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EMineM: that M.M. Not tha candy but wutev $ee thi$ Mu$icaL chaRacteR & MoRe~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

this MusicaLLy RhyMing chaRactER above that is suppose 2 b eMineM that M.M. whetheR it$ the ReaL sLiM shady Many NaMes etc. oR Not Like RegauRdLe$$ of wut he the actuaL MaRshaL MatheRs in his MusicaL poeticaL say oR even Mean Bye it entiReLy...he sum how incLudes a possitive Motivating energy 2 keep on going & u wiLL suM how get theRe if u take tha Rite steps even if it doesnt Look that waze...& 2 staze avove those that R LoweR Like they can aLwaze unjoin the cuLts they in...Like who u R intensionaLLy 24/7 is wut u ReaLLy R duh!

fRee styLe pRayeR poeticaL i wRote duRing spiRituaL gatheRing~

EMineM: that M.M. Not tha candy but u can stiLL eat Like ed gein Mite wit a chain saw OR suMthing Like tha daze a No Meat then tofu wutev ELSE VitaMins a~z Like oMEGA 3 & $ee thi$ Mu$icaL chaRacteR & MoRe Like whetheR u Rich oR pooR OR who u is now vs b4 ...2 tRueLy b that high NOT LOW Like diff quality of pastRy dough bLa BLa BLa tha MORE U KNOW...

& if eMinEM pRay this is wut his identity say duRing spiRituaL bibLicaL gatheRing in spiRit in ReaLity ReaL Life see:

EmineM pRayeR 12 biblicaL steps siMpLified~ 1. You 2. Can 3. Do 4. Any 5. Thing 6. You 7. Set 8. Your 9. Mind 10. To 11. Signed 12. EMineM

& aside fRoM that suMMa eMinEM LRyics he say: *the woRLd so eMpty without that xact song titLed that without Me an eMineM Many naMes etc. tune Like this Next iMage Like incLuding that MusicaL syMboL tape cassette thing it ReMind Me of heM & MyseLf Like & victiMs & wutev eLse beLongs xisting oR wutev BibLicaLLy speaking in: tha Land of DREAMS see~

&CLick this next Link 2 see hiM in his Music video without ME is the naMe of that tune~


MoRe detaiLs in these Links beLow fRee styLe pRayER videos of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe of Me a ReMix a Mix of cLick 2 see i pLay that tune without Me bye eMineM in this video i do a dance~


cLick Link beLow 2 see me weaRing that sox hat i mention duRing that fRee styLe pRayEr of MyseLf mIing a mime 2 that without Me tune bye eMineM Many names etc.~

& This next Link tho goes wit that Link above bout that SOX BASE BALL HAT i taLk on along wit which oLdeR 1/2 bRotheR jon eugene heLton aka jonny McLain aka $.y.p. $h*it youR pant$ aka jo'n in the suN aka Many NaMes etc. i Mention i 4 got 2 include his NaMe eaRLieR as i do in this fiLM & suM otheRs & wutev eLse Like those title sisteR & More aRent 2 b Lived 4! MuLtipLying thRu peRveRsion is iLlegaL as its ReMinded in accuRate bibLicaL educational & spiRituaL & diff books a knowLege Like who u R intensionaLLy 24/7 as an idividuaL bye youRseLf is wut u R so eitheR u a chaRactER woRth knowing 4EVER oR uR NOT...Like u a victiM oR a victiMizeR BLA BLA BLA & now hERe*s me cLick 2 see MyseLf wigLess no fRee stYle dance this tyMe jus suM info i Left out & MoRe~


CLick Link to see Me doing fRee styLe pRayeR MyseLf MiMing a MiMe to this featuRing eMineM many names etc. tune sLaughteR house bye asyLuM MusicaL Remix a mix of I did this cReatuRe thing bibLicaL kinda styLe cLown to this LyRicaL kinda MusicaL bout chaRacteRs LunaticaL cLick to see~

& AL$O CLick Links beLow individuaLLy to see: 12 bibLicaL steps to RecoveRy that accuReateLy cLick to see~

& in 5... 4...3... 2...1...LOOK it*$ that E THAT EMiNEM THis M.M. NOT THA CANDy see!~

