&This cat kitteN aNiMaL Looks Like a deMon bat thing & kinda goes wit suMMa twisted insaNe cReatuRe Like chaRacteRs & suMMa his LyRics LoL Like bat outta heLL haha duh...
THA DAZE OF THA PAW SUM CAT$ TELL ME BOUT iT THEy say its a tyMe when aniMals Rise above the huMans as they expect theM 2 do MoRe based on wut they got access 2 incLuding Me Like MeMoRy deLetion twist wit psychoLogy & otheR cuLts & wutev eLse got us sLow stupid duh! Like i dont aLwaze ReMeMbeR oR function neitheR do they so i dont know...Like f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.-
this twisted insane tune EVENTUALLy is titLed $TONE cLick Link beLow 2 see & heaR this song~
As it REMinds Me of a Live ciRcus wit a vaRiety a chaRacteRs Like iMagine twisted insane dRess up a LiL diff Like he aLReady Look Like a cLown suMtyMes thatt possessed sMiLe he do occasionaLly lIke how bout it @ this Place Locatiojn juggLing bRains & heaRts & eLectRonicaL fiRe hooLa hoops & juMp Ropes that Light up & bLack Light aRea & otheR Lights Like theRes a tyMe Like tea heRbs pLants Live 4eveR oR at Least tiL the heavens & eaRth coMbine & wutev eitheR that natuRaLLy oR eLectRonical oR both oR wutev eitheRwaze eLecTronics gone wiReLess so tha possibiLities R endLess i quaLify & iM entitLed as avictiM 24/7 My whoLe xistance since My souL was Made but i have been put undeR hypnotic MeMorY deLetion twist wit psychoLogy 2 go wit abductors that wiLLingLy it Looks like why is she Laughing Like she excited oR suMthing honestLy like a ganji fairy & hyena animal & demons & creatures its funny this ReaLity even tho NOT REALLy so sum force me 2 re inact other identities that actually xist 2 weaken mine & b cus im paRt peRsian middle eastern suM quwestion if i ReaLLy xist or how am i aLive?! its peasants usuaLLy wondering how i go bout my own Life individuaLLy or at Least tRy 2 wit the saMe intensions to Make the Land of DReaMs a better place 2 heLp ReaLity b wut its suppopose 2 be bLa BLa BLa MoRe detaiLs tHru out My webpage facebook & youtube & in peRson & spiRituaLLy & MoRe bout Me & wutev eLse but back 2 this sound cLick Link beLOw 2 see it goes wit this post so pLay it as ubRead wuts Next if u want it bRings it 2 Life as u can iMagine Like i do iM a peacefuL bReed so in siLence how bout that heaRd that seen it thought it schitzophRenics Like actuaL peasants victiMizeRs sinners cRiMinaLs try 2 weaken Me 2 b another 4 theM i try 1 on 1 where its jus us they wanna cry bout thier xisting intensional crimes or wish they nnever joined or kill me like im that innocent theres all kinds of retarted people that xist 4 NO REASAON THEy act Like how is it possibLe 2 Live Like that being a pRincess RegauRdLess whether thye physicaLLy or MentaLLy gotten 2 Me none got 2 Me eMotionaL its iMpossibLe those feeLings R a cuLt theres aLL kinds a cuLts ReraL waist a tyMe suM offered bye king god the god(king) of Crown testers other sins offered bye Lower hands of the huMan peasants sinners criminals victimizers duh the higher gods(kings) & godesses(queens) ReMind that to sin is NOT AN OPTion they warn of king god game of crown testers as king god offers EViL as a choice?! thats jus suM bibLicaL educatioNaL RequiRed 2 b ReMeMbeRed 4eveR DUH BLA BLA BLA...duRing a fRee styLe pRayer biblical gathering twisted insane identity spiritually attend regaurding a pLace twisted taLes Like taiL twist & theRes black & white & gaRnet & red demon bat looking cats sum call an oriental breed but on Google if u type demon bat looking cats they pop up & they all seem to say they known as an oriental short hair breed tho & at this dreamed up location these cats play demons thier tails twist together like demons & they do demonic things I see real demons it’s possible to bring them back electronically & more like biblical doctor geniouses already got that education & lucifer & creatures can be brought in to this realm like that other than when they visit visibly Anywaze i coLLab wit others in spirit regaurding a place called creatures where actual creatures are brought back & every1 can dress up as characters like creatures or wutev wit stage shows magical rides mazes games tea herb plants & more duh so it’s similar to twisted tails huh!? But then in a dream or maybe I was dreaming awaze into another spiritual gathering there was obstacles that describe summa my life in the 80s tiL now there was giant slides wit magic carpets to slide down & dance poles to climb & go other places its like a maze filled wit characters then i jus go walking or running to do these diff things in this maze like thing!? It’s fun but it’s not reality altho I done all these things so I guess it’s an idea to bring to life or sumthing I don’t know & those demon cats got diff names 2 males 2 females like they really married wit zero perversion duh names like spaRkles diamonds gaRnets deMons …& more I seen real demons they usually black Anywaze those cats look like them in character features wutev else…
next is Me doing 80s baRbie doLL neon Rainbow ReMindeR MagicaL Messages fitness styLe fashion 2 RepResent when My soUL was Made apRiL 1985 & i was boRn januuaRy 15, 1986...as i do this Look in an upcoMing fRee styLe pRayeR undeR this iMageof Me MyseLf you*LL see eventuaLLy keep scRoLLing & cLick the Link LaTeR...
CLick link to see me doing free style prayer to twisted insane f. Bishop titled dark room then automatically Lights bye Kanye west plaze next which does go wit my light up soLes I occasionally tuRn on & after that another 3 diff twisted insane tunes visions of death & spLit u & u don’t scaRe Me song plaze like wutev as i mime a remix a mix of myself me miming Click Link below to see~
above in that pictuRe is that twistesd insane inspiRed doLL i put 2 getheR as i Mention eaRLieR in that Link above it...duh~cLick Links beLOw individuaLLy its bout a tyMe i took that twisted insane doLL thing i put 2 getheR i bRought 2 a chuRch wit Me: 1st Link is a fRee styLe pRayeR of Me MyseLf a Mime MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 that twisted insane & bishop tune titLed daRk RooM afteR i taLk i do tha fRee styLing dancing thing & 2nd video is Me & tha doLL getting Ready 2 go 2 that chuRch & 3Rd video is a shoRt video at that chuRch PLACE i caLL the window of MagicaL Messages Rainbow ReMindeRs jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace sunset stain gLass Location@: 420 w 19th st Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in tha LAND OF DREAM$~
next is Me again fRee styLe pRazing eventuaLLy afteR taLking i do tha dance MiMe ReMix thing 2 twisted insane tune titLed diaboLicaL veRse cLick 2 $ee~
& what*s up eveRy1 2daze tune song wit twisted insane & suM otheR MusicaL chaRacteRs ReMinds Me of a ciRcus caRnivaL MagicaL show thing cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see Me fRee styLe pRayER a Mix a ReMix of MiMing a MiMe 2 that MusicaLLy~
so as seen in that Link above i did this Pinnochio London paRis fRance baLLet inspiRed 80s hip hop puppet cLown cReatuRe baLLeRina beLLy dancing thing chaRacteR deMon ganji faiRy Like
Make up & Rhinestones & unicorn necklace & hat thing R fRoM the 99 cent onLy stoRe$ & doLLaR tRee This outfit pinkish 80s baRbie pink coLoR shoRts & neon 80s gReenish shirt thing I got fRoM a fash boutique i 4got tha title of it but tha that saLes woman is personality similar to SHAKiRa the beLLy danceR &This wig got it 4 fRee in the stReets as most my wigs r from the 99 cent only stores & party city & thrift shops or wheRev else
There’s sum other Dopetastical wife’s at diff places & locations also at Wicked Chamber Boutique @ onLine!!!!! Like I don’t got access or the funds aLwaze so Luckily there’s a vaRiety at 99 cent only stores rite now & occasionally & at party city & wicked chamber & more 24/7 theh got diff wigs all kinds & onLine But wutev These tights I think 99 cent only stores I got ‘em
& wutev Else but Don’t remember where I got this bLack shiRt thing
Anywaze I did this fRee style prayer video this tyMe a mime of myself miming a remix a mix of to sum musical people like musical man twisted insane & bone & twists & sum other music men & musically woman to a song titled kRew or sumthing like that It reminds me of a caRnivaL this tune Like u know how suMtyMes it gets divided bye size anyone under 5 feet is considered kids Rides & there’s two diff Magic show stages 1 for all ages & sizes
Then another wit like the 7 dwarf sized seating
So when the song starts it reminds me of the kids circus section It say like wut$ up & todaze
THEn it’s Like in A Distance THERES OTHER THings GOiNG iM LiKE DANCiNG ADULT SECTiON & diff things That’s where this song swirls me into
Being the clown to entertain small people & possibly thier guardians or wutev
While my characters r for all ages duh So i pRobLy go in both stages & wheRev else like wutev
I know in my imagination all this happen not in real life reality other than these free style praying videos I do & when else Like iMagine then bring to ReaLism reality real life like wutev
Other than that MeMoRy Maze I take my daughter Mya Loka LiL clown Angelina Rachel care bear troll many names to the faiR diff tyMes & we aLwaze usually see wut is in the kids section a magical show the magic man brings his cat eveRytyme He also brings a stuffed version of a cat
He puts the stuffed cat in a cage Then he places a blanket holy cloth like fabric over it
& when he takes off the fabric from the cage The stuffed cat disappears & his actual real cat appears I love that part a the show There’s juggling also & during my daughters abductions
A diff abductor got assign to me & she took me to that show I already report her off & on since the 80s I tell her to deport herself To stop fantasizing bout living off my identity like when I was a baby as her & others try to They belong disintegrated for thier xisting intensional crimes the they racist Against victims & Wutev cults they in Duh
& Next Link what*s up eveRybody todaze Me waiting 4 My LaundRy 2 dRy so i can foLd it Like pastRy dough cupcake cLothes whiLe waiting i did a soap coMMeRcial thing cReatuRe cLown baLLeRina ganji faiRy deMon dance & MoRe whiLe waiting~
& beLow Link is what*s up eveRybody todaze Me playing basketbaLL aLone bye MyseLf on twisted insanes 41st biRthdaze on a fRidaze septeMbeR 22, 2023 as i keep up on My physicaL disabiLity of sciatica in a vaRiety a waze thRu vitaMins & diff fitness hooLa hooping & beLLy dance fRee styLe pRayer & More Like twisted insane tune He as an individual regardless of who he be 24/7 intensionaLLy Like I don’t gotta Lie Ditector test But summa his public characters
Motivate me to murder peasants when I get access which I intRege MyseLf to do so when I can
if I ever get to in this realm in the next it’s for a fact duh He also is motivating sum how for me to be who I’m supposed to be as in this war it’s almost impossibLe for sum individuals to do so
& I think it’s funny if we was the last ones standing to kill eachother LoL tho haha B cus he does jump rope style modeling those electronical flame looking ropes So during a biblical gathering his identity attended those r his weapons But if he doesn’t get to kill me I mite get to jump rope instead or wutev If I don’t get to kill hem At least that tyMe So I’m assuming he sinned intensionaLLy b4 Or killing him wouldn’t b a real option duh~
