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iLLegaL Land $capeR$ beLong di$integRated 4 thieR inten$ionaL xi$ting cRiMe$ duh~heLp Make tha Land of dReaMs a betteR pLace witv di$integRation on theM & whoev eLse & wutev NOT MENTiONED~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

MeMoRy Mazing~

So when i was a LiL giRL I got these wut sum call girl legos In the image above I incLude in this post As a gift from my biological birth mommy D Lynn McLain pP pee puddle LunaticaLLy lunatical lunatic Lynn many names etc. she let me pick out a set As I play wit a variety a diff legos since 80s I got these in the 90s I think It’s like a reminder of real land scaping stepping stones or wutev Jus like that tv cartoon show the smurfs & CARE BEAR$ & My LiL pony & Rainbow bRite & MORE...

ANywaze 1 a my abductor stalkers that got sent to obsess over Me Bye sicker people criminals human sinners peasants victimizers… Round 2001 or 2002 or 2003 or 2004 Round that tyMe a scatter of things happen Random things suM normal others so dysfunctional Like That mainline Michael MonLux he is an evil schitzophrenic pervert loose prisoner But he play diff characters & Round xMas he gave me his old legos Letting me know I’m assuming that he really wit the illegal land scapers like ciamak kavand my supposive older half brother who is also a mental health representative abductor drugger rapist of humans & animals & other crimes he do intensionaLLy duh He laugh like he mental when he gave it to me I laugh when I open it & seen wutta reminder legal land SCAping of suM kind like designs wutev else At that tyMe I still got my girl legos so I accepted his wierd random old legos Like thier mine now Tha fact he really join retards & I don’t got weapons or lie Ditector test or wutev to better assist him wit his resources PRobLy disintegration gif his intensional crimes huh The lie Ditector test will confiRM & veRify wutev duh & thRu the gift wRap the box is his oLd VANS SHOE SOLE BOX like I’m familiar wit that company & then I open it all the waze & there they r his old legos while he sitting there laughing like he mentally iLL LoL tho haha Years later he continue to come around He known to drug marijuana & other things wit suRgicaL piLLs & my supposive biological birth daddy Mo ha ka zeM say to get these loose prisoners he rent to xMas presents I wanted to get Mo or myself that marijuana pyramid wit the ganji leaf character on it But then we laugh let’s jus give it to Mike MonLux maybe he stop drugging us Like it’s super biblical educational it’s an Egyptian pyramid & regaurding high tea herb plant & more So it’s a biblically inspired gift That Mike gave me & Mo gifts too that kinda go wit his A tea pipe for me & a tea bong for Mo I stash mine waze for if I ever get any real Marijuana he don’t drug or even tea herb plant flower wutever that pure drug free duh Then he got mental he say I need to put his drugged marijuana in that pipe he gave me & he or sum1 stole it from Me?! Same thing happen to my other tea herb plant pipes mentals come outta no where & drug & wutev like leave every1 alone I drink tea all kinds roses lavender chamile green black match & ephedra sinica & more!!! not smoke any lately b cus my pipes got drugged sun stolen nerf to clean wutev I got & get new & I eat it too tea plant herb duh Like ganji fairies More details bout that MainLine Mike MonLux Man eventually in a Link at the end of this post cLick it to see… MoRe tRue stoRies~ In that link above it eventually shows the lady that woman get posses & she bang her head on glass scene…in a Movie I’m watching… & i then got flash backs & ReMeMbeR that tyMe Similar thing happen to me like that tyMe I got put under hypnosis hypnotic hypnotized memory deletion twist wit psychoLogy like sleeping beauty in a transe to touch the spinning wheel only I got force hypnotically To bang my head on glass after I report Michael MonLux & ciamak kavand & thier rape gang members to 911 I call & Then my soul left my remains as i seen my body wandering down the steeet like sum1 else puppetting me I followed & try to enter or puppet myself back to normal!? & I seen Me that I end up at a stater bros. Reinstating out loud I made a false police call I ment diff Michael MonLux & ciamak BLa BLa BLa people that work there try to snap me outta the hypnotic I put under bye the peasants to act like this… I jus start talking craz & crazier &‘ banging my head on glass of stater bros It’s on servailance that was in like 2003 or 2004 & cops came I think wit ambulience & more that tyMe like this happen diff tyMes regaurding these xact loose prisoners!!!!!!!!!!!!! & wutev schitzophrenic s other than those ima aware of that they use to make these things happen like this They cult members cult leaders Anywaze At the station I was trying to communicate but my words was like possessed?! Like the perverts I tell on enter my body & talk outta me to sound crazy mental… As I was hand cuffed sum call it Like They