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$paRkLe$ $aphiRe$ diaMond$ of aLL coLoR$ & butteR fLie$ & cateRpiLLaR$ biRthdaze unbiRthdaze 24/7~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

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 fRee styLe pRayER a MiMe i ReMix a Mix of MiMing to twisted insane NO HEART TUNE & P Diddy & skyLaRe g iM coMing hoMe...

above i jus ReMix suMMa hER iMages but suMMa the otheR aRt woRk is hpw the shiRt is aLReady Like beLow it caMe Like that see as i did add those heaRTs on the hand bag i Mix...

next beLow this baby doLL thing Looks Like heR aROund age 3 to Me Like This Looks like my x rapist abductor supposive biological birth daughter Elizabeth Aaliyah Holloway many naMes when she was like 3 years old I became aware of her in peRson that’s how she actually kinda Look at that tyMe duh! In 2005…

That tyMe I try to rescue her from Willie &‘ push her in a shopping cart like she was baby in a stRoller in 2005

He followed…

as @ 1st he say iM fRee 2 go so i got My things i had wit Me aLReady & put theM in a shopping caRt i went 2 Leave & i seen heM sitting in fRont of KFC KENTUCKy FRied chicken wit eLizabeth the LiL giRL in tthe MiddLe of night on his Lap

i ask hem wut is he doing wit heR & i took heR awaze fRom him & put her in tha cart wRapped in a bLanket Like a baby & i staRt depoRting MyseLf on foot back 2 costa Mesa, caLifoRnia bibLicaLLy speaking in the Land of dReaMs as i continue off & on 2 ask randoM people sumtymes those i know thier identities 2 give Me My ResouRces duRing those abductions Law enfoRceMent aLReady ware of this pubLick abductions that often duh!!!!!

But wutev

i usuaLLy go aLone but she in tha caRt & wit heM theRE no body get Me hoteLs OR MOney Like they suMtymes do 4 fRee but when he aRound he foRce peRveRsion scenes & wutev eLse

LuckiLy we aLL showeR at that Last abduction Location & pLace

but afteR that we sLept on top of a Play ground when his original plans is to rape her Liz like he usuaLLy do he say not when im there

& i walk in on him b4 he jump off her like 10 feet & he start playing videos games he press save & continue & he claim no 1 will beLieve me that see wut LeveL he on that he make it look like he play the video game the whole tyme

i got no weapons & wutev eLse needed 2 betteR assist heM wit his ResouRces of getting disintegRated Lie theres Lie ditectoR test & MORE...

& he Let us Leave stilL oR we gotta awaze

eitheRwaze we made it 2 tha paRk she ask me how to hang out wit the LiL giRLs so i took heR oveR theRE & they pLay in the sand she use to peRveRsion drugs even that pubLickLy duh

wiLLie even Rape Me in the stReets in front of others Like wutev NOw that i ReMeMbeR again he Rape Me at taht paRk b4 aside fRoM otheRs that have 2 duh Like happen diff tyMes & diff pLaces & Locations Like thats anotheR stORy

& then McDonaLds

& suM woman try 2 kid nap her from Me theRe tho?! she start Leaving wit her towards the exit when Liz was in the pLay gRound aRea & it was supeR busy & heaR & seen Liz scReaMing cRying wit a supposive stRangeR feMaLe abductoR that LOok Like a scientist MentaL heaLth RepResentative in jR high schooL 7th gRade & Liz Lied 2 that Lady & say iM heR MoM as i take her awaze from her & we got ice cReaM cones & Left

but we end up back in the abduction again?!

its Like a Maze no MatteR which waze in go i aLmost everytyme end up wit wiLLie again suMtyMes duRing that tyMe as he use hypnotic MeMory deLetion twist wit psychoLogy duh

& Liz?!

i barely seen her duRing these abductions at that tyMe...i was usuaLLy tRying 2 get awaze & i notice i escape LongER wit out heR & she wasn*t alwaze wit wiLLie & neither was i there was Like diff abductors & MoRe...