& twisted insane tunes & He as an individual regardless of who he be 24/7 intensionaLLy
Like I don’t gotta Lie Ditector test But summa his public characters Motivate me to murder peasants when I get access which I intRege MyseLf to do so when I can if I ever get to in this realm in the next it’s for a fact duh He also is motivating sum how for me to be who I’m supposed to be as in this war it’s almost impossibLe for sum individuals to do so & I think it’s funny if we was the last ones standing to kill eachother LoL tho haha B cus he does jump rope style modeling those electronical flame looking ropes So during a spiRituaL biblical gathering his identity attended & those r his weapons tha eLectronic fLaming Lines like iMagine Like Lighning it does 3 diff styLes of wutev Like they can disintegRate u or eLecTRacute u or zap u 2 where u go fLying wit 1 touch or hit of the Magic Ropeing so its like a suRpRise Like does he know that MagicaL MichaeL twisted insane MusicaL Man But if he doesn’t get to kill me I mite get to jump rope instead or wutev if I don’t get to kill hem At least that tyMe & I’m assuming he sinned intensionaLLy b4 Or killing him wouldn’t b a real option duh
Anywaze this tune thing song Titled crew oR ?! it’s a vaRiety of musical men & 1 musically women Twisted insane is mention in itas a musicaLLy Man Like below that link tells bout them click on it to see as I’m more familiar wit kRazy bone & twists & twists insane songs but there’s others they all take tuRns in this cLowny ciRcus like sound it reminds me of a carousel at a caRnival where there’s diff things going on the other daze i plaze it during a laundry soap advertisement free style prayer thing I did & todaze on the twisted insanes 41st biRthdaze i plaze it during basket ball as I continue to keep up on my physical disability of sciatica wit diff tea herb plants fitness of all kinds belly dance swimming ballet & hoola hopping & more
I do show these bone pills I take as sciaticaL attackings weaken them
& sum people wit my condition turn to skin & bones & usually die EitheRwaze
So I find waze to staze Alive while Waiting on nerve ablation non surgical lazer pRoceedure & other things I need medically surgeries & tissue repair as they tear & get torn thRu sciatically attacks & wutev else & other tea herb plants I take & foods drinks & wutev not mentioned is wut i do Here’s that Link click to see other than those above~
& on SepteMbeR 22nd 2023 FRidaze
So it's my supposive older half sister René SheRí Batt aka RENNAiSSANCE AKA MANy names etc. heR 42nd BiRTHDAZE & that Musical man twisted insane 41st birthdaze Like
anybody else on this daze & it's my unbiRthdaze like happy hoLidaze 24/7
& TWiSTED iNSANE oN googLe & MoRe is aLso known as: Michael Johnson (born September 22, 1982), known by his stage name Twisted Insane, is a MusicaL Rapper hip hop and songwriter from San Diego, California AREA...BibLicaLLy speaking in: the LAND OF DREAM$...
& accoRding 2 google stiLL While he in Atlanta Georgia, he founded the record label Brainsyck Muzik, to which other similar MU$icaLLy are also signed...He is known for having one of the fastest rapping speeds in the industry...his styLe it REMind$ Me of MiddLe easteRn fast Like faRsi & speedy gonzaLes Mouse caRtoon chaRactER LeveL of spanish Like high bye in engLish & othER Languages but he say that quik in engLishing Like twista & suM otheRs as he do gotta signatuRe styLe aLso tho...wut is he taLking bout i dont aLwaze know eitheRwaze its poetRy i wRite siMiLaR things but Not jus bout My identity bout otheRs too & wutev eLse...i tRy 2 censoR it it got it eLectRonicaLLy docuMented in suMM My notes on My diff facebooks & suM in pen penciL & wheRev eLse i save papeR & ink Like that...Like in 80s i aLReady know My abc*s & 123*s & aLL kinda things bibLicaL educationaL & i occasionaLLy Read & wandeR aLone & hang ou wit cReatuRes in between diff situations & abductions & again My soUL was Made apRiL 1985 but boRn januaRy 15, 1986 & aRound 1991 i got foRced 2 go 2 fake schooLs Like wut suM caLLed kindeRgaRten when iM suppose 2 be in MedicaL fieLd & MORe & My ResouRces entiReLy individuaLLy Round age instead duRing that tyMe My teacheR dont quaLify 2 b in taht possition even at a coLege u gotta b a bibLicaL doctoR genious & she Like a schitzophRenic she brought My xisting education paRt of it 2 Life Like suM1 can do it in coLLege schooL aLL ages wutev wit evERy subject Like staze LeaRning 4eveR anywaze she Like know bout Me she say RacheL so u think u know evErything 2 go on uR own aLone how bout cuRsive age 5 insteada age 9 Like the othEr fake schooLs Like it May not b RequiRed but its a styLe optionaL & she Made a giant gingeR bRead Man & she pRetend it Ran awaze Like the story she ReaLLy Try 2 enteRtain suM1 Like Me & Make it fuN Like she dont got access 2 My ResouRces or her own she also did Green eggs & haM she LiteRaLLy cook Like that dish in that dR seuss book LoL how bibLical doubLe the oMega 3 no body got the funds Round those paRts 4 high oMega aLteRnatives Like i know the daze of no meat suppose 2 happen aLready i question suMMa My abductors why R they stiLL eating animal s sum say go b a canibal or get eaten that we dont Money Like that?! & that woMan that identify as a teachEr she did RuMpLestiLt skin fake goLd got Made in the stORy i know bout those kinda tRoLL Like chaRactErs they usuaLLy peRsian pERveRts that Live off pRincess thats wut they do is access her unLiMMitted pRincess account & MonitoR wut she gets so she dont MuRdeR theM as they teLL the pubLic take it up wit pRincess wutev it is aLL u peasants as they MeMoRy deLete hypnotic/hypnosis suMtyMes twist wit psychoLogy...ReMInds Me of when i was a baby aLL those peRSian peRveRts wanna Live off Me suM how i actuaLLy offer to buy summa them a fake wife thier age oppossite gender as a male like a female not ReLated they poweR tRip so i dont know why they keep My identity in Mind thers all kinds a criminals the highest heLp make the Land of dreams a better pLace & they only use memory deletion hypnotic twist wit psychology on eacher as fake husband & fake wife same age not reLated duh they out there they steal that high & they Less sinfuL they even coMMit the highest peRveRsion suM caLL it annae con duh! & they do disintegRate peasants Lower so waze 2 go here i aM in autoMatic chaRacteR thieR LiL cheeR LeadeR Like at Least they NOT sickeR LoL tho haha if i ever join that ciRcLe suM say thats wheRe i wiLL b the highest Like LiteRaLLy that high on teas pLants hERbs Like victiMa R suppose 2 b & bLa BLa BLA...LoL tho haha...
& next Link is that tune titLed: CringeBeatz feat. Twisted Insane & Dikulz - Filled with Sin cLick 2 see~ https://youtu.be/Exxt1i485nM
To the twisted insane coMpany: cLick That tune above as it ReaLLy goes wit the twisted taiLs thing pLace(s) & Location(s) Like a RooM for intensionaL sinnERs 2 go in & get MuRdeREd disntegRated bye twisted insane duh! Like High to tha twisted insane chaRacteR uR a motivating souL image but wutta ur remains intensionaLLy doing 24/7 that’s who u ReaLly R duh!!!!! as i sent a vaRiety a Messages that incLude uR supposive actuaL identity that u mite a recieved already like feel free to ask questions out Loud if u got any duh Anywaze cLick this next Link as u R Mentioned I even xpLain why i talk on u that often when I do so watch this whole link it’s bout an houR & I may not say identically everything I attend to so watch & Listen wit the intension to understand wit iM taLking bout as it goes wit ReaLity ReaL Life not jus spiRitually or in spiRit or wutev there’s diff waze to Respond & RepLy like if I got access to a lie Ditector test for ur own sanity I don’t mind that invention when it’s that advanced duh BLa BLa BLa foR MORE DETAiLs Click link beLow to see as u & ur logo label get mention eventually watch whole thing to see how it ties together ur identity & others oveRaLL like u will pRobLy comprehend I’m assuming based on ur comprehension LeveL~
& HeRe*$ a YouTube video of Me MyseLf doing a fREE STyLe pRayeR a ReMix a Mix of MiMing a MiMe to twisted insane tunes & otheR MusicaL chaRacteRs in that Sin song & 619 click to see~
but those oRnaMent show me the waze staR like the 3 wise Men also known as wishing staR like in sum tales of Pinocchio that Magically made wooden puppet that later gets human remains like I don’t know if he a real lil boy all along or he just a doll that now got diff ReMains the story to me doesn’t cLaRify it entirely b cus there’s diff versions of it so whether it’s true or not it’s possible like Edward scissor hands Johnny depp movie & Vicky the robot in that show small wonder aside from wutev in reality real life is wut those kinda things are based on inventions & advanced medical field of biblical doctor geniouses VS Scientist mental health representatives illegal land scapers rake gang members peasants of all kinds & More as i wear as eaRings in tha free style prayer film & to church & Whetev else like my teMpoRaRy stepping stone they R MagicaL DUH!
& aside fRoM that cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see fRee styLe pRayeRs of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe ReMix a Mix of Me...Anywaze~this next Link eventuaLLy it’s 1 a My favoRite tunes featuRing that twisted insane song Rite now b cus the hypnoticaL jeweLeRy box tunes in the beginning I get Lured In hypnoticaLLy & memory maze when my soul was made like 80s til now & other MeMoRies & chaRacters creatures & wutever & LateR & the LyRics bout that puppet pinochio ReMinds me of hypnotic/hypnosis memory deletion twist wit psychology on me like there I went wit the abductors & looks wiLLingLy as they try to puppet me to be sum1 I’m not like sum kinda peasant or to be nothing no body & I gotta a waze wit hypnotic & memory deletion without the psychology like it’s automatic wit my breed of being part Persian but like that’s another story…As I remix this fRee styLe pRayer of myself miming a mime a remix a mix of that bi$hop I’m guessing like a chess piece featuring twisted insane tune titled PUPPET MASTER & with that Walt Disney cartoon pinochio scene song got no strings i play them at the same tyMe duh! cLick 2 see~
Like other than that song we never gotta hide in the link below is me doing a free style prayer a mime of myself miming a remix a mix of click to see~
It’s like also these songs mention earlier in those links reminds me of a haunted house maze tune kinda obstacles 4 diff individuals
Like mine will got dance poles to climb up to go a diff waze in the maze & slide back down & dance then go another waze like there’s an exit duh
& those tall wavy slides wit the magical carpets to slide down to go faster
Like I can’t skate board really or do all the things that can be in there But sum1 else that mite be thier thing like the maze changes up or staze the same or there’s diff passages only certain identities can enter Like a black light room wit neon colors & posters that pop out & that’s where the ganji fairies mite be to smoke tea herb plant like high sativa or LaughteR or wutev kind 4 that tyMe!? Laced wit lavendaR & roses & more…I think ephedra or higher tho 4 the maze thing unless it’s jus sun LaughteR at the end do more relax like chamile I don’t know?!
