
cLick on Links beLow individuaLLy oR type on youtube 2 see~

Me above & beLow @ a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...& i aM a non pRofit a voLunteeR 4 fRee a bibLicaL RepResentative individuaL that doesn*t get 2 do MoRe at this tyMe...
Rachel Michelé McLain is My birth name & I was born at 694 w Wilson st Costa Mesa, California on January 15, 1986 baby girl garnet biblically speaking in the land of dreams Anywaze I don’t got all my resources as I continue waiting & seeking them entirely I usually reside at diff temporary stepping stones with in the Costa Mesa, California borders like I’m supposed to until my property is ready around there
video of Me doing a fRee styLe pRayeR MiMiNg MyseLf a MiMe a ReMix a Mix of i dedicate 2: butteR fLies & MyseLf & jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & eLizabeth aaLiyah & any1 aniMaLs & huMans & tea heRb pLants Like anything in a situation in need of Rescueing wheRe they sLow Like a cateRpiLLaR & wish 2 fLy awaze 2 suMwheRe bettER jus Like suM biRds & buttERfLies tRy 2 do suMtyMes depends on tha weatheR & i ReMeMbER My nephew kRi$2fuR duRing suMMa ouR abductions he Likes this song Like thats hiM too pRobLy wanting 2 get awaze duh even tho i Left hiM in abductions as i gotta awaze fRoM being fuRtheR abducted not My fauLt i couLdnt Rescue heM! & My ex boss gina Loves this tune aLso its titLed
I’m like a bird bye Nelly fertado cLick Link oR type on youtube 2 see as iM dRes up like a butteRfLy cLown chaRactER jeweLeRy box baLLeRina unicoRn kReatuRe thing~
& since i dont got weapons that high wit an accuRate Lie ditector test i given gifts & Make up & wigs & fRagRances for peopLe 2 have suM Respect Or if they ReaLly dont got access now they kinda do 2 go on & eithER Leave Or do MoRe whiLe waiting for ReaL authoRities duh!!!!!! Like who R these peoPLe wut R thiER intensiona 24/7?! i dont undeRstand this ReaLity other than its not wut its suppose 2 b! church ois suppose 2 b of fashion aRT etc. pLays & dancing & events & spoRts & hiking & b cRafts & Making the Land of dReaMs a betteR pLace & MoRe foR fRee suM donations & tips accepted...& theRes suppose 2 b indooR & outdooR RecycLing watER faLLs at chuRches 2 ReMind anyone when thiEr souL is Made wit hoLy chaLice piMp cup 2 dRink fRoM that h2o & they suppose 2 b evERywhERe RecycLing watERfaLLs aLl oveR the ocean sea & ponds & pooLs & Lakes & RiveRs & MORe duh!

& i took $paRkLe$ diaMOnd$ wing thing tha 1$t 2 chuRch wit Me again but he oR she is stiLL paRaLyzed tho see~

i wish i got a higheR education bibLicaLLy Like a bibLicaL doctoR genious so i can heLp Make the Land of DReaMs a betteR pLace suM caLL the woRLd & eaRth & univeRse & diff peRManent & teMpoRaRy titLes...
Like How is it possible no body in the medical field help this paRaLyzed butterfly i try to save ?! & it’s a Monarch they got thier own insurance company!!!!!!! So wut let me guess they fake doctors wit out the education like duh
Like they $toLe po$$ition$
& eitheRwaze they belong disintegrated 4 thieR existing intensionaL cRiMes huh! I also reach out to inventors & others that got the biblical educational knowledge to do more Maybe hackers prevent my messages from going thru I don’t know I talk to caterpillars they say they made that high to do wutev that they can crawl in body & do wutev surgically or any procedure but human peasants make them stupid & that once they get thier wings they done wit that job But wutev
& heRes anotheR sadasticaL video of spaRkLes diaMOnds wing thing cLick 2 see oR type on youtube~
i 2 Reach out 2 butteRfLy Rescue coMpanies & they say they Not the MedicaL fieLd & i Try 2 get a hoLd of an animal doctoR of suM kind no body got back 2 Me & i tRy 2 get a Message 2 eLon Musk suM say he the Richest Man aLived because of his educationaL LeveL in technoLogy eLectRonicaLLy is a foRM of Rich 2 be sMaRt Like sUM individuaLs don*t got access to being sMaRteR but eitheRwaze eMbRace wut u know & keep LeaRning 4eveR & who you aRe intensionaLLy 24/7 is wut youR intensions ReaLLy aRe duh!

