
cLick Link 2 see thi$ fRee $tyLe pRayER a REMix a Mix of Me MiMing A MiMe My$eLf 2 this aMeRikan Made tune titLed aMeRikan Made it$ 1 My favoRite songs bye theM it ReMInds Me of bbibLicaL educationaL & stoRies Like hitLeR Like duRing that waR supposiveLy he iLLegaLLy in those possitions a s an authority because u have to b a bibLicaL doctor genious so even tho he did the job descRiptiuon supposiveLy of using an accuRate Lie ditectoR test to heLp kiLL babies & kids & teens & aduLts all ages & all genders & all bReeds like wuts suppose to happen LateR when his biological biRth MOmMy got announced dead he teLL the fake doctoR why he dont bRing hEr back he say you a fake authoRity im a fake doctor Like theres diff veRsions of the stoRy but wut did the Lie ditectoR test say that acciReatLey bout the MoM beLonging dead?! did they keep the body did she get CReMated...eitheRwaze hitLeR Must b a good seMeRatin outta those possitions he couLda MaybE STiLL use weapons & Lie ditectoR test i dont know the whoLe tRuth of it i LiteRaLLy seen MOvies & Read books in LibRaRy & eLecTRonicaLLy none of theM seeM to say the saMe thing aLL the tyMe Like suM say hitLeR is eviL killing people for no reason?! when thats is for a fact the job descRiption part of it 2 disintegrate intensionaL criminals that dont qualify 2 go 2 pRison or sum get a disintegRation date others deported or wutev they entitled to again wit a Lie ditectoR test that accuRate duh! RegauRdLess of Lies Laced wit tRuth or wutev not tRue at aLL the Land of DreaMs is Not wut its suppose 2 b in ReaLity suM caLL the woRLd Or eaRth or pLanet oR wutev Like su titles peRmanent sum teMporary Like biblically aMeRica doesnt exist as this piece of Land to b caLLed that its a fashion pRint that supposively that company give resources wit george washington or suMthing & even on googLe it say Long ago suM caLl it tuRtLe isLand so is that the Language suM say These gRounds R about?! i mean when i get My pRopERty it wiLL b Li espaRkLes diaMOnds in the Land of dReams & i found out costa Mesa isnt the real name of it either the border should b agiant diamond huh lik enew yoRk wit that statue of LibeRty a city is jus a building that high borders never change like go on Mexico put up a big goLd Rose or suMthing Like welcome u R heRe or die there or wutev this is ReaL Life i dont get it i tRy 2 adveRtize heLp end iLLegaL Land scaping in the 90s! i use this boys fire woood & built a teMpORaRy Living in his back yaRd like go on sleep in theRE or i will or wutev & keep going & take down the dRy waLL they usuaLLy Reside in its so disgusting the design size & everything did not get approved bye any ReaL authoRities the supposive biological birth daddy teLL Me to go hoMe & Leave Like wut am i even doing there Like wut is he doing theRE?! also alOng wit MOtor vehicLes Rv illegaL they suppose 2 b eLectronicaL & flying & floating like boats anywaze i incLude sponge bob shiRt b cus i MeMoRy Maze that tyMe i got abducted & dRugged bye Rape gang MeMbErs that got sent after Me i gotta awaze then my biologicaL birth MoMMy force me to go wit My older half brother jon b cus he like s seeing people go RetaRted which was My condition b cus she wouldnt Let me RecoveR he doesnt want me functioning when i was aliL giRL he tell me i died that long ago & to him i do not xist im not really there & i did ballet & more on my own he say only peRvERts get to Play spoRts wit teaM titLes & he made up Lies bout Me b cus he Rape me in tha 80s early 90s along wit all those other evil people they & he needs to die & get over all the dogs actual animals & people he victimize he would have our supposive lil half brother MichaEL sadegh kavand many names etc. he reinact dogs in person for jon as they try 2 convince schitzophRenics that arent there that they in a court room wit Lie ditector test & all the dogs spoke in dog they cLaim they got a translates that the dogs Love Jon they beLieve hes innocent & they did that foR yeaRs togehter in person i walked up on them severaL tyMes they cLaim 2 any schitzophRenics Listening in they on tRiaL when cLeaRLy the dogs have spoken on behalf on jons innocents Like thats another stoRy wit waze MoRe stupid detsils the fact they try 2 Make Lies beLieveabLe when suM know the truth others got Lie ditector test that accurate & during that tyme i got Left wit jon so he can pRobLy Make fun of Me for standing there wit paralyzing sciatica wit memory deletion hypnosis used wRong to where i barely move this happens sumtymes off drugs b4 & i LateR seen the singeR Ryan weaRing the MagicaL sponge bob squaRe pants sLippeRs & i watch that show since it caMe out in the Late 90s i even Made sponges wit sponge bob faces on theM...Like i aLwaze done suM LeveL of fash aRt etc. since the 80s aLong wit hoola hooping & double dutch juMp ropwe & caRt wheeLing & diving & cLiMbing & MORe but My physicaL disabiLity of sciatica of occasionaL Locking & spasming & paRaLyzing & disfiguRing pRevent My fuLL function these attacks R deadLy im waiting & seeking nerve abLation non suRgicaL LazeR/LaseR & whiLe i wait i got access to vitaMins & diet & excERcise when i can like in this video i made see~
