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BOOM BOX BARBiE is wut caLL that Rappin Rockin baRbie doLL stoRy kinda MeMoRy~

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

MeMoRy Maze Me on those daze too Like she was theRe in spiRit encouRaging Me 2 keep going & that i can stiLL be anything 2 hoLd on 2 My DREAMS...THOSE R jus suMMa heR faMous quotes...she spiRituaLLy ReMind Me of...

beLow is a video of Me MyseLf doing a FRee styLe pRayeR bout that doLL & MoRe a MiMe Me MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that booM box baRbie coMMeRciaL song~

next i taLk bout MoRe ReaLity updates bout suMMa My baRbie booM box inspiRed Looks & bout that doLL again & eventi show tha actuaL coMMeRcial of booM box baRbie that Rockin Rappin baRbie doLL then eventuaLLy i do a fRee styL pRayeR thing a MiMe MyseLf Me a ReMix a Mix of 2 a nicki Minaj tune bout baRbie she sings wit sadie & they coMbine thieR song wit othER baRbie songs & MoRe cLick 2 see~


even duRing suMMa My 2005~2011 off & on…those abductions bye wiLLie Many naMes etc. & wutev eLse Not Mentioned i wouLd outta No wheRe ReMeMbeR heR...

beLow HeRe*s an iMage of Me b tween 2012 & 2014...That’s aLso aLMost how i look in 2005...that skiRt is so wut i caLL booM box baRbie aka Rappin Rocking baRbie doLL LiteRaLLy Like thats anotheR stoRy...Like f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

NEXT is an iMage of how i Look MORe Like b4 i got dRugged up defLated & My tissues in My body neveR fuLLy RestoRed b cus of Muy physicaL disabiLity of sciatica eiitheRwaze thats Like how My body & face was LiL Like when i was age 15 & 16 duh! 38 D ~ 34 DD BRA ROUND THAT TyMe & TONED & Skin okay & high cheeks Like i Look Like a sTRange cReatuRe cLown thing ReaLLy even tho disfiguRed then too & wutev eLse see~

a diff tyMe duRing anotheR abduction bye wiLLie i notice his supposive bioLogicaL biRth daughteR ELizabeth aaLiyah Many naMes etc.

she got a baRbie syMboL Logo on heR back wiLLie had Me take heR 2 schooL & then go back wit the baby he Rape Me wit watch heR then go pick up Liz & go back tiL he RetuRn fRoM a possition he stoLe fRoM a McDonaLds...

then i staRt singing that baRbie song be what you wanna be baRbie giRL out Loud... as i was going into a MeMoRy Maze...

in this Link is Me MyseLf doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe MiMing MyseLf 2 that xact baRbie doLL tune yeaRs LateR afTeR i gotta awaze in LfRoM wiLLie in 2011 he sent otheRs afTeR Me so i didnt get this footage oftiL Like 2020 oR 2021 oR 2022?! cLick 2 see~

& in 2006 0R 2007 during that abduction eLizabeth say RacheL why do u keep singing that...

i went into shock oveR My abduction Like thats ReaLity in ReaL Life & evERy tyMe i pLan My escape i jus dont ReMeMbeR wut 2 do oR wheRe 2 go when usuaLLy i gotta awaze MoRe often fRoM wiLLie b4...

since 80s Like i was boRn januaRy 15, 1986 baby giRL gaRnet diaMond @694 w. wiLson st. costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAMS! BUT My souL was Made in apRiL giRL diaMond kRystaL & off & on & tiL then i doubLe dutch juMp Rope & do cReatuRe inspiRed baLLet & swiM & twiRl on baRs & poLes & hooLa hoop & RoLLeR skate & wutev eLse in b tween My abductions & suMtyMes duRing theM depends on the adbductoR duh! Or the oveR aLL situation Like anything caN happeN...


Liz Look at Me Like iM wierd & that song so i teLL heR uR back pack is baRbie she act Like she neveR heaRd of HeR i aLMost went MentaL

& then i no LongeR ReMeMbeR baRbie oR wutev bout My own identity suMtyMes...

i was Like a zoMbie under hypnotic MeMoRy deLetion twist wit psychoLogy 2 do that onLy & showER & get basic vitaMins & fitness if i ReMeMbeR 2 do so but i kept not ReMeMbeRing Like suM kinda RetaRted puppet...

beLow is a nothER baRbie fRee styLe pRayeR i did LateR Like 2020 oR 2021 oR 2022?! a MiMe Me MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that song bye auqua that say LyRicaLLy iMa baRbie giRL...Life as pLastic its fantastic...

cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see these 80s baRbie inspiRed fRee styLe pRayeR videos of Me MyseLf MiMIng a MiMe a reMix a Mix of to twisted insane MusicaL titTLed DREAMiN Kinda descRibes tha situation & abduction as i obviousLy Made this footage outta My abduction bye wiLLie i did this in Like 2021 oR 2022 oR 2023?! i Made that pink dRess iM weaRing &b i got that hat @ the 99 centv onLy stORes!!!! it say foR show oR wutev but i weaR it Like f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. its high quaLity fabs & thReads that is onLy suMtyMes on tha sheLves cLick Link 2 see~

& cLick this next Link Me again MyseLf doing saMe thing as Last video this tyMe 2 katy peRRy song that LyRicaLLy sing bout bout Magic i jus ReMeMbeR its titLed DARK HORSE CLick 2 see~

& back 2 My abduction MeMoRy Maze i Mention eaRLieR wiLLie teLL Me iM NOT ALLOWED 2 B MyseLf Round eLizabeth that he wants heR 2 b NO BODy & he wants Me 2 b no body & he wants angeLina 2 be NO BODy & he cLaiM i dont get 2 do any highER fashion than Liz aLReady seen & fOR Me Not 2 do any aRT as he got 2 know Me a s an aRtist & MoRe Like etc.

& i jus autoMaticaLLy went aLong wit wiLLie caLendaR 4 Me?! never done that b4 i gotta awaze eventuaLLy but he RetuRn & tRy 2 put Me on that xact caLendaR whiLe he ReaLLy Rape Me & eLizabeth & angeLina that baby he Rape Me wit & aLL those otheR peoPle even at his woRk the McDonaLds he bRag no body gonna Rescue Me that his Rape gang even tuRn McDonaLds into a peRveRsion centeR jus Like every wheRE eLse aLong wit McDonaLds & the LeveL of psychoLogy he got Me undeR wit hypnosis MeMoRy deLetion that iM pRobly not gonna getta awaze so easiLy Like b4...

& during that tYMe angeLina tRy 2 Leave & getta awaze escape she couLd baReLy waLk she CRawL down the sTReet cLaiMing she Leaving...i got foRce 2 bRing heR back in...that was Round 2006 & 2007...but LateR in 2007 housing authOrity depoRt us back 2 wheRe i aM fRom & boRn costa Mesa, caLifoRnia at teMpoRaRy stepping stones & then Round age 2 or so angeLina suppose 2 get depoRted 2 wheRe she fRoM & bORn fountain vaLLey, caLifoRnia 2 heR own stepping stone aLone oR heR own pRopeRty or wutev she quaLify foR whiLe i continue waiting & seeking the saMe thing duh ouR REsouRces individuaLLy...

i tRy 2 bRing Liz aLong but i found out she ReaLLy Mite beLong in pRison oR suMthing heR & wiLLie Rape & get Raped bye fake authoRity that steaL those possitions that R 4 victiMs that quaLify & R aLLOwed theRe Like suM go in 2 tRaining oR aLReady got that education... Like i caLL 911 4 hER b4 they again fake authoRities they say they need heR to taLk 4 heRseLf teLL heR veRsion of the stoRy?! she say she neveR teLLing...?! even tho she at that tyMe a LiL giRL boRn septeMbeR 3, 2001 suMwheRe in san diego, caLifoRnia aRea supposiveLy bibLicaLLy speaking in tha Land of dReaMs b cus of suMMa heR xisting intensionaL cRiMes suM say she beLongs dead 4 theM that i dont know heR...theRes Lie ditectOr test & ReaL authoRities but in 2011 she gotta foRce funeRaL bye wiLLie & heR bioLOgicaL biRth MoMMy whiLe she stiLL aLive at the hospitaL & they both Rape heR & dRug heR off & on heR whoLwe Life aLOng wit otheRs jus Like wut aLso happen 2 Me & angeLina off &b on ouR whoLe Life as we gotta awaze MoRe tho & stiLL Rape abducted dRugged bye iLLegaL Land scapeRs Rape gang MeMbeR MentaL heaLth RepResentatives...

in 2006 i got heR this f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc. BRAT BARBiE THing a doLL she actuaLLy in ReaLity kinda Look Like @ that tyMe Like ReaLLyshe do!...she say she Like know...she got 2 know Me xtRa sLow b cus a wut wiLLie do 2 Me Like hghe do that to heR too but he say i dont know his daughtER that vshe ReaLLy is a diff kinda peRveRt than heM Like he & heR bioLOgicaL biRth MoMMy & aLL heR Rapist & otheRs tuRn heR into that she supposiveLy onLy acting Round Me 2 b innocent & noRMaL Like Me Like its an actuaL abduction! duh!

cLick Link 2 see~

NOT DONE yet tho...

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