL haha thats thieR sentence NOT Mine & its aLso ReMinded in bibLical educationaL & spiRituaL duh...& sub uRban Many naMes etc. he a hypnoticaL MusicaL chaRacteR his tune pLaze LatER it suM how goes Like he sing teLL Me is uR fathER a good MAn when i coLLabbed wit jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & his biological birth daddy is king god tha 1 that pLaze cRown testeRs i aLMost Laugh on that paRt b cus i did not pLan the otheR songs that caMe on i was doing the MeLanie MaRtinez thing & i was 2 sLow 2 keep up wit heR then diff tunes staRt pLaying & king god aLso know 2 say 2 sin oR not 2 sin when its not an option & LoweR hands tRy 2 step in & then joeL oLsteen a guest speakeR his coMMeRciaL coMes on outta no wheRe & wut he says is so sMaRt & tRue bout dont b waisting tyMe wit individuaLs that dont got the intensions 2 Make the Land of dReaMs a betteR pLace on My ReMix a Mix of that i coMbine in2 these otheR tunes songs i May not sound how i intend 2 but the LyRics i wRote 4 this R coRRect i even incLude in the 90s when ReaL MERMaids taLk 2 Me on a sheLL suM use as a MagicaL phone they teLL ME do a totalLy haiR styLe they ReMEMbeR when My souL was MAde in the 80s i Made it 2 the beach expecting theM to be theRE they spiRituaLLy teLL Me 2 see how diRty that watER is R they even in theRe?! oR did they contact Me fRoM 1 ReaLM oveR?! they expect Me 2 do MoRe i dont got tha education so who knows when i wiLL see ReaL MeRMaids again as they ReaLLy did taLk 2 Me on that giant sea sheLL thiing i use 2 got a MeRMAid Like voice b4 oR MAybe its a Language that sounds that waz they speak in fish & engLish & MeRMaid & cReatuRe they do diff voices Like the ganji faiRies they MagicaL this ReaLM they get diMMed Round iLLegaL Land scaping & wutev eLSe jus Like any victiM...bLa BLa BLA MeMORy MAzing MAze aside fRoM that cLick Link 2 see & towaRds the end pLaze a pink fLoyd instRuMentaL i 4got tha titLe of that tune its Like cReatuRes appeaR MoRe visibLy wit suM Music aside from other chaRacters that spiRituaL show up MORe visibLe its Like they attended the fRee styLe pRayEr bibLicaL gatheRing thing spiRituaLLy eitheRwaze Rappin Rockin baRbie u can teLL tRy 2 heLp Me get this song out theRe as a hip hop heR waze but i didnt suceed i argue wit her in spirit i dont alwaze get 2 choose how i sound or wut i do 24/7 duh! Like aLL the diff opinions of how this coLLabeRation shouLd sound & go oRigininaLLy wit MeLAnie MaRtinez tune nuMbeRs i was gonna wait at Least i got the Message out theRe how it ties in wit ReaLity & its that seRious it needs to end fake authoRities fake biblical & fake educational & fake MedicaL & wutev eLSe not Mentioned this is ReaL Life & i actuaL now that i ReMeMbER i aLReady taLk bout all this in summa my other post & MoRE & this is how i tRy 2 bReak it down yet wiish i incLude aLL the other stupid details that MatteR o weLL tiL next tyMe i wiLL taLk & MiMe again MOst LikeLy~


next is a fRee styLe pRayeR of Me MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf to this MusicaL Man: bc333 song titLed vasana f. sadhguRu cLick 2 see~

& next is otheR Links that wit that 1 eaRLieR above cLick individualLy 2 see~


NEXT THERE*$ ME: RACHEL MiCHELE' McLAiN is My biRth ceRtificate naMe & theRe i aM @ THAT CHURCH $EE~

CLick Links individuaLLy 2 see Me doing fRee styLe pRayeRs a MiMe of MyseLf MiMing a RemIx a Mix of 2 diff tune$ oR type on youtube~




anywaze bout that stReet baRbie aftEr chuRch once i got back 2 My teMpoRaRy stepping stone @400 MeRRiMac way #37 Costa Mesa, California 92626... i jus baith heR in dawn dish soap so i dont know wut those black stains are on her & I name her STREET BARBie like it is an actual baRbie doll design see same baRbie doll face but it got a diff body there’s a variety this 1 Like she comes wit fLexabLe legs see ...