& next is supposiveLy his 1$t song eveR it ReMind Me of the 80s & 90s...Like Look @ his shiRt in the video it*s ALF THAT CHARACTER FROM THAT SHOW i watch off & on since Round theN & it aLso got Me MeMoRy Mazing on juMp Ropes doubLe dutch styLe & hooLa hoops & swiMming & caRt wheeLing & cLiMbIng & bicycLing & waLking Like hiking & wutev else Not Mentioned Like neon coLoRs eveRywheRe suMtyMes & theMe paRks Like 6 fLags in vaLencia, caLifoRnia i think that 1 eitheRwaze bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land of dReaMs & candy & baRbie & disney & playboy bunny chaRactER i caLL pLay bunny & video gaMes & boaRd gaMes & caRds & MoRe & it does give Me fLash backs of the vhs Rapist Like they Mite stiLL b out theRe iLLegaLLy doing peRveRsion footage & with out & abductions & dRugs aLtho syuMtymes they act noRMaL they dance & sing & wutev eitheRwaze i gotta awaze fRoM theM that Long ago & iN THE 80S & 90S i obviousLy got dysfunctionaL & noRMal MeMoRies fRoM those daze & eveRydaz todaze yesteRdaze toMoRRows Like suMMa My abductoRs they drug Me & put Me in a jacuzzi bLacked out & i woke they act as if iMa TRespasseR oR wutev when they the abductoRs that dRug Me & Most LikeLy incLude peRveRsion they tRy 2 hide behind atteMpted MuRdeR Like Leaving Me in the jacuzzi suMMa My bLood ReLatives & NON BLOOD THey do it 4 fun 2 Make u & whoev think uR cRazy That they noRMal anither tyme they drug me i can see them Like i Recognize them & found out they dont jus look like those identities its ReaLLy theM! as i bLack out i see them as my vision bLuRs & bLackens awaze like they use suRgicaL piLLs its so iLLegaL duh & i woke & they pLaying caRds Like nothing & they say o uR awake do u wanna pLay cards & i Mention the dRugging & Raping they teLL Me iM having nightMaREs that i dont know ReaLity & diff tyMes i got dRugged bye cheLsea aMbER & anothER tyme bye Rose yvette McLain as she she put a hand fuLL of piLLs in My Mouth & she put heR hands oveR My Mouth untiL i bLack out as i bLack out i seen Ruth ann McLain & heR Rapist scott waLkeR aka scott staLkeR she caLLs heR husband in thieR fake MaRRiage they act Like thiER cuLt is noRMaL?! & i woke up that tyMe 2 one of my favoRite Movies wizaRd of oz staRring judy gaRLand...that Ruth who is My supposive aunt or wutev thats her ceLebeRity Look aLike onLy she the MoRe gothic version & she actuaLLy did pLay doRothy too in a PLay @ a coLLege oRange coast in costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92626 as i caLl that PLace THE isLand of DREAMing in the LAND OF DREAMS...& i seen that pLay fRoM the exit aRea suM1 hoLding me wit peRfect vision it was Like the Movie & i was boRn down the stReet fRom theRe @694 W. Wilson st. costa Mesa, california 92627 ON: januaRy 15, 1986 babygiRL gaRnet & My souL was Made in apRiL 1985 baby giRL diaMond kRystaL MaNy NaMes etc. bibLicalLy speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS & My oLdeR HALF BROTHER jON eugene heLton aka jonny McLain aka s.y.p.~ sh*t youR pants Many NaMes etc. aside fRom how sick he is Like as in he a cRiMinaL that beLongs disintegRated foR his intensionaL xisting cRiMes he do noRMaL things in between Like poLgo stick & otheR spoRts even if he not aLLowed to Live & he sing hip hop ReMix a mix of wut is on the Radio Like VanilLa ice was on he sing aLong then change the LyRics ex: vanilLa ice baby if i got a dick & pussy i pRobLy fuck both & he sing that*s when he became KEWL & wutev eLse he say as he ReaLLy been biosexuaL & he Rape aniMals & he vioLentLy abuse huMans & aniMals b4 & then he do diff acts like at a paRk he bLow a duck whistle & make fun of the biRds i was hangibg out with for they automaticaLLy go to him after wut he do to all those other animals already & wutev cRimes he do 4 poweR fun contRoL its RetaRted & he use hypnotic MeMoRy deLetion twis wit psychoLogy pRovided bye ciaMak My otheR supposive haLf bRotheR oLdeR or whoev thats paRt peRsian helP him get 2 Me & he Make Me Reinact RetaRds & he Laugh Like its wut he peRmanentLtly wants Me 2 be! & he wondER if iMa awaRe of if iM onLy acting when thats the kinda MeMoRy deLetion hypnotic twist wit psychoLogy ciaMka pRovided that when it woRks he Lets u watch uRseLf as he puppets u wit otheRs then he tRy 2 convince u that its intensional wut u do if u ReMeMnveR when theres other MeMoRy deletion hypnosis twist wit psychoLogy wheRe u Mite not ReMembER duh theres diff LeveLs of it & without psychoLogy which is iLLegaL only okay 2 do hypnotic & MeMoRy deLetion 4 Magic shows & 2 heLP pRevent cRiMe & wutev is LegaL & anywaze cLick Link 2 see this M.M. TUNE~



DeaR eMineM

i finally gave in

Like heRe i aM again

Whether that wut u call kiM b*tch many names etc.