got lie Ditector test Wuts wrong wit every1 & weapons to kill those sickos I brought to thier attention like that’s thier job description duh!!!!!!! I finally say normally if they can give me a pen & paper that maybe if I draw I can better communicate or I don’t know really wuts going in in reality entirely… They laugh smile even if those not thier souls doing so in thier remains maybe they possessed too They act like I’m insane when they. My even doing the job of an authority & They put me at a hospital… & I went into shock I was laying in the bed my voice was silenced my body like locked kinda & a dark skin lady she say her name is Debbie or debi or Debbi As she abducted me from there where I was waiting to for wutev I don’t know like is there a real doctor an actual authorize a biblical doctor genious… As She claim if I don’t go out to eat wit her for Mexican food restaurant then she dropping me off at a mental assyLum psychiatric ward wutev & she did she drove off wit me & left me there i immediately remember my identity in words of English & wrote it down these people question who am I?! Then the paper I wrote my identity on they say I’m now being admitted that they don’t know that if I am who I say I am & they drug me & abuse & cuff me to the bed ! Write down on clip boards wut i say like it’s illegal that’s a waist of paper those obviously aren’t doctors as sun identify as doctor nurse wutev else titles they not?! The people I tell on I report thier webpage too & say that’s really them thier actual identities they are rapist abductors drugging mentals crazies animal & human and abusers they drug rape them abductions illegal land scaping they steal they act normal suMtyMes & put others under hypnosis to act as sum1 they not & make them do things Theh had me under hypnosis another tyMe & had me break in where I was staying & I got locked in I was under hypnosis to be a disabled baby outta no where I couldn’t walk or climb back out the window or even open the door ?! Then summa the rape gang members broke me outta there they realize ciamak & Michael MonLux really r sicker than summa them like sicker sent them duh! These people r insane! At the mental hospital they release me to ciamak they assured him they put me on wut the rape gang request to easier get to me if they want they perscribed me surgical pills to take them & black out completely they tell rape gang go on rape her that waze then & Michael MonLux biological birth mommy I seen her in the mental hospital it look like her she identify me & say it’s her we got her & she question wut they want At first I got put on diff surgical pills that paralyze from the waist down theh put me in a wheel chair & say I won’t walk again to take these pills daily Wut retards why would I take pills that make me sit there!? Then the rape gang say no we don’t want her awkake… So they prescribed those other surgical pills that shut down the body from head to toe They say if theh find out I don’t take them bye the rape gang theh putting me back in there?! The rape gang members wasn’t aLwaze aRound do one night I jus lay in my bed like wutev & then 1 a them open my door & seen ima awake they pretend or didn’t see that I’m not sleeping they left I didn’t get admitted back in the mental hospital even if they tell bout me Instead theh put me in a illegally land scaped perversion residential drug center down the street they try to make me reside there on psych meds I went mental The woman that say her name is MELBA DESK LADy she say can leave whenev I want there’s the door So I left walking & I tell my supposive biological birth daddy Mo ha ka zeM ka Vand many names etc. at his fake buisness titled Tony’s auto like he in the yellow pages wit a giant picture of him adveRtizing the place location welcoming all peasants to pay where he helps keep illegal motor vehicles going To give me my resources I’m not playing this retard game that he gets paid to play genie wit rape gang bout making me lol crazy b cus I tell on them He laugh like he mental I got possessed again I put under hypnosis to sing a song from a fake church I learned in the 80s or 90s on repeat The fake officer ask me if I wanna go to church Wut a retard like give me my resources & kill the sickos who put others under hypnosis twist wit psychology duh!!!!! The cop put me in mental hospital he say if I don’t stop singing ‘ don’t stay talking then that’s all he can do I was not intensionaLLy singing it’s not funny It happen again at the mental hospital these are not even songs I Like?! I jus remember them from fake churches or from fake biblical representatives… They got me mix up wit whoev brought those songs to the churches to begin wit pRobLy… Duh! This tyMe mental hospital say they finally got lie Ditector test that I’m not 1 a them theh say go on walk the sands a tyMe like a sand nigger they smile & gave me sand color pants to wear & they let me go like wutev I tell Mohammed Kazem kavand My supposive biological birth