above is an iMage that descRibes suM kinda possession looking Like sciatica oR cuLt ReLated Most LikeLy & peasants wiLL say she pRobLy stRessed out oR suMthing when she could be jus sitting theRe but peasants they do pLague these situations of sciaticaL attackings thRu cuLts Like PREying it*s how they pRey without physicaLLy doing it wit thieR ReMains instead they suMtyMes attack wit thieR souLs & they posses otheRs to get disfiguRed & they defoRM them OR get a hoLd a thiEr Mind & Make tehM say & do things under hypnotoc/hypnosis & Memory deLetion twist wit psychoLogy its iLLegaL Like beLow is an iMage suM Mite say Looks Like an excoRicisM when to do excoRcist is a cult it*s iLLegaL & again suM excoRcisMs start wit the pictuRe above &b ResuLt into a sciaticaL attack that shows MoRe suMtyMes otheRs can*t see it as when i get sciataica attacks iM fine then my body starts Locking & paRaLyzing & spasMing & disfiguRing & wutev eLse My tissues teaR on my insides & i sMeLL Like iM dying!!!!!!!!!!! as i estore & RepaiR myself thru fitness & natuRaL ReMedies whiLe waiting for a bibLicaL doctor genious to better assist Me duh!...Like suMtyMes i do things easiLy otheR TyMes i cant at aLL oR baReLy & do to My sciatica i cant caRt wheeL oR dive anyMoRe & cant aLwaze cLiMb but when i funtion i csan stilL beLLy dance & hooLa hoop & juMpRope & swiM & wutev eLse not Mentioned...
but MeMoRy deletion & hypnotic R 4 Magic shows & heLp end cRiMes
tha ganji faiRie$ Laugh @ eveRything so i Mite be Laughing 2 but suMtyMes it$ NOT ALWAZE BECAUSEV it*$ funny it*s siMiLaR 2 tha aniMaL hyena of how i May React 2 ceRtain situations duh
beLow is a FRee styLe pRayeR of Me doing a ganji faiRy styLe chaRactER Like i kinda Look Like theM tha waze i Move aLong wit a puppet jeweLeRy box baLLeRina cReatuRe cLown thing as they attend these spot Lights i put 2getheR base on wut i got access & otheRs aRRive MoRe visibLy aLso Like jctpop~`jesus chRist the pRince of peace & LucifeR the faLLen angeL & MeRMaids & hoRned hoof Mythical fauwN$ & whoev eLse spiRituaLLy that go...
cLick that Link beLow 2 see~
& cLick next Links individuaLLy aLso 2 see~
cLick link beLow 2 see~
cLick Link beLow~
theRe*$ an iMage of Me beLow dRess kinda Like a cat & aside fRoM those i mention eaRLieR that i do bibLicaL gattheRings wit...cats & anImaLs suMtyMes go 2 whetheRe they do anything MoRe than Make an appeaRance they do MagicaL spiRituaL things Like they heLp Raise Me off & on since tha 80*s & in the 90*s as i don*t aLwaze ReMeMbEr but my supposive biological mommy let me get cat snow ball fuzz ball caRRots Many names etc. so i went 2 bring that cat & another name tigger in to put in bath Like im supppose 2 she NO im to small im too LiL to things Like so i hung out wit them outside then i notic e diff daze they no wheRe she say heR boyfriend ate theM ?! then she change the stoRy & she tells Lies like wuts tRue & she then poweR tRips cLaimimng she know more than the victims no wwhich she doesnt or she wouldnt sin intensionaLLy duh but wutev all kinds a animals occasionaLLy taLk 2 Me~
& sciaticaL attacking a happen to Me off & on my whole life it’s my physical disability I been waiting on NON•surgical Lazer for it
It’s not natuRaL or normal sciatica…
& the peasants that plague sciatica attacks keep trying to prevent me from the pRoceedure ! They send fake medical Representatives instead at hospitals like Hoag Hospital Newport Beach
& @college park hospital in Costa Mesa, California & other near bye hospital locations those places keep human testing & other illegal things they also lacing medicine wit drugs & psych meds they even title sum pharmacy’s as drug store it’s illegal!!!!