i aLso contact actoR & suM caLL him the USA 45th pResident donaLd john tRuMp aka djt Like staze tRuMpin Like he pRobLy has peopLe to heLp wit ResouRces as he offeRs to give theM & i send MeLania the saMe info & aLong with the actoR in fiLMs that LeonaRdo diCapRio foundation non pRofit he got voLunteeRs wit diff educations that save aniMaLs & tea heRb pLants & MORE...

anywaze on diff ReaLitie$~
I knew i was right bout this based on My education LeveL i LeaRn fRoM Jctpop ~Jesus Christ the pRince of peace in spiRit & other characters sum spirituaLLy others in person duh A variety like sum animals & humans & sum that high of prince & Lucifer the fallen angeL & cReatuRes & gods kings & godesses queens & MoRe Like Summa ‘this is on google bout peasants trying 2 take over wit the woRd aMeRica & other Letters & numbers & diff iLLEGAL THings:
& on googLe this show~
When did people start calling it America? 1507 It is generally accepted that the name "America" derives from the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. The term dates back to 1507, when it appeared on a world map created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller, in honor of Vespucci, applied to the land that is now Brazil. What was the name of America before it was called America? turtle island Before that "The Indies". What some call America Also it was called New Spain Of course all the Native peoples had their own names in hundreds of languages , although not all had an idea of the geography of a whole continent. As for "turtle island", it was used by just a few peoples in the far northeast of today's US. Sum tribles are called native & & Indians are middle Easterns thier roots r known in india So a trible Indian is obviously a part middle eastern duh suM say America is known as the land of opportunity, where one could achieve anything they put their mind to, no matter who they are. ?!
when thats the entire Land of DREaMs is the tRue titLe of wut suM caLL the woRLd & eaRth & wutev eLse that like thats is aLL of the Land to do that & theRe is teMpRaRy & tRue titLes aside from otheR pERManent titles in between duh! Like peRsia & diaMond$ & MoRe theRe$ Lie ditectoR test that heLp confiRM & veRify diff pLaces & Locations wut design wut MeteRiaLs wut names R appRoved as in this waR & otheRs iLLegaL Land scapeRs R tRying 2 take over Like they beLong disintegRated 4 thiER xisting intensionaL cRiMes duh!
Like a country style land scaping is a size of land suMtyMes wit ceRtain tRees & fLoweRs & tea heRb pLants & can got sumthing residential to live in or visit or a museum or statue of sum kind
& A city is jus a building 100 feet or higher or sumthing Like that
& a state is jus a cRiminal mind set to take over wit fake laws
Like notice state pRison is not a real prison its iLLegaL & iLLegaLly Land scaped that design is not appRoved bye any accuRate Lie ditectoR test duh!
theRes jungLes & foRest & deseRts & beaches & wateRfaLLs & MORe NOT ALWAZE WUT THEy suppose to be suMtyMes not theRE when needed...
becaus of iLLegaL Land scapeRs!
EitheRwaze permanent & temporary titles in the land of dreams will b eventually more permanently
Like when the heavens & earth combine that all happens automatically
Do wut u can based on wut u got access to & help make reality be wit it’s suppose to be
Like who u r 24/7 is wut u r…
As illegal land scapers r trying to take over
They belong disintegrated for thier xisting intensional crimes…
BoRdeRs R suppose to b a pretty symbol & they can*t be changed duh jus ReaL Laws staze the saMe too duh~
For example:
A giant diamond Krystal could be there near my birth place & location
I was born at 694 w Wilson st in wut sum call Costa Mesa, California 92627
biblically speaking in the land of dreams
to show where u r entering or leaving
Like My hoMe town Many naMes etc. aside fRoM teMoRaRy titLes Like haRpeR & costa Mesa & wutev eLse not Mentioned it can be titLed suMthing MoRe peRMant Like spaRkLes diamonds fabs & thReads spRakLes f.a.e.~ fashion aRt etc. duh & it can be shapeds a diamOnd this section of Land Like pastRy dough Like a giant cookie cut out & decoRated
Like my soul was made April 1985 diamond Krystal
but I got birthed on januaary 15, 1986 baby girl garnet diamond
Like New York got that Statue of Liberty
bethLeheM aRea wheRe jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace was boRn can be shaped a s a wishing staR
My daughtER was boRn in fountain vaLLey, caLifoRnia aRea at fountain vaLLey RegionaL hospitaL bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land of dReaMs it can be shaped as a heaRt that entiRe wut suM caLL fountain vaLLey, ca. Many naMes etc.
& My niece nikki she was boRn at hoag hospitaL in newpoRt beach, ca. iy can be Reshaped in those boRdeRs a sea sheLL of suM kind
& diff hospitaLs can got diff theMes for exaMpLe: that hospitaL needs to be taken down & ReMOdeLed to be aReaL one Like giant gLass bubbLes in the aiR 1 patient peR bbubbLe the pubLic can see thEm & the ReeaL doctor Like a bibLicaL doctor genious with Rainbow sLides to go down afteR they Leave out the bubbLe & cLoud design fLying eLecTRonicaL caRs Like the caRe beaRs coMpany & a cLoud castLe 4 wutev as paRt of it...& they have to wear aLL cLeaR pLastic Like fabs & thReads to wheRe they Look Like naked baRbie doLLs weaRing cLeaR plastic fashion & the beds R suM kinda thick pLastic oR gLass 4 tha patient 2 b naked Like its not a place & Location 2 staze once suRgeRy oR wutev pRoceeduRe is oveR then they go wit cLothes on & given high tea heRb pLant Medicines to go bout thiER caLendaR scheduLe duh