In the late 80s early 90s I did double Dutch jump rope & cart wheeling & hoola hooping & pool spinning twirling climbing & climb & monkey bars & demon ganji fairy kinda dances like in this video similar & more I got sciatica physical disability plague off & on since then My body locks spasms paRaLyzes disfigured weak bones mind As I restore thru vitamins omega a~z fitness belly dance swimming walking & hoola hooping But I can’t cart wheel or sum things I use to so easily b cus of the attacks of sciatica As I seek & wait for a biblical doctor genius or good semeratin wit good intensions & access to wit I need bone alignment from head to toe & nerve ablation non surgical lazer/laser & wutev else not Anywaze In this FREE STyLE PRAyeR a ReMix a mix of me myself miming a mime to that vanilla ice ice ice baby tune In this video of myself 38 yeaRs old 2024 November 10, sundaze This is LiteRaLLy how i look in 80s early 90s at tyMe back then same bangs only no wig b4 & zero make up & that baseball lavender looking flowers hat I’m wearing ReMinds me of my supposive older half Jon Eugene Helton aka syp~sh*t youR pants aka Jonny McLain aka jo*n many names etc He got a Sox cap that he say he thinks is cool b cus it’s sports & look like it say sex Wutta sicko & this vanilla ice song he like in those daze he put the hat on & sing & dance to the song sumtymes he sing same lyrics or he make up his own like I do that also & he leave on his pogo stick or bicycle or skate board or wutev sumtymes run off I’m aware of sum things he done illegally That’s why i call him jo*n in the sun In that tv spot light he looks like he ALwaze doing sumthing normal But then these dysfunctional stories in side or closed doors or wutev I can’t alwaze put into words Like aside from his perversion & violence for no reason He has a thing for poo ?!?! When i was a lil giRL in the 90s He came outta no where had me outta no where go wit he calls #2 & sh*t & poo & wutev else in the toilet then he say to look at it the details & he say now flush it & wave good bye to our real faMiLy & he disappeared laughing as he ran off Like 10 Years later our biological birth mommy say Rachel… Jon gonna be around So I quickly sketch him a card wit cartoon poos characters like wut else kinda Xmas caRd to give him even tho he no body jus another character invitations awaze from he do variety of personalities I think he want me draw realistic versions of the poo from years b4 or sumthing He did laugh he act like he Recognize them from sum where He take the card wit him & A diff tyme I got him a sippy cup b cus sip sh*t in pants or like syp~sh*t youR pants is one a his characters Where he say it’s a super power of his to force people to sh*t thier pants he does this thing where he stares at them & thier body starts going sh*t bye force then he say sumtymes to these people Wutta retard wuts wrong wit u Then he does laugh like those r Tha moments he lives for He acts life farts give him life?! It’s a form of poison Like when he join the illegal land scapers a a Plummer He jealous of higher toilets & he say in the 70s he ate poo thagg t it hit vitamins in it When it’s poison Sum illegal land scapers grown plants wit poo they think they smart like when sum scientist use the wrong chemicals On the news it Reminds poo is poison & not to b reused When i was a lil girl i dug to the indian clay & grew pumpkins & more from seeds I got at wut sum call school thru grew like crazy everywhere Illegal land scapers usually rip the grounds of it luckily it was there Like notice the palm trees with no coconuts the illegal land scapers probly put them there for decoration They not allowed to land scape duh & that sippy cup i got jo*n it got shamrocks on it & we r part Irish even tho we half siblings not identical roots like I’m part Persian & more like he needs go do