Like is there ever Real doctors there!?
Or is it really jus sickos that steal sum medical education they not allowed there or anywhere they belong disintegrated duh for thier existing intensional crimes
& almost everywhere fake medical fake authorities fake educational representatives fake buisness retaRds illegal land scapers whoev & wutev else not mentioned this class of peasants lace everything with psych meds drugs perversion abductions they prevent weapons too they plague plagues like sciatica & other plague if they do like multiplying thru perversion & scientist as they try to prevent that surgery to help end multiplying for those that got human remains & they to prevent animal too luckily EVENTUALLY I found sum1 wit that education to do it for as it’s a required real LAW DUH & other illegal things they belong disintegrated already immediately for thier existing intensional crimes Duh
As I continue seeking & waiting for all my Resources…
it’s illegal & Retarted duh…
FRee styLe pRayer beLow it’s Persian creature jeweLeRy box ballerina doll puppet thing clown ganji fairy chaRacter I do click links individually to see~
& when I was Like 15 yeaRs old
Jacque green my ex friend she was there she witness
The excorcism that got peRfoRmed on me
bye my supposive biological birth mommy debi Lynn & my supposive biological birth grandma Doris Anna & Ruth anne our supposive aunt & Kristen our old neighbor they claim they need at least one more for the attacks to work on me
They all held hands in a ciRcLe they tell me not to move from that spot
They say they praying
When they actually pReying
That’s two diff things
Prey vs pray
& they say
For me to shut up & don't say anything that i need to stop telling on everyone as I report peasants & escape them duh
They was actually peRfoRming a cuLt
Which is really a form of pReying
Like again pray vs prey
They did a seyonce they was chanting
As I got attacked sciaticaLLy
Debi & Doris say it's demons attacking not them
for me to hold still while they continue
& they made Jacque leave...
I tell her bout the excoRcism thing at a fake school we went to sum call high school when coLLEGES R SUPPOSE TO BE ALL AGES FKR THOSE WHO QUALify on an accuRate Lie Ditector test to confirm & verify who allowed to go
Anywaze she say she remembers like she was there too for part of it but she didn’t see the whole thing as I was in shock...
She say she got sum wut sum call catholic education
& I laugh & say the cult leaders like debi & Doris they identify as Christians
They not of any ReLigions tho
I'm of all the religions they a 100% true duh!
My sciaticaL attack that start round 2 aM oveR 24 hours ago is still swelling down!!!
& My MentaLLy RetaRted supposive LiL half brother cousin Michael sadegh kavand
it's like he plagues sciaticaL attacks
beLow is a n iMage that descRibes suMMa his nick names Like stix & twix b cus when he noRMAL he do wood aRt Like jctpop~jesus chRist the prince of peace he Makes wooden jeweLeRy boxes & MoRe asid efRoM spORts which suM wwe Remix b4 we start a pRactice of basebaLL hockey...we sLide on the roller blades at tha tyMe & iMagine if we got hockey suppLy & nets & wutev eLse as we aLso swing on bRanches & do cLiMbing even in dooRs we cLiMb dooR waze Like we possessed puppets wit nothing MoRe 2 do duh! i caLL hiM tRix too b cus he does hypnotic & MeMORy deLetion 2 Look invisibLe its a MiddLe easteRn Magic its also 4 MuRdeRing peasants but i don*t know wut MoRe he do theR than tha iLLusion that he dissappeaR Like how MagicaL he tRy it on Me 2 see if it woRks as LateR i caught hiM using his abiLity iLLegaLLy 2 spy on Me...Like who knows how Long he theRe he ReaLLy did jus sit theRe i guess dissappeaRing & ReappeaRing as iM doing My own caLendaR he didnt say anything Lik edoes he wany Me 2 go wit hiM 2 MuRdeR or do Magic shows i dont undeRstand or is it he jus retarted spying on Me 4 no Reason its iLLegaL duh!