Mexico should got a giant golden rose or sumthing like that
Should got a giant gold genie lamp & a big golden lion with wings
& united kingdoM shoiuLd got a unicoRn statue of suM kind &
Wutev else not mentioned
Like china shouLd got dRagon oR asia OR japan OR wutev
There’s diff things like jungles & forest & desert & beach & more
Along wit there event palaces & event castle & event churches & more that no one can reside in but party’s & wutev else happen there
Like Monitored invitations & guests & authoRities & Lie ditectoR test that accuRate RequiRed...
a Government is jus anotheR woRd foR only allowed quaLified victims like biblical doctor geniouses actual authority get 2 work together to give resources wit accurate lie Ditector test required & MoRe...
Good semeratins is sum1 an individuaL oR MoRe of those wit good intensions to heLp a situation based on wut they know even if they don’t know for a fact they mite do sumthing based on wut they got access to if real authorities & no 1 eLse NOT available...
a County is jus huMan intensionaL mentals counting illegally what is not thieR buisness or conceRN suMtyMes they give a pErcent of ResouRces oR Nothing Like they not aLLowed in such possitions duh! Like its an iLLegaL waze of using numbers & other illegal things they do intensionaLLy they beLong disintegRated 4 thieR intensionaL cRiMes suM MIte get pRison depoRted wit disintegRation date oR ReLease into a diff pRison pRopeRty of thiER own Or wutev is suppose 2 happen accoRding 2 an accuRate Lie ditectoR test based on thieR intensions & eveRything & LeveL of guiL & LeveL of innocents wiLL b pubLickLy docuMented eLectRonicaLLy & MORE thiER Lie ditectoR tee4st ResuLts aLOng wit any1s which wiLL ReveAL thieR identity & ReaL Reputation & wut thiER ResouRces R suppose to be & if they got given theM entiReLy & wutev eLse NOt Mentioned...
Giant or small golden statues of diff fruit & veggies & tea herb plants flowers that are suppose to be there wit LabeLs bout it
& wutev else
Like light up glass paw print for sun all glass animal resorts wit swimming & music lessons & instruments & moRe
For strays & visitors
Like a lil place to go
Wit jungle forest desert beach land scaping
& glitter litter & wutev else
All plant based high in vitamins & biblical doctor geniouses
& bath shower daily the animals at least once
It’s free everything non profit duh!!!!!!
Sum donations & gifts accepted but not required
& spay neuter foR aniMaLs & wutev else waze to say tha surgery & pRoceedure
Again fRee like it’s suppose to be…
saMe wit huMans the giRL oR woMan RequiRed 2 get tubaL ReMOvaL & abLation 2 thiER MentSRaL
& the boy OR Man has 2 get thiER baLLs ReMOved & wutev eLse not Mentioned
& theRes no such thing as being a priest or nun or pastor or Wutev else like that it's a waze of dRessing like a certain level of fashion duh sum call it it biblical robes & more oR RecoMMended 2 weaR suMtyMes if theRes nothing eLse avaiLabLe oR jus an option Like seveRaL Looks & designs R okay & appRoved depends on tha individuaL sumtyMes Like R they aLLowed 2 huh Like duh
eitheRwaze the Land of DREAMS WiLL be wut its suppose 2 be eventuaLLy
peasants sinnERs victiMizeRs cRiMinaLs Like MentaL heaLth is iLLegaL & Rape gang MeMbeRs & scientist & fake authoRity & faLse educational LeaDeRs & MeMbERs they cant pRevent that daze fRoM happening Like RegauRdLess when the heavens & eaRth coMbine it happens autoMaticaLLy but its a sin 2 wait tiL then so do wut u can based on wut u got acccess 2 duh!
no Lie ditectoR test wiLL teLL when that daze is going 2 actuaLLy happen the heavens & eaRth combining but its a fact that its going 2...duh!
Like giant oR wutev size goLd oR Light up thick gLass statues of diff tea heRb pLants fLoweRs fRuits veggies wiLL b at diff Locations aLong wit those things & MonitoRed bye actuaL authoRities bibLicaL doctoR geniouses & seRvaiLance Like advanced technoLogy & MORe & wutev eLse NOt Mentioned...
& i send the news bout spaRkles diaMonds wing thing butteR fLy 2 a Musician that sings bout soiL & wutev eLse Like i dont know if he jus singing poetRy & bout suM ReaLity eitheRwaze
Click Link below or type on google to see Me doing a free styLe pRayer a ReMix a Mix of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe to diff tunes bye MusicaL Man bc333 titled s.o.s. & ojas~
i in peRson went 2 the pLaneteRiuM at orange coast coLLege @2701 Fairview Road in costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92626 aLso known as the isLand of dReaMing in the Land of dReaMs b cus they cLaiM the knowLedge of Land they caLL pLanets so its RequiRed 2 know bout aniMals & huMans & tea heRb pLants & MoRe Like a bibLicaL doctoR genious Like R they awaRe even aLiens got things 2 do Like bees Make honey! even if a huMan can do it Like they can fLy on MagicaL caRpets oR fLoat & wutev eLse if they got access but they the peopLe at the pLaneteRiuM say they dont know bout butteRfLies?! as i bRought an injuRed MOnaRch wit Me its the 2nd i found at that schooL not being abLe 2 fLy?! on googLe it say its the weatheR its too coLd that they Miss thiER fLight 2 waRMth Lik ethe otheRs pRobLy Made it!

