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ice cReaM tRuck Mini thing: window $hopping whiLe out & bout even tho i did go in tha $toRe aLSo~

Writer's picture:  KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

Updated: Jan 14

above is ice cReaM tRuck Mini thing: window $hopping whiLe out & bout even tho i did go in tha $toRe aLSo ...

& eaRLiER in that iMage is obviou$Ly is a MusicaL baLLeRina cLick link 2 see video i did of hER~

To: TWiSTED iNSANE i wish i got Tha fund$ or awaze to get this ice cReaaM truck It also ReMinds me if is that youR b*tch video!!!!! i was gonna sum how include u & omega sin & wutev other characters like a print out or Barbie dolls wit mask or i actually make dolls sumtymes so maybe all a the above Or plastic or metal skeletons sized to it dress up that’s super easy too But wutev Happy hoLidaze 24/7 i mite get it new or a diff one That one is $13 I literally don’t got it & I get prevented from getting it another waze i know but wutev Sum call it stealing huh & it$ $120 foR a one a these ice cReaM TRucks...

CLick this Link beLow to see twisted insane & oMega siN tune that LyRicaLLy say is that youR b*tch Like LucifeR taLk Like taht suMtyMes taLking on b*tches the peasants victiMizerS criminals the intensionaL sinning huMans duh & whoev eLse MusicaL video it staRts wit a hypnoticaL jeweLeRy box baLLeRina tune that LuRes Me in Like avaRiety of that sound gets a hoLd of My whoLe identity suMtyMes duRing that tyMe i get MeMORy deLeted undeR suM LeveL of hypnotic Like i staRt eitheR MeMoRy Mazing OR thinking oR iMagining ideas Or tRying 2 bRing theM 2 Life 2 heLp Make ReaLity be wut its suppose 2 be oR dancing oR dRawing oR suMthing oR nothing Like i Mite go into shock oR suMthing Maybe eitheRwaze that Music its MagicaL it takes Me back 2 when My souL was Made aLso & then ReMinds Me of suMMa My abductions a s aLiL giRL a MentaL heaLth RepResentative kept tRying 2 enteR my Mind in the 80s wondeRing if i got 1 oR if i xist even if he aLReady Rape Me or wutev or want 2 iM MiddLe easteRn i autoMaticaLLy use MeMoRy deLetion & hypnotic on MyseLf a s a victiM but peasants twist it wit psychoLOgy even if otheR bReeds use it too & suM peRveRts wanna b the peasant veRsion of Me Like its taht high in peasants Like aLL the victiMs the saMe cLass suM jus highER in cReation oR bReed oR wutev Like an exaMpLe of a high pRince is that jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace & theres others duh! suM abductors want me 2 cry thier tears so i do Laugh like they do get weaken bye them & thats how sum weaken victims LoL haha i usuaLLy Laugh they wanna know whos Laughing Now Like who caRes Like wuts thieR intensions its iLLegal 2 cRy suM say teaRs of joy i use tissues 4 pLagues titLed Like a Runny nose or wipe My eyes from wateRing duRing suM weatheR Looks like teaRs but i have cried anothers identity bye foRce they pretend psychologicaLLy im making amovie or pLay based on sum story wit or wit out tha tears in My dReaMs that abductoR went in My dReaMs that LiveLy questioning wut they even R supposiveLy he got sent or send himself to find out & Make sure they never happen he tell me outside the nightmare he creating in my sLeep that giant cLock is his gRand father his real faMily like its Mine too NOT HiM then he wanna know My MeMORy ?! i dont aLwaze ReMeMbeR no body ReaLLy do?! he real taLented at acting at Making his abducting Monster character fun Like exquisite fantasia Like a LeveL of eviL he Lets show Like why im not scared like its iLLegaL 2 Live in faLse feaR b feaRLess as he wonders bout My dReaMs how i know anything other than when my souL was Made Like cReatuRe inspiRed baLLet puppet cLown thing is a chaRacteR iM known 2 do in the 80s it start fading awze thru disabiLities now i found a waze2 do it again wit footage im stiLL disabled wit physical disabilty of sciatica as sum say she thinks she a LiL giRL again the 80s that im pRetending 2 b MyseLf?! bLa BLa bLa cLick Link 2 see ~