Liz & i was both dRugged bye wiLLie usuaLLy & otheR cRiMInaLs wit cRystaL Meth & wutev eLse

they teLL Me 2 Mind my own buisness she not My daughteR?! when she Not all thieR either &

even then they NOT ALLOWED...

but even tho we ALL on dRugs...

Liz & i ReMeMber things i go in a zone where i Remember then i dont & she even staRt MeMORy Mazing onLy at fiRst she outta no where start asking Me if iM her MOM?!

& i telL heR no do i Look LIke heR she say CrystaL thats she ReMeMbeRing CRystaL i ReMind her im stiLL RacheL...

& i found out i LOok nothing Like her that crystaL...

& i ask the abductoRs i dont undeRstand this abduction & that cRystaL...?!

Liz say is heR MoM & wiLLie biological birth MOMMy say 2 heR no you call me mom & not cRystaL & willie supposive half lil sister yacenia MaRie aka NataLie baRbie aka many names etc. say eLizabeth u don*t Remember crystal...

yacenia act Like diff people she tell me to call her natalie b4 & she act as an actual barbie doll she even say Lets go 2 the beach Lets go 2 the pooL Lets go 2 the park & we Really went Me & her & Liz when she do that nataLie chaRacteR she act Like an innocent victiM

then wiLLie found out bout her natalie barbie character he went MentaL & tell me to stop caLLing her natalie & for her 2 stop acting Like taht he force her to act like a sex & drug addict


he say every1 acting even Liz that they all perverts accept 4 Me...

& yacenia she act retarted when crystal get brought up & she Look at me like i know her the crystal or sumthing like i brought her up on my own they keep trying 2 deLete heR identity & they Rape & drug her then they send her 2 go Rape eveRy1 duh

& they ask wiLLie why he keeps abducting Me & let me walk the streeets like i gotta awaze & then abduct me outta no where again aside from that

eLizabeth aaLiyah many names etc. She supposively born in San Diego, caLifoRnia area biblically speaking in THE LAND OF DREAMS ON September 03, 2001

SuMwheRe round there


she kinda Looks Like these doLLs b4 BRATZ A vaRiety a theM b cus she do diff haiR skin change at beach & pooL & in the sun & oveRaLL they got heR featuRes tho see

NEXT is Me as My pRayER doLL chaRactER iM dRess up as a jeweLeRy box baLLeRina bunny pRincess Lion cLown cReatuRe thing see~

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh


Like high bye


My webpage~

Above & beLow is a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$ & THAT*s Me in the pictuRe wit a skeLeton casket doLL thing i bRought aLong that ReMinds Me of eLizabeth aaLiyah Many NaMes etc. & a shiRt i design wit heR iMage on it see...

cLick ReLated Links beLow 2 ReaLity & this po$t they of Me doing fRee styLe pRayeR a MiMe of MyseLf MiMing a ReMix a Mix of wit My skeLeton casket doLL in got @ tha 99 cent onLy stOREs ReMinds Me of eLizabeth aaLiyah Many naMes etc. so i add $aphiRe pLastic diaMOnds 4 tha eyes she is a LiL giRL i was abducted wit suMtyMes since Like 2005 off & on bye heR bioLOgicaL biRth daddy as he foRce heR a funeRaL in 2011 she got announced dead whiLe stiLL aLive bye fake MedicaL RepResentatives duh! whetheR she beLong disintegRated oR bRought back its iLLegaL theRes Lie ditectoR test & ReaL authoRities & bibLicaL doctoR geniouses & i incLude suM shiRt designs i did on xisting shiRts Like cLick Links beLow individuaLLy 2 see~





that cake beLow LateR Like duRing that abduction is My daughtER angeLina RacheL Many NaMes etc. 1$t biRthdaze pastRy dough*s poweR puff giRLs & heaRts Like the caRe beaRs but notce it say angeLina & eLizabeth its b cus they both theRe when i went 2 get it & Liz ask can she gettta biRthdaze cake thing also i say why not as she tell Me which kindac cake she want & outta no wheRe that that g.g. geoRgina gaRcia aka joRgina many names etc she 1 a tha abductors thier supposive biological birth grandma on thier biological birth daddy side she force Liz 2 call her MoM & she commit incest wit her biological birth son she pretend he is her age & everything she is a sicko...