heRes a FRee style pRayER a ReMix a Mix of Me MyseLf MiMing a MiMe 2 that LincoLn paRk tune titLed NUMB LoL My nephew kRi$2fuR Many naMes etc. he was boRn in 1998 juLy 21$t in fountain vaLley, caLifornia aRea i think & he Loves this band since he was Like a coupLe yeaRs oLd he got the cd we use 2 Listen 2 it 2getheR &b watch sponge bob & i puLL hiM on aboogoe boaR thRu suM gRassy hiLLs in the deseRt it was Like a sLed for hiM he Love it & we Play base baLL & More & hang out wit a cat naMed gi$MO tha 1$t...we didnt got caMeRa oR technoLogy 2 get tha footage of those MeMORies anywaze cLick LinkLateR eventuaLLy 2 see Me at the isLand of dReaMing in the Land of dReaMs go piRates aLso known as oRange coast coLLege in costa Mesa, caLifoRnia 92626 i attend theRe b4 but it needs 2 get taken down aLL the iLlegaL Land scaping & it needs to be taken down & Re buiLt 2 an appRoved design Like i subMit a dRawing i did & MoRe theRe should b a giant ship that fLies & any1 that gets in on accurate Lie ditectoR test that accuRateLy RequiRed & they wiLL say weLcoMe aboaRd & bye that tyMe a higheR education wiLL b offeRed Like ResouRces & pRoPeRties 2 those that aRe aLLowed & quaLify Like My self 2 attend foRevER Like staze LeaRning & theRE wiLL b goLd coins ReaL Money & MORE duh!!!!! untiL then iLLegaL things happening theRe pERveRts & sickos tRying 2 Run tha Place & Location they Let peoPle iLLegaLLy Residing at the schooL NO 1 is LegaLLy aLLowed to Reside theRe! its tuRning in2 a peRveRsion center! & eitheRwaze theythose kinda eviL peopLe beLong disintegRated huh untiL then i dont know cLick Link LateR 2 see Me at the schooL dancing aRound the iLLegaL Land scaping that needs 2 get taken down peRMAnentLy which incLudes a bunch of neaR bye eLeMentaRy & jR high & high schools because coLLeges ReguaRdLess thiEr schooL educationaL titLes R supposed 2 be aLL ages & attended foReveR foR those who ReaLLy quaLify & R tRueLy aLLowed diff tyMes & daze wit bibLicaL educationaL & events & spoRts & fashion & art & etc. & Music & theatRe & biblical doctor genious education bout humans & animals & creatures & tea herb plants & Land scaping & technoLogy & weapons & Medicine & poison & fitness dance & free style & b RebuiLt Like

