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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

fLoRaL fRagRance & fLoweR tea heRb pLant$ & Ro$e petaLs on toa$t & heRbaL bath & wutev eLse iMagine that i$ wut it$ $uppo$e 2 be LegaL Land $caping heLp$ bRing that duh~Like ganji faieRie$ & MORE!

My daughteR gave Me 2 non cheMical Roses she got 12 foR heR 18th biRthdaze fRoM aMbeR a LiL giRL aRound heR age she suMtyMes hangs out with Like we aLL went 2 tRaMpoLine Place & LOcation b4 we aLL 3 juMp a whiLe anywaze she say she got theM fRoM statER bRos...

& i Made a MuLti gRain toast wit unsaLted butter & honey & Rose petaLs

& i Made Rose tea wit honey & soy MiLk & puRified watER& Rose petaLs...

i didnt got enough 2 Make fRagRance & bath & beauty pRoducts & wutev eLse duh!

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