FiRst two songs ReMind Me of abductions as i did a fRee styLe pRayeR a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe to MeLanie MaRtinez song titled tag your it Like in ReaLity that abductor Lobo aka de jesus aka joe aka fLoRs aka many names etc. boRn januaRy 14, 197? i 4got but i gotta hoLd a his identity b4 jus Like otheRs law enfoRceMent do nothing Like theRes Lie ditectoR test RequiRed bye any ReaL authoRities that aRe that accuRate duh Like advanced technoLogy & MoRe...i don*t ReMeMbeR wheRe he boRn & fRoM as thats known aLReady...Like it*s a paRt a his identity...only he Lure me in thru an illegal level of hypnosis twist wit psychology & Memory deletion but he got sent bye sicker & a diff tyMe that aRiana gRande The way that tune was played during an abduction bye him I include sum sub urban tunes aLso as Ima fan of a this music but cReatuRes identities is used bye criminals sumtymes wit hypnotical waze to get the victim or anyone to go along wit theM as sub urban uses it hypnosis for show like his musical video fReak is an example on sum kinda hypnosis duh
cLick Links beLow individuaLly 2 see oR type on youtube~
heRe*$ suM shaKiRa videos& suM of Me doing a FRee styLe pRayERs 2 heR songs~
& these fRee styLe pRayERs i did too @ suM shakira tunes she dRess up as buisness woMan as he abduct Me b4 i aLMost Miss schooL that daze Like i gotta waze & Made it 2 that fash cLass duh~
Las de La intuicio'N:
& heRes a ReLated fRee styLe pRayER i did taLking bout a diff abductoR 1 of tha sickos that sent Lobo i do Mention cLick Link 2 see~
THE METAL PLAy GROUND~RacheL MicheLe'...McLain KRistahyena baLLeRina ka vand Loka pRincessa fantasia Many NaMes f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.
that iMage above is a caRtoony veRsion of an actuaL MeMoRy in Like tha Late 80s oR eaRLy 90s Round that tyMes anywaze see that cRatuRe thing chaRactER on tha teeteR totteR...thats who Lobo hypnoticaLLy appeaR as thRu hypnotic suMMa tha tyMes he abduct Me...& thats obviouysLy Me on tha MaRRy go Round thing & thats Me aLso on tha side theRe in that aLice in wondeR Land 80s styLe dRess fRoM a diff MeMORy anotheR tyMe not at that pLaygRound tho...Like see theRe i aM in that pictuRe beLow in tha Late 80s oR eaRLy 90s Round taht tYmein that outfit fRoM tha tyMee iM taLking bout duh!
& i was boRn januaRy 15, 1986 baby giRl garnet diamOnd @694 w. wiLson st. Costa Mesa, California 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in the LAND of DREAM$ but My souL was Made apRiL 1985 kRystaL diaMOnd...
& beLow THE OOGiE BOOgie Man is Next a chaRacteR fR that Lobo occasionaLLy pLaze Like the dice & gaMes Like i scene that fiLM a nightMaRe befoRe chRistMas a tiM buRton Movie in tha 90s in theatRes who knew 1 a My abductoRs Mite pLaze heM suM daze...i think wit doMinos & wutev eLse he tRy 2 Make tha abductions fun?! i dont know...