& strobe lights & characters creatures demons & all kinds like Jctpop Jesus Christ the prince of peace & lilucifer & the demonic looking cats…& a room of giant dice & cards & diff games
Sumthing like that & wutev not mentioned Maybe sum like peasants get murdered in the magic maze! Huh But the victims go through til they out…so at the very end a water fall purified & unicorns wit rainbow to remind when ur soul is made wit a chalice holy cup piMp glass to drink from tha purified water fall that’s a real baptism sun walk thru or swim in water that clean
But fake biblical representatives they do illegal baptisms all the tyMe it’s so disgusting
Altho in saLem Oregon area I almost got a normal baptized but that water fall was dirty the rainbow was there & anyone can baptize them selves but suMtyMes another biblical representative mite say a prayer or sumthing but this man is a cult Leader
& then king god appear & Jctpop Jesus Christ the prince of peace say he got illegally baptiszed in the dirtiest water bye sum retard St. John the Baptist even sum churches use it as thier cult title to take over…it’s a fact Jctpop Jesus Christ the prince of peace appear visibly to me suMtyMes he tells me stories he say that he a qualified lord that purified water & makes wine outta it too but his identity got possessed bye peasants he get force to go along wit them suMtyMes they weaken him on his human side he part a god(king) but jus a high prince that his magical abilities don’t aLwaze work that this realm too toxic…
&FRee styLe pRayeR of Me MiMing a MiMe MyseLf a ReMix a Mix of to 3 diff tunes in 1 video Bye bc333 f. Twi$ted in$ane titLed eLdeR gods then $wi$heR $Leep & twi$ted insane $ong MON$teR AfteR that kanye we$t DaRk fanta$y get Much higheR CLick this Link to see~
& beLOw i do a vaRiety of chaRactERs MiMing DRess up occasionaLLy taLking but beLow is 1 a My Looks as a spaRkLes pRayeRs doLL jeweLeRy box baLLerina puppet cLown cReatuRe bunny Lion thing...
peRsian pRayeR i Made up~
spaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh
bLa bLa bLa
Like high bye
This next fRee styLe prayer of me in this Link or me below is a ReMix a mix of myself miming a mime to that twisted insane song tune the good the bad the ugly I was gonna use a cartoon sketch I did of my supposive biological grandma d.a.k. many names etc. cus she is an evil I can't put into words so I was gonna use that image for either the bad or ugly I couldnt decide so my face got to show a demon clown jewelery box ballerina ganji faiRie character puppet likes thing like who cares jus words I heard of but wut is the Poet even talking bout & song wit instrumental in the back ground so wutev I was gonna b more symbolically but i found sumthing eviler than d.a.k. it's those fake bibles so I show that in a scene of my video duh! Like there's such thing as original scripture & more but those fake books a knowlege is use cult guides I see the truthbin so king god & jctpop make appearances & tell me to go on &:write wutev so I broke down all the books a knowlege & more I post on my website & I sent to the twisted insane email & I pass it out at churches business schools like colleges & 2 those in my path duh & whoev & wutev Click Link to see~
This next fRee styLe prayer of me in this Link or me below is a ReMix a mix of myself miming a mime to that twisted insane song tune beneath the staRs ReMinds Me of a pRayER song Not the Lyrics ReaLLy but the staRs i was made after jctpop~jesus chRist the prince of peace but when he was a bay Like once upon a tyMe 3 Men suM caLl wise Like they sMaRt Like keep uR wisdoM teeth i got pLastic skeLetonns that do along wit MyseLf duh they foLLow a ceRtain staRt Like twinkle lil star eitheRwaze it shows the waze they bRought hiM diamonds in every color & jeweLery & crowns & jeweLery supposivrely already knowing his identity that got disabled as he is aknown high prince 1/2 a human & 1/2 a king(god) but stiLL jus apRince higher than suM they expect him 2 use his abiLity to Make things MuLtiPly & give them thier resources or @Least apercent he staze disabled in that version of the story i know bout & the 3 wisest men r suppposively Middle eastern lik epersian or sumthing is every1 else that Lower than them aside from jctpop?! other than animals as far as humans go since he is part...they finaLLy leave those Men questioning his identity along wit others b cus his ability dont alwaze work he gets possessed off & on to b a weaker identity so theres other stoRies bout that thru out My webpage & face book & eMaiL & in person & youtube taht i put out ther like wutev others do it too theres sickos trying 2 destroy oRiginaL scRipture & wutever whether its electronicaL or not these peasants try 2 take over wit cults like illegal land scaping & perversion & wutev esle retardation bLa BLa BLa & the part of the actual music video twisted insane image in the stars Like he suM1 2 Look 2 Like that staR or bLind u from it or both sum mite say oh no he look more like a god(king) his image mite look lik esum gods(kings) & godesses(queens) but MoRe Like bat man Light in the sky kinda thing he is he a heRo or a viLLain or wut its poeticaL Like i sumtymes see king god in the sky & indoors holding out his hand juggLing a goLded heart thing that represents peace in Love in 1 hand to symbolize dont sin & the other hand wit nothing saying that is wut its saying sinning overall leads to nothing duh then he say he remember me as baby he juggle the heart & say pick a hand that i refuse 2 if i dont know 4 sure wut hand is not 2 sin he say its that easy for him 2 Lure in babies who do choose to sin that waze they beLieve thiers innocent sinning like its fun or sumthing & they jus keep going it wint b justified those who sin intensionaLLy duh & king god doesnt aLwaze show his face he Looks Like santa cLaus suMtyMes in that 2000 sumthing version of naRNia the Lion the witch & the waRdRobE that santa cLaus character looks like king god he pass out weapons to humans like creatures & all other creation that innocent duh it reminds me of LoRds aRMy sum film s& stories say creatures demons & animals are the sickos when they are NOT THEY DONT EVEN GOT THE OPTion they made diff so if sum1 forces thier identities to do sins they say its like messing wit mine i may not be one but i reaLLy happen 2 b an innocent human that sumtymes mite function more &bthen when will i get 2 entitely lik ebe a ble 2 go bout myb whole identity sum say when im dead i put out there if every1 unjoins being peasant individuaLLy or i do know when the heavens & earth combine it happens automaticaLLy that if i die theres a war in that realm too till the heavens & earth combine it sumhow ends eventually 4ever like til then dont know dont alwaze remember cLick Link 2 see this twisted insane inspiRed free style pRayer wutev
CLick this Link to see Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR of MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of this tune king iso autophobia titLed deviL pRoduced bye twisted insane it say on youtube When the LyRics say Revelation 1:14 So i Looked it up on googLe in that veRsion of it like sum editions jus poeticaL otheRs oRiginaL this 1 does say bout the fire eyes so if it’s not LucifeR then who is it taLking bout sum1 visiting there in the kingdom of heLL like the reflection of an fiRey even theRe or of !? So here’s the Revelations 1:14 on that google there’s diff version diff books knowLege I never heard a this I read picture bible & occasional fake holy bible title holy bible they twist wit truth & lies like that’s all I got access 2 as suMtyMes I free style prayer I sent the twisted insane a copy in rainbow ink to his email like how biblical rainbowish colorful duh but wutev
I got side track here is that Revelations 1:14 (ESV) The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire~& i think those LyRics say pRay oR pRey 2 jesus?! its iLLegaL 2 pray 2 pRinces Like jctpop~jesus christ the prince of peace is NOT A GOD(King) once again duh! u can pRay wit heM (hiM) Like u suppose 2 Like 4 exaMpLe My free styLe pRayers r a fprm of higher wazer waze 2 pRay & he attends that visibly in spirit along wit other characters in diff ReaLMs Lucifer & demons &b creatures mermaids & fauwns & ganji fairies & whoev else not mentioned sumtymes huma & animal identities r there too spirituaLLy Like thats another stoRy Like staze high pRazing in eveRything if u got access 2 doing so bla bla bla~
CLick this Link beLow to see Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR of MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of this tune bitch hoe bitch the LyRics say thought u was a piMp so incLude My piMp pLastic quaLified LoRd staff theres eviL LoRds & dopetasticaL ones My pimp staff MagicaL wand dont do MoRe otheR than syMboLize an advance veRsion like adesign duh but its stiLL Magic 2 Me there will b a daze it will woRk MagicaLLy sum got hypnotical canes & others electrical & others diamonds that do like purifying water with or with out the technoLogy not every1 naturaLLy got access 2 thier identity either they posseseed or weaken bye other pLague titles cults or drugged or wutev disabilities Plagued wutev it it is i bRing Mine 2 church suMtymes like its so biblical & again its plastic it shatter in sum parts of it i supeR gLue it & add more plastic diamonds eitherwaze cLick Link 2 see~
CLick Link LateR to see a twisted insane inspiRed aRticLe thing I didn’t add more to it b cus hackers keep saying that’s enough for that post!? So I will work on it again later it make another linked to it like wutev that’s not all I do but I get samples out there like it’s better than nothing & when I get my full function to do more then I will until then I do a variety of post & videos & far fashion arts etc purity paks & wutev sun peasants can’t stand my puRity others don’t mind like who cares EitheRwaze here’s this link I post b4 but suMtyMes I update same links~
in this next Link is a twisted insane conceRt event i caMe acRoss on youtube its kinda theatRicaL cLick 2 see~
Next its jus Me outta No whERe doing a bibLicaL Leash Like fashion see that chain its veRy twisted insaNe inpiRed aLso Like caLL Me LiL chaiN oR wutev eLse & fantasia is 1 a My disney nick NaMes duRing spiRituaL gatheRing waLt disney aka caLLs Me anotheR fantasia Like he goes bye exquisite & MoRe & hugh bunny aka hugh M. hefneR aka pLay Mate aka pLay bunny he caLLs Me a quaLified cotton taiL in spiRit Like why im not woRking MoRe peRsonaLLy 4 his coMpany duRing that tyMe theRes a caRRot cafe & a Place caLLed bunny suMthing Like wut an idea i even got 2 design dResses & baLLet & cReate a Look cLowny 2 aMp up the theMe he caMe 2 Me in My DReaMs wit suMMa his oLdest PLayMates & i sat there in the grass like an animal bunny he try 2 get me 2 go wit hem i had zeRo function i try 2 go in person 2 his bunny castLe like i made it 2 disneyLand that easiLy nothing that MagicaL happend not entirely wut is suppose 2 like i iMagine as i use My iMagination LoL i telL my daughter @ that tyme yup thats the real walt disney when in reality its a statue haha & duRing a spiRituaL biblicaL gatheRing wit twisted insane identity in spiRit theRes a bRing uR own chain kinda event Like thats anotheR stORy or they pRovide or wutev i dont know there was juMp roping & hooLa hoops & dance pooLs & cages & MoRe dopetasticaL poetic supeR fun MusicaLLy wutev & those deMOn Looking cats was theRe doing suM kinda taiL twist dance & pLaying instRuMents & wutev eLse chaRactErs & bLa bLa bLa~cLick Link 2 see~
this next Link afteR i taLk & yes its Me again @ My stepping stone afteR i weaR this 2 that chUrch that pLace i caLL~ the window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMIndeRs + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location@ 420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land of DReaMs...
