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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

i didn*t Make it 2 thi$ pLaze but i $cene $uM dopetas$ticaL $how$ b4 a$ide fRoM fiLMs & pLace$ & Location$ that xi$t & fRee styLe pRayER MiMes i do & $toRie$ i wRite Like f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc.~

since i ddin*t Make it 2 that pLaze in that adveRti$eMent above that i was going 2 take Me & My daughteR i scene tha caRtoon & huMans dRess up veRsian of it & the book bye dR. seuss & songs i heaR bye twisted insane...but whiLe out & about tha gRinch suM how watch Me instead see iMages beLow of a giant gRinch & Me eventuaLLy in LateR pictuRes~

aLso cLick this next Link it$ of Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a FRee styLe a ReMix of a Mix 2 suM twisted insane tunes but bout 14 Min. into the video beLow is that gRinch song he sing...

Like u can fast foRwaRd & Rewind oR jus watch the whoLe thing as i incLude pRayERs wit objects & dances Like i Mention suMMa My cats & My daughtER & MyseLf & peopLe & tha Land of dReaMs & MedicaL fieLd needs Rescueing Like ReaL authoRities Like bibLicaL doctoR geniouses & ResouRces & ReaLity & MORE Like wutev eLse Not Mentioned~

& next is suM iMages of Me & My daughteR that Mya Loka LiL cLown aMethyst diaMonds daze g jeRoMe RacheL LaMb angeLina baLLeRina wing Rigbi caRe beaR tRea$uRe tRoLL undeR bRideg Many naMes etc. Like pictuRes of now & theN Like Round 2023 oR 2024 & 20114 0R 2015?!

& these iMages of this gRinch baby giRL chaRactER ReMinds Me of My daughtER suMMa heR Looks Like she LOOk Like theM oR they Look Like heR Like she do Look Like caRe beaRs aLs0 & shRek baby & tReasuRe tRoLLs & suM aniMaLs & MORE eitheRwaze see~

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