He calls me the walking coRpse b cus I'm dying of sciatica I got diff levels of sciatica off & on my whole life like how does he know !? Like is he ReaLLy 1 a My sciaticaL attackeRs?! iMa victiM & i know when he a baby he got Recruited 2 kill all the vitcims a si got Recruited 14t i decLined but that idiot question if thats the cuLt they want hiM in then wut R the victiMs aRound stiLL doing alIve & they claim thats wut they need hiM 4?! i encourage him dont join any cults or unjoin any duh Like i dont got weapons like sum say he beLong in a boMb jacket as a baby that they say he joined the peasants aLReady Like others R known 2 do join so he point out wuts ciamak 1 a his RecRuiteRs doing alive then as so do i ReMind that ciamak belongs disintegRated iMMediateLy 4 jhis intensional xisting cRiMes i Like bomb jackets or wutev 4 every1 that is entitled 2 disintegrating that waze
cLick Link beLow 2 see a fRee styLe pRayeR i did LoL the ReaL video is MiddLe easteRn theMed haha but heRe$ Me doing a ReMix a Mix of it Like wutev at Least iM functioning as sciatica LingeRs suMtyMes its MoRe seveERe than other tyMe s & My body locks & spasMs & My bones can shattER & otheR things when iMa victiM an actuaL pRincess cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see~
those fRee styLe prayeRs above i do aLL kinds but twisted insane LyRics in that 2nd Link say aRe u sick?! Last i seen hiM i let him know i got no weapons stiLL Like now wut 4 hiM 2 depoRt hiMseLf & go RecoveR bibLicaLLy even i been in his situation b4 i encouRage him keep walking tha dRugs off that the Rape gang dRug him wit & i Re diRect him 2 fuLLeRton, caLifornia biblically speaking in the Land a dReams to depoRt himself he born there so thats where he is fRom duh i gave him su high tea & candy & i tell him persian prayer i made up & i remind him i live 4ever not u if i did got weapons would un keep victimizing my path i know he wont 4 a fact he will be scaRed 4 his existing intensional cRiMes duh...i gave him $ 2 go sumwhere thats 24 hours & get hygene or wutev go 2 church when they open as fake authoRity put him in fake pRisons sum call jaiL they offer psych meds & do violence 4 no Reason & its apeRversion centeR & other illegal things go one in ReaLity & when we LiL he tell Me he going wit LiL wayne 2 be a RappeR that he thinks he Look like him ?! when no he doesnt he more like twisted insane & me tooo usually when we usually faster at wutev but maybe the rape gangs got him slower & he recognize he sLow now like tha Musician LiL wayne i dont know...or maybe he possesssed jus taLking or joking...or he got dRugged he was hanging out wit rape gang Members our suppposive cousin steven gaRcia...anywaze he i dont caRe if he gets disintegrated for his existing cRiMes & again i dont got wuts needed 2 better assist him wiyt his Resources so i tell him all i can be is Like agood seMeRatin for him 2 ask others that Mite be aLos i dont know like while waiting on real authoRity...this isn*t funny 4 him 2 staze awaze & go get heLp Play peasant prince as others tell me b4 to play gypsie pRincess in situations i got put into iLLegaLLy...duh i even left him in an abduction as in escaped in the 80s at least i tRy 2 & other tymes like at least i gotta awaze 4 him 2 go on & do tha saMe...
& he that twix stix tRix started calling me walking corpse Since i was around age 17 or 18 or 19
& he laughs like he's mental suMtyMes when he cross paths wit me he announces to the schitzophrenics that aren't there
He say there she is the walking corpse
Like He expects to see the attacks in that only usually happen when he not there in person it's like he knows bout the attackings tho
Like is he an attacker too
1 more for the peasants?!