& heRe*s a FREE STyLe pRayER a ReMix a MIx of Me MyseLf doing a MiMe MiMing to that tune the boogie Man i 4got who sings this i seen it on youtube eitheRwaze cLick Link 2 see~
& these FRee styLe pRayeRs go wit this post Like REALiTy ReaL Life & tha naiL Rainbow ReMindeR bibLicaL educationaL jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace stoRy Like heRe*s Me taLking & MiMing a MiMe My$eLf a ReMix a Mix of to that tune oj bye young jeezy f. jada kiss & cLick to see~
next is ReLated videos fRoM saMe daze diff tyMe as that Link above cLick individuaLLy to see~
cLick Link beLow 2 $ee a fREE $tyLe pRayER a ME MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of 2 that tune titLe i saw tha $ign bye ACE OF BA$E?! & i Made & de$ign that heARt shiRt wit paw pRint 2 syMboLize & heLp adveRtize & ReMind tha daze of tha paw & that i Love aniMaLs & ResouRces & tha Land of dReaM$ & ReaLity & $yMbol$ & woRd$ & quote$ & phRa$e$ & LyRicaL kinda go wit REAL Life duh! cLick 2 see~
the$e fab$ & thRead$ i got on that iM weaRing &
in that iMages above R beLow R obvioiusLy Me duh doing LAMB CHOP & CREATURE & GANji FAiRy & DEMON & CLOWNy & FAUWN LiKE jeweLeRy box baLLeRina FA$HiON A REMiX A MiX OF My$ELF MiMiNG A MiME ME of CHARACTER$ in fab$ & thRead$ & $paRkLe$ Like diaMond$ $tyLe...
@a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...
cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see fRee styLe pRayeRs of Me MiMing MyseLf a MiMe a ReMix of a Mix 2 diff tunes Like LaMb chop coMpany wit sheRi Lewis & otheR chaRactERs & dj MustaRd song titLed want heR & i dedicate thi$ video 2 My supposive LiL haLf sisteR cousin Ra cheLLe yvonne ka avnd Many naMes duh i heLp heR sign up 2 be in tha LaMb chop cLub in tha Late 90s & she got an identity caRd & eveRything but not heR ResouRces?! & i show suM pics of us in this video i Made & i got heR a siMiLaR outfit i got on that i*M weaRing & i teLL heR we need 2 do suM MORe LaMb chop ModeLing & wutev eLse Not Mentioned Like she done suM when she sMaLLeR in actuaL cLothes wit LaMb chop pRinted on theM Like thats aLL she got access to at tha tyMe & i was abLe 2 get heR this LaMb chop Look i got now & My daughter got it too aLso i encouRage theM boyth 2 get Like Me oR betteR depends wut they get 2 do huh Like thats wut i go thRu so who knows who gets 2 do wut & when untiL then thats tha waR we in Round these paRts in ReaL Life ReaLity eitheRwaze cLick this Link beLow 2 see!!!!~
ALso i HELP ReMind actual Laws & wutev else
Like it’s iLLegaL to coLLECT MONEy like that
At churches & buisness & MoRe
it’s okay to accept suM gifts & tips which might include money or gold or wutever it is to an individuaL that personally
Even I got sum gifts put awaze for Jctpop~ Jesus Christ the prince of peace
Whether sum1 pass the test of crown testers & bRings him back medically or then sum kinda invention or when the heavens & earth coMbine duh!!!!
Like for exaMpLe:
I give purity paks for fRee all kinds biblical educational & SuMtyMes Make up & wigs & inscents & jeweLery & tea herb plants & pRayeR beads & fRagRances & fashion art etc.
It depends wut I got access to
Like that’s part of the job description as a biblical representative individuaL duh
I obviously don’t get to do MoRe & sum1 higher in education like high knowledge is above me in possition but they not theRe in this waR to heLp better assist Me & whoev wit thief resources
I gave wutev I can towaRds Josie & Ryan taMaLe bibLicaL gatheRing
Like they can keep collecting forever from that 1 tyMe or 2 or more
Like wutev duh
No body pays to go to chuRch or to voLunteeR theRe
it’s iLLegaL
The chuRch doesn’t cost money
& those that are allowed along with those that are higheR will do MoRe like biblical doctor geniouses & bibojcal aurhorities wit advanced technology & weapons & lie Ditector test & wutev else NOT MENTioned that is Required
iMa biblical representative individuaL waiting & seeking higher biblical educational to eventuaLly be a biblical doctor genious & more like I qualify & im entitled to duh
Like ReaL Laws only heLp end illegal land scapers & peasants & wutev else
Bye not sinning intensionaLLy especially those that sin thru lower hands…
the iMage beLow of that pLace i caLL the window of MagicaL Me$$age$ Rainbow ReMindeR$ $un$et $tain gLa$$ Location@~
420 w. 19th st. costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLly speaking in tha Land of dReaMs..
that Link BELOWe cLick to see~
it$ of Me doing a fRee style pRayeR MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix of to that tune ANGEL BABy to Rosie & tha oRiginaL$ i dedicate this fReeLy styling pRaying To:
Jctpop~Jesus Christ tha prince of peace
& i got that chaLice piMp gLass hoLy cup 4 heM…
4 when he gets brought back bye a biblical doctor genious duh Im hanging on to it til then ...
