baRbie bibLicaL: doLL dazzLe~$taze $paRkLe...
DEMON DAZE: Like ye$teRdaze toMoRRoze & 2daze duh~
gRiM ReapeR aka $ouL RapeR: the in$ane twi$ted Mu$icaL chaRacteR~
doLL dazzLing~
$hakiRa $paRkLe$ puRity & bibLical educationaL tHRu dance & $ong &ModeLing & MoRe duh~
$paRkLe$ $aphiRe$ diaMond$ of aLL coLoR$ & butteR fLie$ & cateRpiLLaR$ biRthdaze unbiRthdaze 24/7~
wi$h ganji faiRie$ heRe that visibLy&diff cReatuRe$&chaRactERs&Land of DREAM$ b wut it$ $uppo$e 2 b~
$PARKLE$ $POT LiGHT$~ PRince$$e$+pRince$=faiRweLL pea$ant$ DUH! PRiNCE$$ PEA$ant$+PRince pea$ant$=?
biRthdaze unbiRthdaze hoLidaze Maze~
MAGicaLLy MiRacLe MOMeNt$: Like unicoRn kREw NeckLace$ $ouL$ Made Rainbow faLLs MagicaL Me$$age$~
diaMond$+$tone$+Rock$ in eveRy coLoR~
cLogne$+MuLtipLy in puRity!+peRveR$ion i$ iLLegaL+bibLicaL dR. geniou$e$ that bibLicaL educatioNaL~
tyMe~this waR that daze this waze Like an endLe$$ MAZE $AME LAW$ $TAZE...
keeping up with the kaRda$hiaN$ i $een $uM epi$ode$ Like staze dReaMing & keep going they b doing~
$OX wit thi$ KARDA$HiAN AKA KRi$2fuR Like he Meant 4 fa$hiaN~
MagicaLLy MagicaL Magic: MaRtinis & MoRe with the$e chaRacteR$~
kyLie ko$Metic$: i Love the Lip $hade$ a Rainbow of pasteLs & bRite$ & otheR coLOR$~
k.k. kiM kaRda$hian da$h doLL Many naMe$ Like f.a.e.~fa$hion aRt etc. $he $taze ModeLing fitne$$...
$TREET THiNG: Like wheRe*s the bibLicaL doctoR geniouses advanced MedicaL higheR authoRities & MoRe~