Or he can be one less attacker
Sumthing is wrong wit him
He a schitzophrenic abducted drugged & raped bye Willie & ciamak & Jon Eugene many names etc. rape gang
He attacks victims outta faLse feaR
He diff people then he acts real normal & he plays sports & claims he LOVES ANimaLs & more
TheRes lie Ditector test he is like possessed
He keeps claiming my innocence as his own jus b cus we got sum things in common
He tell me to my face he use hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology on others In So many diff waze he even tries to convince them my identity like is his even going bye his own
Like he say psychologically he really pretends my crown is his or like that b4 he joined he psychologically try 2 make it beLieveabLe he never did?!
I known others in these cults h the is is wut they do
Schizophrenically claim other identities even if they pubLicKLy go bout thier own
Ima higher class a people that him
ima princess
& he is not a prince anymore Duh he a known peasant
He could unjoin peasants & be a peasant prince
But wutev he mite be 1 a my intensional attackers huh
Like duh
He also when I was like 18 or 19 he randomly took me to movies & he say I need to see this & it was Emily rose story bout the true story of anneLies michel & they put the priest fashion man who is a fake biblical representative in prison for attacking her wit sciatica thRu a cult sum call excorcisms where human peasants attack & blame demon identities & others than themselves when it's theM
& that*s tha ReaL annelies michel beLow also known as eMiLy RoSe it shows how she obviousLy didnt get aLL heR vitaMins oR fitness as sciatica squeezes the vitamins outta a u & MoRe & fake doctoRs put her on psych Meds & try to coveR up her sciaticaL attacks wit other plague titLes duh they MuRdeRed hER or she stiLL alive being huMan tested on bye cuLt Retards...
& other cult leaders & cult members I mention b4 like Doris & Ruth & ciaMak & MyRna & sum others use to be or still r in those cults
beLow is MyRna Many naMes etc. she steaLs pResidentiaL & higheR possitions & she doesnt quaLify 2 be theRe as she is suMMa the Lowest CLass of peasants...she do aLL kinds a cRiMes!...
next is ciaMak he woRse than heR Like theRe he is fishing yet he out therE oveR eating & steaLing when he suppose 2 be disintegRated foR his existing intensionaL cRimes he ReaLLy go on Rape a thons he coMpetes against other peRverts & they count who got the Most Rape &1 a the Rape a thon contestents that he does poRnogRaphy fiLms wit he rape me wit my daughter he drugged me & abducted Me Like he got sent 2 do duh they aLmost identicaL RetaRds anywaze heres ciaMak he my supposive biologival birth older bRother & thats his supposive biologicaL birth MoMMMy above like we supposively got same biological birh daddy~
then My supposive bioLogical birth gRandma on My biological birth Mommy side she is in denial bout the cuLts she in she teLL me MaRRiage is pErveRsion wit her husband i teLL her more accurate bibLicaL education & she questions wut was i doing wit all those Rapist even as a baby when they abduct & Rape Me duh Like i gotta awaze i escape again tiL next tyMe like they really come outta no wheRE~
MoRe bout hER in that Link beLow~
cLick Link 2 see~
But when I got sciaticaLLy attacked in Salem, Oregon
Area biblically speaking in the land a dreams Ruth pray that the human peasants stop attacking Rachel as I go bye many names etc.
& they stopped
As I got attacked
She was pRaying out loud &
thats heR in the iMage beLow~
next is a poRceLain mask suM1 gave 2 Me it LOOks Like ehr & she pLay doRothy in a wizard of oz a play a s she do Look like a gothic pRincess veRsion of that actress judy gaRLand so i made outta shoe box & fabRic a fRaMe 4 it see~
& i pLaced it on My aRt woRk i titLe the MetaL PlaygRound Like she was theRE Round that tyMe too~
Anywaze the attackers belong disintegrated immediately Duh
Like pray vs prey
& when the excorcisms sciaticaL attackings happen in Salem Oregon my retarted supposive older half sister René sheRí batt she say she gone to an eMineM conceRt in person in reality real life & aside from that she got excited bout my sciaticaL situation she brought a digital camera to film my attackings!?
Like Did she bring one to the eMinEM show!?