outta thick gLass & suM goLd & diaMondS & wutev eLse & a giant goLden statue MeRMaid of Me & giant Radio booM box for Music cLass & a giant cake foR pastRy dough cLasses & a giant tReasuRe box wit goLd coins designs & a giant Manequin & giant Lip stick & giant thRead & a giant spRay can & a giant coMedy & tRagedy & a giant jeweLeRy box baLLeRina & a giant wutev eLse to show & syMbOlize the theMe duh i sent a dRawing i did a sketch to financiaL aid & those peoPle obviosLy stoLe those possitions & beLong disintegrated Or pRison oR deported or disintegration date or all a the above Like wutever the Lie ditectoR test that accurate say 2 do duh!

& above & beLow R iMages of that: LEONARDO Di CAPRiO~his famous biblical image he holds a wine glass with water in it?!
Like how puRified is it & wheRe’s the wateR faLLs that puRe that iLLegaL Land scapeRs destRoyeD...& that iMage above & beLow of LeonaRdo di CapRio & MORe shouLd be on goLd coins & otheR kinda Moey designs & wutev eLse 2 ReMind bout puRified wateR RecycLed faLLs & wutev eLse...

& Jctpop~Jesus Christ the prince of peace jus so happens to make summa tha finest Red wine & more out of wateR & when his abiLities work like that he can also purify it & multiply things & wutev else ...
& next is video i Made of Me taLking aLiL bout that iMage above & MORE cLick 2 see oR type on googLe 2 see~

next i$ ME DRE$$ UP AS A jeweLeRy box baLLeRina bunny cLown cReatuRe thing Lion chaRacteR unicoRn & When i get suMMa My designs on the Money Like goLd coins & MoRe you wiLL see beLow is jus 1 a My iMages of ME as 1 a My Many chaRacteRs...~

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~
SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7
Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh
Like high bye
My webpage~
ALso i HELP ReMind actual Laws & wutev else
Like it’s iLLegaL to coLLECT MONEy like that
At churches & buisness & MoRe
it’s okay to accept suM gifts & tips which might include money or gold or wutever it is to an individuaL that personally
Even I got sum gifts put awaze for Jctpop~ Jesus Christ the prince of peace
Whether sum1 pass the test of crown testers & bRings him back medically or then sum kinda invention or when the heavens & earth coMbine duh!!!!
Like for exaMpLe:
I give purity paks for fRee all kinds biblical educational & SuMtyMes Make up & wigs & inscents & jeweLery & tea herb plants & pRayeR beads & fRagRances & fashion art etc.
It depends wut I got access to
Like that’s part of the job description as a biblical representative individuaL duh
I obviously don’t get to do MoRe & sum1 higher in education like high knowledge is above me in possition but they not theRe in this waR to heLp better assist Me & whoev wit thief resources
I gave wutev I can towaRds Josie & Ryan taMaLe bibLicaL gatheRing
Like they can keep collecting forever from that 1 tyMe or 2 or more
Like wutev duh
No body pays to go to chuRch or to voLunteeR theRe
it’s iLLegaL
The chuRch doesn’t cost money
& those that are allowed along with those that are higheR will do MoRe like biblical doctor geniouses & biblical aurhorities wit advanced technology & weapons & Lie Ditector test & wutev else NOT MENTioned that is Required
iMa biblical representative individuaL waiting & seeking higher biblical educational to eventuaLly be a biblical doctor genious & more like I qualify & im entitled to duh
Like ReaL Laws only heLp end illegal land scapers & peasants & wutev else
Bye not sinning intensionaLLy especially those that sin thru lower hands…
on diff RaLities~heRe$ suM pics of Me & My daughteR dRess up a chaRactERs we Made up baLLERina cLowns...i caLL heR Mya Loka LiL cLown & iM MoRe Like a jeweLeRy box baLLet cLowny butteRfLy bunny...
