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pa$tRy dough Like which waze 2 go~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand


I bRought that pastRy dough 2 a chuRch

& I buiLt theM to look like that bibLicaL stoRy~


That tower that's not allowed that summa that peasants victiMizeRs criminals try to build to the kingdom of heaven when it's iLLegaL

King God gives them the option to sin but also does mention thieR heads wills explode on thieR waze up duh!

& Wutev else ...

Like that's another stoRy ...

& I aLso bRought Rainbow $PRinkLe$ & whip cReaM & honey & tea 4 tha coffee baR & usuaLLy bRing aLong LoLLi pops but i 4got so I will next tyMe ...

Not all the attendeRs seeM 2 caRe as summa them go to star bucks & more on thieR waze but it's still there as an option 4 whoev...duh!


Fish stoRy

SuM1 that got to know Me he RecoMMend that i go to this chuRch!? He say suM1 I know is theRe that know Me... OveRall for me to go see... When I went I didn't Recognize tha otheR huMans theRe as being who he taLking bout... But i seen that window of MagicaL Messages Rainbow ReMindeRs sunset stain glass & the iMage of Jctpop Jesus Christ the prince of peace Location @420 w 19th St Costa Mesa, California 92627 BibLicaLLy speaking in the land of dreams... & On diff ReaLities that Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace he Tell Me another he tell me many ... SpiRituaLLy he suMtyMes appeaRs more visibly & loudly like todaze @chuRch SuM see otheRs don't @Least not all tha tyMe like MyseLf... He does a sepeRate seRvice at the same time as the seRvices I go 2... So I it's like watch 2 diff seRvices at tha saMe xact tyMe... & I can see him there wit rainbows & water falls in the chuRch & a swing & LucifeR that fallen angel & ibilis creature & mermaid & fawn mythical & GANJi fairies & clowns & other characters & circus & the whole place is filled wit diamonds in every color & he shows how he ReModeLs it & eveRything & he crying blood tears & crystals & paint & fashion & magical shows & circus & guest appearances & he TRansLate wut summa the other speakers r trying to say regaurding oRiginal scripture they mite not got access to & more... It's like these characters find a Waze to entertain me wit wut the LAND A DREAMS is supposed to be & they encourage me to wutev I got access to that they will be there eveNtuaLLy more visibly all the tyme Like there is bibLicaL doctoR geniouses that can help make that happen already & it will be that also when the heavens & earth combine bye that time everything will permanently be wut it's supposed to be duh Like until then... I never know wut the services will be when Jctpop Jesus Christ the prince of peace steps in so LiveLy like I know him really well & he know me too... Todaze he comment on a the wood as I remember stories that he specializes in LEGAL Land scaping but there was a tyMe when wood & not much more is all he got access too in that war which eveNtuaLLy Led to mail nightmare...he reminds me he made so smarter & got fiRce to be stupider b cus of Peasants criminals victiMizeRs that found a Waze to weaken him on his human side... When I go to this church it's like I got him in my calendar schedule to see him on the window as I take pictures wit diff fashion every tyme he knows I love fashion it's like a runwaze show he appears more visibly spiritually to show he loves fashion too duh & He say 2 me that fish he multiplied like he knows I know summa that stoRy aLReady & he claims he clognes it wit his abiLity & puRity & it's really the same soul!... & He tell me how that fish lives on foReveR & will be again a guest speaker in churches & more... As he do diff fashion & shows & pLays & MagicaL Messages & Rainbow reminders aside from his image on that window duh & Back 2 that exact fish This is regarding that fish from bibLicaL education that Jctpop Jesus Christ the prince of peace Multiplied in the Omega 3 vitamins a~z fish story Duh! &