As He say when he appear more visibly & in spiRit That he will in person as a half god(king) & half human
EitheRwaze just a high prince he is not a king god that wit his ability he will Multiply it when he gets brought by back tho
Either b4 or bye that tyMe there will be RecycLiyng water falls again of purified h2o that even in his daze iLLegaL Land scapeRs took down as they continue to tRy to take oveR they aLL beLong disintegRated iMMediateLy foR thieR xisting intensionaL cRiMes i got a Matching genie Like LaMp thing that he wiLL fiLL wit fine wine & wutev duh
cLick this Link bout piMpin & pReachin its Me again doing a fRee styLe pRayeR bout ReaLity REAL Life i taLk then i do a MiMe a MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of cLick to see oR type on youtube~
beLow R 2 Links of a cReatuRe jeweLery box baLLeRina cLown ganjinfaiRy fauwN MeRMaid thing styLe chaRactER of MyseLf fRee styLe pRaying Me a MiMe MiMing a ReMix a mix of 2 pink fLoyd tune sauceRfuL a secRets & then 2 anotheR pinkFLoyd song i 4got tha titLe cLick these Links next individuaLLy 2 see~
on diff ReaLities yet the saMe ReaL Life suM places & Locations cLick Link 2 see Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MyseLf MiMing a MiMe of Me A ReMix a Mix of 2 that tune bag of dope aLso known as fRied day(daze) f. bizzy bone~
& fRee styLe PrayEr of Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe 2 baRbie coMMeRciaL fRoM that Long ago a ReMix a Mix of cLick 2 see~
next i do a jeweLERy box baLLeRina cReatuRe cLown 80s style baRbie doLL puppet Like chaRactER to suMMa My jeweLeRy box tunes i wind up & go do a fRee styLe pRayER a Mime of MyseLf me MiMing a Remix of cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~
This Link beLow may not be that advanced techoLogy but it’s obviously stiLL that high like these puppets r really jus doing wut they pRobLy suppose to imagine they human identities or suM characters still in the making duh click link to see~
beLow is a video of Me MyseLf doing a FRee styLe pRayeR bout that doLL & MoRe a MiMe Me MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that booM box baRbie coMMeRciaL song~
next i taLk bout MoRe ReaLity updates bout suMMa My baRbie booM box inspiRed Looks & bout that doLL again & eventi show tha actuaL coMMeRcial of booM box baRbie that Rockin Rappin baRbie doLL then eventuaLLy i do a fRee styL pRayeR thing a MiMe MyseLf Me a ReMix a Mix of 2 a nicki Minaj tune bout baRbie she sings wit sadie & they coMbine thieR song wit othER baRbie songs & MoRe cLick 2 see~
beLow HeRe*s an iMage of Me b tween 2012 & 2014...That’s aLso aLMost how i look in 2005...that skiRt is so wut i caLL booM box baRbie aka Rappin Rocking baRbie doLL LiteRaLLy Like thats anotheR stoRy...Like f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.
NEXT is an iMage of how i Look MORe Like b4 i got dRugged up defLated & My tissues in My body neveR fuLLy RestoRed b cus of Muy physicaL disabiLity of sciatica eiitheRwaze thats Like how My body & face was LiL Like when i was age 15 & 16 duh! 38 D ~ 34 DD BRA ROUND THAT TyMe & TONED & Skin okay & high cheeks Like i Look Like a sTRange cReatuRe cLown thing ReaLLy even tho disfiguRed then too & wutev eLse see~
& beLow is Me Round 1993~1994 age 7 or 8

& next is Me suMtyMe in Like 1986~
& CREATURE$~RacheL MicheLe'...McLain KRistahyena baLLeRina ka vand Loka pRincessa fantasia Many NaMes f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.