Back to my attacks at that tyMe she say the schitzophrenics guarantee her front row seats to see me act Like her favorite movie
NeL with that actress Jodie foster a character who gets drugged & forced to act retarted she tell me she likes to see others forced to be retarted
After she got sum footage of Me possessed & dRugged up & wutev eLse she left
Like wut did she do at the EMiNEM showing she went to like u got the footage servailance huh
This is wut I’m talking bout it’s like she pRefeRs to see wut happen to me wit pictures & more
Unless maybe she got pics & images at THE EMinEM show she say she really attended that it’s fun TOO…
But she also finds seeing me retarted fun!?
OR MEMBER OF SUM Kind in that peasant ciRcLe Like suM say...?!
this iMage beLow Looks Like Rene' $heRi' batt aka Renaissance Many naMes etc. but its NOT HER BUT THAT*S HOW SHE LOOK NATURALLy as others in cuLts siMiLaR 2 heR attack hER wit sciatica & MoRE & they Lie 2 heR cLaiming its pRobLy Me seeking Revenge when ima vitcim in zeRo cuLts so ciamak 4 a fact is 1 a those Retards & jon eugene & summa her other rapist that Rape me when i was Like a baby duh & suM say she Look Like ceLebeRities gwen stefani & EMinEM Biological birth Mommy if u combine theM like she looks MoRe gwen but wit eMineM supposive biologicaL birth mommy eyes i encouRage her 2 do the 12 bibLicaL steps 2 RecoveRy aLong wit eveRy1 eLse~
ReaLity updates~
Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. & Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblical representatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa...
Persian pRayeR i made up~
sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
LiKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!
bLa bLa bLA
Like high bye
cLick Link beLow 2 see~
cLick Link beLow 2 see~
This stoRe I taLk on b4 is MagicaL suMtyMes MagicaLly they get ceRtain things in u gotta get eM b4 they gone they don’t aLwaze get it again suMtyMes or at least not yet like when again!?
So wit sum call good seMeRatins they suMtyMes get Me wut I need based on wut they got access to
…as they aLso aware possitions at churches & buisness & schools & authorities’ & businesses ‘& More are being stoLen duh!
While people like me suffer sciatica attacks & other things I go thru that I need medically that real doctors like biblical doctor geniouses r suppose to better assist when they supposively not available as fake doctors try to step in which is iLLEGAL!!!!!
Anywaze Luckily that stoRe & sum others not mentioned…like
They got advanced vitaMins I got for like $1 & sum &4 tops that GNC CARRies for like $30~$100 along wit other vitamin $hops that charge more for suMtyMes the saMe bRand & quaLity they even carry actuaL Jennifer Lopez jLO Vitamins b4 for only $2 literally two dollars!!!!!!!!! & oMEGA 3 vitamins a~z diff variety & quality & Real food fresh fruit & veggies for that pRice compare to sum other stores & they caRRy suMtyMes more advanced quality & brands tha. Other tyMes aside from thieR REGULAR items I got high end make up $1!!!! At the mall it’s $20~$50~$120!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same quality &‘ again
SuMtyMes same brands!!!!!
& wutev else they occasionally carry cLothes & dolls & they got biblically inspired hoLy aisles wit inscents & candLes & wutev else it depends on When u go as they really run out suMtyMes so it mite seem less MagicaL
it’s a miracle b cus I’m waiting for real doctors to help me wit my sciaticaL disability a non•surgical lazer & other things I need medically I get theRe
As i don’t got access or the funds …so wut I call good semeratin s suMtyMes get md sum things that medical representatives & authorities & businesses & educational & more r suppose to give Anywaze duh
i even made a commercial for that pLace & Location 99 Cents Only Stores
its in the Link Later cLick to see it’s of Me showing sum things I got there including wit I’m wearing only that sweater I got suMwheRe else tho & I Made that heart shiRt thing I design but aside fRoM that
On My waze 2 tha gyM i seen the new 99 cent onLy stORes sign get put up it’s at night & it’s not Lighting up yet but wutev it wiLL
& I did woRk there as a cashier ‘& stockeR of the shelves & I count Registers wit sum1 who identifies as sum1 higher than Me when she also doesn’t got access to give resources like businesses r supposed to do as they also suppose to be biblical doctor geniouses which r summa the highest authorities & they advanced medical representatives every church & educational locations & places r required to got them as sum qualify & r allowed to go in to training to be that too otherwise u jus a biblical representative individual like a volunteer tiL u get al ur resources ur entitled to so she not so high huh duh this was in 2004~ 2005 but a rape gang member that woRk there also drug & Rape me in the store on my Lunch bReak & then my daughter biological birth daddy abduct me & rape & drug me to he use that criminal to weaken my mind so he can easier get to me also like that is another story I quit eventually b cus a my abductions bye my daughter biological birth daddy he kept drugging me up & I already got confiRm & verified I never do drugs or any crimes intensionaLLy on a lie Ditector test Later but I’m still in recovery from the tyMes I got drugged & raped & abducted & other things I will forever staze recovering fRoM DUH!!!!!!!
