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you a pRince$$ oR a pRince oR a pea$ant or a pea$ant pRince$$ oR a pea$ant pRince duh!~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

if that saRae is a ReaL pRince$$ then we the saM cLa$$ a peoPle aLtho it$ jus a Movie iM taLking bout ReaLity diff waRs eveRy1 seeM 2 get foRced 2 act wit otheRs oR go aLong wit iLLegaL situations whetheR its undeR hypnosis oR being weak bye Less vitaMins & not the pRopeR fitness & MoRe as they get pRevented fRoM thiER ResouRces ?! that fiLM above i dont know if becky a peasant oR a Princess oR a Peasant pRincess Like a Loose pRisoneR that found an iLLegaL pLace 2 staze or got abducted that waze whiLe her Life passing bye being iLLegaLLy tReated that waze Like wheRe does she beLong?! prison oR depoRted oR disinteGrated oR fRee into heR own pRopERty?! in tha sytORy saRae who cLaiMs 2 b a ReaL pRincess TRies 2 Rescue heR aLong wit heR seLf wit wut she got access 2...

anywaze in 2005 duRuing My abductions @age 19 theRe was a LiL giRL 3 yeaRs oLd being Raped & DRugged & abducted bye heR bioLogicaL biRh daddy & otheR Rape gang MeMbERs...he take tuRns Raping us & otheRs of aLL ages & gendeRs...even tho i got sciatica so i cant caRt wheeL anyMoRe oR twiRL on the baRs & cLiMb Like i used was Like we the saMe age?! the abductoR got us both to Listen 2 hiM Like being hypnotized 2 do wut he say?! she ReMind Me of Me when i taKe heR 2 the paRk diff tyMes she go on tha baRs Like a LiL gyMnist jus Like i easiLy do b4 i didnt got ceLL phone caMeRa video thing at the tyM e2 get tha footage...i dont know heR LeveL of innocents aLL 2getheR because its possibLe 2 b a peasant as a baby Like wut does the Lie ditectoR test ResuLts that accuRate say?! i jus know she doesnt beLong wit those kinda peopLe that intensionaLLy coMMit CRiMes they beLong disintegRated foR duh!

& at tyMes when i got awaze i when waLking i got sciatica suMtyMes 2 waLk is how i escape pLus the autoMatic hypnosis so onLy i went awaze the abductoRs cant aLwaze take on taht Many sadLy she got Left but diff tyMes she got awaze too its Like catERpiLLaRs sLow & buttERfLies Mite easieR fLy fRoM that & hopefuLly go suMwheRe bettER duh!

yeaRs LateR foR 1 a hER biRthdaze i got heR suM MAgicaL soLes they aLice in wondeRLand disney kinda MARy jane styLE waLking Running shoes they not tha Most pRetty but the Magic is theRe...

& they Match hER baRbie doLL back pak!!!!!

which got Me MeMORy Mazing on Late 80s & eaRLy 90s that coMMeRciaL be who you wanna be baRbie giRL..duRing an abduction i staRt singing & snap outta the hypnosis aLMOst Like My MeMoRy coMe & go

& she say RacheL why u singing that & she had tha back pak on Maybe she neveR heaRd of it oR dont ReMeMbeR aLL tha tyMe eitheR as then My Mind went bLank & i went back in zoMbie Mode occasionaLLy i tRy 2 get awaze & i did a avRiety a tyMes even tho

the abductoR say 2 Me in peRson b4 the abduction not oveR tiL 1 of us dies?! i got awaze fRoM hiM in 2011! & he aLive? Like so aM i! otheRs he stiLL Rape & dRug & abduct b4 then & duRing then & since then...he beLongs disintegRated 4 his xisting intensionaL cRiMes...

Late 80s eaRLy 90s i got a MagicaL baRbie doLl fRoM My bioLogicaL biRth MOMMy Lynn aka Many naMes etc. Rappin Rockin baRbie aka booM box baRbie Like back then i was Like 4 oR 5v oR 6 OR suMthing Like that i doubLe dutch juMp Rope & Music pLaze in tha back Round Lik suMtyMes hip hop Like dR seuss style LyRics Like next is 1 a my favoRite dR seuss book stoRies see

& wutev eLse & i caRT wheeL & hooLa hoop & cLiMb & twiRL on poles & baRs & swiMMing & waLking & bicycLe & MORE Like nothing...i do suMma taht stiLL but i got woRse sciaticaL attacks now coMPaRE 2 then...