& eventuaLly in this Link i do a fRee styLe pRayEr to that twisted insane song anaeconda~
heRe i a Ma doing a ReMix a Mix of a angeL LucifeR cReatuRe deMon jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace bLood teaRs style cLown thing chaRactEr i use Make up tho not actuaL bLood duh! & undeR that angeL Like Look iM weaRing an 80s 90s baRbie doLL Look of that booM box baRbie i show it in the fiLM eaRLieR towaRds the end & in iMages in the beginning suMtyMe~
FREE STyLe pRayERs next of ME MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a reMix oa Mix of R tunes bye twisted insane titLed DREAMin cLick 2 see~
beLow HeRe*s an iMage of Me b tween 2012 & 2014...That’s aLso aLMost how i look in 2005...that skiRt is so wut i caLL booM box baRbie aka Rappin Rocking baRbie doLL LiteRaLLy Like thats anotheR stoRy...Like f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.~
NEXT is an iMage of how i Look MORe Like b4 i got dRugged up defLated & My tissues in My body neveR fuLLy RestoRed b cus of Muy physicaL disabiLity of sciatica eiitheRwaze thats Like how My body & face was LiL Like when i was age 15 & 16 duh! 38 D ~ 34 DD BRA ROUND THAT TyMe & TONED & Skin okay & high cheeks Like i Look Like a sTRange cReatuRe cLown thing ReaLLy even tho disfiguRed then too & wutev eLse see~
twisted insane song R U Sick?! Me Free styLe pRaying a MiMe of Me MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of 2 see cLick on Link~
twisted insane went insane fRee styLe pRayER of Me cLick Link 2 see~
pick youR poison twisted insane fRee styLe pRayER of Me cLick Link 2 see~
McDonaLds & a LiL giRL in trunk song bye tRizz & twisted insane MusicaL chaRactERs of Me fRee styLe pRazing & i taLk too & then tha dance MiMe ReMix thing~
this next Link eventuaLLy aftER i taLk bout ReaLity updates...i LateR do a fRee styLe pRayER dance a Remix a mix of ed gein bye twisted insane which goes wit wut iM saying duh! & wit that tune its Like it aLL suM how goes 2 getheR in ReaL Life! it*s Like a bibLicaL gatheRing spirituaLly & whetheR u see who attends otheR than Me & suM doLLs & things...spiRituaLLy LucifeR & jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & deMOns & ganji faiRies & otheR chaRacteRs & individuaLs appeaR MoRe visibLy 2 Me cLick 2 see & again siMpLy siMpLified of wut iM saying is that in this fRee styLe pRayer remix a mix a me taLking then eventually Myself miming to a twisted insane tune Ed gein after i taLk i MiMe cLick to see!!!~
& beLow is obviousLy the Look i did 4 that ed gein song as i woRe it 2 that chuRch too that church i call the window of magical messages Rainbow reminders Jctpop~ Jesus Jesus Christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass @ 420 W 19th st Costa Mesa, California 92627 biblically speaking in the Land of dReams & thats jus Me in that video & @ that chuRch & out & about & after @ My stepping sone fRee styLe prazing & talking on ReaLity & MoRe duh! i wiLL eventualLy get 2 do entiReLy of wut iM suppose 2 to heLp Make the Land of DreaMs a betteR pLace this styLe is very aniMal deMon cReatuRe jewLeRy box baLLeRina cLown gothing chaRacteR thing ...
that iMage above of twisted insane he Looks Like he bout 2 juggLe in a twisted insane styLe ciRcus & got Me MeMoRy Mazing back in the Late 80s eaRLy 90s when 2 diff cLowns spiRituaLly visit Me!!!!!! 1 deMonic eviL cReatuRe Looking wit weapons & he teLl Me 2 go on MuRdeR disintegRate peasants but i get weaken wit a Plague suM caLL physicaL disabiLity sciatica & i get put under hypnosis/hynotic MeMoRy deLetion twist wit psychoLogy 2 put the weapon down oR onLy use it 2 cut food oR pLants oR faBRic oR haiR oR papeR onLy i get in a tRanse whERe peasants try 2 puppet Me 2 not get 2 do Much MoRe oR 2 do things i don*t do intensionaLLy & then i find waze Round theM 2 do wutev suMtyMes duh & anotheR cLown aRRive that looks innocent juggLing witta sMiLey Like eyes Like they Laugh & taLk & he juggLing fRuit & question Me if i got aLL My vitamins that if i dont got access 2 MuRdeRing 2 at Least juggLe & b MoRe cLowny aside fRoM jus hooLa hoop & cARt wheeL & juMp Rope & talk 2 aniMaLs & hang out wit cReatuRes & wutev eLse so i juggLe fRuit too Like nothing Like i aLwaze done it but i cant do MoRe than 2 objects i think peasants found out suMMa theM want Me 2 do nothing as i tRy 2 do wut i use 2 pLus MoRe Like i cant caRt wheeL or alwaze cLiMb oR wutev else that i do autoMaticaLLy in 80s & 90s?! & eaRLieR 2000s?! cLick Link 2 see me doing a fRee styLe pRayER of me MyseLf a MiMe MiMing 2 a cLassicaL cLown ciRcus tune i 4got the titLe of it but u Mite know it too cLick 2 see~
this next fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a reMix a Mix of Me to that twisted insane tune titLed bRain MatteR cLick 2 see~
this iMage of twisted insane he Look Like a vaRiety a chaRactErs kneeLed down Like a deMon Look but wit a hopeLess angeL face xpRession i cant put in2 words @ this tyme he do so Many diff chaRactErs cRazy funny up fRont bLunt eviL RetaRted gangsteR deMonic cLown cREATURE thing HypnoticaL oveRaLL he do a signature chaRacteR Like a twisted insane wind up doLL his iMage taLks even tho he do too Like a MiMe MiMing iLLusionist Like RegaurdLess of who he is intensionaLLy 24/7 this is ReaLLy suMMa his ModeLing Looks & wutev eLse Like f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc. CLick that Link beLow to see that it’s a FRee styLe pRayeR of MyseLf to
twisted insane tune titLed NO HOPE wit oMega sing & king iso & Minus featuRing theM song
of Me MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of & in this footage i eventuaLly do wut i caLL deMon style baLLeRina Legs u wiLL see i staRt looking MoRe Like an actuaL deMOn!!! its Like not only did they attend but jus Like ganji faiRies they show Me suM Moves aside fRoM othEr charactErs & cReatuRes RecoMMend do this do that cLowns say juggLe again sMiLe ~
Like it*s a higheR waze 2 pRay foR: ReaLity otheR than doing MoRe than that in b tween depends wut u got access to duh! OR i will eventually do this & wutev else I do already plus more like my disability of sciatica I need a real doctor like a biblical doctor genious to give me ablation to my nerves like a non surgical lazer to take awaze sciaticaL attackings & other plagues wit titles it blocks & prevents them it helps do that duh & I’m an illusionist suMtyMes as diff tyMes I actually am more disfigured than others depends on sciaticaL condition aside from sum reconstruction I need in my face area u can’t aLwaze see but it’s a diff face at every angle waze disfigured my X-ray reveals it too along wit my body that I put back in place myself but back to my face the bones need to be chizzLed oR chiLLed back into place & other things I need medically like tissue repair bone wutev As I do got vitamins that restore but not as fast as sum other tea plant herbs that I don’t got access to Sum people trip out on my disfiguration when they see it The plaguers in cults those humans get amazed they help to that to me they get excited & like they jus recieve the best present or gift ever they get all possessed & start power tripping bout power control like it’s fun for them to do plagues & sum like to see the results like me occasionally that disfigured others I’m diff cults try to kill me thru plagues where my bones almost shatter & wutev else I staze up on vitamins fitness prayer as I seek & wait for my resources is wut i do to keep going As others die during these plagues wit out access to wit I got or more or wutev it is to keep going SuM innocent like me others peasants who mite belong disintegrated But it’s a sin to kill that slowly or torture any1 or thing intensionaLLy
It’s best if sum1 belongs disintegrated to do it as fast as possible Duh
Like there’s lie Ditector test & real authorities & sum good semeratins that do it already!!!!
& sum surgeries I need & pRoceeduRes & more high medicine like tea herb plants & my resources entirely like the highest biblical educational & my abducted daughter needs to get rescued hope she doing fitness & staying up on her vitamins aLso & wutev else like for ReaLity to be wuts it’s supposed to be alreadyVideo in this post u will see Like as I do a vaRiety of these kinda free style prayer videos on YouTube & Facebook & tik tok & more like I’m supposed to until I get to do more than I get to do like sum peasants belong disintegrated immediately or deported or prison or a disintegration date like illegal land scapers for thier intensional crimes as sinners criminals victimizers NEXT i Love this Look of LaughteR cReatUre chaRactEr of the twisted insane its dopetasticaL Like cLowntasticaLLy a face of Magic Like suM ganji faiRies when they Laugh sMoking best ganji tea pLant heRbs whiLe they so advanced they do siMiLaR faces even whiLe dancing Like wut suM caLL stRippeRs onLy they waze betteR duh & theRe other cReatuRes that twisted insane ReMinds Me of Like he Looks Like a cReatuRe chaRactEr of his own duh it inspiRes & Motivates Me & reMinds Me 2 contact cReatuRes Like MeRmaids & fauwns & aLl kinds More often as i dont aLwaze ReMeMbEr suMtyMes only My soUl being Made & wutev eLse Like bLa BLa BLa...