& heRes that commercial I made that I mention eaRLier click to see I play a Melanie Martinez
Song she sings bout 99 cent stoRe in heR LyRics!!!!! She pRobLy been b4!!!!!~
ReaLity updates regaurding my sciaticaL physicaL disabiLity~ Like when I become a metal skeleton then I can put removeable remains on & off to decoRate my soul aside fRom advance skeleton that lights up & fLies & got disintegration lazers & accurate installed lie Ditector test & more & Barbie doll heads wit my face & more & diff bodies as I go bout my life wit biblical doctor genious education pRagrammed & wutev else duh!
Aside from other natural remedies & fitness & wutev else I got access to for once again my sciatica makes me occasionally that much more physically disabled & more…
*OKAy! So i need aLL these teas...& My abducted kidnapped daughteR say she don't gotta cRedit caRd & that she use her abductors card her biological birth daddy he a rapist of humans & animals he drugs them in crystal meth psych meds forced multiplying thru perversion suMtyMes & wutev else he do illegally like Iillegal land scaping & he obviousLy canceLed it my tea my abducted kidnapped daughteR pay wit her McDonaLds position she got into firing her abductions bye him he thinks he looks more innocent that waze he doesn’t like why isn’t she & he deported to where they born & from when it's not his buisness he's not allowed to gotta a cRedit or even be aLive duh!
TRy to get Me all these teas when suM1 that qualifies can...
Like I know I need a real doctor a biblical doctor genious they do it free & they pay themselves unlimmitted eLectRonically & they give resources & more duh!
in tha iMage is tha~
*cRaMp baRk heRbs!
Maybe a diff TyMe sum1 who qualifies can get aLL a theM!
HeRe they R again~
*CRaMp baRk heRb$
*scuLLcap tea
*bLack cohosh heRbs
*witch hazeL piLLs
*coMfRey tea
Either waze hopefuLLy My abducted kidnapped daughteR get Rescued iMMediateLy Duh!
jus Like i Mention diff tyMes jctPOP~je$u$ chRi$t the PRince Of PEACE
HE $uMtyMe$ taLks to Me...
Again he say that he got forced to be baptized in dirty water when he got the ability to cleanse it as he is a qualified LORD & others do it too not just hiM he do it MoRe MagicaLLy Maybe suM use Magic staffs oR MagicaL piMp canes & MoRe...
Anywaze he puRify h2o b4...
As others r suppose to do it to...
Sum use chemicals others use plants & sum really do it spiRituaLLy...
& He tell me that baptisms r supposed to be at a Rainbow falls water fall like place & location
To ReMind u when uR souL was Made!
with purified water in the daze tyme wit the sum hitting to show a rainbow u suppposed to drink from it wit a chalice or pimp cup & or wine glass or wutev & swim it in it too duh!!!!!
MoRe detaiLs in that Link above bout wut I'm bibLicaLLy even taLking on...
it's RequiRed bibLicaL education...
& Fake bibLicaL RepResentatives wit thier fake titles priest pastor & wuteveR r doing illegal things called rituals of cults they lie bout religion & that's wut they do turn it into a cult!!!!