Anywaze b cus he multiplied in spirit to know everyone after his murder that NaiL nightMaRe he tell me he calls that memory duh again I already tell u & others he talks to me that personally ...sum1 that's allowed like a biblical doctor genious needs to bring him back he talks to me at that church too he appears more visibly suMtyMes he does diff services behind the fake biblical retards that steal & he show me wut it supposed to be & will b & already is in diff realms & places & locations ...& Lucifer tha fallen play violin & jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace brought a guest that fish he multiplied talked on that tyMe how everyone ate him that many tymes when he mite a got thrown back in the dirty ocean & that if peasant criminals victiMizeRs didn't get a hold of jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace human side & they stop multiplying he does got godly abilities even as a high pRince to cleanse the water & more & duh!!!!!! Like I never know wut the service gonna be jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace & other characters make appearances like creatures too & king God & jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace say there's gonna be an in dooR water fall & outdoor at that exact Location to remind everyone of when thieR soul was made & there's gonna be cloud looking memory foam seats instead the wood he claims that's all he got access to suMtyMes when he knows a lot bout land scaping legally & more duh! He also didn't use his abilities to the fullest jus like me & sum others like the animals & whoev eLse b cus the peasants victiMizeRs criminals weaken us thru cults like sciatica & drugs & more duh! ...animals r summa tha most MagicaL they very high princes & princesses that r smarter than humans when they remember jus like humans are smart too when they least victim humans are I don't know bout the victiMizeRs criminals peasants they intensionally stupid huh?!

ALso wit aunt Ruth I was baptized bye a dirty water fall but tha sun hitting it wit a rainbow remind me of when my souL was made & jctpop Jesus Christ The prince of peace say baptisms are being done wrong ...that the water supposed to be so clean u put a pretty holy cut to the falls & drink it

It's jus like my cat eLectRik gismo tha 3rd he tell Me his soul was made at the same Rainbow falls as me & that he was made more holy in that image of a tiger that he really jus a mini tiger that they drank at rainbow falls together!!!! He ask me if I drank too I don't remember all the tyMe I jus remember that rainbow falls & I functioned entirely like sing dance talk walk there's unicorns & more then when I got sent to ur stomach area I become disabled stupid RetaRted like I don't really remember all the tyMe when my souL was made I know like everything ...but wutev...


Tho$e MotheR*s MaRket dRinks & MoRe heLp wit pLagues Like caNceR & MoRe!!!!!!

In these Links below is a free styLe pRayeR video of myself CLick individuaLLy to $ee~





I don't gotta waze to donate onLine but Maybe i wiLL go in peRson...& Give tha @Least $5 I know Mother's MaRket is expensive suMtyMes but the 99 cent store got vitamins & more if that Vanessa gotta bLendeR that's wut I do to fight a vaRiety a pLagues like sciatica & wutev tha foLLowing Links aRe MoRe detaiLs on diff ReMedies & waze aRound these pLagues eitheRwaze keep going Like tha eneRgizeR bunny that's wut I actually do even wit out batteRies...

My ReMains of wuts Left of me fRom plagues like sciatica & being drugged

My body is like a car wit no engine of any kind ReaLLy it's like I run on nitros natuRaL ReMedies kind like diff teas & caffeine & diet & exceRcuse as I'm dying from these pLagues & wut I do keeps me sum wut aLive so I do as much as I can during the natural remedies in me & as they wear off I'm like dead til next tyMe ...

Aside fRoM that~

HeRe is suM MoRe bibLicaL & ReaLity updates in Links beLow cLick individuaLLy to see~






















More info found on my YouTube videos title the same as my webpage if you type it on YouTube my videos will pop up if you type it on Google my webpage & more links to me & etc will show...along wit I'm On Facebook & in person...


Anywaze on diff ReaLities BeLow is that Ed gein veRsion of the stoRy I seen aside from diff texas chain fiLms this Movie is Waze diff clicck link below to see it if u haven't it's based on true altho who knows really like there's Lie ditector test & ReaL Authorities duh!~