& aside from that: beLow Here's free styLe pRayeRs i do to twisted insane songs cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see MyseLf suM i do taLk & then eventuaLly the tune pLaze & Me i MiMe MiMing kinda thing in aLL a theM tho~this Link next is Mask off twisted insane tune I THink it*s titLed DEAD WRONG BUT THis tyMe as it pLaze its Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe Myself MiMing cLick 2 see~
& i ReaLLy think i kinda Look like that MusicaL Man twisted insane in that cLown kinda face he do above Like this pic of MyseLf beLow
& obviousLy onLy those kinda iMages wit the cLowny faces we Look aLike duh!
Like not his otheR Looks tho we pRobLy Look nothing aLike ...
but when he & i do wut i caLL cReatuRe/kReatuRe FACE kRew/cRewTHEN WE LOOK ALike…see!!!!!
I include other tyMes I look like heM on facebook & thRu out My webpage & youtube videos & More that cLowntasticaL chaRactER they wont aLL fit in this articLe post at this tyMe hackers keep changing up this & that & fReezing wutev & then it unLocks they belong disintegRated 4 thieR intensionsionaL cRiMes duh
like maybe he did tha face b4 Me I don’t know Like I done it off & on since I was a baby or wutev
& he older than Me & I don’t know when he staRt doing it…but next he do diff chaRactEr & faces i dont think i eveR done...
CLick Link to see this twisted insane Swiss cheese tune ReMix of eMineM MushRooMs giRL & d12 puRpLe piLLs pLaze at tha saMe tyMe & a Mix a Me MiMing MyseLf MiMe 2 all those songs cLick 2 see~
cLick 2 Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see ~
& heRe$ a Link beLow that in tha video of Me descRibes a MeMoRy its to a twisted insane song i 4got tha titLe of this tune i think it*s BRAiN DAMAGE!~
MoRe detaiLs beLow bout that $hoRt fiLM above: i did a MiMe cLowny cReatuRe 80s hip hop JEWELERy box beLLy dance baLLeRina cReatuRe thing pastRy dough caRtoony chaRacteR kinda style video...I start this video wit a creature I know a variety a creatures...
& the ice cream part will probly remind hem of when me & Elizabeth his supposive daughter escape him we got McDonald's ice cream cones & I include the gold egg b cus he over dose on egg like 12 eggs he eat within 24 hours?! i teLL heM it*s iLLegaL 2 eat MoRe than 1 egg a daze aside fRoM othER Omega vitaMins a~z iteMs poRtioned Like diff fRuits & veggies too duh! &
I include tha Llight bulb b cus that Willie my daughter biological birth daddy he use to go Round taking the light bulbs out he claim he w/tha nig*** & he would turn them to drug pipes
What an idiot so in this video I made I did tha illusion of me smoking outta it looking a waze that when he did it in real life actually hem intentionally smoking drugs he hypnotically try to convince it's cool to do drugs like thus & in general...I let hem know I'm part middle eastern ima aware if those, swirly lies duh So in the video i Then switch up looking rerarted wit an idea like that's wut light bulbs also symbolizes ideas & lights & dreams & more duh!
Like I use to hoola hoop & double dutch jump rope & roller skate & hang out wit creatures & more off & on since tha 80s...& I show the giant crayon neon hot pink that's so 80s I been doing fae fashion art etc off & on since then & I even drew hem b4 as a, cartoon wit light bulb in his mouth he loves that drawing but wutev & during 1 a 'my abductions bye hem
I made it to tha beach tha mermaids made sure I got there but Willie prevent me from going in tha water I bet he's scared a them In this video I show how he try disconnect me from them
Wit 1 a my sheLL phones like we communicate other waze too I show a paw print in this short film too like that's summa my REAL FAMiLy He abuse 1 too many...& duRing suMMa My abductions I would do high prayer Persian style like belly dancing & more i dont alwaze function & i been disfiguRed off & on My whoLe Life thRu pLagues Like sciaticaL attacks diff LeveLs of it & he try to stop me fRoM being MyseLf?! he cLaiM basic hoes onLy?! he say NOPE No being MyseLf no fRee styLing?! duRing an abduction bye hiM he say Me & his supposive daughteR eLizabeth aaLiyah can copy the R&b Musician aaLiyah on tha t.v. dance but neveR ouR own thing?! he seen Me fRee styLe dRawing & he say NO MORE! & anothEr abduction bye hiM i do beLLy dance woRk out videos whiLe dying of physicaL disabiLity sciatica & the dRugs he dRug Me cRystaL Meth Many names etc. eitheRwaze the ingRedients disintegRation poison Laced with suM ReaL Medicine that RestoRes & RepaiRs at the saMe tiMe suM ReaLLy die off thieR ReMains disintegRate b4 the RepaiRing takes effect & wutev eLse is wut he on & put Me on & he wouLd even check on Me to make suRe iM copying the woRk out video when i done diff fRee styLe dance & MoRe off & on since my souL was Made Like in the 80s tiL now duh! Even hoola hooping is a form of belly dance & free style prayer duh& did u know motor vehicles are illegal cars supppse to float like boat & b electrical & fly & more & so in this video I use my hoola hoop as a steering wheel tO make fun a Willie for HE STEAL & DRIVE car$ vehicles he stole & drove for NO REASON!? HE FORCE ME IN THEM B4 HE R. A. P. E. ME IN SUM & SAY IM GOING TO BE MY GRAANDMAS NEIGHBOR... I OPEN THE DOOR THAT EASY & LEFT... THAT HAPPEND ME BEING ABDUCTED A VARIETY A WAZE & TYMES LOCATIONS PLACES BYE HEM & OTHER CRIMINAL PEASANTS OFF & ON SINCE I WAS A BABY DUH!
& Sadly that house box thing I show in this video to go with the lyrics of tha song in it it say which house so I show this one they got four doors tho Label 1 2 3 4 & diff ding ding door bells
It symbolizes others abductionS bye Willie be play a game of perversion where humans & animals get rape in corners & other retardation I never got forced to pLay corners wit Willie he did diff dysfunctional things 2 Me i cant aLwaze put into woRds but w/others he did these illegal gatherings wit out me the 4 coRneRs & other perverted games he play...i caught him playing it b4 w/eLizabeth & i took her awaze from him i thought we gotta awaze as she went wit Me but we end up w/ him again abducted?! she say its fun?! she even try 2 Rape me as Willie cheer her on she was Like age 3 & i was 19 & willie was like 23 in 2005...he tell her go on MaMa do it already...i was abducted & drugged up i sat in shock Like in diff ReaLms it seem of ReaLity & wut tha Land a Dreams is suppose 2 be...i memory maze 2 when my soul was made & she got super close to me like she want me more there & she say its fun...& i kept my distance as i plot 2 getta awaze! & she seem confused as me Like wuts going on as she question willie wuts wrong w/Me... that i*M not Like tha others...as i escape that tyMe...& others also talk about thier abductionS bye him like I do & it's known about Like suMtyMes he do it pubLickLy on seRvaiLance...& MoRE?! sum say elizabeth aaliyah is jus a female version of him but during my abductions bye him w/her it look like he puppet her perversion...i thought she mite b innocent like eitherwaze she needs 2 get Rescued duh along w/MyseLf...There's lie ditector test He does diff things during his abducting on others Sum gone thru wut I have wit hem real similar others not It's disgusting & illegal eitherwaze duh! & MaRRiage is between two soul mates same age opposite gender a male & a female same specie NOT RELATED that qualify & it's not bout physical contact i& there's no justified perversion & it's about making the land a dreams a better place & then when the heavens & earth combine & maybe b4 then or in between or whenev u mite end up together forever sum kinda Waze duh! Like Me & Willie arent the same age & he doesn't qualify for marriage & I do & he a peasant & I'ma princess & he not allowed to touch no body eitherwaze duh! If he thinks he gonna fake marriage to hide his real reputation or wutev
the real definition of really being married is above earlier it doesn't change even if he do duh...
P.i.M.p. that's another story I had to help educate him on that means no physical contact
It's a life style of f.a.e. ~fashion Art etc. Duh! Wit no perversion...once again...or crimes...
Bla bla bla
this Link beLow descRibes a MeMoRy i did a fRee styLe pRayeR & i incLude NO HEART SONG bye twisted insane & towaRds the end anotheR twisted insane tune AK47s in the FREEZER~
@MC DONALDS...BuT WE ENDED UP WIT HEM AGAIN & OTHER R. A. P. E. GANG MEMBERS THEY ABDUCT US DUH! & the casket skeleton I adddd saphire eye diamond beads her birth diaMond & stone & it symbolizes reality regarding her forced funeral bye criminals peasants
& the barbie stuff reminds me of when I sang to her that barbie doll song during our abductions
I sing be what you want to be barbie girl! She had on a barbie back pack but she seem not to know that song or barbie or anything?!I zoned out I known barbie dolls since like the 80s I had boom box barbie & more They use to talk to me & sing like thats another story...
& I include belly dancing it's a form of high prayer like Persian
I did it even during summa my abductions
Willie her supposive biological birth daddy try to stop 'me...
I include Disney also...I took her to disneyLand for her 8th birthdaze...during her abductionS & mine I known her since she was like 3 years old...
I only got to take her there b cus her biological birth daddy was in tha fake prison
& We would go swimming & play a swim gaMe she called: *jus MeRMaids!
We pretend we r MeRmaids! it ReMind$ Me a LiL of my$eLfin tha 80s...It's like she knows creatures too!!!???? Or she use to!!!!??? or is only acting!!!! I don't know really...LiKE BLA BLA BLA
i dont know wut the insane twisted is drinking in that iMage above as it Looks Like an eneRgy dRink of suM kind i dont Recognize it?! so next is kiM kaRdashian aka dash doLL aka many names etc wit 1 a heR pRoducts that happens 2 be an eneRgetic beveRage i havent tRy it yet but see heRes the adveRtizeMent of it & its suppposiveLy aLReady in suM stoRes & onLine 2 oRdeR on googLe & MoRe~
this Next iMage of that twisted insane ReMinds Me of the gopds(kings) & godesses(queens) tiMing duh Lik ehe is Looking a t a cLock whetheR it woRks oR not even wit out nuMbeRs thta is wut that design is a syMboL of wuts supposed 2 be duRing that tyMe NOT ALWAZE WUT HAPPENS SUMTyMes duh bLa bLa BLa see...
MeMoRy Mazing that tyMe that xMas my supposive biological biRth daddy got Mo ha ka zeM many names etc.
he got me a gift
As he usually don’t get me anything really Like wheRes My RESOURCES individuaLLy he tell me since i was a abay 2 Play gypsie pRincess in the streets that Maybe apRince or princess persian possibly they summa the highest humn breed made more hoLy Like im only part he say they mite give me my whole identity entiReLy depends wut they got access to otherwise peasants PREy on it insteada PRAy duh!