Got footage of herself that Dopetastical or Not

I took it upon myself to play her a remix a mix of even if this song of yours isn’t bout heR

EitheRwaze think it’s funny like not ReaLLy like there’s actual things going on Reality like abductions drugs perversion & other illegal situations on humans & animals & the land of of dreams in general

I don’t got weapons & lie Ditector test to Love peasants the waze the need to be Loved wit disintegration or deportation or prison or wutev they qualify 4…

Anywaze back to my Kim karacter

I was gonna do this white this shirt do I recognize it’s jus a diff version of wut u wear suMtyMes in a diff color & white stands for purity I don’t know anything bout that Kim other than google like ur lyrics poetical like wuts even true it’s feelings & situations that r illegal whether they happening or not they not allowed to be lived for duh

So I included labels I qualify for other than my own in this outfit baRbie pink & play bunny ears & Minnie Mouse head band clown face style make up ballet slippers I don’t got access to ballerina soles rite now like jeweLeRy box creature thing here I go miming a mime to this eMineM aka many names etc. tune song as i suMtyMes try to show objects & scenes & dances & faces that kinda describe this LyRicaL MusicaL obviously not entirely but wutev base on wit i even got access to & my physical disability of sciatica which at tyMes I can’t function during this film I kinda can do heRe I go cLick to see & the flower lyrics remind me of making tea & fragrances & medicine since real medicine is made of tea plants herbs Anywaze & candy reminds me of princess fudge I make all u do is make fudge or melt down xisting fudge any kind white or brown or wutev & after u melt it add wutev like rainbow sprinkles & diff nuts & candy or wutev & then freeze it & put it in fridge after if u want or howev u preserve & monitor it super easy & I add tea herbs to mine all kinds helps digestive also & makes it more mind healing & restoring to the body duh!!!!! CLick this Link beLow to see me myself miming mime free style prayer as a this karacter I already mention to eMineM ~

& heRes an iMage Next of that kiM b*tch that*s 1 a heR nick naMes fRoM eMineM~theRes NOT MANy Looks of heR ModeLing doing tha styLe i did in that video of Me doing a chaRactER inspiRed bye hER & tha 1 that i hasd access 2 b4 seeMs to NOT b theRe on googLe anyMoRe oR it*s jus NOT POPPing up again so heres this iMage of kiM aka kiM scott Many NaMes etc. ...

back 2 eMiNeM bye hiMseLf wutta chaRactER huh?!

this Link beLow is the 1$t song i becaMe awaRe of bye hiM & it shows fake MedicaL RepResentatives tRying 2 take oveR Like it does go with ReaLity Like wutta a ReMindeR that

bibLicaL doctoR geniouses R needed & RequiRed as they R the advanced MedicaL fieLd they do & know Like eveRything! Like they HeLp with MetaL skeLetons that fLy &do LazeR disintegRation & MoRe cLognes & NatuRaL ReMedies & ReaL Medicine & nessasaRy suRgeRies & pRoceeduRes & ResouRces & authoRities & Land scaping & DReaMs & Lie ditectoR test & inventions & depoRtation & actuaL pRison & disintegRation & pRopeRties & buisnesses & chuRches &wutev eLse Not Mentioned...

cLick 2 see~


this next Link i seen this suMwheRe b4 or siMiLaR in Late 90s on MTV CHANNEL ON*s eMiNeM wit his LiL NOT candy Look aLikes BUT THERE$ SPARKLE$ ON HiM is he weaRing pRayER gLitteR or did suM1 add the spaRkLes LateR Like it Makes hiM Look ReaL MagicaL Like who*s sLiM shady?! ReaLLy he Looks MoRe Like ken & baRbie son doLL thing this tyMe...cLick Link to see~

& eMineM sings his poetRy of: DETROiT what!?

BUT SUM NEWS SAy he boRn & fRoM~st. joseph, MissouRi aRea suMwhere Round theRe...

eitheRwaze bibLicaLLy speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS!...

as suM titLes R peRManent otheRs teMpoRaRy oR jus iLLegaL obviousLy titLed bye those steaLing!!!!!!! & tRying 2 take oveR with iLLegal Land scaping & other cRimes Like peRvRsion & MultipLying thRu Rapes & abductions & dRugs & wutev eLse Not Mentioned duh!

Like if eMineM eveR gets his ResoURces he can titLe his own pRopeRties Like his MoMs spaghetti buisness & his eMineM Logo & MoRe duh! Like EX: MOM*s spaghetti in the Land a dReaMs the detRoit what?! Location near wut suM caLL Michigan aRea & wutev eLse duh!

& accoRding 2 GOOGLE it say that Marshall bruce Mathers III (tha 3Rd) his supposive biRth ceRtificate NaMe...

& he was born on October 17, 1972, in St.Joseph, Missouri, the only child of Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr. and Deborah Rae "Debbie" (née Nelson)...