This Movie in that Link above It doesn't show wut happend to this individual oRiginally like wut his 24/7 life but it shows he is found out to b a murderer of sum kind... After his supposive bioLogicaL biRth mommy got a forced funeral which is illegal in all religions... He gets possessed & starts digging up all the bodies like it's tha rite thing to do but is he aware of reality a together... These individuals belong disintegrated or brought back & wit out a lie director test he mite not know... Even if he not allowed in that field it's obvious around those parts there is no real authorities or anything... & King God play crown testers giving the option to play a biblical doctor genious even wit out the education it seems So he starts off to do wutev then he goes more mental like he turns I to a psycho path or is it peasants he killing!? Who knows & if these individuals that got killed bye hem how does anyone know bout that stories & details if when he got them abducted & alone... This is why peasants need to mind thier own buisness & staze outta presidential & higher possitions... B cus this individual went crazy over his supposive biRth mommy situation that's supposed to be situated bye a trial authorities & again wutta bout hem he need to be assisted bye them too that long ago probly duh!!!!! wut was his Life b4 his suppposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy funeRaL?! who is he ReaLLy & who is she?! did he becoMe that outta no wheRe oR was he aLReady suM kinda cRiMinaL peasant?! It ReMinds me of a story of Hitler I read that Adolph Hitler supposively went after fake doctors & fake medical representatives that supposively killed his biological birth mommy & that fake doctor claim to be Jewish when he obviously of no religion huh... But there's sumtymes more to these stories that's why there's lie ditector test duh! & Qualified individuals that are allowed to do wutev like they entitled... Like me & my daughter been abducted off & on our whole lives bye a lower class of people than these supposive criminals that mite a been delt wit entirely like I don't know... I Made a cLown doll that i made to like identical to my daughter like she really is abducted & even tho I make dolls anywaze & I write plays & stories & more like f.a.e. fashion art etc. these Links beLow taLk on that doLL i Mention eaRLieR & MoRe~








As I seek a higher education I'm entitled to as I'ma be a biblical doctor genious eventually duh which deals wit metal skeletons & clognes & real medicine & natural remedies & dreams & nessasary surgeries & authorities & inventions & like ditector test & wutev else But since I make dolls & such to sumtymes look like the existing they can sumtymes fill in for them when they can't be there whether they abducted or wutev the excise of the situations criminals peasants create for fun... There is lie ditector test... & Those retards try to prevent me & every 1 from thier Resources individually and wutev else duh!


Look i Made ReaL baRbie doLL coMMeRciaLs of MyseLf wit baRbie!!!!!

CLick the Links beLow individuaLLy to see~

it's like me again in the 80s...ReMeMbeR !? I know baRbie do!!!!!

back when I alwaze jump rope & hoola hoop & caart wheeL & swiM & cLiMb & dive & f.a.e.~fashion aRt etc. & MoRe!...

I got sciatica physicaL disability I find Waze to stiLL function & do summa those things thru fitness like belly dance & natural remedies...& PRayeR...











More on my webpage blog post & thru out my website & on my YouTube videos & Facebook & in person & eLectRonically as I already mentioned...


To My abducted daughteR cLick that Link above it's anotheR adveRtiseMent of summa my fashion not tha green shirt when it starts that's real Versace but wut I'm wearing I made & design it & later I show more if my designs I made that u will Recognize duh

EitheRwaze to My daughteR hopefuLLy you get Rescued iMMediaTeLy duh!!!!!!


CLick that Link above it shows wut RetaRds like Willie & ciaMak Rape gang steal that medicine from biblical doctor geniouse they use on sum criminal peasants victiMizeRs criminals that belong disintegrated duh

In that film it shows the guy disintegrate from it

& Willie & ciamak rape gang if scientist mental health representatives they mix that wit other biblical doctor geniouse medicine they steal so that u might not disintegrate entirely

That's wut they drug me on b4 duh!!!!!!!!!

...they beLong disintegrated for their existing intensional cRimes like who u r 24/7 iintensionally is wut u r duh!!!!!!


Aside fRoM that My daughter is abducted she needs to get Rescued iMMediateLy duh!!!

peRsiaN pRayeR i Made up ~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they supposed to duh


Like high bye...

My webpage ~


ReaLity updates on Peasants victiMizeRs cRiMinaLs suMMa wut they do...

WiLLie & ciaMak Rape they do that to eveRy 1 they steal hospital medicine of all kinds from biblical doctor geniouses duh! & they turn them to drugs! They RETARTED!

TheRes a Medicine that Real doctors & authorities use on criminals peasants victiMizeRs they inject them or howev they give it to them & they disintegrate or they do disintegration lazers to disintegrate & electric chairs they turn on til the remains turn to like dust...& More...