& my main thing is to get all my resources like Xmas it’s actually Jctpop ~ Jesus Christ the prince of peace biRthdaze like if I got all I’m entitled to even I could easily bring him back like I’m allowed that lev of education Duh
Anywaze he that Mo ha ka zeM ka Vand claims 1 a his personalities or characters he acts on on is atheist even wit his high education level biblically as I do got a high biblical educational level also higher b cus he joined
& he got me a watch!
To me it’s a ReMindef of the gods(kings) & godessses ( queens ) perfect timing!!!!
Not king god time or any1 else’s!!!!!
It’s like a sanity of reality for me don’t know if he aware of the Message
& a gift I would got him
he tell me nothing 4 himself
to give it to that pervert that pays him more money than that thing cost
It’s a pyramid shape marijuana leaf design jeweLeRy box like Mo ha ka zeM ka Vand 1 of his personalities & characters is similar ti that caterpillar on the cartoon version of Alice in wonderland like is he only acting b cus in real life he do smoke diff tea herbs plants like Persian herbs & marijuana as in ganji fairy stay weed sum call it & more as me & him found out illegal land scapers & scientist & mental health representative rape gang members r poisoning everything including marijuana & more it’s illegal they do these to weaken individuals …& wutev else rapes abductions & more
But like he tell me to
I gave the pyramid that looks like Mo ha kazem ka Vand to go on give it to that sicko that dRugs us that actually is known to drug plants & humans & other crimes
Like it’s suppose to be his reminder not to drug any1 or sumthing as a reminder of his sentence for doing so!? As he
harass me drug me & wutev else he do wrong for he pays retards like Mo to assure him peace & freedom as a sicko Many pay him 4 this b cus he mis use his Persian abilities
It’s illegal to make it more peaceful for perverts that try to end peace duh
But wutev that’s a more detailed story i not talking on at this time lol tho get it time like the watch thing haha
My watch shattered later as I was trying to play basket ball I use to be waze better at things but my physical disability of sciatica prevents me from full function & suMtyMes no function
My watch flew off my wrist & kinda broke
Mo seem possessed that Xmas a lil diff he took me to see Xmas lights I see them when I play Gypsies princess in the streets like he tell me to go out there & maybe a prince or princess will give me my resources & he say only return if they do t & that he will provide shower & wutev & then 4 me to go out there again
But he took me to see the lights in an illegal motor vehicle like he Santa clause in a sled & ima elf or reindeer
It’s like sum1 gave him a script & me too there we go again
We shoulda went on foot at least I usually do unless I get a electronical vehicular that flies & floats like boat & only drives sun placesc while the roads get repaired to be wut they suppose to be duh bye actual LAND SCAPERS THAT R ALLOWED & qualify…
& ‘ he put up a Xmas tree…
I question is he possessed or does he remember Jctpop ~ Jesus Christ the prince of peace!?
He is a variety of characters sun very peasant others very Persian prince like
& he is like the 3 wise men & the 3 men that rode up to Jctpop murder years later
Like his character & similar breed goes that far back duh
So is he reinacting them or is that part who he is too or both
Don’t know…
This xact song in that link above got me Memory Mazing that tyMe my supposive biological birth daddy laughs when this song is on then he sing that part the Lyrics the grass was greener
Like it describes himself as a loose prisoner
Even tho summa the grass round these parts r toxic b vid a illegal land scapers duh
But he say he born from Persia Iran area
I look into it there's more holy pics too & places legally LAND scaped
I already report him to i.c.e. but last reality update he never got deported
& in the early 90s sum1 that's suppose to give me all my resources & have all theRes they question a drawing I drew as part of an assignment called family tree I did a sketch of my biological birth daddy in a boat fishing & me where's ur biological birth daddy why is he in that boat is he a fishermen
I let them know no he's not
I laugh like silent hyena animal as I let the laughter out later or not at all
But I did say as a reply he on a bout out at sea fishing & deporting himself probly duh
THiS iMAGE beLow REMind$ Me of My supposive bioLogical biRth daddy that Mo ha MMed/Mo ha MMad ka zeM ka vand Many NaMes etc. b cus 1 a his Many chaRacters he pLaze genie...
NOT Like a ReaL 1 but Like a CRiMinaL he @ that tyMe cLaiM he gets pay Like thats anotheR stORy that Makes no cents oR scents oR sense Like since we on the subject of this suRgicaL pRoceeduRe 4 Males is to ReMove the BaLLs & 4 feMaLes tubaL ReMovaL & aBLation 2 tha MentsTRaL PRoceeduRe...
i know that genie character looks like my supposive biological daddy that mo ha ka zem ka vand many names like mohammed/mohammad & kazem is his genie name...he claims he from over seas that he teLL Me he born there in tha middle east suMwhERe like iran/persia on october 22, 1956...he an evil genie playing troll a scatter of personalities like in denial bout like when his soul was made a persian prince now he not one...
ANyWAZE when i was a LiL giRl he PLay this AC/DC SONG on the Radio that say big baLLs its acLassicaL Rock & he Laugh Like he MentaL & he say thats how i got heRe thRu peRveRsion b cus he got no access 2 ReaL doctor or wuts needed 2 do it hiMseLf so i laugh Like My ReMains Made of peRveRsion as My souL ReaLLy that hoLy tho Made @rainbow faLLs & i staze a victiM RegauRdLes of wut the situation Looks Like...he staze Laughing & taLk on when he was Made that Much higheR a peRsian pRince b4 he joined that peasant ciRcLe of RetaRdation Like i staze a peRsian pRinces jus wit out aLL My REsouRces cLick Link beLow 2 see thAt song he pLayed bout baLLs that need 2 NOT B THERE its iLLegaL & so is any LeveL of peRversion duh Like theres Rapist & other sinners that xist that beLong disintegRated 4 thieR xisting cRimes duh anywaze that song Link baLLs b gone~
This Link next goes wit tha stoRy foLLowed...in this scene fRoM this fiLM THE HOBBiT as its paRt of the LORD OF THE Rings stoRies That goblin king oR pRince oR wutev character reminds me of my supposive biological daddy mo ha ka zem when he escapes getta awaze from lowest in peasant criminals sinneRs victiMizeRs of any kind & they leave hem alone he more of a leader of anything...Anywaze he Looks Like that cReatuRe characteR giant baLL sack lOoking thing b cus of that song baLLs b gone & then towaRds the end of the scene Link LateR u wiLL aLso see that i kinda Look Like the LiL baLL sack thing on the swing with a note book Looks kinda Like Me if i got incLuded in anotheR situation wheRe i resuLt 2 hiM 4 vitamIns it happen b4 i even pLay gypsie pRincess in the stReets off & on thRu out My Life Like he RecoMMended that i Mite get My ResouRces out theRe suM wherE since aLL the pResidential & higheR possitions R being stoLen he cLaiM Maybe a PRince oR pRinces wiLL Rescue Me...as i ReMain #1 wit tha victiMs as an individuaL...& the otheR baLL sack Looking things R his feMaLes his Many fake wives...LoL tho haha
altho in real life he wit that peasants Maybe stiLL he joined oR he unjoin & that gobLin baby character on tha swing thing at that end if this scene reminds me of my reality b cus @ Lions Park in Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 Tha roller coaster swing i go on suMtyMes duh!~
this next Link i do a fRee styLe pRayeR video of MyseLf 2 that other song he pLay when i was a LiL giRL he pLay it Like 80s & 90s & 2000s this cLassic Rock vaRiety aLL kinds Like pink fLoyd & Led zepplin & MetaLica & iRon Maiden & MoRE & suMtyMes he pLay peRsian tunes in faRsi but this 1 is bye cat stevens caLLed wiLd woRLd cLick 2 see as i*M dRess up as a cReatuRe baLLeRina bunny cLown thing Like we both know ouR ReaL faMiLy 4 a fact is CREATURES & aniMaLs & it*s the huMans i don*t aLwaze know bout suMtyMes neitheR do he but he teLL Me he beLieves iMa pRincess & in the video a Me i incLude a LiL giRL pic a me fRoM Like 80s & 90s he had it & suM how i end up wit it LateR & in that iMage is a daze Mo push Me on the swing @ a paRk so high that king god appeaR in the sky & show his hands 2 sin or not 2 sin the king god of cRown testers & cReatuRes appeaR MoRe visiby Laughing Making fun of Mo they say its kazeM the genie pLaying huMan thats cLaiMs 2 b Much higheR as i MeMoRy Maze 2 a tyMe a t the MetaL pLaygRound a PLace i went aLone & cReatuRes appeaR Like ibiLis & LucifeR & ganji faiRies & fauwns & MeRMaids & chaRactERs Like jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace R theRe but as they fade awaze suMtyMes a ganji faiRy staze that visibLy & she say they got the highest of eveRything 1 ReaLM over & she naked b cus she smoke heR cLothes in that tea heRb pLant pipe that she usuaLLy weaR things Like fLoweRs not fabRics & thReads & it*s Like she got me high b4 Like it*s possibLe on wut she sMoking on & she know so Much bout seeds & gRowing & bout natuRe she jus b knowing & as a LiL giRL i hadda pLastic Mini tiny doLL size sMaLLeR than baRbie cupcake thing so i iMagine 2 bake cupcakes 4 that ganji faiRy but the pLastic wiLL MeLt the ganji faiRy staze Laughing cLaiMing she got betteR eveRything that Maybe in a futuRe MeMoRy suMthing Like that wiLL happen Like she got the puRest puRe ingRedients NOT ME not in this waR not Round these paRts... jus Like she Laugh @ My teaLess tea paRty of jus watER & sugaR cubes in the 90s Like she LiteRaLLy pRovide the tea heRb pLants again theRe was no tea in My ReaLity ReaLM @ that tyMe & Location Not @ that pLace & LucifeR was theRe & otheR chaRacters Like theres MoRe detaiLs 2 those MeMoRies duh & i show chuck e cheese doLL & Mickey Mouse b cus Mo took Me 2 chuck e cheese & he bought that doLL there 4 Me as souvenioR & i been 2 disneyLand & otheR theMe parks wit out hiM & cReatuRes ReMind Me of a daze when Loose PrisoneRs go on Rockets in the sky as they disintegRate on the waze up the spARkLy gLitteRy fiRe woRks Light up the night wit Me on a fLying Magical caRpet & Mo in a LaMp 4 PLaying genie as his pRison oR MuseuM or eLectRonicaLLy or wutev this futuRe MeMoRy May be that i aLReady got 2 see...Like thats anotheR siMiLar stoRy~
& cLick link beLow to see Me fRee stYLe to that choRdettes tune titLed MR. sandMan afteR i taLk 4 a whiLe tho then i do tha Mime MyseLf Me miMing a Remix a Mix of~
Next its jus Me doing suM kinda cReatuRe inspiRed ModeLing see~
this next fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf suMMa the LyRics in this twisted insane tune caLLed SCARy stoRies say MontsteRs haiRy so autoMaticaLLy i think of huMan peasants cRiMinaLs sinneRs victimizeRs wit haiR duh! jus Like the ones that MURdeRed jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace thRu MeMoRy deLetion hypnotic/hypnosis & twist w/ psychoLogy they sacRafice hiM & they siMiLaR 2 suMMa My abductoRs oNly i been abducted bye a LoweR cLass of peopLe Like that cRowd stiLL wanders getting stupid suMtyMes wit new MeMbeRs as MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic/hypnosis is MagicaL 4 Magic shows & 2 heLp pRevent cRiMes & MoRe but when twisted wit psychoLogy it*s a cuLt & iLLegaL! anywaze cLick 2 see pRazing video of Me~
& 1 a my abductor Rapist dRuggeR abuseR MentaLLy & physicaLLy that abduct Me off & on fRoM 2005 tiL 2011 i gotta awaze & escape & continue doing so fRoM~ that Willie Holloway jr. IV(4th) BORN~MAy 24, 1981 in Brawley, California & on his 24th biRthdaze May 24, 2005 he intensionally Rape me wit:
My daughter that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth ceRtificate NaMe..boRn~ February 09, 2006 @FOUNTAiN VALLEy REGiONAL HOSPiTAL in Fountain Valley, California bibLicaLLy speaking in THE LAND OF DREAMS!