& beLow that MeRMaid i dRew of My face as a cLown wit unicoRn hoRn...& paRT a My body obviou$Ly not entiReLy i*M not a cREAtuRe duh iM jus a huMan suM caLL a peRson a woMan oveR aLl a LiL giRL fuLl gRown Like iM oveR 21 see~
this next fRee styLe PRayEr is of Me again its so 80s a windy daze @ the paRk i didnt do Much RoLLeR skating i aLMost bLew awaze but wutev at Least i got out & fed suMMa the aniMaLs Like wutev hope iLLegaL Land scaping ends peRManentLy Like its going 2 foR a fact eventuaLLy untiL then suM daze i wiLL get 2 do MoRe 2 Make tha Land of dReaMs abetteR pLace eitheRwaze cLick Link 2 see iM dRessed up in wut suM caLL 80s fash & My Make up is Like Mad hatteR oR wutev 1 side bRowns Tha otheR coLoRfuL Like a jungLe~
cLick Link 2 see Me doing a fRee styLe prayeR a Me MyseLf MimIng a mIme a ReMix a Mix of 2 that 80s styLe tune jaM on it as i adveRti$e that daves kiLLeR MuLtigRain bRead & skippy peanut butteR suMMa Me & My daughteRs fav kind of it & i use My daughtERs jaM jeLLy gRape weLchs i Ran outta My cheRRy pReseRve but wutev i use bLue beRRy pReseRve & stRawbeRRy too & suMtyMes honey oR unsaLted buttER & wutev eLse not Mentioned on toasted bRead occasionaLLy avocado & MoRE & watch whoLe thing 2 see i do a LiL fash show wit My ReMoveabLe fab$ & thReads its so 80s baRbie dopetasticaL ~
NO HOPE TUNE Bye twisted insane & king iso & whoev eLse is in this song i dRess up as a deMon thing cLown wit bLood teaRs Like jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace~
Click Links individuaLLy to see these free style prayers a me a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe as this Lucifer the fallen angel appear more visibly & he brought up he can’t b lieve the peasants trying to take over the land of dreams sum call the world or earth which is just more tea herb plant like tho other than wutev else...he that LucifeR with a London Like engLand kinda voice as he do diff chaRacteRs suMtyMes Like ReptiLes & cReatuRes & MORE & he say bLoody heLL that b*tch CAGE king god Many NaMes etc. continues to show hiM situations he can*t @ this tyMe heLp situate then he teLLs hiM how Much higheR he is than hiM?! LucifeR say yeah kindoM of heaven Many NaMes etc. ReaLLy is MORE highLy Located than a PLace titLe heLL Many NaMes etc. & these intensional criminals continue to try to take over churches & buisnesses & schools/colleges & the illegal land scapers ever since Adam & eve summa them really stupider & they belong disintegrated for thier intensional crimes duh & Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace went visible also & agree aside from wutev else characters & PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye & Here’s those Links i mention earlier click individuaLLy to see oR type on youtube~
& aside from that: beLow Here's free styLe pRayeRs i do to twisted insane songs cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see MyseLf suM i do taLk & then eventuaLly the tune pLaze & Me i MiMe MiMing kinda thing in aLL a theM tho: this Link next is Mask off twisted insane tune I THink it*s titLed DEAD WRONG BUT THis tyMe as it pLaze its Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe Myself MiMing cLick 2 see~
& i ReaLLy think i kinda Look like that MusicaL Man twisted insane in that cLown kinda face he do above Like this pic of MyseLf beLow
& he older than Me & I don’t know when he staRt doing it…but next he do diff chaRactEr & faces i dont think i eveR done...
like maybe he did tha face b4 Me I don’t know Like I done it off & on since I was a baby or wutev
& next i$ ME DRE$$ UP AS A jeweLeRy box baLLeRina bunny cLown cReatuRe thing Lion chaRacteR unicoRn & When i get suMMa My designs on the Money Like goLd coins & MoRe you wiLL see beLow is jus 1 a My iMages of ME as 1 a My Many chaRacteRs...~
PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~
SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh
BLa BLa BLa Like high bye
& LEONARDO Di CAPRiO~his famous biblical image he holds a wine glass with water in it?!