& i got anotheR wit fLex aRMs see~

& then beLow is Me & My daughteR Mya Loka LiL cLOwn caRE beaR daze g jeRome Many naMes etc.

& theRe we R again duh!

Like angeLina RacheL hoLLoway is her biRth ceRtificate name tho born febRuaRy 09, 2006 @fountain Valley hospital in fountain valley, california area...we other baRbie doLLs that dont Really move that bendabLe the iMages beLow~

back 2 stReet baRbie kinda stORy...

Like wut is she gonna wear?!

i Made that design above 4 My supposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy p.p. pee puddLe Many naMes etc. this design is MoRe p.p. paint puddLe tho & she weaR it beLow 2 that chuRch i voLunteer @ see there we R & that outfit iM weaRing i design & Made it entiReLy but i add that baLLERina tutu 2 it & a diff baRbie happen 2 go wit Me 2 chURch that daze see~

& beLow the Links aRe MoRe detaiLs bout that HeaRt PuddLe fash fRee styLe pRayeR vids of Me MiMing a MiMe a ReMIx a Mix of 2 diff pink fLoyd tunes: cLick Links individuaLLy to see~


& then heRe*$ diff baRbie tunes wit Me doing fRee styLe pRayERs 2 theM a ReMix a Mix of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf cLick individuaLLy 2 see~



& next i Made & design that 4 hER too that p.p.~ pee puddLe $ee:

& beLow theRe i aM again in a design of Mine i Made~

i iMagine shRinking suMma My designs which i make in a vaRiety a sizes depends on wut i got access 2 duh!~

"the dRe$$ of DREaM$"



Like Based on wut I got access to & tyMe wise...

otherwise i can design & sew sumthing

So she is naked for now @ that tyMe…Like in that iMage eaRLieR of heR...

as on the stReets in her condition at fiRst i honestLy didnt Recognize heR?!

Like whiLe out & bout sounds Like suM1 say RacheL...?!

& i did $ee a spot Light on that doLL?!

Like who is she?!

how do she know Me?!

she was supeR diRty NOT ADORB$ i thought she Mite be MORe daMaged...i guess she jus need a showeR & a bath...

In dawn di$h soap then herbaL essance i did use in heR haiR aLso...

then it tuRn out 2 b suM kind of a veRsion of a baRbie doLL edition design suM1 put 2getheR...

not advanced obviousLy but wutev...

they wiLL b eventuaLLy Like suMwheRe they pRobLy R aLReady...

eiteRwaze at that tyMe NOW i REALize i need to get her in my calendar schedule to be made over duh

I wonder how she end up there in My path?!

Like who did she belong to originally ?!

Are they not allowed to got heR?!

I would post signs or law enforcement can’t put out announcements if she is missing

Like if sum1 Lost her sum how…

Otherwise she will get more damaged where i found heR duh!!!!!!!!!!

Until then don’t know...

I turn things in to police cops authorities b4 as thats aLL i got access 2 suMtyMes & no updates in wut happen after that aLL tha tyMe?!

Maybe if they do thier full job description & find out wutev Wit accurate Lie Ditector test & weapons & more RequiRed...

next beLow R MORE Reality updates iMages of stReet baRbie diff pictuRes of heR Make oveR siMiLaR iMage$ shown eaRLieR aLso see!~

 as u will see that i gave street Barbie a pimp pLayeR prostitute style make over...

i cut out that heaRt shiRt thing its soft veLvetty fLeece Like fabRic i put safety pins hook 2 getheR Round tha neck aRea Like a neckLace

& i did douBLe pony taiLs aLong wit eveRything eLse i decoRate heR wit R suM baRbie cLothes i got 4 My otheR doLLs

Like staze pimpin is jus a level of fabs & threads being worn like fashion art etc no physical contact

& a player like sports dice cards swiMMing base ball basket ball hockey golf & more like fashion art etc like no physical contact