Then retarted people like ciamak and Willie rape gang steal the disintegration medicine that's supposed to be used on sickos like them & they lace it mixed wit all kinds a medicine sum of which blocks the entire disintegration to happen as they keep stealing & continue to this to themselves & others only they brag they got access to medicine to restore thieR tissues & remains skin hair everything & they tell me good luck as I only got access to weaker natural remedies that's wut I was telling u...I jus embrace wut I got access to & I will get more I need a biblical doctor geniouse to better assist me as I will become 1 too eventually...

& Jctpop~Jesus Christ The prince of peace he is a biblical doctor geniouse & there's others!!!!!! That qualify & are allowed ...sum1 should jus bring him back he will give me my resources & Rescue My daughter duh! & More ...eitheRwaze him or sum1 all victims that been victims intensionally 24/7 are the same class duh but wutev ...

& Wut ciaMak & Willie Rape gang drug me on ate my insides & the tissues when even they repair naturally from natural remedies & fitness... they tha Peasants come outta no where again & drug me & plague me wit sciatica duh! Sciatica is a physical disability I got it weakens my remains the Peasants plague for control over sum1s remains & sumtymes they puppet thier movement thru hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology it's iLLegaL & u know hypnotic & MeMoRy deletion is used for magic shows & events & for AUTHORities to prevent & stop cRiMinaL crimes whether the individuaL is innocent or guilty like if they don't know for sure there is lie ditector test & advance weapons & more duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jus like that tyMe ciamak put me under hypnotic MeMoRy deletion twist wit psychology he had me break into that room Mike monlux many names etc rent from u to make me look like a tRespasseR then while I was in then ciamak disabled me from my own strength I couldn't get out I was too weak to open the door & more it's illegal wut ciaMak do he like Jon Eugene helton many names etc he try to make me look guilty while he occasional wit others puts me under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology he too weak to provide memory deletion twist wit psychology hypnotic bye himself there's alwaze other rerards helping him commit cRiMes duh!!!!! It's retarted!!!!!!!!! Ciamak & other retards also had me hypnotically twist wit MeMoRy deletion & psychology tell Mike monlux I'm in love with u on servailance & they force me to say he is my husband & they had me ask him to marry me...Mike is aware I was under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit's not funny ... ciamak thinks b cus no perversion happen that it's okay it's not...he belongs DISINTEGRATED for his existing crimes so do Willie & that whole entire Intensional rape gang of mental health representatives scientist retards...duh!!!!!

To My abducted daughteR that Link above wiLL ReMind u of when u was a baby LiteRaLLy it wiLL MeMoRy Maze u @ daze oLd i know u wiLL ReMeMbeR!!!!!! CLick to see!!!!

OtheR than that hope u get Rescued iMMediaTeLy duh eitherwaze & Let Me know u seen it tha LiL do i Made it aLso Like when I was SMaLLeR too b4 u exist duh

Like I made that outfit outta my old sheets fRoM that 90s & other fabs & thReads i added

but wutev


FuneRaLs are iLLEGAL in all the ReLigions and ReaL

Laws are Required & ReMinded theRe...individuaLs are to be brought back or Disintegrated & More...

& MARRiage is between two souL Mates NOT RELATED & SAME AGE & SAME SPECie opposite gender that quaLify on a Lie ditector test to make the LAND A DREAMS A BETTER PLACE THEN WHEN THE HEAVENS & EARTH COMBine they get to be together forever duh...

No perversion is a part of marriage that is a cult of the Peasants criminals victiMizeRs...

& Victims know that an adult is jus a boy or girl for grown to be titles woman (female) or man (male)

They can go in thier own round age 2 depends on thier Resources individually duh!

Humans & aniMaLs & more are ENTiTLED to thier own ResouRces individually aLReady...

Lie ditector test and real Authorities and MoRe help verify & confirm & make sure they got them duh!!!!!!

& this aRticLe beLow is based on tRue stoRies duh cLick Link to see~


Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. & Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblical representatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...bLa bLa bLa...

Persian pRayeR imade up sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

LIKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!

BLa BLa BLa Like high bye

& Another fRee styLe pRayeR video of myseLf~


& CLick that Link above 2 $ee!...



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