Joseph is located roughly thirty miles north of the Kansas City, Missouri, city limits and approximately 125 miles (201 km) south of Omaha, Nebraska...on diff ReaLities the woRd city is a styLe of Land scaping Meaning a buiLding a 100 feet oR higheR oR suMthing of that natuRe & a countRy is anotheR foRM of Land scaping which is aLegaLly Land scaped pRopeRty with appRoved design & MateRiaLs 4 that exact PLace & Location suRRounded bye diff tea pLants & heRbs & tRees & fruits & veggies & such duh!!!!! & wutev eLse NOT MENTioned...& a state is not a pLace oR Location suM Mite say that woRd ReMinds theRes boRdeRs 4 that titLe tho...but theRes boRdeRs eveRy wheRe?! so i don*t know wut state a Mind whoev docuMent that is even ReaLLy taLking bout?!...i aLReady ReMind RetaRds R caLLing things & PLaces & locations countRies & cities when it*s Not & i put the ReaL definition eaRLieR but the state thing i think they tking thieR cuLt titLes 2 anotheR LeveL...?! even suM chuRches R iLLegaLLy being titLed & paRtLy Land scaped LegaLLy wit pRetty windows but then paRT iLLegaLLy Land scaped with dRy waLL to Make it Less hoLy theRe its iLLegaL!!!

Like Look beLow in that iMage at tha tRash iLLegaLLy Land scaped pRopeRty i was boRn in even the design & size & MatERiaLs R iLLegaL duh! see i was boRn januaRy 15, 1986 baby giRl gaRnet diaMond @694 w. wiLson st. in costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92627...AL$O KNOWN AS: HARPER & PER$iA kaLifoRnia & other teMpoRay & peRmaNent titLes eitheRwaze bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$ ...that*s wheRe i*M fRoM but my souL was Made @ Rainbow faLLs in apRiL 1985 diaMond kRystaL giRL...

Like beLow is Me thRowing up west b cus duh i was boRn west wiLson stReet suM caLl it @694 the #s on the ilLegaLLy Land scaped TRASH EW yuck gRoss sickos that buiLt it iLLegaLLy get disintegRated iMMediateLy Like aLReady...its Like this tyMe NOTTA ANOTHER STORy...Like Look in this next iMage in the MiddLe is My daughteR @ that tyMe & on the Right suM woMan eRyka chaRlice Moyer aka ERy Like thats wut i caLL heR but she no body 2 Me she jus in My path at tyMes & we both pLay good semeRatin Like no weapons oR Lie ditector test & theRes Me on the Left a woMan jus a LiL giRL fuLL gRown standing in fRont of it Looks to Me its stiLL huMan & aniMal tRaffickerS Running & Residing in it /! Like et out & xpLode it...& theM too...when i was a baby i got Raped there & its where im suppose 2 b thats where my pRoperty is supppose 2 re build at 4 me by MyseLf aLone duh & peasants say o RacheL all thosE things that happen 2 u there why would u ever go back...b cus im suppose 2 Like NOT U DUH! AS a baby & LiL girl i got drugged & raped there & everywhere & these retards that know bout it say iM Lying that iM having faLse MeMoRies nighmares Dreams that arent tRue Or real 4 me to stop telling stoRies...they even say RacheL u dont ReaLLy xist 2 stop taLking bout wut u cLaim to be ReaLity & they say MiddLe easterns dont xist either when im paRt peRsian!?...suMMa these sickos ReaLLy cLaim they chRistian they force me to say i am also & they tell me to identify a swhite Like the coLoR?! when im Like peRsian iRish fRench geRman tRibal engLish & More R My Roots iMa huMan victiM Like iM eveRy religion u cant have 1 without the other they aLL go 2gether & they say no pick 1 ReLigion & 1 coLor Like white those R cuLts they pRoMote foRce & white bibLicaLLy stands 4 puRity jus Like the Rainbow is a bibLicaL reMideR of wut ReaLity is suppose is suppose 2 b MoRe coLoRful & cLeaneR & betteR & wutev eLse Not Mentioned duh!~Like Loose pRisoneRs was drugging Me & raping Me & other humans but they aLso Rape animaLs Like actuaL dogs...then they caLL eachotheR dog as humans?! pretending it was jus them raping eachother as humans only but they in reaLity was raping dog animals too & all kinds of retardation they even make fun a me they say the baby is Like a dog that innocent they put me & the animals under memory deletion twist with psychology 2 do diff acting 4 thieR own personaL enteRtainment & i cant put into woRds wut suMtymes happen NOT jus there but outta no where aLmost eveRywhere i went & go?!~

EX: Like thAt image beLow...

as ima non~profit biblical representative individual eveRywhERe i go & I volunteer for free there eveRy Sundaze!!!!!

@ a CHURCH THAT i call that pLace the window of MagicaL Messages Rainbow ReMindeRs Jctpop~ Jesus Christ the prince of peace sunset stain glass Location @ 420 w 19th St Costa Mesa, California 92626...