& Wutev else it's obviously the Peasants criminals victiMizeRs sinneRs who do this iLLegaLLy
For sum that do it Intensionally it's a disintegRation sentence & wutev the Lie ditectoR test confirm & verify & ReaL AUTHORities & more!
& Jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace say that king God made fun of his fake baptism
& When I got fake baptized bye
a water faLL
in Salem, Oregon aRea
bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land a dReaMs
i woRe a butteRfLy pRint skiRt My supposive bioLogicaL biRth aunt Ruth got Me...
king God made fun of my fake baptism too...
He appeared in the sky & he remind me a cult leader
That MeRiL with a wizaRd naMe he jus did to me what many cuLt leaders do a fake baptisms
& that the same thing even happen to his son
That Jctpop~jesus Christ the pRince of peace
ALso jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace say when he was a baby when the 3 wise men bRought him diaMonds in every color & gold & crowns & gold those kinda riches that they know of his ability to make things multiply & more that they ReaLLy expect him to multiply wut they gave him & give them at least that multiplied
...but they question his identity
even after NaiL nightMaRe
& they ask why he not do all the things he was made to do…
...it's b cus he only a high prince not a king (god)
& his biological biRth daddy king God plays crown testers wit those who choose to play which r only criminals peasants victiMizeRs humans & suMtyMes those criminals peasants victiMizeRs help rid victims from this realm even if they return
but when the heavens and earth combine the game of crown testers ends peRManentLy duh!!!!!
Peasants criminals victiMizeRs they don't seem to get it
how can suM1 that is part god (king) kill himself as that's thieR crime of murdering him
& he tell me he didn't die for anyone or thier
That he got put under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology
for he don't heal minds
so the criminals peasants victiMizeRs got a hold a his on his human side
that's how they got him on that cross they sacraficed him duh!
Only those in cults say Lies intensionally
& he remind me oRiginal scripture isn't worded that pooRiLy duh!!!!!!!
Like those fake books of knowLege title holy Bible where it's re written truth twist wit lies
where cult leaders use it as a guide to power & control ...
MoRe details in the Link beLow as I sent it b4 2 a variety a chuRches & other places & locations to be MoRe aware of this war of fact vs fiction aside from otheR reality updates…
in this Link beLow is a biblically inspired fiLM~
ReaLity updates~aside from messenger & emails & youtube & other facebook post & more... Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. He belong disintegrated immediately 4 his existing intensionaL crimes he do intensionally there's lie ditector test & real authorities & MoRe duh Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblicalrepresentatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa... Persian pRayeR i made up~ sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 LIKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh! & who u r intensionally is wut u really are Click Links below individuaLLy its fiLMs of my daughter when I put her in Model & acting as she do that anywaze so do I as EveRy1 is made into f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. & 1st video is Runwaze practice I got her Alice in wonderland style high heels & the 2nd footage is a practice Disney commercial she got assign to do as hoMewoRk she obviously did it at 1 a heR stepping stones see~ https://youtu.be/-exXf4EAZSU & https://youtube.com/shorts/ZCa3Uk0lWW0?feature=share & this Link below is a style of a real church service based on all religions which are 100% true real laws Only click to see if u can handle this Level of truth duh~ https://youtu.be/WbPxWvpL-Vs & The window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMindeRs + jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location...@420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, California biblically speaking in: "the Land of dreams"...ReaLity updates...i am a volunteer that doesn*t get to do more at this tyme... https://youtu.be/JXzVS7l7L2s
CLick that Link above to see anotheR bibLicaLLy inspiRed video of MyseLf that I Made...it's oNLy Like 10 Min. it*s of Me siMpLifying suM bibLicaL educationaL info. RequiRed 2 know & ReMeMbeR Like heRe*s a ReMindeR... MoRe bibLicaLLy inspiRed Links beLow~ https://youtu.be/y2yB-9RIDhg
& theRe*s MoRe otheR bibLicaL fiLMs of MyseLf MiMing MiMes bye Me...