& DURing that Rape My souL Left My body i tRy 2 puppet My ReMains 2 Leave 2 getta awaze but aLL i can do is see MyseLf get Raped...
& in those MOMents i even saw her souL b Made?!
Like i got invited 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRe Mine was Made~as i thought its a MeMoRy of Mine being Made...
then as My souL went back in my body another foLLowed & enteRed it was My daughter he Rape Me wit
i even teLL hiM bout it that iM pRegnant aLReady & i think its a giRL that iM getting aboRtion eitheRwaze he pRevent Me fRoM any doctoRs incLuding fake he say i have 2 caRRy the baby for 9 MOnths that she be born February 14, 2006 he known a s the Valentine Rapist that rapes round his birthdaze then he automaticaLLy thinks the rape victim will carry for 9 months & be dUE VALENTiNES DAZE when ReaL DOCTORS CAN TAKE HER OUT iMMediateLy! as i question those in possitions in the Medical field that claim she expected on february 14, 2006 i ask why dont they take her out sooner like they suppose 2 so they take her out on february 9, 2006 instead they say thats the soonest?!
b cus they not ReaL doctors they fake medical representatives Luckily they gave her cases of vitamin bottles b cus breast feeding is iLLegaL so is multiplying is duh!!!!!!!
& she taLk as a baby she call Me RACHEL & more she say & dance & wutev else i Let her know u almost on ur own Like round age 2 i was ready 2 go on my waze individuaLLy wit aLL my resources
but i got prevented bye peasants victimizers sinners criminals put on Lie ditectoR test whether she gets to Live oR get disintegrated b cus biblically sum babies join cults to where they get the disintegration immediately duh...Like thats another stoRy of Many
Like when he rape me wit wut sum call daughter
he say its his birthdaze that he wants a baby to Rape that he plans to use for multiplying eventually & he will rape them too thats the Rape gang he in as he is an iLLegaL Land scaper scientist retard pervert that beLongs disintegrated 4 his existing intensionaL cRiMes duh! he rapes humans & animals & he abducts & drugs & other crimes he say he do for fun he say his favorite sport is going on RAPE A THONS HE COMPETES Wit other perverts they count who got the most Rapes on humans & animals...& wutev else they do iLLegaLLy...
CLick this Link beLow to see twisted insane & oMega siN tune that LyRicaLLy say is that youR b*tch Like LucifeR taLk Like taht suMtyMes taLking on b*tches the peasants victiMizerS criminals the intensionaL sinning huMans duh & whoev eLse MusicaL video it staRts wit a hypnoticaL jeweLeRy box baLLeRina tune that LuRes Me in Like avaRiety of that sound gets a hoLd of My whoLe identity suMtyMes duRing that tyMe i get MeMORy deLeted undeR suM LeveL of hypnotic Like i staRt eitheR MeMoRy Mazing OR thinking oR iMagining ideas Or tRying 2 bRing theM 2 Life 2 heLp Make ReaLity be wut its suppose 2 be oR dancing oR dRawing oR suMthing oR nothing Like i Mite go into shock oR suMthing Maybe eitheRwaze that Music its MagicaL it takes Me back 2 when My souL was Made aLso & then ReMinds Me of suMMa My abductions a s aLiL giRL a MentaL heaLth RepResentative kept tRying 2 enteR my Mind in the 80s wondeRing if i got 1 oR if i xist even if he aLReady Rape Me or wutev or want 2 iM MiddLe easteRn i autoMaticaLLy use MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic on MyseLf a s a victiM but peasants twist it wit psychoLOgy even if otheR bReeds use it too & suM peRveRts wanna b the peasant veRsion of Me Like its taht high in peasants Like aLL the victiMs the saMe cLass suM jus highER in cReation oR bReed oR wutev Like an exaMpLe of a high pRince is that jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & theres others duh! suM abductors want me 2 cry thier tears so i do Laugh like they do get weaken bye them & thats how sum weaken victims LoL haha i usuaLLy Laugh they wanna know whos Laughing Now Like who caRes Like wuts thieR intensions its iLLegal 2 cRy suM say teaRs of joy i use tissues 4 pLagues titLed Like a Runny nose or wipe My eyes from wateRing duRing suM weatheR Looks like teaRs but i have cried anothers identity bye foRce they pretend psychologicaLLy im making amovie or pLay based on sum story wit or wit out tha tears in My dReaMs that abductoR went in My dReaMs that LiveLy questioning wut they even R supposiveLy he got sent or send himself to find out & Make sure they never happen he tell me outside the nightmare he creating in my sLeep that giant cLock is his gRand father his real faMily like its Mine too NOT HiM then he wanna know My MeMORy ?! i dont aLwaze ReMeMbeR no body ReaLLy do?! he real taLented at acting at Making his abducting Monster character fun Like exquisite fantasia Like a LeveL of eviL he Lets show Like why im not scared like its iLLegaL 2 Live in faLse feaR b feaRLess as he wonders bout My dReaMs how i know anything other than when my souL was Made Like cReatuRe inspiRed baLLet puppet cLown thing is a chaRacteR iM known 2 do in the 80s it start fading awze thru disabiLities now i found a waze2 do it again wit footage im stiLL disabled wit physical disabilty of sciatica as sum say she thinks she a LiL giRL again the 80s that im pRetending 2 b MyseLf?! bLa BLa bLa cLick Link 2 see ~
Like I aLReady dedicate this exact tune to an abductor I escaped aLReady that Long ago that many tyMes he teLL me duRing suM a those abductions that the abduction is not ever ending til one of us dies!?
like if he dies like he supposed to be disintegRated for his existing intensional cRiMes duh…
I will then do a whole thing bout him I done things in his memory then tell him you r not dead to go do wutev it is I sent him summa my twisted insane modeling looks I know he think he looks better in them he even thinks he looks like a prettier female naked no make up as a stripper when I got hired as a stripper he prevent me from being there !? So I do it on YouTube even not naked even disfigured wit sciaticaL disability that sickos like him pLague on others he occasionally enters my body his soul in there!? & my mind he brings others & they attack my insides! In real life duh!!!!
CLick Links individually beLow to see this free styLe pRayer remix a mix of myself miming me a mime to oMega sin & twisted insane tune titLed is that your bitch i dedicate it to summa my ex abductoRs i escape gotta awaze aLReady EitheRwaze my abducted kidnapped daughter needs to get Rescued aside from that & wutev else not mentioned click diff links to see the 2 diff styLe & Looks I did regaurding diff abductors like that 1st one I look more abducted bye willie & the 2nd more like a MR whit coMb & Papp kinda abduction like sum kinda doll thing that occasionally does wutev like they drug up individuals to be no body jus like willie suMtyMes Willie is a lower class abductor like wutev they all belong suMwheRe like prison or disintegration or deportation or all a tha above or a disintegrate kinda date or sumthing 4 thier xisting intensional cRiMes duh click to see & after I talk a lil in the first one during spiritual biblical gathering whoev attended they want me to do more MiMing less talking in that 2nd 1
LoL tho haha so i ReaLLy got silenced they chose 4 Me that i mite a say sumthing MoRe again
here I go
does any one know wut i mime when I don’t talk tho sum do others don’t like wutev
I Remember getting silence from talking
from sum abductor
I try to communicate wit fake sign language like I’m Mentally retarted I even Play sherades b4 so I should know to MiMe during that tyMe it’s like they use memory deletion hypnotic twist wit psychology to be a doll that doesn’t talk at all!? Who r these people they suMtyMes make me Re in act Helen Keller!!!!!? To where I look blind & suMtyMes talk like I can’t heaR so wut I say sounds like waze diff words like retardation not a diff language they r the retards that plague that regauRdLess of the title of that plague duh during the Helen Keller plagues I got pervert Vision & hearing them the sickos accuse me of being a bigger sicko acting like her when they put me under hypnotic memory twist wit psychology to act Retarted & they say I’m blind in Real life to not even bother remembering them or anyone there is lie Ditector test & real authorities for a fact I got perfect vision & wutev else aside from disfiguration & physical disability sum call sciatica the plague title BLa bLa BLa~
bla bla bla
NEXT is twisted insane & Lady insane aka MA$K & HOOD~
CLick Link to see wut i aLReady taLk bout in wRiting beLow afteR it teLLs wut u R going to see Anywaze Like the detaiLs in engLish~
Above that Link is ovbiousLy Me MyseLf
This video of Me is a fRee styLe pRayeR ReMix a mix of myself MiMing a Mime to that tune Mask & hood
bye Lady insane & twisted insane
in thier footage of the song video they wear like the same thing the whole tyMe kinda!?
Like cLick Link beLow 2 see thieR veRsion of thieR Music video 2 thieR song thing~
as i imagine a runwaze fash show of all kinds a mask hood fash diff fabs threads fabrics characters or wutev colors strobe lights black lights colorful smoke diff lighting
like maybe they poetically singing bout real life & sum1 really wear those xact outfits suMwheRe other than in thier musical
I don’t know…I don’t understand why they do that 1 look when it repeats mask & hood I thought a diff mask & hood everytyme
Or is there sumthing magical bout those mask & hood!?
I obviously got similar ones
I do got bandanas in diff colors they put awaze so I use my sponge bob one unfolded lol the diff faces of him printed on it like wutev
I suMtyMes wear bandanas as shirts & I wear them on my face b4 but only for modeling pics like there’s sun of me wit a bandana on my face on my webpage & Facebook & more me wit a blow dryer insteada a gun like I get prevented from weapons peasants r scared so like fashion art etc. is wut I find waze to do duh f.a.e.