Biblically speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAMS!!!!!!!!!

for years that’s part of my calendar schedule along with keeping up on my physical disability of SCiATiCA AS I wait & seek ReaL doctors to assist me wit everything like a biblical doctor genious…see the picture next that’s where I go every sundaze it’s a CHURCH GO SEE in person on a Sunday morning the doors are open or call to go on a diff daze but u need to go on the daze sun Ligh to see the windowing colors light up like that otherwise it doesn’t look that Magically…


Like to whoM this May conceRN...My daughteR & i onLy got 1 & no son(s) & she is actually abducted in reality that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her name on her birth certificate born February 09, 2006 in fountain valley, CALiFORNiA at fountain valley regional hospital I gave birth to her as my biological birth daughter bibLicaLLy speaking this really happen in tha LAND A DREAMS...her ABDUCTIONS & other crimes happening it's illegal! & 1 a her abductors is her biological birth daddy that Willie Holloway Jr lV d.o.b. 05/24/1981 birth place BRAWLEY, CA. He belong disintegrated immediately 4 his existing intensionaL crimes he do intensionally there's lie ditector test & real authorities & MoRe duh

Situations that need to BE situated bye those in a possition to do so & that qualify & are allowed...These messages are NOT FOR THOSE WHO STOLE Possitions as criminals PEASANTS...they obviously for those who are allowed to assist others & situate situations wit lie ditector test as actual authorities of all kinds whether they presidential or biblicalrepresentatives or both...Those who qualify will do wuts needed like they automatically got access...duh! Peasant criminals mind your own buisness...victims only are to help with whatever it is they make everything what it's supposed to be...


sparkles prayers victims dreaming rescue them from victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

LiKE dreams come true if they supposed to...duh!

BLa bLa bLa

Like high bye

& who u r intensionally 24/7 is wut u really are…duh!

& next is Me taking pictuRe wit that window i mention eaRLieR as u wiLL Recognize it i take a pic wit it eveRy tyMe iM theRe when the sun hits it u wiLL see that it Lights up so i go in tha daze tyMe...Like wutev~im dress up as a deMon cReatuRe baLLeRina thing chaRacteR etc. ....

beLow R suM fRee styLe pRayER videos of MyseLf of Me 2 suMMa his songs cLick individuaLLy 2 see~






Music box 1 wit LyRics then instrumental as that baLLerina tune LuRed Me in hypnoticaLLy w/MeMoRy deLetion it was like the 80s & 90s again?! & these R jus suM videos i actually Made of myself free style pRazing round my 36th biRthdaze januaRy 15, 2022 cLick individually 2 see~



i AM SONG OF His but wit ME again doing a fRee styLe pRayeR as i do taLk @ 1$t of why i use this song it kinda goes wit wut i say aLso duh! Like i*M obviousLy being seRious taLking on ReaL Life Like i dont got weapons & wuts needed 2 betteR assist situations that wiLL b situated & i got physicaL disabiLity of sciatica as i suMtyMes function wut Looks Like nothing i aM an iLLusionist & stiLL do things NOt 2 My fulL abiLity othEr tyMes NOT @ ALL REALLy & eventuaLLy i do a dance a ReMix a Mix of ReaLity~