& pRistitue no physical contact pat them a percent of thier resources regardless of wut they got give gifts tips & wutev nessasary required or wutev it is duh


next is Me dRess up as a PRayeR doLL design of Mine thos chaRactER is a baLLeRina cLown Lion pRincess bunny cReatuRe thing see~

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye


Click Links individuaLLy below for More detaiLs & in the 2nd video when i say for exaMpLe: i was born January 1st, 1986 that’s jus an example...Like i was actuaLLy

 BORN@: 694 W. Wilson St. Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627

BibLicaLLy $peaking in tha LAND a DREAM$!...Duh!!! 

but wutev heRe’s those Links i made taLking bout tha doLL naked & then afteR the Make oveR of $tReet baRbie~




CLick Links beLow individuaLLy to see more me to diff tunes inspiRed bye baRbie ~


beLow is a nothER baRbie fRee styLe pRayeR i did LateR Like 2020 oR 2021 oR 2022?! a MiMe Me MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that song bye auqua that say LyRicaLLy iMa baRbie giRL...Life as pLastic its fantastic...


I gOt to see that 2023 baRbie Movie for $5 @$taR Light cineMa$ in co$ta Me$a, ca. aRea biblIcaLLy $peaking in the LAND OF DREAM$!

Todaze!!! JuLy 30th sundaze afteR chuRch! But no drink pRobLy no snacks...I don't think I got enough funds for all that & the woman that plays baRbie didn't like the real Barbie she jus dresses a lil like her & kinda talks like her Like I know the real baRbie When I was lil she come to life in dolls & when I was on the streets she visit me in spirit as boom box baRbie that baRbie I got b4 she do baRbie quotes & she remind me hang on to ur dreams you can be anything til this daze she is there duh her & other characters spiritually & in reality & wutev

Click link below it’s Me talking bout that baRbie 2023 fiLM & that after I talk I do a free style prayer to that Marilyn Manson tune dope show a remix a mix do me miming a mime myself click to see~


cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see these 80s baRbie inspiRed fRee styLe pRayeR videos of Me MyseLf MiMIng a MiMe a reMix a Mix of to twisted insane MusicaL titTLed DREAMiN ~


& cLick this next Link Me again MyseLf doing saMe thing as Last video this tyMe 2 katy peRRy song that LyRicaLLy sing bout bout Magic i jus ReMeMbeR its titLed DARK HORSE CLick 2 see~


Get your sparkle on a free style prayer of me again to suM baRbie tunes~


My M3gan review & free style prayer to a tune titled thrift shop I think~


DoLLs kill free style prayer~

next is obviously Me again doing a RdeMix a Mix of 80*s styLe Like Rappin Rockin baRbie Like booM box baRbie fashion see~i done avaRiety of it in otheR Looks aLso...

& i pass out puRity paks to buisnesses & chuRches & schooL/coLLeges & MORE see a copy of it beLow that is a veRsion of it as i done a vaRiety~

baRbie ReLated Links beLow cLick individuaLLy 2 see~








cLick these Links beLow 2 see these aRticLes MoRe tRue stoRies bye Me~


& next i do a jeweLERy box baLLeRina cReatuRe cLown 80s style baRbie doLL puppet Like chaRactER to suMMa My jeweLeRy box tunes i wind up & go do a fRee styLe pRayER a Mime of MyseLf me MiMing a Remix of cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~



This Link beLow may not be that advanced techoLogy but it’s obviously stiLL that high like these puppets r really jus doing wut they pRobLy suppose to imagine they human identities or suM characters still in the making duh click link to see~


ReaLity updates cLink Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see~


cLick this Links beLow individuaLLy 2 $ee bout heLp end MuLtipLying thRu peRveRsion & bout doLLs & otheR invention$ duh!~







cLick Link 2 $ee aRticLe bye Me~

cLick this Link 2 see its an aRticLe bye Me~

ganji faiRy aRticLes bye Me cLick individuaLLy 2 $ee~




CLick Link beLow 2 see adaM & eve inspiRed aRticLe bye Me bout diff stoRies of biblicaL educationaL~


on otheR ReaLitie$ this iMage beLow goes wit tha next Link kinda...

cLick this Link 2 see an aRticLe bye Me~


My webpage~



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