anywaze she say: NO its NOT UR BiRTHDAZE SO i teLL tha bakeR jus add eLizabeth on theRe too

Like it$ aLL ouR biRthdaze Like the POWER PUFF GiRLS ALWAZE Find waze even tho they got diff abiLities we dont as we got the abiLity 2 get Rescued too...

but i dont know if at that tyMe they do know that t.v. show...THE POWER PUFF GiRLs...

but duRing suM abductions in 2005 bye wiLLie hoLLoway jR the 4th he abduct & rape & dRug Liz & then he tuRn this show on in that iMage beLow...& he teLL Me 2 Mind My own buisness she NOT My daughteR that fake authoRities & heM b Raping hER wut aM i gonna do bout it...even tho he didnt Rape heR oin fRont a Me i jus happen 2 waLk in suMtyMes & he stop i escape & gotta awaze wit out eLizabeth a vARiety a tyMes...

& that tyMe in 2007 duRing that abduction angeLina try 2 getta awaze crawling down tha stReet b4 & i dont know bout Liz entire Life as i do know she gotta awaze b4 fRoM suMMa hER abductoRs Like thats a diff stORy Maze MeMoRy duh...


this Link beLow descRibes a MeMoRy:
it*$ of Me doing a fRee styLe pRayER of MyseLf MiMing a MiMe a reMix a Mix of to a tune titLed NO HEART ByE TWisted insane cLick Link 2 see~






& the casket skeleton I adddd saphire eye diamond beads her birth diaMond & stone

& it symbolizes reality regarding her forced funeral bye criminals peasants

& the barbie stuff reminds me of when I sang to her that barbie doll song during our abductions

I sing be what you want to be barbie girl!

She had on a barbie back pack but she seem not to know that song or barbie or anything?!

I zoned out I known barbie dolls since like the 80s I had boom box barbie & more

They use to talk to me & sing like thats another story...

& I include belly dancing it's a form of high prayer like Persian

I did it even during summa my abductions &

Willie her supposive biological birth daddy try to stop 'me...

I include Disney also...I took her to disneyLand for her 8th birthdaze...that*s hER beLow wit tha LetteR L foR Liz...1 a hER nick names etc.

during her abductionS & mine I known her since she was like 3 years old...

I only got to take her there b cus her biological birth daddy was in tha fake prison

& We would go swimming & play a swim gaMe she called: *jus MeRMaids!

We pretend we r MeRmaids! it ReMind$ Me a LiL of my$eLfin tha 80s...It's like she knows creatures too!!!!!!????

Or she use to!!!!!??? or is only acting!!!! I don't know really...


HERE$ $UM TUNE$ i dedicate 2 heR~

$ong$ i dedicated 2 ELizabeth afteR heR foRced fuNeRaL aRe:
i*M coMiNg HOME~$kyLaR gRay f. p diddy & tha veR$ioN w/out p diddy
No HeaRt~Twi$ted iN$aNe

The CLiMb~MiLey CyRu$


Lip Glo$$~LiL MaMa


cLick Links beLow individuaLLy these fRee styLe pRayER a MiMe i ReMix a Mix of MiMing to twisted insane NO HEART TUNE & P Diddy & skyLaRe g iM coMing hoMe~



beLow theRes Me & angeLina that Long ago ceLeBRAting Liz xistance this in 2012 on eLizabeth 11th biRthdaze in heR MeMORy wit that cake above we got heR iMage put on it wit butteRfLies 2 ReMind those gRounds R not 4 buRRying bodies oR anythingits iLlegal that the Land of DreaMs suM caLL the woRLd they foR tea heRb pLants & LegaL Land scaping fOR cateRpiLLaRs & huMans & whoever & wutevER aLLowed to be passing thRu Like she supposiveLy disintegRated dead buRRied oR suM say she is aLive that eitheR its fake funeRaL oR she got bRought back oR she ReaLLy is dead duh! oR?! i dont know but Lie ditector test that accuRate RequiRed aLong wit RaL authoRities & advanced technoLOgy & weapons...whoev thinks they know so Much as the cRiMinaLs that did this & othER iLLegaL things they do...any victiMs taht know anything bout it R obviousLy innocent as i dont know veRy Much othER than i gotta awaze fRoM the abductoRs that host did My daughtER...