if i had vids of eMineM tunes but Me in tha fiLM i did use it twice Regaurding a ReaLity update i taLk on bout a MiLLion doLLaR MeMoRy Maze cLick Links beLow individuaLly 2 see that i do eventuaLLy pLay tah song & use it 4 fRee styLe pRayER bout ReaL life situation of when My abductoR tRy 2 convince Me the MiLLion doLLoR he found can b spent i let hiM know its NOTTA ALOTTA MONEy & i aLReady pay hoteL 4 Me 2 sLeep & showeR Like thats wheRe i*M going he & his MiLLion doLLaR can go wheRev he choose 2 foLLow Me aRound & continue the off & on abductions on Me LiteRaLLy fRoM 2005 tiL 2011 in peRson i gotta awaze fRoM hiM as he teLL Me iM neveR escaping entiReLy & that he Not going no wheRe tiL 1 of us dies i let hiM know his Lies the victiMs dont Live 4 that in tRuth thats pRobLy not reaLLy happening & i did suM how getta awaze froM that Like 6 yeaR off & on abduction bye hiM!!!??? & duRing those abductions i was Like zoMbie aLtho waLking aRound eveRywheRe suMtyMes but he say thats tha Most i get 2 do that iM not aLLowed 2 fRee styLe or b Myself as he seen Me Draw hiM as a caRtoon & MoRe bout Me b4 of wut i usuaLly do & poetRy he tRy 2 put an end 2 My identity Like kiLL Me then u sicko he dRug Me RetaRted as i find waze 2 fitness & natuRaL ReMedies & ReaL Medicine 2 keep Me going Like wutev i got access 2 as he tRy 2 pRevent Me eve whwen suM good seMeratins give 4 fRee he say NO!!!!! THEy need 2 Rape Me & Make Me NO BODy!!! he cLaiM that happen 2 hiM as a baby & that he joined & he do 2 otheRs & woRse of wutev happen 2 hiM bLa bla bLa Like 4 exaMpLe he abduct in so Many diff waze & his diff personaLities Like he force me in a vehicLe & he say thats where iMa Reside?! i went in2 shock Like wut is he taLking bout NOW?! THEN he tRy 2 pretend breast feed Me & he Rape Me he say thats wut his biological birth mommy do to him on cRystaL Meth i try 2 hoLd in Laughter & which we was both dRugged on cRystaL Meth dRugs at that tyMe & he got eMotional which during this tyme weaken him physicaLLy so i open car door & Made it out to escape & start walking i get prevented from Runnijng suMtymes thru hypnonic MeMory deLetion twist wit psychoLOgy like he do know so he Make beLieve he can aLwaze catch up wit Me that easy Like he neverv been in a situation or sutmthing but wutev thats as siMple as i can put that tyme & another tyme he force me under sum1s stepping stone & he let me out to only pee at tRee where he can see i could see his stupid eye in that cracked door he had a LittLe open as he doesnt want others 2 know bout this abduction of his of him & me in there...then i thought i gotta awaze b cus a car pulled in to that xact address & he got scared! he shut the door & i was stiLL out theRe i start 2 waLk awaze but the people that staze there start talking 2 me & they say they know my abductor & they question wheRe is he i say i dont know & i was gonna go Like wutev & they offer me ice cReaM so i went wit theM & they say bye after that & Let me go where ev & then a si was Leaving willie heard me walking or sumthing b cus he open that door thing & say hey wut took u so Long 4 Me to get in theRE & a diff tyMe he brought an audience 2 the paRk & he fiorce me on top of him as he Rape Me he Made Me Laugh b cus he joke wit them questioning so whos the Rapist if she Laughing on top when they know bout both us they know he guiLty & he thinks its funny in a diff waze than i do im part middle eastern so i usually Laugh in situations insteada cRy unless sum1 put me under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology like the tymes i got force on camera 2 say i Love my abductors wit or wit out teaRs tRue stories & wutev eLse & on his 24th biRthdaze he Rape me wit My daughter i even saw her souL b Made Like i got invited 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRE Mine was Made as i thought its a MeMoRy of Mine being Made then as My souL went back in my body another foLLowed & enteRed it was My daughter he Rape Me wit Like thats another stoRy of Many & that tyme he Rape me in front of SUPER 8 MOTEL in the parking Lot area & then he tell me to go in theRE & get the continentaL bReakfast & bring it 2 i went in there & i atteMpted 2 ask them worker 2 Rescue Me or wutev & they act Like iM invisibLe they coMpleteLy ignore Me Like how is this possibLe aLtho it happen other Locations too others even actuaLLy ReaLLy bout My abductions & doing Nothing Like i dont got a Room there or anything i jus got Raped outside that pLace & seRvaiLance pRobly show that duh so i gRabbed Muffins & wutev & Left anywaze aside fRoM other abductions bye others those tymes was tha saMe individuaL he use hypnotic MeMORy deLetion twist wit psychoLogy 2 go aLong wit hiM as he abduct Me & suMtyMes i easiLy gotta awaze 4 i use MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic without the psychoLogy duh & theRe i went fReee fRoM that iLLegaL situation duuh diff tyMes Like it doesnt aLwaze woRk when its suppose 2 Like that tyMe he abduct Me & we battLe Me doing hypnotic MeMoRy deletion 4 him to staze awze whiLe i stand there as he use hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology 2 try 2 get cLoser to rape Me as he prevent me from Leaving he finaLLy Left that tyMe & heRes those Links i Mention eaRLieR cLick on individuaLLy 2 see~


PiLLs song eMineM & Me doing the fRee styLe pRayeR~

Toy soldiers again but this tyMe it eventually plays in this video of me u need to watch the whole video to see why I even include it in this biblically inspired film of myself I use that tune 4 a free style prayer of reality duh… like where’s all my resources as I get prevented from weapons & doing more under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology & I get plagued wit plagues like sciatica physical disability along wit other retard plague titles so wutev cLick 2 see whether I sound or look like myself entirely at least I got this message out there to the best of my ability as a reminder to victims & victimizers it’s okay I also think it’s funny when sinners peasants criminals make fun a me like look who they r 24/7 intensionaLLy as 4 the ones in my mind & thoughts that often obviously hate themselves like go back in ur body there’s a diff between biblical gatherings of free style prazing vs pRey they literally go preying on my identity to weaken me but wutev cLick 2 see~


This next 1 i*M taLking at the same tyMe as Music box his tune is pLaying so hopefuLLy u heaR both click link to see~


EMinEM AL$O TALK$ ON WALKing MiLes in his shoes in suMMa his poeticaL LyRicaL quotes phRases woRds?! Like i don*t know if this paiR is his OR even his size & they NOT Mine Like R they any1s?! but heRe they R in this pictuRe iMage beLow...Like wuts tha quaLity is theRe MeMoRy foaM do they fLy & bounce oR both oR waLk a distance with out disintegRating aLong tha waze i waLked off diff soLes MyseLf they Like staRt disappeaRing eventuaLLy Like thats anotheR stoRy eitheRwaze his iMage is on theM Like who design & Made theM?! i know they Look Like VANS BRAND OR THOSE OTHERS i 4got wut they caLLed @ tha MoMent b cus theRes aLL kinds of siMiLaR Looking f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc. 2 suMtyMes its Like i don*t know even when it*s that signatuRe...