Like I aLReady dedicate this exact tune to an abductor I escaped aLReady that Long ago that many tyMes he teLL me duRing suM a those abductions that the abduction is not ever ending til one of us dies!?

like if he dies like he supposed to be disintegRated for his existing intensional cRiMes duh…

I will then do a whole thing bout him I done things in his memory then tell him you r not dead to go do wutev it is I sent him summa my twisted insane modeling looks I know he think he looks better in them he even thinks he looks like a prettier female naked no make up as a stripper when I got hired as a stripper he prevent me from being there !? So I do it on YouTube even not naked even disfigured wit sciaticaL disability that sickos like him pLague on others he occasionally enters my body his soul in there!? & my mind he brings others & they attack my insides! In real life duh!!!!


CLick Links individually beLow to see this free styLe pRayer remix a mix of myself miming me a mime to oMega sin & twisted insane tune titLed is that your bitch i dedicate it to summa my ex abductoRs i escape gotta awaze aLReady EitheRwaze my abducted kidnapped daughter needs to get Rescued aside from that & wutev else not mentioned click diff links to see the 2 diff styLe & Looks I did regaurding diff abductors like that 1st one I look more abducted bye willie & the 2nd more like a MR whit coMb & Papp kinda abduction like sum kinda doll thing that occasionally does wutev like they drug up individuals to be no body jus like willie suMtyMes Willie is a lower class abductor like wutev they all belong suMwheRe like prison or disintegration or deportation or all a tha above or a disintegrate kinda date or sumthing 4 thier xisting intensional cRiMes duh click to see & after I talk a lil in the first one during spiritual biblical gathering whoev attended they want me to do more MiMing less talking in that 2nd 1

LoL tho haha so i ReaLLy got silenced they chose 4 Me that i mite a say sumthing MoRe again

here I go

does any one know wut i mime when I don’t talk tho sum do others don’t like wutev

I Remember getting silence from talking

from sum abductor

I try to communicate wit fake sign language like I’m Mentally retarted I even Play sherades b4 so I should know to MiMe during that tyMe it’s like they use memory deletion hypnotic twist wit psychology to be a doll that doesn’t talk at all!? Who r these people they suMtyMes make me Re in act Helen Keller!!!!!? To where I look blind & suMtyMes talk like I can’t heaR so wut I say sounds like waze diff words like retardation not a diff language they r the retards that plague that regauRdLess of the title of that plague duh during the Helen Keller plagues I got pervert Vision & hearing them the sickos accuse me of being a bigger sicko acting like her when they put me under hypnotic memory twist wit psychology to act Retarted & they say I’m blind in Real life to not even bother remembering them or anyone there is lie Ditector test & real authorities for a fact I got perfect vision & wutev else aside from disfiguration & physical disability sum call sciatica the plague title BLa bLa BLa~



bla bla bla

cLick Link beLow 2 see this vehicLe coveRed in Lights~

& heRes a fRee styLe pRayeR i did whiLe hiking out & bout its of Me MiMing a MiMe a reMix a Mix of that 50 cent tune wit MiddLe easteRn instRuMentaL cLick 2 see~

& cLick Link beLow 2 see adiff tyMe i did that song RoLLER skating~

this iMage above obviou$Ly goe$ wit thi$ po$t b cu$ of tha ice cReaM tRuck thing duh & then beLow goe$ aLso now that i Mention it entiReLy

next is Me & My daughteR dRess up as cLowns suM tyMe ago...