next is in 2015 obviousLy...

then 2018... 2: eLizabeth aaLiyah Many NaMes etc.~

Me & Mya Loka painted the$e white Ro$e$ 4 $aphiRe DiaMoNd*$ 17th biRthdaze! I aL$o got u a gLitteR $peakeR but then I ReaLized again that in ReaLity u NOT HERE WHETHER UR DEATH WA$ FAKED OR NOT $O i kept it b4 My$eLf!...eitheRwaze theres those Roses Me & My daughtEr painted & add gLitteR too...

& ELizabeth aaLiyah many names etc.~

Happy hoLidaze eLizabeth 22nd biRthdaze September 3, 2023 sundaze… & Born September 3, 2001 announced dead bye fake medical representatives januaRy 17, 2011… In the San Diego area biblically speaking in the LAND OF DREAMS & So septeMbeR 3, 2023 is bout 12 years since that abductor Willie many names He force a funeral for his living supposive daughter Elizabeth that he drug rape abductv& more Even if she still alive or out there suMwheRe or sum how really die along the waze or got brought back & died again Don’t know It’s like at the hospital fake medical representatives like did they put her in surgical pills then announce her dead?! Or wut Then they tell me they doing autopsy to repair her insides like she supposively got an injury Instead they disect her Like I already remind she belongs disintegrated or brought back So don’t know there’s lie Ditector test & real authorities duh Willie is the same abductor rapist that rape me wit my daughter Angelina many names in 2005 But 1 tyMe me & Elizabeth & my daughter gotta awaze from Willie but Elizabeth kept questioning where is her her papi that she wanna go wit him I tell her to go say her prayers or sumthing & she lay there talking out loud she say all her rapist names allowed to she fell asleep that was who she pray for out loud that was in 2007 or 2008 round that tyMe I remember it’s the only tyMe she pray that lazy that I’m aware of other than that I took her to the park wit Angelina usually & wutev else we got access to the pool later & more 1 tyMe we swimming & we play mermaids…that was like round 2008~2009 & Her supposive biological birth mommy crystal Cardenas is so jealous of me She tell me at the hospital wheR eLizabeth got announced dead I ask her in person wut happen or wutev She say Rachel she fell on that baRbie doll scooter thing her size u got her for xMas That it’s my fauLt LoL tho these retarted people rape her drug her which includes Willie & Elizabeth sum kinda rape gang member since she a lil smaller than that she sexually harass my daughter & her & her biological birth daddy go on a rape a thons After raping eachother & they both brag who am I going to tell I reach out to wut sum call authorities at 911 & cps & more I try to put Elizabeth in ballet tap dance gymnastics school place like Angelina She say she don’t want to I tell her she can’t jus go on rape a thons like Willie Other kids claim eLizabeth rape them sum r in the rape gangs too Duh but wutev & Elizabeth & Willie brag they rape cops police That those r in thier rape gang too There’s no stopping them Elizabeth say she will aLwaze be wit Willie she vas him her papi not jus b cus he Her bill birth daddy they pretend they together duh So I try to at least help deport her She went wit her biological birth mommy Like she coulda jus went to the kid prison sum call it juvenile hall or get disintegrated EitheRwaze deported She only act like an innocent lil princess round me But she need more help wit her resources entirely & I didn’t mind her she act like lil princess round me But she sexual harass all these people lil kids & more Not only b cus Willie take her She tell me it’s fun for that b4 I came along that’s jus who she is That she say she promise she won’t be that around me But when she goes wit her papi & wherev else that’s wut she gonna do?’ She say she won’t rape Angelina again as she done it when Angelina a baby Angelina tell me bout it My daughter was like 1 to 2 years old a diff tyMe sum didn’t know she know how to talk Like duh she talks a lot like me suMtyMes & we both part ENGLiSH aside from Persian & other roots We r Anywaze in like 2007 she tell me eLizabeth & Willie & Jessic Lynn Hanson & more rape her fun That to keep them awaze from her They kept abducting & drugging & raping her & sending others after me All those rape gang members illegal land scapers mental health representatives fake educational representatives fake authorities fake medical fake buisness They belong disintegrated for thier existing intensional crimes duh!