Like how puRified is it & wheRe’s the wateR faLLs that puRe that iLLegaL Land scapeRs destRoyeD...& that iMage above & beLow of LeonaRdo di CapRio & MORe shouLd be on goLd coins & otheR kinda Moey designs & wutev eLse 2 ReMind bout puRified wateR RecycLed faLLs & wutev eLse...
& Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace jus so happens to make summa tha finest Red wine & more out of wateR & when his abiLities work like that he can also purify it & multiply things & wutev else ...
& heRe*s paRt a a puRity pak i pa$$ out in peRson at chuRches & buisnesses & coLLeges & whiLe out & bout & eLectRonicaLLy Like on youtube & eMaiLs & facebook & howev & wheRev eLse NOT Mentioned see tha iMages ~
RELigiou$ individuaL$ they of aLL ReLigion$ & got acce$$ 2 Like using weapons on peasants & wutev eLse so at this tyMe i*M MoRe $piRituaL but i wiLL eventuaLLy get 2 do eveRything i*M suppose 2!~
that quote above is so TRUE HUH?! & i*M not taLking bout innocent victiMs that need MoRe vitaMins & fitness & sanity 2 heLp Make the Land of dReaMs a betteR pLace wit the intensions 2 do suMtyMes when they get weak they seeM Like the eneMiEs...but it*s the victiMizeRs that R! as they intensionaLLy sin & coMMit those they tRy 2 pRevent you & whoev fRoM getting theRe & TRy 2 stop wutev fRoM being theRe...Like they suffeR a vaRiety of cuLts a an intensionaL peasant waze of Living! which suMtyMes incLudes jeaLousy & peRveRsion & dysfunctionaL & disfiguRing & disabLing & abuse & teRRoRisM & iLLegaL Land scaping & otheR sinfuL waze that R & aLwaze wiLL b iLLegaL duh!
next cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see Me doing a fRee StyLe pRayeR a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe as i 4got tha titLes of these tunes 1st song sounds Like that MusicaL chaRactER dRake & in that video iM dRess up like anewspapeR baLLERina jeweLeRy box cLown kinda chaRacteR its kinda eMiNeM b cus on an aRticLe it say he had Reddish haiR as a sMaLL boy?! anywaze if u heaR the LyRics it say Like u say u Love Me i aLReady know & its a Lie bLa BLa bLa so incLude a poRtRait of jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace that i gave a Make oveR with bLood teaRs & a Rainbow of paint Like cRies & wutev eLse as he appeaRs MoRe visibLy to Me suMtyMes wit diff Looks & Messages Like thats anotheR stoRy but you wiLL see i painted My face wit bLood teaRs too that$ wheRe i got tha idea fRoM hiM duh Like i know otheRs done it 4 anotheR Reason oR inspiRed bye suMthing oR suM1 eLse eitheRwaze its a dopetasticaL styLe 4 chuRch & events & 4 wutev & the 2nd video is an instRuMentaL of that pink fLoyd tune song titLed atoM heaRt MotheR & iM dRessed as baRbie doLL MeRMaid deMOn cReatuRe newspapeR baLLERina jeweLeRy box cLown thing & i did that wig Like baRbie & eMiNeM & aLice in wondeRLand cLick oR type on youtube to see~
Click links individuaLLy below to see more details~
cLick Link beLow it*s an aRticLe bout LucifeR bye Me~
cLick SHAKiRA Link bye Me 2 see~
HeRe is suM MoRe bibLicaL & ReaLity updates in Links beLow cLick oR tyPe on googLe individuaLLy to see~
biblical educational & ReaLity Links next too~
aLso this aRticLe beLow is based on tRue stoRies duh~
otheR Links beLow aLso~
More info found on my YouTube videos title the same as my webpage if you type it on YouTube my videos will pop up if you type it on Google my webpage & more links to me & etc will show...along wit I'm On Facebook & in person...
My webpage~