&beLow R Barbie doLl inspiRed FREE STyLE PRAyER A REMiX A Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe of Me 2 diff tunes cLick Links below individuaLLy to see oR type on googLe~








& the shoes i got heR its Like that scene in the Movie fiLM stORy a LittLe pRincess when saRae gets becky the MagicaLLy Made soLes shoes Like even if she dont Like theM they genie Like shaped & she say hER Rapist abductoR that heR older half aunt yacenia MaRie tell her those are the ugLiest shoes she ever seen i Mean if eLizabeth aaLiyah doesnt Like theM i got theM 4 heR so i dont know thats diff & she say she tRade theM 4 a diff pair they Mite b adoRbs but she doesnt get it...Maybe Liz dont eitheR Like wutev...

when i was a LiL giRL suM caLL an aduLt i was Like 16 to 18 yeaRs oLd but bibLicaLLy 21 is awoMan a LiL giRl fuLL gRown anywaze My supposive bioLOgcaL biRth daddy Mo ka zeM ka vand many names etc. he Let Me baRRow his MagicaL genie styLe tea heRb pLant LaMp...& ReaL actuaL genies appeaR!!!!!!!!!!

Like spaRkLes diaMonds & gLitteR & MoRe & peRfect eveRything they yes its tRue unLiMMitted wishes if i staze innocent & i wiLL get thEM aLL My wi$he$ when the heavens & eaRth coMbine!

& they ReMind & waRn Me of fake genies suMtyMes its hUMan peasants jus hypnitizing otheRs iLLegaLLy 2 Make iLLegaL things happen & diff tyMes suM huMan peasants use technoLogy Like eLectRonics to pRovide hypnosis OR Make wutev it is that beLieveabLe OR jus find waze 2 Make wutev happen when its NOT suppose 2 NOT Like that

when hypnosis is used Right its foR Magic shows & events & to heLp end cRiMe & wutev eLse NOT Mentioned!

fOR exaMpLe: iM paRt peRsian so iM Made 2 b hypnoticaL & MORe MagicaL but i got weak froM being dRugged & Raped & abducted & pLagued wit wut suM caLl sciatica & MORe but suMtyMes My abiLity natuaRaLLy get othERs 2 stop doing wRong its not suMthing i do it happens autoMaticaLLy if i becoMe awaRe of cRiMinaL huMans they stop in those MoMents i dont got weapons as they can stiLL b aLive doing bad things i RepoRt suM 2 authoRities & those possitions get stoLen suMtyMes...i gotten abducted when otheRs hypnotize Me & i gotten awaze the saMe waze...Like suMMa these sickos adMit it they Mite usuaLLy jus gRab peopLe oR hit theM OR they Lie 2 suM1 Like its an eMeRgency RegaUrding suM1 2 see if they go wiLLingLy then oR do wutev it is & wit Me they jus put Me undeR hypnosis & then theRe i go aLong wit the abductions & RapeS & dRugs off &b on since i was a baby LiL giRL & a woMan untiL they stop hypnotizing Me iLLegaLLy i get set fRee i jus go OR they do...i know wut iM taLking bout My bReed gets these peopLe questioning thieR own sanity Like is this aLKeveL of sin that even cage king god wit the goLden staiR case even offeR & RegauRdLess thiER intensions theyL Let Me go sadLy they go afTer suM1 eLes they say hispanics R the easiest to get that theres suMthing diff bout Me not jus because iM innocent Like suMMa these sickos Rape babies & i got Rape dRug abducted as a baby aLso but wutev

cLick ReLated Links beLow 2 ReaLity & this po$t they of Me doing fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe of MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of wit My skeLeton casket doLL in got @ tha 99 cent onLy stOREs ReMinds Me of eLizabeth aaLiyah Many naMes etc. so i add $aphiRe pLastic diaMOnds 4 tha eyes she is a LiL giRL i was abducted wit suMtyMes since Like 2005 off & on bye heR bioLOgicaL biRth daddy as he foRce heR a funeRaL in 2011 she got announced dead whiLe stiLL aLive bye fake MedicaL RepResentatives duh! whetheR she beLong disintegRated oR bRought back its iLLegaL theRes Lie ditectoR test & ReaL authoRities & bibLicaL doctoR geniouses & i incLude suM shiRt designs i did on xisting shiRts Like cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see~





CLick Link to see~

 fRee styLe pRayER a MiMe i ReMix a Mix of MiMing to twisted insane NO HEART TUNE & P Diddy & skyLaRe g iM coMing hoMe...

