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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand

diaMond$ & goLd & $iLveR & pLatinuM & otheR thing$ 4 Land $caping & jeweLeRy & Money & fashion de$ign$ duh!

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

that iMage above is a giant goLdish coin with a LaMb engRave on it thats obviousLy the design of that Money wheTheR it eveR gets spend oR MuLtiPlied in taht size oR diff sizes Like iMagine ReaL goLd & siLvERs & coLoRS & iMages of aLL kinds...

anywaze next pictuRe beLow I got this in tha MaiL:

& It’s supposively REAL GOLD?! eLectRonicaLLy outta no wheRe i got a notification 2 My ceLLuLaR device notifications that

it’s FREE jus pay shipping & handling...

So I thought why not if I got access to do it...

& GoogLe say They are 24K Gold (ReaL) on the outside & MetaL on the inside & wutev else

They call it 24k gold Electroplated...

They are not solid gold...

But they obviously then worth More than Pennies & quarters & nickels & dimes & sum paper money based on wut they made of but when i get my gold money made they will be solid gold duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But wutev

theRe*s Me wit a cARd boaRd d.j.t. a s i did in ReaLity eLectRonicaLLy tRy 2 getta hoLd a heM RegauRding My ResouRces & otheR ReaLities...

Like suMMa his Money designs with his diff iMages shouLd Say staze tRuMpin & Make the Land of dReaMs a betteR PLace & Location Like RestoRe RebuiLd Renew & wutev eLse duh! Like suMMa his cLown iMages huh

next is Like heRe*s tha back of it~

& When i get summa my designs on the money you wiLL see beLow is jus 1 a My iMages of ME as 1 a My Many chaRacteRs...

& on a goLd coin & wit otheR coLORs Like aside fRoM taht picture of Me it’s gonna say:

PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~

SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7

Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh


Like high bye


My webpage~


that iMage above & beLow of LeonaRdo di CapRio & MORe shouLd be on goLd coins & otheR kinda Moey designs & wutev eLse 2 ReMind bout puRified wateR RecycLed faLLs & wutev eLse...

& MacauLay Money & whoev eLse not Mentioned LiteRaLLy theRes that Many quotes & iMages & designs that R appRoved & quaLify duh!

& jctpop~jesus chRist the pRince of peace Money designs & MORE

& diff cReatuRes Like MeRMaids & ganji fairies & fauwns & tea heRb pLants

& eLectRik gi$MO tha 3Rd

cLick Link beLow 4 MoRe detaiL$ bout djt~


disney inspiRed aRticLes bye Me cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~




LeonaRDo di capRio aRticLe beLow bye Me cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~





pLay bunny cLick that eLectRonicaL aRticLe beLow cLick Links individuaLLy 2 see~



jctpop~ je$u$ chRi$t the pRince of peace aRticLe thing cLick Link beLow 2 see~


cLick this Link aLos its bout bibLicaL educationaL~


eLectRik gi$MO tha 3Rd aRticLe cLick Links next individuaLLy 2 see~



bibLicaLLy inspiRed Link bye Me cLick 2 see~


taxes ARE iLLegaL Link cLick 2 see~


12 bibLicaL steps 2 RecoveRy post thing cLick 2 see~

thi$ po$t NOT DONE yET THO

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