& beLow my daughter I got raped with Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth certificate name born February 9, 2006 baby girl amethyst diamond Birth place is at fountain Valley hospital in fountain valley

she end up raped also with a baby I call sparkles diamonds  so she is pregnant   As I was able to access the tubal removal ablation to my menstrual surgery procedure for myself  but the rape gang members prevent my daughter from that surgeon CHARLES W. MONiAK 320 Superior Ave #230 Newport Beach, California Phone#: 949 645 7870   My daughter needs to go also she keeps missing her appointments with him when he wants to help deliver her baby & make sure she gets the required surgery Again He did my tubal removal surgically & ablation to my menstral pRoceedure to help end multiplying thru perversion   & rape gang members left me alone   because I can’t have babyies that waze I haven’t been raped in years   Like I really gotta awaze from all those rape gang members duh!   Which includes that pervert that rape me with my daughter So my daughter needs get the surgery it will help her get awaze also Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  …That’s wut needs to happen…along with they sum how didn’t let her be on 20 year non hormonal birth control while waiting  & housing authority representative   Yadira Gonzalez Housing Supervisor Office: 714-480-2813   1501 E. St. Andrew Place 1st Floor, Santa Ana, CA 92705   Her email:   She say she not giving a 3rd bedroom for the baby my daughter got raped with that good luck finding a big enough 2 bedroom for all of us  & we got cats that I baithe them every daze in dawn dish soap   & my physical disability is sciatica  I’m waiting & seeking a nerve ablation non surgical laser/lazer proceedure that & whatever else not mentioned   & PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~  SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7   Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh   BLa BLa BLa   Like high bye   & Sincerely,  My info.  Rachel Michelé McLain   400 Merrimac Way #37   Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626   Phone #: 949 520 0957   &   My daughter:   Angelina Rachel Holloway   Phone #: 916 430 0287   Her email:  ... & Lie ditector test that Accurate are required  with weapons  at housing authority & in any government presidential or higher position even at churches & colleges & properties & hotels & buisnessss & hospitals & law enforcement & jobs  like everywhere  to help confirm & verify where individuals will be housed temporarily & permanently  whether it’s a temporary stepping stone or thier own property or deported or prison wit disintegration date or release wutever the accurate results say to do 