8 MiLe Movie sound tRack song not bye eMineM but it’s a fiLM he pLay the Main chaRacteR so i ReMix it a Mix of pinkfLoyd thier tune atom heart mother & i dress up as a bunny rabbit ballerina clown eMineM style character creature thing like in that movie 1 a his nick names is Rabbit & b cus I eat ‘ love caRRots I been called Rabbit too but wutev cLick to see Boomkat - Wasting My Times song but wit Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR ~

& heRes that song again with the LyRics cLick 2 see~

& beLow is duh jus 1 a tha aLbum coveRs of that 8 MiLe fiLM but this edition includes a quote that say: eveRy MoMent is anotheR chance! veRsion $ee~

that Movie above i seen in theatRes wit a teRRoRist who is that good at acting innocent Like sinLess sa degh is 1 a his peRsonaLities wheRe in those Moments he not entiReLy sinning aside fRoM wutev other characters he pLaze he cLaiMs he gets paid 2 Re inact peasants ?! when its ReaLity so how is that acting?! anywaze he & My supposive LiL haLf bRotheR cousin twix stix tRix MichaeL Mike sa degh ka vand his supposive son & My supposive LiL half sisteR cousin Ra chelLe yvonne ka vand we aLL seen the fiLM & eMiNeM RemInd Me of my oLdeR half bRotheR jon eugene heLton aka s.y.p. shit youR pants aka jonny McLAin aka jo'n in tha sun Many naMes etc. b cus the scene in that Movie when eMineM Looks Like he tRying 2 Rescue bRitany MuRphy actRess fRoM that Rape aLL he do is hit the guy insteada kiLL hiM then he LateR Rapes heR too Liike he pRetend 2 b a heRo its Like jon in the 80s & whenev eLse & wutev eLse is siMiLaR 2 jon NOT identicaL but degh cLaiM it*s the stupidest thing he eveR seen 8 MiLe in i ReMembeR jon again stiLL no weapons & the paRt when eMineM gets beat up & the LiL giRL LiLLy who pLaze his LiL sisteR she Looks out tha window acting conceRned got Me MeMoRy Mazing on any tyMe jon gets in tRoubLe i coMe outta no wheRe in the back gRound of Reality sistuations & Laugh & sMile & Make fun a hiM & he staRt Laughing as i disappeaR Like that tyMe ouR bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy coMe outta no where like she was gone for Months suMtymes & she appeared jus 2 teLL him to staze in his RooM LoL tho haha & i heard thier convo i was neaR bye suMtymes & i would siLently run oveR there behind her where he can see Me & i brought Lucifer & demons alOng & other chaRacters Like ganji fairies & jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace along like everytyme we all make fun a him he Look Liike he see all of us he look excited & scaRed @tha saMe tyme Like he at Least once in his xistance new theM i bet when his souL was Made Like when did he join that peasant ciRcLe?! he so jeaLous i stiLL havent joined it eveR regaurdless of the situation Looks Like & theRes Lie ditectoR test & MoRe duh!...

& this Like tha theMe song 2 that fiLM 8 MiLe caLLed: Loose youRseLf LyRics bye eMiNeM cLick Link 2 see~


as it aLso goes wit his RestauRant:


& theRe he is down beLow in that window...Like he woRks theRe too! that EMineM M.M. tha SLiM shady Many NaMes etc. Like hopefuLLy his nick names aRent spLit peRsonaLity titLes eitheRwaze suM caLl hiM tha LyRcaL MiRacLe otheR say he jus schitzophRenicaL i think he poeticaL 4 i wRite siMiLaR poetRy a this songs & actuaLLy taLk bout siMiLar thingshe sing bout b cus it*s ReaLity aLso suMtyMes duh!...& i thought bout going theRe & to the white house & MoRe 2 get MoRe of My ResouRces & heLp bout My daughtER abductions & Mine & i aLReady went 2 diff buisnesses in peRson that i Made it 2 & Law enfoRcement & chuRches & MoRe...theRes Like no body thats ReaLLy suppose 2 yet oR at aLL be in those possitions?!!

this next iMage is bout a Movie of a MagicaL Mask but the son of Mask fiLM that baby Reminds Me of eMineM & this doLL i NaMe afteR hiM & My nephew kRi$2fuR kLown as i show moRe detaiLs on that ReaLity stoRy LateR Like i ReccoMMend both these MOvies Like i Love the jiM caRRey veRsion of the Mask but in the son of Mask the baby is that caRtoony w/out the Mask thing?! watch suM how & u wiLL see~eitheRwaze 2 waze diff stoRies wit that saMe Mask & siMiLaR chaRacteRs...