sumthing more beer making or anything wit out poo Aside from making movie bout poo or fashion art etc To embrace his roots or there won’t b fabric or note books or anything for his poo story film or play or fashion line or art or wutev either So then like 20 years after the toilet thing & 10 years after the caRd I bought him a toilet shape note now with a poo pencil Since I don’t affiliate with him I had our biological birth mommy deliver it to him as she illegally keeps in touch wit him & I expect him to write his own poetry songs stories draw poo in the toilet real or cartoon or both or make up his own I don’t know Like is he aware of reality & the intensional crimes he done & do I heard he joined the illegal land scapers As a plumber b cus he jealous of higher bettter toilets As he prevents legal land scaping & when he was a lil boy like a teen or wutev he claims there’s vitamins in poo that he use to eat poo in the 70s when it’s poison b cus illegal land scapers say it grows sum plants faster it’s still illegal it’s toxic it’s not okay duh!!!!! He relates poo to psych meds both are poison both are illegal duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So he ignores that educational fact maybe still & that celebrity Leonardo di caprio is like his look alike more then b cus they always got the same hair style sum how & they both look like Barbie & Ken dolls sons Jo*n looks more like Barbie & Leonardo DiCaprio Looks like Ken doll Like that’s another stoRy i post bout them in summa my blog post i will put those Links lateR When i find them b cus hackers make eveRything sLoweR duh & & in the 90s this kiMbeRLy kiMbeR kiM k his wut he calls his girl friend fake wife she use to call him honey & wutev & he ask her why she talks like that when they are not kids like teens or wutev & Wut r all the characters of him do she know I don’t know But she wanted more outta of her fake relationship wit jo*n So our biological birth mommy got on the phone & annouced they together She act like that’s thier Marriage & it verify & confirm that it’s official together forever Like who needs a lie ditector test that accurate &
MeMORy MAzing when ouR biolOgicaL biRth MoMMMy p.p. pee puddLe would leave for MOnths & then coMe outta no wheRe 2 pRetend to b wut she Reinacts from MOvies Maybe i dont know 2 b titled a MoM
that tyMe i was hanging out wit ganji faiRies & LucifeR & deMOns & jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace Minding My own buisness & then LucifeR say come on Lets go Make fun of jon Like we usuaLLy do as he fLew fast Like a jet kinda that diRection & Landed neaR pp pee pouddle & jon Location & i heaR in a distance pp pee puddle telling hiM
jon u need to saty in your room
as he sat thERe
i Ran down the haLL Like a deMOn on all fours in b tween its this waze of Moving i suMtyMes jus do it jus like a deMOnic cReature like waze i use My hands to puLL Launch Like a hop aLmost aLmost frog & monkey inspiRed i use to cLimb the walls & moRe anywaze demon & ganji fairy dances i suMtymes do since the 80s sum say im possessed others say wutta perverted lil girl that dance & sum say im that noRmaL who cares if im functioning a higher waze & i went to meet up wit Lucifer & deMons & the others caMe to i did deMonic things & Laughed siLentLy at hi & i did cLown faces & i dissapeaRed as pp pee puddL esay wuts so funny b cus he started Laughing then i put My cLowny face as his window & ducked down i heard pp~pee puddle say why you Laughing again i was Laughing outside but wutev thats al i got aLLowed 2 do duh at that tyMe i did it for yeaRs outta no whEre made fun of jon in his stoLen RooM of illegal land scaping the deMons did it also they do it like a biRthdaze paRty or sumthing they invite Me as they dance & wutev Like they ceLebRating jon sitting there not getting to sin hands on & he suMtymes does adiff dance like them thatn i do they do a vaRiety but we know he beLongs disintegrated for his existing intensional crimes which we cant do nothiung bout at this tyme sum1 else can pRobLy
PeRsian pRayeR i Made up~ SpaRkLes pRayeRs victiMs dReaMing Rescue theM fRoM victiMizeRs nightMaRes 24/7 Like dReaMs coMe tRue if they suppose to duh BLa BLa BLa Like high bye & CLick Link to see~

above & beLow is ME @this chuRch a PLace i caLL~THE Window of: MagicaL Me$$age$ + Rainbow ReMindeR$ + jctpop~ jesus chRist the pRince of peace + sunset $tain gLa$$ Location@: 420 W. 19th $t Costa Mesa, CaLifoRnia 92627 bibLicaLLy speaking in: THE LAND OF DREAM$...
