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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

FUNERAL$ R iLLegaL...eitheR u beLong bRought back oR disintegRated duh! pRison oR depoRted oR ?!~

MeMoRy Mazing Maze~

cLick this Link 2 see & heaR a MeLanie MaRtinez tune titLed night MiMe...

& next is fRee styLe prayER video of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a ReMix a MIx of a twisted insane song titLed Like BRAin MATTERS so i think it goes wit this post Like i thought vitaMins & fitness 2 Live LongeR duh but iLLegaL Land scsapeRs Ruining & poisoning eveRything they Rape abduct dRug aLso & otheR cRiMes they beLong disintegRated 4 iMMediateLy 4 thieR intensionaL sins...LuckiLy theRes suM hoLy paRts of the Lansd of DReaMs Left gRowing that puRe & NatuRaL wuts needed & xtRa Like even advanced technoLogy eLectRonicaL huMans & aniMaLs & Robots & More they dRink tea heRb pLant stiLL as it disintegrates at thieR kinda ReMains Like thats anotheR stORy Like souLs that Live 4evEr stiLL get tea PLant heRbs 4eveR cLick 2 see Me tho & i got otheR videos aLso MoRe cLassicaL suM insTRuMentaL but again this is ReaLity ReaL Life Like funeRaLs R iLLegaL eitheR u beLong bRought back oR disintegRated~

To My supposive LiL Half sister cousin Ra cheLLe yvonne ka Vand Many names etc.

heRes an iMage i dRew of hER...La' oceaN $ea $heLL is heR MeRMaid NaMe Like we was @ the beach & they Like teLL Me 2 caLL heR that LiimeMaybe she wiLL heLp cLean the watER since she suMtyMes got access 2 MoRe tahn i do Like aLL it needs is purified wateR faLLs that RecycLe && wutev eLse & her othER naMe La Vaash shuLee Like cReate a highER La vaash wit MOre higheR tea heRb pLants vitaMins in tha Mix Like she paRt peRsian duh...

in bibLicaL educationaL when jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace when he poeticaLLy caLL bRead his body & wine his bLood he is teLLing these people we R over populated dont eat him & get fuLL on the bread & drink of the wine & go find vitamons a~z & omega 3 in Plant form if its available otherwise even duRing those daze humans & animals eat eachotheR duh!!!!!!!

& he dont alwaze got access 2 his abiLity so he say thats aLL he got if anybody turning cannibaL on vivtims jus think f bread as body & wine as thier bLood...

anywaze i alReady Made a cheRRy & pistachio bakLava thing anywaze i Make all kinds a things FROM hispanic 2 MiddLe easteRn & i fRee styLe pRayER & wutev eLse & shuLee is to Least kiLL peasants Like an asian as she ignoRe heRv MiddLe eastERn Roots?!

i Mean eMbRace highest 2 Lowest & fRee styLe in b tween is wut 2 do but wutev...


That tyMe This video in the Link eventuaLLy Me & u My supposive LiL half sister Ra CheLLE Yvonne ka vand many names etc.

We watch this LOL FiLM thing outside b4 attending another iLLegaL foRced funeraL of ouR supposive cousin Steven gaRcia Many Names etc.

Like i bareLy knew hiM CLick this Link to see~

Anywaze ReMeMbeR once we try to stop laughing as we entered...

like I don't intensionally go to these fake biblical gatherings intensionally duh!

it's a cuLt!

I already announce every1 should wear a Rainbowish coLoRs...

eitheRwaze Like that's like a biblically inspired reminder of when uR souls was was Made @ Rainbow faLLs duh!

I got told to try to wear all black?!

& the cult leader cult member Annette that Steven supposive biological birth mommy She tell me she doesn't like wut I'm wearing even tho it happens to be black...

I did wear a church style...

Like Most my cLothes R coLoRfuL so @ taht tyMe i thinks thats aLL i got in bLack which again got foRced upon Me bye RetaRted peopLe...peasants cRiMinaLs sinneRs victiMizeRs!

Then outta NO WHERE under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology I got chosen to cry 4 every1 Uncontrollably?????

Every1 else jus like dead dolls!?

i even look around wandering who put me under this tyme this level of hypnosis memory deletion twist wit psychology Since I was crying?!

MENTALS SAy thats wut iM suppose 2 do?!

get weaken bye thieR waze...?!

Others ask me wut i even know bout Steven...

Like Sum schitzophrenic in person that juLie Lady wierd mentaL woman she ask me did u run wit Steven..?!

Run wheRe?! I usually walk but I play baseball b4 running bases So I thought like sports too & Steven wasn't there that tyme so I don't know...

She say when he on drugs if I was there?!