daddy wutta bout my things If I leave He let me staze then ciamak got me drug again Cops show up to take ciamak & his crystal meth But Mohammed put cop under hypnosis ‘ the police left & drove off I went mental Ciamak pay him cash for that too & mo put me in his stolen illegal motor vehicle & say he will try to deport me then To let him know when I get my property or stepping stone that then I can get my things until then Ciamak is a peasant he is for money even if that his supposive biological birth son he no body & he tell me to go play Gypsies princess in the streets again that maybe a prince or princess will rescue me & he drove off…& left me on the side of the road… So I went walking & begging people to give me my resources sum gave me money others do nothing… But wutev During abductions bye those sinners they suMtyMes pretend to b celeberities & others that aren’t them for example They occasionally pretend to be the cast of movie film AMERican pie outta no where Michael monlux Re i acts Chris Klein who is kinda jus 1 a his celeb look aLikes from that angle literally & part a his personality in public I seen it for no reason American Pie 4 - Le film As they him & that rape gang assign me to play & Re Inact Jonny depp characters like him secret window movie & that film fear and loathing in Las Vegas where he Jonny depp character trips out in each film like I got force to do in ReaLity… Then Michael monlux would laugh & do diff voices outta no where & wonder why I’m not scared of him I got perfect vision so b4 he say anything I figure that’s him again for no reason duh Plus biblically it’s illegal to live in false fear like be fearless & he outta no where invite me to parties & sky diving when he know I don’t got access to my own identity & I gave in tk goung to a party thing b4 I got sciatically attacked & I start throwing up so I went to go shower & that sicko broke in & say I don’t get to shower for me to go lay down or sumthing He so dirty & disgusting he rent a room from my biology birth daddy & about a year later he still illegally reside if there room mates r illegal & I was there I went to use the guest bathroom that he say is his & there was mold inside the toilet & round it!? So I automatically clean it like a French maid the whole bathroom Like I’m part fRench & I question my biological birth daddy wuts that sicko still doing there he say he pay him cash money … As he move in bout a year earlier I moved out at that tyMe I immediately start packing even ciamak warm me of his rape gang members they mite not all b wut he is but they a whole mother kinda pervert sicko Anywaze As he let me know he do diff people not jus Chris Klein As he show me how he do that man in the base ball hat in the film pelican brief with Julia roberts He is that character similar in real life he would put a sports hat on & claim he blends in easier & he go commit a crime like that like that is his personality too in real life I seen him do that character that often like it’s his favorite act put on that hat & who knows wuts he gonna do suMtyMes he doesn’t like he is a schitzophrenic pretending to be normal suMtyMes As he possesses me to be a schitzophrenic too A diff tyMe I got force to Re Inact the scene from pinkfLoyd the wall movie when the main character that looks like Adolph hitler goes crazy & Michael monlux seen that movie also Along wit summa the others so maybe he personally assign me these roles !?!?!?!? Like when I got force to play a character like Leonardo do caprio in shutter island film & Michael MonLux jus like that character in the film that smokes a cigarette wit him at the end & Ben Kingsley is the character Mohammed Kazem kavand gets into like he’s not staying in the situation forever he jus there to get paid in cash or wutev like wuts everyone else doing there!? He Michael MonLux try to convince every1 I’m the schitzophrenic when it’s himself & his retard rape gang of ciamak & all those retarted people that got no point in xisting like at all They evil perverts only acting normal suMtyMes b cus they scared of thier existing sentence or sum1 makes them act normal or they jus do occasionally act normal or maybe suMtyMes they unjoin & then join again I don’t know but since I gotta awaze in person they still victimize my life & my daughter that they arrange abduction of her jus like we both been drugged abducted rape off & on our whole lives They sent her biological birth daddy to rape me as he part of thier retard rape gang & whoev else & More info in this link below bout those criminals peasants victimizers sinners that try to hide me in assyLums & more they mentally retarted intensionaLLy rape drug abduct humans & animals they illegal land scape & other illegal things they do they belong disintegrated immediately for thier xisting intensional crimes duh Here’s that link I mention earlier click to see & that’s only barely part of the whole stoRy!!!!!~ 



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