CLick Link beLow to see A free style prayer a remix a mix of me miming a mime myself
1st song is a singing pLant fRoM Tha Scottish santa klaus Kris Kringle London coat James many names etc.
from chuRch
& then bad Religion tune titled faith
Eventually take a trip wit TWISTED INSANE & other musical characters I don’t remember at the moment
Eitherwaze I did a fashion style of deMon jeweLeRy box baLLeRina fauwn cReatuRe ganji fairy chaRacteR clown doLL thing~
& since i dont got weapons that high wit an accuRate Lie ditector test i given gifts & Make up & wigs & fRagRances for peopLe 2 have suM Respect Or if they ReaLly dont got access now they kinda do 2 go on & eithER Leave Or do MoRe whiLe waiting for ReaL authoRities duh!!!!!! Like who R these peoPLe wut R thiER intensiona 24/7?! i dont undeRstand this ReaLity other than its not wut its suppose 2 b! church ois suppose 2 b of fashion aRT etc. pLays & dancing & events & spoRts & hiking & b cRafts & Making the Land of dReaMs a betteR pLace & MoRe foR fRee suM donations & tips accepted...& theRes suppose 2 b indooR & outdooR RecycLing watER faLLs at chuRches 2 ReMind anyone when thiEr souL is Made wit hoLy chaLice piMp cup 2 dRink fRoM that h2o & they suppose 2 b evERywhERe RecycLing watERfaLLs aLl oveR the ocean sea & ponds & pooLs & Lakes & RiveRs & MORe duh!
Rachel Michelé McLain is My birth name & I was born at 694 w Wilson st Costa Mesa, California on January 15, 1986 baby girl garnet biblically speaking in the land of dreams Anywaze I don’t got all my resources as I continue waiting & seeking them entirely I usually reside at diff temporary stepping stones with in the Costa Mesa, California borders like I’m supposed to until my property is ready around there

Click link lateR to see Me on the go getting ready for church a lil Free style prayer of me miming a mime a remix a mix of to a twisted insane tune wit other musical characters but I forgot the title of Tha song at the moment eitheRwaze he lyrically mention demons & todaze I dress up as a creature jewelwry box ballerina ballet demonic thing see & I don’t always know wut he is singing bout but his beats & sounds lyrical r sum how Motivating & occasionally biblically inspired regardless of his biblical educational level he still includes sum kinda scripture sum tymes even if he mite not know wut it means or for wutever reason Mention it & I don’t under stand why he talk n*gg**$ that often is it a made up identity or is it just in general they r a kind of intensional criminal that xist ?! He talk on sands also & more…jus like Tupac Shakira say all you n*gg**$ die like are they both part Persian or sum kinda middle eastern like they harder to get to?! They jus look more like n*gg**$ to sum people I don’t know not everyone wut they look like sumtymes they is but wutev his poetical poetry not mine to define I it’s guess wut it can be or should be or wutev like wut I automatically think or ?! When I hear wutev it’s not like I can ask rite then or ever huh it is wut is duh Like bLa bLa bLa~


& heRes a Link MoRe bout Me~
& heRes a Link bout that xact jon~
& heres a Link bout Land of dreams & ReaLity & MORE~
& heRes a Link bout heLP end MuLtipLying & deaL wit an xisting~
cLick Link 2 see~
& heres a Link bout cLoning & technoLogy & designs & chaRactERs & wutev eLse~

& pp pee puddLe post:
cLic Link 2 see~ https://diamondprincess002.wixsite.com/mysite/post/poetical-puddle-~like-a-rainbow-of-paint

& paint puddLe~
heres a Link bout the MedicaL field~
cLick link 2 see`~ https://diamondprincess002.wixsite.com/mysite/post/fa-hion-art-etc-kinda-ke-leton-biblical-doctor-geniou-staze-biblically-educated-keep-learning-duh

cLick links next individuaLLy 2 see~