above that*s My doLL i got @ tha 99 cent onLy stoRes & i naMed afteR My supposive nephew KRi$2fuR kLown & afteR a diff identity EMiNEM THAT M.M. ~

& WHETHER it$ heM oR Not he ReaLLy act as tha REAL sLiM shady MoRe than kRi$2fuR kLown Like My naMe is & we taLk bout ed gein/ien & watch the fiLMs & state ouR diff point a views & i suMtyMes take hiM 2 diff chuRches & if it isn*t ReaLLy EMiNEM SPiRituaLLy then he got identicaL peRsonaLity oR he ReaLLy good @ acting!...eitheRwaze when i getta higheR education 2 b a bibLicaL doctoR genious aside fRoM bRinging back jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace like that is a gaMe of cRown testeRs king god pLay & it*s RequiRed 2 bRing that individuaL back wit tha intension 2 bRing hiM back entiReLy wit his actuaL identity duh! as a cLogne oR MetaL skeLeton oR both eitheRwaze he got the abiLity 2 MuLtipLy & MoRe & 2 bring hiMseLf back afteR that anywaze i wanna bRing tha doLL 2 Life too bye that tyMe i will got lie ditectoR test & wuts needed & even jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace can heLp or do it oR show Me diff waze eh know that i can do aLso duh! bLA BLA BLA

NEXT is fRee styLe pRayER i did to an EMineM tune titLe STiMuLate a MiMe of MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of as i chose this song b cus his LyRics this tyme aside fRoM a dance he known 4 ReaL biRd Like it say things bout i beLieve u can fLy Like fLying & it ReMinds Me of aniMaLs getting thieR ResouRces aLong wit suM huMans Like theRes diff bReeds suM MiddLe easteRns natuRaLLy fLy on MagicaL caRpets & asians fLoating oveR waLLs even if any cReation can eMbRace that NOT EVERy1 Made the same duh!

beLow is the doLL coMpany LabeL Logo~


OF My eMineM Many naMes etc. see DOLL:

CLick Link beLow to see Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR of My seLf MiMing to eMineM tune MushRooMs giRL MiMe styLe i include that doll & other dolls he hangs out wit like Casper the fRiendLy ghost like in a movie wit Christina Rocco film Casper plays a boy who died & 1 of his images is that Casper ghost & it’s bout biblical doctor genious field TheRes a machine that can easiLy bring him back like supposively he qualifies I know it’s jus a movie but it goes wit reality sum stories r a twist of truth wit lies or that true duh

& Megan movie looking version dolls editions wearing Snow White Disney fash & lil mermaid fash & wutev else...

CLick Link to see~


CLick Link to see this twisted insane Swiss cheese tune ReMix of eMineM MushRooMs giRL & d12 puRpLe piLLs pLaze at tha saMe tyMe & a Mix a Me MiMing MyseLf MiMe 2 all those songs cLick 2 see~


& MORE VER$iON$ of Me MiMe a fRee styLe pRazing a ReMix a Mix of MushRooMs giRL & piLLs tunes of eMineM & twisted insane again swiss cheese song cLick 2 see MyseLf MiMing~




HE is ModeLing wit weapon($)...Like does he got Lie ditectOR test & MORe 2 heLp in this waR 2 disintegRate those peasants victiMizeRs sinneRs cRimInaLs that beLong that waze 4 thieR xisting intensionaL cRiMes oR depoRtation OR pRison oR a date of disinteGration...& RESCUE victiM$ & wheRes eveRy1 ResouRces that don*t got theM entiReLy oR Like @aLL ReaLLy & wutev eLse...DUH!...

NEXT EMinEM LOOKS A BOOM BOX BARBie in this iMage! Like i got in tha Late 80s eaRLy actuaL baRbie wit BooM box & MoRe!~

but on the package say it hit sheLves Round 1991...beLow heRes an iMage of tha 1 got @ that tyMe~

cLick Links of me FRee styLe pRaying bout My booM box baRbie doLL & othER ReaLities she was theRE spiRituaLLy Like i dont know wheRe she is & i got heR cLothes & Radio stiLL & diff doLLs that R ReaL baRbies Like cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~




MORE DETAiLS in tha Links next bout that doLL & MoRe cLick individuaLLy 2 see~


what*s the diff tune in Link beLow~

& DR DRE sings bout coLgate toothpaste 4 Like NO REASON in this next song caLLed FUCK YOU?! ...CLick Link as its with the LyRics its said eventuaLLy u*LL see~ & why is he identifying as a doctor does he got the education of a doctor or is he representing his soul was made to be a actual doctor like a biblical doctor genious...

Like hERE*$ AN idea i caMe up wit b4~




MORE DETAiLs in Links beLow~

NOT DONE! Like @ aLL...MoRe iMages & stoRies & videos & wutev eLse on tha theREs otheR aRticLes bye Me bout siMiLaR & saMe things in this post but wutev...bLa bLa bLa...



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