HERE$ $UM TUNE$ i dedicate 2 heR~

$ong$ i dedicated 2 ELizabeth afteR heR foRced fuNeRaL aRe:

i*M coMiNg HOME~$kyLaR gRay f. p diddy & tha veR$ioN w/out p diddy






No HeaRt~Twi$ted iN$aNe



The CLiMb~MiLey CyRu$




Lip Glo$$~LiL MaMa



cLick Links beLow individuaLLy these fRee styLe pRayER a MiMe i ReMix a Mix of MiMing to twisted insane NO HEART TUNE & P Diddy & skyLaRe g iM coMing hoMe~


MoRe detaiLs in the Links beLow cLick individuaLly 2 see bout the 3 yeaR oLd that i suMtyMes b aRound tiL age 8 she got announced dead at 9 yeaRs oLd its possibLe her death is faked oR she ReaLLy gone eitherwaze she belong disintegrated or brought back huh!?

Like wuts that stoRy entiReLy?! i dont know...theRes Lie ditectOR test that accuRate RequiRed & actuaL authoRities Like bibLicaL doctoR geniouses & good seMeRatins wit the intension to heLp a situation wit wut they got access 2 when no 1 eLse is avaiLabLe 2 do so & MoRe!

Me above & beLow @ a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...& i aM a non pRofit a voLunteeR 4 fRee a bibLicaL RepResentative individuaL that doesn*t get 2 do MoRe at this tyMe...

Rachel Michelé McLain is My birth name & I was born at 694 w Wilson st Costa Mesa, California on January 15, 1986 baby girl garnet biblically speaking in the land of dreams  Anywaze I don’t got all my resources as I continue waiting & seeking them entirely I usually reside at diff temporary stepping stones with in the Costa Mesa, California borders like I’m supposed to until my property is ready around there 


video of Me doing a fRee styLe  pRayeR MiMiNg MyseLf a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of i dedicate 2: butteR fLies & MyseLf & jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & eLizabeth aaLiyah & any1 aniMaLs & huMans & tea heRb pLants Like anything in a situation in need of Rescueing wheRe they sLow Like a cateRpiLLaR & wish 2 fLy awaze 2 suMwheRe bettER jus Like suM biRds & buttERfLies tRy 2 do suMtyMes depends on tha weatheR & i ReMeMbER My nephew kRi$2fuR duRing suMMa ouR abductions he Likes this song Like thats hiM too pRobLy wanting 2 get awaze duh even tho i Left hiM in abductions as i gotta awaze fRoM being fuRtheR abducted not My fauLt i couLdnt Rescue heM! & My ex boss gina Loves this tune aLso its titLed

I’m like a bird bye Nelly fertado cLick Link oR type on youtube 2 see as iM dRes up like a butteRfLy cLown chaRactER jeweLeRy box baLLeRina unicoRn kReatuRe thing~


 & since i dont got weapons that high wit an accuRate Lie ditector test i given gifts & Make up & wigs & fRagRances for peopLe 2 have suM Respect Or if they ReaLly dont got access now they kinda do 2 go on & eithER Leave Or do MoRe whiLe waiting for ReaL authoRities duh!!!!!! Like who R these peoPLe wut R thiER intensiona 24/7?! i dont undeRstand this ReaLity other than its not wut its suppose 2 b! church ois suppose 2 b of fashion aRT etc. pLays & dancing & events & spoRts & hiking & b cRafts & Making the Land of dReaMs a betteR pLace & MoRe foR fRee suM donations & tips accepted...& theRes suppose 2 b indooR & outdooR RecycLing watER faLLs at chuRches 2 ReMind anyone when thiEr souL is Made wit hoLy chaLice piMp cup 2 dRink fRoM that h2o & they suppose 2 b evERywhERe RecycLing watERfaLLs aLl oveR the ocean sea & ponds & pooLs & Lakes & RiveRs & MORe duh!& theRes suppose 2 b indooR & outdooR RecycLing watER faLLs at chuRches 2 ReMind anyone when thiEr souL is Made wit hoLy chaLice piMp cup 2 dRink fRoM that h2o & they suppose 2 b evERywhERe RecycLing watERfaLLs aLl oveR the ocean sea & ponds & pooLs & Lakes & RiveRs & MORe duh!

cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see oR type on googLe~









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