next is:

ELizabeth aaLiyah many names etc.~


angeLina RacheL Many NaMes etc.~

& ME:

RacheL MicheLe' Many NaMe$ etc.~

NEXT is an ed gein song bye twisted insane but it*s Me doing a fRee styLe pRayER a MiMe of MiMing a ReMix a mix of 2 this tune a s i taLk fiRst then do the fRee styLe pRaying dance thing cLick 2 see~


This Movie in that Link beLow titLed deRRanged is based on a tRue stORy & is just paRt of ed gein Life supposiveLy...cLick 2 see~

as theRes diff fiLMs RegauRding that individuaL as they aLL ReveaL fake authoRities & othER cRiMinaLs TRying 2 tak oveR those possitions they steaL wheRe suMtyMes edwaRds heLps Rid theM is suM stORies of heM again theRes diff Movies bout heM even veRsions of when he was a baby...

its iLLega 2 buRy ReMains those gRounds R foR tea herb PLants & Legal Land scaping...

so e.G. digs suMMa theM up when thats the job descRiption of the ReaL Law enfoRceMent 2 pRevent that fRoM happening duh!

It doesn't show wut happend to this individual oRiginally like wut his 24/7 life but it shows he is found out to b a murderer of sum kind...

suM say he onLy heLps kiLL intensionaL peasants cRiMinaLs victiMizeRs sinnERs...

otheRs say no he onLy Mess wit victiMs pRinces & PRincesses onLy

then theRes those taht say he done things to both?!

most fiLMs bout heM ReveaL he did go after those that sin intensionaLLy...

& how he goes thru MentaL tyMes because of those sickos that are taking over Make heM cRazy when they MentaLLy iLL for fun power control

but theres Lie ditectior test that accuRate duh

& REaL authoRities Required wit advanced technoLoGy & weapons..

After his supposive bioLogicaL biRth mommy got a forced funeral which is illegal in all religions...

He gets possessed & starts digging up all the bodies like it's tha rite thing to do but is he aware of reality a together...

These individuals belong disintegrated or brought back & wit out a lie director test he mite not know...

Even if he not allowed in that field it's obvious around those parts there is no real authorities or anything...

& King God play crown testers giving the option to play a biblical doctor genious even wit out the education it seems

So he starts off to do wutev then he goes more mental like he turns I to a psycho path or is it peasants he killing!?

Who knows & if these individuals that got killed bye hem how does anyone know bout that stories & details if when he got them abducted & alone...

This is why peasants need to mind thier own buisness & staze outta presidential & higher possitions...

B cus this individual went crazy over his supposive biRth mommy situation that's supposed to be situated bye a trial authorities & again wutta bout hem he need to be assisted bye them too that long ago probly duh!!!!!

wut was his Life b4 his suppposive bioLogicaL biRth MoMMy funeRaL?!

who is he ReaLLy & who is she?!

did he becoMe that outta no wheRe oR was he aLReady suM kinda cRiMinaL peasant?!

It ReMinds me of a story of Hitler I read that Adolph Hitler supposively went after fake doctors & fake medical representatives that supposively killed his biological birth mommy & that fake doctor claim to be Jewish when he obviously of no religion huh...

But there's sumtymes more to these stories that's why there's lie ditector test duh!

& Qualified individuals that are allowed to do wutev like they entitled...

Like me & my daughter been abducted off & on our whole lives bye a lower class of people than these supposive criminals that mite a been delt wit entirely like I don't know...

More details in these links below click individually to see & this aRticLe beLow is based on tRue stoRies duh cLick Link to see~



cLick Link 2 see~



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