CLick these next links individually to see~
I sent My kidnapped abducted daughter Her abductor kidnapper That willie heR biological birth daddy Messages in MessengeR On fb To let heR go & leave heR life & everyone alone That’s all I can do at this tyme I got no weapons & wutev else to help better assist ur situation as I’m also fighting my physical disability of sciatica & his Facebook page it say he attends bibLecollege as it’s not Real accurate biblicaleducation there or the LeveL Required to know Duh So I did send him sum more accurately said scripture I wrote duRing free style prayer which includes REAL LAWS This will remind him of my abductions bye him b4 she xist & after I did belly dance as a high prayer & it make him physically staze awaze i let him know this is another form of prayer I will get a awaze EitheRwaze he not allowed in any school or chuRch It’s illegal !!! He belongs disintegrated for his xisting intensional crimes or deported while waiting & prison wit disintegRation date or all a tha above As 4 My abducted kidnapped daughteR hope she get Rescued immediately PoeM i wRote~ Biblically inspired: PoeticaL bibLicaL… Like hoLy h2o PuRified wateR that puRe Live uR Life wit puRity 2 betteR see! Wut tha LAND A DREAMS is supposed to be! jus Like Me Duh! & The window of MagicaL Messages + Rainbow ReMindeRs + jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset stain gLass Location...@420 w. 19th st. Costa Mesa, California biblically speaking in: "the Land of dreams"...ReaLity updates...i am a volunteer that doesn*t get to do more at this tyme... https://youtu.be/JXzVS7l7L2s
CLick that Link above to see anotheR bibLicaLLy inspiRed video of MyseLf that I Made...it's oNLy Like 10 Min. it*s of Me siMpLifying suM bibLicaL educationaL info. RequiRed 2 know & ReMeMbeR Like heRe*s a ReMindeR... & CLick Link beLow to see that it*$ jus MoRe bibLicaLLy inspiRed education & ReaLity updates aside fRoM otheR Messages i sent to whoM this May conceRN~ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1743643242680633&id=100011049225741&sfnsn=mo & My webpage~ https://diamondprincess002.wixsite.com/mysite
This Movie above ReMinds of tha 80s & otheR tyMes aside fRoM juMp Roping & hoLa hooping & swimming & cLimbing & dRawing & f.a.e~fashion aRt etc. …but wutev
Peasants need to end & these cults they recruit & try to force these forced RetaRdation situations of memory deletion twist wit psychology & hypnosis is Retarted
it’s illegal
Then those sinners will point out anything noRmal u got to do in between even if it’s in uR head like they there too or in geneRaL…EitheRwaze there’s lie Ditector test & more
The old men in this film remind me Sum mental health representative rape gang member cult leaders MR pap Papp or wutev his real identity is along wit Mr whitcoMb they do these weird things at thier illegal land scaped properties they steal & they supposively fake doctors in mental hospitals & hospitals & other possitions & situations they step into they not allowed …
Criminals tell me to move in from all the sinners they even Lie to me & say they died or they dead now whether they are or not
I’m not the one that needs to move on
They do as sinners & they need to unjoin these cuLts & stop victimizing
MeMoRy Maze~
My older half brother that loose prisoner Jon Eugene Helton many names etc
He use my other supposive older half brother ciamak Kavand many names etc to use hypnotic twist wit psychology & hypnosis & I automatically start acting retarted like I can’t walk or talk when usually I can & Jon smiles he claims hd got the poweR again but it only works thRu Persian middle eastern peasants for his breed to get to me like that b cus my breed is higher
Otherwise there an authomatic protection reaLm around me
Many use ciamak or another to get physical contact wit Me it’s disgusting
Sum try to make it look as innocent as a hug it’s not...
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick Link 2 see~
cLick Link 2 see~ https://diamondprincess002.wixsite.com/mysite/post/jctpop~je-u-chri-t-tha-prince-of-peace-blood-tear-rainbow-paint-crie-f-a-e-memory-mazing-maze