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  • Writer's picture KRi Sta hyena Ka Vand


this Link beLow goes wit this post cLick 2 see a fRee styLe pRayeR of MyseLf & tha LyRics ReMind Me of jctpop~jesus chRist tha pRince of Like heRe*s a LoLLi b cus uR so sweet~

& these Next Links goes wit this story too cLick individuaLLy 2 see~


& this next Link is 99 cent onLy stoRes coMMeRcial i Made i use 2 woRk theRe & thats aLso tah Last i seen NicoLe i think~

$20 bags a candy & cases of soda Like an occasional beer wit My ex fRiend NicoLe & i done thi$ $ince i was LiL giRL & obviou$Ly as a gRown woMan duh...Like i been a pRincess since my souL was Made don*t ReaLLy know bout heR...

Anywaze...i teLL heR tRy preventing those retards from forcing her to buy them drugs wit wutev Money given 2 heR...

Like lets go to the candy store!

+ we each got like $20 bags a candy!

as i done before diff *$ bags a candy at these kinda candy stores & more!

b4 thos RetaRds outta no wheRe steaL oR wutev u got since she say thats heR situation usuaLLy...

& heR supposive gRandMa a fake nuRse...

as she cLaiMs her main Rapist that got assign 2 heR that RetaRd je suess Many naMes etc. that he jus use her for wutev she got as others abduct her too & she show Me this is ReaLLy tha Life she gets foRced 2 Live @Least paRt a pRetend she obsessed wit je suess?! he NOT EVEN HER CLASS A PEOPLE PROBLy?!

i took heR 2 a fake chuRch they do Read bibLicaL education& i onLy go theRe so My daughter can go 2 tha pictuRe biLe seRvice...& duRing our abductions bye that rapist peasant sinner criminal victimizer her biological birth daddy he know he NOT aLLowed in Real churches duh! Like he belong disintegrated for his existing cRiMes...

NicoLe teLL Me she wanna dedicate heR souL oR wutev 2 king god ...i teLL ask that fake bibLicaL RepResentative that thinks he owns this iLLegaLLy Land scaped pLace & Location...

4 i get siLenced suMtyMes RegauRding My ReaL education LeveL pLus wiLLie was theRe too he finds waze to Make Me LOOk stupid 2 where suM wonder if iM reaLLy in that peasant ciRcLe Like hiMseLf...

& that fake biblical representative turn nicoLe awaze obviously he doesnt even pRetend to do his job descRiption...

nicoLe is disabLed on drugs as im disabled from sciatica...

it ReMInd Me of when angeLina was a baby my abducted daughter even tho she talk & walk sumtymes i took her to a church during ouR abductions bye wilLie & i dedicate heR souL to tha gods(kings) & godesses(queens) again Like when her soul was Made...

as i did this i seen angeLina look @ king god as he say 2 Me iM NOT TALKing 2 u RACHEL...& he continue wit AngeLina as i stiLL seen hiM oveR theRe...

HE PUT OUT His hands ou 1 hand a golden heart of peace & the other nothing 2 represent peace & Love wit puRity or eventuaLLy NOTHiNG if u intensionaLLy sin...

& he show angeLina this again like when her souls was Made as he shows Me occasionaLLy he Laugh & say RacheL & he shows his hands...

& that daze @ that church he offer if she wanna Play cRown testers an iLLegaL game of sin which isnt ReaLLy an option according to the gods(kings) & godesses(queens) Remind as they don*t PLay that gaMe of test...instead they waRn dont intensionaLLy sin...

as king god allows evil as a choice...& he is tha only god(king) that PLays cRown testers...

& we did escape that abduction

but willie came back aRound to continue these Retard abductions of Me & her off & on & whoever else...

suM say since she got her cosMetoLOgy License is it fRaud oR is she RealLy aLLowed heR own buisness?!

& i went wit heR as she got cases of soda...Like i done it b4...

& i drink like 1 Like an occasional beer as i do drink a gLass wine too sumtymes...

If I ever over do anything abusively the peasants force that on victims thru hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychology duh!!!!!

They even put her under hypnotic memory deletion twist wit psychoLogy to abduct me for Willie as he request to rape my daughter

Or maybe she really in that circle of peasants he & others say they use her for to help them wit crimes

Like is she aware!? There's Lie director test & more...


I try to help Nicole but the rape gang members mental health representatives scientist won't even let her recover into the required 12 biblical steps to recovery duh...

As They do to me b4 & my abducted daughteR & whoever & whatever...

& wutev else not mentioned...

& yeaR$ LatER she teLL Me she got abducted & Raped & dRugged & she say u see that LiL boy?! that he is heR supposive bioLogical biRth son she got Raped wit even tho she don*t quaLify Like i do 2 heLp MotheR aniMals & huMans & MoRe...

she say eveRywheRe she go these kinda things happen 2 heR as i REMind heR i gotta awaze fRoM wiLLie that peRsonaLLy aLL these years as he sends otheRs outta no wheRe duh!

she undeRstands that even tho she not as innocent as Me i dont got aLL My ResouRces & iM in no possition 2 betteR assist heR situation Like wheRe8s My daughter? ABDUCTED AGain! & My cats?!...

cLick Link beLow 2 see~

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