& sum picture images of myself show bandana thing as a shirt & on my leg or wutev as decoration jus another fash print fabric really to me so wutev
& mask & hood song thing
I like got inspired to play thier lyrical mask & hood
As I brought out jus summa my mask & hood looks
I got more but I got lazy to bring it all out
Like sumwhere I got grim reaper style hood thing I call souL Rapist b cus thise loin da characters usually get to peasants souls when they die disintegrate or wutev outta thier human remains duh & they do disintegration torture on them for thier xisting crimes …duh I couldn’t find it I got all kinds of dabs & threads I was gonna do more out fits as I try to focus on mask & hood but since they did jus like 1 look & thier face counts so I guess 2 looks each
I show my face that often too LoL tho haha
so I quickly did this
As u will notice I show my face as a mask too
B cus it’s painted like a clown 1 a my signature clowny styles
So I think it’s funny I added juggling & ganji fairy puppet jeweLeRy box ballerina creature thing character to it like I usually do suMtyMes Anywaze
During a variety of free style prayers u will see I do this character diff tyMes to diff tunes in diff costumes to wear it looks a lil diff
But wutev THERE*$ ME NEXT DOiNg bLow dRyeR gun Looking thing & bandana suM caLL a hankeRchief thing fashion otheRs caLL it it choLa gangsteR i caLL it pRincess Like f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. Like who caRes other than wut u do wit it oveR aLL duh! Like iM obviousLy jus ModeLing & i do use that bLow dRyeR on My haiR again as i get pRevent fRoM weapons & using theM so i do wutev i got access 2...
iMage beLow Looks Like ME! see~
& beLow is an iMage of Me & My daughteR but she is adducted kidnapped again & she Needs 2 get Rescued iMMediateLy as we both been abducted off My on ouR whoLe Lives Raped dRugged bye a vaRiety of cRiMinaL peasant sinneRs victiMizeRs duh that we obviousLy gotta awaze escape b4 as i continue 2 do so...
Like theRe we R that Long ago...me & My daughtER as i do a vaRiety a chaRactERs that 1 of me is a jeweLeRy box baLleRina cLown cReatuRe thing butteR fLy ganji faiRie wutev & My daughteR is Rainbowish cLownish styLe we caLL Mya Loka LiL cLown...
REALiTY UPDATE$~cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see...
NEXT R MORE FREE STyLe pRayErs of ME MyseLf MiMiming a MiMe a reMix a Mix of 2 WizaRd of oz inspiRed tunes bye twisted insane Along wit No HeaRt song I dedicate to Elizabeth Aaliyah Many NaMes etc. she one a my ex rapist supposive biological birth daughter he force a funeral of heR identity while she alive!? Like there’s lie Ditector test & real authorities to confirm & verify if she belong disintegrated or brought back duh!
continue scRoLLing & cLicking Links individuaLLy thRu out this post~
As i do a vaRiety a MiMe like Free style prayer videos i suMtyMes talk in sum to twisted insane & MoRe Like b4~
so keep scRoLLing & cLicking…
CLick Links beLow individuaLLy to see~
HeRe*s a RandoM fRee styLe pRayeR of Me MiMing MyseLf MiMe to this tune that say LyRicaLLy who’s watching that’s the catch phRase i 4 got tha song singeR at the Moment click link to see~
this aRt bye Me next i caLL it: $PARKLE$~
this aRt woRk belLow is bye Me i titLe it: THE METAL PLAy gRound it*s bout actuaL MeMoRies i caRtoonized fRoM the 80s see~
& Regaurding that MetaL pLaygROund & diff chaRacters Like cReatuRes & MoRe...
So I notice Melanie MaRtinez aLbuM poRtaLs like twisted insane they advertise creature like characters
As she MeLanie MaRtinez do suM cReature like looks like maybe base on sun she sees or dress up as or both or wutev
So in this video beLow eventuaLLy is Myself I kinda dress up like the ganji fairies i actually see since my soul was made
They do all kinds a creature stripper like dances fast & slow
So I gotta hold a them for this footage & they do lil dances on the side where I can see them that visibly & others attend it’s like a black light poster forest
Anywaze I do summa the moves they do & sum I jus do like wutev
EitheRwaze it’s a form of high praying a free style prayer I did to pan flute kinda musical instrumental bbcys nermaids & fawns attend this & they request I play it
B cus others won’t hear them in my video as they play instrumental.so I found these tunes on YouTube
It’s similar style to wut they play tha cReatuRes Like fawns & MeRMaids & whoev & wutev eLse suMtyMes appeaR 2 Me wit these instRuMents they PLay pan fLutes & MoRe its usuaLLy jus instRuMental but they dance!!!!its Like they fRee styLe pRaying...
& I wanted to show Melanie Martinez the ganji fairies I see & creatures
So I did this look & sent her an email & a link bout her fairy creature like album
But wutev
Lucifer & Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace & other characters attend visibly spiritually
& so did Melanie Martinez in spirit her identity
Like Click to see~
CLick Link beLow 2 see Me fRee styLe pRayeR a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe to a twisted insane tune titLed MaRRy go round aLong wit pink fLoyd see saw song those sounds combine remind me of a diff memory mazes click link to see & in the music video of Pink Floyd see saw got similar same metal playground I went to I think Kansas Missouri area or suMwheRe like that I don’t aLwaze remember but I get flash backs like that Pink Floyd song more describes those exact moments like even in thier music video there’s a similar metal playground like the one I was on but the twisted insane merry go round tune in the back ground those lyrics remind me of that metal playground & carousels & more tiL he sing poetically bout perversion I then remember like all those criminal rapist i escape since 80s summa them classical others hip hop sum both sum none like there’s all kinds it obvioysly mainly reminds me of classical hip hop Rapist abductors I already gotta escape like they still out there pRobLy like even tho I got awaze a variety a peasants gotta hold a me off & on my whole life they abduct drug rape & other illegal things they do intensionaLLy like they belong disintegrated for thier intensional crimes so click link to see~
Pink Floyd see saw song on its own~
Marry go round twisted insane song bye it self~
MetaL playground Link it’s not done yet click to see more bout that memory~
Click creature inspired link below bye ME bout MeLanie MaRtinez & for more details~
& this next iMage bye Me beLow i titLe CREATURE$~ it*s actuaLLy a fabRic & thReaded kinda coveR i sewn 2getheR 4 an activity book i Made Like i taLk & show MoRe bout that in otheR bLog post & youtube videos & wheRev eLse Like in peRson duh!...
i dRew this 1 angLe of My face & paRt a My body as i ReMix a Mix of My identity wit a MeRMaid cReatuRe cLown unicoRn thing kinda Make oveR see~
ANyWAZE 2 twisted insane & twisted insane coMpany & 2 whoM this May conceRn: Like i aLso Mention in eMaiL & on facebook & youtube coMMents & duRing spiRituaL bibLical gatheRing Like during fRee styLe pRayeR & howeveR eLse Like on My webpage 2 obviousLy duh in this post aRticLe thing:cLick this twisted insane inspiRed aRticLe beLow bye Me 2 see~
otheR than that MO & i Like Laughing hyenas aniMaLs @REALity NOT B CUS its funny Like i need weapons & a bibLicaL doctoR genious & 2 b coMe that & a Lie ditectoR test & MoRe as we Laugh wit ganji faiRies & otheR cReatuRes that make fun a hiM 4 pLaying genie & diff cRiMinal chaRactERs he Makes Look that innocent suMtyMes & MoRe even us as a diff cLass of peopLe siMiLaR bReed eitheRwaze he cLaiMs his souL is Made higheR than Mine if My bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy not at aLL peRsian Like she say b4 otheRwize iM Made MoRe high but wuteve...beLow is a hyena aniMaL...
That iMage above Looks jus Like a MagicaL tea LaMp My supposive bioLogicaL biRth daddy MO KA ZEM MANy naMes etc. got! & he Let Me baRRow it b4!!!!!! & ReaL genies appeaR & taLk & say unLiMMitted wishes its tRue 4 thos ewho Live that Long...since My wishes NOT COME TRUE yet & Not entiReLy Like Maybe Not tiL the heavens & eaRth coMbine...Like in this next iMage is Me as a jeweLeRy box baLLeRina chaRacteR bunny cReatuRe Lion unicoRn thing pRincess see~
CLick Link 2 see~
CLiCK Link 2 see~
cLick Link~
& heRes an iMage of wut Looks Like LucifeR above Mite be hiM...cLick Link 2 see~
cLick Link 2 see~
As i do know that JctPOP~Jesus Christ that Prince of peace: HE DOESN*T heaL MiNDS & THA PEASANTS GOT A HOLD A HIS...TO WEAKEN HIM ON HIS HUMAN SIDE THAT*S HOW THEY GOT HIM ON THA CROSS they murdered him sacrificed practically tortured an innocent one that probly shed Blood tears maybe he can cry paint of a variety a shades of colors for art Like HE really iS HALF A GOD & got diff abilitys like he can multiply things like when he supposed to or gets tha privelage to Like imagine fabrics for fashion & more & ONLY THAT KING GOD HIS BIOLOGICAL BIRTH DADDY HE CALL FATHER suMtymes SUPPOSIVELY
All the religions are 100% true & they remind real law$ & more like purity over perversion & justice over justify & fact vs fiction & reality vs fantasy & etc.
& That ReMix Mix of that seRentiy pRayeR that incLude that hoLy bibLe veRse...
Grant me that serenity to accept that things I can*t change Courage to change but I can & tha wisdom to know that difference
Like 1 Peter 5:7~
$imply say siMPLified: it*s iLLegaL 2 woRRy!...
This is serious...
NEXT is an iMAGE OF jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace in a Rainbowish Like stain gLass as its @420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, California 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in : THE LAND OF DREAM$! see~
HeRe is suM MoRe bibLicaL educationaL & ReaLity updates in Links beLow cLick oR tyPe on googLe individuaLLy to see~
cLick Link 2 see based on a tRue stoRy bout My cat eLecRik gisMo tha 3Rd~
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick links individuaLLy 2 see~
cLick Link to see~
cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see`~
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick link 2 see~
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick Link 2 see~
hackeRs Make aLL that di$$appeaR that i did aLReady they getting disintegRated duh Like they beLong that waze 4 thieR xisting cRiMes so NOT DONE yet...it*$ usuaLLy unLiMMitted space fRee Like its suppose 2 be ReaL Laws & now suMMa the otheR tabs fReeze 2 sLow Me down whiLe those hacking tRying 2 Read it aLL & wutev eLse yup its a fact suMtyMes its ReaLLy theM duh!