Like To whom this may concern~  I’m already on housing authority since 2007 & rite/right now I’m  in a 2 bedroom with my daughter Angelina Rachel Holloway born February 9, 2006  baby girl amethyst diamond  Birth place is at fountain Valley hospital in fountain valley, California  Biblically speaking in the Land of dreams   & Rachel Michelé McLain is my birth certificate name born at 694 W Wilson St Costa Mesa, California 92627 baby girl garnet diamond   Anyways My daughter she got raped by her biological birth daddy Willie Holloway jr the 4th born May 24, 1981 in brawley, California Off & on since she was a baby  & by other rape gang members  &  He raped me with her during my abductions bye him in 2005 & on his 24th biRthdaze May 24, 2005 He Rape me on purpose to have a bay He say that’s wut he gets for his biRthdaze A baby that he raping me with   & Years later rape survivor representatives from planned parent hood help me get on 20 year non hormonal birth control while waiting & seeking that surgery  i access the tubal removal ablation to the menstral it’s free & it’s required for every female girl woman I tey to help my daughter do the same I called planned parent hood company for her   & they say they will help her do get what I got the 20 year non hormonal birth control & that surgery tubal removal ablation to her menstral  It’s required bye real laws that every female woman girl women human & For males men boys man human get thier balls removed   It’s free like it’s supposed to be   It’s illegal to charge anything in the medical field it’s a fact   Lie Ditector test that accurate already confirm & verify that duh Anyone intensionaLLy illegally charging anything in those positions belongs disintegrated Sum don’t get to go to prison or deported or anything else other than disintegration &   Aside from animals required to get similar surgeries & pRoceeduRes   But my daughter she sum how got Raped pregnant by rape gang members still Similar to what happen to me   They prevent resources  they drug rape abduct they try to take over with illegal land scaping & other intensional crimes they belong disintegrated for thier intensional existing crimes   There’s lie Ditector test that accurate & actual authority that exist that use use weapons on criminals like that all the time they disintegrate the remains or put sum in prison or deported or all of the above   Aside from that reality If the baby gets put with me or my daughter insteada orphanage & 1 a my abductor Rapist dRuggeR abuseR MentaLLy & physicaLLy that abduct Me off & on fRoM 2005 tiL 2011 i gotta awaze & escape & continue doing so fRoM~ that Willie Holloway jr. IV(4th) BORN~MAy 24, 1981 in Brawley, California & on his 24th biRthdaze May 24, 2005 he intensionally Rape me wit:  My daughter that Angelina Rachel Holloway is her birth ceRtificate NaMe..boRn~ February 09, 2006 @FOUNTAiN VALLEy REGiONAL HOSPiTAL in Fountain Valley, California bibLicaLLy speaking in THE LAND OF DREAMS! & DURing that Rape My souL Left My body i tRy 2 puppet My ReMains 2 Leave 2 getta awaze but aLL i can do is see MyseLf get Raped...  & in those MOMents i even saw her souL b Made?! Like i got invited 2 Rainbow faLLs wheRe Mine was Made~as i thought its a MeMoRy of Mine being Made...  then as My souL went back in my body another foLLowed & enteRed it was My daughter he Rape Me wit i even teLL hiM bout it that iM pRegnant aLReady & i think its a giRL that iM getting aboRtion eitheRwaze he pRevent Me fRoM any doctoRs incLuding fake he say i have 2 caRRy the baby for 9 MOnths that she be born February 14, 2006 he known a s the Valentine Rapist that rapes round his birthdaze then he automaticaLLy thinks the rape victim will carry for 9 months & be dUE VALENTiNES DAZE when ReaL DOCTORS CAN TAKE HER OUT iMMediateLy! as i question those in possitions in the Medical field that claim she expected on february 14, 2006 i ask why dont they take her out sooner like they suppose 2 so they take her out on february 9, 2006 instead they say thats the soonest?!  b cus they not ReaL doctors they fake medical representatives Luckily they gave her cases of vitamin bottles b cus breast feeding is iLLegaL so is multiplying is duh!!!!!!! & she taLk as a baby she call Me RACHEL & more she say & dance & wutev else i Let her know u almost on ur own Like round age 2 i was ready 2 go on my waze individuaLLy wit aLL my resources  but i got prevented bye peasants victimizers sinners criminals put on Lie ditectoR test whether she gets to Live oR get disintegrated b cus biblically sum babies join cults to where they get the disintegration immediately duh...Like thats another stoRy of Many  Like when he rape me wit wut sum call daughter he say its his birthdaze that he wants a baby to Rape that he plans to use for multiplying eventually & he will rape them too thats the Rape gang he in as he is an iLLegaL Land scaper scientist retard pervert that beLongs disintegrated 4 his existing intensionaL cRiMes duh! he rapes humans & animals & he abducts & drugs & other crimes he say he do for fun he say his favorite sport is going on RAPE A THONS HE COMPETES Wit other perverts they count who got the most Rapes on humans & animals...& wutev else they do iLLegaLLy...

 beLow is donaLd john tRuMp he in possition 2 heLp as he goes bye a vaRiety a titLes Like he is an actoR in Movies & suM caLL hiM 47th pResident a coMpany of geoRge washingtons cLub he suM how got in2 as he adveRtises he wiLL give ResouRces based on wut he got access 2 & he do a vaRiety of cLown & buisness suit ModeLing see~

Next is Me dRess up as a BaLLERina cLown bunny Lion thing cReatuRe chaRactER a$ i incLude pERsian pRayeR i Made up~

Twisted in$ane Link$ bye Me cLick individuaLLy to $ee & MoRe oR type on googLe~



& Links more bout me below click individually to see or type on google~




not done yet tho



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