& no I wasn't...

not in person...

not schitzophrenicly...

most likely not even in spirit...

so whoever did appear intensionaLLy in any kinda waze RegauRdLess of wut iMage(s) oR identity(s) they use....

those pRobLy thier teaRs too on my face out of my eyes duh Like who you aRe 24/7 is wut u are duh!

in that above image is a poRtRait that was oRiginaLLy bLack & white an actuaL pictuRe of jctpop~jesus chRist tha PRince of peace that Remix & Mix a Make oveR wit paints & gLitteR & MoRE!...i put bLOOd tears he pRoBLy shed & coLoRfuL paint cRie$...& the coat a Many coLoRs styLe a fashion that bibLicaLLy in$piRed...& eveRy shade of diaMond$ in his goLdi$h cRown Like fashion aRt etc. ...he appear 2 Me MoRe visibLy suMtyMes & he does diff Looks this is RealLy 1 a theM!!!!!!!! he teLL Me if i staze an intensional victiM i wiLL get 2 attend an aRt event thing wheRe he wiLL b diff sizes & @ that tyMe he show Me he go thta LaRge Like he kneeL down Like a giant & he taLk his eyes fLowing of bLood Like teaRs & Rainbow cOLORfuL paint Like cRies onLy they Like RecycLe Like a puRified wateR faLL...he say in wiLL get 2 dip My Paint bRush in2 his eyes of these coLoRs of MagicaLLy MagicaL Magic...& he dissappeaR...he disgusted bye this ReaLM he ReMind Me of wut ReaLity is suppose 2 be & of his abiLities he got pRevented fRoM suMtyMes using..he Like those otheR chaRactERs that visit me suMtyMes aLso the ganji faiRies & otheR cReatuRes & LucifeR & pan fLute pLaying fawns & MeRMaids & DEMONS & juggLing & kiLLeR cLowns & whoev & wutev eLse not Mentioned...spirituaLLy i do fRee styLe pRayeR & bibLicaL gatheRings but they attend that visibLy 2 Me! ganji faiRies show Me dance Moves suM Mite say they Look Like stRippeRs & they actuaLLy suMtyMes naked they sMoke thiER ganji tea pLant heRb pLant cLothes & they laugh & dance & Make fun a My ReaLity not being more as they encouRage ME high PRay & highER LoL tho haha Like they high DUH & THEy know bout Medicine & Like eveRy tea PLant heRb & otheR identities suM how in spiRit attend suMtyMes...eitheRwaze the cReatuRes say if they staze too LOng in this toxic PLace that they go cRazy Like theRes tRue stoRies HUMAN peasants caLL upon theM & use theM to do wutev...but thecReatuRes R innocent NOT THE HUMAN PEASANTS...WHEN i was LiL off & on since the 80s we hang out More often it seeM eveRywheRe i wandeR aLone & they Lead thec waze & suM foLLOow aLong...they staRt fading awaze in the Late 90s aLong wit My MeMoRy i went MentaL & possessed its Like in b tween 80s & now huMan peasants pLague cuLts of aLL kinds on Me & othERs suM in peRson suM in a distance suM both...anywaze then they the cReatuRes & chaRactERs they RetuRn in the eaRLy 2000s...but aLL kinds a things happen off & on since i was a baby...they witness it aLso...Like thats anotheR stORy i Mention in peRson & thRu out My webpage & youtube & facebook & in: f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc.-

next is Me doing adeMon cReatuRe ganji faiRy pose...

beLow is suM aRt work Bye Me as i incLude suM cReatuRes & chaRactErs in it see i caLL this~

$paRkLe$~RacheL MicheLe'...McLain KRistahyena baLLeRina ka vand Loka pRincessa fantasia Many NaMes f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

& THE METAL PLAy GROUND~RacheL MicheLe'...McLain KRistahyena baLLeRina ka vand Loka pRincessa fantasia Many NaMes f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

& CREATURE$~RacheL MicheLe'...McLain KRistahyena baLLeRina ka vand Loka pRincessa fantasia Many NaMes f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc.

next is an iMage i dRew of MyseLf as a cReatuRe MeRMaid unicorn thing see~

cLick Link 2 see tRue stoRy bout anotheR iLLegaL situation that neveR got situated which incLudes foRced funeRaL & MoRe!~


MORE DETAiLs in this Link beLow: cLick 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~



cLick Link 2 see~

otheR ReaLity updates bout REAL LAWS & MORE!...

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~




this Link goes wit that iMage BELOW CLick 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick 2 see~

cLick 2 see`~

cLick Link 2 see~

cLick Link 2 see MoRe bout My identity & that i stiLL dont got aLL My ResouRces~

cLick Link 2 see~


ANiMAL$ TELL ME THE DAZE NO MEAT THE DAZE OF THE PAW Fin beak wings & More...they teLL Me its a tyme when they Rise above the huMans Like they actuaLLy Made MoRe hoLy & highER duh!~

cLick this Link that incLudes DEMON BAT LOOKing cats & MORe~

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